This Has To Be The Greediest Deck In The History Of Hearthstone

  • Опубліковано 3 лют 2025
  • Ігри


  • @LBPS
    @LBPS 7 років тому +110

    Concede Warrior.

  • @ShamGam3
    @ShamGam3 7 років тому +20

    "... but it still dies to Blizzard."

  • @markellospatras3039
    @markellospatras3039 4 роки тому +2

    Thjis actually liked the mage deck a lot. That's why he didn't concede even tho he knew the game was unwinanle, he wanted to see more of it

  • @zergon68
    @zergon68 7 років тому +4

    i play an elementary hyper value version of this mage, the Leyline Manipulator is awesome.. elise pack (5 cards) pyros drops, zola copy, stonehile defender, syndragrosa, shimmering tempest, Lich King, servant of kalimos, ALL THAT -2 mana cost

    • @jakubskonieczny5750
      @jakubskonieczny5750 7 років тому +1

      can you drop a decklist someday? :)

    • @zergon68
      @zergon68 6 років тому

      of course : ### Ultra Value Elements

    • @jakubskonieczny5750
      @jakubskonieczny5750 6 років тому

      thanks man! :)

  • @ElBandito
    @ElBandito 7 років тому +6

    Thijs forgot his own lesson. Never play a minion against Jaina cause that would be giving her free Water Elemental.

  • @dekappatated73
    @dekappatated73 7 років тому +65

    Wha- Whats the Wincondition?

    • @timpower7233
      @timpower7233 7 років тому +11

      DeKappatated Value

    • @DarkIronDwarf
      @DarkIronDwarf 7 років тому +8

      Tim Power yep. Elise pack alone can be enough.

    • @Hephaestus_God
      @Hephaestus_God 7 років тому +1

      Face a slow deck.. win

    • @wahebskull
      @wahebskull 7 років тому +50

      there is no win condition on this deck its just a stupid 0 fun deck who takes 2h to lose the game

    • @JackIsNotInTheBox
      @JackIsNotInTheBox 7 років тому +10

      Win Condition? Punish control decks, auto-lose to all aggro decks. So, 4/7 chance to win, 3/7 chance to lose (hunter, paladin, shaman). Pretty smart.

  • @BulldogLawyer
    @BulldogLawyer 7 років тому +18

    Thijs is cutie!

  • @jannisopel
    @jannisopel 7 років тому

    The missplays in the end though. Hitting the beetle with the weapon instead of ghoul and heropower. That could have been a win if ghoul survives a turn and if not he can't play a minion and dies from fatigue.

  • @kingofsiamgt
    @kingofsiamgt 7 років тому

    This is the mage deck bequiet used to win HCT Germany recently right?

  • @joshpratt7444
    @joshpratt7444 7 років тому +3

    The mage is Firebats latest deck doctor creation right? Seemed card for card off his list.

    • @bogdanchirescu2621
      @bogdanchirescu2621 7 років тому

      Josh Pratt Nope. That one have not dragon caller And it had blaze caller

    • @carriboudunet7627
      @carriboudunet7627 7 років тому

      I saw Savjs playing it first. Not sure if it's his.

  • @harrisonmoder6288
    @harrisonmoder6288 7 років тому +3

    THIS BOARD IS IMMUNE FOR WATER ELEMENTALS... but it still dies to Blizzard...

  • @rilo_1835
    @rilo_1835 7 років тому

    Can you try qiant quest mage?

  • @domblaze
    @domblaze 7 років тому +25

    What is the authijstic deck

  • @LennyMLGDorito
    @LennyMLGDorito 7 років тому

    I just tried out a cube hunter deck from hearthpwn (i added dk rexxar 2 freezing trap) and now have a 80% wr vs warlock and mage in 24 games POGGERS
    here my list AAECAR8C2cIChtMCDrUDhwTJBPIF+wXtCf4Mq8IC2MICnM0C3dIC39IC49ICi+ECAA==
    replace animal comp for cloaked huntress if u have, it it's a little better tempo

  • @dani.5125
    @dani.5125 7 років тому

    you are the best dude, brasil s2

  • @weiyantan3943
    @weiyantan3943 7 років тому

    what mage is this?

  • @jugurnauth8
    @jugurnauth8 7 років тому

    How do you even win with this deck???

  • @lordofcinderdeathknight8438
    @lordofcinderdeathknight8438 7 років тому

    Why heroic power of Frost Lich Jaina not freeze ?

    • @bayanzabihiyan7465
      @bayanzabihiyan7465 7 років тому

      cause it would make her busted. Opponent drops a massive minion... meh just freeze it.

  • @陈大金-d3o
    @陈大金-d3o 7 років тому +6

    Sandbag warrior

  • @Amateur2CombaT
    @Amateur2CombaT 6 років тому

    Thank you :)

  • @makatadoji
    @makatadoji 6 років тому

    Why would you not Cornered Sentry before Brawl? Even if a 1/1 survives you have hero power to kill it. Seems like a gigantic misplay.

  • @HeloisGevit
    @HeloisGevit 7 років тому +13

    That warrior deck is built poorly imo, it needs a stronger win con, double dead man's hand and coldlight oracle for the mill fatigue game plan or nzoth with a bunch of deathrattles like those warrior taunts and 1 dead man's hand.

  • @amplitudehertz17
    @amplitudehertz17 7 років тому +11

    10:53 15:16
    Thank me later

    • @face0fmars
      @face0fmars 7 років тому +2

      amplitudehertz17 thanks. My daily dose of authijsm

  • @DenisCavalcantiMartins
    @DenisCavalcantiMartins 7 років тому

    No Win Condtion. Low vaule deck for Garroah. The other player is greed, but had a shit load of vaule against you.

  • @someone-yw2qw
    @someone-yw2qw 6 років тому

    Thijs you have to check if you have anemia

  • @BomarBoi
    @BomarBoi 7 років тому +2

    When he said that he doesn't wanna shuffle one cost cards but he does

  • @jessesam100
    @jessesam100 7 років тому

    Where's skipperino Thijserino

  • @4weird336
    @4weird336 7 років тому

    Hey ties, nice video!

  • @zefcypher
    @zefcypher 7 років тому

    Meta Breakerr!!!

  • @davidkelly132
    @davidkelly132 7 років тому +2

    Warrior DK is easily the worst one

    • @bayanzabihiyan7465
      @bayanzabihiyan7465 7 років тому

      lots of power in the weapon. Warlock and Mage are easily the best. Warlock is OP tbh, fill your board AND get an OP af hero power.

  • @bekesseg
    @bekesseg 7 років тому

    8:00 taking 2 extra damage

  • @overmadnessyt5164
    @overmadnessyt5164 7 років тому

    That deck o_O

  • @ericdragoification
    @ericdragoification 7 років тому

    If he stacked his deadman hands he could’ve out control this greedy ass mage 🧙‍♀️nvm I just realized he only had one.

  • @andreidobrescu2130
    @andreidobrescu2130 7 років тому

    I bet you can't beat my mage deck

  • @Shurukkah.
    @Shurukkah. 7 років тому

    Greed is good.

  • @TheMixitoad
    @TheMixitoad 7 років тому

    What is this FPS lag Kappa

  • @h7oda793
    @h7oda793 7 років тому

    You the greedy deck (because of dead man's hand is the greediest card ever created)

  • @TheRazley
    @TheRazley 7 років тому

    Well, warrior is gr8 imo, but Your deck has no win condition i think :c

  • @Shadowmint92
    @Shadowmint92 4 роки тому

    BRUH u mentioned ur name like 200 times in the first 2 mins. I enjoy your videos but honestly can u like edit out ur voice smh when u r using stuff from twitch?

  • @lechice5767
    @lechice5767 7 років тому

    Thijs lost against a garbage player OMEGALUL

  • @Croustibate
    @Croustibate 7 років тому +10

    haha i play the same mage

    • @Batoner666
      @Batoner666 7 років тому

      do you have decklist? :D i really liked it but i'm not sure what were his last cards

    • @dnattilio
      @dnattilio 7 років тому

      ale_meksyk_213 I think that is the list of tictac

    • @nicolasbecuwe6569
      @nicolasbecuwe6569 7 років тому

      Attilio di natale tictac's list doesnt run alanna. This guys was even greedier

    • @dnattilio
      @dnattilio 7 років тому

      Nicolas Becuwe maybe he can be even greedier with Elise XD

    • @Croustibate
      @Croustibate 7 років тому

      ### Value pool party
      # Classe_: Mage
      # Mode_: Standard
      # Année du Mammouth
      # 2x (1) Artificier des Arcanes
      # 1x (2) Arcanologue
      # 2x (2) Familier corbeau
      # 1x (2) Mage de sang Thalnos
      # 1x (2) Pyros
      # 2x (2) Scarabée cuirassé
      # 1x (3) Barrière de glace
      # 1x (3) Bloc de glace
      # 2x (3) Rampeur du goudron
      # 2x (4) Métamorphose
      # 1x (5) Élise la Pionnière
      # 2x (5) Fureur du dragon
      # 2x (6) Blizzard
      # 1x (6) Geist rôdeur
      # 2x (6) Météore
      # 2x (7) Choc de flammes
      # 1x (8) Sindragosa
      # 1x (9) Alexstrasza
      # 1x (9) Jaina liche de givre
      # 1x (9) Mande-dragon Alanna
      # 1x (10) N’Zoth le corrupteur
      # Pour utiliser ce deck, copiez-le dans le presse-papier et créez-en un nouveau dans Hearthstone.

  • @Calvinkwan13
    @Calvinkwan13 7 років тому

    should not brawl

  • @francescogiacovelli8468
    @francescogiacovelli8468 7 років тому

    Stupid warrior....i would say stupid deck

  • @ghornisbae1653
    @ghornisbae1653 7 років тому

    This deck looks terrible. It has no visible win condition and even loses in fatigue. What's the point of this deck?

  • @Chuz214
    @Chuz214 7 років тому


  • @Smashingg
    @Smashingg 7 років тому
