Is the “Gender Pain Gap” Made Up?

  • Опубліковано 16 чер 2024
  • Nurofen is a brand name of pain-relief medication made by British multinational Reckitt, which kind of sounds like “Wreck It!”, which could almost be the motto of the far left, as they seem to enjoy wrecking everything. Anyway, Nurofen have recently been running this campaign regarding women’s pain: “I do believe that if it was a man going through the same thing, it would be handled differently.” They use words like “believe”, not exactly scientific language. Basically, Nurofen are suggesting that women’s pain is being ignored in society, where men’s pain is not, and apparently, they have evidence! “Nurofen Gender Pain Gap Index Report 2024”, sponsored by, you guessed it, Reckit! The owners of the pain medication company. Does anybody else smell “conflict of interest” here? I certainly do.
    According to the report, 1 in 2 women feel they had their pain ignored. It shows a diagram stating, “Over half of Australian women (55%) feel their pain is ignored or dismissed compared to just 48% of men”. 48%! Isn’t 48% essentially half of men. I thought there was going to be like 3% of men or something, but no, it’s almost half of all men (if indeed this credible research is correct). Okay, sure, there’s a few percent difference, but it’s not like it’s massive. And the fact that so many men are also affected by this, shouldn’t the focus be on reducing the pain of all people, not just making this a women’s issue? Is this not a contrived issue? Is it not just made up?
    Remember, this is all about feelings, so isn’t it possible some men, stereotypically, are less likely to report this issue due to their masculine image, or whatever. And also, is it not possible, stereotypically, that some women are more emotionally responsive than men, and more likely to report this? Does this Gender Pain Gap honestly exist, remembering a pain-relief medication company sponsored this.
    Of course, this made the news: “Gender Pain Gap: women’s pain ignored and dismissed”. Noting that very same research found that almost half of men also had the exact same issue, but that doesn’t seem to have made the headlines.
    The woke left government of Victoria have also jumped on the bandwagon with the Allan Government releasing a statement earlier this year: “The Gender Pain Gap Revealed - And Women Aren’t Surprised”. And of course, they’ve found another way to waste your taxpayer money by running a do-nothing Inquiry into Women's Pain. The premier also sent out a number of tweets last month with one saying, “We know women are dismissed, ignored and gaslit in relation to their pain.”
    So who are women being dismissed by? According to the Australia Institute of Health and Welfare, in their 2022 Health Workforce report, “In 2020, the female/male ratio of the overall number of health professionals was 2.9, with a total of 476,000 women and 166,000 men registered and employed in Australia’s health workforce.” So there are almost three times as many women working in health as there are men, so if women’s pain is truly being ignored, it’s being ignored by other women. 64% of Australian pharmacists are female. So again, if female pain is truly being ignored by pharmacists, it’s being ignored primarily by other females, noting that Nurofen also found that 48% of men’s pain is also being ignored.
    But any lady who’s honestly concerned that her male doctor is dismissing her pain, surely she can seek out a female doctor. They’re everywhere, aren’t they? My doctor is a lady, and I didn’t even try! Actually, two of the three doctors at the local medical centre are ladies! So what are Nurofen banging on about?
    Speaking about Nurofen, it didn’t take too much digging to find out they’ve been a little bit misleading over the years. In 2015, the Australian Consumer watchdog, the ACCC, launched proceedings against Reckitt for misleading advertising. The Federal Court found that Reckitt had misled consumers with its “Nurofen Specific pain range”, things such as Nurofen Back Pain, Period Pain, and Migraine Pain, and so on, with the ACCC saying the products were found to be “no more effective at treating the type of pain described on its packaging than any of the other Nurofen specific pain products”, containing the “same active ingredient, 342 milligrams of ibuprofen lysine”, and sold for almost twice the price, with the court ordering that the products be removed from retail sale within three months.
    So, do you trust Nurofen’s research funded by its parent company Reckitt? Do you buy into this Gender Pain Gap nonsense? I certainly don’t. This research is a beat up. As you’ve probably already realised, Nurofen aren’t actually trying to reduce the so-called gender pain gap. They’re trying to sell more medicine!
    Allégro by Emmit Fenn


  • @aussiewanderer6304
    @aussiewanderer6304 11 днів тому +42

    Women: "I'm in pain."
    Men: "Here's a painkiller."
    Women: "Stop trying to solve the problem and just listen!"

  • @67Geeza
    @67Geeza 11 днів тому +89

    This gender pain gap has given me a headache, but nobody cares !

  • @MrMeldarionx
    @MrMeldarionx 11 днів тому +49

    Women will always find a way to be victims

    • @sejamstihm
      @sejamstihm 11 днів тому +6

      Exactly! Well said. That's their only power over men.

    • @sejamstihm
      @sejamstihm 11 днів тому +5

      Victim Power she's superhuman, punishing men everywhere.

    • @aussiewanderer6304
      @aussiewanderer6304 11 днів тому +7

      The word 'feel' means that proof is never required.

    • @jonahtwhale1779
      @jonahtwhale1779 10 днів тому +6

      No, 'feel like a victim.
      It is their feelings they care about, not reality! They expect men to protect them from reality!

    • @Somcad
      @Somcad 5 днів тому

      Atleast the millennial and Gen-Z are, not really the older generations

  • @brianlee5702
    @brianlee5702 11 днів тому +51

    Anyone who thinks men don't suffer the most dreadful period problems has never been a loving husband.

  • @StormHawksHD
    @StormHawksHD 11 днів тому +53

    I've had my pain ignored far more than any women I know. As men, we have our feelings dismissed by everyone including women. This entire ad campaign is full of shit.

    • @shanerobertson6267
      @shanerobertson6267 11 днів тому

      I’m so happy this came out, I wanted to vomit every time I seen this Bull shit

    • @BowlCrossy
      @BowlCrossy 6 днів тому

      Indeed, men get dismissed summarily and told to harden up. Unfortunately, the majority of media currently cater and pander almost exclusively to women. I guess they're more easily swayed.

  • @trship6274
    @trship6274 11 днів тому +71

    And the emotional pain men feel is irrelevant too.

    • @marcelgrundmann9539
      @marcelgrundmann9539 10 днів тому +7

      .Men don't cry, men don't complain, men are strong and pull through because we are the king of the jungle! We rule the cave and cry quietly in the corner for no one to see, we die lonely with our pain buried wondering if we should've told... welcome to man hood, be strong guys...

  • @jasp2003
    @jasp2003 11 днів тому +42

    Doesn’t this just show that women are slightly more likely to complain?

    • @psmth1577
      @psmth1577 11 днів тому +6


    • @BowlCrossy
      @BowlCrossy 6 днів тому

      @@psmth1577 Beat me to it. Pretty much all modern research highlights exactly that - women are far, far more likely to complain, whether they have something to complain about or not. That's been the case for quite a while, hence we end up with ridiculous notions such as mansplaining and manspreading getting air time.

  • @hoptoads
    @hoptoads 11 днів тому +37

    More marketing garbage. Anything to turn a buck.

  • @kepamurray1845
    @kepamurray1845 11 днів тому +16

    Don't feel special ladies.
    I hit a kangaroo on my motorcycle and smashed my shoulder, broken sternum, collapsed lung and lacerated spleen amongst other injuries. My pain was ignored by medical professionals, family and friends simply because I chose to ride a motorcycle.
    I'm serious, not a shit was given. The only pain relief offered for my 11 days in hospital was panadeine on the first night.

    • @shanerobertson6267
      @shanerobertson6267 11 днів тому +4

      My only fear when riding, hope ur ok. Go figure a big pharmaceuticals animals have an agenda.

    • @johno9507
      @johno9507 6 днів тому

      I hit a kangaroo in my car at 110kmh.
      Fractured skull, brain bleed, broken ribs, torn shoulder rotator cuff, ruptured diaphragm and spleen, stomach and bowel damage amongst other things.
      25 operations and couting.
      Depending on what state you live in can also effect how your pain is treated, so far NSW has been good to me.
      Places like QLD are harder to get ongoing pain relief.
      Hope you're OK now mate. 🇦🇺

    • @kepamurray1845
      @kepamurray1845 6 днів тому

      @@johno9507 Far out it did a number on you. I'm ok. Been a LONG road. Never be the same but on the right side of the grass if you know what I mean.
      Keep your chin up soldier, you will get better every day!

  • @boshizzle7141
    @boshizzle7141 11 днів тому +28

    I saw this add and vowed on the spot never to buy this product again.
    Just like I refuse to shop anywhere with a rainbow on the front door.
    Boycotts are the only way to stop this nonsense.

    • @simonbrownbridge1799
      @simonbrownbridge1799 9 днів тому

      Remember the Gillette ads? Those blades never touched my face again!

  • @matttcoburn
    @matttcoburn 11 днів тому +44

    Are they talking about menstrual pain? Men suffer from pains in the neck, and pains in the arse!

  • @riposter69
    @riposter69 11 днів тому +26

    The massive 3% pain gap is a National disgrace! - It's about 1% above the margin of error. Where's Albo ? we need a Royal commission. I'm having a Bex and. good lie down

  • @bondalemecovillage6738
    @bondalemecovillage6738 11 днів тому +13

    Dr Smith, 'Oh the pain. '

  • @dreadlord7526
    @dreadlord7526 10 днів тому +6

    Saw this ad recently and my wife and I both rolled our eyes at each other. So lets be fair, we never stop hearing about womens issues.

    • @BowlCrossy
      @BowlCrossy 6 днів тому

      The irony being that men's issues never get any air time, so a large number of women then take that as meaning that men don't have any problems.

  • @terrybrown9223
    @terrybrown9223 11 днів тому +82

    Women having pain isnt the problem, becoming one is :/

    • @sejamstihm
      @sejamstihm 11 днів тому +2

      You got trouble. Pull out now!

    • @JoshFOS
      @JoshFOS 6 днів тому

      That's the problem, we don't pull out causing our own gender pain 😂

  • @arthurmarcel2137
    @arthurmarcel2137 11 днів тому +19

    They're trying to sell mothers' little helpers (valium is not so easy to get these days). And, women, as usual, this time with additional help from their newly acquired victim status, are falling for it.

    • @bondalemecovillage6738
      @bondalemecovillage6738 11 днів тому +1

      Bring back Bex for them, However, it became recognised that this medications was addictive, and Priscilla Kincaid-Smith found that the large doses of phenacetin ingested by habitual users were responsible for widespread kidney disease

  • @54macdog
    @54macdog 11 днів тому +18

    Go to the fucking pharmacy or supermarket and buy some tablets. How hard can it be?

    • @stephenbachman132
      @stephenbachman132 11 днів тому +5

      Your talking about people who have trouble parking

  • @dennismenace4188
    @dennismenace4188 10 днів тому +8

    I'm left handed - we're only one in ten people. I'm looking forward to when everyone brings up this issue so that I can feel marginalised and a victim of bigotry. It will be a great opportunity for me to blame my disappointments in life on something other than my own poor choices.

  • @bigboy9693
    @bigboy9693 11 днів тому +10

    The whingers in the ad have never heard of taking responsibility and get some paid relief for themselves.

  • @Azraiel213
    @Azraiel213 11 днів тому +7

    9 likes from 2,300,000 views is just perfect.

  • @anthonysutherland4108
    @anthonysutherland4108 11 днів тому +42

    News Flash! Comet hits Earth. Women are most affected.

  • @melhawk1352
    @melhawk1352 11 днів тому +18

    I'm just so glad to know I'm not the only one who cringed and rolled my eyes when I saw this BS ad.

    • @shanerobertson6267
      @shanerobertson6267 11 днів тому +3

      I was triggered bad by this horse shit. I’m over the attack on men, I feel bad for my little 5 year old grandson who has the cards stacked against him, he’s already been told to say sorry to a bludger group of society at school- furious.

    • @melhawk1352
      @melhawk1352 10 днів тому

      @@shanerobertson6267 Agreed. I have a son, I'm sick of this marxist feminist crap as well. It infiltrates everything. And don't get me started on the aboriginal activist agenda being played out in the curriculum!

  • @aussiegor666
    @aussiegor666 10 днів тому +2

    I saw that ad on TV and laughed my arse off. I was wondering when someone on the internet was going to point it out.

  • @philthomas7140
    @philthomas7140 11 днів тому +6

    F**k I love this channel. You should rename this to COMMON SENSE 101

  • @normanmazlin6741
    @normanmazlin6741 11 днів тому +18

    I'll happily trade my debilitating, never-ending back pain for a simple once-a-monther.

    • @christopherpekel6096
      @christopherpekel6096 11 днів тому +3

      Smoke weed

    • @normanmazlin6741
      @normanmazlin6741 11 днів тому +3

      @christopherpekel6096 I did that to kill the pains in my teeth when i was 20. Now, 50 years on, i have no teeth and chronic back pain.

  • @AlexSmith-gr4hp
    @AlexSmith-gr4hp 11 днів тому +15

    Nurofen has a strong history of dodgy marketing campaigns.

  • @FourtySixx
    @FourtySixx 11 днів тому +11

    They run these adds on Foxtel, what a load of bs

  • @yourunwillinghost628
    @yourunwillinghost628 11 днів тому +23

    I assume they're going to need to close the pain gap by inflicting more pain on men

    • @user-or1pf5nr5i
      @user-or1pf5nr5i 11 днів тому +5

      Pain must be distributed gender evenly...lmao

    • @beauzo9965
      @beauzo9965 11 днів тому +4

      Yep that's why men die 5 years earlier

  • @Animal_lives_matter
    @Animal_lives_matter 11 днів тому +3

    The world has gone mad

  • @drevil7684
    @drevil7684 11 днів тому +23

    LOL yep all those brick labourers, concreters, soldiers, and roof tilers don't feel pain 😂 oh wait jobs that are 99% men
    Another great video mate 😀

    • @thegatorhator6822
      @thegatorhator6822 11 днів тому +3

      half of us have chronic back pain by age 30 even if we retired then would never get better... But periods!

    • @drevil7684
      @drevil7684 11 днів тому +2

      @thegatorhator6822 shit they even get headaches going to the bedroom 🤣

    • @killzoneisa
      @killzoneisa 11 днів тому +1

      As a retired removalists yeah we don't feel pain.
      oh wait yeah we do no matter what they think.

    • @drevil7684
      @drevil7684 11 днів тому

      @killzoneisa could you imagine half these women doing your job for one day?

    • @killzoneisa
      @killzoneisa 11 днів тому +1

      @@drevil7684 Some of the jobs i did would make them freak out.

  • @Reuben-John
    @Reuben-John 10 днів тому +3

    Thank you. It was about time someone spoke up about this malicious attempt to yet again blame men for just about everything. My wife and I have decided to never buy Nurofen again - ever!

  • @carldavid1558
    @carldavid1558 11 днів тому +13

    You’ve got love marketing.
    As a pharmacist, I can tell you that anti-inflammatory drugs don’t know where the pain is. They don’t work that way.
    Some drugs are specific for targets, but Ibuprofen isn’t one of them.
    But this has got to be one of the best examples of how to use political and identity issues to flog stuff.
    Identity has to be the most abused advertising method around. That is if you don’t include man made climate change.

    • @Algernon451
      @Algernon451 11 днів тому

      Appreciate the professional insight. Thank you.

  • @kaosthecosmicreviewer1055
    @kaosthecosmicreviewer1055 11 днів тому +8

    Yeah, I remember seeing this and I thought to myself "The gender pay gap has been debunked to death and now they have the gender pain gap".
    Had a good chuckle over this.

    • @killzoneisa
      @killzoneisa 11 днів тому

      Wonder what gap they come up with next to go with them.

    • @markmooroolbark252
      @markmooroolbark252 11 днів тому

      I can't laugh. All of this feminist bull shit has real life consequences. Men are suffering in the family courts, and are one accusation away from cuffs and the destruction of their reputation.
      Sexual involvement with a woman is a highly dangerous activity where your life can again be destroyed on the whim of a woman who decides she didn't give consent after all.
      Governments spend billions on women specific programs and support and literally nothing on men's issues.
      There are 4 different female specific ministers at the Federal level but not one minister for men.
      It's truly outrageous and shit like this just fuels more of the same injustice.

  • @alwaysright3718
    @alwaysright3718 11 днів тому +15

    Yup I agree... women are a pain...

  • @Stormtroopre
    @Stormtroopre 11 днів тому +2

    Thats what happens when you just say "I'm fine" when someone asks "whats wrong".
    I mean, thats pretty much the doctors first sentence at the clinics

  • @jcisme
    @jcisme 11 днів тому +10

    I feel and believe you have a great channel. Keep it up.

  • @sirblew
    @sirblew 11 днів тому +5

    The "gender pain gap" is a shocking 7%! Hopefully the Victorian Labor government's Minister for Men's Behaviour Change will do something about this immediately!

  • @ginberlykickit731
    @ginberlykickit731 11 днів тому +2

    Stopped tacking that shit years ago

  • @user-tt8fo7fk4s
    @user-tt8fo7fk4s 11 днів тому +7

    Dam I thought the pay gap was bad but they have come up with something more ridiculous… wonder what’s next ??

  • @jonahtwhale1779
    @jonahtwhale1779 10 днів тому +1

    Why do we have to see their pain too?
    We don't get a choice about listening to their pain, they never shut up about it!

  • @aileenbell2248
    @aileenbell2248 11 днів тому +5

    Everyone has pain .. it differs to each person but I don’t think women are ignored as such.. then again the world has gone crazy!

  • @redreuben5260
    @redreuben5260 11 днів тому +18

    Close the gender pain gap.
    Don’t buy the product.

  • @jc7671
    @jc7671 11 днів тому +10

    Let me guess. Women are turning Nurofen to numb emotional pain as alcohol 🍷 is becoming too expensive.

  • @milty3316
    @milty3316 11 днів тому +3

    Honestly wtf is going on in society.

  • @rinzler9775
    @rinzler9775 11 днів тому +3

    The irony of all this stuff - its damaging the view of women more than ever.

  • @scanspeak00
    @scanspeak00 11 днів тому +5

    What about the life-span gap?
    As a man I think I'll be avoiding the sexist company Nurofen in the future.

    • @christopherpekel6096
      @christopherpekel6096 11 днів тому

      Time spent living is literally the most important thing for most people, overriding absolutely everything besides the time on earth their kids will have. Yet it's never mentioned and instead it's 'money' or 'pain' or 'careers' or a million other less important things

  • @JohnWilliams-iw6oq
    @JohnWilliams-iw6oq 11 днів тому +1

    From knee high we are told to man up, "suck it up princess" and "You won't do that again will you". At just 2 years old I was pushed away by my grandfather and told to shake hands like a man and that only girls kiss.
    Tell me again how she feels her pain is ignored and how she feels alone.

  • @glenny5649
    @glenny5649 7 днів тому +1

    I'm glad someone is calling this sh!t out

  • @rosa9079
    @rosa9079 11 днів тому +1

    The first time I saw this ad I just laughed. What else now?

  • @123fuhfrtgfh
    @123fuhfrtgfh 11 днів тому +1

    Employers are certainly listening to them.
    "Across almost all diagnostic classes, it was consistently observed that women had longer average sickness absence durations than to men"

  • @whatevs1700
    @whatevs1700 11 днів тому +1

    OMG… I just LOVE this video. Women always exaggerate and they tend to connect feelings with truth. Men don’t whine about “feeling” as though they are treated worse by doctors than women… as if we would know what goes on in some ladies doctor appointment… if I don’t get the pain medication I want, I don’t just “assume” they are treating me worse than women based on “feelings”… FFS.

  • @turtle-frogs
    @turtle-frogs 11 днів тому +8

    I have a headache, a wife and a daughter. 😂

  • @tristanbulluss9386
    @tristanbulluss9386 8 днів тому +1

    I have schizophrenia and I couldn't get sleeping tablets for 10 years.

  • @sunneyjim6186
    @sunneyjim6186 9 днів тому +1

    "If its being ignored, it's being ignored by other women"
    I did not see that one coming 🤣🤣

    • @catherinebirch2399
      @catherinebirch2399 7 днів тому

      True! Women go through hell in childbirth but midwives and nurses aren't very good at handing out painkillers.

  • @user-es8nl1nr1b
    @user-es8nl1nr1b 11 днів тому +1

    Thank you DI for your first class journalism

  • @gerryorourke7122
    @gerryorourke7122 11 днів тому +1

    you can't ignore something, if you're constantly reminded.

  • @jq747
    @jq747 10 днів тому +2

    100 years ago, using the exact same "womyn are oppressed" psychology, advertisers got women to take up smoking. And damn if they didn't fall for it.

  • @isomorph7954
    @isomorph7954 11 днів тому +9

    So where do hypochondriac women fit into the model. Funny how we must believe all women in spite of mental illness, bad behaviour, etc.

    • @christopherpekel6096
      @christopherpekel6096 11 днів тому +4

      Don't you know ? There's no such thing. All women are honest, mentally capable and much much smarter than ALL men ALL the time

  • @itistrue101
    @itistrue101 10 днів тому +2

    Men are far more proactive with pain management.
    Many men stop in for a few beers on the way home to dull the pain of that searing noise that is waiting for them.

  • @fantomghost6213
    @fantomghost6213 10 днів тому

    Fantastic video. That ad has been riling me up since it started airing. Glad to see it riled you up too. Cheers mate!!

  • @darrenyorston
    @darrenyorston 10 днів тому +1

    Its just a selling point for the company. I was in the supermarket the other day and they were advertising orange juice as "plant based" and "vegan friendly". It was 100% pure orange juice.

  • @carldavid1558
    @carldavid1558 10 днів тому +2

    My second comment.
    In Australia it is illegal to advertise prescription only medication. Advertising these medications is hidden under the guise of awareness campaigns.
    The medications that are not prescription only have less stringent advertising rules.
    Australia should resist going down the American pathway, where all medications can be advertised. It allows companies to create needs for non-existing problems and to put pressure on doctors to prescribe medications that may not be necessary.
    Ive heard Americans say they enjoy not being bombarded with ads for medications while visiting Australia.

    • @LC-db7lj
      @LC-db7lj 5 днів тому

      It does not seem difficult for pharma to circumvent the legislation, as evidenced by recent 'public service announcements' for covid antivirals and vaccinations for meningococcal and RSV.

  • @hyperlance
    @hyperlance 10 днів тому +1

    People will fall for anything it seems

  • @mickshaw9108
    @mickshaw9108 11 днів тому +3

    in Australia years ago it was bex powders

    • @Algernon451
      @Algernon451 11 днів тому

      Bex were addictive uppers. They were reformulated after a causal link was discovered in an epidemiological study of housewives.

    • @tinkingtinking2134
      @tinkingtinking2134 11 днів тому

      And Vincent powders😂😂😂

  • @reidashton4280
    @reidashton4280 10 днів тому

    My wife was suffering with an injured shoulder from over enthusiastic gym work. Due to the pain she was taking ibuprofen everyday. After attending grandparents day at out grandchildrens primary school we returned home for dinner and at 9pm my wife suddenly felt ill. Rushed her to the RPA emergency and after examination she was scheduled for an operation where they discovered the ibuprofen had caused an ulcer which resulted in severe damage to her gall bladder which had to be removed. The doctor said if painkillers are ever required use paracetamol not ibuprofen.

  • @JackNapier-cx8jw
    @JackNapier-cx8jw 11 днів тому +6

    Ah bringing everyone together again by division again. 😂

  • @johnpage7735
    @johnpage7735 2 дні тому

    One more company on my "don't fly" list...

  • @TheVarmitpoontang
    @TheVarmitpoontang 10 днів тому +1

    Great vid mate, keep up the great work

  • @Alan_J_T
    @Alan_J_T 11 днів тому +6

    Well dont most Females see a female Doctor

  • @rods6405
    @rods6405 10 днів тому

    Wonderful stats research! Why cant our politicians do this?

  • @lugubriousenclave91
    @lugubriousenclave91 9 днів тому +2

    Bring back bex and coke (with a nip of rum)

  • @robertingle9845
    @robertingle9845 8 днів тому +1

    2:30 Conclusion half of all people feel victimised and ignored...they are called Labour/Democrat voters.

  • @jonahtwhale1779
    @jonahtwhale1779 10 днів тому +1

    The women are partially right!
    If it were a man going through it, it would be handled very differently.
    He would do something about it to solve the problem.
    He would not endlessly complain expecting someone else to solve his problem for him!

    • @catherinebirch2399
      @catherinebirch2399 7 днів тому

      I know! Women constantly complain about how awful periods are, but do nothing to alleviate the discomfort. There are contraceptive measures that stop periods altogether. I don't see why so few women will use them.

  • @daveinthemicrowave
    @daveinthemicrowave 9 днів тому +1

    Who do you confide in about your pain? close friends, partner or family comes to mind. Good friends wont ignore your issues. For most people the majority of friends will be of the same sex. So what this most likely boils down to is
    "Women's pain is ignored or dismissed by other women"
    Also a lot(if not most) men deal with their pain by themselves(except of course for very serious issues) and don't require constant sympathy.

  • @sarkastodon30
    @sarkastodon30 10 днів тому +1

    They did the same thing in America, but it was black vs white pain.

  • @Matto_Harvo
    @Matto_Harvo 10 днів тому +1

    This is simply corporate manipulation for profit.

  • @danielg8700
    @danielg8700 9 днів тому

    Here's a similar one from news in todays paper: Women are experiencing higher levels of cost-of-living distress than men, sparking concerns about a rise in suicides.
    Suicide Prevention Australia's latest survey shows three in five Australians are reporting living costs as a key factor in suicidal behaviour.
    At least 55 per cent of female respondents say the costs of groceries and bills, as well as personal debt are causing elevated levels of distress, compared to 43 per cent of males.

  • @domlipski5226
    @domlipski5226 8 днів тому +1

    This is hitting Betoota Advocate levels of BS.

  • @hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894
    @hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 11 днів тому +6


  • @gawainjones7182
    @gawainjones7182 11 днів тому +11

    It's called the pink tax in marketing and has been around for a long time.

    • @Matt123a
      @Matt123a 11 днів тому +1

      Does that mean women are more gullible?

  • @jonahtwhale1779
    @jonahtwhale1779 10 днів тому

    So a 3% pain gap is enough to trigger a government enquiry?
    When will the government investigate:
    The 95%"workplace death gap?
    The 50% homelessness gap?
    The 50% murder gap?
    The 90% prison gap?
    Why are women's small gaps (3%) so much more important than the gaping chasms that impact men?

  • @teatowel11
    @teatowel11 2 дні тому

    Pain is often a symptom and does not require treatment.
    I dislocated my finger a week ago, it hurt, still does. That is normal and ok. No medication required.

  • @markwng
    @markwng 11 днів тому

    The TV told us for a few decades, man stupid and bad, woman smart and good. Must be true.

  • @Joe-Przybranowski
    @Joe-Przybranowski 11 днів тому

    How could we even know this?

  • @Astrogirl812
    @Astrogirl812 11 днів тому +2

    I’m a woman who took nurofen for pain and ended up in hospital because of the side effects where the male doctor told me not to take nurofen 😏

    • @jenniferharrison8915
      @jenniferharrison8915 11 днів тому +2

      Yes, I can't take Nurofen either, the ad is truly pathetic and deceptive!

  • @user-kd4gz7ji9g
    @user-kd4gz7ji9g 10 днів тому

    The national women's health strategy has a budget of $52 million while for men $17 million. Yes i feel that pain gap.

  • @NathanEllis
    @NathanEllis 10 днів тому

    Men don't talk about their pain... women do....thats the difference.

  • @tinkingtinking2134
    @tinkingtinking2134 11 днів тому +1

    Well they have to be closing some gap I guess which we all know is a load of BS.

  • @jasonschubert6828
    @jasonschubert6828 11 днів тому

    I was somewhat disappointed that the CEO of Reckitt wasn't named "Ralph".

  • @stujd1539
    @stujd1539 11 днів тому +4

    Need someone to work on the gender intelligence gap.

  • @user-iy4vg7kt6k
    @user-iy4vg7kt6k 6 днів тому

    the like discrepancy might be because its an ad

  • @Paz133
    @Paz133 8 днів тому +1

    this is real life everyone

  • @vlnow
    @vlnow 8 днів тому +1

    Pain don't hurt

  • @tjmarx
    @tjmarx 10 днів тому +1

    Please note. The research is not intended to be scientific and it has such a disclaimer on it. It is market research from focus groups and consumer marketing surveys. They identified that slightly more women perceived their pain was ignored and looking for a social issue to get behind, created one out of thin air. The campaign is, to be fair, a bit tongue and cheek and wasn't really intended to be taken completely seriously.
    But then you have people like Allen who don't understand nuance and cynically seek to capitalise on social divisions for their own political gains without really ever seeking to understand what happened.
    And you have a news media who accept paid promotions to be shown as news. So called aditorals, because actual news doesn't make money anymore.
    It's a campaign that got out of hand because they didn't think Australians were stupid enough to take it seriously. Victoria sure showed them.

  • @ifluro
    @ifluro 10 днів тому +1

    Can you cover the qld native title ruling on Monday?

  • @helcarloki1887
    @helcarloki1887 10 днів тому

    When women speak, double and triple check😂😂

  • @pickled_avocado68
    @pickled_avocado68 8 днів тому +1

    The problem is there is an issue with medical officials writing off women's pain as period cramps when they are actually suffering of endometriosis for example. But this woke nonsense makes it almost impossible for people to take such issues serious due to being constantly beaten down with other "gaps".

  • @MrRoardog
    @MrRoardog 9 днів тому +2

    How about woman's problems gets you light duties and days off ..... hang on that already happens. Along with the anger and fury that also happens at that time.

  • @rmarx1496
    @rmarx1496 10 днів тому +1

    Yep, I cringed at this ad when I saw it too. Honestly, I wish all of us blokes could just simultaneously go on strike, even for a day or two and watch this woke circus sideshow we're experiencing finally fall to it's knees.

  • @user-kn1yc6pu5h
    @user-kn1yc6pu5h 10 днів тому

    It’s like they heard it wrong but just went with it anyway. PAY and PAIN sounds the same, very strange to suggest there is some sort of PAIN gap between men and women.
    But in saying that men and women have got PAID the same hourly rate in every job I have ever had