Haha, when Timestream Navigator was spoiled, I thought, "Damn, it may not be good, but someone somewhere is going to go something janky but sweet with it." You never disappoint, Seth.
Given that pansies are in charge of WotC these days you'd probably get banned for life due to "harassment and bullying" if you showed up at a tournament in one of these.
WotC cares about people mistreating other people? Huh. Wonder why they let so many people officiate who have been convicted of mistreating young defenseless people
This might be a rare example of an infinite combo that is more laborious to execute in paper than on mtgo. Part of the loop is hidden information so you might have to go through each iteration manually in paper. I don't think you can shortcut this one.
Huh, that's a sticky one. You do reveal off of Ajani's ability, and eventually you will be revealing your whole deck, so you can prove the win condition exists... but by so doing you also prove it's in a zone where you can't use it. I'm pretty sure that's enough of a proof to call it (unless of course all the relevant cards are in your hand) at the FNM level, but I'd be interested to know what the ruling is on something like that at a high-tier event.
At FNM level the Judge "may" grant you a pass on just revealing your whole deck and telling your opponent. But it's ultimately up to your OPP to decide if they want you to play it out. The same is true at higher level tournies. It's a similar case as Duskwatch Recruiter in modern G/W Company. You will after a set amount of loops have gone through your entire deck and thus find your wincon. Here's the Reddit thread for Duskwatch if you want some more info: www.reddit.com/r/mtgjudge/comments/65shq1/duskwatch_recruiter_infinite_activations_shortcut/dgdnb1b/
Fishdust Ha ha ha, but you're not doing iterations, you're doing specific cards. What's that story again about how you could take one step every billion years and empty the oceans one drop at a time each time you walked around the earth and the stars would all die out before you got to the point where you've listed all the permutations of a deck of 52 playing cards? XD I mean obviously it's fine. I'd just love to see your opp request you to know the max. number of iterations you'll need and you'd be like "Um, possibly more than the universe has left."
This is nothing compared to 4 horsemen that requires a specific order if you have your deck list handy they can see that timestream navigator is your only creature in the deck. at least for game 1 others you might have to show it continuously.
you won't get a chance to read this with the huge following you have, and deservedly so, but your content is awesome and you are by far the most entertaining person producing magic content.
Wow, Seth, you're really on a roll! Beating the pros in the team modern super league a few days ago and now breaking the standard format! Very nice brew!
Approach is probably a good backup win condition. I ended up leaving it out of this build because people seem to dislike it (and it would take away from the combo kill). If you're going to play this at a tournament, adding it is a good idea.
Great video man, I tried this out tweaking it a bit and adding in 2 Approaches since its almost the exact list of Jim Davis' Bant Approach. Been working.. surprisingly well.
I really enjoyed the editing with the salty opponent's comments. The meme-iness of the stream highlights is still a bit much, but the opponent's comments were just right.
The activation requires tapping, so you'd need some way to permanently give it haste EDIT: Wait, I forgot about the fact that you could activate the navigator before activating Ajani. Nevermind, that can definitely work
Elijah Bigsby Turn 1: active Timestream, sac it, dig it out again with Ajani, cast it. Turn 2: active Timestream, sac it, dig it out again with Ajani, cast it. ?
Zack Estin paper prices. The Seth effect rarely hits paper, but all the boxes are ticked for it. Extremely sexy deck (infinite turns is about as spicy as spicy gets), core pieces are mythic, deck is relatively budget friendly, and he absolutely crushed his opponents.
Foomigate is a reference to one of the casters at a GP who didn't know how it was pronounced. Bonded Courier is a real thing, so that's also a joke nickname. I know it can be hard to tell his mispronunciations from his nicknames, but those are both nicknames.
I had a UWR version that had refurbish into a god pharoahs gift, killing someone instantly on turn 4 if they had no blockers, as you play fraying sanity on turn 3. Probably could have been UW, but eh... who cares.
They could always just print a similar card with the mechanic for whatever set its printed in place of awaken, I don't suppose an extra copy of it is going to break EDH.
Awaken's not boring, if you ask me. And it's likely to return, if you ask Maro. magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/making-magic/storm-scale-zendikar-and-battle-zendikar-2016-11-21
Something ive seen thats fun is a blue cycling with timestream navigator. use the cycling to get the deck to a point where timestream navigator is the only card left and infinite turn. Also with abandoned sarcophagus and river's rebuke you can play the cycled cards from the grave and clear your opponents field before the infinite turn so they have an empty field to attack infinitely. Also there are blue cycling counter cards like censor and countervailing winds.
This deck is real! Probably needs some fine tuning, maybe try to find space for more counterspells, but this could actually be a real deal in standard, maybe not the best deck, but a two card infinite combo in which one of the cards tutors for the other is definitely a big deal.
After that match vs esper approach I was like 'let's skip to the end just to see the score' then I saw 10-2 winning the last game, I literally screamed in shock.
Hostile Desert seems good here. It's a win-con after Fumigate (albeit a very slow one, the kind that only works if you're taking infinite turns), you can dig it out with Promise as one of your deserts so you could one-of it; or you could add a full boat and have blockers vs. aggro in a pinch.
I think the planeswalker deck planeswalkers are underrated. They may not be as good in a vacuum, but are still very powerful cards. This deck was really well built, with enough redundancy to make it work. I don't usually find decks like this fun, but its definitely good for the game's diversity and was entertaining.
At one point I had Samut (the non-planeswalker one) for haste, but Strider Harness could work. It would potentially be helpful for the first activation, after that we're pretty much all set.
44:35 You say that you need to shuffle some of the dead Navigators back in so that you can get multiple Navigators, but that's not necessary. Activate Navigator on your turn, then +1 the Ajani to find the Navigator you just put on bottom. You only need one Navigator for the loop.
So I just found out Pains Reward allows you to bid more life than you have, so it works perfectly alongside phyrexian unlife, so what do you think of using it in an esper prison deck with solemnity? It's even in the correct colors for zur and snapcaster too! Looks sweet in my mind, what do you think?
Question, why would you play this over Jace in an esper prison deck? One card gives your opponent choice while the other effectively allows you to make all the choices.
While the stomper in the sideboard hurts the combo I still think it’s worth it to have it in the deck. It’s great in the aggro matchup and even at its worse when you do hit it off the Ajani it’s a better body to pile the counters on rather than a zombie token or other navigator because the trample actually gives you a slightly faster win condition because it doesn’t just get chump blocked. But that’s my two cents
Since the return to hand is part of the cost, you can't "fizzle" it with removal. You can certainly kill the navigator before activation, but you can't kill the navigator in response to the ability.
There are easier ways to take infinite turns in Modern, that's for sure. I think it's possible to try it with Timestream Navigator, but it's certainly the hard way of going about it.
Navigator with Training Grounds and a haste enabler like greaves. Maybe some sweet Arcanis tech, the gloves and rings that double your activated abilities... ideas.
have you tried it with planar bridge? That's what I'm playing atm with timestream navigator in a very similar shell. Painted bluffs is also a great land in the deck.
There's Hostile Desert as a man-land and just a metric ton of token-makers in Bant colors, but I think the better question is why we would need that many creatures. Stomper was a (very very greedy) combo, not just a guy. Still, I do like Riddleform and it'd be relevant both as a threat and a way to dig, not to mention it makes your opponent paranoid about attacking, so maybe.
Been thinking about putting the combo in a control deck as a finisher, considering it’s fairly simple to assemble, being only two parts, thoughts? I honestly think this may be good in the right shell
Bryan Adding it as an escape clause seems horrible. You can't run any other creatures and so Ajani makes no sense outside of the combo. It'd be better to start with the combo shell and add control elements.
So you play a lot of instant and sorcery spells, why not try primal wellspring for S&G's? I mean doubling up on the land drops and zombies is pretty awesome!
@mtggoldfish yes, but it doesn't matter. First felidar enters the battlefield, then you have two triggers: from conjuring and felidar. Set them that felidar trigger resolves first. Blink red mana source with it - Mountain f.e. Then you resolve conjuring trigger paying mana you get from blinked mana source. Hasty copy od felidar enters the battlefield targeting orginal felidar and loop starts again.
From my understand of the rules, it shouldn't be considered slow play. With the four horseman loop nothing is changing on the battlefield. With this loop we are plusing the Ajani towards a game winning ultimate every time we go through the loop.
MTGGoldfish huh, yeah you probably have a point! I wonder if it's any different if your opponent managed to get you to 1 health so the ultimate is no longer game breaking? Love the deck, simply curious...and a little upset I have the mana Base for grixis not bant!
I know I shouldn't be, but I'm really looking forward to the day when a planeswalker deck walker makes into into standard for real and breaks the planeswalker deck pricing.
"Congrats, you may have ruined Magic for me"
Worth it.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
well he played so bad soooo nothing was ruined.
JusticeMog welcome to the time I foolishly pitted standard rw humans against legacy reanimator
The opponent was playing Esper Approach... They have no right to complain about a slow deck.
Haha, when Timestream Navigator was spoiled, I thought, "Damn, it may not be good, but someone somewhere is going to go something janky but sweet with it." You never disappoint, Seth.
Nobody who plays UW Approach gets to complain about somebody else ruining Magic.
blue has an absurd number of counters especially in standard in regards to Approach
Paul Anderson doesnt matter if it gets countered it still counts if its cast.
sorry i meant to mention that the counters were in the Approach deck
According to gatherer It does matter if it's countered, the ability needs to resolve.
Aquificae the first time doesnt matter if its countered, the second one has to resolve to win.
Lol your opponent playing a blue white control deck complaining about you ruining magic for them..that's some irony for ya. Never change, Seth.
Yeah, that was weird.
That's all I could think about, because Approach is always such a "fun" way to lose
the salt!
Is it possible they were interested in seeing how it all worked itself out?
He was a Trump supporter obviously...trying to #MakeMagicGreatAgain :-P
I can't wait to buy the shirt about ruining magic for your opponent. Perfect quote.
Oh Lord, make this happen.
Brandon Hall do it
Brandon Hall hit some swans, crush their dreams
Given that pansies are in charge of WotC these days you'd probably get banned for life due to "harassment and bullying" if you showed up at a tournament in one of these.
WotC cares about people mistreating other people? Huh. Wonder why they let so many people officiate who have been convicted of mistreating young defenseless people
Match 1 starts at 8:26
Match 2 starts at 11:36
Match 3 starts at 24:26
Match 4 starts at 31:30
Match 5 starts at 39:41
Match 6 starts at 50:11
The instant he said planeswalker deck planeswalker, and saw only timestream navigators, I knew that Seth, and science, had gone to far.
Nah, m8. Not far enough. We need to go jankier.
I have too say its to bad it's spelled to incorrectly or something ;)
Salty control player is salty because he got out controlled. I love it!
That was my favorite part as well!
Seth you are a genius and an absolute madman. Best mtg content on the internet by far.
Thanks ;)
Milled an opponent with lands, nothing exciting happened here guys.......
An aggro deck no less! Seriously, Seth, why'd you cut that >:[ ?
This might be a rare example of an infinite combo that is more laborious to execute in paper than on mtgo. Part of the loop is hidden information so you might have to go through each iteration manually in paper. I don't think you can shortcut this one.
Huh, that's a sticky one. You do reveal off of Ajani's ability, and eventually you will be revealing your whole deck, so you can prove the win condition exists... but by so doing you also prove it's in a zone where you can't use it. I'm pretty sure that's enough of a proof to call it (unless of course all the relevant cards are in your hand) at the FNM level, but I'd be interested to know what the ruling is on something like that at a high-tier event.
At FNM level the Judge "may" grant you a pass on just revealing your whole deck and telling your opponent. But it's ultimately up to your OPP to decide if they want you to play it out.
The same is true at higher level tournies. It's a similar case as Duskwatch Recruiter in modern G/W Company. You will after a set amount of loops have gone through your entire deck and thus find your wincon.
Here's the Reddit thread for Duskwatch if you want some more info: www.reddit.com/r/mtgjudge/comments/65shq1/duskwatch_recruiter_infinite_activations_shortcut/dgdnb1b/
Ha ha ha, but you're not doing iterations, you're doing specific cards. What's that story again about how you could take one step every billion years and empty the oceans one drop at a time each time you walked around the earth and the stars would all die out before you got to the point where you've listed all the permutations of a deck of 52 playing cards? XD
I mean obviously it's fine. I'd just love to see your opp request you to know the max. number of iterations you'll need and you'd be like "Um, possibly more than the universe has left."
This is a good point. We finally found a good MTGO combo.
This is nothing compared to 4 horsemen that requires a specific order if you have your deck list handy they can see that timestream navigator is your only creature in the deck. at least for game 1 others you might have to show it continuously.
you won't get a chance to read this with the huge following you have, and deservedly so, but your content is awesome and you are by far the most entertaining person producing magic content.
Brian Williams yeah, dude is just fun to watch
Wow, Seth, you're really on a roll! Beating the pros in the team modern super league a few days ago and now breaking the standard format! Very nice brew!
Really like the opponents text from chat displaying on screen. Fun video!
I think a one of approach is good in this deck. just keep taking extra turns until you draw it and have enough lands to do both
maybe in place of the 1 gideon?
or maybe even just in the sideboard in place of the stomper?
Approach is probably a good backup win condition. I ended up leaving it out of this build because people seem to dislike it (and it would take away from the combo kill). If you're going to play this at a tournament, adding it is a good idea.
From $4 (Paper) for Ajani, Valiant Protector to over $10 (Paper) since this posted. The Seth effect is real!
A small art of me dies whenever Seth says “bonded courier”
It's a very, very small part :>
This is a good week for Seth! Great Against the Odds deck AND he got to go on a tear on TMSL
Great job with the 3-0 sweep Seth!!!! You’re killin the super league
You sir are a Magic Mastermind. Thank you for all the entertainment!
Great video man, I tried this out tweaking it a bit and adding in 2 Approaches since its almost the exact list of Jim Davis' Bant Approach. Been working.. surprisingly well.
I really enjoyed the editing with the salty opponent's comments. The meme-iness of the stream highlights is still a bit much, but the opponent's comments were just right.
"In another oversight, R&D has released another infinite two card combo into Standard."
I'm not debating power level with you, but Ajani tutors for Timestream Navigator. It is, in a sense, a 1 card combo.
Nicholas Caljean
You only need one, don't you? "Sac" it, dig that same one back out, cast it again that turn? On your free turn repeat?
The activation requires tapping, so you'd need some way to permanently give it haste
Wait, I forgot about the fact that you could activate the navigator before activating Ajani. Nevermind, that can definitely work
Elijah Bigsby
Turn 1: active Timestream, sac it, dig it out again with Ajani, cast it.
Turn 2: active Timestream, sac it, dig it out again with Ajani, cast it.
Nicholas Caljean You only need one Timestream. Maybe you should look at the combo again.
“Plus our Amani, get a navigator” is the new Seth meme
*Hit our swans
Jared Arnell hit our swans, crush some dreams
23:42 The best.... such a happy awesome laugh! @safrone makes magic for me.
What the heck? First two games with 25 lands and we miss most of our land drops? Extremely unlucky.
"play a timestream navigator" is yet another "hit our swans, draw some cards"
That went wayyy better than expected. I‘m impressed.
Wouldn‘t want to play this out on paper, though. The match would probably time out every time.
This deck makes me so happy on so many levels.
42:00 o.o (Sees 3 relentless raptors, turns on Jurassic Park music)
Watch Protector and Navigator quadruple in price in a few days. #setheffect
So they’ll spike to 20 cents each?
Zack Estin paper prices. The Seth effect rarely hits paper, but all the boxes are ticked for it. Extremely sexy deck (infinite turns is about as spicy as spicy gets), core pieces are mythic, deck is relatively budget friendly, and he absolutely crushed his opponents.
Ajani is a Plansewalker deck card, so it being labeled Mythic is rather irrelevant.
Welverin it’s supply is probably actually lower than most mythics
"Bonded currier"
William Stanton foomigate
That one is intentional, because someone else does it.
Foomigate is my favorite thing
Foomigate is a reference to one of the casters at a GP who didn't know how it was pronounced.
Bonded Courier is a real thing, so that's also a joke nickname.
I know it can be hard to tell his mispronunciations from his nicknames, but those are both nicknames.
I figured Bonded Courier was intentional as well, considering how long it's persisted, and the fact he occasionally says the name correctly.
The jank is so good. I've always wanted to see a Planeswalker Deck card in a Standard Deck.
Sometimes infinite turns make me wanna die, but great job Seth love the deck
Here goes Seth, breaking Standard again
still hoping for a fraying sanity mill deck (mono blue) with navigators ruin, ipnu rivulet, unblockables and fleetswallower :d
Kiriya Senpai personally tried that kinda brew but found it to be too slow and was just a bad control deck
It's probably not viable as mono U, but some UW or Esper variant could be interesting.
cant you just build this deck and have fraying sanity play set in the deck in place of something else?
I had a UWR version that had refurbish into a god pharoahs gift, killing someone instantly on turn 4 if they had no blockers, as you play fraying sanity on turn 3. Probably could have been UW, but eh... who cares.
This deck feels like the mess that happens when you goldfish about 5 turns longer than you should.
I like how this is similar to the standard combo three years ago, also using a selesnya ajani and an extra turn creature.
Timestream Navigator is so underrated. Sweet atodds deck!
I dont know whats more surprising, infinite turns in standard or making a planes-walker deck card playable as a three of.
After watching Seth play in commander clash, this might be THE most Seth deck ever made, just durdles the opponent to death
"We won game two by milling our opponent out with rivulet. It took forever. Nothing exciting happened.
Dang it now I'm curious.
Against the Odds had to take some extra turns again. It's one of the best parts! Reprint Part the Waterviel when!?
Then etali, the red elder dino, can cheat it plus some twincasts lol
They could always just print a similar card with the mechanic for whatever set its printed in place of awaken, I don't suppose an extra copy of it is going to break EDH.
Awaken's not boring, if you ask me.
And it's likely to return, if you ask Maro.
Something ive seen thats fun is a blue cycling with timestream navigator. use the cycling to get the deck to a point where timestream navigator is the only card left and infinite turn. Also with abandoned sarcophagus and river's rebuke you can play the cycled cards from the grave and clear your opponents field before the infinite turn so they have an empty field to attack infinitely. Also there are blue cycling counter cards like censor and countervailing winds.
Finally. I did not like the idea that there was a standard without infinite turns
This deck is real! Probably needs some fine tuning, maybe try to find space for more counterspells, but this could actually be a real deal in standard, maybe not the best deck, but a two card infinite combo in which one of the cards tutors for the other is definitely a big deal.
After that match vs esper approach I was like 'let's skip to the end just to see the score' then I saw 10-2 winning the last game, I literally screamed in shock.
Hostile Desert seems good here. It's a win-con after Fumigate (albeit a very slow one, the kind that only works if you're taking infinite turns), you can dig it out with Promise as one of your deserts so you could one-of it; or you could add a full boat and have blockers vs. aggro in a pinch.
GG, WP, one of my favorite videos so far
My favorite part of ATO is when the odds are beaten and Seth goes hahahahha we did it we did hahahah!!! 20:02
I love Seth so much. All your content is incredible man don't listen to ANY haters. Super meaningful to me in hard times I appreciate it so much.
Why don't you have TWO basic islands in that deck?
Probably should.
Not necessary in the long run.
I think the planeswalker deck planeswalkers are underrated. They may not be as good in a vacuum, but are still very powerful cards. This deck was really well built, with enough redundancy to make it work. I don't usually find decks like this fun, but its definitely good for the game's diversity and was entertaining.
best standard deck I've ever seen
I bought it. Playing FNM with it tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.
MTG For Dummies how did it go? Mine is causing havoc, still no 5-0 but already got massive hate, except from the legacy players who watch gleefully
I like the addition of opponent chat
I was doing a shot for every extra turn taken..... bad idea Hahahah 🤣🤣🤣🤣
oh man, I'd love to see you play this deck in some leagues, and see if it still stacks up.
This is the most 'Against the Odds' deck ever I think
Best thing ive ever seen u do
Have you heard him say "hit our swans, draw some cards," though?
I wonder whether 1 or 2 Strider Harness would help?
I was wondering the same thing. Being able to fire off the Navigator the same turn it hits the board is just _disgusting,_ conceptually.
At one point I had Samut (the non-planeswalker one) for haste, but Strider Harness could work. It would potentially be helpful for the first activation, after that we're pretty much all set.
hilarious, him narrating the infintite was the best
"We need blue sources so we don't die to rivulets" *ramps for a forest*
I think we need an extra basic island in the deck!
MTGGoldfish oh lol sorry Seth, missed that part because watching while working
After watching Marshall train wreck a draft this made my day!
And to nobody's surprise, Seth finds a way to take infinite turns in Standard...
44:35 You say that you need to shuffle some of the dead Navigators back in so that you can get multiple Navigators, but that's not necessary. Activate Navigator on your turn, then +1 the Ajani to find the Navigator you just put on bottom. You only need one Navigator for the loop.
Ok this deck looks really good. I tried to break timestream navigator but paid no attention to bad ajani
I missed bad Ajani at first too!
You guys mean good ajani right, because now this one sees more play than the non planeswalker deck one.
Sonic Team called, they want to give you a position as the new and improved Infinite
The time prof warned us about has come
Dont try this at home kids, seth is a professional and has trained in the arts of jank for years...
So I just found out Pains Reward allows you to bid more life than you have, so it works perfectly alongside phyrexian unlife, so what do you think of using it in an esper prison deck with solemnity? It's even in the correct colors for zur and snapcaster too! Looks sweet in my mind, what do you think?
umm... Decree of Pain, the board wipe? No synergies there.
Decree of Pain? That's a cycling boardwipe. I think you're thinking of another card.
****pains reward
Question, why would you play this over Jace in an esper prison deck? One card gives your opponent choice while the other effectively allows you to make all the choices.
Ohh, Pain's Reward with Unlife sound sweet!
Seth, the moment ylou go infinite with this deck makes you so evil :P
While the stomper in the sideboard hurts the combo I still think it’s worth it to have it in the deck. It’s great in the aggro matchup and even at its worse when you do hit it off the Ajani it’s a better body to pile the counters on rather than a zombie token or other navigator because the trample actually gives you a slightly faster win condition because it doesn’t just get chump blocked. But that’s my two cents
Since the return to hand is part of the cost, you can't "fizzle" it with removal. You can certainly kill the navigator before activation, but you can't kill the navigator in response to the ability.
Do you think there's the possibility to make a deck like this for modern?
There are easier ways to take infinite turns in Modern, that's for sure. I think it's possible to try it with Timestream Navigator, but it's certainly the hard way of going about it.
Yessssss i was waitimg for this
I love how you talk like Chef John!
Navigator with Training Grounds and a haste enabler like greaves. Maybe some sweet Arcanis tech, the gloves and rings that double your activated abilities... ideas.
have you tried it with planar bridge? That's what I'm playing atm with timestream navigator in a very similar shell. Painted bluffs is also a great land in the deck.
>every time seth says timestream navigator compilation
I still think the planeswalker deck Tezzeret also has potential somewhere being able to do the same thing with artifacts.
Would Riddleform be a viable alternative to the Stomper? Other than Gideon it's the only other non-creature creature I can think of in standard rn.
There's Hostile Desert as a man-land and just a metric ton of token-makers in Bant colors, but I think the better question is why we would need that many creatures. Stomper was a (very very greedy) combo, not just a guy. Still, I do like Riddleform and it'd be relevant both as a threat and a way to dig, not to mention it makes your opponent paranoid about attacking, so maybe.
Been thinking about putting the combo in a control deck as a finisher, considering it’s fairly simple to assemble, being only two parts, thoughts? I honestly think this may be good in the right shell
Adding it as an escape clause seems horrible. You can't run any other creatures and so Ajani makes no sense outside of the combo. It'd be better to start with the combo shell and add control elements.
Can anyone explain me why seth is usin THREE AJANI, VALIANT PROTECTOR?! INSTEAD OF 1 AJANI AND 2 AJANI'S AID?
It is basically the Bant Approach deck Jim Davis played with a different win con
So you play a lot of instant and sorcery spells, why not try primal wellspring for S&G's? I mean doubling up on the land drops and zombies is pretty awesome!
LOL hard!! Thanks for the most janky deck for Ixalan block, Seth!
Ruining Magic whenever is possible! kkkkkkkk
Gideon really seemed lackluster in the deck. Maybe replace with more removal or ways to find combo pieces?
Every deck I have seen from you has some sort of bant ramp shell with hour of promise
I'd make you play the whole thing out for sure!
Seth, what do you think about flameshadow conjuring + felidar Guardian combo?
Hmm, I'm not exactly sure how it works. Doesn't Conjuring only trigger on non-token creatures?
@mtggoldfish yes, but it doesn't matter. First felidar enters the battlefield, then you have two triggers: from conjuring and felidar. Set them that felidar trigger resolves first. Blink red mana source with it - Mountain f.e. Then you resolve conjuring trigger paying mana you get from blinked mana source. Hasty copy od felidar enters the battlefield targeting orginal felidar and loop starts again.
Does this count as stalling? Or slow play? In the same way four horseman is illegal?
From my understand of the rules, it shouldn't be considered slow play. With the four horseman loop nothing is changing on the battlefield. With this loop we are plusing the Ajani towards a game winning ultimate every time we go through the loop.
MTGGoldfish huh, yeah you probably have a point! I wonder if it's any different if your opponent managed to get you to 1 health so the ultimate is no longer game breaking? Love the deck, simply curious...and a little upset I have the mana Base for grixis not bant!
Another question....does this trigger for navigator work at instant speed if you have ascend? Just to verify..
Sweet deck! But where's the panharmonicon? :p
Is there a better way to go infinite in Modern with Timestream Navigator, or is this Ajani the best there too?
I'd have to dig into it a bit, I'm not sure off the top of my head.
MTGGoldfish if you find the time to go into the archives and find something juicy let me know!
that would be sweet if you revisited this deck for modern
i like how the navigator is drawn
This is amazing.
I know I shouldn't be, but I'm really looking forward to the day when a planeswalker deck walker makes into into standard for real and breaks the planeswalker deck pricing.
Im sorry for asking this, but how do you play and use timestream navigator on the same turn? can you give it haste?
Once the combo gets going you can wait until the extra turn to activate it so it's not summoning sick.