अपानप्राणयोरैक्यम क्षयोमूत्र पुरीषयोह:| युवा भवती वृद्धेsपि सततं मूलबंधनात || ज्ञानेश्वरी. The one who perform कुंडलिनी योग in that procedure sadhak's (साधक) body become gaunt (कृश) dull (निस्तेज). In this situation sadhak साधक can feel fear. The image of Chamunda depicting last stage of Kundalini activation. (Just like Buddh बुद्ध look skinny / gaunt before enlightenment) Scorpio depicting scarification of own blood and flesh for greater purpose. (Babies of female Scorpio feed upon mothers flesh. So she sacrifices herself for new born offspring.) The bulb (kand) in stomach represent activation of manipur chakra. It get activates only when you sacrifices your food, becouse when food is present in stomach its main focus is digestion. (That's why we fast on some day to connect with God Upvas- up means near, and vas means present ( to present ourself near God). Her other chakras are also activated but they are behind her bones. Her third eye is activated between her eyebrow on forehead which is giving her wisdom. Her crown chakra is also activated because it shows fire. She is in process of enlightenment. That animal near her feet represent that she sacrificed her old body, her old skin, her old karma and her low vibrations. That animal feed on maggots of dead animal. It means that animal is feeding on her shaded karma her (sacrificed karmic body.) The pinkie finger in her mouth represent ( I used to watch mothers in villages feed their babies with pinkie finger) So she is drinking her own blood through that finger. She is smiling because she is feeling drinking sometimes which quench the thirst But it is weird because that is her own bood. The head in her hand represent she cut off her Durbuddhi and Agyan दुर्बुद्धि,अज्ञान Pride and Ego. अहंकार, गर्व (Just like Shiva dehead Ganesh, and Kalbhairav dehead Bramha) (That's why that head is smiling becouse it was attached to pride and ego and now it's free.) Two birds chewing same chain is chain of thoughts, birds are our mind, good thoughts and evil thoughts which are responsible for good and bad karma. Elephants represent samadhi dhyan Elephants and her aura. (आभा) Every skull garlands representing she sacrificed her own evil personality many time to reach that stage. Bood and flesh Sacrification is always related to our own bood and flesh not flesh and blood of animal, (Cut off the evil animal inside you) Her anklets represent snake eating her own tail. It represent death and new birth. It also represent cycle of life; the Chakra, Kalchakra and everything is cyclic in nature manifestation, maintenance, and dissolution. (AUM) Trident is three nadies Eda Pingala and Shushumna The man underneath her is her own Kamvasana because it is under her Muladhar chakra. She Activated her Muladhar chakra by supressing her kamavasana by Mulbandha.
To the PraveenMohan collection. What could it be? How to understand this? Shiva Lingam in China? Watch 18-15. " LIVE: Explore well-preserved mummies at Xinjiang's Loulan Museum "
Great as usual Praveen Sir! I would just add a few pieces of information along: 1) The Mudra that you are talking about is Charchika mudra. The goddess Chamunda has consumed humans, elephants and war horses as she was killing chanda and munda, with that pinkie finger, she is trying to remove their bones that got stuck between her teeth. 2) The elephant that we see behind devi Chamunda is just an elephant whom she has killed during her war and flayed to get its skin. She uses the skin to wrap herself and so does Shiva. It also has a tantric significance which I cannot discuss here publicly. 3) The cup that chamnda devi holds has the blood of raktabeeja and other asuras she killed during the war of Shumbha Nishumbha and goddess Ambika. The blood is said to be mixed with liqour. This too has a tantrik significance that shouldn't be addressed publicly. 3)The goddess who stood behind the jasmalnathji temple lingam is Uma devi (parvati) in her manikarnika form. She holds Shiva lingam on her right hand where shiva resides, ganesh seated on a padma is shown on her left hand, the lower right hand holds a rosary )which has faded away with wear and tear) and the other hand has a kamandal. This form of her is the form in which she meditates upon Lord Shiva.
Well I don't know about you but I've never had a bone stuck in my teeth gristle or fat yes,to my eyes it's a look of desire. Is what you say an established fact or a mere interpretation?
I am English and have never been to India! But watching Praveens videos has made me want to spend a long time there ! The temples are true works of art and knowledge and built to give ancient knowledge to the world thousands of years later and Praveen is a very special person who can understand their meanings! Thank you so much 👏👏👏
Western Academia has done a great job trying to hide India's true history. (which in my view is 10x better than Egyptian history. India was mush more advanced( by miles) over all other "cherished" civilizations. The British empire made certain to destroy and hide their amazing & glorious past
@@oomz1975 yes Ellora caves and temple will be first ! They are not made by mankind ? How can something soo magnificent be be made from the top down? And carved from solid rock ! There are similar sites in the planet to this ! But this not made by mankind? We couldn’t even build this today ? It’s time to wake up guys!
Praveen This is a Tour de Force! I am a practitioner of Dzogchen....the "Kusali Feast"........it is an efficacious method of overcoming the fear of death. Tantra is the superhighway to Moksha. Your work is fantastic and continues to go deeper !! I'll meet you soon, in India. My Guru is Loppon Jigme Thutop Namgyal Rinpoche..... the son of Lama Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche (who was the Abbot of Repkong Monastery in Tibet)..known for his Siddhis as well as his 15 ft.-long hair . His Mother is a Wrathful Throma practitioner Yogini from the hidden land of Pemako, in Tibet...still living and practicing in the Kathmandu Valley. Namaste
I am a hindu and visits temples. But never thought of temples as knowledgeable centers. Thanks to Praveen to enlighten me. You have shown meanings to those God images that usually had no meaning at all till date. You have inspired me in so many ways..
@@RealPraveenMohan Please visit warengal fort in MP. Their is first even carving of Zero on earth. It is written in brahmi script. It have most beautiful jain and hindu temples.
It's wild man, I've been watching Praveen Mohan for years now.. since he had about 10k subscribers and long before the program on TV called 'ancient aliens' used(or stolen) lots of his footage..
The beauty of India, amazes me everyday. I watch Mr. Praveen in his English channel, and all the other channels he has in other languages. I am a studemt of India on my own. I have learned a lot on my own. Not in a university setting. Hinduism is beautiful, India is beautiful. My dream is to visit one day. I am not Indian, i am what the confused Christopher Columbus called an Indian. I am an Indigenous American, from the Ojibwe tribe of Central Minnesota. I truly love learning about India, and Praveen Mohan is a wonderful teacher.
Non credo che Colombo fosse confuso. Tutt'altro. Non fermarti ai luoghi comuni, studia meglio, approfondisci. Credo che la storiella delle Indie sia stata confezionata per aggirare le opposizioni religiose. Ormai, le prove storiche e documentali, portano a comprendere questa verità. Prima della spedizione di Cristoforo Colombo, la Chiesa Cattolica insisteva ancora sul fatto che la Terra fosse piatta, era un dogma, e non si poteva andare contro i dogmi della Chiesa, pena l' essere definito eretico, il finire sotto le inchieste della Santa Inquisizione, quindi torturato, e magari anche bruciato vivo. Questa è Storia. Siccome Marco Polo aveva provato l' esistenza dell' impero Cinese, di una Terra dunque lontana e raggiungibile via terra, dalla quale si poteva arrivare all' India, la cui esistenza era ormai abbondantemente testimoniata dai testi latini e greci, che di per sé non comprovavano che la Terra fosse rotonda, ovvero non erano in contrasto con l' idea di una terra piatta, la Chiesa non contestava l' esistenza dell' India. Ecco dunque come fosse necessario asserire che si navigava per raggiungere le Indie, non menzionando assolutamente la volontà, tenuta nascosta, di raggiungere un luogo lontano, ben al di là delle colonne d' Ercole. Colombo portò con sé le provviste per 3 mesi, calcolò i venti che lo avrebbero portato dall' altra parte dell' Atlantico, e aveva di sicuro delle prove in mano, altrimenti non avrebbe mai avuto il sostegno dei reali di Spagna. Recentemente sono stati scoperti dei documenti e delle mappe , cui pervenne Cristoforo Colombo, che descrivevano distanze, genti e luoghi. Per altro, se non da Colombo, le Americhe sarebbero comunque entrate nella conoscenza del resto del mondo, era solo questione di tempo, e neppure tanto. Chi se la prende con Colombo , non ha una capacità di analisi storica e non guarda in faccia le realtà storiche. Gli spagnoli esautorarono Colombo, lo misero anche in carcere, e iniziarono una colonizzazione violenta, perché erano genti violente predatorie, e non sono troppo cambiati, riguardo la violenza. Colombo aveva messo, fra le sue richieste e clausole, di non trattare gli" indiani" , cioè le popolazioni che avrebbe incontrato, assoggettandole alla corona spagnola, come schiavi ma come sudditi fedeli, da fare crescere e cristianizzare. Si vede che temeva altri tipi di comportamenti da parte degli spagnoli. Come potesse, poi, fare queste richieste, senza mai aver messo piede nelle Americhe, dimostra che la sapeva già molto, molto lunga sulle popolazioni che andava ad incontrare. Sappiamo bene invece, che non poté procedere nelle sue buone intenzioni, poiché fu destituito, esautorato e incarcerato. Personalmente amo e rispetto moltissimo la cultura Nativa Americana, ho fatto una lunga ricerca sull' Olocausto dei Nativi sulla Via delle Lacrime, la deportazione attraverso tutta l' America del Nord, durata mesi, la maggior parte dei quali invernali, durante la quale morirono milioni di Nativi Americani. Un genocidio . Compreso il quale, assommato ai morti iniziati con le esplorazioni spagnole e le "Guerre Indiane", portò alla morte di almeno 55 milioni di individui di tutte le Tribù Native. Una perdita che nulla potrà compensare.
Those temples are anything BUT "ordinary". Amazing historical cultural art! NOTHING can compare to the intricacies of the carvings you show. Just wow....
I went to odisha state museum last month and i was horrified by this statue of "Maa Chamunda" And i surrender to her fierce presence🙏 Thanks praveen Bhai for showing my state's Heritage ❤
Sou apaixonado pela cultura VÉDICA da Índia. Comecei a ler o Srimad Bhagavatam em 1975 e levei 30 anos estudando os 12 cantos desse Bhagavat Purana. O Bhagavad Gita é meu livro de cabeceira desde a adolescência. Estive na India 9 vezes visitando as cidades sagradas, pricipalmente as relacionadas a Bhagavam Sri Krishna. Porém somente agora soube destes DEVAS. Você É EXCEPCIONALMENTE importante em minha vida Praveen Mohan ❗Muito grato por compartilhar essas informações. Receba meu Namasteji aqui do Brasil ❗🇧🇷🙏🏼🇮🇳❗
você é abençoado por ter encontrado esse conhecimento em sua vida.. nosso corpo é a ferramenta mais importante para entendermos os segredos do universo.. Todos os templos são mapas-guia para nos fazer entender esse segredo.
Nothing called "vEdiCk" culture. Stop turning the term into something cringy. It's *HINDU* plain & simple. Does it itch to mention the term??? Current worshipping rituals' hardly follows Vedas FYI
When I see this particular figure of the temple I think of the negative aspects of desire and addiction. I feel the fingers and mouth were attacked by people who wanted to break their negative cycle or for someone' they loved. Perfect imagery! Her being emaciated, gaunt, and empty feels like it resembles what happens when someone spirals out of control, never to be satisfied. They must feel like another skull on her garland. Cups seem like a female symbol and with women guarding the temple , thinking this was a temple for women. The face on the head she holds is consumed by a lust unto death. Literally pulled around by the hair of his head. The larger image inside the temple makes me feel like the negative desires become more important than living a more fulfilling life. Thinking this is a perfect admonishment for those who choose this path in life. Thank you, Praveen, for sharing your wealth of insight and helping us to observe the ancient world more closely, I've learned something, take nothing for granted on an adventure, you might miss subtle cues!
Scorpion was shown in the place of Jogulamba temple of Alampur of Telangana state. Not only that, lizard,bat etc also carved very prominently. It is a Tantra traditional temple built in the time of Chalukya Dynasty. Almost more than 1000 years ago. When I see it first time, felt amazing and speechless. What I suprise about is some common symbols are always similar all across India regarding Tantrik tradition.
I need to express my appeaciation for Praven's educational aspect to the videos he presents. They provide insight to those of us who wouldn't ever understand what the temple's carvings are there for.
She is also called KANKALI .she is the energy force that helps you to go beyond the desires created by our senses hence symbolically what remains after is the skeleton. An empty stomach represents desireless.scorpion represents that desires are poison, a crown of fire represents that all energy is now concentrated in attaining moksh. 🙏
Someone make this gentleman head of ASI( Archeology survey of India). Our country will prosper under Praven guidance. Keep going Praveen you are doing fantastic Job.
Praveen is remarkably the best person on this platform to give REAL, AUTHENTIC and also potraying the rich indian culture and hertiage. I would also love to know more about temples in Madhya Pradesh sir. Love you and your work! I have been watching you since 2021!! Truly indian artisans and architects were way ahead of time to preserve and show case such mystical carvings for infinite years to come getting to all this because of you sirr cant be more grateful 🙏
I watched this video and slept. It felt like this Goddess herself told me why the little finger in her mouth with a cunning smile. It is because the way evil people do all wrong doings yet act innocent and face the world as if they are very pure and nobody seen them doing wrong to Good people. Here comes the Goddess with that gesture to tell them “look who is here and i have witnessed you and now i won’t spare you. “ ❤❤ Also i got a message in my dream where she told me not to worry she witnessed what i went through in past and now she is here to protect me❤❤. She is so motherly and nurturing if you trust her❤❤. I love you MA❤❤
India's ancient artistry STILL radiates the divinity/magic of their creation. Even through video it has a physical effect on me. I can not even imagine the impact of being in the presence of the magical works of our gods! Thanks Praveen!
Praveen's content is always educational, inspirational and fascinating. I've been to two tantric temples in India, dedicated to the 64 Yoginis. Both temples are very powerful. But, in my experience and this is a very personal statement, even the fiercest form of the Divine can surrender to the power of love and devotion. Maybe because of my base beliefs, the Divine allowed me to experience what I was capable of understanding. I went to one of these temples during Navratri and it was a very special experience for me. India is a storehouse of incredible things.
Good lord! LMFAO! 🤣🤣🤣 These aWaKenEd fellas from foreign & the vEdiC tAnTriC cringe ( clearly, without knowing 💩 about it ) Kid, there's NOTHING called tAnTriK temple. It's ALL *HINDU TEMPLES* Write it as it is, or...does it not suit the agenda?? 😂 Do you even know, exactly which rituals we use from the Veda & which from tantra??? NO??? SIT DOWN
Love is "maya", if its devotional love, spiritual love, that's different but conditional love between mortals have the essence of " maya" thus discarded.
Nothing misses your expert eye, Praveen ji. I am amazed at your observational skills. Maa Chamunda happens to be my family deity. Periodically, we visit her temple atop a hillock in the town of Chotila in Gujarat. She also adorns our home, but in the soumya (pleasant) roopa. This is the first time I am able to see her in the dreadful roopa depicted in your video and for that I thank you with gratitude. She took form to kill two demons, Chand and Mund and that explains her name, Chamunda. Her mantra is formed with of the beej words: Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaaya Viche. May Parameswara be with you in all your endeavours 🙏🙏
when you recreated that carving and put that weird horror background music it was really terrifying to saw her closing and opening her eyes😮 Thank you praveen we are blessed to have person like you 😊 May God give you extra 100 years to explore our ancient temples
Praveen, I am a history teacher and I have found your videos to be an education in themselves. I am continually impressed by your perceptiveness in noticing small details most would miss! As for these fascinating statues, I would assume that the empty/hollow bellies would be symbolic of the way sexual appetite is insatiable, always leaving you feeling empty and needing more, a craving that cannot be filled by consuming, an eternal hunger. Keep up the good work, the world needs more thinkers like you!
Wow..never knew this form of Chamunda was a common deity of worship.. especially this very pose of her in skeletal form with a smile and finger in her mouth expressing shyness may be.... anyways..thank you so much for sharing this..a bit of history of the temple would have helped
@@Amoghavarsha. Yes..I had the fortune of visiting that wonderful temple twice as well...but this skeletal form of Goddess Chamunda I thought was one of a kind...but as seen in the video, there are multiple such vigrahas with the same posture at different regions of Bharat
Wow Praveen! I found this episode so extremely interesting! I really enjoy your show! Well done, and keep them coming! Just brilliant! I think that you are the only person shining a light onto the deep past of India, it's Gods and its religious iconography. Very interesting and inspiring! 🎉😊
I am learning so much from your shows thank you for all your time and knowledge invested...hope to get to India soon and I will understand your culture better❤️🙏
Praveen aimed to familiarize his audience with Tantra/tantric practices, which are often misconceived negatively in today's society. Despite the misperceptions that Tantra may appear as a less favorable approach to spiritual enlightenment, the underlying concept remains the same 😌 - embracing both the positive and negative aspects, is what Hinduism is all about. Thank you, Prav, as always 😊
I am very happy to read the comments section also in your video praveen.. very happy to see, people praising you for yours hardwork.. you are not a normal person.. you have gifted eyes and thoughts.. pls continue ur good work. Vazhga valamudan..
Praveen Sir “ Your efforts of strengthening our Hindu traditions & culture have not gone unnoticed " Well articulated video as always !!! Probably those cups or container must be used to collect blood from the body of the annihilated demon, to consume it later. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
An annihilated demon may be appropriate instead of a sacrificed person. Sacrifice is related to tantric activities, as Praveen Sir explained. Thanks to you Sir for all the informative videos concerning these archaeological monuments and ancient temples.
As a child i always wanted to do what praveen is doing today unfortunately my destiny was different but i am so glad that someone is living my dream of studying our history
I could find no other online site or video - even those in Hindi/Gujerati who explicitly mention Chamunda, much less the tantric nature of this splendid temple. Praveen, you are the BEST!
Visited this temple last week. Saw the details with Praveen Sir’s eyes. Amazingly divine place. Felt Ma Chamunda’s loving gaze inspite her fierce form. Jai Ma…🙏 Thank you Praveen Sir for unravelling the secrets. Gave a review in Google Map citing your UA-cam video. Afterthought:- Why can’t we reconstruct the subshrine and broken pillars, stone carvings now? We’ve AI, tantric scholars, iconographic interpreters like Praveen Sir. The way Praveen Sir used graphics to recreate the Charchika Mudra of Ma Chamunda at 9:45 - it will be a natural progression to the 3D domain. Using analogy from similar tantric temples in Gujarat a 3D image of the temple can be built. The strewn ruins will help in filling the gaps, some gaps have to be filled by extrapolating tantric concepts and ancient texts. Exact replication is not possible but the site will again become a thriving place for tantric Upasana. In Kaliyuga Tantra is the way to go as Vedic spirituality becomes dormant.
Aaa PRAVEEN MOHAN! please start some sort of tours we could all join you in person…. We need to get kids to go with you.. we need everyone to go with you and experience these temples from your perspective in person!!
I visit this temple today , Its 100 km away from my home. Its very special today as Asthami of navratri. And there was yagya (prayer) going on . Thank you for this vedio.
Even when we knw ppl are destroying these BEYOND PRECIOUS ancient carvings, WHY ARE WE STILL NOT PROTECTING THEM??? What kind of hooligan would destroy such precious history is beyond me, it makes my blood boil and will make my mind uneasy for some days now. Mr mohan, you are precious, your videos are treat for audiences and you are a fountain of knowledge which you seeked yourself without anyones help. This is a grt achievement, why why our govt is not using your skills beats me each time i see a new video 😊❤ plz keep it up!
Thank you for the update, Praveen..!! I'm sure Goddess Chamunda would be pleased that you have revived her former glory by introducing her to a lot of people around the world, and even recreated her great looks of the past. Thank you very much for the teachings as always, Praveen..!! :)
Praveen, you tell us in total detail what these statues are depicting. The most interesting stories I've ever heard. Thank you for your instruction and research. I bought a sweatshirt and a t-shirt--tee are well made.
Wow Praveen.. You have such an eye for details.. Its amazing to see tantra being depicted in our temples.. I was never aware of this.. Keep bringing us such details.. Its truly amazing to see such details of our ancient history.. Kudos to u!
Tantra doesn’t encourage indulgence. Dakshinachari Tantra is Satvik. Only Vamachari Tantra deals with 5 Ms - Matsya (fish), Meat, Madya (wine), Mudra, Maithun (sex). The 5 Ms have to be offered to deity by performing ritualised chanting and performing homas (fire sacrifice). Only after attaining perfection (siddhi) in Dakshinachari Marg tantrik may venture into Vamachari marg. Initiation by Guru is must. For more details consult Rajarshi Nandy’s podcasts in TRS/Beerbiceps/Adhyatmika etc. Anyway this clip is amazing in details- new things about Ma Chamunda I’ve learnt today. I live in Gujarat. I’ve also noticed many Shakti temples with different forms of Adyashakti (Chinnamasta) as deity along with Bhairavs and 64 Yoginis (Bhairav is). I plan to visit this temple.
Only Pashupatha and Kalamukha Shaivists follow 5 M as you have mentiioned. In north vamacharam is practiced by people who mingle with common people .We can not recognize them as we have iconic identification of our South Indian thanthrik followers. In south now a days Pashupatha and Kalamukha Shaivist sects have become extinct and vamacharam is generally practiced by a set of people who do Aapicharikam using a specific moola manthra in which they have attained siddhi , for the 6 evil means like Uchadanam, sthambhanam , Bhedhanam , maaranam etc., Nice to share with you.🙏
It's hard to get an age out of stone. Personally I think some of these temples are 30,000+ years old. Especially the building on top of other buildings. I love your work. Proveen needs a national geo channel. Or ancient alien channel. Yes, yes
pour moi, ils ont tous été créés par ceux qui ont créé la vie sur Terre et qui guident notre évolution mentale. Ces temples nous montrent que nos créateurs possédaient des moyens très supérieurs aux notres et ils nous donnent des informations philosophiques. Je ne crois pas qu'ils ont été réalisés il y a 1200 ans. Ils doivent avoir l'âge des pyramides d'égypte.
Chamunda can be understood by orienting the Zodiac. The Great Year Alignment superimposes Virgo (Great Year) over Scorpio (Solar Year). This configuration explains her unique characteristics. For example, Chamunda is the guardian of the Southwest direction (Virgo alignment of Great Year is Southwest direction). Chamunda's belly is empty (Virgo rules the belly). Chamunda has a Scorpion usually on her belly (Virgo, ruler of the belly, is superimposed over Scorpio). Her abode is Fig Trees (Virgo is the sign of the Fig Tree), etc. Ultimately, Chamunda is symbolic of the time period when we pass below the Super Galactic Plane, the tale of Scorpio pointing to the Center of our Galaxy. When we fall below this point in the Southwest sky in approximately 14,000 years from now, we descend into depravity.
@@jyotisitapure9521 The World & Time are cyclic. The Hour is a cycle. The day is a cycle. The month is a cycle. The Solar Year is a cycle. & just the same, the Great Year is a cycle. In the Solar Year, we descend below the equatorial plane & down into Fall. We "Fall Down" into the Death of Winter. The Earth loses Light & Life. Just the same, in the Galactic Year, when we descend below the Galactic Plane, we (Humanity) lose Light & Life. We "Fall" unconscious. The heavens set the conditions that manifest on this Earth, throughout countless cycles (yugas). The starry sky can be viewed as a giant celestial clock. It foretells the signs & seasons. In order to remember ourselves, our ancestors personified these divisions into deities, each with their specific defining attributes.
STOP bringing 3rd grade copied 💩 from West here. It's got NOTHING to do with these. Your so called sUn sign rant were also copied from Hindu astrology FYI 😂
One of your best videos Praveen... India traditions never cease to surprise us... absolutely fascinating... although we could not fully discover the secret meaning of the pinky....
Once again, hats off to your extraordinary research on our extremely advanced ancient heritage. Our ancient temples carrying ultimate knowledge are revealed so simply by you is highly commendable. This is a God given work to you. Best Regards to you.🙏
Namaskarams🙏🙏🙏 This video is so profound and very beautifully explained the Devi Chamunda 🙏 The way Tantra and it's meaning with an anology of a spider is amazingly put🙏Through your videos you ARE not only bringing the Hindu culture and spiritality alive but attracting curious minds ( people) to visit these rare ancient Temples of India 🙏 Love and Respect from Bangalore 🙏
❤ Very proud of you Praveen Mohan. You are here to bring us all the beautiful temples and structures. Thank you. You are a beautiful soul. keep it up 😎😎😎 🙏🙏🙏🙈❤❤🙏🔱🔱🔱🔱
Im feeling proud that im hindu and everyy time want to be hindu ...forever your vedio remind me our great culture hindu dharma is gretest religion ever...
I'm still in confusion sir that why ma chamunda kept her pinky in her mouth and give such a smile. I'm a student of 11th grade and I'm quite engaged in your perspective, you entirely changed my perspective over temples (ancient one) . Well! Whenever my Mom asks me of visiting a temple I will be carrying many hopes and detective mind to find 🕵🕵 Thank you for 🇮🇳🇮🇳
The pinky finger is not put there on Her lips. It is actually Her pinkie finger nail pressed on to her teeth gaps from the side of mouth. Exactly like we would be picking our teeth with a toothpick after a meal. Naturally, it causes a grin like face but that's not smiling. That itself is called Charchika Mudra. Signifies her completion of meal. Hollow stomach signifies infinite hunger. She consumes everything but nothing stays in Her stomach. Her infinite hunger and bottomless pit belly where nothing stays represents the continuous cycle of birth and death. The mouth is associated with Rahu and the hollow belly with Ketu. Scorpion residence indicates the zodiac sign of Scorpio which is also lorded by Ketu. Desire and Tyag, the two pillars of all Birth and Death
My God! Praveen! The secret thanthra shasthra practiced by the ancient people could have never be known to us unless you have explored this temple and revealed this thanrhrik worship of Chamunda. The thathvartham of this deity is explained in Adharvana vedha in detail. A fat prey for my eagle🦅! And a great information for us. Excellent Acharya! Luv U son. ❤
When I started to watch the video it has approximately 12000 views but when I ended it was 14500..it shows your popularity sir.your explanation is mind blowing. I have never seen a video on devi chamunda researched so well.
Such amazing work. So much thought. So well articulated. Simply. I am a practicing Hindu, I didn't know any of this. Just so amazing. Have been watching your clips for years, and you have been consistently outstanding. Gratitude.
Bro please visit Chaya someshwara temple which is located in Nalgonda 100 kms faraway from Hyderabad.Speciality is temple architect in such a way as to cast a unifiedshadow (Chaya in Telugu) constantly on the lingam all through the day, irrespective of the position of the sun. Please do visit
Yeah I can imagine seeing any statue smiling at me like that would scare away years of my life, but regardless excellent and brilliant work at research as always Praveen
Sir, I am always blown by your explanations of the complexity of Hindu culture, body, mind, art work, and your ability to observation. You highlight Our True Indian sculptures whose insight and understanding crafted on rocks/stones as evidence of our past Heritage. You are our Magnificent Magnifying Master. Please kindly accept respect respect respect 🙏🌹💐
I don't know about Shiva temples in other states of India, but in Gujarat, you will always find a small idol of Goddess in a Shiva temple, behind the Shiva lingam, as showed here. So, for this temple too, it is difficult to say that the Goddess is the main deity of this temple.
Hello and greetings from Kanab Utah 🙏... Your attention to detail is excellent. Recognizing patterns and relationships is also your strength. These are the prerequisites that allow you to have well developed critical thinking skills. Thank you for all your efforts. I wish that you can continue with your work to reveal the wisdom and knowledge that has been sequestered for many years. Respectfully, Utah Mike. 🤩👍
Vaaw super explanation about tanthric,and spritual surrender to the God thanking your valuable support brother 👍 May DAAJI blessings always with you and our family 🎊🤍🙏💐
Kankali mata is worshipped all over our country and also abroad if excavated. Ten mahashakti - all are in one idol here. Your information is superb Praveen. Thanks for details shown in the video. our 10 tantrik shakti in one ie Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshvari, Bhairavi , Chhinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamala. like The smile from Maa Kamla
Wow! I am fascinated with the beautiful rich history of India. I want to thank you for all your informative videos. It allows me to feel as if I am right there. 😊
Hi! If you visit Odisha 64 Yogini temple you will find Devi Chamumda carvings which is similar to this temple. When I saw her holding Damru I knew it's a Shiva, Parvati and bhariva temple. No doubt it's a Tantric temple. Jai KaalBhairav 🙏
The more we view and listen to the core purposes behind the construction of these temples, the better we understand that they were meant not only as the space of spiritual experience but as the treasure trove of knowledge
I post weird things on Instagram, follow me there: instagram.com/praveenET
It's a great video, like other videos of you, thanks ❤
Thank you Pravin Mohan sir; I am learning so many things from you.
अपानप्राणयोरैक्यम क्षयोमूत्र पुरीषयोह:|
युवा भवती वृद्धेsपि सततं मूलबंधनात ||
The one who perform कुंडलिनी योग in that procedure sadhak's (साधक) body become gaunt (कृश) dull (निस्तेज). In this situation sadhak साधक can feel fear.
The image of Chamunda depicting last stage of Kundalini activation.
(Just like Buddh बुद्ध look skinny / gaunt before enlightenment)
Scorpio depicting scarification of own blood and flesh for greater purpose.
(Babies of female Scorpio feed upon mothers flesh. So she sacrifices herself for new born offspring.)
The bulb (kand) in stomach represent activation of manipur chakra. It get activates only when you sacrifices your food, becouse when food is present in stomach its main focus is digestion.
(That's why we fast on some day to connect with God
Upvas- up means near, and vas means present ( to present ourself near God).
Her other chakras are also activated but they are behind her bones.
Her third eye is activated between her eyebrow on forehead which is giving her wisdom.
Her crown chakra is also activated because it shows fire. She is in process of enlightenment.
That animal near her feet represent that she sacrificed her old body, her old skin, her old karma and her low vibrations.
That animal feed on maggots of dead animal. It means that animal is feeding on her shaded karma her (sacrificed karmic body.)
The pinkie finger in her mouth represent ( I used to watch mothers in villages feed their babies with pinkie finger)
So she is drinking her own blood through that finger. She is smiling because she is feeling drinking sometimes which quench the thirst
But it is weird because that is her own bood.
The head in her hand represent she cut off her Durbuddhi and Agyan दुर्बुद्धि,अज्ञान Pride and Ego. अहंकार, गर्व
(Just like Shiva dehead Ganesh, and Kalbhairav dehead Bramha)
(That's why that head is smiling becouse it was attached to pride and ego and now it's free.)
Two birds chewing same chain is chain of thoughts, birds are our mind, good thoughts and evil thoughts which are responsible for good and bad karma.
Elephants represent samadhi dhyan Elephants and her aura. (आभा)
Every skull garlands representing she sacrificed her own evil personality many time to reach that stage.
Bood and flesh Sacrification is always related to our own bood and flesh not flesh and blood of animal,
(Cut off the evil animal inside you)
Her anklets represent snake eating her own tail. It represent death and new birth.
It also represent cycle of life; the Chakra, Kalchakra and everything is cyclic in nature manifestation, maintenance, and dissolution. (AUM)
Trident is three nadies Eda Pingala and Shushumna
The man underneath her is her own Kamvasana because it is under her Muladhar chakra.
She Activated her Muladhar chakra by supressing her kamavasana by Mulbandha.
Hey..! Praveen I have been following you for a long time and love your content 🎉❤🎉
I would like to get some book recommendation from you if possible 😅
To the PraveenMohan collection.
What could it be? How to understand this? Shiva Lingam in China?
Watch 18-15.
" LIVE: Explore well-preserved mummies at Xinjiang's Loulan Museum "
You're Single Handedly bringing back cultural history that was oppressed for 1000 years. No one else teaches us about our history like you, thank you!
Thanks for the view
I view them all .your work is outstanding well done.
True the level of details to which Praveen go is insane.Truly a gem
Excellent work ❤
@@RealPraveenMohanApko sayad yad naa hona ....
Jab tum chanel band mar rahe the khya samje ab tak is ko
Great as usual Praveen Sir! I would just add a few pieces of information along:
1) The Mudra that you are talking about is Charchika mudra. The goddess Chamunda has consumed humans, elephants and war horses as she was killing chanda and munda, with that pinkie finger, she is trying to remove their bones that got stuck between her teeth.
2) The elephant that we see behind devi Chamunda is just an elephant whom she has killed during her war and flayed to get its skin. She uses the skin to wrap herself and so does Shiva. It also has a tantric significance which I cannot discuss here publicly.
3) The cup that chamnda devi holds has the blood of raktabeeja and other asuras she killed during the war of Shumbha Nishumbha and goddess Ambika. The blood is said to be mixed with liqour. This too has a tantrik significance that shouldn't be addressed publicly.
3)The goddess who stood behind the jasmalnathji temple lingam is Uma devi (parvati) in her manikarnika form. She holds Shiva lingam on her right hand where shiva resides, ganesh seated on a padma is shown on her left hand, the lower right hand holds a rosary )which has faded away with wear and tear) and the other hand has a kamandal. This form of her is the form in which she meditates upon Lord Shiva.
Thanks for the info brother🙏
Thankyou for the information 🙏
Well I don't know about you but I've never had a bone stuck in my teeth gristle or fat yes,to my eyes it's a look of desire. Is what you say an established fact or a mere interpretation?
Thanks. You certainly know a lot.
Great addition to facts of inner knowledge of our wisdom
I am English and have never been to India! But watching Praveens videos has made me want to spend a long time there ! The temples are true works of art and knowledge and built to give ancient knowledge to the world thousands of years later and Praveen is a very special person who can understand their meanings! Thank you so much 👏👏👏
Ellora caves would be a good start, truly mind blowing.
Western Academia has done a great job trying to hide
India's true history. (which in my view is 10x better than Egyptian history.
India was mush more advanced( by miles) over all other "cherished" civilizations.
The British empire made certain to destroy and hide their amazing & glorious past
I am an Indian and am As Amazed as You if not more ...Watching Praveen Ms Videos...Regards
@@oomz1975 yes Ellora caves and temple will be first ! They are not made by mankind ? How can something soo magnificent be be made from the top down? And carved from solid rock ! There are similar sites in the planet to this ! But this not made by mankind? We couldn’t even build this today ? It’s time to wake up guys!
visit humpi , Badami, halebedu, pattadkallu, should be on top of list
This is a Tour de Force!
I am a practitioner of Dzogchen....the "Kusali Feast"........it is an efficacious method of overcoming the fear of death.
Tantra is the superhighway to Moksha.
Your work is fantastic and continues to go deeper !!
I'll meet you soon, in India.
My Guru is Loppon Jigme Thutop Namgyal Rinpoche.....
the son of Lama Yeshe Dorje Rinpoche (who was the Abbot of Repkong Monastery in Tibet)..known for his Siddhis as well as his 15 ft.-long hair . His Mother is a Wrathful Throma practitioner Yogini from the hidden land of Pemako, in Tibet...still living and practicing in the Kathmandu Valley.
Iam a South Indian woman and I just went to temples for darshan, i started watching your videos & now I see things in a new way, WAY TO GO.
Welcome on board
I am a hindu and visits temples. But never thought of temples as knowledgeable centers. Thanks to Praveen to enlighten me. You have shown meanings to those God images that usually had no meaning at all till date. You have inspired me in so many ways..
You're most welcome
@@RealPraveenMohan Please visit warengal fort in MP. Their is first even carving of Zero on earth. It is written in brahmi script. It have most beautiful jain and hindu temples.
@@RealPraveenMohanPlease visit Jantar Mantar in jaipur. It is an Astronomical Observatory. It is a Fantastic place.
Rajasthan is a wonderful place.
this is problem, which religious people have. They don’t allow themselves to look closer. because of sacrilege
in EU middleage monasteries were the schools, but only for elites.
India is rich in history. Love from usa mohan watching u since 2022
Keep watching
@@RealPraveenMohan seedhi baat no bakwaas 😁
It's wild man, I've been watching Praveen Mohan for years now.. since he had about 10k subscribers and long before the program on TV called 'ancient aliens' used(or stolen) lots of his footage..
@@matthewhall7976 😲wow. Iam new here, since 2019.
The USA is rich in history as well, but they deny it just the same. ❤
The beauty of India, amazes me everyday. I watch Mr. Praveen in his English channel, and all the other channels he has in other languages. I am a studemt of India on my own. I have learned a lot on my own. Not in a university setting. Hinduism is beautiful, India is beautiful. My dream is to visit one day. I am not Indian, i am what the confused Christopher Columbus called an Indian. I am an Indigenous American, from the Ojibwe tribe of Central Minnesota. I truly love learning about India, and Praveen Mohan is a wonderful teacher.
There is history between indigenous Americans and Mahabharata... Google about it.
Praveen did a video on native indigenous when he was in US
Columbus never went to Minnesota....
So nice
Non credo che Colombo fosse confuso. Tutt'altro. Non fermarti ai luoghi comuni, studia meglio, approfondisci. Credo che la storiella delle Indie sia stata confezionata per aggirare le opposizioni religiose. Ormai, le prove storiche e documentali, portano a comprendere questa verità. Prima della spedizione di Cristoforo Colombo, la Chiesa Cattolica insisteva ancora sul fatto che la Terra fosse piatta, era un dogma, e non si poteva andare contro i dogmi della Chiesa, pena l' essere definito eretico, il finire sotto le inchieste della Santa Inquisizione, quindi torturato, e magari anche bruciato vivo. Questa è Storia. Siccome Marco Polo aveva provato l' esistenza dell' impero Cinese, di una Terra dunque lontana e raggiungibile via terra, dalla quale si poteva arrivare all' India, la cui esistenza era ormai abbondantemente testimoniata dai testi latini e greci, che di per sé non comprovavano che la Terra fosse rotonda, ovvero non erano in contrasto con l' idea di una terra piatta, la Chiesa non contestava l' esistenza dell' India. Ecco dunque come fosse necessario asserire che si navigava per raggiungere le Indie, non menzionando assolutamente la volontà, tenuta nascosta, di raggiungere un luogo lontano, ben al di là delle colonne d' Ercole. Colombo portò con sé le provviste per 3 mesi, calcolò i venti che lo avrebbero portato dall' altra parte dell' Atlantico, e aveva di sicuro delle prove in mano, altrimenti non avrebbe mai avuto il sostegno dei reali di Spagna. Recentemente sono stati scoperti dei documenti e delle mappe , cui pervenne Cristoforo Colombo, che descrivevano distanze, genti e luoghi.
Per altro, se non da Colombo, le Americhe sarebbero comunque entrate nella conoscenza del resto del mondo, era solo questione di tempo, e neppure tanto. Chi se la prende con Colombo , non ha una capacità di analisi storica e non guarda in faccia le realtà storiche. Gli spagnoli esautorarono Colombo, lo misero anche in carcere, e iniziarono una colonizzazione violenta, perché erano genti violente predatorie, e non sono troppo cambiati, riguardo la violenza. Colombo aveva messo, fra le sue richieste e clausole, di non trattare gli" indiani" , cioè le popolazioni che avrebbe incontrato, assoggettandole alla corona spagnola, come schiavi ma come sudditi fedeli, da fare crescere e cristianizzare. Si vede che temeva altri tipi di comportamenti da parte degli spagnoli. Come potesse, poi, fare queste richieste, senza mai aver messo piede nelle Americhe, dimostra che la sapeva già molto, molto lunga sulle popolazioni che andava ad incontrare. Sappiamo bene invece, che non poté procedere nelle sue buone intenzioni, poiché fu destituito, esautorato e incarcerato. Personalmente amo e rispetto moltissimo la cultura Nativa Americana, ho fatto una lunga ricerca sull' Olocausto dei Nativi sulla Via delle Lacrime, la deportazione attraverso tutta l' America del Nord, durata mesi, la maggior parte dei quali invernali, durante la quale morirono milioni di Nativi Americani. Un genocidio . Compreso il quale, assommato ai morti iniziati con le esplorazioni spagnole e le "Guerre Indiane", portò alla morte di almeno 55 milioni di individui di tutte le Tribù Native.
Una perdita che nulla potrà compensare.
Those temples are anything BUT "ordinary". Amazing historical cultural art! NOTHING can compare to the intricacies of the carvings you show. Just wow....
im a Christian but
I love watching your videos
❤ just amazing
Glad to know, it means a lot to me
Beauty of Hinduism. It has everything in it.
Inside out and everything within and everything beyond.❤❤❤
I went to odisha state museum last month and i was horrified by this statue of "Maa Chamunda" And i surrender to her fierce presence🙏 Thanks praveen Bhai for showing my state's Heritage ❤
Odias worship her . She feeds on the blood of demons 😁
Thanks for sharing
Horrified??! 🤡
Cringe paj eet🤣
@@ramdishali8313 brother why are you so toxic . Plz don't behave like this 🙏
Sou apaixonado pela cultura VÉDICA da Índia. Comecei a ler o Srimad Bhagavatam em 1975 e levei 30 anos estudando os 12 cantos desse Bhagavat Purana. O Bhagavad Gita é meu livro de cabeceira desde a adolescência. Estive na India 9 vezes visitando as cidades sagradas, pricipalmente as relacionadas a Bhagavam Sri Krishna. Porém somente agora soube destes DEVAS. Você É EXCEPCIONALMENTE importante em minha vida Praveen Mohan ❗Muito grato por compartilhar essas informações. Receba meu Namasteji aqui do Brasil ❗🇧🇷🙏🏼🇮🇳❗
você é abençoado por ter encontrado esse conhecimento em sua vida.. nosso corpo é a ferramenta mais importante para entendermos os segredos do universo.. Todos os templos são mapas-guia para nos fazer entender esse segredo.
Great, do keep watching and sharing.
Nothing called "vEdiCk" culture. Stop turning the term into something cringy. It's *HINDU* plain & simple. Does it itch to mention the term??? Current worshipping rituals' hardly follows Vedas FYI
@@melg6834be chill man
@@melg6834 ninguém falou com você...vá cuidar da tua vida e me deixa em paz.
When I see this particular figure of the temple I think of the negative aspects of desire and addiction. I feel the fingers and mouth were attacked by people who wanted to break their negative cycle or for someone' they loved. Perfect imagery! Her being emaciated, gaunt, and empty feels like it resembles what happens when someone spirals out of control, never to be satisfied. They must feel like another skull on her garland. Cups seem like a female symbol and with women guarding the temple , thinking this was a temple for women. The face on the head she holds is consumed by a lust unto death. Literally pulled around by the hair of his head. The larger image inside the temple makes me feel like the negative desires become more important than living a more fulfilling life. Thinking this is a perfect admonishment for those who choose this path in life.
Thank you, Praveen, for sharing your wealth of insight and helping us to observe the ancient world more closely, I've learned something, take nothing for granted on an adventure, you might miss subtle cues!
Scorpion was shown in the place of Jogulamba temple of Alampur of Telangana state. Not only that, lizard,bat etc also carved very prominently. It is a Tantra traditional temple built in the time of Chalukya Dynasty. Almost more than 1000 years ago. When I see it first time, felt amazing and speechless. What I suprise about is some common symbols are always similar all across India regarding Tantrik tradition.
5 minutes and 1K views. people are waiting for Praveen sir videos. great going.
Thank you so much 😀
Yes I noticed 1.7k views in 11 minutes, great
Watching these today gives us chills down our spine.. Imagine how it must have looked when it was carved.. 😳
Praveen mohan sir is my idol. He is a true gem of India, uncovering secrets of ancient India. Jai Hind Sir
U r absolutely right. 🙏
I need to express my appeaciation for Praven's educational aspect to the videos he presents. They provide insight to those of us who wouldn't ever understand what the temple's carvings are there for.
0:54 🕉ॐ ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डायै विच्चे।🕉🪔❤️🔥🔱🦚📿🪢🪬💐💐💐🪷💎🙏
She is also called KANKALI .she is the energy force that helps you to go beyond the desires created by our senses hence symbolically what remains after is the skeleton. An empty stomach represents desireless.scorpion represents that desires are poison, a crown of fire represents that all energy is now concentrated in attaining moksh. 🙏
In which text is all this mentioned. I would like to study it in detail.
Great explained bro
Seems related to Kali then.
Someone make this gentleman head of ASI( Archeology survey of India). Our country will prosper under Praven guidance. Keep going Praveen you are doing fantastic Job.
Praveen is remarkably the best person on this platform to give REAL, AUTHENTIC and also potraying the rich indian culture and hertiage. I would also love to know more about temples in Madhya Pradesh sir. Love you and your work! I have been watching you since 2021!! Truly indian artisans and architects were way ahead of time to preserve and show case such mystical carvings for infinite years to come getting to all this because of you sirr cant be more grateful 🙏
Thanks and regards, do help share it too
I went to temple near my home and when I saw Chamunda for the first time...i felt something different. And Praveen you are a real hero.....
I watched this video and slept. It felt like this Goddess herself told me why the little finger in her mouth with a cunning smile. It is because the way evil people do all wrong doings yet act innocent and face the world as if they are very pure and nobody seen them doing wrong to Good people. Here comes the Goddess with that gesture to tell them “look who is here and i have witnessed you and now i won’t spare you. “ ❤❤
Also i got a message in my dream where she told me not to worry she witnessed what i went through in past and now she is here to protect me❤❤. She is so motherly and nurturing if you trust her❤❤. I love you MA❤❤
India's ancient artistry STILL radiates the divinity/magic of their creation. Even through video it has a physical effect on me.
I can not even imagine the impact of being in the presence of the magical works of our gods! Thanks Praveen!
Praveen's content is always educational, inspirational and fascinating. I've been to two tantric temples in India, dedicated to the 64 Yoginis. Both temples are very powerful. But, in my experience and this is a very personal statement, even the fiercest form of the Divine can surrender to the power of love and devotion. Maybe because of my base beliefs, the Divine allowed me to experience what I was capable of understanding. I went to one of these temples during Navratri and it was a very special experience for me. India is a storehouse of incredible things.
Good lord! LMFAO! 🤣🤣🤣
These aWaKenEd fellas from foreign & the vEdiC tAnTriC cringe ( clearly, without knowing 💩 about it )
Kid, there's NOTHING called tAnTriK temple. It's ALL *HINDU TEMPLES*
Write it as it is, or...does it not suit the agenda?? 😂 Do you even know, exactly which rituals we use from the Veda & which from tantra??? NO???
Love is "maya", if its devotional love, spiritual love, that's different but conditional love between mortals have the essence of " maya" thus discarded.
Could you share the names of the two temples you have been to?
Can you tell us the temple’s, id want to visit in my next trip home
Thier are many eccentricities and differences, as well as forms of love
It's truly impressive how Praveen skillfully unpacks and presents his keen insights. The "Art of Explanation" stands out as truly one-of-a-kind.
Nothing misses your expert eye, Praveen ji. I am amazed at your observational skills. Maa Chamunda happens to be my family deity. Periodically, we visit her temple atop a hillock in the town of Chotila in Gujarat. She also adorns our home, but in the soumya (pleasant) roopa. This is the first time I am able to see her in the dreadful roopa depicted in your video and for that I thank you with gratitude. She took form to kill two demons, Chand and Mund and that explains her name, Chamunda. Her mantra is formed with of the beej words: Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaaya Viche. May Parameswara be with you in all your endeavours 🙏🙏
I am also from Gujarat brother...and I too have immense faith in maa chamunda...
Jay shree chamunda maa🙏🏼
I feel you should not write beej matra publicly. Though everything is available on the net, still these matras should be very personal.
I agree … beej masthead should not be read like normal text
જય માતાજી
Respect from Canada, thanks for all the great content. If only adults in EVERY country could get along......
when you recreated that carving and put that weird horror background music it was really terrifying to saw her closing and opening her eyes😮 Thank you praveen we are blessed to have person like you 😊 May God give you extra 100 years to explore our ancient temples
Praveen, I am a history teacher and I have found your videos to be an education in themselves. I am continually impressed by your perceptiveness in noticing small details most would miss! As for these fascinating statues, I would assume that the empty/hollow bellies would be symbolic of the way sexual appetite is insatiable, always leaving you feeling empty and needing more, a craving that cannot be filled by consuming, an eternal hunger. Keep up the good work, the world needs more thinkers like you!
My goodness I'm gone a little while and on my return I discovered you have changed my world in a most marvelous way.Thank you 😊
From being a temple explore to spiritual Guru , Thankyou pranveen anna ❤
Wow..never knew this form of Chamunda was a common deity of worship.. especially this very pose of her in skeletal form with a smile and finger in her mouth expressing shyness may be.... anyways..thank you so much for sharing this..a bit of history of the temple would have helped
Thanks for listening
Chamundeshwari main deity in Mysore Karnataka.
@@Amoghavarsha. Yes..I had the fortune of visiting that wonderful temple twice as well...but this skeletal form of Goddess Chamunda I thought was one of a kind...but as seen in the video, there are multiple such vigrahas with the same posture at different regions of Bharat
No, she is just picking up the flesh from her teeth by the help of her little finger
@@Amoghavarsha. She is different
Wow Praveen! I found this episode so extremely interesting! I really enjoy your show! Well done, and keep them coming! Just brilliant! I think that you are the only person shining a light onto the deep past of India, it's Gods and its religious iconography. Very interesting and inspiring! 🎉😊
Most welcome do keep watching and sharing.
If someone watches Praveen Mohan's entire video.....he will become an archaeologist in mindset definitely 😁
At your local kindergarten maybe.
I am learning so much from your shows thank you for all your time and knowledge invested...hope to get to India soon and I will understand your culture better❤️🙏
Praveen you will one day be a carving that we will worship! Best thing on the internet! Keep it comming love all your videos!
Two videos in a row...this is such a big treat... Keep doing the good work Praveen ji
Thank you so much 😀
Praveen aimed to familiarize his audience with Tantra/tantric practices, which are often misconceived negatively in today's society. Despite the misperceptions that Tantra may appear as a less favorable approach to spiritual enlightenment, the underlying concept remains the same 😌 - embracing both the positive and negative aspects, is what Hinduism is all about. Thank you, Prav, as always 😊
I think the Tantrics would correlate to the Gnostics of Christianity and Cabalists of Judaism ?
Nicely put ❣️
Today's society????! SPEAK FOR YOURSELF. Never knew gutkha bim(h)ari
belt 💩 can be deemed as pan-Indian
"tOdAyS sOciEtY"
I dont think so there isnt any mantra chanting in christianity
Think again, my friend. The chant is named after me, or rather me after it. Google: "Gregorian Chant"
I am very happy to read the comments section also in your video praveen.. very happy to see, people praising you for yours hardwork.. you are not a normal person.. you have gifted eyes and thoughts.. pls continue ur good work. Vazhga valamudan..
Thanks and welcome
ప్రవీణ్ గారు మీ ద్వారా చాలా ఉపయోగకరమైన మరియు ఇన్ఫర్మేటివ్ వీడియో.
Praveen Sir “ Your efforts of strengthening our Hindu traditions & culture have not gone unnoticed "
Well articulated video as always !!!
Probably those cups or container must be used to collect blood from the body of the annihilated demon, to consume it later.
Thanks and regards, do help share it too
An annihilated demon may be appropriate instead of a sacrificed person. Sacrifice is related to tantric activities, as Praveen Sir explained. Thanks to you Sir for all the informative videos concerning these archaeological monuments and ancient temples.
@@manmohandevegowda8831 Yes please you are absolutely correct, my apologies for quoting the incorrect word ie sacrificed person...
As a child i always wanted to do what praveen is doing today unfortunately my destiny was different but i am so glad that someone is living my dream of studying our history
I could find no other online site or video - even those in Hindi/Gujerati who explicitly mention Chamunda, much less the tantric nature of this splendid temple. Praveen, you are the BEST!
பிரவீன்...... உங்கள் ஆங்கில புலமையும் ஆங்கில உச்சரிப்பும் உங்கள் பதிவுகளை பார்க்க ஆசை அதிகமாகிறது..... வாழ்த்துக்கள் சகோ...... மலேசியா தமிழன்
Visited this temple last week. Saw the details with Praveen Sir’s eyes. Amazingly divine place. Felt Ma Chamunda’s loving gaze inspite her fierce form. Jai Ma…🙏
Thank you Praveen Sir for unravelling the secrets. Gave a review in Google Map citing your UA-cam video.
Why can’t we reconstruct the subshrine and broken pillars, stone carvings now?
We’ve AI, tantric scholars, iconographic interpreters like Praveen Sir. The way Praveen Sir used graphics to recreate the Charchika Mudra of Ma Chamunda at 9:45 - it will be a natural progression to the 3D domain. Using analogy from similar tantric temples in Gujarat a 3D image of the temple can be built. The strewn ruins will help in filling the gaps, some gaps have to be filled by extrapolating tantric concepts and ancient texts. Exact replication is not possible but the site will again become a thriving place for tantric Upasana. In Kaliyuga Tantra is the way to go as Vedic spirituality becomes dormant.
So nice of you!
Praveen, you are the true gem of not just India, but also this modern world
Remember the old saying... If you don't know your history, you are doomed to repeat it.
I love your videos. India is so beautiful and rich in history. I never get tired of learning about it.
Aaa PRAVEEN MOHAN! please start some sort of tours we could all join you in person….
We need to get kids to go with you..
we need everyone to go with you and experience these temples from your perspective in person!!
I visit this temple today , Its 100 km away from my home. Its very special today as Asthami of navratri. And there was yagya (prayer) going on . Thank you for this vedio.
Even when we knw ppl are destroying these BEYOND PRECIOUS ancient carvings, WHY ARE WE STILL NOT PROTECTING THEM??? What kind of hooligan would destroy such precious history is beyond me, it makes my blood boil and will make my mind uneasy for some days now.
Mr mohan, you are precious, your videos are treat for audiences and you are a fountain of knowledge which you seeked yourself without anyones help. This is a grt achievement, why why our govt is not using your skills beats me each time i see a new video 😊❤ plz keep it up!
Thank you for the update, Praveen..!! I'm sure Goddess Chamunda would be pleased that you have revived her former glory by introducing her to a lot of people around the world, and even recreated her great looks of the past. Thank you very much for the teachings as always, Praveen..!! :)
Most welcome do keep watching and sharing.
Praveen, you tell us in total detail what these statues are depicting. The most interesting stories I've ever heard. Thank you for your instruction and research. I bought a sweatshirt and a t-shirt--tee are well made.
Thank you so much 😀
Wow Praveen.. You have such an eye for details.. Its amazing to see tantra being depicted in our temples.. I was never aware of this.. Keep bringing us such details.. Its truly amazing to see such details of our ancient history.. Kudos to u!
Every ancient temple is tantric.
I feel like Im time traveling back in time in India whenever I'm here in you account Sir, Thank you! 🙏🏻
Tantra doesn’t encourage indulgence. Dakshinachari Tantra is Satvik. Only Vamachari Tantra deals with 5 Ms - Matsya (fish), Meat, Madya (wine), Mudra, Maithun (sex).
The 5 Ms have to be offered to deity by performing ritualised chanting and performing homas (fire sacrifice). Only after attaining perfection (siddhi) in Dakshinachari Marg tantrik may venture into Vamachari marg. Initiation by Guru is must.
For more details consult Rajarshi Nandy’s podcasts in TRS/Beerbiceps/Adhyatmika etc.
Anyway this clip is amazing in details- new things about Ma Chamunda I’ve learnt today. I live in Gujarat. I’ve also noticed many Shakti temples with different forms of Adyashakti (Chinnamasta) as deity along with Bhairavs and 64 Yoginis (Bhairav is). I plan to visit this temple.
Only Pashupatha and Kalamukha Shaivists follow 5 M as you have mentiioned. In north vamacharam is practiced by people who mingle with common people .We can not recognize them as we have iconic identification of our South Indian thanthrik followers. In south now a days Pashupatha and Kalamukha Shaivist sects have become extinct and vamacharam is generally practiced by a set of people who do Aapicharikam using a specific moola manthra in which they have attained siddhi , for the 6 evil means like Uchadanam, sthambhanam , Bhedhanam , maaranam etc., Nice to share with you.🙏
It's hard to get an age out of stone. Personally I think some of these temples are 30,000+ years old. Especially the building on top of other buildings. I love your work. Proveen needs a national geo channel. Or ancient alien channel. Yes, yes
Flood story is not a mistake, but a fact.
pour moi, ils ont tous été créés par ceux qui ont créé la vie sur Terre et qui guident notre évolution mentale. Ces temples nous montrent que nos créateurs possédaient des moyens très supérieurs aux notres et ils nous donnent des informations philosophiques. Je ne crois pas qu'ils ont été réalisés il y a 1200 ans. Ils doivent avoir l'âge des pyramides d'égypte.
Chamunda can be understood by orienting the Zodiac. The Great Year Alignment superimposes Virgo (Great Year) over Scorpio (Solar Year). This configuration explains her unique characteristics. For example, Chamunda is the guardian of the Southwest direction (Virgo alignment of Great Year is Southwest direction). Chamunda's belly is empty (Virgo rules the belly). Chamunda has a Scorpion usually on her belly (Virgo, ruler of the belly, is superimposed over Scorpio). Her abode is Fig Trees (Virgo is the sign of the Fig Tree), etc. Ultimately, Chamunda is symbolic of the time period when we pass below the Super Galactic Plane, the tale of Scorpio pointing to the Center of our Galaxy. When we fall below this point in the Southwest sky in approximately 14,000 years from now, we descend into depravity.
You explanation perhaps comes from astrology... But can you give some more easy way to understand this secret
@@jyotisitapure9521 The World & Time are cyclic. The Hour is a cycle. The day is a cycle. The month is a cycle. The Solar Year is a cycle. & just the same, the Great Year is a cycle. In the Solar Year, we descend below the equatorial plane & down into Fall. We "Fall Down" into the Death of Winter. The Earth loses Light & Life. Just the same, in the Galactic Year, when we descend below the Galactic Plane, we (Humanity) lose Light & Life. We "Fall" unconscious. The heavens set the conditions that manifest on this Earth, throughout countless cycles (yugas). The starry sky can be viewed as a giant celestial clock. It foretells the signs & seasons. In order to remember ourselves, our ancestors personified these divisions into deities, each with their specific defining attributes.
Very good interesting comment. I would be curious to have Najarthi Nandi’s opinion on this as both an expert on Tantra and Jodith astrology.
STOP bringing 3rd grade copied 💩 from West here. It's got NOTHING to do with these. Your so called sUn sign rant were also copied from Hindu astrology FYI 😂
One of your best videos Praveen... India traditions never cease to surprise us... absolutely fascinating... although we could not fully discover the secret meaning of the pinky....
Praveen sir is eligible for hundred plus Phds for his tremendous knowledge in archeology .
Praveen Mohan is an National treasure. It is our duty to spread these information and knowledge also to support him.
Once again, hats off to your extraordinary research on our extremely advanced ancient heritage. Our ancient temples carrying ultimate knowledge are revealed so simply by you is highly commendable. This is a God given work to you. Best Regards to you.🙏
Thanks and regards, do help share it too
Namaskarams🙏🙏🙏 This video is so profound and very beautifully explained the Devi Chamunda 🙏 The way Tantra and it's meaning with an anology of a spider is amazingly put🙏Through your videos you ARE not only bringing the Hindu culture and spiritality alive but attracting curious minds ( people) to visit these rare ancient Temples of India 🙏
Love and Respect from Bangalore 🙏
Thanks Pramila for your feedback here, it does matter to me
❤ Very proud of you Praveen Mohan. You are here to bring us all the beautiful temples and structures.
Thank you. You are a beautiful soul. keep it up 😎😎😎
Hey we have had a conversation UA-cam do you remember .
@@sagnikchatterjee2946 woo
How are you doing,??
@@kasturipillay6626 Glad, you remember . I'm not doing good nowadays because of family problems.
@@sagnikchatterjee2946 oh no.
But can be solved. As long as you are not ill. Take care.🙏 Be strong.
Life is like that. Win some, lose.some.
Watching this MAY introduce you to TANTRA...thank you Praveen for another hitter!!!!🎉 SO GOOD
Mohan Sir you single handedly gave the best Definition of Tantra I have heard or read. Also thankyou for your work. May Maa bless you❤
I always thought Chamunda was the demon of cremation and fig trees. This video is very informative!
Chamundeshwari is one of the big tempples in Karnataka
I want to go there and see for myself one day.
Most exciting history teacher Praveen mohan 😀
Im feeling proud that im hindu and everyy time want to be hindu ...forever your vedio remind me our great culture hindu dharma is gretest religion ever...
The amount of detail in the carvings is beyond amazing how the artist cut all of the carvings still amazes me keep up the education
I'm still in confusion sir that why ma chamunda kept her pinky in her mouth and give such a smile.
I'm a student of 11th grade and I'm quite engaged in your perspective, you entirely changed my perspective over temples (ancient one) .
Well! Whenever my Mom asks me of visiting a temple I will be carrying many hopes and detective mind to find 🕵🕵
Thank you for 🇮🇳🇮🇳
The pinky finger is not put there on Her lips.
It is actually Her pinkie finger nail pressed on to her teeth gaps from the side of mouth. Exactly like we would be picking our teeth with a toothpick after a meal. Naturally, it causes a grin like face but that's not smiling.
That itself is called Charchika Mudra.
Signifies her completion of meal.
Hollow stomach signifies infinite hunger.
She consumes everything but nothing stays in Her stomach.
Her infinite hunger and bottomless pit belly where nothing stays represents the continuous cycle of birth and death.
The mouth is associated with Rahu and the hollow belly with Ketu. Scorpion residence indicates the zodiac sign of Scorpio which is also lorded by Ketu.
Desire and Tyag, the two pillars of all Birth and Death
Strangely after watching devi in the video I am feeling very hungry....also I can feel she is very fierce...I am not able to withstand.
My God! Praveen! The secret thanthra shasthra practiced by the ancient people could have never be known to us unless you have explored this temple and revealed this thanrhrik worship of Chamunda. The thathvartham of this deity is explained in Adharvana vedha in detail. A fat prey for my eagle🦅! And a great information for us. Excellent Acharya! Luv U son. ❤
Daheck is tHanThra???? 🤣🤣🤣
Phlegm stuck in throat??
Watch out for too many hhhhh in your message 😉
When I started to watch the video it has approximately 12000 views but when I ended it was 14500..it shows your popularity sir.your explanation is mind blowing. I have never seen a video on devi chamunda researched so well.
When you say "Hey guys", you immediately make me feel comfort. 🥰👋🏼❤ like seeing a good friend!
Such amazing work. So much thought. So well articulated. Simply. I am a practicing Hindu, I didn't know any of this. Just so amazing.
Have been watching your clips for years, and you have been consistently outstanding. Gratitude.
Thanks a ton!
Bro please visit Chaya someshwara temple which is located in Nalgonda 100 kms faraway from Hyderabad.Speciality is temple architect in such a way as to cast a unifiedshadow (Chaya in Telugu) constantly on the lingam all through the day, irrespective of the position of the sun. Please do visit
Sure 👍
In Bengali also shadow means chaya
@@RADIUM108in Malayalam also. Chaya is a Sanskrit word
In kannada chaye
@@RealPraveenMohan eagerly waiting bro if come to Hyderabad I will take you to the temple sir
Yeah I can imagine seeing any statue smiling at me like that would scare away years of my life, but regardless excellent and brilliant work at research as always Praveen
Well said!
Truly outstanding! Thank you Praveen. Never stop!
Sir, I am always blown by your explanations of the complexity of Hindu culture, body, mind, art work, and your ability to observation. You highlight Our True Indian sculptures whose insight and understanding crafted on rocks/stones as evidence of our past Heritage. You are our Magnificent Magnifying Master. Please kindly accept respect respect respect 🙏🌹💐
I am humbled, do share it wherever possible
Chamundeshwari has become real Kannadiga in state of Karnataka. She is gentle, soft spoken and having calm and quiet appearance ❤️.
I don't know about Shiva temples in other states of India, but in Gujarat, you will always find a small idol of Goddess in a Shiva temple, behind the Shiva lingam, as showed here. So, for this temple too, it is difficult to say that the Goddess is the main deity of this temple.
Another amazing discovery by Praveen! Really nice detailed video about tantrizam
Hello and greetings from Kanab Utah 🙏... Your attention to detail is excellent. Recognizing patterns and relationships is also your strength. These are the prerequisites that allow you to have well developed critical thinking skills. Thank you for all your efforts. I wish that you can continue with your work to reveal the wisdom and knowledge that has been sequestered for many years. Respectfully, Utah Mike. 🤩👍
Vaaw super explanation about tanthric,and spritual surrender to the God thanking your valuable support brother 👍 May DAAJI blessings always with you and our family 🎊🤍🙏💐
Jai chamunda devi🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌹🥀🌺🌷🌸💮🏵️🌻🌼. awesomely explained 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Kankali mata is worshipped all over our country and also abroad if excavated. Ten mahashakti - all are in one idol here. Your information is superb Praveen. Thanks for details shown in the video.
our 10 tantrik shakti in one ie Kali, Tara, Tripura Sundari, Bhuvaneshvari, Bhairavi , Chhinnamasta, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi and Kamala. like The smile from Maa Kamla
Wow! I am fascinated with the beautiful rich history of India. I want to thank you for all your informative videos. It allows me to feel as if I am right there. 😊
Hi! If you visit Odisha 64 Yogini temple you will find Devi Chamumda carvings which is similar to this temple.
When I saw her holding Damru I knew it's a Shiva, Parvati and bhariva temple. No doubt it's a Tantric temple. Jai KaalBhairav 🙏
Thank you pravee as a American who love's history you have shown me so much you just inspire me to learn more ask questions thank you !!
Keep watching
You are doing a great service to our culture and history by bringing out and highlighting the hidden subjects.
Thanks for the visit, do help me share more
Always fascinated by your videos. Greetings from the UK
Glad you enjoyed it, Do share it with your friends' too
Wow Praveen that was so interesting. I would love to hear you talk about these thing for hours on end. Thank you 😊
If govt of India pays attention to archaeology, Ancient India and Hinduism will turn out to be older than we think.
We’re already the oldest in the third largest religion
@@92i-j9y but not recognized yet. With Praveen Sir's effort it is possible though.
For me personally this is by far some of best art work I've ever seen wow
The more we view and listen to the core purposes behind the construction of these temples, the better we understand that they were meant not only as the space of spiritual experience but as the treasure trove of knowledge