The Japanese released mongooses on an island to control the population of highly poisonous snakes. The mongooses are diurnal, but the snakes are nocturnal. And preferring easier prey, the mongooses ignored the snakes and ate everything else, including chickens.
These mosquitoes are incapable of reproduction, as in clearly made so and extremely unlikely to randomly become otherwise because of where the other mosquitoes have lived. As for weird abnormalities capable of coming to be in the clumsiness of science, it is a separate species, so the worst that could happen is odd symptoms in the mosquitoes. It is extremely unlikely to get anywhere near having any additional levels of harm to what these mosquitoes are capable of causing.
I used to be a buffet for mosquitoes. I heard it was the smell of my blood that attracted the little beasts. So, I started taking a garlic supplement (hoping to make my blood unattractive.). Since the summer of 2023, I’ve been bitten about three times. I’m no longer a buffet.
@@helensarkisian7491 His response to whatever is causing his problem is being made more effective by the garlic (i.e., it made his condition worse rather than better) so he had to stop taking it. But it was effective!
I know what you mean. I grew up in Florida and ate a diet heavy in Garlic and Onions and when at a river side or coastal area my friends would be swarmed and eaten alive while I would only get an occasional bite.
Every time our Caribbean Island is sprayed for mosquitoes due to a dengue outbreak, the coquis, water skeeter and dragonfly population is wiped out. Those creatures are our first defense against aedes aegyptus carried diseases. The mosquito population recovers far more quickly than the frogs and other insects. Insecticides create a vicious cycle. Really clear, well researched episode Red, thanks for your work.
Bats are the number one cause of rabies. In fact, rabies comes from baths which spreads to dogs, raccoons, etc. I’d take mosquitos over the bats any day. They’re just as bad to me
@@minnyle6330 Mosquitos cause more human deaths than all other animals combined. And bats causing rabies has to do with the fact that the few (.04%) that do get rabies stop flying and dogs or other animals with attack them then get bitten. Just don't pick up a downed bat and get your dog it's rabies shots.
@@stoamnyfarms LOL, you are completely wrong. A lot of rabies cases come from a flying bat because bat bites are so small that you don’t even realize that you’ve been bitten. Then when people realize, it’s too late because they are already at the late phase. And I’m saying MOST, not even some. Bats can act completely normal even with rabies.
@@stoamnyfarms not only that, while it’s not confirmed, they believe the most likely suspect of corona virus which I’m sure you heard of is because of bats. And fruit bats spread Ebola.
I love dragonflies. I had an electric-blue one land on my patiently outstretched finger as a small child and look me right in the face with its multifaceted eyes and I've been crazy for them ever since.
@@TheLonePatriotos7dh one time they landed on the antenna of the car i was riding, and refused to let go 'till we got out the car, lol. they're very cute!
I live in Frankfurt, Germany Twice a year, before and during the summer, they send out fuel trucks with two flamethrower units per truck along the big rivers and torch the watersurface near the shore along the Rhein and Main Rivers (the two biggest in the area) They also torch larger sources of still water, ponds and lakes around the outskirts of the city. Their efforts make a huge dent in the mosquito population. Very nice. Went to north germany this summer to visit family and the mosquito population there is out of controll because they dont have a program like that... Also sounds like a pretty fun job to do 😃 wielding a flamethrower and actually helping people at the same time, sign me up. Edit: Since my comment got a bit of attention, I decided to google the "Job". The men doin it are actually firefighters (ironie much?) who have to undergo a special training first. But it makes absolute sense since it's only done a few times a year, so theres no full time job in it for anybody. Also, IF anything goes sideways, they got the right people right there to take care of it
Another easy tip we do here in Florida: As you can see by this video, mosquitos use small pools of still water to lay their eggs. If you put a few drops of any oil on these bits of water - the mosquito larva can not get to the surface to breath. They die. Of course a few small fish are another good thing to add to a small decorative pond as they eat the mosquito larva.
My family has been in Florida for 10+ generations. There are stories passed down and told by locals of a time before mosquito control. This time period was horrible, mosquitos would block out the sun, not just figuratively, but literally and there is still some places in Florida that is still like this. Additionally screens on windows (they did not have access to glass panes at this point in time) would have to be replaced 1-2 times a night/week depending on the situation. They would chew through the screens and get through. During the day you had to wear long clothes all day long in 90-100 degree weather with humidity unbearable and clothes that were not the lightest. Overall if you decided to live in Florida prior to 1920 you were submitting yourself to the hell scape of no ac, no major roads, and to get anywhere you had to take a boat, which is why a lot of west Florida towns have huge city docks or remnants of them. While yes I dislike the modification of mosquitos as this poses an idea that a rogue scientists could make it into a mass disease, there's also the fact that overall this modification only affects the males, which if anyone knows basic knowledge of them they would know that only the females bite. Furthermore, everyone can do their part by emptying all water sources, reporting mosquito sightings (which will be dealt with within a few hours to a couple days ), and lastly repeating the process but with your neighbors property. You can inform them about the dangers of heartworms (which affect dogs) and will get 85-90% to act immediately.
As a physician, I’ve tested {Clove + Peppermint} and Neem oils and extracts as human smell camouflage agents. They work, as tested by sleeping naked in hot tropical Caribbean island (Grenada) weather. The test person was sprayed and rubbed with the repellents, and the periphery of the bed was sprayed with the same way nightly, resulting in No Bites from mosquitoes. Spraying around screened windows seemed to give added protection. The repellent did not repel gnats (sand flies / no-see-ums ) or spiders. The recipe is 4 Oz. Clear Rum (60% ethanol), 10 drops Clove Oil, 5 drops Peppermint Oil, mix well in spray bottle, then add 4 Oz water, mix well again. Spray on the persons and areas to protect. Test small area of skin for skin-reaction before applying to remainder of the body.
My wife had a reaction with a supposedly organic mosquito spray and ended up in the ER, she didn’t know if it was the cloves or another ingredient in the product .
The recipe is 4 Oz. Clear Rum (60% ethanol), 10 drops Clove Oil, 5 drops Peppermint Oil, is perfectly safe for anyone and would not create any kind of problems.
Thank you so much for putting this information out here today sir. May I ask how many days/nights this was tested? I noticed you mentioned neem oil but it is not included in the recipe in your post, what efficacy did neem oil have and why was it not in this recipe? Do you have any information on how these GMO mosquitos affect the dragonfly and other mosquito eating insect populations? Do you have any information regarding the GMO mosquitos ability to spread "vaccines" for "other" viruses such as the one responsible for the global shutdown two years + ago? I ask because of Bill Gates spoken desire to create "flying syringes" I thank you in advance for any information about this you can provide.
I live in Orlando, FL and since we are on a lake, we used to be swarmed with mosquitoes as soon as the sun began to set. We had a pool cage mostly so we could sit and swim outside without being bit nonstop. Then, the county decided to spray lake areas that were very populated and all the mosquitoes disappeared. In fact, when Hurricane Charley destroyed our pool cage, we didn’t replace it. Yes, the mosquitoes were gone, but so were the lightning bugs. 😢 I miss them so much. 😢
We had a lot of dragonfly larvae sheds, but I haven't seen one dragonfly. I love dragonflies, so was bummed. And these dang tiger mosquitoes are bad here.
@@jacobsmithjr ok ok but ordering some dragonfly eggs and letting those fly around a pond isn't as scary as bat guano stinking cave rodents with a habit of carrying the worst diseases known to us.
I gave the like and raised you a subscription. I love how well you deliver a message and the vouce is like if kermit the frog were yoda as a grandpa. Very soothing
They sprayed for misquotes a few years ago in lower lower Michigan. . Left stains on siding. Not many bees now. Not many Hummingbirds. Lots of misquotes!!
Here in the tampa bay fl area. They have been off the chain this year. I feel they are now, not prior to, but now don’t care about the natural oils i spray. Even the chemical based, them F’rs are killing me and my puppies outside.
That too....but, should we reallllly be messing with mother nature?! What about the rest of the food chain? Won't it mess w something somewhere?! It's not like science is without its downfalls and mistakes, I'm mean, just look at 4 short yrs ago. I'm always skeptical when gvmnt is involved in anything, I'm also getting there w science, too.
I'm a fish breeder in Sarasota, Florida and my fish babies absolutely love mosquito larvae...! I grow them, and collect some daily for my fry...! Adult fish love em too...!!! Some of my outdoor tubs and pins never get 'fed' by me because of the mosquito larvae and other bugs...!!! Gambusia are the "mosquito fish" that are still used along the Gulf Coast and, at least in Florida, are given to residents for free...!!!
@@loriesoliwoda-truong do you understand how DNA is transferred? If you could eat something and it changes your DNA we would all have kids that look like pigs, cows, bugs ect.
It worked with the tsetse flies. They bred and released them. They were all sterile. The wild flies would breed with the sterile ones and not reproduce. The kept doing it till now you can’t find any more tsetse flies.
@@earlinejackson8151 that is what They Said “”. I quit believing them long ago. In the Vietnamese war They said we’ the Americans were not on the ground involved’ then a friend from school cam him to recover from being shot ‘ my naïveté took a dive and did not come back
The mosquitoes are males that CAN'T BITE, and contain an enzyme that destroys female eggs. From an article about the mosquitoes: The mosquitoes were developed by Oxitec, a UK-based biotechnology firm. They are male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that don't bite and carry a gene that kills female mosquito larvae. Purpose The goal of the project is to reduce the number of mosquitoes that carry diseases like Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever.
They can't bite, they are meant to lower the population by breeding with non modified females to pass the gene to the offspring to lower the population to lower the rates of death caused from disease.
i used to get an itchy whitish bump from a mosquito bite. Now i get red angry welts that scab over and don't heal for a week or more. And a headache. I've HAD malaria, a long time ago as a kid. Either i got allergic to them or the mosquitoes are different kinds of toxic, anymore.
These new mosquitos will spread Malaria faster and at a more alarming rate. Your already immune body (since you've had it once before) will fight it off hopefully. There's been right now cases of Malaria in Florida
I’m in NC and I’ve never had problems with mosquitos biting me UNTIL THIS YEAR! We have these tiger mosquitos the past few months I’ve never seen before and they are 3x the size of the regular spotted ones we have, they’re super aggressive and their bites HURT! I go outside to my garden to pick basil and they come out of the basil bush (usually basil repels insects) and I look down to see 6 on each of my legs! It’s crazy! And mosquito spraying by the pros costs about $80/month. I can’t afford that, but next year we will be spraying ourself!
I was recently down in middle GA and had these big armored mosquitos piercing my thick clothing and it hurt. And I had to really try to crush them. Not like the mosquitos all around the southeast I’ve seen the last four decades.
Oxitech is U.S.-owned, and their bills are paid by the local and state government contracts they receive for their experiments... In fact, their best customer is Desantis 🤣
@@KONTRAone WEF is US based, but also Globally Based. They consist of a collective of the Wealthiest People in the World and have Ownership and Control over Thousands of Companies and Organizations from Industry and Field.
as someone who's allergic to mosquito stings i'm terrified of people releasing that many of those evil tiny buggers. it's not life threatening but 1 sting can become huge (like 4cm((1,5 inches)) in diameter max and they swell up quite a bit). if i get a sting on my arm my whole arm gets itchy and feels as if it's on fire, that arm will also feel quite a lot warmer than the rest of my body. and if i get stung a lot it can give me a fever. been bitten mutliple times on my face and it swells up so much that i couldn't even open my eye for a few days. a sting on my hand? well can't move those fingers for the next days. I would love if they could modify them so they won't bite humans but that seems like a utopia which will never happen. it's nice that they can prevent spread of diseases this way but i'll only be happy once those buggers finally leave me alone whenever it isn't winter. Can't enjoy sitting outside because i'll get stung in no time and have to suffer the next few days. luckily it's almost winter so i'll have a few months of not having to worry about them.
Except for the fact that we’ve been doing it for centuries you ever wonder why you don’t get malaria in the us it’s because they eradicated all infected mosquitoes in the entire country sure the methods were horrible but it ended up saving lots of lives also what about selective breeding and farming the only reason you and me are alive is because our fellow humans “messed with Mother Nature” simply messing with something doesn’t guarantee a bad outcome throughout history it’s been mostly good outcomes we just like to focus on negative outcomes because of some psychological reason
@@andrew6464 And they also bring in predatory insects to fix another problem and create another problem because the introduced insects do not have a predator to eat them. Maybe the Malaria one was good. I'll give you that, but the gmo things and artificial additives, plants, animals ect. There are plenty of examples. There are plenty of accidental introductions too. Brought in from plant nurseries, ornimentals, on imported produce, brought over hitching rides on cargo.
Purple Martins eat mosquitoes by the thousands daily, but they need special bird houses. My neighbor in WV had a purple Martin house and it was amazing to watch the Martins eat mosquitoes . I never got a mosquito bite when living there 20 yrs ago.
It's because they don't infect them with the wolbachia bacteria to get rid of them. They are making the Mosquitos more resistant to repellants and other things. They are making them live longer. And infecting them with Malaria. There have been right now already cases of malaria in Florida due to Bill Gates plan it's gonna be on a massive scale.
I remember when they said introducing the carp to a river in the south would be a good idea. Now every time you take a boat ride you get slapped by a fish 😂😅
i think a lot of them are not deliberate they had problem with giant snails getting introduced it was from ships sucking in water for ballast when unloading cargo then dumping the ballast water in another port with eggs, fish and animals in the water.
Chicago is spending a couple million a year on an electric fence to protect the carp from getting into the great lakes. The carp have been seen in lake erie., Chicago is on lake Michigan...
@@TBonerton my daughter went to college near Erie PA so they took trips up to lake for a class went out on a boat and shocked fish then netted them to check populations they found all kinds of stupid invasive fish people throw out their goldfish when it gets too big and it turns into a giant foot long fat goldfish in the lake the get rid of the invasive fish they find but it is a tiny number compared to the whole lake.
Then we will need to release a bunch of frogs to eat the dragonflys, hawks to eat the frogs, and apes to eat the hawks. It's not cold in Florida, so the apes won't die off in the winter making this an non-viable solution.
The mosquitoes released by a bio company, these mosquitoes carry a gene that prevents their female offspring from surviving to adulthood. Only female mosquitoes bite and spread diseases, so by reducing the number of females, the overall mosquito population should decline over time
I was skeptical when the video started and you sitting there looking like a conspiracy theorist. But after watching the full video I am now a big fan! Great video! You gave every side and why they would publish the results they did and your opinion on the results. Awesome video! Keep it up!
Interesting video but there was a curious absence of one particular individual who has been breeding and modifying misquitos for some time - Bill Gates. Question EVERYTHING.
@@carolyn1931 logic is harder to accept when one is pessimistic/uniformed. If you’re inclined to question everything, it’s harder to accept the truth and easier to be an obstructionist. That’s all I meant.
just like the polio vaccine after the first year they stopped calling it that they just made new names for it they are liars they are not going to help anyone but their pockets
We have bats and few mosquitoes. I never kill a spider in or outdoors (none of ours are toxic) so we rarely have a problem, except for the West Nile which apparently bites all day in the sunshine rather than only coming out at night. I’m in California. I do have a next-door neighbor who is very cavalier about letting things fill up with water, but bats and spiders seem to be up to the task.
Seriously. What's to stop someone evil from creating and releasing their own generically modified mosquito to increase a pandemic's spread? Scary possibilities.
We've had GMO flies, mosquitos, ticks and who knows what else dumped here in Colorado. Huge piles of weird buds with 2 heads, too many legs, no wings, and other icky modifications. What else are they doing this to? This is not normal. This is not cool. This is horrid.
Florida has been doing this recently over the spray control and so far it seems to be working. I can’t even begin to explain how bad mosquitos used to get before intervention. But the craziest thing I ever saw was an old projector film of what my town in Florida looked like back in the early 1900s. When there was NO intervention at all. A person was out on their screen porch and they set there hand on the screen while they were talking. About 2 minutes later he took his hand away and there was a dark outline of mosquitoes in the perfect shape of a hand. That mess seemed like a nightmare. Thank goodness I live in the future. For the future is RIGHT NOW!
Walter Reed of the US Army Medical Corps sprayed the heck out of Florida to kill mosquitoes and reduce malaria. Until he did, coastal Florida was unsafe for human habitation. Only a few tiny villages existed on the coasts. Now, the coasts are rather popular. Mosquitoes are obviously still there, but not in the numbers they were.
@@francesmorton7183 LMAO!! yeah me too! I moved here in 87 and can remember when they barely did anything to combat the mosquitos. Back then we had lightning bugs and those big golden orb weaver banana spiders that would come ever summer. But then when they started the spraying with the trucks and crop dusters (the crop dusters would spray our big canals that fed all the orange fields, which always made me wonder if that was getting into the citrus because they used that water to irrigate the groves.) all the big spiders and lightning bugs disappeared. I can remember vividly going out into the forests in summer with mason jars and catching dozens of lightning bugs with my friends. We would get 30 or 40 a piece. Then we would bring them back to our homes in the city and let them go in our yards because they only stayed in the wooded areas. Then they disappeared practically over night. When I asked my parents why they thought maybe it was the spray, even though it wasn’t meant for them. I was like 8 when I started catching them and then 12 when they disappeared and it was the first time I realized the spray could have adverse affects on other animals. I then asked myself if having lightning bugs was worth dealing with the mosquitos and after I had a bad camping trip one summer when it was ruined by mosquitos, I understood you had to take the good with he bad.
@@marksnyder8022 I wonder if he was the one who started the program. Because when you go into areas where they do not treat and are far from areas that do (theres some camping areas in the middle of the state like in Ocala and some other ones in near the Everglades) not only are the mosquitos like Alfred Hitchcock nightmare bad, but so are all the other flying insects. You need a bug veil at night. Grocery stores and restaurants do not have lights near their entrances and big air curtains that blow intense air at an angle to keep flying insects from coming inside. It can seriously get horror movie insane at certain high points in the summer.
I believe these were released here in Dayton, Ohio. Very small mosquitos with a big bad bite showed up this year, for the first time ever. And yes they do cause a violent reaction when they bite, spreading over a large area around the bites, always finding a blood vein, superficial supply.
California has ones like that. I call them poodles because they only get ankles. I’m in Hawaii right now and have been here for two weeks and not one bite. My home in California is desert like. Go figure. I can’t wait for winter so I can put long pants on. I’m not really a fan of global trading because that’s how they got here.
Yeall be careful of these mosquitos spreading malaria. Better yet get malaria medication for the future because these mosquitos are a sure way of spreading it far and wide all across the US. They are also cold resistant.
Here in the Dallas Metropolitan Area of Texas we have those exact mosquitoes as well. I just recently moved from far up North and have never seen ones so small in my life! I was bit multiple times and it left HUGE welts all over my arm which got so bad I have visible scar tissue from where the bites were.
i think the problem with genetic engineering isnt that its dangerous or irresponsible, but that genetic engineering REQUIRES a lot of caution and responsibility, which not a lot of humans have.
Well how do you like that? Recently here in Florida we have been warned of growing risk of malaria, dengue fever and all the rest of the mosquito bite maladies.A coincidence?
I know thats the number of gods people who are going to heaven. But let's come up with a reason why that number for the masquitos. What does the elite think that will happen if it's that exact number.
Right now we have dengue fever in Pasco county Florida. So anyone who would disapprove of experiments like this has never seen somebody they care about with yellow fever or malaria.
Maybe stop bringing folks into the country as illegal aliens from areas from the subtropical regions that are rife with such afflictions. There are a lot of diseases previously eradicated in this country that have been brought back in by unchecked illegal immigration.
I live in Florida and I’ve been noticing these tiger mosquitoes, they look like they’re on steroids and yes they bite thru clothing can’t even relax outside once the wind dies down they come out and attack 🤙 Aloha
All I know is I’ve been telling everyone since 2021 that every 20th mosquito bite I get the blisters up. I have a neighbor that the same thing happens to her. I live in Central Florida. I get bitten a lot and I’m allergic to bug spray you wear. This is the first I’ve heard of this. Same year started though.
This concept has been talked about for a long time. Interesting to see it's actually being put into practice. The biggest unknown issue with doing this is the greater impact of the food chain on larger insects and animals that then eventually impacts humans.
These lab-grown Aedes aegypti mosquitoes would be released into the wild to mate with the wild population - where their offspring's inability to grow to adulthood would lower the population of mosquitoes
Yeah, except the data shows that there was no way they could guarantee there were not females with the males. Also Fauci also hinted at this as a delivery method for vaccines. So get vaxed without consent?! Trust your government they always have your best intentions and would never lie, deceive, and/or knowingly manipulate data and create false claims/circumstances.
This is outrageous. Since petitions don't work, perhaps a Florida attorneys can take on a case like that, that would demend to stop this from any further mosquito releases. Maybe even several attorneys should collaborate on a case as such.
It only affects one species, from the scientific perspective there is no reason to worry about. People need to take a science class before making outrageous claim. It is the same level of ignorance as people screaming about ban abortion in the US. The Constitution does not allow it.
Neither do I, but I think I would prefer GMO skeeters as opposed to spraying a bunch of poison all over the place. And the poison/repellant comes from where exactly?
I don’t trust you either but when news & entertainment sources give you a million reasons not to trust anyone, you just have to fight through that for the greater good.
@@Danimalpm1Lmao. Didn't we do that whole "greater good" thing in 2020 and end up with the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history and a string of "mysterious" increases in heart disease, cancer, etc? I'm almost starting to think "the greater good" is just a mantra spoken by those who want the peasants to be comfortable being ruled over and exploited... Nah! No way!
Im in Tn east of Nashville, last few days ive notice mosquitoes in mid day, big ones landing on me, i thought they seemed out of place and larger than usual. Odd.
That’s just a law by nature. sure jurassic park is famous for it, but we’ve known it for years. but hey if this works, they’ll run themselves into extinction
i remember moving to Fl in like 2009 and every just being like "oh yeah don't mind the love bugs, they're all over the place just ignore them". That was a gmo disaster.
@@coppertopv365 yeah they don't synthesize new organisms they MODIFY, GENETICALLY, an ORGANISM that exists already. GMO. What don't you get back about that? You think biologists can just create something brand new? They modified the lovebugs to supposedly eat mosquitos iirc, and they didn't, but they were extremely prolific because they were released all over the place and found something else to eat.
Know what else keeps mosquitoes (ticks and pretty much all bugs) away..RAW GARLIC. Crush 1-2 cloves, wait 5-10min and swallow. Do this about 15-20mins before going out. It works SO well. We are infested w mosquitos and ticks. I do this w my granddaughters before they go outside to play. If we happen to forget they get ate up, but as long as we don't they come back same as they went out. Its quite amazing really. Bonus..the garlic is SO good for you in so many ways as well. Win, win!
There is no possbile way there could be any problems. No lessons learned from genetic modification from Cov-19, nobody was prosecuted and no one was punished for that. Same will happen with genetically modified mosquitos.
Do you want to know the story about the petition? Mila DeMeir, my best friend and I started a group called the Florida keys environmental coalition. She's the driving force getting those signatures and she was killed in a swimming pool while she was trying to give him to the FDA. The first trip she took they lost all of the signatures. This was the second trip and she drowned in a pool. They said it was a seizure but she was my best friend when she had a seizure. She knew 30 minutes beforehand. She would not have been in a pool without any cameras on it to boot. She called me the night before she wanted me to come with her. I couldn't go. She told me that she felt like someone was following her that if anything happened to, it was foul Play. I reported that to the police and I reported to her family and they said to shut up and not cause any problems because it was a natural death.
oh they know what they are doing its time china wants their land your government sold out from under you this just makes it easier for them sick people wont fight
Yeah, they never ask permission when doing uncontrolled experiments in,on,or around the General Public. This could have been tested rigorously ina 1300m2 compound, apparently.🙄🙄
@@filthy_hands9909 Because as we can see from the people in the video and lots of these comments the public are utterly stupid. A person can be smart, but people in a group might as well be vegetables, they will follow the biggest mouth.
One can build simple bat boxes and fasten them up in trees or on poles -the bats will come- each bat eats 6 times their weight each day. Cannot go wrong with natural nature.
6:26 nobody has stopped being bit in Florida. Last time they tried this there was a Zika outbreak on South America. This isn't going to work, ever. In the words of a fictional mathematician. Life finds a way.
19:03 "take away all mosquitos and something worse might come along". This type of action in the animal world always amazed me. How does a new creature suddenly "appear"? It does happen! I believe it may be related to the simulation theory...
@@GnosticNinja the video literally discussed this. The gene was shown in tests to last only a few generations, so there is little chance they accidently eradicate the entire species as eventually the gene will no longer exist in their population and subsequent generations will return to their normal life-cycle patterns. But also, this species represents only 4% of the entire mosquito population in Florida. Given that, as mentioned, a number of scientists believe we could eradicate every single mosquito on the entire planet without suffering any significant ecological consequences, anyone who puts in just a little bit of effort could come to the conclusion that culling a portion of a species of mosquito, representing a fairly tiny portion of the total mosquito population, to a measured degree, temporarily, would likely have almost no long-term impact. Nothing is going to die off because a) 96-99% of this specific food source still exists, and b) we've yet to find a single animal on earth where saying "their food source" in reference to mosquitos is grammatically correct as there isnt a single one that exclusively feeds on mosquitos. Im gonna fix your sentence, everyone just imagine he said this instead: "Other creatures continue to live on as they otherwise would have as a small drop in a porportionally small portion of the entire population of just one of their many food sources is not significant enough to affect them in any tangible way both at present, in the near-future, and for many generations to come. Also, and this is unrelated, but a few days ago I accidentily came in my own shorts when I overheard a girl pronounce the word 'shuriken' correctly, then tried to explain my messy shorts were from me spilling my gogurt all over my crotch when i realized a bunch of people witnessed it. Couldn't explain while i was bricked up unfortunatly. Anyway, Im @GnosticNinja just in case you forgot, thanks"
It sounds like it can be promising. And seems to check out. However as much as we like to say trust the science, Scientists are still subjected to money, and yes men. And least not forget things like Killer Bees, Covied, and how often anytime humans mess with nature, she punches back 100 fold.
Dragonflies eat mosquitos!? I love Dragonflies even more!!
Look into the dragonfly larvae close and personal. Beasts to those mosquito larvae++
Dragonflies eat any small insects.
They are the most beautiful of natures creations.
Dragon flies are the good fairies of the insect world.
They are voracious mosquito eaters,especially as larva,they eat tons of mosquito larva while they are both living in water.
The Japanese released mongooses on an island to control the population of highly poisonous snakes. The mongooses are diurnal, but the snakes are nocturnal. And preferring easier prey, the mongooses ignored the snakes and ate everything else, including chickens.
I just saw that yesterday on here! I’m impressed how they actually got ‘em
all afterwards!
are you telling me that there are frigen night snake?!
Sloppy scientist who fail to acquire the variables are a problem.
These mosquitoes are incapable of reproduction, as in clearly made so and extremely unlikely to randomly become otherwise because of where the other mosquitoes have lived. As for weird abnormalities capable of coming to be in the clumsiness of science, it is a separate species, so the worst that could happen is odd symptoms in the mosquitoes. It is extremely unlikely to get anywhere near having any additional levels of harm to what these mosquitoes are capable of causing.
Happened in Hawaii I thought..
I used to be a buffet for mosquitoes. I heard it was the smell of my blood that attracted the little beasts. So, I started taking a garlic supplement (hoping to make my blood unattractive.). Since the summer of 2023, I’ve been bitten about three times. I’m no longer a buffet.
Yes but it amps up the immune system so I could not continue taking g because of autoimmune disease. It works great.
@@warriormamma8098 I’m sorry, I’m a bit confused. A garlic supplement makes your autoimmune response worse?
@@helensarkisian7491 His response to whatever is causing his problem is being made more effective by the garlic (i.e., it made his condition worse rather than better) so he had to stop taking it. But it was effective!
I know what you mean. I grew up in Florida and ate a diet heavy in Garlic and Onions and when at a river side or coastal area my friends would be swarmed and eaten alive while I would only get an occasional bite.
Yes. Garlic and Vitamin B Supplements absolutely help to fight off Mosquitoes.
Every time our Caribbean Island is sprayed for mosquitoes due to a dengue outbreak, the coquis, water skeeter and dragonfly population is wiped out. Those creatures are our first defense against aedes aegyptus carried diseases.
The mosquito population recovers far more quickly than the frogs and other insects.
Insecticides create a vicious cycle.
Really clear, well researched episode Red, thanks for your work.
I live in the middle of nowhere with lots of bats, so almost no mosquitoes. They are not the heroes I deserved but the heroes I needed.
Bats are the number one cause of rabies. In fact, rabies comes from baths which spreads to dogs, raccoons, etc. I’d take mosquitos over the bats any day. They’re just as bad to me
@@minnyle6330 Mosquitos cause more human deaths than all other animals combined. And bats causing rabies has to do with the fact that the few (.04%) that do get rabies stop flying and dogs or other animals with attack them then get bitten. Just don't pick up a downed bat and get your dog it's rabies shots.
They gave me work from home for 3 years I like them
@@stoamnyfarms LOL, you are completely wrong. A lot of rabies cases come from a flying bat because bat bites are so small that you don’t even realize that you’ve been bitten. Then when people realize, it’s too late because they are already at the late phase. And I’m saying MOST, not even some. Bats can act completely normal even with rabies.
@@stoamnyfarms not only that, while it’s not confirmed, they believe the most likely suspect of corona virus which I’m sure you heard of is because of bats. And fruit bats spread Ebola.
I love dragonflies.
I had an electric-blue one land on my patiently outstretched finger as a small child and look me right in the face with its multifaceted eyes and I've been crazy for them ever since.
I love dragonflies tOo.
A very cool bug.
They like the antenna on my car❣️👍
they are very pretty
they do bite too
I'm that way about the Praying Mantis.
@@TheLonePatriotos7dh one time they landed on the antenna of the car i was riding, and refused to let go 'till we got out the car, lol. they're very cute!
I live in Frankfurt, Germany
Twice a year, before and during the summer, they send out fuel trucks with two flamethrower units per truck along the big rivers and torch the watersurface near the shore along the Rhein and Main Rivers (the two biggest in the area)
They also torch larger sources of still water, ponds and lakes around the outskirts of the city.
Their efforts make a huge dent in the mosquito population.
Very nice.
Went to north germany this summer to visit family and the mosquito population there is out of controll because they dont have a program like that...
Also sounds like a pretty fun job to do 😃 wielding a flamethrower and actually helping people at the same time, sign me up.
Edit: Since my comment got a bit of attention, I decided to google the "Job".
The men doin it are actually firefighters (ironie much?) who have to undergo a special training first.
But it makes absolute sense since it's only done a few times a year, so theres no full time job in it for anybody. Also, IF anything goes sideways, they got the right people right there to take care of it
let them give you some of these because we had no problems before this started they made the problem not one case of anything until they released them
Another easy tip we do here in Florida: As you can see by this video, mosquitos use small pools of still water to lay their eggs. If you put a few drops of any oil on these bits of water - the mosquito larva can not get to the surface to breath. They die. Of course a few small fish are another good thing to add to a small decorative pond as they eat the mosquito larva.
My neighbor puts tadpoles in all his potted plants and small water pools. Brings them down.
& they Kill a massive amount of beneficial bugs in doing so. Not so good.
Occupation: Flamenwafter
My family has been in Florida for 10+ generations. There are stories passed down and told by locals of a time before mosquito control. This time period was horrible, mosquitos would block out the sun, not just figuratively, but literally and there is still some places in Florida that is still like this. Additionally screens on windows (they did not have access to glass panes at this point in time) would have to be replaced 1-2 times a night/week depending on the situation. They would chew through the screens and get through. During the day you had to wear long clothes all day long in 90-100 degree weather with humidity unbearable and clothes that were not the lightest. Overall if you decided to live in Florida prior to 1920 you were submitting yourself to the hell scape of no ac, no major roads, and to get anywhere you had to take a boat, which is why a lot of west Florida towns have huge city docks or remnants of them.
While yes I dislike the modification of mosquitos as this poses an idea that a rogue scientists could make it into a mass disease, there's also the fact that overall this modification only affects the males, which if anyone knows basic knowledge of them they would know that only the females bite. Furthermore, everyone can do their part by emptying all water sources, reporting mosquito sightings (which will be dealt with within a few hours to a couple days ), and lastly repeating the process but with your neighbors property. You can inform them about the dangers of heartworms (which affect dogs) and will get 85-90% to act immediately.
Thank you I never felt like I got the answer to the question why is storms coming to Florida
I just think it’s funny that Floridians would rather be dosed in pesticide and mosquito fog than GMO mosquitoes.
As a physician, I’ve tested {Clove + Peppermint} and Neem oils and extracts as human smell camouflage agents. They work, as tested by sleeping naked in hot tropical Caribbean island (Grenada) weather. The test person was sprayed and rubbed with the repellents, and the periphery of the bed was sprayed with the same way nightly, resulting in No Bites from mosquitoes. Spraying around screened windows seemed to give added protection. The repellent did not repel gnats (sand flies / no-see-ums ) or spiders.
The recipe is 4 Oz. Clear Rum (60% ethanol), 10 drops Clove Oil, 5 drops Peppermint Oil, mix well in spray bottle, then add 4 Oz water, mix well again. Spray on the persons and areas to protect. Test small area of skin for skin-reaction before applying to remainder of the body.
My wife had a reaction with a supposedly organic mosquito spray and ended up in the ER, she didn’t know if it was the cloves or another ingredient in the product .
@@davidingram1016that can happen with any food product or herb.
As a physician, you should know how wildly unscientific your methodology is.
The recipe is 4 Oz. Clear Rum (60% ethanol), 10 drops Clove Oil, 5 drops Peppermint Oil, is perfectly safe for anyone and would not create any kind of problems.
Thank you so much for putting this information out here today sir. May I ask how many days/nights this was tested? I noticed you mentioned neem oil but it is not included in the recipe in your post, what efficacy did neem oil have and why was it not in this recipe? Do you have any information on how these GMO mosquitos affect the dragonfly and other mosquito eating insect populations? Do you have any information regarding the GMO mosquitos ability to spread "vaccines" for "other" viruses such as the one responsible for the global shutdown two years + ago? I ask because of Bill Gates spoken desire to create "flying syringes" I thank you in advance for any information about this you can provide.
I live in Orlando, FL and since we are on a lake, we used to be swarmed with mosquitoes as soon as the sun began to set. We had a pool cage mostly so we could sit and swim outside without being bit nonstop. Then, the county decided to spray lake areas that were very populated and all the mosquitoes disappeared. In fact, when Hurricane Charley destroyed our pool cage, we didn’t replace it. Yes, the mosquitoes were gone, but so were the lightning bugs. 😢 I miss them so much. 😢
Tinkering with nature, what could go wrong?
Terrible trade off! They've mostly killed off the lightning bugs here too by all the spraying
I've lived in the Tampa area for 26 years. Never once saw a lightning bug.
You can import lightning bugs from the internet
That made me sad for you
Wherever I see a lot of dragonflies, I seldom have a mosquito issue.
Exactly! Create dragonfly sanctuary around your home to bring them in and bye-bye mosquitos
They get rid of wasps too.
We had a lot of dragonfly larvae sheds, but I haven't seen one dragonfly. I love dragonflies, so was bummed. And these dang tiger mosquitoes are bad here.
Bats eat mosquitos too
@@jacobsmithjr ok ok but ordering some dragonfly eggs and letting those fly around a pond isn't as scary as bat guano stinking cave rodents with a habit of carrying the worst diseases known to us.
I gave the like and raised you a subscription. I love how well you deliver a message and the vouce is like if kermit the frog were yoda as a grandpa. Very soothing
No side effects was also what scientists said regarding a mandate
That would be hilarious if not sadly true 😢
@@teresajeno6601 I know you may not be able to sue Pfizermensch but you can sue who fired you or bullied you.
They said the same thing for covid
Playing God never works out well.
They sprayed for misquotes a few years ago in lower lower Michigan. . Left stains on siding. Not many bees now. Not many Hummingbirds. Lots of misquotes!!
Increased wasps. I been stung a million times. Skeeters too. And spiders.
Dumb scientists!
Here in the tampa bay fl area. They have been off the chain this year. I feel they are now, not prior to, but now don’t care about the natural oils i spray. Even the chemical based, them F’rs are killing me and my puppies outside.
@@vWaLLBangzand yet no yellow fever?hmm
Man I hate it when people misquote things.
Peoples outrage can be summed up to one quote, "Transparency is important."
From a GATES? That won't happen
And southerners are anti science conspiracy theorists.
Source: I live in the south
Assuming they are smart enough. You got a lot of the government is trying to control us people.
That too....but, should we reallllly be messing with mother nature?! What about the rest of the food chain? Won't it mess w something somewhere?! It's not like science is without its downfalls and mistakes, I'm mean, just look at 4 short yrs ago. I'm always skeptical when gvmnt is involved in anything, I'm also getting there w science, too.
Science is controlled by politicians because that is where the Funding and Grants come from .
Fun fact: the like buttons glow when he says this 😲 1:08
Wow. You're right.
Yeah, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen this, but why did they do it?
Insider, and he seems pro GM mosquito, seems like a reptillian channel
@@raphaelward1711 you act like most things you consume aren’t Genetically Modified
I'm a fish breeder in Sarasota, Florida and my fish babies absolutely love mosquito larvae...! I grow them, and collect some daily for my fry...! Adult fish love em too...!!! Some of my outdoor tubs and pins never get 'fed' by me because of the mosquito larvae and other bugs...!!! Gambusia are the "mosquito fish" that are still used along the Gulf Coast and, at least in Florida, are given to residents for free...!!!
Mosquito fish have been supplied free in San Diego CA since my father was alive, and he died in 2003.
But if the fish eat the genetically modified mosquitos...
@@loriesoliwoda-truong They'll turn into fish poop...
@@loriesoliwoda-truong Indeed! Sadly most people are totally clueless.
@@loriesoliwoda-truong do you understand how DNA is transferred? If you could eat something and it changes your DNA we would all have kids that look like pigs, cows, bugs ect.
It worked with the tsetse flies. They bred and released them. They were all sterile. The wild flies would breed with the sterile ones and not reproduce. The kept doing it till now you can’t find any more tsetse flies.
Careful.. around these parts folks don't like facts.
@@krashd There is a big difference between selective breeding and GMO!
@@earlinejackson8151 that is what They Said “”. I quit believing them long ago. In the Vietnamese war They said we’ the Americans were not on the ground involved’ then a friend from school cam him to recover from being shot ‘ my naïveté took a dive and did not come back
@@usamachinistHaha, how do you think they sterilized the tsetse flies.😂😂
@@CarlosLopez-eg9imspecies of bacteria can have that effect on specific insects apparently
0:42 buddy even if they weren't genetically modified, breeding and releasing mosquitoes is evil.
The mosquitos were modified to control the population and stop them spreading disease.
The mosquitoes are males that CAN'T BITE, and contain an enzyme that destroys female eggs.
From an article about the mosquitoes:
The mosquitoes were developed by Oxitec, a UK-based biotechnology firm. They are male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that don't bite and carry a gene that kills female mosquito larvae.
The goal of the project is to reduce the number of mosquitoes that carry diseases like Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and yellow fever.
@@thethirdchimpanzeebill gates spying in the chat 👹👺
They can't bite, they are meant to lower the population by breeding with non modified females to pass the gene to the offspring to lower the population to lower the rates of death caused from disease.
i used to get an itchy whitish bump from a mosquito bite. Now i get red angry welts that scab over and don't heal for a week or more. And a headache. I've HAD malaria, a long time ago as a kid. Either i got allergic to them or the mosquitoes are different kinds of toxic, anymore.
These new mosquitos will spread Malaria faster and at a more alarming rate. Your already immune body (since you've had it once before) will fight it off hopefully. There's been right now cases of Malaria in Florida
This video left out Who is doing the research... this goes deep
I know there is a Brazilian company that genetically modified mosquitoes
Isn’t bill gates funding a lot of the research?
It is Bill Gates. It was on the news when they released them.
what happens when these "non populating" traits are passed onto the people who are "bitten"?
@@randomxaos absolutely nothing
I’m in NC and I’ve never had problems with mosquitos biting me UNTIL THIS YEAR! We have these tiger mosquitos the past few months I’ve never seen before and they are 3x the size of the regular spotted ones we have, they’re super aggressive and their bites HURT! I go outside to my garden to pick basil and they come out of the basil bush (usually basil repels insects) and I look down to see 6 on each of my legs! It’s crazy! And mosquito spraying by the pros costs about $80/month. I can’t afford that, but next year we will be spraying ourself!
I was recently down in middle GA and had these big armored mosquitos piercing my thick clothing and it hurt. And I had to really try to crush them. Not like the mosquitos all around the southeast I’ve seen the last four decades.
More than likely they are Asian Tiger Mosquitos. They are vicious and bite in broad daylight and can bite through clothing .
That’s crazy I just started seeing the same mosquitoes and I thought it was wasp at first..I live in NC to
I heard NC has been a release point for these aggressive mos for several yrs. God bless. Evil folks out there
Try mixing up rosemary with some warm water and let it set then spray it on you. They don’t like rosemary.
The Biotech Company is Owned and the Bills are paid by the WEF. So nefarious is not far off.
Oxitech is U.S.-owned, and their bills are paid by the local and state government contracts they receive for their experiments...
In fact, their best customer is Desantis 🤣
@@KONTRAone WEF is US based, but also Globally Based. They consist of a collective of the Wealthiest People in the World and have Ownership and Control over Thousands of Companies and Organizations from Industry and Field.
@@OleDirtyMacSanchez that's not really quite what you said though is it... slippery...
as someone who's allergic to mosquito stings i'm terrified of people releasing that many of those evil tiny buggers. it's not life threatening but 1 sting can become huge (like 4cm((1,5 inches)) in diameter max and they swell up quite a bit). if i get a sting on my arm my whole arm gets itchy and feels as if it's on fire, that arm will also feel quite a lot warmer than the rest of my body. and if i get stung a lot it can give me a fever.
been bitten mutliple times on my face and it swells up so much that i couldn't even open my eye for a few days. a sting on my hand? well can't move those fingers for the next days.
I would love if they could modify them so they won't bite humans but that seems like a utopia which will never happen. it's nice that they can prevent spread of diseases this way but i'll only be happy once those buggers finally leave me alone whenever it isn't winter. Can't enjoy sitting outside because i'll get stung in no time and have to suffer the next few days. luckily it's almost winter so i'll have a few months of not having to worry about them.
You can't fool with mother nature. When they do, they always cause another problem. Will they never learn.-John's wife
I do feel that we will learn to govern weather here on our planet.
It will be wonderful for all people.
Except for the fact that we’ve been doing it for centuries you ever wonder why you don’t get malaria in the us it’s because they eradicated all infected mosquitoes in the entire country sure the methods were horrible but it ended up saving lots of lives also what about selective breeding and farming the only reason you and me are alive is because our fellow humans “messed with Mother Nature” simply messing with something doesn’t guarantee a bad outcome throughout history it’s been mostly good outcomes we just like to focus on negative outcomes because of some psychological reason
@@andrew6464 And they also bring in predatory insects to fix another problem and create another problem because the introduced insects do not have a predator to eat them. Maybe the Malaria one was good. I'll give you that, but the gmo things and artificial additives, plants, animals ect. There are plenty of examples. There are plenty of accidental introductions too. Brought in from plant nurseries, ornimentals, on imported produce, brought over hitching rides on cargo.
Watching this while Im sick with dengue hits different
I’m sorry to hear that, how are you doing? Are you on the upswing?
The don’t call it break bone fever for nothing. I’ve had it. Like the flu but with the worst debilitating body aches, right?
Hope you come right soon
How you feel better, do hot baths help with the body aches?
I hope you get well soon. Sorry anyone goes through this.
Purple Martins eat mosquitoes by the thousands daily, but they need special bird houses. My neighbor in WV had a purple Martin house and it was amazing to watch the Martins eat mosquitoes . I never got a mosquito bite when living there 20 yrs ago.
We had several Purple Martin houses growing up. I hated cleaning them out every year, but we never had mosquito problems when I was a kid. 😊
Purple martins do not eat mosquitoes. It’s a mith
Bats, too!
I have purple Martins in Texas. They love mosquitoes
The geek in me loves how much information is in this video. Bravo, sir! And you explained both aspects of the matter evenly. Solid information
GMO mosquitos a perfect delivery system for whatever the new experiments will be.
These mosquitoes quite literally will lower the population of mosquitoes that bite people. You're a fuckin retard
Exactly!!!! on😮
Swarms of little flying disease injectors
Your really tripping over nothing
In singapore, we infect the male with Wolbachia bacteria so that their eggs cannot hatch. I think that is less painstaking than modifying each egg.
It's because they don't infect them with the wolbachia bacteria to get rid of them. They are making the Mosquitos more resistant to repellants and other things. They are making them live longer. And infecting them with Malaria. There have been right now already cases of malaria in Florida due to Bill Gates plan it's gonna be on a massive scale.
I remember when they said introducing the carp to a river in the south would be a good idea. Now every time you take a boat ride you get slapped by a fish 😂😅
i think a lot of them are not deliberate they had problem with giant snails getting introduced it was from ships sucking in water for ballast when unloading cargo then dumping the ballast water in another port with eggs, fish and animals in the water.
Chicago is spending a couple million a year on an electric fence to protect the carp from getting into the great lakes. The carp have been seen in lake erie., Chicago is on lake Michigan...
@@TBonerton my daughter went to college near Erie PA so they took trips up to lake for a class went out on a boat and shocked fish then netted them to check populations they found all kinds of stupid invasive fish people throw out their goldfish when it gets too big and it turns into a giant foot long fat goldfish in the lake the get rid of the invasive fish they find but it is a tiny number compared to the whole lake.
Trust the science…
Your coffee intro is my reminder to get BLITZED 😍💨
Why dont they just release a bunch of dragon flys then if they’re called “mosquito hawks”.
cause dragon flys can't transmit diseases or w/e they infect them with.
Then we will need to release a bunch of frogs to eat the dragonflys, hawks to eat the frogs, and apes to eat the hawks. It's not cold in Florida, so the apes won't die off in the winter making this an non-viable solution.
we can’t do that because it’s not efficient
@@MatthewJamesMullin 😅 yeah true, and yeah i live in Florida its hot as hell down here.🥵
@@MatthewJamesMullin so this is why they released hatians into usa.
If Çvd taught us nothing else, it taught us that Scientists are the deadliest thing on Earth.
@@greyscout01 I don’t agree, politicians are the biggest LIARS! Most scientists were combating
Lies and crazy conspiracy theorists
Counter argument: the deadliest thing on earth is lava
You can get a vaccine against illnesses, you can’t get a vaccine against lava
Thanks for complimenting me!
The mosquitoes released by a bio company, these mosquitoes carry a gene that prevents their female
offspring from surviving to adulthood. Only female mosquitoes bite and spread diseases, so by reducing the number of females, the overall mosquito population
should decline over time
You've hit the nail in the head twice!!!
I’m from the government and I’m here to help
Scary sentence! Doesn't promote trust at all!
why are you trying to frighten everyone? you monster!
@@Trepidity are you intelligent? Not only is it a joke but it’s a quote from a former president. Look it up. Signed monster.
youre from robloxia
I have responded but UA-cam deletes it. This was a joke and a quote from a former president. Educate yourself
UA-cam is with the government
I was skeptical when the video started and you sitting there looking like a conspiracy theorist. But after watching the full video I am now a big fan! Great video! You gave every side and why they would publish the results they did and your opinion on the results. Awesome video! Keep it up!
True fact - Most mosquitoes do not identify as mosquitoes. They prefer "Unidentified Flying Insectoids."
I see what you did there.
ohh nooooooo , the virus is spreading D:
They'll be potioning for the name change in so many yrs. They only identify as flying Insectoids. Mark my words lol
I'm s scientist and that's actually true. Trust me.
Interesting video but there was a curious absence of one particular individual who has been breeding and modifying misquitos for some time - Bill Gates. Question EVERYTHING.
“Question everything,” implies you might actually accept an answer🙄
@@CarlosLopez-eg9im not even sure what you meant by that
@@carolyn1931 logic is harder to accept when one is pessimistic/uniformed. If you’re inclined to question everything, it’s harder to accept the truth and easier to be an obstructionist. That’s all I meant.
Never ask questions, be an obedient dog like carlos
There was a project with hookworm flies in Arizona. Releasing sterilized males. It proved very effective.
just like the polio vaccine after the first year they stopped calling it that they just made new names for it they are liars they are not going to help anyone but their pockets
Years ago, screw worms in Florida, same way.
We have bats and few mosquitoes. I never kill a spider in or outdoors (none of ours are toxic) so we rarely have a problem, except for the West Nile which apparently bites all day in the sunshine rather than only coming out at night. I’m in California. I do have a next-door neighbor who is very cavalier about letting things fill up with water, but bats and spiders seem to be up to the task.
5:47 the answer you clicked on the video for
Thank you
@@lalinera8279actually it’s at 9:40.
This round, control the bugs. Next round, control human population.
Seriously. What's to stop someone evil from creating and releasing their own generically modified mosquito to increase a pandemic's spread? Scary possibilities.
Human pop is controlled on so many levels already.
These mosquitoes quite literally allow the human population to be healthier and grow. You're a retard
They already doing it
Never trust ole Bill.
Bill Gates left the chat…..
He's the world's most obvious supervillain.
He was in the video crouching down in beige pants.
So did his husband
@@bennyz5819 you saw that too... Good eye
😂Y’all see the way that one mosquito smack the humans bottom 😂
He threw that leg down like I ain’t ate all day
Florida is free to see what can be, unburdened by what has been
What does that mean
@@D4V3.0H exactly!!! Nobody can explain it! Not even the idiot who originally said it... our (USA's) current VP who is running for president!🙄
@@D4V3.0H Ask Kamala
We've had GMO flies, mosquitos, ticks and who knows what else dumped here in Colorado. Huge piles of weird buds with 2 heads, too many legs, no wings, and other icky modifications. What else are they doing this to? This is not normal. This is not cool. This is horrid.
So you are on the malaria and mosquitoes side? You are an idiot.
Shut up
Florida has been doing this recently over the spray control and so far it seems to be working. I can’t even begin to explain how bad mosquitos used to get before intervention. But the craziest thing I ever saw was an old projector film of what my town in Florida looked like back in the early 1900s. When there was NO intervention at all. A person was out on their screen porch and they set there hand on the screen while they were talking. About 2 minutes later he took his hand away and there was a dark outline of mosquitoes in the perfect shape of a hand. That mess seemed like a nightmare. Thank goodness I live in the future. For the future is RIGHT NOW!
They sprayed on Sanibel when we went shelling one early morning by helicopter To be honest I wasn't ate up in June when I was there for 3 weeks
Walter Reed of the US Army Medical Corps sprayed the heck out of Florida to kill mosquitoes and reduce malaria. Until he did, coastal Florida was unsafe for human habitation. Only a few tiny villages existed on the coasts. Now, the coasts are rather popular. Mosquitoes are obviously still there, but not in the numbers they were.
I grew up in Florida playing in DDT fog to kill mosquitoes. Gee, wonder what effect that had on me?
@@francesmorton7183 LMAO!! yeah me too! I moved here in 87 and can remember when they barely did anything to combat the mosquitos. Back then we had lightning bugs and those big golden orb weaver banana spiders that would come ever summer. But then when they started the spraying with the trucks and crop dusters (the crop dusters would spray our big canals that fed all the orange fields, which always made me wonder if that was getting into the citrus because they used that water to irrigate the groves.) all the big spiders and lightning bugs disappeared. I can remember vividly going out into the forests in summer with mason jars and catching dozens of lightning bugs with my friends. We would get 30 or 40 a piece. Then we would bring them back to our homes in the city and let them go in our yards because they only stayed in the wooded areas. Then they disappeared practically over night. When I asked my parents why they thought maybe it was the spray, even though it wasn’t meant for them. I was like 8 when I started catching them and then 12 when they disappeared and it was the first time I realized the spray could have adverse affects on other animals. I then asked myself if having lightning bugs was worth dealing with the mosquitos and after I had a bad camping trip one summer when it was ruined by mosquitos, I understood you had to take the good with he bad.
@@marksnyder8022 I wonder if he was the one who started the program. Because when you go into areas where they do not treat and are far from areas that do (theres some camping areas in the middle of the state like in Ocala and some other ones in near the Everglades) not only are the mosquitos like Alfred Hitchcock nightmare bad, but so are all the other flying insects. You need a bug veil at night. Grocery stores and restaurants do not have lights near their entrances and big air curtains that blow intense air at an angle to keep flying insects from coming inside. It can seriously get horror movie insane at certain high points in the summer.
"you owe me a like" ya know what i guess i do. very informational video, thank you.
I believe these were released here in Dayton, Ohio. Very small mosquitos with a big bad bite showed up this year, for the first time ever. And yes they do cause a violent reaction when they bite, spreading over a large area around the bites, always finding a blood vein, superficial supply.
California has ones like that. I call them poodles because they only get ankles. I’m in Hawaii right now and have been here for two weeks and not one bite. My home in California is desert like. Go figure. I can’t wait for winter so I can put long pants on. I’m not really a fan of global trading because that’s how they got here.
Yeall be careful of these mosquitos spreading malaria. Better yet get malaria medication for the future because these mosquitos are a sure way of spreading it far and wide all across the US. They are also cold resistant.
Be careful for these mosquitos may spread Malaria far and wide. Better get some medication for it now.
Here in the Dallas Metropolitan Area of Texas we have those exact mosquitoes as well. I just recently moved from far up North and have never seen ones so small in my life! I was bit multiple times and it left HUGE welts all over my arm which got so bad I have visible scar tissue from where the bites were.
@@rodneycaupp5962 thanks to B Gates
i think the problem with genetic engineering isnt that its dangerous or irresponsible, but that genetic engineering REQUIRES a lot of caution and responsibility, which not a lot of humans have.
This can only be a money-making scheme or it would not be happening!
See: covid 19
Dragonfly lives matter.
Well how do you like that? Recently here in Florida we have been warned of growing risk of malaria, dengue fever and all the rest of the mosquito bite maladies.A coincidence?
144,000 mosquitoes? Anyone read the Bible? What a specific number
Exactly what I thought!
Lol. 2021. the devil mad as hell..
I know thats the number of gods people who are going to heaven. But let's come up with a reason why that number for the masquitos. What does the elite think that will happen if it's that exact number.
Who counted them to say that number is correct and how do they know they didn't double count a few🤔🧐
A bug bite I got yesterday started itching while watching this. Thanks for that.
Right now we have dengue fever in Pasco county Florida. So anyone who would disapprove of experiments like this has never seen somebody they care about with yellow fever or malaria.
All these 3rd world diseases that are being reintroduced to America is because open borders people spreading their love, enjoy😊
Because you Americans can blindly trust ur Gov. 😉
@@kamisama414 and you feel that way because you've never watched someone you care about with malaria.
Maybe stop bringing folks into the country as illegal aliens from areas from the subtropical regions that are rife with such afflictions. There are a lot of diseases previously eradicated in this country that have been brought back in by unchecked illegal immigration.
*IVERMECTIN treats Malaria.*
I live in Florida and I’ve been noticing these tiger mosquitoes, they look like they’re on steroids and yes they bite thru clothing can’t even relax outside once the wind dies down they come out and attack 🤙 Aloha
All I know is I’ve been telling everyone since 2021 that every 20th mosquito bite I get the blisters up. I have a neighbor that the same thing happens to her. I live in Central Florida. I get bitten a lot and I’m allergic to bug spray you wear. This is the first I’ve heard of this. Same year started though.
Make your own version of spray using real vanilla extract and water. Reapply after 30 minutes.
Out of all the youtube channels I am subscribed to, this one here, is the only one I was look forward to everyday.
Here's a better famous quote from our unfavourite nerd , "flying syringes" 🤪
Frightening but spot on. Fight. Fight. Fight!!
"might think 'so what?" said no one lol
So I got completely shunned by society because I didn't want the jib jab but somehow everyone is absolutely fine with this? Weird world
@NukeEm-w2x These things aren't optional.
getting malaria isn't optional either
Why would you not be fine with sterilized mosquitos leading the reduces disease in humans?
@@user-zu5do6ri6r yes they are.
@WATOP That was excellent coverage - well worth the like (and I paid that debt, thank you)! ❤
This concept has been talked about for a long time. Interesting to see it's actually being put into practice. The biggest unknown issue with doing this is the greater impact of the food chain on larger insects and animals that then eventually impacts humans.
This could never backfire horribly. The enemy you know is better than the enemy you don't
Happy to see YOU back in your videos
Why isn't the USA Government paying to breed more dragonflies that eat mosquitoes ?
They're flying and moths, bats and wasps too
*Mosquito’s are repelled by Eucalyptus Trees!!!!!!! They won’t go near these trees. Which is why they surround schools and water bodies near people.*
These lab-grown Aedes aegypti mosquitoes would be released into the wild to mate with the wild population - where their offspring's inability to grow to adulthood would lower the population of mosquitoes
I told you UA-cam that you are going ⚰️. For censorship
Yeah, except the data shows that there was no way they could guarantee there were not females with the males. Also Fauci also hinted at this as a delivery method for vaccines. So get vaxed without consent?! Trust your government they always have your best intentions and would never lie, deceive, and/or knowingly manipulate data and create false claims/circumstances.
Or not enough people in Florida took the Covid shot so foils Their plans so they released the mosquitoes
The fact you just proclaim this as fact is insane to me
Yes that's the intention. That does not mean that's what's gonna happen
@@RunBayou That's very likely what's going to happen. Similar methods are used to great effect in controlling other insect populations.
This is outrageous. Since petitions don't work, perhaps a Florida attorneys can take on a case like that, that would demend to stop this from any further mosquito releases. Maybe even several attorneys should collaborate on a case as such.
Only if you pay them - they don't work for free and there is no judgement money to be gained.
It only affects one species, from the scientific perspective there is no reason to worry about. People need to take a science class before making outrageous claim. It is the same level of ignorance as people screaming about ban abortion in the US. The Constitution does not allow it.
Just need to breed more dragonflies.
Well they are idiots with money
Kinda weird that the mosquito problem has only gotten worse since they started genetically modifying them
I don't trust these companies!
Neither do I, but I think I would prefer GMO skeeters as opposed to spraying a bunch of poison all over the place. And the poison/repellant comes from where exactly?
I don’t trust you either but when news & entertainment sources give you a million reasons not to trust anyone, you just have to fight through that for the greater good.
The "greater good" has been the excuse for every atrocity in human history.
You must be fun at stores.
@@Danimalpm1Lmao. Didn't we do that whole "greater good" thing in 2020 and end up with the greatest upward transfer of wealth in human history and a string of "mysterious" increases in heart disease, cancer, etc?
I'm almost starting to think "the greater good" is just a mantra spoken by those who want the peasants to be comfortable being ruled over and exploited... Nah! No way!
Thanks for sharing!
They released them mosquitoes here in Houston as well, now they biting, flying around in broad sunlight, and somehow made it inside the house too
Im in Tn east of Nashville, last few days ive notice mosquitoes in mid day, big ones landing on me, i thought they seemed out of place and larger than usual. Odd.
We have mosquitoes in Texas the size of hummingbirds.
7:39 but Jurassic park learned us that Nature Will Always Find Its Way to survive..
That’s just a law by nature. sure jurassic park is famous for it, but we’ve known it for years. but hey if this works, they’ll run themselves into extinction
Really? Jurassic park is a film
🌈I’ve heard about this before. Thank you for your reminder ❤
You didn't explain why Genetically Modified Mosquitoes till 3:00.
There is a long list of failures when it comes to this kind of thing….
i remember moving to Fl in like 2009 and every just being like "oh yeah don't mind the love bugs, they're all over the place just ignore them". That was a gmo disaster.
Ya, any time science, the gvmnt and anything is involved, be concerned.
We got evil people, in high places. These people, Need to go to prison!
@@psyience3213 lovebugs are a Mexican kind of fly
@@coppertopv365 yeah they don't synthesize new organisms they MODIFY, GENETICALLY, an ORGANISM that exists already. GMO. What don't you get back about that? You think biologists can just create something brand new? They modified the lovebugs to supposedly eat mosquitos iirc, and they didn't, but they were extremely prolific because they were released all over the place and found something else to eat.
Know what else keeps mosquitoes (ticks and pretty much all bugs) away..RAW GARLIC. Crush 1-2 cloves, wait 5-10min and swallow. Do this about 15-20mins before going out. It works SO well. We are infested w mosquitos and ticks. I do this w my granddaughters before they go outside to play. If we happen to forget they get ate up, but as long as we don't they come back same as they went out. Its quite amazing really. Bonus..the garlic is SO good for you in so many ways as well. Win, win!
I just read an article today that dengue fever is happening in Los Angeles California from mosquitoes. Then this pops up on my thread.😮
I lived in LA for 22 years and never saw a single mosquito. No flies either. Not like here in Kentucky.
I live in Los Angeles and there are zero mosquitoes here.
That's really not good...
@@satanlayton3973I grew up there and can tell you that's not true
@@OnsceneDC I've never seen one or been bitten by one. ever. if they do exist they are rare.
I also remember what happened when the love bug was set loose. It was and still is a disaster.
Mosquitoes are little vampires who carry crummy diseases!!!! If it works Kudos but I'm a bit skeptical.
There are hundreds of species of mosquitos, the vast majority of which dont target humans. Some are even herbivores.
well also only female mosquitoes will suck your blood
How many government plans work the way they are supposed to?
@@davidborboa77 🤔
@@davidborboa77 so far I think none to exponentially none usually they make things ten times worse
There is no possbile way there could be any problems. No lessons learned from genetic modification from Cov-19, nobody was prosecuted and no one was punished for that. Same will happen with genetically modified mosquitos.
Do you want to know the story about the petition? Mila DeMeir, my best friend and I started a group called the Florida keys environmental coalition. She's the driving force getting those signatures and she was killed in a swimming pool while she was trying to give him to the FDA. The first trip she took they lost all of the signatures. This was the second trip and she drowned in a pool. They said it was a seizure but she was my best friend when she had a seizure. She knew 30 minutes beforehand. She would not have been in a pool without any cameras on it to boot. She called me the night before she wanted me to come with her. I couldn't go. She told me that she felt like someone was following her that if anything happened to, it was foul Play. I reported that to the police and I reported to her family and they said to shut up and not cause any problems because it was a natural death.
i knew her too. No doubt iny mind Oxitech had her killed. Bless her soul, Mila was a warrior for the people.
She I assume is with the angels of Mother Nature
How do these mosquitoes affect the creatures that eat them? Birds etc ? And then the creatures that eat them? Fish that we eat?
Gee, if only we knew the unintended consequences of this!
I wish....but "smart" people tend to think they know EVERYTHING... smart people tend to be rhe dumbest mfs I've ever met....pride is a sickness
oh they know what they are doing its time china wants their land your government sold out from under you this just makes it easier for them sick people wont fight
Yeah, they never ask permission when doing uncontrolled experiments in,on,or around the General Public. This could have been tested rigorously ina 1300m2 compound, apparently.🙄🙄
@@filthy_hands9909 Because as we can see from the people in the video and lots of these comments the public are utterly stupid. A person can be smart, but people in a group might as well be vegetables, they will follow the biggest mouth.
A great Idea! With the best of Intentions! What could possibly go wrong?
One can build simple bat boxes and fasten them up in trees or on poles -the bats will come- each bat eats 6 times their weight each day. Cannot go wrong with natural nature.
6:26 nobody has stopped being bit in Florida. Last time they tried this there was a Zika outbreak on South America. This isn't going to work, ever. In the words of a fictional mathematician. Life finds a way.
Dodo bird and tasmanian tiger entered the chat
Dodo bird and tasmanian tiger entered the chat. Doesn't look like life found a way for them
19:03 "take away all mosquitos and something worse might come along". This type of action in the animal world always amazed me. How does a new creature suddenly "appear"? It does happen! I believe it may be related to the simulation theory...
Ok,… let’s look at the residing elephant. What’s the long term impact look like?
Great question
Other creatures begin to die off as their food source is temporarily removed.
@@GnosticNinja the video literally discussed this. The gene was shown in tests to last only a few generations, so there is little chance they accidently eradicate the entire species as eventually the gene will no longer exist in their population and subsequent generations will return to their normal life-cycle patterns. But also, this species represents only 4% of the entire mosquito population in Florida. Given that, as mentioned, a number of scientists believe we could eradicate every single mosquito on the entire planet without suffering any significant ecological consequences, anyone who puts in just a little bit of effort could come to the conclusion that culling a portion of a species of mosquito, representing a fairly tiny portion of the total mosquito population, to a measured degree, temporarily, would likely have almost no long-term impact. Nothing is going to die off because a) 96-99% of this specific food source still exists, and b) we've yet to find a single animal on earth where saying "their food source" in reference to mosquitos is grammatically correct as there isnt a single one that exclusively feeds on mosquitos. Im gonna fix your sentence, everyone just imagine he said this instead:
"Other creatures continue to live on as they otherwise would have as a small drop in a porportionally small portion of the entire population of just one of their many food sources is not significant enough to affect them in any tangible way both at present, in the near-future, and for many generations to come. Also, and this is unrelated, but a few days ago I accidentily came in my own shorts when I overheard a girl pronounce the word 'shuriken' correctly, then tried to explain my messy shorts were from me spilling my gogurt all over my crotch when i realized a bunch of people witnessed it. Couldn't explain while i was bricked up unfortunatly. Anyway, Im @GnosticNinja just in case you forgot, thanks"
More dangerous species of mosquitoes take over.
Everything sounds perfect until a frog mutates after eating a zombie mosquito
I owe you many, many likes 👍 that was such an enjoyable video, and I learned so much that I wanted to know. But then again, I always do 😉
Says the scientists as they bundle up with protective gear lol
I agree
@@PatriciaFedick-so7gsagree with what?
@Osiris2077 I agree with this'persons'response
Nothing can go wrong here
This was so important for everyone to see that the world is truly trying to save the planet
It sounds like it can be promising. And seems to check out. However as much as we like to say trust the science, Scientists are still subjected to money, and yes men. And least not forget things like Killer Bees, Covied, and how often anytime humans mess with nature, she punches back 100 fold.
How could they count the mosquitoes accurately down to a thousand?
Possiibly by weight per amount then mathematics
@@ravenspawn8982no. They have eggs. He literally said this same thing in the first minute
Mosquitoes transmit the deadly Heart Worm 🪱 disease to cats and dogs. It’s especially fatal for dogs.
science kermit is back!
Pharma people