I understand, I felt my wallet was kinda bleeding too haha but it was a great experience. I think the value was not only about the portions, but also about the skills, the seafood quality etc 😀 but I agree it's not for everyone, and I definitely cannot afford it regularly 🙈
@@poposo5856 😂😂😂
你D片都幾好睇 唔錯
多謝,今次第一次自己拍攝,返到香港先知道部份footage 影得唔好,用唔到。11月會再去東京,拍更好既比大家 ;)
email 開account之後可以訂,不過呢個唔一定保證訂到,網站個20件壽司dinner set寫錯,應該係19件+1件玉子。無記錯餐廳係一個月前先接受訂位,不過我上次經驗係再早少少網上request 後少少既日子,選擇日期 & 時間之後,網站有人跟進email,叫我比多三個日子 & 時間佢哋,因為呢間係難訂,所以如果first choice唔得,就會跟住幫你訂其他選項。
師傅話可以叫酒店前台幫你預訂,不過就唔接受APA 呢類酒店,佢又話唔需要住到半島/Grand Hyatt 呢類咁貴,不過好少少既品牌酒店佢先會接受,但咩酒店係佢接受呢?我就真係唔清楚喇 XD 我住銀座既大和Roynett 酒店,佢話ok 。
@@tonyonlyhk 多謝你!
@@tonyonlyhk 請問這個網站是如何收費 到店裡還需要付現金嗎
@@余宗諭-v3d 已ig 回覆,希望你訂到,祝成功 😀
@@tonyonlyhk 你好,請問如果搵酒店book,係咪要Check in後d酒店先肯幫你處理,會唔會太遲大機會book唔到?
@hkhk2467 Thanks for support, 呢個係前期既片。近期試多咗唔同嘢,希望越做越好 :)
sushi too pricey for those few pieces
I understand, I felt my wallet was kinda bleeding too haha but it was a great experience. I think the value was not only about the portions, but also about the skills, the seafood quality etc 😀 but I agree it's not for everyone, and I definitely cannot afford it regularly 🙈