Being from central California, whenever i see a video with all of this snow, frozen ponds, barren trees. I start getting cold! I used to go snow skiing, but only a few times as I was always cold it seemed and I've never owned a winter wardrobe! Give me water skiing in the warm sunshine! Nice video though and I can appreciate the beauty of the snow while watching from a warm environment!
The way the Finnish people cope with the heavy snow is remarkable…everything would stop here in England! Absolute chaos starts as soon as we get a few flakes of snow! Thank also for sharing your video…I’m most impressed. for The English translation from the radio Comms in subtitles was helpful too. Regards from Bournemouth in south west England. Rob.
The very importend difference are the temperatur! In the Video are see You snow, snow and snow. No ice. In my country are snow rare, but When you See a snow flake, you have a big problem : Ice, snow match and ice. The People from the Sauerland or Eifel make Jokes over the Rheinland, but where slide in the ditch? On snow drive is not so easy, but Not so hard to drive on ice. You have 10 km grip, but the without warning.. Bam....
The comments I've seen previously on that topic indicate like everyone but England can handle snow. In Eastern Europe, tramways have been and still are very common, as well as heavy snow and ice, and the countries managed to keep it going even in the 90s what wasn't exactly an easy period in economic sense.
English snow is the worst sort, it is generally warmer, slushier snow than the Scandinavian and central European countries generally get - but they have problems when they get our grotty stuff too. When we get dry, cold snow we normally cope pretty well although it never lasts more than a couple of days.
@@bfcmik Perhaps, it's so about the cities away from the sea, but at the Baltic coastline, usually the snow is wet. And, as usually there are slight minuses but most of the sea is not frozen, a lot of humidity gathers. So, perhaps Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Riga, Liepaja, Kaliningrad and Gdansk should close the tramways for the winter? We have a saying here: there is no bad weather, there are wrong clothes. If there is a need, a maintenance tram is sent out with equipment to clean the rails from snow and ice as it passes, that's it.
@@forgottenmusic1 It's also the case that in England, very few cars use winter tyres, only "all season" tyres which are specified for wet and slightly muddy conditions, not freezing. In Finland, proper winter tyres of either the "friction" (rubber compound for freezing temperatures and tread for snow) or "studded" (as above but with ice studs) type are mandatory during winter road conditions. This makes an enormous difference, more so even than the difference between two-wheel and four-wheel drive. Even so, fresh falling snow is still its own special class of problem, as the stuck HGV in this video demonstrates amply.
Thanks Jean-Luc! In Finland we use non- or studded winter tires what helps a lot. Of course, people are also used to driving in winter conditions, because it still happens every year 😉 I'm not saying we're masters at it, but everyone still needs to get to work in winter ⛷🏝☀
Tosi kliffa video, tattis. Tää kasi skujas jo silloin kun mä olin ihan snadi ja budjasin Larussa. Sitten myöhemmin 70-luvulla muutin Hesarin ja Kaarlenkadun kulmaan.
Better than any Disney Ride. Helsinki is a for real fantasy city, beautiful architecture, nice people, clean streets, good food and a matchless transport system. If I could I would live in Helsinki it really is one of the nicest places on the planet. Winters Included The Finnish language is magic in my ears, I hear a music when spoken.
Thanks a lot for that great video ride in a snow storm. In few Canadian cities with heavy snow in winter, don't trust the easy way could go through. That Helsinki ride is perfect for a good demonstration. Also so smooth and silent. That will surprised a lot of Quebec citizens! 😉
Hi Claude! Short clips from my previous trams and winter storm video can be seen in the video about the Quebec tramway project in winter conditions. Unfortunately, the link I received for the Quebec video doesn't seem to work anymore. However, here is the link to my original video: Have a nice rest of the winter time!
Amazing video! The fact that the public transportation is still running and barely affected by the otherwise adverse weather is a testament to Helsinki’s public transportation! Trams, buses and I assume the metro is running as usual, if only with some minor delays. Here in Canada everything would go to crap and the trams wouldn’t be able to run. Buses would be stuck on the roads for days. I know because it happened last year.
Especially with that heavy snow on the ground, Helsinki really reminds me Minneapolis. Wish we had more trams though. Guess I'll have to come ride yours!
I used to live in Helsinki. Brings back fond memories. I didn't use the excellent public transport much because I am a keen cyclist and the cycleways in and around Helsinki are very good. I used cycle even in wintertime ab I had special winter tyres on my bike.
I have high expectations for cycling this summer season. The JOKERI tramway is starting to be completed and the bicycle path next to it as well. Even if my work trip were shorter directly from Eastern Helsinki via Itäväylä or Mustikkamaa to Hakaniemi, I think I would go around the railway line to Oulunkylä and from there to the renovated and wonderful cycling track towards Eastern Helsinki.
Kiitos videosta! Minua on useasti valistettu Helsingin valtavista ruuhkista joten olikin ihan mukava seurata niitä ja muutenkin suuren metropolin ihmismassojen vilinää ja kuhinaa näin tv ruudun kautta.
I love it. I haven't been there since 1991 July. I can't afford to go back. I would rather be there in the Summer or winter than here because I've lived here too long and need something new. I enjoyed it there and after 40 years in the same City it's time. My family Imagrated from The Neatherlands in the 1950's to the U.S. Dad took me on a month long Eurail tour . 9 Countries yours was one. I will never forget
It's nice to hear that you also made it to the north on your trip to Europe! About train travel in those days before the internet: I remember a television show from my childhood where people competed with their skills. One gentleman had studied the Thomas Cook European Train Timetable book. As I remember, he got quite far, he knew how to answer a tricky question about a train from Germany to France, which had an exception due to a local holiday. Later it turned out that the gentleman was from my wife's hometown and he was the manager of one of Finland's largest miniature railways.
The mindset of the finish people is so beautyful. As a signal the passengers lift their arms to the driver. The tram driver calls the office to helping the trucker in the snow. Here in Germany we have an ignorant mindset. The problem of the other is not mine, Good Bye!
OUTSTANDING Remarkable lack of unnecessary signage, signals and street clutter.....and look how everything still runs smoothly and speedily. If this were the UK there would be multiple street signs and traffic signals.....and fences....all over the place. Notice how the catenary wires for the trams are minimal and practically invisible. Manchester in the UK, in comparison, is a street scene of clutter and mess. James Hennighan Yorkshire, England
Really lovely video. Makes me want to visit Helsinki (which I wanted anyway). Greetings from Bratislava. We also have trams on meter gauge. And occasionally weather like in the video. And trams are the only mode of public transport that works properly in those conditions. Buses get stuck in traffic jams and trolleybuses cannot climb hills until the plows arrive at the scene. One question: Are all tram stops request stops? I see people waiving at the tram. And at 28:30 we see the tram drive through a stop. I find this very good, efficient and smart. It saves energy and wear on the vehicles too.
Hi Erik and greetings to Bratislava. I last visited Bratislava in January 2009 to pick up your new euro coins from the state bank! Nice visit, the clerk started small talk about Finnish ice hockey players 😀 In Finland, buses are shown a stop sign by waving their hand, and some also show a stop sign to trams for this reason. If the stop is empty and there are no people in sight, you can drive past the stop. On board the tram, press the "stop" button before the desired stop.
@@Jontsa73 Hello. Yes, ice hockey is poplar here and we remember 2011 and 2019, when the national team of Finland won the world championship and recieved gold medals in Bratislava. Trams stops are reqiuest stops in Helsinki. We have this rule only for buses and trolleybuses in Bratislava. Every stop is a request stop and simmilar to what is seen in this video, it is sufficient to stand on the stop in a manner that the driver can see you. Some people nevertheless wave their hand to make sure. But trams have no request stops, the argument being that they have a longer braking distance. I disagree with it, request stops for trams are also in Vienna, which used to have some permament and some request stops for trams, but recently changed it that all tram stops are request stops. I hope Bratislava will follow soon, especially late in the evening, trams unneccesarily come to a full stop, just to accelerate again. Waste of time and energy.
Excelente video, una extensa línea de tranvías, algo muy bueno!!!. Y algo que me sorprende es la excelente velocidad, todos los tranvías tendrían que ir a esa velocidad, y por andar sobre rieles no patina tanto que los demás vehículos, saludos!!!
Tykkään katsoa erilaisia ohjaamonäkymävideoita. Myös tämä cabin view kiinnosti, mutta vähänkin nopeutettu filmi vaikuttaa ikävästi ainakin mun katselu- ja kuuntelukokemukseen.
Very nice rice. Thanks for the tour. A question: why were there two names for every stop/station? Are these names in different languages? If so, which is Finn and what is the other?
Hyvä video mukava työ varmaan mutta se on se pahin asia kun joku auto tai joku muu este on tiellä kauan ja ei pääse ajamaan ja matkustajat tulee kärsimättömäksi ja sitten kaikki myöhästyy esim koulusta-töistä ❤
I really like the way you did this video! Very quiet and smooth operating tram! What was the double round building toward the end of the line? Looks like an old steam or diesel city power plant.
Hi Rick! It's Kellosaari reserve power plant and still in use. The power plant uses fuel oil. According to the website, they test it every six weeks. Here's a link to the electricity company's page, which tells more:
@@Jontsa73 Those are probably what we call hot bulb engines, you have to preheat the head so it will ignite the fuel. I would love to see them start those engines! I'll bet they do not give tours!
that was fun, but it reminded me of my most embarrassing snow driving incident. I was trying to park my boss's car that I had borrowed in the last spot in a snowy narrow street. I couldn't get in. The wheels kept spinning. Then an ambulance came along and I was blocking it. People were yelling at me. I got them to push the car and managed to get parked and out of the way. The next morning, I figured out what had happened. The car was straddling a speed bump. I hadn't seen it in the snow and darkness.
Hi Bill! Check out my tram line 4 video from Spring 2020. I start from Katajanokka and along the way you can see a glimpse of the art nouveau style of the area. next, I drive through the Empire-style downtown. That video was also shot on Saturday morning, so there are hardly any people around. In addition, the corona restrictions had closed cafes and restaurants.
Swedish is second official language in Finland. About 5% of people speaks swedish as native language. Swedish is spoken mostly in coastal areas of Finland. Also Sami is spoken in Lapland.
Gorgeous video! Why people rise their hands on stops as like they "catch a taxi"? Is it possible to go through a stop without a halt even there are people on it?
@@Jontsa73 And just a general question: how long is an education for a tram driver? Does a "super-"health is needed for this? Could an immigrant apply for such education and job?
Hi Alexander! A two-month teaching period in the classroom and driving the tram + four-month on-the-job learning period. Your medical condition allows working in the transport profession and sedentary work. Safe traffic and accurate communication require good Finnish language skills. ( Only in finnish: )
@@Jontsa73 kiitos paljon! Minä opiskelen suomea, but more for fun. I had a dream in the childhood to be a tram driver, but later a tram system was liquidated in my city.
I wonder if there was more radio traffic on that stuck semi after you finished this. Can you remember the eventual outcome? I still can't figure out where the main camera was. In behind the sun-blind, perhaps?
Hi Robbie! After the last announcement, semi trailer truck was helped off the rails of direction 1 (Arabia) after 5 minutes and was able to continue its journey after 10 minutes. Yes, it was behind the sun visor. Nowadays, the battery lasts well in GoPro, so you don't have to change them or otherwise worry, at least in winter (camera heat problems in summer)
Aurat ajavat lumivalleja risteyksiin, joista raitiovaunut kulkevat. Matalalattianivelraitiovaunuissa on vaunun keulassa parinkymmenen sentin korkeudessa laukaisukaari, joka osuessaan tarpeeksi isoon taikka kovaan lumivalliin laukaisee ihmissuojan. Se on korimainen rakenne, joka tippuu ja estää ihmistä joutumasta vaunun pyörien alle. Se kerää myös mukavasti lauetessaan lunta, jota on harmillisen työlästä poistaa.
Tämä oli oikein mielenkiintoinen video! Kyllä talvella tuokin työ on varmasti vaativampaa. Tarkkana saa olla näin talviaikaan liikenteessä. Mielenkiinnosta kyselen, onko teillä raitiovaunukuskeilla aina samat linjat ja sporat, jolla ajelette, vai vaihteleeko ne?
Terve Eeli, kuten Omppelipomppeli tuossa vastasikin, niin vaunuihin joilla ajamme emme voi vaikuttaa. HSL on määritellyt minkä tyyppistä vaunukalustoa milläkin vuorolla pitää olla. Ajettuihin linjoihin on tähän saakka voinut vaikuttaa linjavaaleissa, joissa haetaan kauden ajosarjoja. Periaatteessa ajokausia on kaksi, kesä- ja talvikaudelle. Käytännössä lähinnä rakennustöiden vuoksi, joita Helsingissä on sulan kelin aikana valtavasti, on muutoksia useamman kerran vuodessa. Lisäksi työviikko koostuu niin aamu kuin iltavuoroista ja vielä lauantaille ja sunnuntaille vastaavat. On mahdollista hakea myös ajosarjaa, jossa työviikko koostuu vain yhdestä ja samasta työviikosta. Yhtiöittämisen myötä työnantaja on muuttamassa käytäntöjä. Lupauksia on, että työpäivien ennakoitavuus säilyisi.
Ole hyvä Eeli ja tsori että kesti, oli tässä seuraavan laivavideon kanssa kiirettä. Just julkaisin Glory-videoni:
Das nenn ich mal WINTER! ❄️⛄ Bei uns würden solche Schneemengen sofort zum totalen Chaos führen und nix würde mehr fahren. 😱 Da oben im Norden fahren sie einfach unter "ganz normalen Verhältnissen"... 🤷
Din kasket skygge gør desværre at Vi ikke kan se skærmen i højre side. Men ellers en rigtig god video i et stemnings fyldt Helsinki. Flot og rolig glide tur gennem Jeres flotte by. Tak for turen i Sneslæden og tak for deling. Mbh fra Danmark til Dig, Jontsa
Hi Leif! The idea was to show a view of the system monitor on the left and its possible alarms of wheelspin (or really, I didn't want to show how bad my posture is while lying on the bench 😜 )
Raitiovaunuissa ei ole omia auroja taikka harjoja puhdistamaan kiskoja (kuljettailla harja vaihteiden puhdistamiseen). Käytännössä niiden ylläpito olisi kovin työlästä ja itse harjan toiminnankin säätely vaatisi kuljettajalta huomiota, ettei lennättäisi moskaa ihmisten taikka ajoneuvojen päälle. Puhdistus hoidetaan erillisellä auraus ja harjakalustolla. Valitettavasti talvella 2023 tämä ei ole toiminut toivotulla tavalla ja ongelmia liikennöinnissä on ilmennyt.
Hi Stephan and greetings to Canada! They haven't camped. It's a local resident's vehicle. Often parked in that area. In some very snowy winters, the city has opened separate parking areas for long-term parking to make plowing the streets easier.
I hope everyone in the UK and southern USA can see for themselves that you can drive in snow without the roads having been plowed if you simply keep your HEAD.
Winter tires also help. We change the tires twice a year. In Finland, the law changed a few years ago. Before it was date bound, nowadays you have to use winter tires when the weather demands. Finland is a long country, in Helsinki we are already enjoying the first warmth of spring without snow and ice, while 1000 km away in Lapland it is full winter. Even if some crazy starts driving with summer tires, in these weathers he will change winter tires the next day 😁 I heard that more MS "mud and snow" -type tires are used in the USA, I don't know how they differ from our winter tires.
@@Jontsa73 I just use all seasons year round. Michelins. They last about 65,000 miles for one and 80,000 for another. Been driving in the snow since I was a teen. Have had 80s cars come spinning at me like a meteor coming down a hill on bald tires and been able to evade them by crossing the road and driving up on the grass embankment as the whirled by. Kids, they rolled down the window giggling, saying "sorry". Wouldn't have been funny if they'd hit me.
Miten noissa poikkeusjärjestelyissä pärjää kun kartturi lukee radiosta uuden reitin eikä kehtaa olla se joka kysyy "häh siis minne piti kääntyä ja mistä!?". Tuurilla vaan kääntyy jostakin ja kattoo mitä tapahtuu? :)
Hi , if you have time can you do a long video whid line 8 and 6 , my onkel live there close to Arabia , my mam was Finish and my dad Swedish so I was many times there and visit my onkel and kusins , i live in Sweden /Stockholm
I notice that the Finnish tramway manages to get by heating less of the length of the switches or points in the track than the Swiss. Not surprising in a country where there is an official video showing the most efficient way to go through a door with the least air transfer.
Hi Roberto! You are right. Most of the journey is on sections where parking is prohibited on the side of the road and there is also road work at the beginning of Runeberginkatu. Vehicles are parked on cross streets.
All the way from Turkıye! We have a co-operation unit of the rescue service that assists tram traffic in technical problems as well as in the physical movement of vehicles. In such situations, the first thing to do is try to get the vehicle moving with the help of sand. If this does not help, they will assist by towing the vehicle.
@@Jontsa73 Thank you for the ınfornatıon.I have been ın Helsınkı twıce.Wonderful cıty.I have also worked wıth Fınnısh Constructıon co. (YIT) ın Saudı Arabıa for 4 years.Greetıngs to Fınland..................By the way hope to see you ın NATO soon,take care
Nivelvaunuihin on jälkiasennettu "Talviajo" toiminne, jolla pyritään helpottamaan liukkailla liikkumista. Se katkoo ajovirtaa ja pyrkii estämään ympärilyönnin (sutimisen). Uudet Artic vaunut pärjää paremmin.
Being from central California, whenever i see a video with all of this snow, frozen ponds, barren trees. I start getting cold! I used to go snow skiing, but only a few times as I was always cold it seemed and I've never owned a winter wardrobe! Give me water skiing in the warm sunshine! Nice video though and I can appreciate the beauty of the snow while watching from a warm environment!
The way the Finnish people cope with the heavy snow is remarkable…everything would stop here in England! Absolute chaos starts as soon as we get a few flakes of snow! Thank also for sharing your video…I’m most impressed. for The English translation from the radio Comms in subtitles was helpful too. Regards from Bournemouth in south west England. Rob.
The very importend difference are the temperatur!
In the Video are see You snow, snow and snow.
No ice.
In my country are snow rare, but When you See a snow flake, you have a big problem :
Ice, snow match and ice.
The People from the Sauerland or Eifel make Jokes over the Rheinland, but where slide in the ditch?
On snow drive is not so easy, but Not so hard to drive on ice.
You have 10 km grip, but the without warning.. Bam....
The comments I've seen previously on that topic indicate like everyone but England can handle snow. In Eastern Europe, tramways have been and still are very common, as well as heavy snow and ice, and the countries managed to keep it going even in the 90s what wasn't exactly an easy period in economic sense.
English snow is the worst sort, it is generally warmer, slushier snow than the Scandinavian and central European countries generally get - but they have problems when they get our grotty stuff too. When we get dry, cold snow we normally cope pretty well although it never lasts more than a couple of days.
@@bfcmik Perhaps, it's so about the cities away from the sea, but at the Baltic coastline, usually the snow is wet. And, as usually there are slight minuses but most of the sea is not frozen, a lot of humidity gathers. So, perhaps Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Riga, Liepaja, Kaliningrad and Gdansk should close the tramways for the winter? We have a saying here: there is no bad weather, there are wrong clothes. If there is a need, a maintenance tram is sent out with equipment to clean the rails from snow and ice as it passes, that's it.
@@forgottenmusic1 It's also the case that in England, very few cars use winter tyres, only "all season" tyres which are specified for wet and slightly muddy conditions, not freezing. In Finland, proper winter tyres of either the "friction" (rubber compound for freezing temperatures and tread for snow) or "studded" (as above but with ice studs) type are mandatory during winter road conditions. This makes an enormous difference, more so even than the difference between two-wheel and four-wheel drive.
Even so, fresh falling snow is still its own special class of problem, as the stuck HGV in this video demonstrates amply.
Fantastic driving, and a very nice video of snowy Helsinki!!
Very nice video !
In France, when there is one centimeter of snow, all the traffic is stopped ! We have to learn from your experience !
Thanks Jean-Luc! In Finland we use non- or studded winter tires what helps a lot. Of course, people are also used to driving in winter conditions, because it still happens every year 😉 I'm not saying we're masters at it, but everyone still needs to get to work in winter ⛷🏝☀
Pure refrshment! In Adealide is +40º. Thank you for sharing. A very well done video.
Adelaide! Wow! It's wonderful that this video is being watched all over the world! Thanks Medo!
Delightful - I’m watching this in Sydney, Oz, and it is 35°C today. 🐨🇦🇺
Greetings to Sydney! 35°c! Way too much for me 😁
Tosi kliffa video, tattis. Tää kasi skujas jo silloin kun mä olin ihan snadi ja budjasin Larussa. Sitten myöhemmin 70-luvulla muutin Hesarin ja Kaarlenkadun kulmaan.
puhuuko helsinkiläiset oikeasti näin?
Better than any Disney Ride. Helsinki is a for real fantasy city, beautiful architecture, nice people, clean streets, good food and a matchless transport system. If I could I would live in Helsinki it really is one of the nicest places on the planet. Winters Included The Finnish language is magic in my ears, I hear a music when spoken.
Swedish spoken with a Finnish accent sounds nice, but the Finnish language itself has a coarse sound in my ears.
@@staffanlindstrom576 Who asked your opinion?
@@FIN86fi Who asked yours?
@@FIN86fi finnish people are dirty people
@@Dr.NNN5 You should see Helsinki outside one streetcar route.
Thanks a lot for that great video ride in a snow storm.
In few Canadian cities with heavy snow in winter, don't trust the easy way could go through. That Helsinki ride is perfect for a good demonstration. Also so smooth and silent.
That will surprised a lot of Quebec citizens! 😉
Hi Claude! Short clips from my previous trams and winter storm video can be seen in the video about the Quebec tramway project in winter conditions. Unfortunately, the link I received for the Quebec video doesn't seem to work anymore. However, here is the link to my original video:
Have a nice rest of the winter time!
@@Jontsa73 Прагаа🇨🇿🇫🇮
Amazing video! The fact that the public transportation is still running and barely affected by the otherwise adverse weather is a testament to Helsinki’s public transportation! Trams, buses and I assume the metro is running as usual, if only with some minor delays. Here in Canada everything would go to crap and the trams wouldn’t be able to run. Buses would be stuck on the roads for days. I know because it happened last year.
This video definitely brings back memories of my frequent visits to Helsinki in the past...
I hope you were wearing good winter shoes 😄
U r very lucky person to get to visit FINLAND by frequent visits !!!!
Especially with that heavy snow on the ground, Helsinki really reminds me Minneapolis. Wish we had more trams though. Guess I'll have to come ride yours!
I used to live in Helsinki. Brings back fond memories. I didn't use the excellent public transport much because I am a keen cyclist and the cycleways in and around Helsinki are very good. I used cycle even in wintertime ab I had special winter tyres on my bike.
I have high expectations for cycling this summer season. The JOKERI tramway is starting to be completed and the bicycle path next to it as well. Even if my work trip were shorter directly from Eastern Helsinki via Itäväylä or Mustikkamaa to Hakaniemi, I think I would go around the railway line to Oulunkylä and from there to the renovated and wonderful cycling track towards Eastern Helsinki.
Kiitos videosta! Minua on useasti valistettu Helsingin valtavista ruuhkista joten olikin ihan mukava seurata niitä ja muutenkin suuren metropolin ihmismassojen vilinää ja kuhinaa näin tv ruudun kautta.
Tämä video ei ole Stadin ruuhkia nähnytkään, varmaan viikonloppuaamu kyseessä ja lumisade saaneet loputkin jäämään kotiin
Juurikin näin, lauantai aamulta kahdeksan jälkeen.
Nice to see a country that works in winter, unlike the UK, great video, loved
I wish I could visit Helsinki. We have as much snow as you. Greetings to all brave Finns who used to work in Siberia.
This is really beautiful. Hope, we'll have some snow this winter in Berlin.
Are the tracks heated or salted at the track changers along the rails? You can see it’s melted snow there.
Yes Rachelle, switch are heated.
It is heated
Thanks🙏 for sharing this WONDERFUL ✨ VDO !!! HELLO TO U FROM INDIA🇮🇳
Super footage ! 👍
I live in NE UK and that is really interesting. Thank you!
awesome video, thank you for posting it! it was great to see it ❄
Спасибо за видео. Очень красиво!
I love it. I haven't been there since 1991 July. I can't afford to go back. I would rather be there in the Summer or winter than here because I've lived here too long and need something new. I enjoyed it there and after 40 years in the same City it's time. My family Imagrated from The Neatherlands in the 1950's to the U.S. Dad took me on a month long Eurail tour . 9 Countries yours was one. I will never forget
It's nice to hear that you also made it to the north on your trip to Europe! About train travel in those days before the internet: I remember a television show from my childhood where people competed with their skills. One gentleman had studied the Thomas Cook European Train Timetable book. As I remember, he got quite far, he knew how to answer a tricky question about a train from Germany to France, which had an exception due to a local holiday. Later it turned out that the gentleman was from my wife's hometown and he was the manager of one of Finland's largest miniature railways.
The mindset of the finish people is so beautyful. As a signal the passengers lift their arms to the driver. The tram driver calls the office to helping the trucker in the snow.
Here in Germany we have an ignorant mindset. The problem of the other is not mine, Good Bye!
Remarkable lack of unnecessary signage, signals and street clutter.....and look how everything still runs smoothly and speedily.
If this were the UK there would be multiple street signs and traffic signals.....and fences....all over the place.
Notice how the catenary wires for the trams are minimal and practically invisible.
Manchester in the UK, in comparison, is a street scene of clutter and mess.
James Hennighan
Yorkshire, England
Very nice city, very like.
Loved this video. I have added it to 'long cab rides' playlist. More from Helsinki and Finland!
Kiitos paljon hyvästä videostä.
amazing... was there the day b4... visit @ ARABIA shop... gr8 experience... so heavy snowfalling and cooooold 🙂
Really lovely video. Makes me want to visit Helsinki (which I wanted anyway). Greetings from Bratislava. We also have trams on meter gauge. And occasionally weather like in the video. And trams are the only mode of public transport that works properly in those conditions. Buses get stuck in traffic jams and trolleybuses cannot climb hills until the plows arrive at the scene.
One question: Are all tram stops request stops? I see people waiving at the tram. And at 28:30 we see the tram drive through a stop. I find this very good, efficient and smart. It saves energy and wear on the vehicles too.
Hi Erik and greetings to Bratislava. I last visited Bratislava in January 2009 to pick up your new euro coins from the state bank! Nice visit, the clerk started small talk about Finnish ice hockey players 😀
In Finland, buses are shown a stop sign by waving their hand, and some also show a stop sign to trams for this reason. If the stop is empty and there are no people in sight, you can drive past the stop. On board the tram, press the "stop" button before the desired stop.
@@Jontsa73 Hello. Yes, ice hockey is poplar here and we remember 2011 and 2019, when the national team of Finland won the world championship and recieved gold medals in Bratislava. Trams stops are reqiuest stops in Helsinki. We have this rule only for buses and trolleybuses in Bratislava. Every stop is a request stop and simmilar to what is seen in this video, it is sufficient to stand on the stop in a manner that the driver can see you. Some people nevertheless wave their hand to make sure. But trams have no request stops, the argument being that they have a longer braking distance. I disagree with it, request stops for trams are also in Vienna, which used to have some permament and some request stops for trams, but recently changed it that all tram stops are request stops. I hope Bratislava will follow soon, especially late in the evening, trams unneccesarily come to a full stop, just to accelerate again. Waste of time and energy.
Beautiful winter scenery in Helsinki 😍 Definitely on my list of must visit places. Unfortunately it's such a long way from Sydney Australia 😔
Pick up to your wishlist St. Pee, Russia.
300 kilometers from Helsinki, but MUCH bigger
@@whatisdoes Russians are on my total shit list. They are monsters who are comitting atrocities in Ukrain
American here who has been to Finland and Australia. Both on business. I am 79 now and cant stand long flights in tiny seats with shitty food.
Excelente video, una extensa línea de tranvías, algo muy bueno!!!. Y algo que me sorprende es la excelente velocidad, todos los tranvías tendrían que ir a esa velocidad, y por andar sobre rieles no patina tanto que los demás vehículos, saludos!!!
Slow TV, underbart. Heja Finland!
80s music videos have been my mentor 😁
Great ride, love it.....
amazing city, will study there in the future, cannot wait
Tykkään katsoa erilaisia ohjaamonäkymävideoita. Myös tämä cabin view kiinnosti, mutta vähänkin nopeutettu filmi vaikuttaa ikävästi ainakin mun katselu- ja kuuntelukokemukseen.
Tarkoitatko, että olisit halunnut nähdä auton hangesta lähdön normaalilla nopeudella?
Thanks for the trip 💪
Wonderful, Helsinki is really big, great impression.
Very nice rice. Thanks for the tour.
A question: why were there two names for every stop/station? Are these names in different languages? If so, which is Finn and what is the other?
The other was sweden
Very nice, thank-you for sharing these with us.
Hyvä video mukava työ varmaan mutta se on se pahin asia kun joku auto tai joku muu este on tiellä kauan ja ei pääse ajamaan ja matkustajat tulee kärsimättömäksi ja sitten kaikki myöhästyy esim koulusta-töistä ❤
I really like the way you did this video! Very quiet and smooth operating tram! What was the double round building toward the end of the line? Looks like an old steam or diesel city power plant.
Hi Rick! It's Kellosaari reserve power plant and still in use. The power plant uses fuel oil. According to the website, they test it every six weeks. Here's a link to the electricity company's page, which tells more:
@@Jontsa73 Those are probably what we call hot bulb engines, you have to preheat the head so it will ignite the fuel. I would love to see them start those engines! I'll bet they do not give tours!
that was fun, but it reminded me of my most embarrassing snow driving incident. I was trying to park my boss's car that I had borrowed in the last spot in a snowy narrow street. I couldn't get in. The wheels kept spinning. Then an ambulance came along and I was blocking it. People were yelling at me. I got them to push the car and managed to get parked and out of the way. The next morning, I figured out what had happened. The car was straddling a speed bump. I hadn't seen it in the snow and darkness.
Это видео, однозначно шедевр. Снег, трамвайные пути, супер.
A summer time video would be nice to see. Looks beautiful there.
Hi Bill! Check out my tram line 4 video from Spring 2020. I start from Katajanokka and along the way you can see a glimpse of the art nouveau style of the area. next, I drive through the Empire-style downtown. That video was also shot on Saturday morning, so there are hardly any people around. In addition, the corona restrictions had closed cafes and restaurants.
@@Jontsa73 Thank you. Looks like a fun job. Hope things are better there now. 🚋
Что радует меня снег пространство, архитектура не давит, прелесть.
Да, вы наслаждаетесь снежным пейзажем, но когда ледяная вода попадает в ваш ботинок, вы больше не улыбаетесь😁
grandish boulevards yet SO little traffic! yet the most corporateered city I've lain eyes on..!
I love your videos - you found a new subscriber from Berlin - keep on doing what you are doing 😊
Welcome aboard!
How well this tram line in Helsinki is filmed on a winter day!
Very nice video! Greetings from Ukraine!
Great Video, Thanks for posting!
Очень интересно! Я бы тоже прокатилась по этому маршруту. 😊👍👍👍👍👍
Thank you for this video!
Finowie, to sympatyczny naród. Pozdrawiam Was serdecznie. Bernard z Polski.
You have the best job so beautiful your country
Why are the stops announced in both Suomi and Swedish? Love your footage!
Swedish is second official language in Finland. About 5% of people speaks swedish as native language. Swedish is spoken mostly in coastal areas of Finland.
Also Sami is spoken in Lapland.
@@jaaju1 Thank you!
@@jaaju1 A few stations, have a third English-language name announced too: eg. "University of Helsinki'" and "Central Railway station"
Gorgeous video! Why people rise their hands on stops as like they "catch a taxi"? Is it possible to go through a stop without a halt even there are people on it?
In Helsinki, the bus is stopped by raising hand and some people also raise hand to the tram because of this.
@@Jontsa73 And just a general question: how long is an education for a tram driver? Does a "super-"health is needed for this? Could an immigrant apply for such education and job?
Hi Alexander! A two-month teaching period in the classroom and driving the tram + four-month on-the-job learning period. Your medical condition allows working in the transport profession and sedentary work. Safe traffic and accurate communication require good Finnish language skills. ( Only in finnish: )
@@Jontsa73 kiitos paljon! Minä opiskelen suomea, but more for fun. I had a dream in the childhood to be a tram driver, but later a tram system was liquidated in my city.
Ole hyvä @@alexanderkonyashin175 👍
Moi Jontsa! Hyvä talvi pätkä. Pikkusen kontrastia kesähelteisiiin 👣🌴
Joo, tätä on hyvä sitten katsella, kun kesällä hellettä on ollut putkeen hurjat kolme päivää 🤩
💖 👍Big Like
There ARE FIVE places in the world that i love FINLAND🇫🇮/ICELAND🇮🇸/ ANTARCTICA❄🐧/GREENLAND🇬🇱& city of London🇬🇧
I wonder if there was more radio traffic on that stuck semi after you finished this. Can you remember the eventual outcome? I still can't figure out where the main camera was. In behind the sun-blind, perhaps?
Hi Robbie! After the last announcement, semi trailer truck was helped off the rails of direction 1 (Arabia) after 5 minutes and was able to continue its journey after 10 minutes. Yes, it was behind the sun visor. Nowadays, the battery lasts well in GoPro, so you don't have to change them or otherwise worry, at least in winter (camera heat problems in summer)
WOW! Beautiful video.
Thank you
17:34 do I see a pants malfunction? 😆 Hello from the USA, thank you for these videos!
Fresh frosty weather keeps you healthy, even if it blows in the wrong place 😁
Greate, wauw..AND No more stupid facemask. Just in the Fresh clean air, is Better for your Body ..Greetings from the Netherlands
Very considerate driver.
It would be great to ride that same route in summertime. Just to compare.
Here is the same line 8 in summertime
Hyvä video!
Mistä ihmissuojien lukitus johtui?
Aurat ajavat lumivalleja risteyksiin, joista raitiovaunut kulkevat. Matalalattianivelraitiovaunuissa on vaunun keulassa parinkymmenen sentin korkeudessa laukaisukaari, joka osuessaan tarpeeksi isoon taikka kovaan lumivalliin laukaisee ihmissuojan. Se on korimainen rakenne, joka tippuu ja estää ihmistä joutumasta vaunun pyörien alle. Se kerää myös mukavasti lauetessaan lunta, jota on harmillisen työlästä poistaa.
Tämä oli oikein mielenkiintoinen video! Kyllä talvella tuokin työ on varmasti vaativampaa. Tarkkana saa olla näin talviaikaan liikenteessä. Mielenkiinnosta kyselen, onko teillä raitiovaunukuskeilla aina samat linjat ja sporat, jolla ajelette, vai vaihteleeko ne?
Terve Eeli, kuten Omppelipomppeli tuossa vastasikin, niin vaunuihin joilla ajamme emme voi vaikuttaa. HSL on määritellyt minkä tyyppistä vaunukalustoa milläkin vuorolla pitää olla. Ajettuihin linjoihin on tähän saakka voinut vaikuttaa linjavaaleissa, joissa haetaan kauden ajosarjoja. Periaatteessa ajokausia on kaksi, kesä- ja talvikaudelle. Käytännössä lähinnä rakennustöiden vuoksi, joita Helsingissä on sulan kelin aikana valtavasti, on muutoksia useamman kerran vuodessa. Lisäksi työviikko koostuu niin aamu kuin iltavuoroista ja vielä lauantaille ja sunnuntaille vastaavat. On mahdollista hakea myös ajosarjaa, jossa työviikko koostuu vain yhdestä ja samasta työviikosta. Yhtiöittämisen myötä työnantaja on muuttamassa käytäntöjä. Lupauksia on, että työpäivien ennakoitavuus säilyisi.
@@Jontsa73 Kiitos oikein kattavasta vastauksesta!
Ole hyvä Eeli ja tsori että kesti, oli tässä seuraavan laivavideon kanssa kiirettä. Just julkaisin Glory-videoni:
@@Jontsa73 Juu siitä tulikin ilmotus, täytyy pian katsoa🙂
Hyvä. Kiitos. Tack!
kiitos kyydistä!
Ole hyvä! Tuliko kaipuu piehtaroimaan lumihankeen sieltä Brasilian helteistä 😄
Brilliant, enjoyed that.
Kitos incredible weather but nice
This is an amazing video! up
Like a Swiss clock.
Das nenn ich mal WINTER! ❄️⛄ Bei uns würden solche Schneemengen sofort zum totalen Chaos führen und nix würde mehr fahren. 😱 Da oben im Norden fahren sie einfach unter "ganz normalen Verhältnissen"... 🤷
Din kasket skygge gør desværre at Vi ikke kan se skærmen i højre side.
Men ellers en rigtig god video i et stemnings fyldt Helsinki.
Flot og rolig glide tur gennem Jeres flotte by.
Tak for turen i Sneslæden og tak for deling.
Mbh fra Danmark til Dig, Jontsa
Hi Leif! The idea was to show a view of the system monitor on the left and its possible alarms of wheelspin (or really, I didn't want to show how bad my posture is while lying on the bench 😜 )
kiskoilla on paljon lunta, etenkin missä autot menee, onks raitkoissa jotain omaa auraa kiskojen kohdalla, että ei lumi paakkuunnu kiskon päälle?
Raitiovaunuissa ei ole omia auroja taikka harjoja puhdistamaan kiskoja (kuljettailla harja vaihteiden puhdistamiseen). Käytännössä niiden ylläpito olisi kovin työlästä ja itse harjan toiminnankin säätely vaatisi kuljettajalta huomiota, ettei lennättäisi moskaa ihmisten taikka ajoneuvojen päälle. Puhdistus hoidetaan erillisellä auraus ja harjakalustolla. Valitettavasti talvella 2023 tämä ei ole toiminut toivotulla tavalla ja ongelmia liikennöinnissä on ilmennyt.
16:25 camping on the street? That happens here in 🇨🇦.
Hi Stephan and greetings to Canada!
They haven't camped. It's a local resident's vehicle. Often parked in that area. In some very snowy winters, the city has opened separate parking areas for long-term parking to make plowing the streets easier.
I hope everyone in the UK and southern USA can see for themselves that you can drive in snow without the roads having been plowed if you simply keep your HEAD.
Winter tires also help. We change the tires twice a year. In Finland, the law changed a few years ago. Before it was date bound, nowadays you have to use winter tires when the weather demands. Finland is a long country, in Helsinki we are already enjoying the first warmth of spring without snow and ice, while 1000 km away in Lapland it is full winter.
Even if some crazy starts driving with summer tires, in these weathers he will change winter tires the next day 😁
I heard that more MS "mud and snow" -type tires are used in the USA, I don't know how they differ from our winter tires.
@@Jontsa73 I just use all seasons year round. Michelins. They last about 65,000 miles for one and 80,000 for another. Been driving in the snow since I was a teen. Have had 80s cars come spinning at me like a meteor coming down a hill on bald tires and been able to evade them by crossing the road and driving up on the grass embankment as the whirled by. Kids, they rolled down the window giggling, saying "sorry". Wouldn't have been funny if they'd hit me.
Miten noissa poikkeusjärjestelyissä pärjää kun kartturi lukee radiosta uuden reitin eikä kehtaa olla se joka kysyy "häh siis minne piti kääntyä ja mistä!?". Tuurilla vaan kääntyy jostakin ja kattoo mitä tapahtuu? :)
😁 Kyllä ne tulee tutuksi varsin pian, kun niitä joutuu toisinaan käyttämään ja pitää olla rohkeutta kysyä jos meni ohi.
Nice capture
Can I use some part of this video in my train compilation video credit to you in video will be given
Hi! If you add credit, it's fine.
@@Jontsa73 yes..Thank you
Pięknie niesamowite super to jest zima
Tak, lubię śnieżne krajobrazy, ale kiedy do bagażnika dostaje się lodowata woda, to już nie jest zabawne 😁
Your in a Winter wonderland
Hi , if you have time can you do a long video whid line 8 and 6 , my onkel live there close to Arabia , my mam was Finish and my dad Swedish so I was many times there and visit my onkel and kusins , i live in Sweden /Stockholm
I notice that the Finnish tramway manages to get by heating less of the length of the switches or points in the track than the Swiss. Not surprising in a country where there is an official video showing the most efficient way to go through a door with the least air transfer.
😁 They didn't guess that in forty years the world wide web will come and even a Finnish entertainment program can end up going viral 😍
Конечно, лайк, но что с уборкой?? Понятно, что снегопад, но весь же автотранспорт встанет скоро?? 😊
В следующем раунде колонна из пяти плугов пришла чистить улицу.
Onpa mielenkiintoista nähdä tätä hienoa työtä kanssa ihan videon kautta! Onko kuvaukselle työnantajan siunaus myös?
Ei ole. Sai potkut tän videon takia.
@@somdusazerate Oho, no työnantaja on varmaan tarpeelliseksi nähnyt sitten tälläisen menettelytavan.
@@somdusazerate 🤣
Hei, but there are no parked cars along the streets?
In my country, the USA, when there is heavy snow, no street parking is allowed.
Hi Roberto! You are right. Most of the journey is on sections where parking is prohibited on the side of the road and there is also road work at the beginning of Runeberginkatu. Vehicles are parked on cross streets.
Greetıngs from Turkıye.Also Hello to ''Efes Bar'' Tıme 12'09''.What happened to the Truck? Take care.Vıva Fınland
All the way from Turkıye! We have a co-operation unit of the rescue service that assists tram traffic in technical problems as well as in the physical movement of vehicles. In such situations, the first thing to do is try to get the vehicle moving with the help of sand. If this does not help, they will assist by towing the vehicle.
@@Jontsa73 Thank you for the ınfornatıon.I have been ın Helsınkı twıce.Wonderful cıty.I have also worked wıth Fınnısh Constructıon co. (YIT) ın Saudı Arabıa for 4 years.Greetıngs to Fınland..................By the way hope to see you ın NATO soon,take care
0:33 gigachad moment, respect ++
Mikä estää pyörien luiston 🤔☝️ talvella 😳👍
@@Commendatorilikeacommader 😅 tuskin
Nivelvaunuihin on jälkiasennettu "Talviajo" toiminne, jolla pyritään helpottamaan liukkailla liikkumista. Se katkoo ajovirtaa ja pyrkii estämään ympärilyönnin (sutimisen). Uudet Artic vaunut pärjää paremmin.
Krásné video😇