My Brother even if umkhulisa Umntwana. Kufanele laziwe iqiniso. Can you imagine umuntu ozimisele ukumenza Unkosikazi kodwa ulala nezihlobo zakhe .Ekuqibeleni uzolala nezakho izihlobo
Not so long ago this was on a CMTV show called STENA. She was backstabbed by her friend and her friend took her man. Now she has a gut of doing such a disgraceful thing.
Ayilungiseki lento sister. ur cousin worse there is nothing to hide phuma ku lomuntu bhut baningi amantombazane ngaphandle ukwenzi islma uzophinda futhi 💔💔💔☝🏼☝🏼
This is so wrong on so many level no matter were u are on family tree if u had kids together theyvnot just subling they cousin to same time they find out truth .what mom and dad did they going hate backlash they get .I would never cross that line ever
Go and tell your cousin about the pregnancy and celebrate in the bedroom after that. Shame on you lover what do you think they will be doing during your absence? Keep on singing your song I love her.
I can't imagine this happens to my son yoooo mantombazane ubufebe hayibooo😢
Lol u won't know till they go on a show like this
Slima so mfana shiya le sfebe sentombazane sisazokugila more ngoba uthambile
Wena mfana uyisilima sesiphukuphuku sesishimane marn uzohlawulela enye indoda manje wena slima senjaaa
Uyisdenge somfana uvumele umuntu olale nomngan wakho stil usamthanda aysuka ubushimane yin lobu mfana sies
Unamanga uyamzonda angeke umgqonise ijazi ngalendlela ekben umthanda wena sfebeeee
Wena musa ukulwa nomngan wakho akamphoqanga uyena lona omithi owabamba umzala wakhe marn uyisphukuphuku wena slima somfana marn
Musa ukuba isishimane wena shiya lodoti
Unesicefe mfana, sishimane. Izophuma basuke bedlala ngawe mabethi abazoyi posta😅😅😅😅
Hayi noba usisishumane uhlala nentombi elele ne best friend yakho phinde yi cousin yakhe
Kanti banjani abantu besfazane nobufebe ulale neshlobo pho
Hhay usebenzile mfana wam cishe wakugqokisa ijazi lomahosha wesifebeeee ixoshe lento uzobhebhisa abafowenu ksasa no ungavumi wena mfana shiyaphansi lento marn
Plz tell me guys, bavelaphi labafan abathithiza kanje, if ethi bazofihla akhulisa ingane kakhazini why uthando lube ne element yobuphukuphuku vele
Manje uzohlawulwa uban ngoba phela lomfana akazange wakumithisa njena
Abantu baphenduka izilwane WEBAKITHI wenkosiyami
Ayibo? Kanti kwenzenjani abantu bamitha izingane zocousin 😮
Eish liyabhubha manje bayafeba abafaz ngempela ngempela yizinja lezi
Rhaaaa wheeee Lomita uvuma ilahle uktyisile uzakuphinda nga mawele next time
Ngumgodoyi losisi, phuma bhuti, phuma mfo, uyokhulisa ingane okungeyona eyakho bahlala ndawonye futhi, ngeke bayekane vele, Wena Siya phuma plz phuma plz
Amaxhosa nobufebe yizinja ulalakanjn negazi lakho
Ngizomkhulisa umtwana we Cousin yakho😂😂😂
Sesiyazi uzokwenzani iphumile ke umzala ke niyadlana 😂😂😂😂
Andazi abantwana banamhlanje umntu uhlala naye endlini baphinde balalane wes kzn
Shiya lodoti wenjah
Myeke ziningi izintombi langaphandle move on brother uyophnda alale nomalume wakhe lomuntu
😆 🤣
How cc cousin pho ungamxoleli bhut uzomthola oryt kunzima kulomhlaba this days 😅😅
Manje why siybona bevumelene ngokuthi azukhishwa I video
Awu mfana uthanda umuntu olalwa kubo ayingeke
Mmm lomjita ngeke bo kodwa angisholutho mjita
My Brother even if umkhulisa Umntwana. Kufanele laziwe iqiniso. Can you imagine umuntu ozimisele ukumenza Unkosikazi kodwa ulala nezihlobo zakhe .Ekuqibeleni uzolala nezakho izihlobo
Cha abazithandi kodwa abantu besifazane ubufebe
makayekwe ama2k ahamba odwa kwiplanet yawo odwa hlambanizandla bazali
Kodwa Thixo kanti injani nje le generation!!! Ulala kanjani nomuntu oyigazi lakho!!!! Waze wamkhulu umsebenzi osahlalele abazali, wokushweleza edlozini!!!
Usazokuzwisa ubuhlungu ,basazokunyobela yena
Wena Sya uyisilima uzothini kini ngalengane yezfebe
Thanks for dropping the episode guys.She must blame him when he wrote to the show he knew what he was doing.
Ivelile nje
Yhoooo anilunganga nomzala
Aze abuhlungu amazwi ngizomkhulisa umtana wecousin yakho ngoba ngiyakuthanda 🥲
Waze wanenhlanhla mzala uzokondlela😢😢
Watching from 🇧🇼 🇧🇼 🇧🇼 🇧🇼 🇧🇼 🇧🇼 🇧🇼 🇧🇼 🇧🇼 Botswana uhu this guy is desperate
Welcome Botswana 🇧🇼 and thank you for being on our channel excuse the language bearer we working on subtile
Very desperate
We dont care where u are watching from
Shiya lento bro
Slima somfana lesi aibo😮😂😂
Not so long ago this was on a CMTV show called STENA. She was backstabbed by her friend and her friend took her man. Now she has a gut of doing such a disgraceful thing.
Hay uyakuqhela lomntana Msiyana Ukwenza utubete
weeee nawe hayi lomntu usazoqhuba nekhazin lo ushimile nyani
Waze wayisidim dim somfana😢😮😢😮😢😮
From the streets she emerged, to the streets she must return....she belongs to the streets!!
Lol 😆 🤣 😆 u heartless
I think your best friend bra is jealous because usudla uCousin Kanti naye ebeseEmjoya
Omzala abalungile shem yoh khona onokungenzela ztory
She fell pregnant 3 months before nijole. Owantoni umsindo kaloku?
Unezimpawu zokuba ubaba,xola mfondi, maybe ngeke aphinde, Nkosi u Jesu mmmmmm kubi ezweni
Ayilungiseki lento sister. ur cousin worse there is nothing to hide phuma ku lomuntu bhut baningi amantombazane ngaphandle ukwenzi islma uzophinda futhi 💔💔💔☝🏼☝🏼
Ukhulise umntwana okungasiwo owakho,uzokwenze abanye nayo cousin uloku ukhona isilima sendoda sis
Kodwa ulala kanjani nobhuti wakho u cousin phela umfowenu lowo🙆
U earthlings are different
Wooowu wena basazogila usazolala nano bhuty wakho khohlakele lentombi lalanesihlobo sies lesilima somfana basazomzalela mpisi yentombazane
Bazongazi njani abazali nihlala naye yoo azi weba ukulala nomzala awusemncinci unamanyala angaka yoò lifile ilizwe ubuthi budala inene.Ubutheni ze ungamxelela njengoba beninguyise nonina womntwana amanyala .
Ayikho kodwa into ekubambile la kulentombazane ngoba anishadile so why ungazikhiphi kulabantu uyeke izihlobo nengane yazo
Haibo whats going on with the youth of today.
Pregnant by cousin😮
Haike nawe Siya khrimath😂
😆 🤣
It's this thing of we are not blood
Devils work 😢
Ushimile boi angfuni ukungatsho futsekiii
Nasesbhedlela mhlazana uyoteta uzoba yi filimu mtanami.
😆 🤣 😂
Obababenu inina umkhulu benu inina omalume benu inina niqalekisiwe
Lord pls intervene We need your help People are confused
The world is ending ..... 😆 🤣
I always pray that God heals us 🙏🏽🥺
@@spreadinkentertainmentIt's not funny
Just leave her she a sifebeeee 😮
Usazoqhubeka lona necouson benze wena isilima
Nawe kodwa bhuti lusalusha loluthando bekuzoba lula nje ukuphuma kulosisi kunokuthi wenzeke isilima kanjena
This is so wrong on so many level no matter were u are on family tree if u had kids together theyvnot just subling they cousin to same time they find out truth .what mom and dad did they going hate backlash they get .I would never cross that line ever
I saw this gal on STENA her friend was dating her boyfriend 🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️🙆🏽♀️
Cousin boyfriend or
Please tell me episode number
i saw her too
Uhlala nocousin kodwa uthi uzoyeka ...wena ucabanga ini njengocousin to cousin
I know this gal kwi stena
I thought it's me only 😁🤣
Nami yazi mft ngiyayazi
Badlala ngathi lana bathatha laba esake sababona bodwa ku cmtv
Kwi 3 months so catch ngoluhlobo mfondini lomntu lo ukuvume Kuba sekonakele efuna umntu wokosulela esisu
Lomtwana uzobulala kuze kube nin ngoba amadoda onke ayajola waze wabamncane nokubulala bewu gamyeki ngan khona manje uyamyeka eysh lengane iyinja
This guy is weak why dont he juss leave the girl alone & move on ... what a disgrace love will be the end of many men
His not hey love is bline
Aowa his weak
Uyisishimane Sya
uzokubonisa izinyawo zenyoka umfana bhasop
Uyindoda bra umntu maumthanda wenzakanje uzokubusisa ngowakho maduzenje uthixo uyindoda emadodeni ungasajiki uhlale unje
Ngamklanda ngamklanda nywe
nilala nabafowenu nodadewenu natatabenu yoooo ma2k nibolile phuuu🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Devil is playing with us as the modern generation 😢
Devil is playing with us as the modern generation 😢
Yini ezonivimba ukulalana ngoba bahlala ndawonye
Mubi mani lomntwana kodwa kunzima mtanami cc usile mani
Imnandi lengane kwala simbambisa ibhomu usamile kuthi uyayithanda nd uzomkhulisa nomsolwa 😅😅😅😅
uyageza utsho ngokuba ngegolo uthi uba izinto nomzala wakho gqwirha ndini
Just because of love. Me myself and I never 😌 💯
Njengoba bakwenza basazophinda lapho amanzi Ake ema asazophinda eme bazokwenzela enye ingane usazosapota
Nibole nonke NoSya ubolile wondlela i cousin ingane
Niyathakatha nina nobabini ayikho into enje, siyoyoyo somfana udlisiwe wena mfana, usazolibamba ibhatshi ngoba usisidenge mxm
Go and tell your cousin about the pregnancy and celebrate in the bedroom after that. Shame on you lover what do you think they will be doing during your absence? Keep on singing your song I love her.
😆 🤣 😂
Lo mfana usemncane useva uthando lobuntwana cinga ekuhambeni kwexesha uzoyllahla lentombazane abone omunye umntu
Le presenter hay ayindenzeli maan
Jehovah ngwanyana opelo empe😢😢
nice ones krrp it up
This gal was on iStena...her friend told her boyfriend...
Presenter kindly call the polis to arrest the girl
Usivumakanjani isisu kungeyona eyakhoingane uyisilimasomnfana
Aooooo watching from 🇱🇸 Lesoth babes what secret are you talking about you thinks these cameras are fir us to watch
😆 🤣
😂😂😂 zizinja ngempela
Ngapha bangazizo.😮
Bathong 😂😂😂but they said don't drop this video😂
Lol 😆 🤣 😂
Ngyavuma bayathandana kodwake lomfana angiboni ukuthi uzomxolela locc
Isishimane somfana omncane kanje
Hai hai hai hai ayixoleleki tu kelena into yoh😰😰
😆 🤣
Ngudoti lowu yisfebe lesi bhudi tshiya liwule leli
Ulunyelwa yizibunu
Ya guys usifebe senja . Don't raise this child please, you will be sorry
Those 2 are just playing with fire they need to grow up.
Iyhoooo ntombazan ibihlungu ayihlekisi leyakho into, bendiqala ukuyibona aphegoli kuhlanga lwamaPEDI leyolalana kabazala. Bendingazuba ikhona nakoluhlanga lwethu lwasekoloni😢😢😢 andadana😮😮😮
But the boyfriend understands