Probably - Minion Damage, Elemental Damage with Attack, Fresh Meat (need to take more skill effect duration on tree for that one), and maybe Crit Chance + Crit Multi supports (depends if we have enough additional crit from other sources), or something like Volatility and Conc Effect (instead of crit supports)
Спасибо тебе огромное, как же я долго ждал такое подробное видео по руслесу.
was thinking the same thing about ruthless support / got it yesterday in act IV, officially supported by ggg to finish campaign xd
Thanks again. I may have missed it but what supports do you think would be best for BAMA? Cheers.
Probably - Minion Damage, Elemental Damage with Attack, Fresh Meat (need to take more skill effect duration on tree for that one), and maybe Crit Chance + Crit Multi supports (depends if we have enough additional crit from other sources), or something like Volatility and Conc Effect (instead of crit supports)
What up ma koku jins Starege
gg boots