When I saw the barra punctuation, I thought about the barre guitar chords. You have them when you use the index finger across the entire set of strings. A neat video, thanks. It will surely come in handy.
Punto - full stop Coma - coma Dos puntos - colon Punto y coma - semicolon Signo De interrogación - question mark Signo De exclamatión - exclamation mark Raya - Guión - Puntos suspensives - ellipses Paréntesis - brackets Comillas - quotation marks Barra - forward slash Corchetes Paréntesis cuadrados - square brackets Asterisco - asterisk Comillas simples - apostrophe Arroba - at sign Almohadilla - hashtag
When I saw the barra punctuation, I thought about the barre guitar chords. You have them when you use the index finger across the entire set of strings. A neat video, thanks. It will surely come in handy.
Very useful.
Punto - full stop
Coma - coma
Dos puntos - colon
Punto y coma - semicolon
Signo De interrogación - question mark
Signo De exclamatión - exclamation mark
Raya -
Guión -
Puntos suspensives - ellipses
Paréntesis - brackets
Comillas - quotation marks
Barra - forward slash
Paréntesis cuadrados - square brackets
Asterisco - asterisk
Comillas simples - apostrophe
Arroba - at sign
Almohadilla - hashtag
💯 Perfecto 💯
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