Ain't it amazing that we all have a pretty similar jibjab of fundamental emotions? We get scared and we get horny. Even further, given how pigeons like certain magnetic fields, there may be a certain pattern of magnetism that would make them really happy... It'd be like music in the human sense, but for pigeons!
Hahhaha , 44 minutes and I love this guy already
bit of an understatement to say "oh interesting" He's just told you they've made a breakthrough in treating a debilitating condition lol
Jordan Peterson brought me here.
Looking for the rough n tumble play
Ain't it amazing that we all have a pretty similar jibjab of fundamental emotions? We get scared and we get horny. Even further, given how pigeons like certain magnetic fields, there may be a certain pattern of magnetism that would make them really happy... It'd be like music in the human sense, but for pigeons!