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Describe Heaven by Allison DuBois

  • Опубліковано 6 гру 2011
  • In this video FAQ, Allison discusses what she has learned about the otherside from the readings she has done. Since "We are Their Heaven", make your life count!


  • @Lisaalamode
    @Lisaalamode 3 роки тому +66

    When my grandmother died I had a dream she was brought back to life. In the dream, there were news reporters and a big celebration. The whole world had gathered to see this woman who had died and been buried now sitting here back to life. In the dream I asked her, “why are you so sad grandma? What’s wrong?” She said, “I want to go back. I don’t want to be here” and I asked, “what’s it like there grandma?” And she replied “I can’t really describe it. I can only say there is beautiful music there.” After that dream I felt really happy to know she is where she wants to be.

  • @twilighttucson
    @twilighttucson 11 років тому +88

    From someone that is facing a very real and life threatening disease, these messages bring me hope and peace. It is very stressful to think that this beautiful existence could ever possibly disappear into nill. Nihilism isn't my strong suit, but certain days I'm forced to meditate on these possibilities.
    In the end, my hope prevails. And it's due to beautiful individuals as yourself that bring the message of hope and the continuation of existence into a palpable understanding as I face this.

    • @spruceguitar
      @spruceguitar 3 роки тому +8

      Very very well said ...
      And don’t forget when you read on the news that so so has “lost his life” is due to ignorance.
      No one ever “loses their lives” it is a change of form. I understand that when there is a health threat, then fear may kick in. Please read if you will “Paramahansa Yogananda quotes on death.” A very lucid explanation. God bless you

  • @JaimieJo
    @JaimieJo 5 років тому +62

    My heaven is being at the lake with my dad and the family. And all the fur babies that have loved me during life are there.

  • @raeannw8458
    @raeannw8458 6 років тому +61

    My mom just got a reading done with her. Her gift is amazing. I used to be terrified of dying. Now I am at peace with it.

  • @welikegoodies
    @welikegoodies 8 років тому +114

    I had an NDE at 13. I have seen heaven. Just the thought made me cry for years and finally I broke my silence almost seven years later.
    It's something you can't really explain properly until you experience it.
    It's beyond beautiful, words cant fully describe what happened to me and what I saw.

    • @sanataj
      @sanataj 8 років тому +7

      I have watched many accounts of NDE people, but my Mum (and others) say the people concerned are just hallucinating perhaps due to oxygen deprivation or medications or something. Are you really really sure that you experienced what you saw and that your soul left your body? Were there any feelings associated with reaching heaven or any other stages in the experience? Have you watched other people's accounts and compared them with yours? What about other cultures? I would like to know how their accounts differ from ours - different religious beliefs may make their 'heaven' completely different, i am thinking....

    • @Isaac5123
      @Isaac5123 7 років тому +1

      welikegoodies wonderful experience

    • @Viviancanderson
      @Viviancanderson 6 років тому +5

      Harry, please go to nderf.org and read the first hand accounts of NDE experiences there, mine included.

    • @iamsacredfire
      @iamsacredfire 6 років тому +10

      I can't speak of NDE, however about six weeks before my father passed into spirit, I had an inner flash of His Mother while sitting at my computer. This wasn't common for I didn't really know her as we moved to Australia from Uk when I was three. (then 42) I thought it was a strange experience but didn't think to much of it after that.
      About a week after seeing the flash of my Grandmother, we got the news that the pain my father had been experiencing in his ribs was Bone Cancer that had apparently spread from the lungs to his bones and nodes.
      Those last 6 weeks of his life he was in so much pain, that on the dosage of morphine he was on, all he could really do was sleep.
      About two weeks before he passed, my mother revealed to me that when dad was sleeping he reported having dreams of my Grandmother where they would just talk and spend time together.
      Thats when I remembered the Flash of my Grandmother and I realized that what all these people had said about meeting with loved ones after death is likely true... in fact i believe we are sometimes prepared and familiarized with the other side before fully releasing the body.
      I can say for sure I was on no medicines and had no reason to hallucinate. I honestly believe that My Grandmother was bridging the gap to help us find peace with the truly awful experience of watching him die. And the hope of his continuation and our eventual reunion. However I guess as with all forms of direct revelation, it is one of those things that one can only really understand through experiencing it.

    • @Filippa698
      @Filippa698 6 років тому +5

      Angel... You should still try to describe what you saw in Heaven and what happened to you there.
      I have not had ta glimpse of Heaven, and I would like to know. I had a dream of Jesus and, as wonderful it was to see, embrace, hear His voice, I can describe my experience in the minutes details.

  • @pamhoward2728
    @pamhoward2728 6 років тому +40

    I can describe what y’all call heaven. I actually died physically. The soul survives, it is separate from the physical body you can actually feel it leave your body. The body becomes cold and doesn’t work anymore. You rise above it and enter what I call the white place. It is all there ever Was all there ever will be . It is infinitely. Light . No beginning and no end. Weightless. Nothing solid. Beautiful. For some reason I am still here.

  • @grahambird3112
    @grahambird3112 6 років тому +10

    What a Jewel of a Lady .... and so Beautiful too ! Bless her !

  • @lesliemayer6645
    @lesliemayer6645 5 років тому +16

    I have really been captivated by NDE accounts since the early 80's. I love what you said at the end of this video about things we think of as mundane will be a part of someone's heaven one day so we should make it count. I love that. ❤

  • @tommcmahan9100
    @tommcmahan9100 6 років тому +8

    You are my version of Heaven Allison. You bring much joy to this world, and I want to thank you for being you. May your life be filled with much Love and Happiness

  • @kristinasinger5010
    @kristinasinger5010 12 років тому +12

    This is very comforting. I am agnostic,but it's words, people,and experiences like this that give me hope that one day i may see my lil bro again...

  • @jonrunning5952
    @jonrunning5952 5 років тому +8

    Thank you Allison, your love and spirituality permeate your readings and give us hope and guidance.🙏💖

  • @esop1966
    @esop1966 7 років тому +27

    My cat died over night many yrs ago and I was very upset..I couldnt stop crying..later that night I dreamt of him in a forrest we were running then I had to go back...

  • @EnergyEssenceVanessa
    @EnergyEssenceVanessa 11 років тому +10

    I love that-- the importance of "making it count" while we're here on earth! Creating heaven on earth... Thank you!

  • @johntalavera7512
    @johntalavera7512 3 роки тому +8

    One of my favorite mediums....
    able to make the smallest topics interesting...

  • @Shyann1
    @Shyann1 9 років тому +17

    ya, my grandma passed away at 84, and we think people are gonna
    be here forever with us...but its not how life works. I don't know if I
    can fully accept she is really gone. it's gotten easier...cause I feel
    her with me a lot. But I will prolly always miss her physically being
    here. So, just know our loved ones really r here, just in spirit body.
    Your grandma lived a long life Allison, so did mine. Yet it never
    seems long enough. Oh well, TY for your videos ~ Namaste

  • @Spiritsearcher101
    @Spiritsearcher101 10 років тому +53

    What if you've had a lot of bad things happen to you in life and what if you didn't have a good life, what do you see in heaven then?

    • @Filippa698
      @Filippa698 6 років тому +30

      Spiritsearcher... My thinking is that, if u have become a better person through your earthly experiences, you will be with spirits like yourself in the afterlife. There will be other nice people to whom you can relate. So be sure to live a righteous, good life. Be the person you wanted others to be. Follow the Lord Jesus in well doing. Accept and trust Him to help you.

  • @kalicat9492
    @kalicat9492 3 роки тому +6

    This version of heaven may be the one for her and others, but not for everyone. I think the afterlife you enter depends on your current and past lives. There are many people who do not have a good family, do not have a nice house, car, etc. The people and animals you cared about, along with the other living things of the earth are what matter and will be in your heaven. The phony relationships and lies that were in your life will be revealed, and you will be free of them. You review your life that ended and choose what you need to learn for your next life/existence. ⭐⭐⭐

  • @styphlyne1776
    @styphlyne1776 7 років тому +1

    There are few enlightened ones who have the strength or are willing to share their experience. I have never paid Allison DuBois a cent for all the experience she has shared and enlightened my life with. There is so much gratitude in our society for people like Allison who put in countless hours to dedication of life, experience and energy as our generations rise to a higher vibration of intelligence. There are hundreds of humans on this planet earth who are stepping up with strength and abilities that contribute to our consciousness. Allison is one of my favorites.

  • @cindygordon7607
    @cindygordon7607 5 років тому +7

    That’s so sweet! Love that the memories we make are a part of someone else’s heaven. 😊

  • @kcosh64
    @kcosh64 9 років тому +4

    Thank you for all you do, explaining about heaven helps us prepare for our time and become not as afraid. You have a very calming voiceI, I love listening to you.

  • @jonadams7472
    @jonadams7472 5 років тому +4

    Thanks for such a simple uplifting video .. Peace 🕊

  • @roadrunner734
    @roadrunner734 5 років тому

    Thank you Alison for making your video's and letting us know about heaven, make more.......heaven seems so piece full and loving AND eccepting

  • @belleeebutton1022
    @belleeebutton1022 7 років тому +5

    This made me cry. You answered a question I had; it's just a little hard to do at the moment. Thank you.

  • @sergel.120
    @sergel.120 7 років тому +1

    Thank you Allison to be there, you give me hope, and probably helping me trought to turn the pages after the death of my parents! After twenty years of culpabilities!

  • @ramblingrose1540
    @ramblingrose1540 4 роки тому +4

    If only everyone lived a happy life and experienced such happiness
    as the people she mentions.. Not everyone has a loving family
    or friends and I wonder for those people.. What will they find in

  • @jaynacarter6638
    @jaynacarter6638 8 років тому +3

    Thank you for this video Allison & Joe! I have always been a believer and had a knowingness as a young child that most kids just don't. I don't really consider myself a Medium, although I HAVE seen some spirits through out my life, not too many (the 1st around age 4): some "angels" when I was younger, some random spirits in my old house, and my dad has come quite a bit. Mostly I have had some visitations, some visions, and I'm very sensitive to energies - but nothing like you or your daughters! I went through a Clairvoyant program 5 years ago and I'm more in tune & comfortable w/the spirit world now - I actually really LOVE when "things" happen to me :) Since I've become so aware and comfortable, whenever someone I know dies, they touch the top of my head. This is BEFORE I find out they've passed :( Nothing like you or your daughters! What I have believed through out my life has changed from religious (Catholic) to spiritual. I read a really good book called "Dying to be me" - a woman's NDE. It was a little different than what I imagined "Heaven" to be, but because I'm so open, I kept searching within myself to find my own answers. I also watched the movie "The 5 people you meet in Heaven" (really cute movie) last week. What I came up with recently was: Everyone's Heaven is their own unique version of what they want it to be. And then I found this video today! So thank you both! xoxo

  • @TheKate40
    @TheKate40 9 років тому +5

    That last line was perfect! 😇

  • @mountaingirl3437
    @mountaingirl3437 6 років тому +4

    Thank you Allison!

  • @TheseEyesGod
    @TheseEyesGod 12 років тому

    Thanks, Allison, for being so generous to share yourself and what you know. I really enjoy your videos. You have a seriously beautiful heart. It's good for the world that your life has been shared in the Medium show - acquainting many with the serious usefulness of something they might be otherwise quick to condemn or not trust. This helps erase yet another prejudice, which is great :)

  • @jsebastian72
    @jsebastian72 3 роки тому

    My father passed away in 2015, he was 82. He also did live a full life, and I miss him every day. The one thing that gives me comfort is that he is in a better with his mom, his many siblings and his friends. ❤

  • @keniakennedy9016
    @keniakennedy9016 2 роки тому

    Beautifully said, gives us another way to look at our life on earth.💖

  • @madisonlove07
    @madisonlove07 10 років тому +4

    We are their heaven..a great book..thank you Allison,thank you very much...

  • @rebekkad.2092
    @rebekkad.2092 4 роки тому +1

    OMG. Best explanation I've heard.

  • @selflove5967
    @selflove5967 5 років тому +2

    That was GREAT!💖

  • @celinemc
    @celinemc 3 роки тому +1

    I miss my mother so much!

  • @quinnyang101
    @quinnyang101 6 років тому +2

    so beautiful!

  • @nancyjones590
    @nancyjones590 3 роки тому

    that is Beautiful. Everything you do is someones version of Heaven!

  • @billlimpert2909
    @billlimpert2909 5 років тому +3

    What a beautiful young lady! 😊

  • @cecenard1
    @cecenard1 10 років тому +12

    Hi.. Fort few months I can communicate with my mother (died 7 years ago).. I can't speak with her or see her, but I feel my mother. I can feel her as an energy or a warmth inside of me. If she touch me, I can feel it too but I don't know how explain that.. I live in Switzerland so I can't speak english so good..
    I really don't know who I am, but I know that I'm able to do. I don't know how I can do this things but it's not important to me..
    I'm able to feel the feelings of the people around of me. If they're sick, happy, sad, if for example there head hurts and so on..
    Thank you for your attention , kiss..

    • @styphlyne1776
      @styphlyne1776 6 років тому

      Practice makes perfect. You're on the right track

    • @Bsalty1975
      @Bsalty1975 5 років тому

      I have the same abilities..as well, I thought I was the only one! 😊

  • @Traceyi1000
    @Traceyi1000 5 років тому +2

    My ex husband had a nde and some of the doctors wanted to know what it was like.
    He said he was upset by people wanting to know. It was his experience and I never asked him . He passed away a year later

  • @therealjill1197
    @therealjill1197 4 роки тому +2

    So do people have different heavens then? Do we manifest our individual heavens from our good experiences? Can my family members exist in their own heavens and mine at the same time or is it all connected as one? Do we have daily tasks like laundry? Strange question I guess. What about dreams where you are somewhere but it is slightly different from this experience. Is that a heaven or do we relive our lives in different ways if we don’t do it well the first time? This video made my mind go 100 places!

  • @evpinvestigations
    @evpinvestigations 10 років тому +7

    I am so glad someone else beside me can tell the world that Heaven is not a place with pearl gates and streets of gold. Monetary things are no use to a spirit. Spirits are not paranormal they are natural.

  • @m3lis5a
    @m3lis5a 9 років тому +12

    I have a question about our ancestors and people who have already died. Do they know when we're going to join them?

  • @clairejevron6146
    @clairejevron6146 3 роки тому

    That’s lovely 😊 thank you

  • @TheseEyesGod
    @TheseEyesGod 12 років тому +1

    What do you think of the between-lives work of Dr. Michael Newton, psychologist & hypnotherapist? His books are Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. I think they're very good, but then how would I know - but you might ;)

  • @jayneejames
    @jayneejames 3 роки тому

    Hiking in the Scottish moors with my dad was heaven for me...we had so much fun together. What a good man he was, give you the shirt off his back that man.

  • @edumonn
    @edumonn 12 років тому +1

    can you travel to unknown places after life?

  • @rmac5987
    @rmac5987 8 років тому +1

    What about the peaple who had no near dealth experience and died what happens there

  • @clarapvalente
    @clarapvalente 11 років тому +1

    Hi, I am surely thankful that I was able to find out allison Dubois is a real person, although I can figure it out the difference of Allison Dubois real life from the fictional one. I am in Portugal and excuse my english. I am happy the real Allison is a such beautiful interesting and full of life young woman. You have a gift and have been able to carry a burden. Good luck and keep the good work, And God bless you

  • @missbrandy0
    @missbrandy0 12 років тому

    do family members who didn't get a long in life, have a better relationship in heaven?

  • @PokeFanBri
    @PokeFanBri 10 років тому +6

    I went to your recent tucson az seminar earlier this year. I remember I asked myself b4 I entered if I should still be Christian, & I was coming up to u to sign some things in the beginning & afterwards as I walked away I looked in the book of urs I bought & it said "keep the faith" that to me was amazing & I was nervous. I never did get a reading from u. I just wanted to know if I have a medium thing going on myself since I hear voices & what I should do about it cuz it would clash with my Christian faith.
    Also, I had bought a ticket for my mom but she was a no show, I was gonna ask for a refund but I dont care about that anymore :)

    • @Filippa698
      @Filippa698 6 років тому

      Poke....The most important voice we need to hear is that of God. You can be a Christian and still make inquiries. We ought to seek knowledge and understanding. My dead mother and aunt came to me in dreams to communicate their concerns. My mother came through a medium, when I was inquiring about a missing kitty. It was amazing and true. I was not even asking to hear from her.

  • @andrewmcgarr7030
    @andrewmcgarr7030 8 років тому +1

    Im going through a protracted child custody ATM I just want to know if the maternal Great Grandmother and the paternal grandmother are watching on from their "heaven" and are concerned with what they see the birth mother is doing to the family with her dark and thwarted thinking.

  • @brittanytoth3559
    @brittanytoth3559 11 років тому +4

    Her description kind of disappoints me. I always imagined heaven would be a beautiful place beyond this world where everything is perfect, but we can still visit our loved ones on earth. Does this mean that we will keep reliving our lives in our minds once we die? :(

    • @dzunglu7184
      @dzunglu7184 4 роки тому

      When my father passed away, I wonder what he’s doing. In thoughts I ask if he’s happy and is he content and where is he?
      In my dream I got the answer. All the immediate family ask where is father. Everyone ran and call for him. I went into a room, there’s a big circle on the floor. Carefully I kneel and call him. I can see the big kitchen from my past residence. Bright sunset light stream into the garage door which was wide open. He rode his bike straight into the room wearing flip flop and shorts. He seem content.
      It’s a parallel universe but the surround is structure to the spirit’s own to keep him happy to their choosing.
      His spirit is still with us on earth.

  • @kahlodiego5299
    @kahlodiego5299 3 роки тому +1

    My heaven is Manhattan in the 1980s and the friends I had then.

  • @susan6081
    @susan6081 6 років тому

    When you meet all the siblings which you haven't seen for decades, if there is not much intelecually going on what do they talk about?

  • @Sandra-wt9fy
    @Sandra-wt9fy 5 років тому

    Silly question but are there restaurants in heaven?

  • @lynthompson9100
    @lynthompson9100 3 роки тому

    What do you do in heaven?

  • @Joanne111
    @Joanne111 10 років тому +15

    I wish I could do what you do it's beautiful and amazing 💞

  • @veronicah.1886
    @veronicah.1886 3 роки тому

    thank you

  • @warwatch
    @warwatch 7 років тому

    What about People who lived thousands of years ago r they floating around today ?

  • @motionboy356
    @motionboy356 8 років тому +1

    What about Hell? Is there a thin line or a vast line that once crossed, is the opposite of what Allison has described here?

    • @styphlyne1776
      @styphlyne1776 6 років тому

      One's hell might be a state of mind once we are in spirit again. If one had been cruel, murder, rape etc. then leave this life only to find that the very people they wronged were amazing souls they once knew and loved(prior to this mortality) the guilt, sorrow and remorse would be an eternal hell. If re incarnation or karma exists what if a murderer comes back living as the victim?

  • @garagegymgenius6810
    @garagegymgenius6810 3 роки тому

    good job!

  • @lifebeelifebee9214
    @lifebeelifebee9214 8 років тому +8

    How about people who are born in severe poverty, in 3rd world countries? Or those who reincarnated and lived in many different life settings, from a mention to a life in prison? Why I don;t believe in this?

    • @styphlyne1776
      @styphlyne1776 6 років тому +1

      Its difficult to believe isn't it Lifebee :( In some of my darkest days I have wondered the same and tried to imagine anything beautiful. After being hit at high speeds 4 times in a 12 car pile up, I cant explain the warmth, knowledge and peace in being released from this mortality. Why I came back from NDE? (damn it)? To help bring peace to others. Its as simple as a smile to someone, or paying it fwd if one can, listening to someones pain etc. We never know the joy we bring to another soul. That may be heaven when we find out. Its about selflessness as this world rises to higher vibrations of love.? ..Maybe ~

    • @Filippa698
      @Filippa698 6 років тому +1

      Lifebee ... That is why Reincarnation and Retribution make sense. We must have something coming just for being born on Earth.

    • @Eddie51752
      @Eddie51752 5 років тому +1

      Lifebee LifeBee you chose to comeback as a very poor individual. You and your spirit guides decided that would be best for the purifying of your soul.

  • @showmethescience2514
    @showmethescience2514 2 роки тому

    I like that, our version of heaven becomes our own heaven. I’m glad as I was raised secular so I don’t want to see mythical characters that I didn’t grow up with. I want my family!!!

  • @echofluencyacademy
    @echofluencyacademy 6 років тому

    Why do a lot of people that have near death experiences claim to see hell? Is it that there is a dimension where that purgatory exists?

  • @OzDracula
    @OzDracula 9 років тому +20

    Sounds like fun for someone who lives as a loner.

    • @TheMabes69
      @TheMabes69 7 років тому

      I'm scared lol

    • @fireballplay2946
      @fireballplay2946 5 років тому

      RedKobra You sound bitter and angry....too sad.

    • @lfinch150
      @lfinch150 4 роки тому

      Maybe heaven for them would be being alone

  • @avehaddon3211
    @avehaddon3211 3 роки тому


  • @TheVideogirl1952
    @TheVideogirl1952 5 років тому

    A little late in responding to an old video but you mean when we go to heaven we don't get to eat all the deserts we want and not get some kind of disease? What we make now (Healthy food) we replicate it again in Heaven? Dang!

  • @TheseEyesGod
    @TheseEyesGod 12 років тому

    I'm not Allison, but wow, what a precocious child you have. What a deep question. Not that there's an easy answer, of course. Yet maybe there is - it's all about love, right - the divine, unconditional kind - the kind that doesn't judge.
    I think we're all born with this Love in our deep Heart - the inner kingdom. We're meant to bring this Love to the earth - to live in/as this Love. Maybe that's it - once we find our way into that & learn to live & Love from there, maybe that's it. Blessings

  • @alicehasleftthebuilding
    @alicehasleftthebuilding 4 роки тому +4

    Before my Dad passed he said he hoped Heaven was a field of Boobies. Well... Hahaha. Thank you Miss Allison.

  • @tessasumwalt4269
    @tessasumwalt4269 4 роки тому +1

    So even for a person who lived a truly evil life ?.. Im a big fan n believer n im just curious bcus Im very religious too

    • @MediumAllison
      @MediumAllison  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Tessa, people who live truly evil lives are surrounded by like energy, that is they are surrounded by truly evil.

  • @D1scover1st
    @D1scover1st 7 років тому

    Wow, I need to get out more

  • @brittanytoth3559
    @brittanytoth3559 11 років тому

    what age do we get to be? is there an actual heaven outside of earth? I always hoped it would be like the heaven in the Bible. is God real?

  • @7777theguy
    @7777theguy 12 років тому

    So youre talking about our intentions, which will be created on the other side. Although you have a vision of what it may be, I think nobody really knows.

  • @larrysmith4575
    @larrysmith4575 3 роки тому

    Books give knowledge but relationships teach...heaven is the books; earth is the relationships

  • @captmorgan101472
    @captmorgan101472 6 років тому

    What about God? What about the stories in the bible? Are the stories true? Does God exists?

  • @LesiureBoy
    @LesiureBoy 6 років тому

    I don't want to sound like a creep so sorry ahead of time, but I gotta say, you are stunning.

  • @kristine8338
    @kristine8338 3 роки тому +1


  • @madisonlove07
    @madisonlove07 10 років тому

    nice profile..Jesus..very beautiful...

  • @parrotlover1981
    @parrotlover1981 6 років тому +1

    I don't think God would send any of his beloved children to hell for eternity. Hell is a scare tactic by Catholics ect. God isn't vengeful or cruel. God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son Jesus so we could be forgiven for our sins. Peace n Love =GOD

  • @amandajonauska1841
    @amandajonauska1841 5 років тому

    But they are also sinners there right? I know they smoke, drink alcohol and stuff like that.

  • @billyboopbillyboop898
    @billyboopbillyboop898 6 років тому +1

    Beautiful women