Corrupt sherrifs who write citations to people for looking at cars. The entire department is dirty and corrupt and they know. Every citation written for "spectating" for watching cars go by is a rights violation. Your officers knew what they were doing, they know they were violating rights. But you qill just investigate yourselves and find you did nothing wrong. Every deputy involved that day is a coward.
Looking forward to the episode about the heroes writing tickets to people for watching cars go by at an intersection. The real heroes!
Great job by ALL and kudos to Midori!! And of course, Candy...awesome every day!!
Corrupt sherrifs who write citations to people for looking at cars. The entire department is dirty and corrupt and they know. Every citation written for "spectating" for watching cars go by is a rights violation. Your officers knew what they were doing, they know they were violating rights. But you qill just investigate yourselves and find you did nothing wrong. Every deputy involved that day is a coward.
if only that storm didn't send them into the ocean as shark bait where they belong