I only buy from there. *jklux* because the leather quality there is the best among replica bags, and I admit that I don't have a big enough budget to buy the real thing, BTW, but your review is also very good.y
I completely understand when you talked about the white CFlap, I actually passed on your iridescent white, then got the white CF lol. Your collection is amazing don’t sell anything, love and enjoy your bags!
Don’t sell any bag based on a quick decision. If you are planning to buy something else in their place that is of course different. You do have a very nice Chanel collection!😊
Awww thank you so much! They are such yummy pieces. That is a good idea, maybe when the holiday rush is over I'll make time to take it in and get my SA to have a look at it. Thanks for the suggestion, I guess I always felt that iridescent pieces are so delicate, once anything happens to them, we can't really do anything to fix it, but it is definitely worth a shot. :)
The iridescent pink is so beautiful!! I know what you mean about the preloved market. I got 2 Chanel bags with cigarette smell. 😩I had to send them back at a loss $. The marks on your bag are on the inside and hard to see so just enjoy it!
Thank you so much, sorry to hear about the bad Chanel experience. Hope you have other better experiences to make up for it! I have embraced my iridescent Chanel since, I wore it to the Barbie movie, it was perfect for the event. 💖💖💖
This is an amazing collection 😍 your bags absolutely beautiful! I really love the mini limited edition with the charms...so special and unique! I enjoyed watching this video!❤️🥰
Thank you so much, Keisha! Oh yes, that mini rectangular with the charms has a special place in my heart. Hope you are enjoying your new bag and the holiday season. :)
I bought my first Chanel classic flap in store 2019 and I absolutely got the queasy feeling. It was so expensive I still can’t believe it and now it’s over double the price!!
Haha yes! I still get the same queasy feeling over some luxury purchases, but sadly I think it's been normalizing over the years.... Eeek! 🙈😅 But maybe the queasy feeling paid off, because I can't imagine paying the current prices. 🤣 I'm glad we both got our Classic Flaps back then!
Thank you! Oooh I think it really depends on so many personal factors! Like, is this your first Chanel , do you intend to have more pieces? For me, I actually loved the reissue more at first but chose the medium classic flap because back then I was just starting on my luxury collection and I didn't dare to commit to something that I knew wouldn't hold it's value. Now though, I know what I like and suits me more, things like wardrobe and lifestyle too, so I would say, think about all these practical factors but also weigh it against how much the bag makes your heart sing! You can't really compare the joy it brings to you with another person's choices coz it's too personal. :) hope this helps and I would love to hear what you choose in the end!
Thank you so much!! Yes first Chanel piece and at the current price point I want to make sure I buy something that will hold it’s value but the reissue is not as common and beautiful but then I’m paying a lot for a bag without the logo so I’m torn! 😅 Thanks for your response though!!
Hi, lovely collection! I am considering buying a Chanel CF in iridescent pink caviar from 19S collection but torn between the jumbo and small size. Since they are pricey I will appreciate if you can advise on the wear and tear and color transfer on the iridescent pink bag and if you would still recommend it and if yes which size? I have a black maxi in caviar with GHW, a black rectangle mini in lamb skin with GHW and a black vintage medium CF in lamb skin with AGHW. Many thanks in advance
Hi there, thank you! Oooh what a lovely collection you already have, I can see why you want that 19s pink, it is so so beautiful. I'd go with the small size, my iridescent pink hasn't had any colour transfer and I don't see any wear and tear, apart from the blue spots at the part where flap starts on the inside, a defect that the reseller concealed from me. 😭😭😭 I still use her and on some days I have a flash of madness to want to buy the small version. You already have all the other sizes of the CF, except the small, and I think this pink would work wonders in the small size, the colour, finish and Princess feeling with the small size all aligns. I guess if you find yourself using the jumbo size the most, then that's when I think jumbo would be the right choice? But I vote small! Hope this helps! 💖✨💕
@@raindropraina thank you so much for prompt detailed response, much appreciated. I do not own any jumbo but I think if I need a big bag I can still use my maxi and yes unfortunately I have always been gravitating towards black bags so when I saw this one I feel it’s so beautiful. Again thank you very much!
@@raindropraina thank you so much for prompt detailed response, much appreciated. I do not own any jumbo but I think if I need a big bag I can still use my maxi and yes unfortunately I have always been gravitating towards black bags so when I saw this one I feel it’s so beautiful. Again thank you very much!
Hahah that's very observant of you! I like the look of the Boy, but I've seen enough reviews on it to know that the wear and tear is quite bad on it, that's why I've never bought one. Hope that helps!
Hey there thank you so much! Yes, I have such a weakness for pink CFs too! Lol. I would consider selling my caramel 19, it is hard to part with though. Are you interested? 😆🙈
I definitely would if it weren't such a pain to sell! I guess when my schedule clears up after April it might be a possibility. Thanks for watching and sharing!
Hi there, I'm definitely team caviar. I have some lambskin and I've heard that you can slowly buff out minor scratches on lambskin over time, and I have observed that is quite true. But I still feel way way more secure with caviar because I do tend to be a little clumsy sometimes and I take my caviar out alot more than I do the lambskin. (with the exception of the 2 chanel 19s I have, because for some reason, the lambskin on the chanel 19 bags seem more durable than on the CF.) Hope this helps!
@@raindropraina thank u so helpful and I agree the 19 is different in a good way . Wanted caramel but seems black is best choice though there is a beautiful darker turquoise like coming out
Hi there, I have an unboxing video of this watch that I haven't released yet, but you have sharp eyes and caught sight of it here! It's the Arceau Petite Lune from Hermes with an Etoupe croc strap. :))
Sighhh that is so underhanded but it does happen. I hope you are able to still enjoy your bag or get a return. I've made peace with mine and I still love her for her beauty.
Hi there, yes it is a 30 series! That's a bit hard to answer, by itself, seems a deeper burgundy than it is bright. I don't have another burgundy bag to compare with, but if I put it beside the interior burgundy lining of my classic black caviar CF, the lining colour is darker and more purplish, and the 30 series seems redder and brighter. Hope that helps!
Thank you! I haven't sold any! I am tempted to sell sometimes but have been too busy and when I see the bags, I get this pang of sadness at the thought of letting them go. So they're all staying. 😆
Keep ALL the Chanel, is my motto in life 😂 lovely collection thanks for sharing xox 💋
Hahah good advice! I am divided still, as I'm crazy and want to repurchase that 19s iridescent pink... But it really feels like too much hassle!🤦🏻♀️😅
I only buy from there. *jklux* because the leather quality there is the best among replica bags, and I admit that I don't have a big enough budget to buy the real thing, BTW, but your review is also very good.y
@@McelhaneyBarnett no 👎🏻
Beautiful collection. I love Chanel classic flaps so much.
Thank you so much!!
I love this! I would say keep them. The pink bag may not be perfect but it certainly could’ve been worse and it suits you well 💕✨
aw thanks!! I am loving my Coco handles more after making this video and agree, the pink bag is still my holy grail first love so I still enjoy her!
I completely understand when you talked about the white CFlap, I actually passed on your iridescent white, then got the white CF lol. Your collection is amazing don’t sell anything, love and enjoy your bags!
THank you so much! I am now in love with white bags and am wondering if I should add a white CF too. 😜
@@raindropraina I think your collection is so perfect that a white CF would be the cherry on top 😉🤩😜
Don’t sell any bag based on a quick decision. If you are planning to buy something else in their place that is of course different. You do have a very nice Chanel collection!😊
Thank you thank you thank you! I haven't sold anything, and am holding on for now.
I say keep them all. They are so pretty . I wonder if you could bring the iridescent pink bag to the boutique to remove the stain ?
Awww thank you so much! They are such yummy pieces. That is a good idea, maybe when the holiday rush is over I'll make time to take it in and get my SA to have a look at it. Thanks for the suggestion, I guess I always felt that iridescent pieces are so delicate, once anything happens to them, we can't really do anything to fix it, but it is definitely worth a shot. :)
What an amazing collection, I say don’t sell any ❤
Thanks babe! I am really finding it hard to figure out which one, so yeah, maybe I might keep them all? 😆😅
@@raindropraina I think they are all nice, except the 19s.. lol
I got 19s CF as well. It is absolutely beautiful and better to keep it and sell the 2022 pink bag
You have a gorgeous Chanel collection, thank you for sharing 💗
Thank you so much!
The iridescent pink is so beautiful!! I know what you mean about the preloved market. I got 2 Chanel bags with cigarette smell. 😩I had to send them back at a loss $. The marks on your bag are on the inside and hard to see so just enjoy it!
Thank you so much, sorry to hear about the bad Chanel experience. Hope you have other better experiences to make up for it! I have embraced my iridescent Chanel since, I wore it to the Barbie movie, it was perfect for the event. 💖💖💖
This is an amazing collection 😍 your bags absolutely beautiful! I really love the mini limited edition with the charms...so special and unique! I enjoyed watching this video!❤️🥰
Thank you so much, Keisha! Oh yes, that mini rectangular with the charms has a special place in my heart. Hope you are enjoying your new bag and the holiday season. :)
Omg Raina, I absolutely Love love LOVEEE your pink CFs!! They are so so gorgeous 🤍😍
Awww thank you so much! I definitely have such a weakness for pink.... and caramel/gold.😆😍 Can't wait to see your collection!
If you can tell if *jklux* it’s a replica by the edge of a button or something like that, the replica is probably better quality than the original.
I bought my first Chanel classic flap in store 2019 and I absolutely got the queasy feeling. It was so expensive I still can’t believe it and now it’s over double the price!!
Haha yes! I still get the same queasy feeling over some luxury purchases, but sadly I think it's been normalizing over the years.... Eeek! 🙈😅 But maybe the queasy feeling paid off, because I can't imagine paying the current prices. 🤣 I'm glad we both got our Classic Flaps back then!
I’m torn between a black medium reissue and small classic flap, what would you recommend? Beautiful collection!
Thank you! Oooh I think it really depends on so many personal factors! Like, is this your first Chanel , do you intend to have more pieces? For me, I actually loved the reissue more at first but chose the medium classic flap because back then I was just starting on my luxury collection and I didn't dare to commit to something that I knew wouldn't hold it's value. Now though, I know what I like and suits me more, things like wardrobe and lifestyle too, so I would say, think about all these practical factors but also weigh it against how much the bag makes your heart sing! You can't really compare the joy it brings to you with another person's choices coz it's too personal. :) hope this helps and I would love to hear what you choose in the end!
Thank you so much!! Yes first Chanel piece and at the current price point I want to make sure I buy something that will hold it’s value but the reissue is not as common and beautiful but then I’m paying a lot for a bag without the logo so I’m torn! 😅 Thanks for your response though!!
Wonderful collection....I know I am two years late to the conversation....so what did you get rid off by the way.
Lol! It's never too late. Welcome! I only sold the large pale lilac Coco Handle in January this year. Still have everything else. 😅
WOW absolutely wonderful collection….❤😊
Thank you so much!! Have a great weekend ahead!
Hi, lovely collection! I am considering buying a Chanel CF in iridescent pink caviar from 19S collection but torn between the jumbo and small size. Since they are pricey I will appreciate if you can advise on the wear and tear and color transfer on the iridescent pink bag and if you would still recommend it and if yes which size? I have a black maxi in caviar with GHW, a black rectangle mini in lamb skin with GHW and a black vintage medium CF in lamb skin with AGHW. Many thanks in advance
Hi there, thank you! Oooh what a lovely collection you already have, I can see why you want that 19s pink, it is so so beautiful. I'd go with the small size, my iridescent pink hasn't had any colour transfer and I don't see any wear and tear, apart from the blue spots at the part where flap starts on the inside, a defect that the reseller concealed from me. 😭😭😭 I still use her and on some days I have a flash of madness to want to buy the small version. You already have all the other sizes of the CF, except the small, and I think this pink would work wonders in the small size, the colour, finish and Princess feeling with the small size all aligns. I guess if you find yourself using the jumbo size the most, then that's when I think jumbo would be the right choice? But I vote small! Hope this helps! 💖✨💕
@@raindropraina thank you so much for prompt detailed response, much appreciated. I do not own any jumbo but I think if I need a big bag I can still use my maxi and yes unfortunately I have always been gravitating towards black bags so when I saw this one I feel it’s so beautiful. Again thank you very much!
@@raindropraina thank you so much for prompt detailed response, much appreciated. I do not own any jumbo but I think if I need a big bag I can still use my maxi and yes unfortunately I have always been gravitating towards black bags so when I saw this one I feel it’s so beautiful. Again thank you very much!
Lovely collection! ❤ I notice you don't have any Boy, how do you feel about the style?
Hahah that's very observant of you! I like the look of the Boy, but I've seen enough reviews on it to know that the wear and tear is quite bad on it, that's why I've never bought one. Hope that helps!
Beautiful Collection. Love my pink CFs too, never enough of them!
Would you ever consider selling your caramel small 19?
Hey there thank you so much! Yes, I have such a weakness for pink CFs too! Lol. I would consider selling my caramel 19, it is hard to part with though. Are you interested? 😆🙈
If your not using let it go, I suspect prices will get even lower with projected recession.
I definitely would if it weren't such a pain to sell! I guess when my schedule clears up after April it might be a possibility. Thanks for watching and sharing!
keep it all🌻🌹💃♥️ilove how u shared ur presentations, ur such a darling & with a Humility heart,
enjoy ur great blessing nd tkcre
Thank you so much, it means alot to me, have a great week ahead! 🤗
Do u think black caviar or black lambskin is better long term for repair on corners etc
Hi there, I'm definitely team caviar. I have some lambskin and I've heard that you can slowly buff out minor scratches on lambskin over time, and I have observed that is quite true. But I still feel way way more secure with caviar because I do tend to be a little clumsy sometimes and I take my caviar out alot more than I do the lambskin. (with the exception of the 2 chanel 19s I have, because for some reason, the lambskin on the chanel 19 bags seem more durable than on the CF.) Hope this helps!
@@raindropraina thank u so helpful and I agree the 19 is different in a good way . Wanted caramel but seems black is best choice though there is a beautiful darker turquoise like coming out
Gorgeous collection!! 😍😍😍
Thank you! 💕💖
Is the burgundy color easy to match?
Hi there, yes the burgundy is one of the easiest and most versatile pieces in my collection, I use it the most!
what brand is your watch miss.
Hi there, I have an unboxing video of this watch that I haven't released yet, but you have sharp eyes and caught sight of it here! It's the Arceau Petite Lune from Hermes with an Etoupe croc strap. :))
all of your handbags goes with the dress you are wearing. 😄
haha I didn't even notice that, thanks for pointing it out, I'll need to wear that dress more often!
Stunning collection ❤
Thank you so much! 😍
Thank you so much!
How is your lambskin pearl bag age?
Hi there! So far so good, there was a slight scratch on the front but it fades over time. It actually scratches less easily than the regular lambskin.
some resellers hide specs of the bag to make it look pristine! i had an experience once
Sighhh that is so underhanded but it does happen. I hope you are able to still enjoy your bag or get a return. I've made peace with mine and I still love her for her beauty.
@@raindropraina I just made peace with it and love it like you do with your Chanel bag...0
Is your Burgundy CF 30 series? Would you say it’s a deep or brighter burgundy color.
Hi there, yes it is a 30 series! That's a bit hard to answer, by itself, seems a deeper burgundy than it is bright. I don't have another burgundy bag to compare with, but if I put it beside the interior burgundy lining of my classic black caviar CF, the lining colour is darker and more purplish, and the 30 series seems redder and brighter. Hope that helps!
We have 3 of the same bags… 🥰
Oooh yay!! 👯♀️👯♀️👯♀️ Which 3?
Keep them all for now unless you need the money
sell me the pink iridescent! DM me if you decide to!!!
LOL hi there! I have been thinking about it all day. And wondering if I should sell it, do I DM you on your email?
Thanks ! 💖💖💖💖💖
OMG, please don't sell them. They are all keepers.
Thank you! I haven't sold any! I am tempted to sell sometimes but have been too busy and when I see the bags, I get this pang of sadness at the thought of letting them go. So they're all staying. 😆