"የወልቃይት ነገር ..." መታየት ያለበት የዶ/ር ዳኛቸዉ አሰፋ ንግግር | Dr Dagnachew Assefa | Ethiopia

  • Опубліковано 11 гру 2024


  • @hannaloveedgilegn6670
    @hannaloveedgilegn6670 4 роки тому +2

    ዶ/ር ዳኛቸው ውስጠ ቅኔ አማርኛህ እጅግ ያስደንቀኛል እረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ዘወትር እመኝልሃለሁ ።💚💛❤🇲🇱🇲🇱🇲🇱🇲🇱🇲🇱🇲🇱

  • @kindgonderew
    @kindgonderew 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you Profecer, You said it very well, WELKIT is our destination.

  • @Hana-3838
    @Hana-3838 4 роки тому +13

    ወይ ጌታ ክብር ለአተ። እንደኔ። ለካ የታመመ አለ። አባቴ ጌታ ይአመስግንሖት ብቻ አይደለም። ኢትዮጵያ። ታመስግንሖት። ለካ እንደኔ። ወገኔ ታሟል። ክብር። ለጌታ። 💖

  • @davoosm7087
    @davoosm7087 4 роки тому

    Nice speech Dr Dagnachew we are proud you to have you ....

  • @abrahamtegen320
    @abrahamtegen320 4 роки тому +10

    You are really .i feel you brother.you are hero

    • @yonatanakalu-tk2xl
      @yonatanakalu-tk2xl 4 роки тому

      Abraham Tegen you can feel him however you can’t do a shit. Because you doesn’t have the courage to do so. Gutless, fearful, shintam, kizenam Ahya Amhara. Great independent Tigray will be real soon

  • @workutheo1598
    @workutheo1598 4 роки тому +2

    Thanks dr.
    I am what I am

  • @aderajewtilahun5583
    @aderajewtilahun5583 4 роки тому +6

    ዶ/ር ዳኛቸዉ አሁን በጣም ጥሩ እየሰራህ ነዉ አየህ የህዝብህን ተጨባጭ በደል አርቲኩሌት አድርገህ ማቅረብህ ለግዜዉ ግራ ሚያጋባቸዉ ይኖራሉ ያደረከዉ ግን በጣም ጥሩ ነዉ የድርሻህን እየተወጣህ ነዉ ሌሎች የአማራ ሙህራንም ትምህርት ብትወስዱበት ጥሩ ነዉ፡፡

  • @selamawitghebre3118
    @selamawitghebre3118 4 роки тому

    ወልቃይት ጠገዴ ዳንሻ ሁመራ መሬቱም አማራ ሰውም አማራ እናመሰግናለን የተከበሩ ዶ/ር ዳኛቸው🙏❤

  • @abrahamtegen320
    @abrahamtegen320 4 роки тому +2

    When you speak P.Dagnachew All My Nerves Shake. This Is More Than True.Welkayt Gonder Ethiopia.

  • @mmetores9399
    @mmetores9399 4 роки тому +1

    By the way, ክቡር ዶ/ር ዳኛቸዉ አሰፋ, great job on what you said on celebrating the defeat of the Egyptians (twice) by Atse Yohannes / Ras Aalula. The second time the Egyptians invaded Ethiopia, they brought with them a huge army that was armed to its teeth and that was trained and supported by British and other Western high ranking military advisors. They came to control the Abay river and Red Sea but the amazing Ras Alula and his army annihilated them. Some historians say that over 30,000 Ethiopian soldiers from Tigray and Eritrea were sacrificed and killed in that war in order to keep Ethiopia and Eritrea safe and independent. It is sad that we never were taught about that history and that we never remembered and celebrated those amazing heroes that kept Ethiopia free by paying huge sacrifices.

  • @godsaves8457
    @godsaves8457 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you Dr.
    That's true.
    Welqait is Gondar, Amhara, Ethiopia, Africa, planet Earth, God💚💛❤🙏

  • @mmetores9399
    @mmetores9399 4 роки тому +1

    ክቡር ዶ/ር ዳኛቸዉ አሰፋ, you are a respected professor, however, if you really care about Amara and Ethiopia like one commentator said, "ወልቃይት እና ራያ ከማለት የተያዙ ሴቶች ወገኖችን ያስመልሱ።" With all due respect, you should also talk about the Abay river and the Hidase Gidb /GERD project being sold by Abyi Ahmed. Talk about Ethiopia being sold and destroyed by Abyi Ahmed. Then you can be respected and looked at as a hero and not as an opportunist who is not brave enough to speak about the real and burning issues. Your leadership is needed Sir and lead us, so that we can continue to respect you and listen to you.

  • @tewodorthird7398
    @tewodorthird7398 4 роки тому +2

    ዶ/ር የአመቱን ምርጥ እውነተኛና ታሪካዊ ትንተና ነው ያቀረቡት የሚሰማ እውነተኛ ጆሮና ልብ ካላቸው!! ..አንተ እኛ የምንነግርህን ነህ እንጅ አንተን ማንነትህን አይደለኸም..ከዚህ የበለጠ ጭፍለቃ ጎበዝ ምን አለ???? እኒህ ሰወች ገፍተው ገፍተው እዚህ ደረጃ አድርሰውናል ጎበዝ

  • @tigluutesaka5206
    @tigluutesaka5206 4 роки тому +8

    እውነትህን ነው አቶ ዳኛቸው ለኔም አንድ ጋደኛዬ የ70 ወልቃይት ጣብያዎች እንዲ ብሎኝ ነበር ማይድሙ፣ ማይተመን፣ ዓዲረመፅ፣ ዓወርቂ፣ ብላምባ ቅርሺ፣ዓዲ ፍልጦ፣አውራ፣ዕዳጋ ሓሙስ፣ዕዳጋ ሶሉስ፣ እንዳ መድሀኔአለም፣ እንዳማርያም፣ ዓዲጉደም፣ዓዲጉማሬ፣ ሽሓግነ፣ጨካርኩዶ፣እንዳሩፋኤል፣ እምባጎሓሊት፣ ማይሑመር፣ማይደሌ፣ደጀና...እንዴት ህዝቡ እና መሬቱ ማንነት አልባ የሆነው ነፍጠኛ የኔናቸው እንዳለኝ ይገርመኛል። ነፍጠኛ ታሪክ አልባ ትውልድ መሆኑ ከዚህ መገንዘብ ችያለሁ!! ነፍጠኛ መሬትን እንጂ ሰዉን አይፈልግም ይህም ኤርትራን ባሕራን ትግራይን ታሪካንና መሬታን ይመኛል። ተመኝቶ ይቀራል እንጂ። ለነገሩ ምኞት አይከለከልም አሜሪካንም መመኘት መብት አላችሁ።

  • @tamenuabera6940
    @tamenuabera6940 4 роки тому +1

    Bravo Doctor Dagnachewu really , really, really really!!

  • @سعيدسعيد-ف5ز3ي
    @سعيدسعيد-ف5ز3ي Рік тому

    ወጥር አማራ ዲል ለአማራ ፋኖ💪💪💪💪💪🇨🇬🇨🇬🇨🇬🇨🇬🇨🇬

  • @thomaswassie5135
    @thomaswassie5135 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you Dr. Dagnachew.

  • @asrialkatheeri9354
    @asrialkatheeri9354 4 роки тому +9


  • @selammersha1493
    @selammersha1493 4 роки тому +1

    It is great analysis....

  • @tffkkk2035
    @tffkkk2035 4 роки тому +1

    ዶ/ር ዳኛቸው ስለወልቃይትና ራያ ማንነት ጉዳይ ዕውነቱን ተናግረዋል፡፡ ማንነታቸው እንዲከበር ፍትህ ለወልቃይት ፣ጠገዴ ፣ኮረምና ራያ ማኅበረሰብ ! የትግራይና አማራ ህዝብ የሚፈልገው ሰላምና ተባብሮ መሥራት ነው፡፡

  • @genetabera7691
    @genetabera7691 4 роки тому +5

    እግዚአብሄር ይመስገን ቢዘገይም
    ሙሁሮቻችን የወልቃይት አማራን ችግር ለአለም ህዝብ ስላሳወቃችሁልን በተለይ ዶ/ር ዳኛቸው አሰፋ እናመሰግናለን።

  • @gafattimes6187
    @gafattimes6187 4 роки тому +8

    you are a LEGEND MAN,,,,,,,,,,,,,ITS REALITY HISTORY

  • @abiymekonnen386
    @abiymekonnen386 4 роки тому +1

    True scholar bless you heart doc

  • @etaferhumamo8539
    @etaferhumamo8539 4 роки тому +3

    ዶክተርዬ እግዚአብሔር ደግሞ ደጋግሞ እውቀት ይስጦት የማስረዳት ፣የማስተማር፣ ታሪክን ጥንቅቅ አድርገው በማወቅዎ ለማያውቅ በማሳወቅዎ እጅግ ጥበበ ኛ የታሪክ አዋቂ. ተመራማሪ
    ብቃት ከመሆኑም ባቫገር እንደው ብጥቅሉ እንደ ውሃ ጥም ያረካሉ እንድሜዎትን ወደ

  • @berhan6851
    @berhan6851 4 роки тому +7

    Love him or hate him, the man Is a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @fishera7828
      @fishera7828 4 роки тому

      መረሸን ያለበት ዘረኛ

  • @seblen474
    @seblen474 4 роки тому +10

    Welkait Amhara new

    • @chaltuaddisabebakegna265
      @chaltuaddisabebakegna265 4 роки тому

      Hezb aydelhum ale eko

    • @seblen474
      @seblen474 4 роки тому

      @@chaltuaddisabebakegna265 hizbun hewehat Nat??? Sintun yewelkayit amhara kasgedelu behuala. Tigray hizib Amtito asfro new ende hizibu wesnual yemilew. Ahun badme lay liyaderigut endalut neber. Gin esayas neke alebachew. . Anchiin hisab new Addis Ababa kegna yemtiyiw.

    • @chaltuaddisabebakegna265
      @chaltuaddisabebakegna265 4 роки тому

      @@seblen474 that's true 2 oromo ena tegre we don't have problems at all

    • @seblen474
      @seblen474 4 роки тому

      @@chaltuaddisabebakegna265 hewehat Nat hizbu. Fasam Nat. Wechi hewehat. Ye Addis Ababe guday be Addis abebewoch yiwesenal. Fesam Hulu. Fesachihun anzartu America lay tekemitachihu

    • @seblen474
      @seblen474 4 роки тому

      @@chaltuaddisabebakegna265 min yitebesilish. Yet tigenagnalachihu. Hewehat minim altesakalatim. Echi fesam zereto hizb teltuatal. Sew agadlam bihon 4 killlo litigeba asbalech. Man liyasdersat. Mekelle gebtalech.

  • @teddyamhara
    @teddyamhara 4 роки тому +10

    Thank you Dr. Dagnachew!!

  • @hkaraya73
    @hkaraya73 4 роки тому +4

    Action speaks louder than thousand words. So now it is TIME for action. FREE WELKAYET...

  • @alexfentaw7328
    @alexfentaw7328 4 роки тому


  • @haileselassiehalefom156
    @haileselassiehalefom156 4 роки тому +3

    መናገር ተግባር የተለያዩ ናቸው።በል ናና ሞክር አጋሰስ

  • @yonisabrha8887
    @yonisabrha8887 4 роки тому

    ለህዝቦች ማንነት ኡ ኩሉነት ነው የታገልን ደግሞ ይላሉ ኣያፍሩም
    ኣጠገባቸው ያሉ የ ወልቃይቶች መኒነት ያላከበረ የ ኦሮም አና የ ሶማሊ መብት ልማስከበር ነው የታገልነው ይላሉ

  • @jakichanget8569
    @jakichanget8569 3 роки тому

    እውነታው ሲገለጥ የአማራ ማንነት ፈንድቶ ፋሽሽቶችን አፈንድቶ ወያኔዎችን አሽቀንጥርው ጥለው ማንነታቸውን በዳግም አድዋ በድል አጠናቀቁት።

  • @abbaybe5550
    @abbaybe5550 4 роки тому

    I wish if your prayers become true and we see each other on welkayit. Werada amara, metetam

  • @taethio3266
    @taethio3266 4 роки тому

    ልክ ነው ስለወልቃይት መጠየቅ ይቻላል ግን ስለላሊበላ ጎንደር ወሎ የሚባል ገና ዛሬ መስማቴ ነው ሌላ አጅንዳ ባይከፈትብን መልካም ነው ያለውን ያስጨርሰን ።

    • @selamawitghebre3118
      @selamawitghebre3118 4 роки тому

      ወንድሜ እኔ ላስታ መቄት ነው ሀገሬ አያቶቼ እስካሁን ድረስ ጎንደሬ ነን ወሎዬም ነን ነው የሚሉት በንጉሱ ዘመን ነው ወደ ወሎ የተጠቃለለው አማራ ስለሆንን አንድ ነን ባህሉም ቋንቋውም ሁሉም ነገር አንድ ህዝብ ነን።

  • @abrahamtegen320
    @abrahamtegen320 4 роки тому +1

    Ethiopian People Must Stand togather to free welkayt.we are peace keeper in the world but i dont know why we leave our brother to be in the Hand Of Weyane Enemy.God Oneday Shine Sun On Welkayt.

  • @belayeabate6929
    @belayeabate6929 4 роки тому +8

    because of welkayet tplf kicked out from power. because of welkayet tgrea and amara will start war at the end tgrea will pay a heavy price with no forgiveness after that

    • @leulgebre24
      @leulgebre24 4 роки тому +1

      speech with out practice is like food with out salt .there fore , try it as much as possible

  • @seblehilanichael9390
    @seblehilanichael9390 4 роки тому +4

    የወልቃይት የራያ ህዝብ ጭፍጨፋ ወደፊት ታሪክ ይዘክራል እንዲሁ ተደፋፍኖ አይቀርም እያንዳንዱን ያፈናቀሉ የገደሉ ታፍነው የትእንደርሱ የማይታወቅ ያ ሁሉ እየተጣራ ነው ለፍርድ የሚቀርቡበት ሩቅ አይደለም

  • @abdullahsaeed5629
    @abdullahsaeed5629 4 роки тому +3


  • @danieltesfaye3865
    @danieltesfaye3865 4 роки тому +9

    ወልቃት ጠገዴ የአምሐራ መሬት the land of gonder stealing from gonder regional period??

  • @leulgebre24
    @leulgebre24 4 роки тому +2


  • @seblehilanichael9390
    @seblehilanichael9390 4 роки тому +1

    ተባረክልን ዶር ዳኛቸው እውነታው ይህ ነው.

  • @kindgonderew
    @kindgonderew 4 роки тому +1

    For me, WELKIT is everything GONDAR AMARA.

  • @tadessetegegne8755
    @tadessetegegne8755 4 роки тому +13

    ሀሀሀሀሀሀሀሀ ኧረ ዶክተር እውነቷን ቁጭ አርጎ ቁልጭልጭ ሲደርጋቸው ተመልከት እነ አማራ የሚባል የለምን ሀሀሀሀሀ እውነት ትዘገያለች እንጅ አይኗን አፍጥጣ ብቅ ማለቷ አይቀርም❗እስኪ ብሉ እንግዲህ በመረጃና በማስረጃ ሞግቱ?

  • @eyobwondu
    @eyobwondu 4 роки тому +3

    በጣም ይደብራል ያሳፍራል፣ በጣም ዶክተር በጣም ያሳዝናል

  • @zelalemxyz1869
    @zelalemxyz1869 4 роки тому +4

    ከእውነት ትግራይን አትገነጠሉም ብሎ ጦር የሚሠብቅ የለም። ወልቃይት ፣ጠገዴን፣ጠለምት እና ራያን ይዘን እንገነጠላለን ካሉ ግንለምን የደም ጎርፍ አይፈስም !!! ያን ቀን ይዤ ለመውደቅ ለራሴ ቃል ገብቻለሁ።

  • @loveethiopia273
    @loveethiopia273 4 роки тому +3

    Long live true Ethiopian Ye Amhara son Dr.Danchew .👏👏👏👏💚💛❤️🙏🤲🏻👍🏽

  • @yosephsande8040
    @yosephsande8040 4 роки тому +1

    The Case of wolkait Tegele should go to the Internsjonal Court., and the descision should be Inforced by the Security Council peace keeping force. From eritrea

    • @yonatanakalu-tk2xl
      @yonatanakalu-tk2xl 4 роки тому

      Yoseph s Ande entay adeka aetiyika resah Banda. Ked nabta bedbad hagerka Eritrea

  • @kbkb6282
    @kbkb6282 4 роки тому +7

    ወልቃይት እና ራያ እያልክ ከመቃጀት የተያዙ ሴቶችን አስመልስ

  • @thomaswassie5135
    @thomaswassie5135 4 роки тому

    It is wonderful to see such thorough discussion about the injustice on the people of Wolqayit and Raya perpetrated by the leadership of TPLF since 1979.
    Blessed be the just struggle of the people of Wolqayit and Raya. All amhara people are on their side.
    Down with TPLF tyranny on the people of Wolqayit and Raya in particular and on the people of Tigray in general.
    Once TPLF is eliminated from Tigray the people of Gondar and Wollo will leave together with the people of Tigray in peace and harmony like they used to do for several hundred years.

  • @peacewishes6627
    @peacewishes6627 4 роки тому +10

    ትግሬዎች ወልቃይት ለወልቃይቶች መልቀቅ መፍትሄዉ ሰዉ ከትግሬ ወደ አማራ መሆን ይቻላል አማራ ወደ ትግሬ መሆን ዉርደት ነው

    • @habenmehari1907
      @habenmehari1907 4 роки тому

      eski mehal

    • @leulgebre24
      @leulgebre24 4 роки тому

      identity with out recognition is like empty jar with out water , the same is ato. dagnachew assefas value less speech .

    • @peacewishes6627
      @peacewishes6627 4 роки тому

      @@leulgebre24 ወልቃይቴዎች ማንነታቸው አማራ እንጅ ትግሬ በግድ አይሆኑም ለመሬት ሲባል

    • @eliasberhe3138
      @eliasberhe3138 4 роки тому

      በክት ነህ

    • @ksaukonjo4728
      @ksaukonjo4728 4 роки тому


  • @bedelludesta5508
    @bedelludesta5508 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you Dr yes we must free Wolkiet now and we also need to help our people of Tigray to be free of TPLF thugs

  • @dch6780
    @dch6780 4 роки тому

    The center of attack and revenge on amhara by Tplf is wolkait!!! thank you Dr.

  • @mmetores9399
    @mmetores9399 4 роки тому +2

    It is interesting to me why there is focus on Welkait now when Ethiopia is in grave danger of being disintegrated and the main danger facing Ethiopia is right there in front of ዶ/ር ዳኛቸዉ አሰፋ (Abyi Ahmed in front of him from Arat Kilo destroying and selling to foreigners not only the Amara region but the entire country, and the danger of a widespread civil war and further instability). I am not saying that people should not discuss Welkait if they think the people of Welkait have a demand to become part of the Amara region. But the priority, focus, and all the energy should now be stopping Abyi Ahmed from further selling and destroying Ethiopia. The focus now should be stopping Abyi Ahmed from further selling the Great Hidase Dam / GERD Project to the Egyptians. That is what people should first do if they are brave and truly care about Welkait / Amara and Ethiopia. Because talking about Welkait will make no sense if Ethiopia does not continue as a united country. People of Addis Ababa are worried whether or not Addis Ababa will continue as we know it today. Trying to grab something high up while dropping the main thing that keeps you standing makes no sense. ዶ/ር ዳኛቸዉ አሰፋ should become brave and show leadership by advising everyone there is a much more important danger that Ethiopia is facing and that Ethiopians should end divisions and become united to save the country.

  • @mastewalnegash5329
    @mastewalnegash5329 4 роки тому +3

    እዉቀት ሲናገር

  • @solitube23
    @solitube23 4 роки тому +7

    ወያኔዎች ዋጡት እውነታውን?ወልቃይት.....ጎንደር......ኢትዮጵያ

    • @b.m3843
      @b.m3843 4 роки тому

      belay Kefale ayiii wenid kehonachu betegibar masimeles newa . Bewere ena bezefen ayidelem

    • @anthonyloveanthonylove2159
      @anthonyloveanthonylove2159 4 роки тому

      Biniyam Solomon Ken tebekachu aydel yewesedachhut egbam ken wyetebeken new, Nechochem kene mulu technologyachew African le balebetu melsewal

    • @b.m3843
      @b.m3843 4 роки тому

      Anthony Love Anthony Love hahahah ken ayidelem yetebekinew . Ketikiten new yabarerinachu . Midire shinitam

  • @missethiopia2117
    @missethiopia2117 4 роки тому +1

    ኢትዮጵያዊው ማን ነው ግን ግራ ገባን እኮ, የተማረ በላሽ ሀገሬ

  • @fekerachenafe6438
    @fekerachenafe6438 4 роки тому +5

    የራሳቸው የትግራይ ተወላጀ ትግራይ ከተከዜ ወድያ አንጀ ወዲህ አልነበሩም ሊኖሩም አይችልም በአሁኑ የምርጫ ክልል አዴፓ ወልቃይትን እራያን ክልል ውሰጥ ያሰገባል

  • @kentusewbemdre1880
    @kentusewbemdre1880 4 роки тому

    Pa denkam mehur

  • @esmaelibrahim5861
    @esmaelibrahim5861 4 роки тому

    Wolqayit and Addis Ababa (Sheger) have similar ownership complaints. If wolqayit belongs to Amhara then Sheger belongs to Oromia.

  • @neftalemmehretab1904
    @neftalemmehretab1904 4 роки тому

    ክቡር ዶክተር የርሶ ኣድዋ ወልቃይት ከኮነ ያው እንደኣድዋው ጀግንነት ሄደው ይዋጉ።

  • @adamankind1onearthg
    @adamankind1onearthg 4 роки тому

    ፀጋዬ ኦሮሞና ኣማራ። እናት

  • @leulachamyeleh5054
    @leulachamyeleh5054 4 роки тому

    Woleqayit and Raya back to its original owners with blood-case closed!

  • @makym.d.8133
    @makym.d.8133 4 роки тому +1


  • @mommom1417
    @mommom1417 4 роки тому

    ሀቅን የተናገረ ሰው መቸም በሰው ልብ ውስጥ ይኖራል

  • @solomongebar7277
    @solomongebar7277 4 роки тому

    Ante dedeb danky

    • @semirhassen9824
      @semirhassen9824 4 роки тому

      It seem donkey iis who is not. Spell
      Correctly. Domma

  • @TH-qk6ez
    @TH-qk6ez 4 роки тому

    To some of you commenters this guy might sound crazy, but he can never be as crazy as a minority Tigre who used a brief historical moment to grab lands it will never sustain against the odds..regardless of how anyone else feels it is mind boggling to think how any minority would choose a political system that would make them a target...it can only be explained as narcissism...Aboy Sibhat's argument with the very irrational generation he himself breed explains just that!..they did not know what they were doing because they were blinded by hatred for Amhara!

    • @abrahamkassa8943
      @abrahamkassa8943 4 роки тому

      You think '' Tigreans'' are "minority"? Ok take welkayte, raya and other Tigrean areas like Massawa, Asseb Aksume what ever you like and then we will see!!! You didn't learn from history! Negotiation is better why you calling chaos. Time is changed be pragmatic look the big picture! That's good for all of us.

  • @mekonnenbeyene2211
    @mekonnenbeyene2211 4 роки тому

    Dr. would you please start talk show on the radio and change every thing and stop these sick people who talk trash about Ethiopia.

  • @Mike-ci5io
    @Mike-ci5io 4 роки тому +3

    The tigray ppl will pay the price for centuries for the crime of tplf mark my words

  • @tesf2720
    @tesf2720 4 роки тому

    አድዋን ለማክበር ወደ ጎንደር?

  • @arayabahre2450
    @arayabahre2450 4 роки тому

    ሰለጥንሃል መናገር መጻፍ ትችላለህ ተግባራዊ ማድረግ ነው

  • @ጡሩሰው
    @ጡሩሰው 4 роки тому +5

    እኔ ይህን ሰው ሳየው ጡት ነካሽ ብየ ነው ማምነው

  • @kidanehadush7926
    @kidanehadush7926 4 роки тому +1

    ስለወልቃይት ከሆናቹ ታሪኩ ለኣማራነኝ ባዮች ኣሳፋሪ ሆኖ እናገኘዋለን ምክንያቱ ወልቃይት መሬት ተቆርሶ በጌምድር ትባል የነበረችው የ290 ኣመት ታሪከ ያላት ከተማ ወደ ክፍለሀገርነት በንጉስ ምንሊክ ያደገችበት ምክንያት ነው ኣሳፋሪው ። እሱም የጠቀስከው ኣፀ የውሃንስ ግብፅን ሶስት ጊዜ ስለተደመሰሰና መንግስትነቱም በእንግሊዝ ቁጥጥር በመዋላቸው ባደራቸው ቁጭትና የጥላቻ ብቀላ ምክንያት በጀርባ ዞረው ወዳጃቸው ሸዋ ምንሊክ ተጠቅመው የውሃንስን በቅንፀላ ለማስወገድ ሲጠይቁት በደስታ ተቀብሎ በጎንደር በኩል ኣሳካው እና ለዚህ ነው ቤጌምድር ከትግራይ ወልቃይት ከኣገው ተቆርሶ ያደገው ።

  • @yonasgebreslassie7082
    @yonasgebreslassie7082 4 роки тому +1

    I am so sad what insane Dr

    • @davehm1825
      @davehm1825 4 роки тому

      @Yonas Gebreslassie oh! Do you mean the insane Dr. Debretsion?

  • @fekerachenafe6438
    @fekerachenafe6438 4 роки тому

    አዴፓ ለምርጫ ከሚያቀርበው የክልል ካርታ ወልቃይትና እራያን ማሰገባት አለበት አጠቃሎ ካላሰገባ አሜኖ ሰጥቷል ማለት ነው

    • @abraham9531
      @abraham9531 4 роки тому

      አዴፓ አማራን አይወክልም ።

  • @michalgebre1289
    @michalgebre1289 4 роки тому

    Ayzho ero amhra wetetone tyolhe

  • @eyobwondu
    @eyobwondu 4 роки тому +1

    ምንም ይህን አይነት ንግግር ከ ዶ/ር ዳኛቸው አልጠብቅም፣ በጣም አፍሬቦታለው እውነት፣ ጭሬሽ ዓድዋን አውርደው ሰፈር ይክተቱት ዶ/ር በጣም ያሳፍራል፣ ግን የምር ከልብዎት ነው ያቀረቡት?

    • @estifanosdebebe805
      @estifanosdebebe805 4 роки тому

      see it metaphorically bro.

    • @eyobwondu
      @eyobwondu 4 роки тому

      @@estifanosdebebe805 How can I see it that way bro? What is the purpose of such speech? Can it bring peace within us? It can't, right? In fact wherever is Wolkayit located if we are about to heal Ethiopia, we need to think of reconciling not exacerbating, and of course every citizens identity and did dignity should get respected whereever they are. I expect a speech of reconciliation not contradiction from intellect's like Dr. Dagnachew, but I am very deeply saddened of what he delivered here. Even imagine he has compared it with Adwa, haha such a bustard thinking.

    • @estifanosdebebe805
      @estifanosdebebe805 4 роки тому

      Of course, before declaring Adwa he should do on his capacity for a peaceful solution...Regrettably no intellectual or party or state or even high officials in the town apart from the recent initiative by amhara and tigray intellectuals is contributing to this impass.
      I think today the walkyte controversy is highly sought of and being nourished to make a living in the political enterprise.
      Politics aside, try to not deprive your self from enjoying every locution of this sweet philosophic narrator if not thinker.

    • @eyobwondu
      @eyobwondu 4 роки тому

      @@estifanosdebebe805 I do like him very much bro. But I feel like he is one of the healers of the current problem we are in this days but unluckily I am not seeing that. I expect him to be the moderator, the mediator or activator for peace not activator for conflict. I hope you understand my feeling brother!

  • @arayabahre2450
    @arayabahre2450 4 роки тому

    ኣይ መጥህ መውሰድ ነው ታድያ ኣሁንም እያማረርክ እያ እየጎሞጀህ ነው ህልም ነው ታድያ መክሮው እና ውጤቱ እንየው

  • @user-bz7fj1fk2m
    @user-bz7fj1fk2m 4 роки тому +2

    እምብርትህ መሃል ስላለው ከሚሴ (ወሎ) ትተህ ስለማይመለከትህ የትግራይ ወልቃይት ታውራልህ!!! ኣየ ነፍጠኛ ጡት ቆራጭ ፌክ ኦሮማራ ገና ወሎ ኦሮሚያ ሲሆን ትቀዝናልህ!!!!!! በኣማራ ክልል ኦሮሚያ ዞን!!!!!!

  • @jusesismylilef3940
    @jusesismylilef3940 4 роки тому +2

    ቆይ ህዝቦቹ እራሳቸዉ ይመርጡ በቃ አማራወም ትግሬወስ ምን አገባችሁ ? የምር ግን ታስጠላላችሁ ህዝቦን አታምሱት ቆይ ለህዝቡ ምን ትሰጦቸዋላችሁ ። አሁነስ ዘርኛወ አበዛዙ እነሱ የሚጠቀማቸወን ይመርጡ።

    • @jusesismylilef3940
      @jusesismylilef3940 4 роки тому

      @MN Bimir እኩ ምርጫ ይስጡቸዉ ከዛ ወደርጡት ይቀላቀሎ። ነዉ የኔ ሀሳብ ያምኔ ያም የኔ ሲባባሎ እነሱ በመሀከል ቤት ተጎዱ

    • @fatumaali1668
      @fatumaali1668 4 роки тому

      @@jusesismylilef3940 እምልሺ፣ወይምእምልህ፣ድሮበምርጫነበርየከለው፣የትግራይመታወቂያየተሰጣቸው፣ሀቅ፣ያዝ.

    • @ayen8855
      @ayen8855 4 роки тому

      bedemb alsemahewm !

  • @albiyehebretmesleabdan1651
    @albiyehebretmesleabdan1651 4 роки тому +3

    Min wolkayet becha?😁😁😁hulum yante new.....asseb, finfine, kemese, raya, wolkayet....ere hulum. Alemstetu adelem yemyaschenekegn yenante gorebet mehon new. Dr. Philosopher endih kasebe fano endet endemyaseb segemet yemer bezich ager tesfa ekortalew. Lemanegnawum H/selassie be 1948 korto yewesedin abdirafie, limalimo, angereb, abraha jira, alewuha masmeles selemefeleg na dagemawitwa Adewa enegenagn!!! Tolo na hulum agere bye enji anten bsedef abarere mereten masmeles echelebetalew.
    Ene negn ye tigrayu wetat wolqayet lay yadeku.

    • @davehm1825
      @davehm1825 4 роки тому +1

      @ትግራይ ዓደይ My country
      አንተ እኮ አላጠፋህም ትክክል ብለሃል:: በካሚዬን ወስደው ጣሉህ ከዛ ሀገርህ ነው እያሉ አሳደጉህ ምንም የምታውቀው ላይኖር ይችላል:: ከቦታው የተፈናቀሉት ስንት ግፍ የደረሰባቸውና እየደረሰባቸው ያሉ የአማራ ተወላጆችን ቤቱ ይቁጠራቸው:: አንድ ቀን እውነቱ ተገልጦ የዓለም ህዝብ የሚያየው ይሆናል የህወሃትን የግፍ ጥግ:: እስከዛው መፎከር መብታችሁ ነው:: ትልቁ ነገር የትግራይም ህዝብ ነቅቶባችሁ አንቅሮ ተፍቷችኇል:: ያው በጠመንጃ ይዛችሁት እንጂ::

  • @salimnuru8853
    @salimnuru8853 4 роки тому +5

    ይህ ደክተር አገር በሰላም እንዳትኖር ዘላለም በጦርት ውስጥ እንድትባ የሚፈልግ ግብፃዊ አስተሳሰብ ያለው ጦረኛ ነው።ሌሎች ብሄረሰቦች በቌንቌቸው መማር እንደሌለባቸው እና በአማርኛ መሆን አለበት እያልክ ዘራፍ ብለህ እንደአላዘንክ አሁን ወልቃይት በቌንቌቸው በትግርኛ ሳይሆን በአማርኛ ብለህ አማሮችን ሰብስህ የፈሪ ፍኮራ ማሰማት ውስጥህ በደንብ ማየት ያስችላል። መለስ ጌታህ ልክ አስገብቶህ ነበር ምን ያደርጋል ሰው በሌለበት ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ ማለት።አሁን ለአንተ ኢትዮጲያ ማለት ህዝብን ማተራመስ ነው።ከምርጫ በኌላ ሁኔታውን ለማየት ያብቃን!

    • @davehm1825
      @davehm1825 4 роки тому +2

      @salim nuru ይህን የፈጠራ ታሪክ ያስተማሩህን እነ ደፂን ጠይቃቸው አንድ ቀን ሳት ብሏቸው እውነቱን ይነግሩህ ይሆናል:: መቼም ከእውቀት ፆመኞች ስለሆናችሁ ማንበብና ማመዛዘን ስለተሳናችሁ የህወሃት አሽከሮች ሆናችሁ ቀራችሁ:: ግን ብዙም እሩቅ ሳትሄድ እዛው የናንተን ህዝብ በተለይ ትልልቆቹን አረጋውያንን ብትጠይቅ ይነግሩህ ነበር::

    • @anthonyloveanthonylove2159
      @anthonyloveanthonylove2159 4 роки тому

      salim nuru Nebreteh zem kalk new selam felagi yemyasblew?

  • @yonasalem4665
    @yonasalem4665 4 роки тому +5

    really now you are Amhara please stop the the Joke ok, You were famous admirer of shimelis abdisa now what don't even think about it, one day you are oromo next amhara i don't expect this from old man like You ,#disrespect

    • @bilatab1969
      @bilatab1969 4 роки тому +1

      Yonas Alem ,
      I think you have a bad ear or perception. He never said that. He had a great appreciation for Shimelis before he became shameless by kegna groups.

    • @yonasalem4665
      @yonasalem4665 4 роки тому

      ​@@bilatab1969 oh You thought and came out with I have a bad ear, please. how come You become judgemental. I am sure before you what he said the saw and other interviews of him you just came and bark because You saw the name Shimelis Abdisa and Amhara. which the problem when You the name of Oromo and say Oromo You think like they are always correct. I have the right to think anything and comment, as anybody so shut the f** up.

  • @hailegebregziabiher7916
    @hailegebregziabiher7916 4 роки тому

    jezba shmagle mnm atwkowum sle welkayte

  • @johns8903
    @johns8903 4 роки тому

    Adawa Vs Wolkayete ???
    Adawa was a fight for sovereignty and justice against colonialism whereas Wolkait is a fight against internal brutal injustice.

  • @mmetores9399
    @mmetores9399 4 роки тому

    There are also different opinions about Welkait. I saw this video and others where Colonel Demeke Zewdu's father strongly denied he is an Amara and that Welkait belongs to Amara region. Colonel Demeke denied that he saw the video, however, he said that the only reason he would say that is for a personal interest and being an opportunist. I could not believe that Colonel Demeke called his own father that. That makes me suspicious of what Colonel Demeke claims his family is. Some people also commented in the video that his father is saying this for a personal interest but this 90+ years gentleman does not appear to be lying at all. Others who grew up with and are relatives of Colonel Demeke also made the same statement. Watch the two videos: ua-cam.com/video/ajbcVPIdxt0/v-deo.html ...... Full interview: ua-cam.com/video/B7YK7LcDwfE/v-deo.html

  • @moguesmengaw1604
    @moguesmengaw1604 4 роки тому +1

    The criminal elite TPLF their last breath will ended @ RAYA and WOLKAYIT::

  • @gemechubekele8305
    @gemechubekele8305 4 роки тому +2

    “the residents of wolkait came from other place.” Really! What about the residents of other cities especially Addis Ababa.

  • @tigabutadese1234
    @tigabutadese1234 4 роки тому

    እራያ ወሎ አማራ ነው

  • @phun4379
    @phun4379 4 роки тому +1

    ዓባይን ለመውረር? ደሞ ወንዝ ይወረራል? በአፋር በኩል ዓባይን ለመውረር?

  • @TH-qk6ez
    @TH-qk6ez 4 роки тому +1

    ወልቃይት የማንም ሳይሆን የኢትዮጵያ ናት። ወያኔ የማያላምጠው ጉርሻ ጎርሶ ዘላለም ሲጨንቀው ይኖራል ።

  • @assefayohannes5064
    @assefayohannes5064 4 роки тому +1

    ክፍያ ዘገየ መሰለኝ ?

  • @70እንደርታ
    @70እንደርታ 4 роки тому +3

    አለውሀ ምላሽ ገና ታመጣለክ የ ታሪክና መሬት ዘራፊዎች

    • @lucybelay9153
      @lucybelay9153 4 роки тому +1

      ዘራፊ??? ማን?????? ስለራስህ ትፅፋለህ እንዴ??? This is funny hahahhahahah

    • @70እንደርታ
      @70እንደርታ 4 роки тому

      @@lucybelay9153 በ ሀይለስላሴ ና በ ሚንሊክ የዘረፋቹት ነው የተመለሰው ከነ ህዝባችን

    • @lucybelay9153
      @lucybelay9153 4 роки тому +1

      TIGRAY FIRST keep dreaming!!!! Hahahahahhaah

  • @simonnuguse8753
    @simonnuguse8753 4 роки тому +6

    First you have to know the history of Tigray's border starting from Atsea Tedros, King yohannes till the time when first Wayne revolution is happened in Tigray...
    Dear what you have to ask and to know is, with which region was the towns like Abreha jira, Adarkay, ...and the town Kobo (Raya).
    This all I mentioned towns was part of Tigray...but due to TPLF bad decision, they left this Tigray's towns in Amhara region.
    So please tell the truth to the people around you, listening to you and follows to you.

    • @etatea5841
      @etatea5841 4 роки тому

      እናመሰግናለን ዶክተር ረጅም እድሜና ጤና ይሰ ጥዎት።

  • @ZEthiopia-ng2oe
    @ZEthiopia-ng2oe 4 роки тому


  • @hamdissak1687
    @hamdissak1687 4 роки тому

    Come'n and try north Korea to get welkayit.

  • @tsidete7357
    @tsidete7357 4 роки тому +3

    Antu degimo kelelu.betam kelelu

  • @berhanekidane8604
    @berhanekidane8604 4 роки тому

    Agazyan ymetabehal tebk enga degmo meryetachin enasmelsalen weyane yeseth meryet albekah blo tiwatna mata atichihubin kefelek ahun gemirew komata meryetachin enmelsewalen emaneng ante yetenqay lieg Alweh limalimo meryetachin new emeneng enaregawalen.

  • @belaybisrat2537
    @belaybisrat2537 4 роки тому

    ክቡርዶክተር ለምን አድዋ ተሻግረው ጀግናሆነው መመልስ ከበደዎ ለምንስ ከደባርቅ ከምንገድተመለሱ? አድዋ ኢትዮጵያ አይደለምን ? አድዋ ለርስዎ የመን ነው ማለነው ::እንደው ምን ለማለት ነውየፈለጉት ወልቃይቴ ሆኖ ትግርኛ ቢማር ፣አማርኛ ቢማርጥፋቱስ ምንድነው እርስዎ አዲስአበባሆኖ ኦሮምኛ ማወቅ የጥፋተኝነት ስሜት ይሰማዎታል ማለት ነውለኔ ያለው ትርጉም ትግራይ ነኝ ካልዎትስ ምን ይላሉ አይደለህምሊሉት ነው አረባክዎትቀናቀናን መልእክት ያስተላልፉ መቼም 1000 አመት አይኖሩም እዚህ መሬት ፡፡

  • @ጉና
    @ጉና 4 роки тому


  • @abrahamgebrehiwot1491
    @abrahamgebrehiwot1491 4 роки тому +2

    ከእንግዲህ በኋላ የወልቃይት ጉዳይ ከሙህሮች እጅ ነው ያለው ዙሩ በጣም ከሯል ምንም ማድረግ አይቻልም ።