Fun story about quirky teachers. My 10th grade English teacher had a marshmallow gun. He had a rule that if you did something he needed to send you out of the room for, he'd make you stand in a little red-taped square on the floor at the back of the room. If you could catch the marshmallow in your mouth, he'd give you a pass. The idea of it was that by the time that marshmallow launched across the room, all tension was completely diffused and students were able to get back on task. He was a total Jedi when it came to mind games.
Get Out • Do Stuff My English teacher (I’m blessed to have her two years in a row, since she’s been added as a 10th grade teacher) drives a red mini coop with English flags on the mirrors and on the top of the car. 😂
Real Rap With Reynolds teachers like you are truly special. I have been lucky enough to have a few like you, all of course being literature teachers because they’re the bomb dot com!
Saving the angry voice for when you're angry. In my internship my teacher advisor told me that I was yelling at too high a pitch and the kids were tuning it out. She told me to a) save it for when it counts and b) to make my voice deeper when I want to yell. It works like a charm. When I really need them to settle down, they hear it in my voice.
David Norman It works to get angry, and it works to not get angry. I have seen both styles produce good effects. The key to being angry is that you were angry because you are disappointed, and you know that they can do better. Not because you are just fed up with them.
It’s an almost instinctual thing. Scratch that, it is instinctual. Deeper tones imply more dominance, higher tones, desperation. A low, deep roar is a LOT scarier than a shrill cry.
David Norman I think it's natural to get angry or maybe a better word is frustrated. But I think what matters is how you work through it. I will say though, if I find myself repeatedly frustrated or angry when a particular thing happens then I need to examine myself concerning that and I need to find a way to recalibrate.
0:44 #1 "My Classroom is a hangout space..." 1:29 #2 "I greet every single kid at the door..." 2:01 #3 "The agenda for the day is on the board.." 3:44 "Look for bodies in seats..." 5:24 "I need quiet at the beginning of class..." 6:03 "This isn't for everyone..." (Good Morning, Mutants!) 7:00 "Always make sure your class keeps moving..." 7:59 What about kids who are "giant" discipline problems? 9:08 "Be cool" 9:33 "Are you refusing to do work?" 10:11 "Here's how this phone call is gonna go..." 11:03 If you send a kid out of your classroom, * follow up*. 12:17 "Don't ever get into a head-to-head with a student". (still follow up) 12:54 "Here's where things get weird..." 13:29 Small water pistol (Only shoot the right kids!) 14:44 Expo Markers 15:42 Megaphones 15:57 Love songs from Karate Kid 16:04 Bubble Microphone 16:28 Positive Reinforcement (stickers and post-it notes)
Except at 99% of schools, if you shot a kid with a water pistol you be written up for doing that, and possibly for having a “weapon replica”, the first time a principal found out you were “writing” on kids’ hands, you would be written up. This has to be some kind of a charter or private school.
Hey, I am not so sure his wacky techniques will work. Remember it is You Tube. Hope you're not taking them all seriously.Try reading some research based behavior books, like one by Harry Wong.
Ann Grice, he did warn against the wackier techniques! As for the rest of the strategies, it is nice to get a perspective from a live person. If you’re just reading a book/textbook it feels a little detached.
I don't know this guy seems like an expensive one. Not every school can afford him unless he lowered his salary. These are the type that work their way up to superintendent.
I’m a first year teacher, and I wish I would’ve seen this sooner! I’m using the return from winter break to redefine my management skills. Great tips! Thanks for sharing :)
Same bestie. I'm a newcomer this year. I am currently working with 9° and 11° grades. I am not sure whether to continue next year or not. It's been so wonderful and stresful at the same time. I'm saying these tips for whenever I choose to get back into teaching. Thanks for the advice!!
I'm not in school yet, but I have heard that what colleges teach for classroom management is very little, and ridiculous. How is this so? Also, I'm a substitute teacher, and they teach us absolutely nothing. I had to learn classroom management on my own, and I'm not sure that was the best idea. I'm ok with it, but it could be better. I love the ideas in this video, and hope implementing them as a sub will work.
my freshman and sophomore year of hs (im a senior now) we’re really tough for me because I was dealing with depression and family problems at home and it was teachers like you who actually took the time to ask me why i was skipping class/not showing up to school at all and not interacting with the class, not turning in work that kept me from losing hope and feeling like there was no one who cared. my english and algebra teacher both came to see me while i was at an inpatient facility the week before christmas break. so, thank you for being that person for other students even if just being a silly relaxed teacher to put a smile on their faces. much love :-)
Jay, thanks for saying all of that and for being brave and sticking it out. Here's the magic in your situation... if you continue to work through your stuff you will be able to help students with similar issues in a way that few others will. You will have the insight and advice that kids could will need in the most crucial moments. Hang in there. Do the work. Then literally change the world. ✊
This Video and both comments are right on point. I excelled in Geography and was Teacher's pet, head of school council the lot... one wrong influence almost cost me my life, no one asked what was going on at home, no one warned my innocent, niave teenage self about that 'friend'... who also set me up to look like I'd not returned a school book - my Geography teacher raged at me in the corridor in front of everyone "YOU set the standards lady!" Then turned his back on me and walked away 😢 I was 14. He WAS my hero - basically saying you failed to live up to it so I wash my hands of you... school was no longer a safe haven. If only anyone had cared to ask why things were slipping, why I then started to skip school?? 1 wrong envious influence who wanted to sabotage and waited for the right moment to creep in. Ahh but thanks to God, I dusted myself off and have overcome every attack, now grown with my own kids but still with that wound from my geog teacher. Teach children about Narcissistic pretenders, so it doesn't take them as long as it took me to see through their schemes. Thanks for being that Teacher who DOES care 🙏🏆🇬🇧
@Tony Story - I truly hope you have a different motivation for wanting to be a teacher than to "try out" manipulation techniques on humans! Perhaps you're just joking... - - From the sound of your post, you might do better as a psychiatrist or sociologist. THEY are the ones who view people as guinea pigs on which to experiment.
Imagine every single thing he said is forbidden and on a non-negotiable list, and every minute of your day has to be proven to adhere to the latest educational fad: that’s teaching nowadays.
The requirement to have homework on their desks as soon as they come in is so simple yet brilliant. Not only does it get class started faster, but it encourages them to do the homework, so they're not the only one without homework on their desk.
I agree. However, I remember being very forgetful in high school and sometimes I’d forget to bring my homework book to school. I got lucky in that my teachers didn’t check homework in my upper years. But once I hit college, I learned to become diligent in always having my assignments with me (or emailed to myself in case I needed to print at school).
Oh I wanted to add one thing that has been working for me really well. (I teach middle school music) And I usually play music during our "bell ringer music listening activity. If I need it quiet and I ask the first time and I still hear whispering, this has worked for me, but only once in a while, not everyday :) I'll pause the music - that of course gets everyone's attention - and I'll be super extra and dramatic looking around the classroom, like so much that the kids know I CANNOT be for real, and I say something like "Huh.... that's so weird. Like... magically I heard people talking when it's supposed to be quiet! Huh! That's so weird.... must have been a ghost or something...." and I shrug it off and just go back and turn the music back on. And most of them laugh because they know I'm being super sarcastic but they get the point and get - and stay - quiet. Sometimes, I pin these clips that have punctuation marks on them into their hair if they talk during that time and they have to wear it the rest of class with me saying their name as a question. "Yes, Alice?" Or screaming their name "Good question JOSH!" 😂 Good times
If I was in your class I would be terrified when the music goes off. Because when my teacher turns something off, I know one of us are in deep,deep trouble 😂
I'm in my (technical) first year and I've followed your management suggestions from the start. It's been working so well. Relationships rule my class first and foremost and I'm excited for work everyday :) Thanks!
Been in a class where a student peed themselves because a teacher told them they could wait until the bell. Obviously you might need a strategy to keep students from just leaving but I personally wouldn’t discourage students who need the bathroom from going. Unless the lesson was nearly over. Then I’d let them know the lesson was nearly over, state exactly how much longer was left, ask them if they were able to hold it that long, then tell them they could go if they arranged with another student (who agrees to it) first to take notes and share them with them so they didn’t miss anything (I’ve not tried that but I imagine having to get another student who has to stay in class to take notes for them while they’re gone might make some students think twice about leaving for too long or leaving unnecessarily in future). In general, I think I’d rather try my best to make classes engaging and, if they really just want to leave for a bit and lie about needing the bathroom, I’d rather tell them to be quick than have them piss themselves, be humiliated, and blame me. If they’re already that disengaged then I feel like they probably aren’t learning much from stating so a five minute break might be all they want. If students started abusing that, then I might change my mind, but that’s my current stance. I’m very new to teaching. Maybe I’m being naive. I just have such clear memories of the student in one of my classes when I was in school peeing himself and being shamed for it because the teacher told him to hold it, and I don’t want to risk that happening in my own classes. Even ignoring the student’s wellbeing and potential disability discrimination accusations, I’d not want to deal with the..mess.
As a teacher, I always used the 10/10 rule. No bathroom breaks during the first ten minutes or last ten minutes of class. Otherwise, I get monkey see monkey do.
As an district-level secondary leader, I know your kids love you. Your classroom outline and decor demonstrates your level of organization and your serious commitment to your role as the instructional leader of your room. By the way, your penmanship is awesome! You would be the teacher that motivates students who have challenges to work hard and to go over and above to make you proud of their achievement.
I love that you are focused on keeping your class a hangout space. This really pulled on my heart strings - yesterday I saw a student roaming the halls looking frantically for her one friend. The expression on her face was complete fear. I usually eat in the staff room because it's a nice break for me to get some adult rants in, but I told her I was going to my class and she could come by if she wanted. She followed me and came to eat lunch in my room with me. We ended up having a really great conversation about rap music. I provided a safe space for her in that moment. It made me realize I need to do that more often. If not everyday, at least a few days a week and then I get best of both worlds. Another "point," (ha), I love your use of the word point in your class (students associate with game language) and your POINT about just needing sometimes to have rewards. As a new teacher I have always been really into the idea of getting kids to want to do things not for me but because that is their responsibility as mature people with a task. But like you said, for grade 9s, it doesn't always work that way. Kind of a gross analogy but when dogs are trained, they need to learn when to sit and stay for their own safety, and you want them to just do it on their own, but you need to do these weird training techniques to get them there. Terrible student-dog simile, but this kind of helps me not feel weird about being that authoritarian teacher with behavioural expectations, and that not meaning I'm now Big Brother. Okay, new video ideas: Favourite apps to use (I loved that website you use for stories). Do you create handouts - tips to make them visually appealing? Do you use a class website? In what ways do you find that helpful/not helpful? Thank you Reynolds, I love you!
I loved your saying at the end! As a somewhat mature primary student, mine is: “It takes the Teacher to take the Student to the door, but it’s up to the Student to open it.”
I have my own lab students come for science lessons. Right after the bell, automatically 15 sec imperial March from star wars kicks in. They must be in their place when it stops. Music could change their mode
Completely agree with following up. It really shows the student that being sent out wasn't a personal attack but something you had to do for them and there peers.
Thank you! I’ve stopped addressing my kiddos as “Boys and Girls” and always refer to them as “gentlemen” and “ladies.” (I teach 3rd grade) And usually, with a very few exceptions, they get it. They know that I expect them to act like genuine gentlemen and ladies, and they usually try to live up to that.
I was taught that the best classroom management technique is to have a great lesson planned. Yes switching the tasks frequently and having a rhythm to the lesson makes everything feel right. When I have a great lesson I never even get to the other behavior management techniques that are there to lean on. That’s how I know things are clicking!
I'm, of all things, a Children's Pastor, and clicked on your video because of the challenges I've been having in class. Your video helped tremendously--showing the value of structure, relationships and fun in the classroom--all important in light of "eternity"! Thanks for sharing your joy in what you do--shows how much you care. Side note: I love your "tree" and your handwriting!
Dude I'm 1:24 in and already you're speaking the truth. Building those relationships with students is absolutely fundamental if you want to have good classroom management. When kids recognise you're in their corner and on their side, they respond way more positively (even when you're rousing on them for doing the wrong thing).
My favorite discipline technique so far is texting parents in the middle of class while reading off what I am typing. The students get super embarrassed and, sometimes, the parents respond right away and ask to speak to their child. I teach inner city Black and LatinX kids, and this works wonders for the vast majority of them. That being said, I use this as a nuclear option- I prefer not to call parents at all because I want to settle things with the student. So I often start with being nice and trying to be supportive: “I know you might have having a rough day, or maybe you are bored/tired, but you just have to survive the next X minutes with me.” Or “i understand that you don’t feel well, what can I do to help?” Usually they try a bit after that, but for the worst, the nuclear option works quite well. Just do NOT call them and try to encourage them to talk to their child privately- you don’t want family business to be shared with everyone. For the absolute worst where nothing you do works, reach out to admin, tell ‘em what you’ve tried (with evidence!) and tell them that you cannot have that child in the class any longer as they are a threat to you or other students. Make sure that any infractions are logged in whatever database your school uses. If admin does not take care of the issue, then go to your principal, then your superintendent. Honestly, if nothing works, go to the media- they’ll love hearing “hero teacher tries to protect students from menace, but is told that menace has free reign” or some other better worded headline. Especially if you teach science or math, do NOT be afraid to flex your clout a little - the teacher shortage is real and if you leave then the district will have to spend a lot of time (and likely a lot of money) to hire someone new only for them to leave as well once the year is over due to that child. Above all, talk to your fellow teachers. Ask thier advice. Students act differently with different teachers. Many of my students are perfect lot comfortable in my room- they respect my authority enough of do what I need them to, sometimes with a bit too much chatter. With another teacher they may just not even try to act like humans. I have had one student be a complete angel with me only for him to go underneath desks and lie there making weird noises in another class (to be fair that class did not have a teacher- teacher shortage!). Talk to your colleagues, there is a chance that someone somewhere may have a relationship with that problem student and may be able to guide you on how to deal with them.
I love the part where you stay cool. This builds strong relationship between you and your students and making them feel that they can rely on you and trust you. That way, you can always get their attention and always excited to attend your class.
This is AMAZING! I teach adults and these all apply! I’m a new teacher and had an adult curse me out and throw stuff at me and I was so taken back by it. No one prepares you for that part!
Love this! I do some of these strategies in my classroom. I teach in a very rural low income high poverty school and they need as much encouragement and good vibes as we can give them. Even when I am having a rough morning, they get greeted with a fist bump and “Good Morting” (as Madea would say it).
New teacher! A good place to connect with other new teachers is at our Facebook group “Real Rap with Reynolds Teacher Talk.” It’s a closed group so it’s only teachers that are trying to be the best they can be. Best of luck this year!
I am a first year and working on my Masters. One of my professors made this video an assignment. Since I teach middle school special education, I am definitely going to use some of the strategies when the going gets tough
I’ve always wanted to be a high school teacher and never really thought of the not so great parts like kids that are hard to deal with until one day in English when I was senior and my teacher had failed a kid on his essay and he came and asked her to re read it and give him a new grade (he was very wealthy and spoiled) and she said no and he called her a bitch and spit in her face. He stormed out and my whole class sat there in shock. After class I asked her if she was okay and she just smiled and said “he’s having a bad day and he’s frustrated. I understand. I hope he feels better.” I had never seen a person handle something like that with such grace. I was in awe. I mean that kid still got suspended and stuff bc what a jerk but still it really hammered into me what kind of values I wanted to hold as a teacher.
Prof. Reynolds, it's obvious that you're not playing, you sound real, very passionate, professional and sincere. Teachers like you, are our anonymous heroes. You are raising a nation, that's a big responsibility. Proud of our Armed Forces, and very proud of our TEACHERS! Thanks for your service.
Love all of this. I feel like our style of teaching is so similar. I’ve been teaching for 11 years and just started greeting kids at the door two years ago, and it is a game changer! I love being able to set the tone, and getting to say hi to the under-the-radar kids. I also love to give my students stickers - I try to find really random stickers and I present them like they just won an award. It is amazing to see juniors in high school showing off their creepy “cat in a clown wig” sticker and other kids acting like Napoleon Dynamite, “Lucky!” 😂 And just last week when I was stamping homework, I had a student not doing what she was supposed to and got a little feisty with me (in a joking way), so I stamped her right on the forehead. For a second afterwards, I was like, hmmm, Shool, maybe not the best idea. But she cracked up, everyone thought it was funny, and they all got back to work. I wouldn’t advise a student teacher to do that, but when you build rapport with your classes, you can get away with some pretty “creative” ideas. Thanks for making great videos.
+Shool 4 School 😂😂😂😂😂 I've had a lot of those moments where I thought, as I was doing it, that why I was doing might be a bad idea. I love that you did that and that it worked out. You sound fantastic!! Hope your week is awesome!!
Real Rap With Reynolds my favorite teachers did this in school. I keep in touch with all of them today and I graduated 12 years ago. I talk to my 5th grade teacher, 3rd grade teacher, many of my HS teachers. I’m homeschooling my now 10 year old because she couldn’t handle the constant misbehavior of other kids and she was 9 and getting beat up by a 14 year old. Had her teacher taken this kind of approach it would have been a game changer. Thank you for doing it right. My favorite teacher was a guy named Mr. Vogue. He was military before hand and was strict and organized. I always enjoyed the days when we studied things he knew he couldn’t teach to me because I knew more than him, because he’d let me sit at his desk with some challenging book he’d fished up that he knew I wouldn’t have found otherwise. He fed me books all 3 years I was in HS until I graduated as a junior and started college. Even now all these years later if I see him he’ll drag me to his car and toss me some book that’s not easy to find. A good teacher is worth their weight in gold. Love this video. Wish there were more teachers like this.
I’ve been teaching for 14years and this has given me some fresh perspectives and solidified what I am doing and why. Love it keep up the good work. I love my Job!
I was a ball thrower. I'd say heads up and throw a (very cushy) ball to a distracted student. Most would catch it and the class would laugh those who didn't
That’s sounds like embarrassing your students, I’m just a kid aswell.. But I think a better method might be beneficial I’m not trying to tell you what to do though 😅
@@Melissa-ht2fp I enjoyed it more than I expected! I originally wanted to teach high school math, but my position was the only one I could find so I took it. The behaviors I manage are a little different than what I was prepared to do in high school, but I really like the age. Sometimes I feel like it’s to Kate to help the older kids change to better habits, but these guys are just starting to really grow up so I feel like I can make more of a difference with them.
Okay! I have heard of a teaching degree because I heard the math teaching is just a bunch of higher math beyond Calculus 1(in my state). So I still don’t know what degree would work.
@@Melissa-ht2fp honestly I didn’t get a teaching degree. I have a bachelors in math and I got state certified after I graduated. It differs from each state but many of them have similar programs.
I love the no late work idea! We give out school "money" tickets so I'm thinking making them pay to turn in a late assignment would be a good motivator!
Classroom management has always been my strength….UNTIL this year. It’s been rough. This video is by far the best classroom management video I’ve seen!! You’re an awesome teacher 💪🏼
Thank you for this, I was so terrified to go to Secondary School this September and I feared the teachers I didn’t even know yet. But thanks to you, I have a light presentation on how my future teachers will act. Thank you.
I’ve been subbing for ten years and always appreciate when teachers give me a heads up on high maintenance students and tips on how to manage them. Fortunately, the teachers where I work support their subs and check in throughout the day to see if everything is ok. The staff treats us with dignity and not like we are incompetent babysitters. Their keeps us coming back and wanting to do a great job, even after we have a rough day. They have our backs and it makes a difficult job easier. Just sayin’...
When I have a lunch time duty, and students are out of bounds, I sing until they move along. I find show tunes are particularly effective. It was a pretty tough school generally, and the whole appeals to authority was not particularly effective with many of them. Singing was a bit of fun, and the way I think of it, outflanked them. I also am a big one for getting in early with a friendly word to set the tone of interaction with students. It won't guarantee a positive interaction, but I think it definitely helps. A fiddle box of tactile toys - putty, squidgy toys, spinners, a music box, bubble wrap, wire puzzles etc, can be a great incentive or a good way to help them calm down when they are escalated and in fight or flight mode...
I 100% back up this guys methods. You’re a genius for talking about this and posting it online. As you mentioned, this may not work for everyone but for those of us that do this, learning actually takes place in our classrooms.
Wow you seem so caring and such a great role model. They must be thrilled to have you. Kids today really need a male role model like you. God bless you sir.
It's amazing how recognisable this is too what I like my best lessons to be. When things are working out and the work is getting done, I find myself dunking scrunched up balls of paper into the wastebasket while they're working and they casually look up to see if it's a hit or not. It's a side show, they see I'm relaxed, it's testing their concentration, and it works. I'm at a new school, still learning the ropes but reaching kids thru their naturally playful side is a winner.
I am a substitute teacher, less than a year of experience so far, and i am really trying to find my voice and be active in the classroom as i am wanting to become a teacher. This video was very helpful! I love how your tips are very outside the box and they have me feeling inspired😊
Mr. Reynolds, you are the man. This video was so helpful and encouraging because my personality feeds on the creativity your teaching style exudes. Well-done!
Hello Mr. Reynolds! I am a 23 year old ELA teacher starting my first year in a week. I can't tell you how grateful I am for your advice! It's no wonder you have a great relationship with your students - your warmth, sense of humor, and kindness are apparent! Thanks from West Virginia! -Ms. Kinder-Schuyler
I think humor is key! I have lots of silly glasses and hats...who can’t help but smile when your own teacher is being a goof ball?! I teach kindergarten so it may seem easier to do those silly things, but I have a feeling that high schoolers and middle schoolers would love it too! Building those relationships is KEY to behavior management. Love your videos!
I freakin love this guy. Sounds like I'm talking to my kindred spirit. I'm the female version of him. It's all about being consistent and showing the kids you care. I use stickers, little pieces of candy and I do a little crazy dance when my kids do something correctly.. it makes them laugh.. having those little moments once in a while to make your kids feel special and important are essential to good teaching. I've been doing this job for 13 years an always got highly effective on my management skills. It's about keeping it firm, but real and you be surprised how well they respond💕
I discovered your videos during Spring Break, and I am hooked! I love that you give so many great suggestions that can be used with any grade level. I teach 3rd grade, and I sent a link to this video to my teaching partner, because we are starting to think about what has been working this year and what we'd like to change for next year. She loved the video, and it started a fantastic dialogue about next year and some things that we might even try this year! I love your heart for the kids, and I appreciate your inspiration.
Wish we could clone you and put you in every school as a great example of a teacher, one that other teachers aspire to be. Thank you for making your videos and helping the world not just your corner of it.
I love you so much. I like to use googly eyes (I SEE YOU!), bubbles, and weird questions (what kind of animal are you and why? What breakfast cereal would you defend with your life!?) so the kids know we’re here to have fun. Then when we do the hard work, it feels doable and friendly. Structures and challenging work are essential, but if we can’t laugh together, we’re not a community. Thanks for bringing LOVE to the classroom.
I am a Filipino math teacher that will start my teaching job in the US this coming S.Y and this video really helps me a lot as I starting to plan on how to manage my classroom effectively amd efficiently.
Loved this so much. More than half all that was said is usable even with young ones! I am a pre-k daycare teacher. I use "good morning ninjas/squirrels/wizards/anything weird" to start off the day. Bubbles are amazing, and constant movement through the class in regards to lessons is essential to prevent boredom! Remove the time to get into trouble and most will not get into trouble. Loooove all of this.
All fantastic advice! I especially recommend the post-it note strategy - I tried it this year, and some of my kids kept notes I wrote to them in October all the way until the end of the year. Personally, I found that giving positive feedback privately can work much better than giving it publicly, because older students in particular can see that as manipulative and less than genuine. I also highly recommend class meetings, even in a departmentalized setting - the Positive Discipline and Responsive Classroom books both have great methods.
Oh, and I also greet my kids at the door every time they come into my class, thanks to your suggestion! I tell them they've got to give me a hand shake, high five, hug, or a knuckle bump. I've got a few kids who still slither by without anything, but I still always say hello to them so they know I saw them. It seems to make a big difference that I'm greeting each of them individually several times a day, always with a big smile on my face. I also always make a big deal about how much I'm going to miss them when I have to have a sub for professional development, and I'll leave them notes and such. If nothing else, I want them to know I care about them! I love your suggestions though, as I still have some tough cookies in my class this year. Thanks for the encouragement!
This was so great. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your classroom setup. Teaching at an all boys school must have some truly interesting moments. I love the water gun! I can't imagine anyone ever sees that coming from their classroom teacher. And your "Glory of Love" song option is epic. I must admit that I immediately found the song in my 80s playlist. I don't think anyone can stay in a bad mood for long listening to Peter Cetera.
I literally laughed out loud when you talked about the water pistol strategy!! So funny!! I might have to borrow that. Love it! Also the writing on their faces - cracked me up!! Haha. I can imagine you are an amazing teacher. I bet the students love your lessons!
Wow. I took notes watching this video! Great tips! Thank you! One of the ways I keep a good relationship/connection with my students is by writing down what they are in to. In the beginning of the year as I'm learning their names, I will ask them their favorite hobby or what kind of things they are in to. I will WRITE IT DOWN on the roll sheet. I teach in China and I have an impossible amount of students. Some of my classes are 50+ kids. So this started out as a way to remember their names. But it really helps keep a connection with the kids. For example as I call roll, I get to a kid that is learning to play guitar. I wrote it down a month ago and now I can follow up with that kid and ask him how his guitar practice is going or what song he is learning. This makes them more likely to listen to me because it shows I care about them and I'm interested in what they care about.
First off, I LOVE the tree in your room! Very cool! Also, I agree on so many levels with you about sending kids to the office and the fact that it is so important to build relationships with kids! They (the students and parents) respect you so much more when you do this!
Cussing was a big issue in my class, until I decided to have them do 10 push-ups per bad word 💪 THIS SOLVED THE PROBLEM IMMEDIATELY! 💪 Also, on pop-corn reading time, if they loose their place when they are called to read they owe me 5 push-ups!! 🤷🏼♀️ Definitely minimized distractions!!
Wow, I never knew any student (I’m still in school) that even had the bravery to swear in front of staff, or anyone because students would run and tell a teacher immediately, mostly referred as snitching but I think it’s the right thing to do
God, I love you- first two in and my faith is restored in senior teachers- being a student-teacher (starting work jan2019) I have had so many bad experiences and overheard heaps of toxicity. This is so refreshing
Super sensible tips presented an über cool way. 😎👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👌🏼You're saying all the same things I say to new teachers and to my praccies. Another top video 👍🏼 PS I am the sticker queen. Even my Year 12s love getting stickers from me ☺️
You have to be careful about stickers with high school students. I've seen some teachers do it and kids come to me complaining that the teacher treats them like they're in kindergarten.
Looove this! one thing I've started doing recently is saying, "yo peeps, listen up!" This has surprised them each time. I'll also start singing randomly, using well-known songs and replacing the lyrics with things we are learning, and this always brings the class back. Another thing that I've found works, is dancing randomly - the class enjoys the class and I have found their learning has improved enorously from bringing comedy to the room
OMG THNAKS so MUCH!!! Yesterday I lost it with my middle schoolers! For some reason classes were split and I started receiving herds of students (like 80 kids) in the band room where I teach. They were getting out of control and I didn't know how to deal with it! I'm a sub but I've been there almost every day for years, so the kids all know me. They like me and always want to be in whatever class i'm in. But yesterday I snapped! At some point I just said "that's it, we'll just go out to the PE courts" (thinking they'd moan not wanting to due to the horrible heat) instead they all cheered and bolted out the back door! I was FURIOUS!!!! They weren't listening for any directions! As a result of my anger and frustration I wound up being really mean to kids that really didn't deserve it and once home, I found myself really down and I even cried for having done so. So b4 going to bed, I searched online for teacher tips on classroom management and I found this video!!!! The best idea you've given me - THE BULLHORN!!! I just bought it! I will be known as "Ms.D, the teacher with the bullhorn" I will never yell again the way I did yesterday. THANK YOU! How did I never think of this?
This school year will be my first year teaching and this video makes me feel that I can incorporate more of myself in regards to classroom management. I think you get taught how you "should" manage a classroom, and there were things I done in the past, but I didn't feel like myself while doing them. I don't want to be mean and serious, and not smile till November because those things don't fit my personality, and this video gave me hope in knowing that there is an alternative to that! Thank you! I love the sticky note idea and will be definitely be using it in my classroom!
I feel you on this. When I started teaching at the college level I felt so stiff because of what I was told to do to "act like" so that I could be respected in the classroom. Once I let that go and was just myself it was so easy for the students to let down walls and connect rather than feel fear or anxiety in my class. Hope your first year of teaching went well.
I’m in my first year teaching at a school for disengaged teens.Classroom management is definitely something I tend to struggle with and I’m always searching for new and quirky ways to manage and engage my class. I really loved these quirky tips and I can’t wait to test them out, thanks for sharing!
Hey man. Really appreciate you sharing your knowledge. I picked up a number of things here that I look forward to trying. Very grateful for the fact that you and your students would take time out of your schedule to do this.
Thanks for sharing! I am comfortable with elementary and middle school classroom management but high school has been my weak suit. This was helpful. Stickers have been used in all grades for me. Lol
Loooove all of your tips! Especially the watergun one 😝 I teach first grade and have been battling with disrespectful defiant students for years. Unfortunately at my previous school there was no "get the kids out" even if they were a danger to others or myself. Students who were throwing chairs or cussing at the teacher were expected to be handled in the classroom or if they were accepted in the office would be given toys to play with. Mind you this is kinder. I think so much has to do with the culture and support of the school as well. With that said, I totally think that what you emphasize, relationships with students, is #1. A positive relationship goes a long way. Keep up the great and hilarious videos! I literally made my husband jump when I laughed out loud as you pulled out the watergun.
Great strategies! I just purchased a wireless bluetooth microphone to use in my classroom... I think my kids are going to love it, yet feel slightly awkward at the same time. Can't wait to use it in the hall! 😂😂
I am so conflicted currently between becoming a high school or elementary school teacher. However, watching your video and how you connect with your high school children is inspiring !!! Please continue with your incredible attitude and these insightful videos. You are the exact type of teacher that children will never forget xx
Hey! Thank you for this video! I'm in my trainee year and have been told by my mentor that I need to be more firm. I'm struggling to be honest! I like your idea about stating openly 'you are being defiant' I also like the comment about what a call home will look like. Thank you very much!
I'm a senior high schooler in Hungary and I plan on becoming a teacher. This video is honestly so amazing and shows that not every teacher hates their life. I really want to become an educator like you. Not only to teach the subject but to motivate and really leave a mark. Thank you for making my choice easier!!!
Fun story about quirky teachers. My 10th grade English teacher had a marshmallow gun. He had a rule that if you did something he needed to send you out of the room for, he'd make you stand in a little red-taped square on the floor at the back of the room. If you could catch the marshmallow in your mouth, he'd give you a pass.
The idea of it was that by the time that marshmallow launched across the room, all tension was completely diffused and students were able to get back on task. He was a total Jedi when it came to mind games.
+Get Out • Do Stuff that’s a great idea!!!i love it!
Definitely writing this down! Awesome idea!
Get Out • Do Stuff My English teacher (I’m blessed to have her two years in a row, since she’s been added as a 10th grade teacher) drives a red mini coop with English flags on the mirrors and on the top of the car. 😂
Wouldn't that be a chocking hazard though?
This is the kind of teacher that saves lives.
Thanks a hell of a compliment. Thanks Kenzie.
Real Rap With Reynolds teachers like you are truly special. I have been lucky enough to have a few like you, all of course being literature teachers because they’re the bomb dot com!
This is the kind of Teacher I plan to be.
And he’ll never truly know the amazing impact he’s had.
@@janewright8249 the unsung heroes
Honestly, it is SO refreshing to see a male teacher making videos. You are an awesome.
Thanks so much. I keep telling my wife that. 😆
@@CJReynolds 😂😂😂😂
All I've found are male teacher videos. My husband doesn't like it 😂so I'm trying to find more women teachers now
@@CJReynoldslol ah wives 😊
Saving the angry voice for when you're angry. In my internship my teacher advisor told me that I was yelling at too high a pitch and the kids were tuning it out. She told me to a) save it for when it counts and b) to make my voice deeper when I want to yell. It works like a charm. When I really need them to settle down, they hear it in my voice.
How about just not get angry?
David Norman It works to get angry, and it works to not get angry. I have seen both styles produce good effects. The key to being angry is that you were angry because you are disappointed, and you know that they can do better. Not because you are just fed up with them.
It’s an almost instinctual thing. Scratch that, it is instinctual. Deeper tones imply more dominance, higher tones, desperation.
A low, deep roar is a LOT scarier than a shrill cry.
David Norman I think it's natural to get angry or maybe a better word is frustrated. But I think what matters is how you work through it.
I will say though, if I find myself repeatedly frustrated or angry when a particular thing happens then I need to examine myself concerning that and I need to find a way to recalibrate.
0:44 #1 "My Classroom is a hangout space..."
1:29 #2 "I greet every single kid at the door..."
2:01 #3 "The agenda for the day is on the board.."
3:44 "Look for bodies in seats..."
5:24 "I need quiet at the beginning of class..."
6:03 "This isn't for everyone..." (Good Morning, Mutants!)
7:00 "Always make sure your class keeps moving..."
7:59 What about kids who are "giant" discipline problems?
9:08 "Be cool"
9:33 "Are you refusing to do work?"
10:11 "Here's how this phone call is gonna go..."
11:03 If you send a kid out of your classroom, * follow up*.
12:17 "Don't ever get into a head-to-head with a student". (still follow up)
12:54 "Here's where things get weird..."
13:29 Small water pistol (Only shoot the right kids!)
14:44 Expo Markers
15:42 Megaphones
15:57 Love songs from Karate Kid
16:04 Bubble Microphone
16:28 Positive Reinforcement (stickers and post-it notes)
This is so much better than reading a behaviour management book
Except at 99% of schools, if you shot a kid with a water pistol you be written up for doing that, and possibly for having a “weapon replica”, the first time a principal found out you were “writing” on kids’ hands, you would be written up. This has to be some kind of a charter or private school.
Hey, I am not so sure his wacky techniques will work. Remember it is You Tube. Hope you're not taking them all seriously.Try reading some research based behavior books, like one by Harry Wong.
Ann Grice, he did warn against the wackier techniques! As for the rest of the strategies, it is nice to get a perspective from a live person. If you’re just reading a book/textbook it feels a little detached.
If I owned a school, this would be the first guy I would hire.
I would also ( cowboy showdown song ) .... but i dont think he'll leave.... not now atleast
He had already great job :So no need
I don't know this guy seems like an expensive one. Not every school can afford him unless he lowered his salary. These are the type that work their way up to superintendent.
@@bowserlvl9925 yeah totally. We need more uninspired teachers. 🙄
I’m a first year teacher, and I wish I would’ve seen this sooner! I’m using the return from winter break to redefine my management skills. Great tips! Thanks for sharing :)
Hi Kiana! Hope it helps. If I can ever be of help please email me and I'll try to do what I can.
You’re not alone. You can do it!
I'm a first year teacher this year. I'm so glad I found Real Rap with Reynolds. Truly has helped me in my class of 5th graders.
Same bestie. I'm a newcomer this year. I am currently working with 9° and 11° grades. I am not sure whether to continue next year or not. It's been so wonderful and stresful at the same time. I'm saying these tips for whenever I choose to get back into teaching. Thanks for the advice!!
It would be amazing if you taught a college course on classroom management to pre-service teachers! I would have loved to have you as a professor!
Just don’t forget to bring an umbrella to class! 😂
I'm not in school yet, but I have heard that what colleges teach for classroom management is very little, and ridiculous. How is this so?
Also, I'm a substitute teacher, and they teach us absolutely nothing. I had to learn classroom management on my own, and I'm not sure that was the best idea. I'm ok with it, but it could be better. I love the ideas in this video, and hope implementing them as a sub will work.
my freshman and sophomore year of hs (im a senior now) we’re really tough for me because I was dealing with depression and family problems at home and it was teachers like you who actually took the time to ask me why i was skipping class/not showing up to school at all and not interacting with the class, not turning in work that kept me from losing hope and feeling like there was no one who cared. my english and algebra teacher both came to see me while i was at an inpatient facility the week before christmas break. so, thank you for being that person for other students even if just being a silly relaxed teacher to put a smile on their faces. much love :-)
Jay, thanks for saying all of that and for being brave and sticking it out. Here's the magic in your situation... if you continue to work through your stuff you will be able to help students with similar issues in a way that few others will. You will have the insight and advice that kids could will need in the most crucial moments. Hang in there. Do the work. Then literally change the world. ✊
This Video and both comments are right on point. I excelled in Geography and was Teacher's pet, head of school council the lot... one wrong influence almost cost me my life, no one asked what was going on at home, no one warned my innocent, niave teenage self about that 'friend'... who also set me up to look like I'd not returned a school book - my Geography teacher raged at me in the corridor in front of everyone "YOU set the standards lady!" Then turned his back on me and walked away 😢 I was 14. He WAS my hero - basically saying you failed to live up to it so I wash my hands of you... school was no longer a safe haven.
If only anyone had cared to ask why things were slipping, why I then started to skip school??
1 wrong envious influence who wanted to sabotage and waited for the right moment to creep in.
Ahh but thanks to God, I dusted myself off and have overcome every attack, now grown with my own kids but still with that wound from my geog teacher. Teach children about Narcissistic pretenders, so it doesn't take them as long as it took me to see through their schemes.
Thanks for being that Teacher who DOES care 🙏🏆🇬🇧
Watching this makes me want to be a teacher to try out the tips. This guy is so passionate abt his job. Thumbs up.
@Tony Story - I truly hope you have a different motivation for wanting to be a teacher than to "try out" manipulation techniques on humans! Perhaps you're just joking... - - From the sound of your post, you might do better as a psychiatrist or sociologist. THEY are the ones who view people as guinea pigs on which to experiment.
@@kazinamimi LOL i think you are taking him way to seriously! I truly think Tony is JUST KIDDING
Imagine every single thing he said is forbidden and on a non-negotiable list, and every minute of your day has to be proven to adhere to the latest educational fad: that’s teaching nowadays.
Don't ever become a teacher. You'll thank me later
WTF! Your handwriting is goals!!!!!
Not too bad for a lefty 😏😂 thanks!
It’s amazing! One of the first things I noticed. I teach handwriting in 4-6 ELA.
@@CJReynolds For some reason I knew you were a lefty when I saw your handwriting. I don't know why. It's very neat!
If you are having fun so are they! This teacher is the real deal
The requirement to have homework on their desks as soon as they come in is so simple yet brilliant. Not only does it get class started faster, but it encourages them to do the homework, so they're not the only one without homework on their desk.
I agree. However, I remember being very forgetful in high school and sometimes I’d forget to bring my homework book to school. I got lucky in that my teachers didn’t check homework in my upper years. But once I hit college, I learned to become diligent in always having my assignments with me (or emailed to myself in case I needed to print at school).
Oh I wanted to add one thing that has been working for me really well. (I teach middle school music) And I usually play music during our "bell ringer music listening activity. If I need it quiet and I ask the first time and I still hear whispering, this has worked for me, but only once in a while, not everyday :)
I'll pause the music - that of course gets everyone's attention - and I'll be super extra and dramatic looking around the classroom, like so much that the kids know I CANNOT be for real, and I say something like "Huh.... that's so weird. Like... magically I heard people talking when it's supposed to be quiet! Huh! That's so weird.... must have been a ghost or something...." and I shrug it off and just go back and turn the music back on. And most of them laugh because they know I'm being super sarcastic but they get the point and get - and stay - quiet.
Sometimes, I pin these clips that have punctuation marks on them into their hair if they talk during that time and they have to wear it the rest of class with me saying their name as a question. "Yes, Alice?" Or screaming their name "Good question JOSH!" 😂 Good times
+naarahformusic YES! YES! YES! This is what I'm talking about! Great idea!
@Corinna Brown As a ex 7th grader (im in 10th grade now) i recommend revenge by captain sparkles.
If I was in your class I would be terrified when the music goes off. Because when my teacher turns something off, I know one of us are in deep,deep trouble 😂
I'm so glad u shared this. I'll be teaching music in August as a first year teacher. I need all the techniques I can get. I love your tactics
I'm in my (technical) first year and I've followed your management suggestions from the start. It's been working so well. Relationships rule my class first and foremost and I'm excited for work everyday :) Thanks!
+naarahformusic that's awesome! What a compliment! Love that your year is going so well. 😊
As a science teacher, when too many kids need to use the bathroom, I turn on one of the sinks to see who really needs to go.
Iam new science teacher and i need to know new strategies in learning .thanks
Been in a class where a student peed themselves because a teacher told them they could wait until the bell. Obviously you might need a strategy to keep students from just leaving but I personally wouldn’t discourage students who need the bathroom from going. Unless the lesson was nearly over. Then I’d let them know the lesson was nearly over, state exactly how much longer was left, ask them if they were able to hold it that long, then tell them they could go if they arranged with another student (who agrees to it) first to take notes and share them with them so they didn’t miss anything (I’ve not tried that but I imagine having to get another student who has to stay in class to take notes for them while they’re gone might make some students think twice about leaving for too long or leaving unnecessarily in future).
In general, I think I’d rather try my best to make classes engaging and, if they really just want to leave for a bit and lie about needing the bathroom, I’d rather tell them to be quick than have them piss themselves, be humiliated, and blame me. If they’re already that disengaged then I feel like they probably aren’t learning much from stating so a five minute break might be all they want. If students started abusing that, then I might change my mind, but that’s my current stance.
I’m very new to teaching. Maybe I’m being naive. I just have such clear memories of the student in one of my classes when I was in school peeing himself and being shamed for it because the teacher told him to hold it, and I don’t want to risk that happening in my own classes. Even ignoring the student’s wellbeing and potential disability discrimination accusations, I’d not want to deal with the..mess.
As a teacher, I always used the 10/10 rule. No bathroom breaks during the first ten minutes or last ten minutes of class. Otherwise, I get monkey see monkey do.
As an district-level secondary leader, I know your kids love you. Your classroom outline and decor demonstrates your level of organization and your serious commitment to your role as the instructional leader of your room. By the way, your penmanship is awesome! You would be the teacher that motivates students who have challenges to work hard and to go over and above to make you proud of their achievement.
I love that you are focused on keeping your class a hangout space. This really pulled on my heart strings - yesterday I saw a student roaming the halls looking frantically for her one friend. The expression on her face was complete fear. I usually eat in the staff room because it's a nice break for me to get some adult rants in, but I told her I was going to my class and she could come by if she wanted. She followed me and came to eat lunch in my room with me. We ended up having a really great conversation about rap music. I provided a safe space for her in that moment. It made me realize I need to do that more often. If not everyday, at least a few days a week and then I get best of both worlds. Another "point," (ha), I love your use of the word point in your class (students associate with game language) and your POINT about just needing sometimes to have rewards. As a new teacher I have always been really into the idea of getting kids to want to do things not for me but because that is their responsibility as mature people with a task. But like you said, for grade 9s, it doesn't always work that way. Kind of a gross analogy but when dogs are trained, they need to learn when to sit and stay for their own safety, and you want them to just do it on their own, but you need to do these weird training techniques to get them there. Terrible student-dog simile, but this kind of helps me not feel weird about being that authoritarian teacher with behavioural expectations, and that not meaning I'm now Big Brother. Okay, new video ideas: Favourite apps to use (I loved that website you use for stories). Do you create handouts - tips to make them visually appealing? Do you use a class website? In what ways do you find that helpful/not helpful? Thank you Reynolds, I love you!
I loved your saying at the end! As a somewhat mature primary student, mine is: “It takes the Teacher to take the Student to the door, but it’s up to the Student to open it.”
I have my own lab students come for science lessons. Right after the bell, automatically 15 sec imperial March from star wars kicks in. They must be in their place when it stops. Music could change their mode
My fourth grade teacher did this but with different music.
Great idea!
I would play A war cry 😂
love this!
Completely agree with following up. It really shows the student that being sent out wasn't a personal attack but something you had to do for them and there peers.
+The Scottish Teaching Ninja 😊👍🏽 Yes!
Daaaam...your classroom looks better than my house
For real, I want to live there.
Thank you! I’ve stopped addressing my kiddos as “Boys and Girls” and always refer to them as “gentlemen” and “ladies.” (I teach 3rd grade) And usually, with a very few exceptions, they get it. They know that I expect them to act like genuine gentlemen and ladies, and they usually try to live up to that.
Yumi Shiraishi I think I might address mine as “Aliens from planet Mars” lol
My 6th grade science teacher called us “young adults”. We felt like kings!
I love your handwriting!
+Douglas Anarado thank you! ☺️
I thought so too.
Yeah, if every guy wrote like that, we wouldn't need girls. Oh, wait.... Well, not for writing....
That dad stare cracked me up
I was taught that the best classroom management technique is to have a great lesson planned. Yes switching the tasks frequently and having a rhythm to the lesson makes everything feel right. When I have a great lesson I never even get to the other behavior management techniques that are there to lean on. That’s how I know things are clicking!
I'm, of all things, a Children's Pastor, and clicked on your video because of the challenges I've been having in class. Your video helped tremendously--showing the value of structure, relationships and fun in the classroom--all important in light of "eternity"! Thanks for sharing your joy in what you do--shows how much you care. Side note: I love your "tree" and your handwriting!
Dude I'm 1:24 in and already you're speaking the truth. Building those relationships with students is absolutely fundamental if you want to have good classroom management. When kids recognise you're in their corner and on their side, they respond way more positively (even when you're rousing on them for doing the wrong thing).
My favorite discipline technique so far is texting parents in the middle of class while reading off what I am typing. The students get super embarrassed and, sometimes, the parents respond right away and ask to speak to their child. I teach inner city Black and LatinX kids, and this works wonders for the vast majority of them. That being said, I use this as a nuclear option- I prefer not to call parents at all because I want to settle things with the student. So I often start with being nice and trying to be supportive: “I know you might have having a rough day, or maybe you are bored/tired, but you just have to survive the next X minutes with me.” Or “i understand that you don’t feel well, what can I do to help?” Usually they try a bit after that, but for the worst, the nuclear option works quite well. Just do NOT call them and try to encourage them to talk to their child privately- you don’t want family business to be shared with everyone. For the absolute worst where nothing you do works, reach out to admin, tell ‘em what you’ve tried (with evidence!) and tell them that you cannot have that child in the class any longer as they are a threat to you or other students. Make sure that any infractions are logged in whatever database your school uses. If admin does not take care of the issue, then go to your principal, then your superintendent. Honestly, if nothing works, go to the media- they’ll love hearing “hero teacher tries to protect students from menace, but is told that menace has free reign” or some other better worded headline. Especially if you teach science or math, do NOT be afraid to flex your clout a little - the teacher shortage is real and if you leave then the district will have to spend a lot of time (and likely a lot of money) to hire someone new only for them to leave as well once the year is over due to that child.
Above all, talk to your fellow teachers. Ask thier advice. Students act differently with different teachers. Many of my students are perfect lot comfortable in my room- they respect my authority enough of do what I need them to, sometimes with a bit too much chatter. With another teacher they may just not even try to act like humans. I have had one student be a complete angel with me only for him to go underneath desks and lie there making weird noises in another class (to be fair that class did not have a teacher- teacher shortage!). Talk to your colleagues, there is a chance that someone somewhere may have a relationship with that problem student and may be able to guide you on how to deal with them.
I love the part where you stay cool. This builds strong relationship between you and your students and making them feel that they can rely on you and trust you. That way, you can always get their attention and always excited to attend your class.
This is AMAZING! I teach adults and these all apply! I’m a new teacher and had an adult curse me out and throw stuff at me and I was so taken back by it. No one prepares you for that part!
He looks like such a chill teacher we need so many more teacher like this
Love this! I do some of these strategies in my classroom. I teach in a very rural low income high poverty school and they need as much encouragement and good vibes as we can give them. Even when I am having a rough morning, they get greeted with a fist bump and “Good Morting” (as Madea would say it).
New teacher here. Anyone watching in 2019?
New teacher! A good place to connect with other new teachers is at our Facebook group “Real Rap with Reynolds Teacher Talk.” It’s a closed group so it’s only teachers that are trying to be the best they can be. Best of luck this year!
@@CJReynolds Wow. I'm joining your facebook team now. Thanks
The Excellent Teacher yes! i'm finishing my degree in ECE soon. good luck on your year!!!
I am a first year and working on my Masters. One of my professors made this video an assignment. Since I teach middle school special education, I am definitely going to use some of the strategies when the going gets tough
Real Rap With Reynolds can I join as an education major/future teacher?
I’ve always wanted to be a high school teacher and never really thought of the not so great parts like kids that are hard to deal with until one day in English when I was senior and my teacher had failed a kid on his essay and he came and asked her to re read it and give him a new grade (he was very wealthy and spoiled) and she said no and he called her a bitch and spit in her face. He stormed out and my whole class sat there in shock. After class I asked her if she was okay and she just smiled and said “he’s having a bad day and he’s frustrated. I understand. I hope he feels better.” I had never seen a person handle something like that with such grace. I was in awe. I mean that kid still got suspended and stuff bc what a jerk but still it really hammered into me what kind of values I wanted to hold as a teacher.
Prof. Reynolds, it's obvious that you're not playing, you sound real, very passionate, professional and sincere. Teachers like you, are our anonymous heroes. You are raising a nation, that's a big responsibility. Proud of our Armed Forces, and very proud of our TEACHERS! Thanks for your service.
I use a megaphone sometimes. I purposefully stand on the far opposite side the room and talk individually to students who are far away.
Will Stinton omg i love this ahahahhaha
That's awesome! I totally would love to do that to some of my students, as I have two or three that constantly yell across the room to their friends!
Christina Glenn either sit em right next to each other or sit em fat apart and use the megaphone lol
Anyone with any type of gun at our schools will be arrested.
That sounds fun!!
I love that you want your students to feel safe and comfortable in your classroom.
You genuinely seem like you care, and yes, that is EVERYTHING.
Love all of this. I feel like our style of teaching is so similar. I’ve been teaching for 11 years and just started greeting kids at the door two years ago, and it is a game changer! I love being able to set the tone, and getting to say hi to the under-the-radar kids. I also love to give my students stickers - I try to find really random stickers and I present them like they just won an award. It is amazing to see juniors in high school showing off their creepy “cat in a clown wig” sticker and other kids acting like Napoleon Dynamite, “Lucky!” 😂 And just last week when I was stamping homework, I had a student not doing what she was supposed to and got a little feisty with me (in a joking way), so I stamped her right on the forehead. For a second afterwards, I was like, hmmm, Shool, maybe not the best idea. But she cracked up, everyone thought it was funny, and they all got back to work. I wouldn’t advise a student teacher to do that, but when you build rapport with your classes, you can get away with some pretty “creative” ideas. Thanks for making great videos.
+Shool 4 School 😂😂😂😂😂 I've had a lot of those moments where I thought, as I was doing it, that why I was doing might be a bad idea. I love that you did that and that it worked out. You sound fantastic!! Hope your week is awesome!!
Real Rap With Reynolds my favorite teachers did this in school. I keep in touch with all of them today and I graduated 12 years ago. I talk to my 5th grade teacher, 3rd grade teacher, many of my HS teachers. I’m homeschooling my now 10 year old because she couldn’t handle the constant misbehavior of other kids and she was 9 and getting beat up by a 14 year old. Had her teacher taken this kind of approach it would have been a game changer. Thank you for doing it right.
My favorite teacher was a guy named Mr. Vogue. He was military before hand and was strict and organized. I always enjoyed the days when we studied things he knew he couldn’t teach to me because I knew more than him, because he’d let me sit at his desk with some challenging book he’d fished up that he knew I wouldn’t have found otherwise. He fed me books all 3 years I was in HS until I graduated as a junior and started college. Even now all these years later if I see him he’ll drag me to his car and toss me some book that’s not easy to find. A good teacher is worth their weight in gold.
Love this video. Wish there were more teachers like this.
I’ve been teaching for 14years and this has given me some fresh perspectives and solidified what I am doing and why. Love it keep up the good work. I love my Job!
I love hearing stuff like that! I hope this year is the best year of your whole career. Peace!
I was a ball thrower. I'd say heads up and throw a (very cushy) ball to a distracted student. Most would catch it and the class would laugh those who didn't
That’s sounds like embarrassing your students, I’m just a kid aswell.. But I think a better method might be beneficial
I’m not trying to tell you what to do though 😅
That's evil asf. You will get what's coming to you and by looking at your pfp. Looks like it already did😅🤢
@@Fitszn Shame on you. Definitely not “Muslim vibes.”
Stinkin love how your classroom is decorated. OMG so awesome.
Thanks! I’m there more than home so I figured it should feel comfortable ☺️
I start my first year teaching this year, in 7th grade. This was EXTREMELY helpful and entertaining! Thank you :)
Good luck!
@@Melissa-ht2fp I enjoyed it more than I expected! I originally wanted to teach high school math, but my position was the only one I could find so I took it. The behaviors I manage are a little different than what I was prepared to do in high school, but I really like the age. Sometimes I feel like it’s to Kate to help the older kids change to better habits, but these guys are just starting to really grow up so I feel like I can make more of a difference with them.
Okay! I have heard of a teaching degree because I heard the math teaching is just a bunch of higher math beyond Calculus 1(in my state). So I still don’t know what degree would work.
@@Melissa-ht2fp honestly I didn’t get a teaching degree. I have a bachelors in math and I got state certified after I graduated. It differs from each state but many of them have similar programs.
@@hannahsmith7213 Do you know what the difference between a teaching degree is with a math?
"Pre class" I am taking THAT!
I like the line from Johnny Depp "Willy Wonka"
"Hello sunshine! The earth says hello!"
Sidenote: love your shelves
You might like the stageplay/movie "Hair" 😊
I love the no late work idea! We give out school "money" tickets so I'm thinking making them pay to turn in a late assignment would be a good motivator!
I like that idea!
I think it’s good too, because I think that as a student, we would take advantage of the late work acceptance! I wouldn’t though 😅
Classroom management has always been my strength….UNTIL this year. It’s been rough. This video is by far the best classroom management video I’ve seen!! You’re an awesome teacher 💪🏼
Glad I could help Alyssa. If you ever need anything please join our live feed on UA-cam. It’s every Sunday night at 1pm EST
Thank you for this, I was so terrified to go to Secondary School this September and I feared the teachers I didn’t even know yet. But thanks to you, I have a light presentation on how my future teachers will act. Thank you.
I’ve been subbing for ten years and always appreciate when teachers give me a heads up on high maintenance students and tips on how to manage them. Fortunately, the teachers where I work support their subs and check in throughout the day to see if everything is ok. The staff treats us with dignity and not like we are incompetent babysitters. Their keeps us coming back and wanting to do a great job, even after we have a rough day. They have our backs and it makes a difficult job easier. Just sayin’...
When I have a lunch time duty, and students are out of bounds, I sing until they move along. I find show tunes are particularly effective. It was a pretty tough school generally, and the whole appeals to authority was not particularly effective with many of them. Singing was a bit of fun, and the way I think of it, outflanked them. I also am a big one for getting in early with a friendly word to set the tone of interaction with students. It won't guarantee a positive interaction, but I think it definitely helps. A fiddle box of tactile toys - putty, squidgy toys, spinners, a music box, bubble wrap, wire puzzles etc, can be a great incentive or a good way to help them calm down when they are escalated and in fight or flight mode...
I 100% back up this guys methods. You’re a genius for talking about this and posting it online. As you mentioned, this may not work for everyone but for those of us that do this, learning actually takes place in our classrooms.
Wow you seem so caring and such a great role model. They must be thrilled to have you. Kids today really need a male role model like you. God bless you sir.
It's amazing how recognisable this is too what I like my best lessons to be. When things are working out and the work is getting done, I find myself dunking scrunched up balls of paper into the wastebasket while they're working and they casually look up to see if it's a hit or not. It's a side show, they see I'm relaxed, it's testing their concentration, and it works. I'm at a new school, still learning the ropes but reaching kids thru their naturally playful side is a winner.
The classroom looks really good. Love the graphics and the wood.
Thank you so much. It’s a passion project for me. ☺️
First year English teacher here. SO grateful for this video and also OBSESSED with those bookshelves behind you!
I like the "Pre-Class" idea - I'm going to try this.
I am a substitute teacher, less than a year of experience so far, and i am really trying to find my voice and be active in the classroom as i am wanting to become a teacher. This video was very helpful! I love how your tips are very outside the box and they have me feeling inspired😊
Mr. Reynolds, you are the man. This video was so helpful and encouraging because my personality feeds on the creativity your teaching style exudes. Well-done!
Hello Mr. Reynolds! I am a 23 year old ELA teacher starting my first year in a week. I can't tell you how grateful I am for your advice! It's no wonder you have a great relationship with your students - your warmth, sense of humor, and kindness are apparent! Thanks from West Virginia! -Ms. Kinder-Schuyler
I think humor is key! I have lots of silly glasses and hats...who can’t help but smile when your own teacher is being a goof ball?! I teach kindergarten so it may seem easier to do those silly things, but I have a feeling that high schoolers and middle schoolers would love it too! Building those relationships is KEY to behavior management. Love your videos!
I freakin love this guy. Sounds like I'm talking to my kindred spirit. I'm the female version of him. It's all about being consistent and showing the kids you care. I use stickers, little pieces of candy and I do a little crazy dance when my kids do something correctly.. it makes them laugh.. having those little moments once in a while to make your kids feel special and important are essential to good teaching. I've been doing this job for 13 years an always got highly effective on my management skills. It's about keeping it firm, but real and you be surprised how well they respond💕
I discovered your videos during Spring Break, and I am hooked! I love that you give so many great suggestions that can be used with any grade level. I teach 3rd grade, and I sent a link to this video to my teaching partner, because we are starting to think about what has been working this year and what we'd like to change for next year. She loved the video, and it started a fantastic dialogue about next year and some things that we might even try this year! I love your heart for the kids, and I appreciate your inspiration.
It's my pleasure Ella. Really. 😊I hope next year is the best year ever!!!
Wish we could clone you and put you in every school as a great example of a teacher, one that other teachers aspire to be. Thank you for making your videos and helping the world not just your corner of it.
That’s really kind of you to say Marie. Really. ❤️
Your whiteboard penmanship is beautiful. I'm such a stickler for neat handwriting and teachers can never write neatly on the whiteboard.
I love you so much. I like to use googly eyes (I SEE YOU!), bubbles, and weird questions (what kind of animal are you and why? What breakfast cereal would you defend with your life!?) so the kids know we’re here to have fun. Then when we do the hard work, it feels doable and friendly. Structures and challenging work are essential, but if we can’t laugh together, we’re not a community. Thanks for bringing LOVE to the classroom.
I am a Filipino math teacher that will start my teaching job in the US this coming S.Y and this video really helps me a lot as I starting to plan on how to manage my classroom effectively amd efficiently.
Glad to help Ronald! My good friend Randy Ribay is a great Filipino educator worth following on IG. @randyribay
Ronald, have patience..American kids are very very assertive and opinionated
Loved this so much. More than half all that was said is usable even with young ones! I am a pre-k daycare teacher. I use "good morning ninjas/squirrels/wizards/anything weird" to start off the day. Bubbles are amazing, and constant movement through the class in regards to lessons is essential to prevent boredom!
Remove the time to get into trouble and most will not get into trouble. Loooove all of this.
All fantastic advice! I especially recommend the post-it note strategy - I tried it this year, and some of my kids kept notes I wrote to them in October all the way until the end of the year. Personally, I found that giving positive feedback privately can work much better than giving it publicly, because older students in particular can see that as manipulative and less than genuine. I also highly recommend class meetings, even in a departmentalized setting - the Positive Discipline and Responsive Classroom books both have great methods.
what was the post it note strategy? I guess I overheard it
Oh, and I also greet my kids at the door every time they come into my class, thanks to your suggestion! I tell them they've got to give me a hand shake, high five, hug, or a knuckle bump. I've got a few kids who still slither by without anything, but I still always say hello to them so they know I saw them. It seems to make a big difference that I'm greeting each of them individually several times a day, always with a big smile on my face. I also always make a big deal about how much I'm going to miss them when I have to have a sub for professional development, and I'll leave them notes and such. If nothing else, I want them to know I care about them! I love your suggestions though, as I still have some tough cookies in my class this year. Thanks for the encouragement!
This was so great. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your classroom setup. Teaching at an all boys school must have some truly interesting moments. I love the water gun! I can't imagine anyone ever sees that coming from their classroom teacher. And your "Glory of Love" song option is epic. I must admit that I immediately found the song in my 80s playlist. I don't think anyone can stay in a bad mood for long listening to Peter Cetera.
+bahamashana "like a night in shining armor from a long time ago" 😂😂😂 love it! Thanks for the compliments!
I literally laughed out loud when you talked about the water pistol strategy!! So funny!! I might have to borrow that. Love it! Also the writing on their faces - cracked me up!! Haha. I can imagine you are an amazing teacher. I bet the students love your lessons!
Fantastic Video!
2 ideas I loved. After almost 16 years still learning. Thanks!
Wow. I took notes watching this video! Great tips! Thank you!
One of the ways I keep a good relationship/connection with my students is by writing down what they are in to. In the beginning of the year as I'm learning their names, I will ask them their favorite hobby or what kind of things they are in to. I will WRITE IT DOWN on the roll sheet. I teach in China and I have an impossible amount of students. Some of my classes are 50+ kids. So this started out as a way to remember their names. But it really helps keep a connection with the kids. For example as I call roll, I get to a kid that is learning to play guitar. I wrote it down a month ago and now I can follow up with that kid and ask him how his guitar practice is going or what song he is learning. This makes them more likely to listen to me because it shows I care about them and I'm interested in what they care about.
First off, I LOVE the tree in your room! Very cool! Also, I agree on so many levels with you about sending kids to the office and the fact that it is so important to build relationships with kids! They (the students and parents) respect you so much more when you do this!
i'm 9 months away from my first teaching experience and this channel is just amazing
Cussing was a big issue in my class, until I decided to have them do 10 push-ups per bad word 💪 THIS SOLVED THE PROBLEM IMMEDIATELY! 💪 Also, on pop-corn reading time, if they loose their place when they are called to read they owe me 5 push-ups!! 🤷🏼♀️ Definitely minimized distractions!!
Wow, I never knew any student (I’m still in school) that even had the bravery to swear in front of staff, or anyone because students would run and tell a teacher immediately, mostly referred as snitching but I think it’s the right thing to do
Alright so it's been two years since you've written this comment. Do you still use this strategy?
God, I love you- first two in and my faith is restored in senior teachers- being a student-teacher (starting work jan2019) I have had so many bad experiences and overheard heaps of toxicity. This is so refreshing
Super sensible tips presented an über cool way. 😎👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👌🏼You're saying all the same things I say to new teachers and to my praccies. Another top video 👍🏼 PS I am the sticker queen. Even my Year 12s love getting stickers from me ☺️
+Kafoople Land awesome! I love stickers. I want to get some stinky stickers for kids that aren't doing as well!🤣
Stickers are awesome!
So is glitter 😜
You have to be careful about stickers with high school students. I've seen some teachers do it and kids come to me complaining that the teacher treats them like they're in kindergarten.
Looove this! one thing I've started doing recently is saying, "yo peeps, listen up!" This has surprised them each time. I'll also start singing randomly, using well-known songs and replacing the lyrics with things we are learning, and this always brings the class back. Another thing that I've found works, is dancing randomly - the class enjoys the class and I have found their learning has improved enorously from bringing comedy to the room
8:27 Hahaha I love how that sparkle didn't even get to finish
OMG THNAKS so MUCH!!! Yesterday I lost it with my middle schoolers! For some reason classes were split and I started receiving herds of students (like 80 kids) in the band room where I teach. They were getting out of control and I didn't know how to deal with it! I'm a sub but I've been there almost every day for years, so the kids all know me. They like me and always want to be in whatever class i'm in. But yesterday I snapped! At some point I just said "that's it, we'll just go out to the PE courts" (thinking they'd moan not wanting to due to the horrible heat) instead they all cheered and bolted out the back door! I was FURIOUS!!!! They weren't listening for any directions! As a result of my anger and frustration I wound up being really mean to kids that really didn't deserve it and once home, I found myself really down and I even cried for having done so. So b4 going to bed, I searched online for teacher tips on classroom management and I found this video!!!! The best idea you've given me - THE BULLHORN!!! I just bought it! I will be known as "Ms.D, the teacher with the bullhorn" I will never yell again the way I did yesterday. THANK YOU! How did I never think of this?
Absolutely LOVE Reynold’s! I feel like you’re my male teacher twin. Reynold’s for TEACHER OFTHE YEAR!! ((Hugs))
This school year will be my first year teaching and this video makes me feel that I can incorporate more of myself in regards to classroom management. I think you get taught how you "should" manage a classroom, and there were things I done in the past, but I didn't feel like myself while doing them. I don't want to be mean and serious, and not smile till November because those things don't fit my personality, and this video gave me hope in knowing that there is an alternative to that! Thank you! I love the sticky note idea and will be definitely be using it in my classroom!
I feel you on this. When I started teaching at the college level I felt so stiff because of what I was told to do to "act like" so that I could be respected in the classroom. Once I let that go and was just myself it was so easy for the students to let down walls and connect rather than feel fear or anxiety in my class. Hope your first year of teaching went well.
This will be my first year teaching HS students (well ever, lol). I will definitely be implementing some of these tools. Thank you!
I’m in my first year teaching at a school for disengaged teens.Classroom management is definitely something I tend to struggle with and I’m always searching for new and quirky ways to manage and engage my class. I really loved these quirky tips and I can’t wait to test them out, thanks for sharing!
Awesome. I hope they help! All the best and have a great year!!
Hey man. Really appreciate you sharing your knowledge. I picked up a number of things here that I look forward to trying. Very grateful for the fact that you and your students would take time out of your schedule to do this.
It’s our pleasure Greg. That are good boys.
I run my class the same way and I’ve never had any trouble. The kids know and respect the expectations.
Thanks for sharing! I am comfortable with elementary and middle school classroom management but high school has been my weak suit. This was helpful. Stickers have been used in all grades for me. Lol
Schools are so uptight, the last 5 minutes are almost fireable offenses but everything else is awesome. Thanks Mr. Reynolds
This may be the best video I have watched on YT!
Wow! Really?! Thanks a lot Traci. 😊
Loooove all of your tips! Especially the watergun one 😝 I teach first grade and have been battling with disrespectful defiant students for years. Unfortunately at my previous school there was no "get the kids out" even if they were a danger to others or myself. Students who were throwing chairs or cussing at the teacher were expected to be handled in the classroom or if they were accepted in the office would be given toys to play with. Mind you this is kinder. I think so much has to do with the culture and support of the school as well. With that said, I totally think that what you emphasize, relationships with students, is #1. A positive relationship goes a long way. Keep up the great and hilarious videos! I literally made my husband jump when I laughed out loud as you pulled out the watergun.
Great strategies! I just purchased a wireless bluetooth microphone to use in my classroom... I think my kids are going to love it, yet feel slightly awkward at the same time. Can't wait to use it in the hall! 😂😂
I am so conflicted currently between becoming a high school or elementary school teacher. However, watching your video and how you connect with your high school children is inspiring !!! Please continue with your incredible attitude and these insightful videos. You are the exact type of teacher that children will never forget xx
Hey! Thank you for this video! I'm in my trainee year and have been told by my mentor that I need to be more firm. I'm struggling to be honest! I like your idea about stating openly 'you are being defiant' I also like the comment about what a call home will look like. Thank you very much!
It is a really tough think to learn but it can be done. Stay with it. Try something and then keep pivoting when necessary.
classroom management is vital, but wow, show us how to write like you! Look at that daily schedule! Gorgeous!
That my one year in Catholic school 😂
I've always wanted to become an English teacher, and this video makes me so excited for the future! ❤ Thank you for the tips!
just now realizing i want to be a science teacher when i’m older. these these videos are really helping me visualize my dream
These tips remind me of my history teacher, who’s everyone’s favorite in my school 😆
I'm a senior high schooler in Hungary and I plan on becoming a teacher. This video is honestly so amazing and shows that not every teacher hates their life. I really want to become an educator like you. Not only to teach the subject but to motivate and really leave a mark. Thank you for making my choice easier!!!
That’s a really kind comment Gyuri! I appreciate it. My co-teacher’s family is from Hungry. Best of luck to you!
thank you for everything you do. i'm starting my first year as a teacher this up coming school year and your videos have tremendously helped
Awesome. I’m glad they’re helpful. Let me know if I could ever be of any help, Good luck!
I appreciate how you show off your bad-ass room. You're a dream-guy.