I was a person in a same sex relationship but I since have ended that because it appears to be incompatible with my identity as a Christian. If I love God, myself, and my former partner then I don't want to be selfish and risk them or myself going to hell over a temporary pleasure. The Bible says we are dealing with spiritual wickedness in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world. I think this is one of the main reasons why lgtbq is on the rise. 1 corinthians 6:9 also says be not decieved. This world is passing away and if you want to be in the rapture we all have to repent and turn away from ungodliness. If you don't repent before the rapture you will have to repent after it and also go through a great tribulation. This world is passing away as we all can see so don't let anything of this world cause you to remain in sin. I try to live a repenting life while watching for Jesus to return. I thank you Dr Brown because as a believer that was involved in a same sex relationship it was teachers like you that did not compromise the truth of the word. We need more teachers that will tell the Biblical truth rather than have believers to believe it is ok to stay in a same sex relationship. God called us to holiness and if we don't repent we only make it much harder on ourselves. Nothing in this world even a same sex relationship is worth it to put in the way of fully being committed to God. It can be a hard walk but a first step is getting out of the homosexual relationship and asking for God to help you in your Christian walk..
you have an amazing testimony and your first hand experience bears more weight that someone who hasn't struggled. please activate your voice and testimony to engage this subject more
About a year ago we left the church Andy leads. One of the reasons we left is because we as a family (kids especially) did not have clarity on this topic specifically. But also, many of the other people in our small groups where gay affirming and did not think the churches position was against homosexual lifestyle as long as it was a committed relationship. When we visited another church for the first time after feeling lead to do so, the pastor at the church we visited was clear marriage was between and a man and woman. My wife and I were shocked he said that and then realized, why are we suprised?! That's when we decide it was time to leave. We had begin to question the bibles authority because we thought, maybe we are wrong about what we believe. Maybe we don't understand what the scripture said. We realized, slowly, we had to question the way we understood the Bible and also began to think less of the scripture . It was a slow process we didn't realize was happening. Im not sure Andy understands what he is doing, and the confusion he is causing in his church body.
A deceiving spirit is with him. If he repents and comes back to God, he will be free of this chains. Hopefully he will as we are praying for him. We just hope it will not be too late for the thousands that hear him. I mean, this pastor does not believe 100% the Bible is the word of God, therefore I don’t think he has been born again. We need to keep praying for ourselves too so we keep walking in humble attitude before God.
Who teaches biblical patriarchy? Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. You’re not going to find the complete truth going into tax exempt church buildings. God does not dwell in temples made with human hands. The church is simply the body of believers. Not a building.
What you are stating seems like a consequence of his stance on needing the Old Testament to prove the resurrection of Jesus. Thus, the Bible is not needed.
Good for you leaving a church that you felt convicted by the message. Andy Stanley is part of a movement of Progressive Christianity whose teachings are repeatedly warned against in the scriptures.
I was in a committed same-sex relationship, active in an affirming church, then I clinically died for 22 minutes, and experienced God’s harsh judgement of my sexual sin, then endured darkness and the demonic torment in hell. Please don’t be deceived.
@@kerrivandestouwe6094 I was raised up in the church, by faith-filled, prayerful parents. However, through multiple unwanted events, and a whole lot of pride, the enemy took control of my life at an early age. His presentation was felt by a takeover of the mind leading to an overwhelming desire for sexual perversion. Thuis perversion led to an addiction to alcohol, drugs, pornography and a homosexual identity - which I battled for 10 years before yielding to its control. In 1998, I moved to Tallahassee and began college studies at Florida State University, and this is where I was introduced to the gay community. By 2000, I was engaged in multiple homosexual relationships, as well as involved in many LGBT divisive lobby groups, like HRC, PIRG and Equality Florida. It was on a Wednesday evening in October 2005 when I had my first radical encounter with the Holy Spirit. Most weeknights I would find myself leaving work and heading over to Brothers, a Tallahassee gay bar, where I enjoyed happy hour with friends. On this night, I left early in order to go home to change clothes because I planned to come back to the club for the evening festivities. As I made my way down Old Bainbridge Road, there was a strong pull on my car drawing me into the parking lot of Evangel Assembly of God. As I walked in the sanctuary there was a great presence carrying me to the front pew. It was here I experienced a deep conviction by the Spirit and began weeping uncontrollably - the Spirit wrecked my world. It was Mrs. Ruby Moran who approached and prayed in the Spirit over my life. I departed the church with a new desire in my heart, but the enemy was not ready to let me go. There was a compromise made from that day forward, I would make it a priority to be committed in my gay relationships and I would become active in the local gay church, Gentle Shepherd Metropolitan Community Church. In early 2008, after nearly 20 years identifying as a homosexual, I began to experience a persisting shortness of breath. By February it had become a daily struggle to breathe, so I headed to the urgent care center. Within the hour, the doctor informed me that I had pneumonia in both lungs and to get to the ER immediately. After checking in to the hospital, I was moved into a regular room, and later informed that I had AIDS - my viral load was over a million copies, while my CD4 cell count was in the single digits. I stayed in a quarantined room and experienced extreme loneliness and fear. It was during these times of great fear that I felt a very real and intense presence of Satan. At every opportunity, the enemy would send someone in to speak death over me. After two weeks, the doctor let me know I was only getting worse, and the only chance to live was for them to move me to ICU, intubate and induce me into a coma. But before they would make this move, they said to call my dad and mom. Satan didn’t want my parents in the room, because they would come to fight with the Sword of the Spirit - and you know there is great power when you call upon the Name of the Lord. By the time they arrived at the hospital, I was already in a coma, and the my mom approached my bed to lay hands on me to pray, but before she could Satan physically pushed her away, and said, “get away from him, he is mine.” At that moment, the Holy Spirit pressed in and let my parents know they were entering a war zone, this is going to be a battle between life and death, Heaven and Hell. They began to speak life over my body, meditating on scripture and boldly proclaiming the promises found in the Word of God - proclaiming, “Mark will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord,” and “greater is He that’s in Mark than he that is in the world,” and “Mark is more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens him.” They, along with my family and a community of friends, continued to be faithful in prayer during my entire 22 days in a coma. During much of these 22 days, I experienced great chaos, as I moved between life and death. On March 22, the night before Resurrection Sunday, the doctor came in and let my family know to be sure my hands remained tied to the bed at all times, because if I had my hands untied and I unknowingly pull the tubes out of my throat that it would be over and I would surely die. Immediately, the Holy Spirit told my parents that this was the way Satan would take me. Later that night, a nurse who my dad had never seen before and never saw again, came in my room and untied my hands. An hour later, I flailed my arms and unknowingly pulled the tubes out of my throat, flatlining for 22 minutes. At the point of extubating, my dad witnessed the flatline and resuscitation efforts by the medical team, and I experienced death as my soul separated from the physical body and I floated above the room and saw nurses working vigorously to bring me back. I quickly transitioned into God’s judgement where I faced a piercing light and He showed me my sins in different scenes, all sin was homosexual, grounded in pride and rebellion. Then I was thrown into complete darkness, where I experienced the horrors of Hell - the unbearable heat, head-splitting cries for help, and unending physical torment. As I couldn’t take any more demonic torment, I cried out in repentance, “Jesus!” and I heard His voice, and all He said was, “I’m here.” In an instant, my soul re-entered the physical body, and I witnessed the Wind of the Holy Spirit enter my ICU and blew Satan and his demons out. At that moment, the atmosphere changed from darkness to light, chaos to peace. This transition to peace and light just happened to be on Resurrection Sunday, which was no coincidence - it showed how much power there is in the Cross, and the bloodshed of Christ. From that moment forward my body began to heal, failing organs restored. I walked out of the hospital healed physically and with a new life in Jesus. During the 3 months in the hospital, there were so many representations of God’s power, and it continues today. While in rehab the Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying “you will marry Beth” (Beth was a friend for many years while living in homosexuality), so in November of that same year, Beth and I were married, and as we continue to be obedient to God’s voice, He has and continues to provide through physical, financial and spiritual blessing. We give God all glory, honor and praise.
@@junkyardhawg1154 In the account ( not parable) of Lazarus and the rich man, the rich man went to Hell. This was before the Lord had died and risen from the dead. Notice, Lazarus and Abraham are there, but in a portion set aside for those with faith who died waiting for the Savior, and aren't in torment. Currenlty, when people die without Christ, their spirit and souls go to Hell, and there to await the coming Judgment. On that day, all are resurrected, but the wicked are resurrected and thrown bodily into the Lake of Fire with Hell itself. Hell then, is a temporary prison for the spirits of the wicked.
Was a member of a "church" for over 2 decades. Left 10 years ago because leadership began to cross too many lines. Scripture tells us to guard our hearts. Had to get out. A little leaven, leavens the whole lump. Our allegiance is to Jesus Christ and His Word and not to any man or organized institution.
"Not as a heresy hunter, not like a gossip columnist," I'm not even a minute in and had to stop to say I appreciate the grace you're showing here. God bless you Dr. Brown.
Christian forefathers? What the hell are you talking about? Our forefathers believed in a supreme deity but they were not christians for the most part. They were very afraid of the Christian church due to their power in England and wanted no part of it in America. And are you really going to look to slave owners for guidance on how to treat people?
Concerning this topic of homosexuality I heard Rabbi Schneider share his view while being interviewed by Eric Metaxas on his tv show. I thought what Rabbi Schneider said succinctly captures the dynamic of why Christians sometimes struggle and do not have clarity on this issue. Rabbi Schneider stated, "People get so connected with their emotions and their sympathy/compassion for people, that they allow their emotions to carry them over to a place where they are taking a position against the Word of God. We can't change the message. Even though it is extremely difficult when you want to do something that is sin, but you instead pick up your cross to follow Jesus."
People can be very very genuine but also genuinely wrong. What happened to Andy is curses from turning away from Gods commandments. It’s simple and not burdensome to follow and learn from Torah in Yeshua by the Holy Spirit. Blessings and curses. Andy has exposed himself and congregation to the adversary and confusion
I would like to hear how homosexuals living in an actual long term relationship, maybe even with children, are supposed to come back to Christ. Practically. Are they supposed to divorce? Sell their house? Who takes care of the children? What if one of them meets God and not the other? What about 77% of christian male and 52% of pastors watching porn on a regular basis? Most likely watching girl-on-girl porn the week before they stand on the pulpit. Are they willing to risk their career to be open about their sin? Are they willing to loose their job, loose their family and be cancelled because they are open about an addiction? Are they willing to loose half of their congregation because they week after week talk about the moral decay INSIDE the church before they point fingers at the world? Jesus hated hypocrisy more than anything. Just read Matthew 23. Our job is to reflect God's love to people. It is not to judge. God will deal with his children the way he sees fit. We do not know it someone was sexually abused as a child. We do not know if a girl saw men after men hitting and tormenting mom's, telling herself that she would never have a man in her life ever... The world is not black and white. It is not binary. It is complex and full of shades of grey. Many have experienced extreme trauma we can never understand the consequences of. So maybe we should be humble, and actually use our emotions to show empathy and understanding. Understand that every person's story is unique. God knows EVERYTHING. He does not need our help to discipline his children. I still belive that everybody needs to putt all their idols at the feet of God, also their sexuality. But the same goes for being willing to sell all our earthly possession. That is mentioned a LOT more times than homosexuality in the Bible. But for some reason money is an idol most christians accept... As followers and imitators of Christ This is why we are to love our neighbours and let God renew our minds and build the Kingdom of God within. So let us stay humble. Get to know people. Listen to their stories. Learn. And let the Spirit guide us.
@@mikaelsvartdahl Such a long post...and a wall of excuses for something that is unavoidable: It does not matter how loving a same sex relationship is, it does not matter how stable it is, it does not matter that some heterosexual relationships are not healthy, it does not matter if some Christian priests or some Christian men and women also commit sins and are hypocrites. What matters is ONLY THIS: Jesus quoted scriptures. Jesus quoted the Old Testament. Jesus told us the words in Scripture are those of the Father, of God. Scripture is clear: same sex relationships are from the "world[...] of lust and desire" and not from God. NOTE: I hope I got the quote correctly, if not my apologies for any errors.] It does not matter if a husband broke his marriage to live with another woman and they now have a stable family. What matters is that he committed adultery. The Church cannot help there. Our decisions are between us and God. Only He can decide the nature of what we do. Matters of practicality are matters to be taken/ considered in the world of men. Matters of practicality in the face of sins committed towards the Word of God do not concern our relationship with God. This should be obvious to anyone. Decisions have consequences. These matter.
@mikem.s.1183 Jesus also said the following in Luke 14: If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. And he continues: those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples. Are you willing to sell everything you own? Are you willing to turn the other cheek while someone hits you? Give them your cloak when they take your shirt? There are so many things we christians do not do. But we sure like to comment on other peoples sin. Especially when we can do it from the comfort of our keyboards with no danger for the repercussions. The world can see right through our hypocrisy. That's why they do not like us. If we actually were Christ like, then we would gain respect.
Just recently come across your channel, Dr. Brown. You’re very charitable and seek “to major on the majors” and even on a major disagreement like this, you handle it so well. Not once have you torn down Andy but respectfully have called him to repentance. What a great model. Thank you
Thank you for not being a sell-out Dr. Brown. One of the few I can say with confidence I will not read about 5 years from now endorsing whatever is "woke" or societal over that of clear Scripture dictates.
I went to North Point for 28 years, and I served in the children's ministry for 8 years, but I quit going to North Point completely. I'm very disappointed in Andy for the things he said. It's my belief that Andy has pretended to be a Christian all these years ☹️
How absurd! It's your "belief that Andy has pretended to be a Christian all these years"??? What planet do you live on? One that doesn't know about the grace of God. We are sinners saved by grace through the savior, Jesus Christ. Christians don't need perfect theology to be Christians. Christians have and will continue to disagree about many thorny issues. Tragically, many believers are obsessed with this one particular sin and cast aspersions on anyone who doesn't see things exactly like them and their militant biblicism. This is a big reason why so many people are leaving Christian churches and causing a plethora of others to stay away!
Interesting. I watched a sermon he did a few weeks ago where he directly responded to this issue. I have no knowledge of anything else he has said on it. He indicated he and his church follow the New Testament belief that marriage is between a man and a woman only. I had no issues with what he said on that at all. Completely biblical. What I did gather from that message was that he has deep compassion for those struggling with the same sex attraction issue. Not condoning the sin but also not wanting to throw them out. He believes that you shouldn't just shun them and throw stones at them. Let the younger people who struggle with it commit suicide. Come along side them with compassion and love and lead them to a deeper relationship with Christ and let God help them, same as he does with the rest of us sinners who deeply struggle. Human condition is always a tough road. Thankful for his grace.
Why do u think he pretended to be a Christian?? Lots of Christians are in error about a lot of things. Remember Jerry Falwell had racist views and repented. There was a Christian college that's was against interracial dating. A popular Christian says if you're not Republican you're not Christian. So based on error they're not many Christians, you probably have error in your beliefs also.
I totally agree! His position on this issue (which is clearly affirming even though he says other wise) informed the choice of speakers. Sadly, Andy was willing to sacrifice the truth of God's word on the altar of 'building connections/relationships'
As I listen to Andy and I read all the comments here I am struck by fact that it all about "Me" How it affects "us" and our society. Its not. Its about God, Jesus.
Homosexuality affects all of society (Think: Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim - ALL four cities incinerated by brimstone, fire and sulphur, save for Lot and his two daughters). If you can, secure a copy of "As Nature Made Him" by John Colapinto. This truly tells the sordid tale of this destructive, abusive perversion of homosexual practice/transgendersim.
One argument to support gay relationships is loneliness. My husband left me over 11 years ago, I could never have children. I deal with loneliness. What I do is volunteer work to help others. As Christians we are called to crucify our flesh. I have been single most of my life. I use my singleness to serve God and others!
That’s an awful argument. To fight loneliness - a man can marry a wife, and not sin against his Creator. That’s the prescription for lust - marriage - within God’s regulations. Which means zero room for homosexuality and lesbian marriage.
@@ottom.3094God’s plan comes first and foremost….many heterosexuals are also single and remain single because for whatever reason…they may never have had the opportunity for marriage or even have physical limitations, preventing marriage and remain single! God has called all Christians to holiness and not to sin and to take up the cross and follow Him in whatever state people find themselves in. Do the heterosexual struggle with loneliness….of course they do….but God is sufficient for whatever state they find themselves to be in. Some married people are also lonely in their marriage. Can they go out and find another relationship to satisfy them? They really can’t do that either. God will help ALL people in whatever situation they find themselves in! Apostle Paul was single…..look at his life and how God used him! We can all find an excuse to sin if we want to…..To fully lean on the Lord is the only way for any Christian to overcome sin!
Yes I hear you. Loneliness is the worse. Anyone that has family should thank God every day because single people that have no children or the children live far away, are so alone. Depression sets in on a daily basis. I can see how some women reach out to other women .. but I would never.. however I can understand why a woman would. Yes we have God and know He is with us and will never leave us.. but it is a daily struggle being alone.
@@ottom.3094are you serious? Have you lived alone for 15 years without anyone visiting.. no children or spouse? Try being alone for a year. Or even a month. Don't answer your phone and pretend you have no children or spouse to talk to.. Yes Jesus said He will never leave us... But for someone that lives alone for many years without someone in the next room there is a constant struggle of loneliness. Seclusion. Before you make a judgment on this woman's comment try for one month. If your friends are at work then take a week off and do not communicate with anyone of your family . I am saying this because some of us have no family.
This is very sad, because Andy's stance is bringing confusion to young people. I believe he's empowering those struggling to dive in to what they know is not right, we really need to pray.
The church has lost their fear of God and instead replaced it with the Fear of Man. If God is for us, then who can stand against us. Let God be our defender when they attack us.
I was 50 for my first and only marriage, which means I didnt have a family. My wife left me after 9 years so I'm single and 62, which means I'll never have a family (wife and kids). Does this mean that I can live in sin for the rest of my life because as Andy says something to the effect....I cant stand to live this way so live in a sinful relationship. Of course not.
Dr Brown this reminds me so much of what happened to Pastor Carlton Pearson before he lost his church. Oral Roberts & many ministers had asked him to stop ministering about hell was here on earth and not a destination, that we were living in hell. And of course other things as well and he chose not to listen. It saddens me because Carlton was such a wonderful minister of the gospel, dynamic man for the kingdom of God. I remember the sadness that brother Roberts went through and other generals during this period of time so thank you for what you're doing and I know that the Bible speaks of leaders falling. As an intercessor I heard The Lord say I did not raise up motivational speakers or those that will tickle the ears of those in sin. They are doing this for their own financial gain & prideful popularity. Again thank you for taking a stand I wish others would do as well.
Thank you for this. Praying as you asked. Bless you Dr Brown.. you from what I seen and heard showed the love of God/Christ. To never bow to this world and its ways.
Stanley spent years being coy on the homosexual issue and has gradually become more frank about his tolerance for perversion in the church. This is almost exactly the way Pope Francis has played his similar deception game. After years of ambigious statements, about two years ago Francis acknowledged in a document that homosexuality was objectively sinful. Then just this week on the verge of his weird synod process, Francis has now embraced blessing of same sex "marriages". Also this week I heard an older priest of the ACNA, a breakaway conservative group from the Episcopal Church, USA, say that he had seen this gradual process in the Episcopal church beginning in the 70's. These antinomian heretics all play the same game. Stanley, the late Episcopal Bishop Spong and Pope Francis all play the same phony game.BTW, you Evangelicals need to get rid of celebrity pastor worship, its almost as bad as popery.
@@gailmurray9120 Evsngelicals build fan clubs around their favorite preachers with just too much adulation. Then they fall into despair when their heroes let them down as in the case of Stanley. Its best to follow YOUR pastor so if his teaching goes erroristic, you can actually do something about it.
I wrote a review of Andy's book "Irresistable" immediately after it was released in 2017. At the end I said he will accept LGBT and Pedophilia where rejection of the Old Testament would lead. He has arrived.
I remember doing his Guardrails series in 2010 and it was solid. But then around 2013 Andy started making comments and the alarm bells started going off for me. I stopped listening to him and began telling ppl he would go full Rob Bell. Sadly it appears that is the case. Andy wants the world's acceptance.
I am not a clever biblical scholar. I only have a high school education. But here is what my gut tells me. By speaking and by letting the speakers speak, he is in fact condoning and affirming it. By doing the things he does, Andy is not only putting his own sanctification in peril, he is preventing the salvation of many. He has become a stumbling block rather a light to the true path. Rationalization and situational ethics at its finest.
His father was a spiritual baby and led one of the largest spiritual kindergartens in America - splashing in shallow puddles only. His father helped keep Christians across America and the world spiritually impotent and ignorant.
JESUS has said it for you thou shall not kill ❤PAUL also says in 1cor 6 v 9 m10 that those who support homosexuality WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD 😮
@@lornaparsons9767 First that scripture says nothing about those who support not inheriting the kingdom. Second, it also says slanderers won't enter the Kingdom, and there is an AWFUL lot of that happening in churches and on social media. Most important is verse 11. You fail to mention that as well.
Now that it’s culturally popular Andy can show his true colors. I do think in a way there is a generational pushback against fundamentalists due to legalism and sweeping stuff under the carpet while accusing others. But this is not the right loving way to do it. My former son in law says he’s a woman, my daughter decided she didn’t want to associate with us because we are Christians. Many just throw out accusations and God’s condemnation but to me it’s heartbreaking. Thanks for your review and balanced reporting.
It's sad to see a traditional Christian move to a "progressive" so called Christian and embrace and endorse sin and rebellion against God and His Word. I've seen this play out with people in my own life. Both falling away into progressive unbiblical "Christianity" or falling away completely. We were warned this time would come. May God help us all help bring these people back to repentance and stay on the narrow path ourselves before it's too late: My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. James 5:19-20 ESV Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 ESV
Andy sympathizes with sin….rather that showing these people that through God, we can overcome anything…..Jesus says….take up your cross and follow Me!! Andy will answer to the Almighty God….Andy is a minister and will be held to a higher standard…..
You are giving facts, quotes, and biblical truth. I agree with all that you said here, and want to also bring up HOW Andy is presenting this topic. With a noted nonchalance that is almost catty, it is as if Andy is saying: No duh, we hold to traditional Christian teaching, including on marriage, blah, blah, blah...we've all heard that, nothing new. Now for what matters to me.... He then moves in with a weighty care, passion, and time toward what he really wants the listeners to hear. If it were a musical, you would hear a slow of music and an emotional song in the background. For those with this particular struggle, same sex attraction, he gives his congregation his urging, praise for their journey, heart and compassion and specific instructions about how we are to treat them. He gives his holy grail, what really matters to him--inclusion. You can tell by his earnest tone that this is one of his top values, if not the top value. Biblical clarity doesn't hold the weight in his heart like inclusion does. He give the history of this value, "For 20 years, we said we would be like this..." but is that the full history of what inclusion means for him personally? When Christians hold on to an exception or passivity toward a category of sin or sinners, it can be because of their own painful experiences. We have very little impact in helping others in brokenness that we have not allowed God to change or heal in us first. I was drawn here to this video today after watching the recent tribute to Charles Stanley (found on the InTouch UA-cam channel). After seeing the documentary on Charles Stanley, I wondered about Andy's life growing up. He had multiple moves. There were new people he had to get to know who might or might not want his family at the new church or school. I wonder if Andy's values about inclusion may have origins that are personal in nature. When we don't handle our sins (requires repentance), offences (requires us to forgive) or wounds (requires us to heal), it will impact our ability to understand and speak the truth. We will filter our thoughts and choices through our pain or bitterness, instead of having a clean eye to see the truth. What would Andy think it would say about him if he took a clearer stand on hard things that made people feel bad? What vows might he have taken as a kid to avoid ever doing that? "I will never make people feel like this/rejected/hurt" could be an example. Vows that go deep can take us all the way into identity. beyond, "I will always make people feel included," one might say, "I am the accepting one." If Andy took a clear and public stand on these matters of sexuality, would he have to go against what he vowed never to do? It is possible Painful or traumatic experiences can influence us toward God-glorifying ministry or self-serving ministry, depending on whether we have let the Lord take us through grief and into hope in Him. The Lord can use the trauma that we have experienced to help us understand others, while also operating under the authority of the scriptures. This mix of compassion and scriptural thinking allows us to speak the truth in love in a way that those unscathed will never understand. But if we do our ministry while still in bondage to either denial of our pain or a victimhood identity, we can only speak our words as a tyrant or as a coward. When praying for Andy, I'm going to ask the Lord to show him what his behind his passivity on these key issues. My hope is that he will face what hurt him and what holds him hostage to pleasing people. I pray that helping people know the truth that will set them free will mean as much to Andy Stanley as helping them feel included. Jesus was our perfect example of speaking with sin in people's lives : His encounters were never, "welcome and take your time and hang out with us and share your opinions about sexuality until you might change your mind in a few years" but rather, he was loving and gave the way forward in Him that he invited them to in that very moment, "I do not condemn you either. Go. From now on sin no more."
I will never understand how those claiming to be a Christian can affirm homosexuality as acceptable in Gods eyes. Would we affirm any other sin? No, we would not. Why would we show love in this way? If we love someone, we would want them to join us in heaven, not send them to hell. When Jesus said “go and sin no more” they are really saying he didn’t really mean that, how can they say Jesus didn’t really mean what he said?
@@DanielBice God created everyone with a unique orientation. As unique as your God-Given fingerprints. No Two are the same. One of the letters is for you. You are included. No exceptions. Zero excuses.
My daughter who is dealing with SSA, celibate (and lonely), and who is a Christian (because first and foremost, that is her identity) has told me exactly what she wants to hear (and it's not what A.S. thinks)... Yes, she wants to hear from people like her, but she wants to hear from people like her that have OVERCOME, not caved to their sin struggle because (in Andy's own words) "for whatever reason, it's not sustainable."
All Andy and other Christian leaders need to say is: “All sexual activity outside of marriage between a man and a woman is sin.” Andy doesn’t have to say homosexual sex is sin. Any sexy outside of heterosexual marriage is sin.
He actually did. Watch I Love My Church. Watch the full sermon especially starting at the 39 min mark. Would anyone commenting here know that based on this video?????
thank you for being so brave and bold like a lion yet walking in the gentleness and humility of a lamb. Just like Jesus! Sometimes a lion (when he encountered the Pharisees or demons) and someones a lamb (the woman at the well in John 4, or others with a repentant and desperate heart)
@@saulgoo2334 Mixture is not what God is calling us to do, unity is not mixture, we don't ever see anyone defending the gnostics. Should we unify with the Mormons and Jehovah witness to not keep the gates closed? The same Jesus you believe is all lovey dovey (which he is) is also the same jesus that is a righteous judge (which he is) he said "you hypocrite", "get behind me satan", and flipped and broke tables at the false church. Blessings friend!
im down to trade what do u put in urs lol haha. Beans are a gift from the Lord, also have a spiritual backbone and read my reply XD I pray you know what you believe and why you believe it. Don't let anyone tell u what to believe don't just go with the flow, open up that bible and see what God has to say on the matter@@saulgoo2334
When you said that many people take Andy Stanley sermons and repeat him in their church, this really surprises me. I would hope that a pastor is able to hear God and get his own message from the Lord for the congregation that he’s over and not just we have somebody else’s.
Hi Michael, "Bravo" for your "Biblical Clarity" and for your love for Pastor Andy Stanley, and for the myriad of people who struggle with same-sex attractions. In our culture, which as you know, is so incredibly "diluted" of Biblically-based compassionate and clarity, I want to deeply encourage you and your solid ministry, which I have followed for several years. It also grieves me deeply to observe Andy's willful disobedience and compromise, and the Biblical Logic will hold just as lovingly and uncompromisingly for heterosexual men and women who are constantly tempted and many who attempt and have justified adultery and heterosexual fornication. My love and concern for Andy, go back a few years since I attend a Wednesday night Bible study, and before Andy got off-track, or at least before as a group we were aware of his "going off the rails" on this crucial point, we used to view several of his sermon series on other Biblcally fairly well balanced topics. To go back even further, when his Dad, Dr Charles Stanley divorced his wife Anna, and refused to resign from his ministry at First Baptist in Atlanta, he lost my respect at this crucial point as well. Way back in the summer of 1975, when I was only 23, almost 24, I spent three months studying at L'Abri Fellowship, in Humor, Switzerland, when Dr. Francis Schaeffer was still living. Besides Dr. Schaeffer, I was exposed to other solid Bible teachers such as one of his sons in law, Udo Middleman, and the British Bible Scholar, Os Guinnes (The Dust of Death). It was through Dr. Schaeffer's teaching, and in line with The Scriptures, I first appreciated that "two opposing viewpoints simply can't both be correct. As Schaeffer often said, "A cannot be Non-A." He also emphasized "Pre-Evangelism" and taught about the need to establish "moral and scientific absolutes" such as gravity, the infinite nature of God, the absolute Truth of the Scriptures. Anyway, again and in closing, thank you so very much for your deep and sincere love for your firmed and brother, Andy....and as I will continue for him to soften his heart, as a Christian singer/songwriter, I am remembering one of Keith Green's old favorites entitled, "Soften Your Heart." You may remember it and if not, you can dial it up on UA-cam. The punch line is simply this: "You won't learn a thing, until you soften your heart," and I would add, "and quicken one's mind in the unmistakable light of God's Holy Scriptures." Keep up the good fight, and maybe our paths will cross someday, since I live 35 miles south of Nashville, TN, and although my circle of influence is very small, I too, am praying that it's not too late for our America to experience true revival. One final affirmation: You are so correct when you have stated that when homosexuality began to become accepted about 25-30 years ago, it was the beginning of Satan's Plan to bring us to the horror where we find ourselves today, with children being genitally mutilated with horrific sex-cahnge surgeries and injected with hormone altering drugs. From God's perspective, what possibly could be as bad as this??!! And now, with war raging in Israel, as the Israeli Army must irradiate Hamas completely, and we are witnessing the insane support of so many college students and other young people encoring the militant Muslims as they perpetuate genocide on The Jews as anti semitism is on the rise around our world. We are so close to the end times when every nation will turn against Israel...and the God will deliver them and fulfill every word in "The Revelation of Jesus." Grace and Peace to you and your family. My site, if you're at all curious is simply: TedSchempp.com. There are 44 original Jesus Songs posted there across 3 C Ds. I hope that you enjoy sampling some of them. I am a member of Midtown Fellowship.org, a conservative and very lively and healthy PCA Church with six mid-sized campuses in the Metro Nashville Area. Brother Ted Schempp. Psalm 22, 23 and 91.
Dr. Brown did you omit the portions of Andy’s sermon were he referenced Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, and 1 Timothy 1 and said what was sin then is sin now?
Maybe if you look at the timeline. Dr. Brown said he was at a conference where Dr. Peter Jones was speaking (circa 6:35) and he said Dr. Jones said Andy Stanley supports same-sex marriage. He said he text Stanley who denied that he did. Dr. Brown said Stanley asked him to state that publicly on his behalf and he did. Dr. Brown must have had some trust in Stanley because he said he stated it on the airwaves as well, that Stanley did not support same-sex marriage. Again, the timeline is important. It was after Stanley’s denial of affirming same-sex marriage that he asked Stanley for a book endorsement but Stanley had a problem with the LGBT chapter. In short. Stanley was dishonest. Stanley lied. The original comment by Dr. Jones was correct.
Make no mistake, preachers, pastors, & the like, rendering the gospel, is accountable for drawing a line in the sand EXACTLY in the same way the scriptures draw those lines, making it very apparent leaving no room for err. Preacher’s & teacher’s messages need to echo the sound & perfect word of God without wavering, and for that reason, we should be confident & stand firm in the Word of God, and if we can’t do that, then we need to sit down and get our faith up before leading any flock in any capacity or otherwise, the blood is on their hands! As the scripture says, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” II Timothy 4:2
Andy said "we aren't condoning sin, we are restoring relationships and we are literally saving lives." This is not the same as same sex unions/sex = sin.
i wish pastors spent as much time speaking on divorce and remarriage being a sin as much as they do about homosexuality. There is a lot more of that going on than homosexual activity. homo sexual population is about 13 percent of the population and divorce end up being %50 percent of first marriages but we seem to be focused on homosexuality
Maybe it's just me, but A. Stanley seems to be extremely arrogant. He comes across as approachable & open but in reality it's my approach is always right, I'm always right & North Point is the example for everyone to follow. Only met & heard him once & that was the attitude that came across. He changes with the culture. Feel bad about the judgement
As is so often the case in our churches today, the words/concepts of Love & Lordship are bantered about with little or no understanding, or desire to understand them according to God's Word. Love only comes from God (1 John 4:19) and we can only love because of Him through Christ. Agape (Greek word for "Godly Love") literally means "to prefer God above all else." When we fail to make Him Lord (Luke 6:46; 14:25-35) then His Truth does not guide us and we are not loving because we are preferring what we think or what others think and like and calling it compassion and then basing our "truth" on that rather than God's Word. Sexual purity according to God's Word only exists in a monogamous covenant relationship between one man and one woman. All other sexual lusts or activities is impure and sinful...promiscuity of any kind, including cohabitation, adultery, homosexuality, gender dysphoria sexuality and pedophelia...and this is the trend of the enemy that we are clearly seeing in culture...and even in many churches. Praying for repentance for Andy Stanley and any/all others who claim to be teachers of the Gospel but distort it in many different ways. God bless in Christ (John 3:30)!
Amazing how a spirit of error can take control of a mind that preaches God’s word. What I’ve seen is pastor Andy preaching his own thoughts and wisdom. He has become blind to the simplicity of the gospel.
This is why people need to take the words of the Bible seriously Matthew Chapter 7 many will say we prophesied your name healed in your name etc etc but you will tell them to get away their workers of lawlessness... This isn't some unbeliever he's talking to it's those who claim him and who have actually done works in his name... this is why the prophets are filled with so much warnings not to people who are unbelievers but to those who claim to God the Apostle's have the same warnings it's no different we can deceive ourselves to think that we are doing God's work when in the end we are teaching and preaching lawlessness....
Andy likes to consider himself smart and clever and he is neither..he gives off a feminine energy to me..I can't listen to his whiny high pitched fingernails on a chalkboard voice and watch his feminine mannerisms..he doesn't strike me as a Christian or even a strong masculine male role model..I think he has deeper issues but if you go to that vipers nest get out..and never look back
The biggest issue for me is the PRIDE aspect of the lifestyle. They dont want to change, they dont want to repent, they want God and his church to change their standards.
Dr. Brown, while there are those (myself included) who may not agree with you on all theological things, that are to me "non-essentials", THANK YOU for being so faithful and bold enough to stand firm on this matter....with Biblical clarity. It is essential for the Gospel to be properly shared for a transformed life that does not enable people to live in sin for their identity, but that we die to self and find ultimate, life giving identity in Christ. Thank you and God keep you.
@@Daniel-mw7pu As long as it is an issue that does not confuse or diminishes the nature of God or His salvation. For instance, Dr. Brown believes that the gift of speaking in tongues is active today whereas I do not. To me, that is a secondary issue to disagree on given it does not take away from the Gospel of Jesus (sinner in need of Salvation) or the nature of Christ as God.
@@Daniel-mw7pu it is....absolutely. If they are repentant and choose to not indulge in their sinful carnality. I see how you're attempting to tie in a person who divorces and marries another. That person can still ask for forgiveness due to their lack of understanding or whatever sinful matter first caused the divorce. This is something that Jesus addresses with the Pharisees in Matthew. It's a heart issue.... in God's grace is deathly sufficient for that person however since God hates divorce I don't believe he'll ask that person to divorce.
@@Daniel-mw7pu I look at it like a brick house. There is the foundation, and then everything else. The foundation is what is needed for the Gospel. Man sin and is separated from God, Jesus came to earth, was both man and God, died as our substitute, rose again, and lives now. Romans 10:9-10 are what need to be done to obtain salvation. That alone. That is foundational, or primary issues. Everything else is a brick. A brick can be removed from a house, but the house will not fall, Many bricks can and it still won't fall. These are secondary issues. If you remove any aspect of the foundation, then the house will not stand. We can disagree on "bricks" and still be Christ followers, we cannot disagree on the foundation and still be.
Thank you once again Dr. Brown for publicly calling out and rebuking Andy Stanley and his dangerous teaching, which is contrary to God’s word and is in fact in alignment with the doctrine of demons. He has wandered from the true faith and has separated himself from the truth. He needs to be rebuked publicly by all Christian leaders and your calling him out publicly is a good start. He is leading many thousands of people astray into error and perdition. Again, thank you!
I’m pretty sure demonic doctrine would seek to divide those seeking Christ. A demon would likely prefer that a gay person felt like they didn’t belong or have a place in the body of Christ. If they were convinced that they were a filthy mistake and an “abomination”.
We are not identified by our sin and our sinful proclivities - EVER - only by Yahshua's Blood which covers (forgives) our sins and heals our sicknesses as we "go and sin no more." This is why He, Yahshua, was compelled to find the woman who had touched the fringes of His garment and was instantly made whole - He had need to address her as "daughter!" (Formerly, she had been known as "the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years." In Scripture, we do not find Him addressing any one else as "daughter." This is amazing.) NEW IDENTITY as we follow only HIM and what His Father YHWH commands! He knows.
The nanosecond andy unhitched himself from the Old Covenant and then wrote a book & taught about it, is when he entered into delusion. his eyes are veiled. he's led thousands of people astray. I can just imagine the anguish his father, Pastor Charles Stanley, must have gone through. Also, how Jerry Falwell Sr. must have hurt had he been living when his son, the fallen & disgraced son committed sexual perversion w/his wife. We're living in the last days. Yeshua is our only hope and Savior.
You misunderstand. A. Stanley's unhitching nonsence was not about dispensational theology, (believers are not under the law, Paul the apostle) but to diminish things like homosexual prohibitions & God's judgememt because the culture doesn't like those icky things
We aren't under the old covenant. Jesus literally fulfilled (completed) the law so we no longer have to. Read Galatians. We are under a new and better covenant. The Hebrews had the shadow but we have the substance.
to Affirm ANY Person Living in ANY Open Sin Struggle in a Non-repentent way, is NOT LOVING Them in a Biblical Way!!!! JESUS is our Example of How to Treat & Deal with those in this sin- struggle...When tthe Pharisees were about to Stone to death, the woman caught in Adultery, JESUS Prevented them from doing that and then said to the woman Plainly and LOVINGLY " Neither do I condemn you, Now GO and SIN NO MORE "... So, HE LOVED Her, Affirmed her as a Child of GOD and THEN told her THE TRUTH!!!! THAT is the WAY we should be with those who struggle with that sin or Any Sin!!!
OK, dandy Andy grew up under the roof of Charles, and the dissonance between them could not be greater. We ask "How the hell does that happen?" Well, something tells me that Andy thinks he is the best theologian to ever live, and his word is not to be questioned, no matter how strange it is. I have a certain pity for him. because I think I'm generally right. It can't be anything else.
It's called The New Birth...being Born Again into God's Kingdom...with the Indwelling Holy Spirit. He's still the Natural man of 1 Cor 2:14... unsaved. A man led by the Holy Spirit agree with the Spirit filled word of God. 🙏
When a so-called man of God, can not stand on the word of God ...hes an unregenerated "Natural" unsaved man. I personally believe hes a wolf in sheep's clothing. When the Holy Spirit comes...its with power and authority. 📖✝️💞
This is where you end up when you "unhitch from the Old Testament." As soon as you reject part of the word of God, then you have license to reject whatever doesn't fit with your "enlightened" world view. It leads to deception.
Unconditional love and acceptance does not mean approval. The church is filled with divorced and remarried couples. Unmarried couples living together and attending church. Why is the church not up in arms about that? What about me? I am a sinner through and through. Why does the church let me in when I too have sinned? 😢
The major difference should be this…..that ALL sinners should be welcomed, not shunned, but they all need to know exactly what it is that the Bible clearly calls sin, clearly identifies as sin. We accept the sinner, do not condone the sin, but lovingly accept the sinner and ask the sinner to repent. We cannot change what God’s Word clearly states is sin to accommodate the current flavor of what current culture boldly claims otherwise. And we do all this to humbly point sinners to the only Savior, Jesus Christ
This is the type of preaching which deceives the hearer. “We believe the Bible. But, homosexuals can marry.” I know many “preachers” that deceive their flocks this way. Usage of Christianese, then mix in false teaching. It’s confusing for the sheep.
Why do we stumble over ourselves in regard to false doctrine and appease those who preach it yet Paul said if another preaches a different gospel let him be damned
sexual attraction....is not a choice unless as an adult you choose a non-traditional sexual relationship due to some prior traumatic experience; otherwise at puberty we all DISCOVER what sex we're attracted to; even heterosexuals can't explain why they are attracted to the opposite sex; how does that happen; it's called modeling; humans model more often after the same sex parent; some model after the opposite sex parent; what causes the difference..........survival; by the age of 2-3 as children we model after the caregiver (parent
The church will continue to have confusion and division about this issue until we revert back to clearly articulating the real issue. We need to stop calling people homosexuals. It’s not that people *are* homosexuals, it’s that they *practice* homosexuality. Sex isn’t God. Sex doesn’t get to define people. God does! As long as we treat this behavior as an identity we will lose and be painted as the bad guys. But the truth of who people truly are is found in Christ. And knowing the Truth sets people free. So correctly stating that we want people to be set free from a false identity and to see themselves as Jesus sees them, is loving. Yes, people will still disagree. But we need to stop letting them characterize it the false way they do.
Quit apologizing for speaking the truth! If you're a man of God, speak like it. People desperately need to hear the truth. Romans 8:6 "For the mind set on the flesh is DEATH, but the Mind set on the SPIRIT is life and peace." I need Christ and you need Christ. 1 Samuel 15:22 "Samuel said, Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams."
I was a person in a same sex relationship but I since have ended that because it appears to be incompatible with my identity as a Christian. If I love God, myself, and my former partner then I don't want to be selfish and risk them or myself going to hell over a temporary pleasure. The Bible says we are dealing with spiritual wickedness in high places and the rulers of the darkness of this world. I think this is one of the main reasons why lgtbq is on the rise. 1 corinthians 6:9 also says be not decieved. This world is passing away and if you want to be in the rapture we all have to repent and turn away from ungodliness. If you don't repent before the rapture you will have to repent after it and also go through a great tribulation. This world is passing away as we all can see so don't let anything of this world cause you to remain in sin. I try to live a repenting life while watching for Jesus to return.
I thank you Dr Brown because as a believer that was involved in a same sex relationship it was teachers like you that did not compromise the truth of the word. We need more teachers that will tell the Biblical truth rather than have believers to believe it is ok to stay in a same sex relationship. God called us to holiness and if we don't repent we only make it much harder on ourselves. Nothing in this world even a same sex relationship is worth it to put in the way of fully being committed to God. It can be a hard walk but a first step is getting out of the homosexual relationship and asking for God to help you in your Christian walk..
Wow this is incredible thank you for sharing!!
you have an amazing testimony and your first hand experience bears more weight that someone who hasn't struggled. please activate your voice and testimony to engage this subject more
Did you came to believe in Christ from the preaching of pastor Andy or Dr Brown?
@gojohnnygo3209 none of them. I came to belief from church and my own reading.
@@jamal4Christ - That would be after conversion.
About a year ago we left the church Andy leads. One of the reasons we left is because we as a family (kids especially) did not have clarity on this topic specifically. But also, many of the other people in our small groups where gay affirming and did not think the churches position was against homosexual lifestyle as long as it was a committed relationship. When we visited another church for the first time after feeling lead to do so, the pastor at the church we visited was clear marriage was between and a man and woman. My wife and I were shocked he said that and then realized, why are we suprised?! That's when we decide it was time to leave. We had begin to question the bibles authority because we thought, maybe we are wrong about what we believe. Maybe we don't understand what the scripture said. We realized, slowly, we had to question the way we understood the Bible and also began to think less of the scripture . It was a slow process we didn't realize was happening. Im not sure Andy understands what he is doing, and the confusion he is causing in his church body.
May I ask what church you went to that teaches truth? I'm in the same area and it's difficult to find a true biblical church.
A deceiving spirit is with him. If he repents and comes back to God, he will be free of this chains. Hopefully he will as we are praying for him. We just hope it will not be too late for the thousands that hear him. I mean, this pastor does not believe 100% the Bible is the word of God, therefore I don’t think he has been born again. We need to keep praying for ourselves too so we keep walking in humble attitude before God.
Who teaches biblical patriarchy?
Ephesians 5:22-24
Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
You’re not going to find the complete truth going into tax exempt church buildings. God does not dwell in temples made with human hands. The church is simply the body of believers. Not a building.
What you are stating seems like a consequence of his stance on needing the Old Testament to prove the resurrection of Jesus. Thus, the Bible is not needed.
Good for you leaving a church that you felt convicted by the message. Andy Stanley is part of a movement of Progressive Christianity whose teachings are repeatedly warned against in the scriptures.
I was in a committed same-sex relationship, active in an affirming church, then I clinically died for 22 minutes, and experienced God’s harsh judgement of my sexual sin, then endured darkness and the demonic torment in hell. Please don’t be deceived.
I would love to hear your whole story!!!
@@kerrivandestouwe6094 I was raised up in the church, by faith-filled, prayerful parents. However, through multiple unwanted events, and a whole lot of pride, the enemy took control of my life at an early age. His presentation was felt by a takeover of the mind leading to an overwhelming desire for sexual perversion. Thuis perversion led to an addiction to alcohol, drugs, pornography and a homosexual identity - which I battled for 10 years before yielding to its control.
In 1998, I moved to Tallahassee and began college studies at Florida State University, and this is where I was introduced to the gay community. By 2000, I was engaged in multiple homosexual relationships, as well as involved in many LGBT divisive lobby groups, like HRC, PIRG and Equality Florida.
It was on a Wednesday evening in October 2005 when I had my first radical encounter with the Holy Spirit. Most weeknights I would find myself leaving work and heading over to Brothers, a Tallahassee gay bar, where I enjoyed happy hour with friends. On this night, I left early in order to go home to change clothes because I planned to come back to the club for the evening festivities. As I made my way down Old Bainbridge Road, there was a strong pull on my car drawing me into the parking lot of Evangel Assembly of God. As I walked in the sanctuary there was a great presence carrying me to the front pew. It was here I experienced a deep conviction by the Spirit and began weeping uncontrollably - the Spirit wrecked my world. It was Mrs. Ruby Moran who approached and prayed in the Spirit over my life. I departed the church with a new desire in my heart, but the enemy was not ready to let me go. There was a compromise made from that day forward, I would make it a priority to be committed in my gay relationships and I would become active in the local gay church, Gentle Shepherd Metropolitan Community Church.
In early 2008, after nearly 20 years identifying as a homosexual, I began to experience a persisting shortness of breath. By February it had become a daily struggle to breathe, so I headed to the urgent care center. Within the hour, the doctor informed me that I had pneumonia in both lungs and to get to the ER immediately. After checking in to the hospital, I was moved into a regular room, and later informed that I had AIDS - my viral load was over a million copies, while my CD4 cell count was in the single digits. I stayed in a quarantined room and experienced extreme loneliness and fear. It was during these times of great fear that I felt a very real and intense presence of Satan. At every opportunity, the enemy would send someone in to speak death over me. After two weeks, the doctor let me know I was only getting worse, and the only chance to live was for them to move me to ICU, intubate and induce me into a coma. But before they would make this move, they said to call my dad and mom. Satan didn’t want my parents in the room, because they would come to fight with the Sword of the Spirit - and you know there is great power when you call upon the Name of the Lord. By the time they arrived at the hospital, I was already in a coma, and the my mom approached my bed to lay hands on me to pray, but before she could Satan physically pushed her away, and said, “get away from him, he is mine.” At that moment, the Holy Spirit pressed in and let my parents know they were entering a war zone, this is going to be a battle between life and death, Heaven and Hell. They began to speak life over my body, meditating on scripture and boldly proclaiming the promises found in the Word of God - proclaiming, “Mark will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord,” and “greater is He that’s in Mark than he that is in the world,” and “Mark is more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens him.” They, along with my family and a community of friends, continued to be faithful in prayer during my entire 22 days in a coma. During much of these 22 days, I experienced great chaos, as I moved between life and death. On March 22, the night before Resurrection Sunday, the doctor came in and let my family know to be sure my hands remained tied to the bed at all times, because if I had my hands untied and I unknowingly pull the tubes out of my throat that it would be over and I would surely die. Immediately, the Holy Spirit told my parents that this was the way Satan would take me. Later that night, a nurse who my dad had never seen before and never saw again, came in my room and untied my hands. An hour later, I flailed my arms and unknowingly pulled the tubes out of my throat, flatlining for 22 minutes. At the point of extubating, my dad witnessed the flatline and resuscitation efforts by the medical team, and I experienced death as my soul separated from the physical body and I floated above the room and saw nurses working vigorously to bring me back. I quickly transitioned into God’s judgement where I faced a piercing light and He showed me my sins in different scenes, all sin was homosexual, grounded in pride and rebellion. Then I was thrown into complete darkness, where I experienced the horrors of Hell - the unbearable heat, head-splitting cries for help, and unending physical torment. As I couldn’t take any more demonic torment, I cried out in repentance, “Jesus!” and I heard His voice, and all He said was, “I’m here.” In an instant, my soul re-entered the physical body, and I witnessed the Wind of the Holy Spirit enter my ICU and blew Satan and his demons out. At that moment, the atmosphere changed from darkness to light, chaos to peace. This transition to peace and light just happened to be on Resurrection Sunday, which was no coincidence - it showed how much power there is in the Cross, and the bloodshed of Christ. From that moment forward my body began to heal, failing organs restored. I walked out of the hospital healed physically and with a new life in Jesus. During the 3 months in the hospital, there were so many representations of God’s power, and it continues today. While in rehab the Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying “you will marry Beth” (Beth was a friend for many years while living in homosexuality), so in November of that same year, Beth and I were married, and as we continue to be obedient to God’s voice, He has and continues to provide through physical, financial and spiritual blessing. We give God all glory, honor and praise.
Preach it, Mark!
Mark you must be special because Judgement Day hasn’t come yet.
@@junkyardhawg1154 In the account ( not parable) of Lazarus and the rich man, the rich man went to Hell. This was before the Lord had died and risen from the dead. Notice, Lazarus and Abraham are there, but in a portion set aside for those with faith who died waiting for the Savior, and aren't in torment.
Currenlty, when people die without Christ, their spirit and souls go to Hell, and there to await the coming Judgment. On that day, all are resurrected, but the wicked are resurrected and thrown bodily into the Lake of Fire with Hell itself. Hell then, is a temporary prison for the spirits of the wicked.
Was a member of a "church" for over 2 decades. Left 10 years ago because leadership began to cross too many lines. Scripture tells us to guard our hearts. Had to get out. A little leaven, leavens the whole lump. Our allegiance is to Jesus Christ and His Word and not to any man or organized institution.
Thank you for addressing this. I used to go to Northpoint and I saw the red flags. I pray Ps. Andy sees the truth
"Not as a heresy hunter, not like a gossip columnist," I'm not even a minute in and had to stop to say I appreciate the grace you're showing here. God bless you Dr. Brown.
Yep, that was very comforting to hear❤
I was pretty annoyed by it honestly
Andy seems more concerned about LGBT opinions than Gods opinion.
Did u listen to the sermon?
I agree with you and yes I've heard his watered-down sermon regarding the sinfulness of homosexuality.
No "seems" to it. He is.
Our Christian forefathers would never have imagined that this would be up for debate. Yet, here we are.
Great video!
Christian forefathers? What the hell are you talking about? Our forefathers believed in a supreme deity but they were not christians for the most part. They were very afraid of the Christian church due to their power in England and wanted no part of it in America. And are you really going to look to slave owners for guidance on how to treat people?
News flash, Andy: if someone is in unrepentant sin, that person is not "following Jesus." You're not saving lives by drawing humongous circles.
Concerning this topic of homosexuality I heard Rabbi Schneider share his view while being interviewed by Eric Metaxas on his tv show. I thought what Rabbi Schneider said succinctly captures the dynamic of why Christians sometimes struggle and do not have clarity on this issue.
Rabbi Schneider stated, "People get so connected with their emotions and their sympathy/compassion for people, that they allow their emotions to carry them over to a place where they are taking a position against the Word of God.
We can't change the message. Even though it is extremely difficult when you want to do something that is sin, but you instead pick up your cross to follow Jesus."
Amazing insight!!!
People can be very very genuine but also genuinely wrong. What happened to Andy is curses from turning away from Gods commandments. It’s simple and not burdensome to follow and learn from Torah in Yeshua by the Holy Spirit.
Blessings and curses. Andy has exposed himself and congregation to the adversary and confusion
I would like to hear how homosexuals living in an actual long term relationship, maybe even with children, are supposed to come back to Christ. Practically.
Are they supposed to divorce? Sell their house? Who takes care of the children? What if one of them meets God and not the other?
What about 77% of christian male and 52% of pastors watching porn on a regular basis? Most likely watching girl-on-girl porn the week before they stand on the pulpit.
Are they willing to risk their career to be open about their sin? Are they willing to loose their job, loose their family and be cancelled because they are open about an addiction? Are they willing to loose half of their congregation because they week after week talk about the moral decay INSIDE the church before they point fingers at the world?
Jesus hated hypocrisy more than anything. Just read Matthew 23. Our job is to reflect God's love to people. It is not to judge. God will deal with his children the way he sees fit.
We do not know it someone was sexually abused as a child. We do not know if a girl saw men after men hitting and tormenting mom's, telling herself that she would never have a man in her life ever...
The world is not black and white. It is not binary. It is complex and full of shades of grey. Many have experienced extreme trauma we can never understand the consequences of. So maybe we should be humble, and actually use our emotions to show empathy and understanding. Understand that every person's story is unique. God knows EVERYTHING. He does not need our help to discipline his children. I still belive that everybody needs to putt all their idols at the feet of God, also their sexuality. But the same goes for being willing to sell all our earthly possession. That is mentioned a LOT more times than homosexuality in the Bible. But for some reason money is an idol most christians accept...
As followers and imitators of Christ
This is why we are to love our neighbours and let God renew our minds and build the Kingdom of God within.
So let us stay humble. Get to know people. Listen to their stories. Learn. And let the Spirit guide us.
Such a long post...and a wall of excuses for something that is unavoidable:
It does not matter how loving a same sex relationship is, it does not matter how stable it is, it does not matter that some heterosexual relationships are not healthy, it does not matter if some Christian priests or some Christian men and women also commit sins and are hypocrites.
What matters is ONLY THIS:
Jesus quoted scriptures. Jesus quoted the Old Testament. Jesus told us the words in Scripture are those of the Father, of God.
Scripture is clear: same sex relationships are from the "world[...] of lust and desire" and not from God.
NOTE: I hope I got the quote correctly, if not my apologies for any errors.]
It does not matter if a husband broke his marriage to live with another woman and they now have a stable family. What matters is that he committed adultery.
The Church cannot help there.
Our decisions are between us and God. Only He can decide the nature of what we do.
Matters of practicality are matters to be taken/ considered in the world of men. Matters of practicality in the face of sins committed towards the Word of God do not concern our relationship with God.
This should be obvious to anyone.
Decisions have consequences. These matter.
@mikem.s.1183 Jesus also said the following in Luke 14:
If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
And he continues:
those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.
Are you willing to sell everything you own? Are you willing to turn the other cheek while someone hits you? Give them your cloak when they take your shirt?
There are so many things we christians do not do. But we sure like to comment on other peoples sin. Especially when we can do it from the comfort of our keyboards with no danger for the repercussions.
The world can see right through our hypocrisy. That's why they do not like us. If we actually were Christ like, then we would gain respect.
Just recently come across your channel, Dr. Brown. You’re very charitable and seek “to major on the majors” and even on a major disagreement like this, you handle it so well. Not once have you torn down Andy but respectfully have called him to repentance. What a great model. Thank you
Thank you for not being a sell-out Dr. Brown. One of the few I can say with confidence I will not read about 5 years from now endorsing whatever is "woke" or societal over that of clear Scripture dictates.
I went to North Point for 28 years, and I served in the children's ministry for 8 years, but I quit going to North Point completely. I'm very disappointed in Andy for the things he said. It's my belief that Andy has pretended to be a Christian all these years ☹️
What is it he said?
Absolutely....I think he's a wolf. Romans 16:17-18...
How absurd! It's your "belief that Andy has pretended to be a Christian all these years"??? What planet do you live on? One that doesn't know about the grace of God. We are sinners saved by grace through the savior, Jesus Christ. Christians don't need perfect theology to be Christians. Christians have and will continue to disagree about many thorny issues. Tragically, many believers are obsessed with this one particular sin and cast aspersions on anyone who doesn't see things exactly like them and their militant biblicism. This is a big reason why so many people are leaving Christian churches and causing a plethora of others to stay away!
Interesting. I watched a sermon he did a few weeks ago where he directly responded to this issue. I have no knowledge of anything else he has said on it. He indicated he and his church follow the New Testament belief that marriage is between a man and a woman only. I had no issues with what he said on that at all. Completely biblical. What I did gather from that message was that he has deep compassion for those struggling with the same sex attraction issue. Not condoning the sin but also not wanting to throw them out. He believes that you shouldn't just shun them and throw stones at them. Let the younger people who struggle with it commit suicide. Come along side them with compassion and love and lead them to a deeper relationship with Christ and let God help them, same as he does with the rest of us sinners who deeply struggle. Human condition is always a tough road. Thankful for his grace.
Why do u think he pretended to be a Christian?? Lots of Christians are in error about a lot of things. Remember Jerry Falwell had racist views and repented. There was a Christian college that's was against interracial dating. A popular Christian says if you're not Republican you're not Christian. So based on error they're not many Christians, you probably have error in your beliefs also.
Let the world waver and God be constant. His word is a rock.
Andy should have invited Becket Cook, Rasario Butterfield and Christopher Yuan.
Brit living in the USA Sam Alberry Pastor Ferguson, Jackie Hill Perry... a few others who speak on these topics.
I totally agree! His position on this issue (which is clearly affirming even though he says other wise) informed the choice of speakers. Sadly, Andy was willing to sacrifice the truth of God's word on the altar of 'building connections/relationships'
...He wants people who affirm his wicked opinion. 💥
And me (This Far by Grace, the Incredible Story of One Man's Journey Out of Darkness into God's Marvelous Light by D.L. Ellis-Johnson). God is good!
Father Bring Brother Andy back in Jesus mighty name 🙏
Thank you Dr Brown for your compassionate and Biblically correct answers to the homosexuality question. God bless you Sir.
As I listen to Andy and I read all the comments here
I am struck by fact that it all about "Me"
How it affects "us" and our society.
Its not.
Its about God,
Homosexuality affects all of society (Think: Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim - ALL four cities incinerated by brimstone, fire and sulphur, save for Lot and his two daughters). If you can, secure a copy of "As Nature Made Him" by John Colapinto. This truly tells the sordid tale of this destructive, abusive perversion of homosexual practice/transgendersim.
Thank you Dr. Brown. Great show. You show so much compassion but also speak truth. Thank you for tackling this tough subject!
If only Jeremiah had been more like you! Wow! Israel would have been more likely to walk in truth. NOT
One argument to support gay relationships is loneliness. My husband left me over 11 years ago, I could never have children. I deal with loneliness. What I do is volunteer work to help others. As Christians we are called to crucify our flesh. I have been single most of my life. I use my singleness to serve God and others!
That’s an awful argument. To fight loneliness - a man can marry a wife, and not sin against his Creator. That’s the prescription for lust - marriage - within God’s regulations. Which means zero room for homosexuality and lesbian marriage.
God bless you
@@ottom.3094God’s plan comes first and foremost….many heterosexuals are also single and remain single because for whatever reason…they may never have had the opportunity for marriage or even have physical limitations, preventing marriage and remain single! God has called all Christians to holiness and not to sin and to take up the cross and follow Him in whatever state people find themselves in. Do the heterosexual struggle with loneliness….of course they do….but God is sufficient for whatever state they find themselves to be in. Some married people are also lonely in their marriage. Can they go out and find another relationship to satisfy them? They really can’t do that either. God will help ALL people in whatever situation they find themselves in! Apostle Paul was single…..look at his life and how God used him! We can all find an excuse to sin if we want to…..To fully lean on the Lord is the only way for any Christian to overcome sin!
Yes I hear you. Loneliness is the worse. Anyone that has family should thank God every day because single people that have no children or the children live far away, are so alone. Depression sets in on a daily basis.
I can see how some women reach out to other women .. but I would never.. however I can understand why a woman would. Yes we have God and know He is with us and will never leave us.. but it is a daily struggle being alone.
@@ottom.3094are you serious? Have you lived alone for 15 years without anyone visiting.. no children or spouse? Try being alone for a year. Or even a month. Don't answer your phone and pretend you have no children or spouse to talk to..
Yes Jesus said He will never leave us... But for someone that lives alone for many years without someone in the next room there is a constant struggle of loneliness. Seclusion.
Before you make a judgment on this woman's comment try for one month. If your friends are at work then take a week off and do not communicate with anyone of your family . I am saying this because some of us have no family.
This is very sad, because Andy's stance is bringing confusion to young people. I believe he's empowering those struggling to dive in to what they know is not right, we really need to pray.
Agree amen Hallelujah... a Christ like person must stand for the name of Jesus and His Word.
The church has lost their fear of God and instead replaced it with the Fear of Man. If God is for us, then who can stand against us. Let God be our defender when they attack us.
When was the last time you hear “holiness as a lifestyle” preached in church?
I was 50 for my first and only marriage, which means I didnt have a family. My wife left me after 9 years so I'm single and 62, which means I'll never have a family (wife and kids). Does this mean that I can live in sin for the rest of my life because as Andy says something to the effect....I cant stand to live this way so live in a sinful relationship. Of course not.
Dr Brown this reminds me so much of what happened to Pastor Carlton Pearson before he lost his church. Oral Roberts & many ministers had asked him to stop ministering about hell was here on earth and not a destination, that we were living in hell. And of course other things as well and he chose not to listen. It saddens me because Carlton was such a wonderful minister of the gospel, dynamic man for the kingdom of God. I remember the sadness that brother Roberts went through and other generals during this period of time so thank you for what you're doing and I know that the Bible speaks of leaders falling. As an intercessor I heard The Lord say I did not raise up motivational speakers or those that will tickle the ears of those in sin. They are doing this for their own financial gain & prideful popularity. Again thank you for taking a stand I wish others would do as well.
Thank you Dr. brown for standing for the truth may the Lord richly bless you.🙏🏿🙏🏿👏👏❤️
Let’s start with not calling Andy “ pastor “
Thank you for this. Praying as you asked. Bless you Dr Brown.. you from what I seen and heard showed the love of God/Christ. To never bow to this world and its ways.
Thank you for bringing clarity to this because it is needed
Thank you for bringing clarity to this situation.
Thank you for the truth !!
So sad to hear this. However, very grateful for your gracious, yet truth filled response.
Thanks for telling the truth & the truth will set us free!
Stanley spent years being coy on the homosexual issue and has gradually become more frank about his tolerance for perversion in the church. This is almost exactly the way Pope Francis has played his similar deception game. After years of ambigious statements, about two years ago Francis acknowledged in a document that homosexuality was objectively sinful. Then just this week on the verge of his weird synod process, Francis has now embraced blessing of same sex "marriages". Also this week I heard an older priest of the ACNA, a breakaway conservative group from the Episcopal Church, USA, say that he had seen this gradual process in the Episcopal church beginning in the 70's. These antinomian heretics all play the same game. Stanley, the late Episcopal Bishop Spong and Pope Francis all play the same phony game.BTW, you Evangelicals need to get rid of celebrity pastor worship, its almost as bad as popery.
You are totally right about celebrity pastors! Unfortunately they are popular in a celebrity culture, which much of the church is.
I understood your response until you mentioned celebrity pastor. How did that come into what you were talking about?
@@gailmurray9120 Evsngelicals build fan clubs around their favorite preachers with just too much adulation. Then they fall into despair when their heroes let them down as in the case of Stanley. Its best to follow YOUR pastor so if his teaching goes erroristic, you can actually do something about it.
Those who publicly preach heresy must be denounced publicly. We are obligated to warn others. Thank you, Michael, for your clarity.
Did u listen to the sermon?
Thank you, Dr. Brown I respect you in the highest degree. Thank you for all that you do you’re a great example! 👊🏻💯
I wrote a review of Andy's book "Irresistable" immediately after it was released in 2017. At the end I said he will accept LGBT and Pedophilia where rejection of the Old Testament would lead. He has arrived.
I remember doing his Guardrails series in 2010 and it was solid. But then around 2013 Andy started making comments and the alarm bells started going off for me. I stopped listening to him and began telling ppl he would go full Rob Bell. Sadly it appears that is the case. Andy wants the world's acceptance.
I am not a clever biblical scholar. I only have a high school education. But here is what my gut tells me. By speaking and by letting the speakers speak, he is in fact condoning and affirming it. By doing the things he does, Andy is not only putting his own sanctification in peril, he is preventing the salvation of many. He has become a stumbling block rather a light to the true path. Rationalization and situational ethics at its finest.
Romans 1:32
Andy is squirrelly. Call a spade a spade.
Thank you for addressing this important topic!
He's not drawing circles, he's leading them down the broad path.
His father was wonderful ❤️
His father was a spiritual baby and led one of the largest spiritual kindergartens in America - splashing in shallow puddles only. His father helped keep Christians across America and the world spiritually impotent and ignorant.
I don’t want murderers to be hindered in coming to Jesus so I refuse to say murder is a sin.
@@laurachatfield4142parallel ism. Sin, being treated by the same idea, at least I hope that was the point.
JESUS has said it for you thou shall not kill ❤PAUL also says in 1cor 6 v 9 m10 that those who support homosexuality WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD 😮
@@lornaparsons9767 First that scripture says nothing about those who support not inheriting the kingdom. Second, it also says slanderers won't enter the Kingdom, and there is an AWFUL lot of that happening in churches and on social media. Most important is verse 11. You fail to mention that as well.
Dr Charles Stanley, thankfully you are at Home with The Lord and don't have to grieve over this .
So sad. Surprisingly hadn't heard of his passing until your comment. At least he had a long life and walk with the Lord.
Charles Stanley would have set this guy straight.
Now that it’s culturally popular Andy can show his true colors.
I do think in a way there is a generational pushback against fundamentalists due to legalism and sweeping stuff under the carpet while accusing others.
But this is not the right loving way to do it.
My former son in law says he’s a woman, my daughter decided she didn’t want to associate with us because we are Christians. Many just throw out accusations and God’s condemnation but to me it’s heartbreaking.
Thanks for your review and balanced reporting.
You literally just admitted that churches have been sweeping “stuff” under the rug… what accusations are you talking about? lol
Why didn’t he bring in people who have left homosexuality that have been set free by Jesus there are plenty out there
Because that is not what they wanted to project
Im so glad you were able to reach out to Andy . Many pastors are noticing that Andy is a false teacher but i wonder how many reached out .
It's sad to see a traditional Christian move to a "progressive" so called Christian and embrace and endorse sin and rebellion against God and His Word. I've seen this play out with people in my own life. Both falling away into progressive unbiblical "Christianity" or falling away completely.
We were warned this time would come. May God help us all help bring these people back to repentance and stay on the narrow path ourselves before it's too late:
My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
James 5:19-20 ESV
Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
1 Corinthians 9:25-27 ESV
Andy sympathizes with sin….rather that showing these people that through God, we can overcome anything…..Jesus says….take up your cross and follow Me!! Andy will answer to the Almighty God….Andy is a minister and will be held to a higher standard…..
He could talk to Becket Cook. He has an amazing testimony.
You are giving facts, quotes, and biblical truth. I agree with all that you said here, and want to also bring up HOW Andy is presenting this topic.
With a noted nonchalance that is almost catty, it is as if Andy is saying: No duh, we hold to traditional Christian teaching, including on marriage, blah, blah, blah...we've all heard that, nothing new. Now for what matters to me....
He then moves in with a weighty care, passion, and time toward what he really wants the listeners to hear. If it were a musical, you would hear a slow of music and an emotional song in the background. For those with this particular struggle, same sex attraction, he gives his congregation his urging, praise for their journey, heart and compassion and specific instructions about how we are to treat them.
He gives his holy grail, what really matters to him--inclusion. You can tell by his earnest tone that this is one of his top values, if not the top value. Biblical clarity doesn't hold the weight in his heart like inclusion does. He give the history of this value, "For 20 years, we said we would be like this..." but is that the full history of what inclusion means for him personally? When Christians hold on to an exception or passivity toward a category of sin or sinners, it can be because of their own painful experiences. We have very little impact in helping others in brokenness that we have not allowed God to change or heal in us first.
I was drawn here to this video today after watching the recent tribute to Charles Stanley (found on the InTouch UA-cam channel). After seeing the documentary on Charles Stanley, I wondered about Andy's life growing up. He had multiple moves. There were new people he had to get to know who might or might not want his family at the new church or school.
I wonder if Andy's values about inclusion may have origins that are personal in nature. When we don't handle our sins (requires repentance), offences (requires us to forgive) or wounds (requires us to heal), it will impact our ability to understand and speak the truth. We will filter our thoughts and choices through our pain or bitterness, instead of having a clean eye to see the truth.
What would Andy think it would say about him if he took a clearer stand on hard things that made people feel bad? What vows might he have taken as a kid to avoid ever doing that? "I will never make people feel like this/rejected/hurt" could be an example.
Vows that go deep can take us all the way into identity. beyond, "I will always make people feel included," one might say, "I am the accepting one." If Andy took a clear and public stand on these matters of sexuality, would he have to go against what he vowed never to do? It is possible
Painful or traumatic experiences can influence us toward God-glorifying ministry or self-serving ministry, depending on whether we have let the Lord take us through grief and into hope in Him. The Lord can use the trauma that we have experienced to help us understand others, while also operating under the authority of the scriptures. This mix of compassion and scriptural thinking allows us to speak the truth in love in a way that those unscathed will never understand. But if we do our ministry while still in bondage to either denial of our pain or a victimhood identity, we can only speak our words as a tyrant or as a coward.
When praying for Andy, I'm going to ask the Lord to show him what his behind his passivity on these key issues. My hope is that he will face what hurt him and what holds him hostage to pleasing people. I pray that helping people know the truth that will set them free will mean as much to Andy Stanley as helping them feel included.
Jesus was our perfect example of speaking with sin in people's lives : His encounters were never, "welcome and take your time and hang out with us and share your opinions about sexuality until you might change your mind in a few years" but rather, he was loving and gave the way forward in Him that he invited them to in that very moment, "I do not condemn you either. Go. From now on sin no more."
I will never understand how those claiming to be a Christian can affirm homosexuality as acceptable in Gods eyes. Would we affirm any other sin? No, we would not. Why would we show love in this way? If we love someone, we would want them to join us in heaven, not send them to hell. When Jesus said “go and sin no more” they are really saying he didn’t really mean that, how can they say Jesus didn’t really mean what he said?
That doesn't mean God didn't make you lgbtq. Come out.
@@dansaber4427Nobody is “made” LGBTQ. Heterosexual relations are a natural inclination.
@@DanielBice God created everyone with a unique orientation. As unique as your God-Given fingerprints. No Two are the same. One of the letters is for you. You are included. No exceptions. Zero excuses.
@@dansaber4427 Sexual orientation is heavily influenced by environment. Also, humans are meant for reproduction.
@@dansaber4427 Any sexuality that couldn’t hypothetically lead to reproduction is disordered
My daughter who is dealing with SSA, celibate (and lonely), and who is a Christian (because first and foremost, that is her identity) has told me exactly what she wants to hear (and it's not what A.S. thinks)... Yes, she wants to hear from people like her, but she wants to hear from people like her that have OVERCOME, not caved to their sin struggle because (in Andy's own words) "for whatever reason, it's not sustainable."
Have your daughter listen to Jackie Hill Perry ❤
Be completely honest with yourself anyone who has followed Andy Stanley’s theology would admit the trajectory took him to what he is saying now
The Word of God is everything, no men teachings, God's will is the truth.
Wow, Andy is a full-fledged wolf in sheep's clothing. He's a master obfuscater. We do need to pray for his repentance.
Absolutely...a wolf .. 🐺
"Ministry preempts clarity" That is weak and manipulative. The Christian faith is a repenting faith.
All Andy and other Christian leaders need to say is: “All sexual activity outside of marriage between a man and a woman is sin.”
Andy doesn’t have to say homosexual sex is sin. Any sexy outside of heterosexual marriage is sin.
He actually did. Watch I Love My Church. Watch the full sermon especially starting at the 39 min mark.
Would anyone commenting here know that based on this video?????
He did say this.
Thank you Dr. Brown
thank you for being so brave and bold like a lion yet walking in the gentleness and humility of a lamb. Just like Jesus! Sometimes a lion (when he encountered the Pharisees or demons) and someones a lamb (the woman at the well in John 4, or others with a repentant and desperate heart)
So brave so bold. Just like a faithful Pharisee. Keep the gate closed to the marginalized. Just like Jesus calls us to do.
@@saulgoo2334 Mixture is not what God is calling us to do, unity is not mixture, we don't ever see anyone defending the gnostics. Should we unify with the Mormons and Jehovah witness to not keep the gates closed? The same Jesus you believe is all lovey dovey (which he is) is also the same jesus that is a righteous judge (which he is) he said "you hypocrite", "get behind me satan", and flipped and broke tables at the false church. Blessings friend!
@@iLikeBeans481 I too like beans. Let me know if you want to trade recipes.
im down to trade what do u put in urs lol haha. Beans are a gift from the Lord, also have a spiritual backbone and read my reply XD I pray you know what you believe and why you believe it. Don't let anyone tell u what to believe don't just go with the flow, open up that bible and see what God has to say on the matter@@saulgoo2334
When you said that many people take Andy Stanley sermons and repeat him in their church, this really surprises me. I would hope that a pastor is able to hear God and get his own message from the Lord for the congregation that he’s over and not just we have somebody else’s.
God is powerful to change us when you born again
New creation for your Glory
Hi Michael, "Bravo" for your "Biblical Clarity" and for your love for Pastor Andy Stanley, and for the myriad of people who struggle with same-sex attractions. In our culture, which as you know, is so incredibly "diluted" of Biblically-based compassionate and clarity, I want to deeply encourage you and your solid ministry, which I have followed for several years. It also grieves me deeply to observe Andy's willful disobedience and compromise, and the Biblical Logic will hold just as lovingly and uncompromisingly for heterosexual men and women who are constantly tempted and many who attempt and have justified adultery and heterosexual fornication. My love and concern for Andy, go back a few years since I attend a Wednesday night Bible study, and before Andy got off-track, or at least before as a group we were aware of his "going off the rails" on this crucial point, we used to view several of his sermon series on other Biblcally fairly well balanced topics. To go back even further, when his Dad, Dr Charles Stanley divorced his wife Anna, and refused to resign from his ministry at First Baptist in Atlanta, he lost my respect at this crucial point as well. Way back in the summer of 1975, when I was only 23, almost 24, I spent three months studying at L'Abri Fellowship, in Humor, Switzerland, when Dr. Francis Schaeffer was still living. Besides Dr. Schaeffer, I was exposed to other solid Bible teachers such as one of his sons in law, Udo Middleman, and the British Bible Scholar, Os Guinnes (The Dust of Death). It was through Dr. Schaeffer's teaching, and in line with The Scriptures, I first appreciated that "two opposing viewpoints simply can't both be correct. As Schaeffer often said, "A cannot be Non-A." He also emphasized "Pre-Evangelism" and taught about the need to establish "moral and scientific absolutes" such as gravity, the infinite nature of God, the absolute Truth of the Scriptures. Anyway, again and in closing, thank you so very much for your deep and sincere love for your firmed and brother, Andy....and as I will continue for him to soften his heart, as a Christian singer/songwriter, I am remembering one of Keith Green's old favorites entitled, "Soften Your Heart." You may remember it and if not, you can dial it up on UA-cam. The punch line is simply this: "You won't learn a thing, until you soften your heart," and I would add, "and quicken one's mind in the unmistakable light of God's Holy Scriptures." Keep up the good fight, and maybe our paths will cross someday, since I live 35 miles south of Nashville, TN, and although my circle of influence is very small, I too, am praying that it's not too late for our America to experience true revival. One final affirmation: You are so correct when you have stated that when homosexuality began to become accepted about 25-30 years ago, it was the beginning of Satan's Plan to bring us to the horror where we find ourselves today, with children being genitally mutilated with horrific sex-cahnge surgeries and injected with hormone altering drugs. From God's perspective, what possibly could be as bad as this??!! And now, with war raging in Israel, as the Israeli Army must irradiate Hamas completely, and we are witnessing the insane support of so many college students and other young people encoring the militant Muslims as they perpetuate genocide on The Jews as anti semitism is on the rise around our world. We are so close to the end times when every nation will turn against Israel...and the God will deliver them and fulfill every word in "The Revelation of Jesus." Grace and Peace to you and your family. My site, if you're at all curious is simply: TedSchempp.com. There are 44 original Jesus Songs posted there across 3 C Ds. I hope that you enjoy sampling some of them. I am a member of Midtown Fellowship.org, a conservative and very lively and healthy PCA Church with six mid-sized campuses in the Metro Nashville Area. Brother Ted Schempp. Psalm 22, 23 and 91.
God bless you sir. Thank you for this ministry.
Dr. Brown did you omit the portions of Andy’s sermon were he referenced Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, and 1 Timothy 1 and said what was sin then is sin now?
He is concerned about all the people listening to him speak falsely about the Bible. Their souls are at risk.
Thank you Dr. Brown. Praying for Andy and the church. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
“Clarity with Compassion”…that’s good.
Why after you knew Andy Stanley's position on this topic did you seek his endorsement for your book??
Maybe if you look at the timeline. Dr. Brown said he was at a conference where Dr. Peter Jones was speaking (circa 6:35) and he said Dr. Jones said Andy Stanley supports same-sex marriage. He said he text Stanley who denied that he did. Dr. Brown said Stanley asked him to state that publicly on his behalf and he did. Dr. Brown must have had some trust in Stanley because he said he stated it on the airwaves as well, that Stanley did not support same-sex marriage. Again, the timeline is important. It was after Stanley’s denial of affirming same-sex marriage that he asked Stanley for a book endorsement but Stanley had a problem with the LGBT chapter. In short. Stanley was dishonest. Stanley lied. The original comment by Dr. Jones was correct.
Thank you for demonstrating how to love your brother, Dr. Brown!
Dr Brown, I disagree with your theology on so many levels. But I really appreciate your work in this area. Thank you and God bless!
Make no mistake, preachers, pastors, & the like, rendering the gospel, is accountable for drawing a line in the sand EXACTLY in the same way the scriptures draw those lines, making it very apparent leaving no room for err. Preacher’s & teacher’s messages need to echo the sound & perfect word of God without wavering, and for that reason, we should be confident & stand firm in the Word of God, and if we can’t do that, then we need to sit down and get our faith up before leading any flock in any capacity or otherwise, the blood is on their hands!
As the scripture says, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” II Timothy 4:2
Andy said "we aren't condoning sin, we are restoring relationships and we are literally saving lives." This is not the same as same sex unions/sex = sin.
Thank you ;)
i wish pastors spent as much time speaking on divorce and remarriage being a sin as much as they do about homosexuality. There is a lot more of that going on than homosexual activity. homo sexual population is about 13 percent of the population and divorce end up being %50 percent of first marriages but we seem to be focused on homosexuality
Well said Dr Brown.
Maybe it's just me, but A. Stanley seems to be extremely arrogant. He comes across as approachable & open but in reality it's my approach is always right, I'm always right & North Point is the example for everyone to follow. Only met & heard him once & that was the attitude that came across. He changes with the culture. Feel bad about the judgement
All Pastor's, teacher's and Christian's end goal is to add people to THE LORD'S HARVEST!❤
As is so often the case in our churches today, the words/concepts of Love & Lordship are bantered about with little or no understanding, or desire to understand them according to God's Word. Love only comes from God (1 John 4:19) and we can only love because of Him through Christ. Agape (Greek word for "Godly Love") literally means "to prefer God above all else." When we fail to make Him Lord (Luke 6:46; 14:25-35) then His Truth does not guide us and we are not loving because we are preferring what we think or what others think and like and calling it compassion and then basing our "truth" on that rather than God's Word. Sexual purity according to God's Word only exists in a monogamous covenant relationship between one man and one woman. All other sexual lusts or activities is impure and sinful...promiscuity of any kind, including cohabitation, adultery, homosexuality, gender dysphoria sexuality and pedophelia...and this is the trend of the enemy that we are clearly seeing in culture...and even in many churches. Praying for repentance for Andy Stanley and any/all others who claim to be teachers of the Gospel but distort it in many different ways. God bless in Christ (John 3:30)!
Amazing how a spirit of error can take control of a mind that preaches God’s word. What I’ve seen is pastor Andy preaching his own thoughts and wisdom. He has become blind to the simplicity of the gospel.
Exactly, noticed that some years ago too.
About 10 years ago, I stopped listening to his messages because of the mental gymnastics.
This is why people need to take the words of the Bible seriously Matthew Chapter 7 many will say we prophesied your name healed in your name etc etc but you will tell them to get away their workers of lawlessness...
This isn't some unbeliever he's talking to it's those who claim him and who have actually done works in his name... this is why the prophets are filled with so much warnings not to people who are unbelievers but to those who claim to God the Apostle's have the same warnings it's no different we can deceive ourselves to think that we are doing God's work when in the end we are teaching and preaching lawlessness....
Andy likes to consider himself smart and clever and he is neither..he gives off a feminine energy to me..I can't listen to his whiny high pitched fingernails on a chalkboard voice and watch his feminine mannerisms..he doesn't strike me as a Christian or even a strong masculine male role model..I think he has deeper issues but if you go to that vipers nest get out..and never look back
Andy Stanley is not just blind to the gospel he has become blind to the power of the gospel. Makes one wonder if he ever knew the power of the gospel.
Makes me wonder if Andy may have a struggle within himself .🙏🏻
I was thinking the same thing.
I think the struggle within himself is his narcissism.
Father God bless & keep you & your loved ones always, Dr. Brown!!!
The biggest issue for me is the PRIDE aspect of the lifestyle. They dont want to change, they dont want to repent, they want God and his church to change their standards.
Dr. Brown, while there are those (myself included) who may not agree with you on all theological things, that are to me "non-essentials", THANK YOU for being so faithful and bold enough to stand firm on this matter....with Biblical clarity. It is essential for the Gospel to be properly shared for a transformed life that does not enable people to live in sin for their identity, but that we die to self and find ultimate, life giving identity in Christ. Thank you and God keep you.
@@Daniel-mw7pu As long as it is an issue that does not confuse or diminishes the nature of God or His salvation. For instance, Dr. Brown believes that the gift of speaking in tongues is active today whereas I do not. To me, that is a secondary issue to disagree on given it does not take away from the Gospel of Jesus (sinner in need of Salvation) or the nature of Christ as God.
@@Daniel-mw7pu Ill answer with a question. Is God's grace sufficient for him?
@@Daniel-mw7pu it is....absolutely. If they are repentant and choose to not indulge in their sinful carnality. I see how you're attempting to tie in a person who divorces and marries another. That person can still ask for forgiveness due to their lack of understanding or whatever sinful matter first caused the divorce. This is something that Jesus addresses with the Pharisees in Matthew. It's a heart issue.... in God's grace is deathly sufficient for that person however since God hates divorce I don't believe he'll ask that person to divorce.
All this with AS is chaotic. That is all it is.
@@Daniel-mw7pu I look at it like a brick house. There is the foundation, and then everything else. The foundation is what is needed for the Gospel. Man sin and is separated from God, Jesus came to earth, was both man and God, died as our substitute, rose again, and lives now. Romans 10:9-10 are what need to be done to obtain salvation. That alone. That is foundational, or primary issues. Everything else is a brick. A brick can be removed from a house, but the house will not fall, Many bricks can and it still won't fall. These are secondary issues. If you remove any aspect of the foundation, then the house will not stand.
We can disagree on "bricks" and still be Christ followers, we cannot disagree on the foundation and still be.
Thank you once again Dr. Brown for publicly calling out and rebuking Andy Stanley and his dangerous teaching, which is contrary to God’s word and is in fact in alignment with the doctrine of demons. He has wandered from the true faith and has separated himself from the truth. He needs to be rebuked publicly by all Christian leaders and your calling him out publicly is a good start. He is leading many thousands of people astray into error and perdition. Again, thank you!
I’m pretty sure demonic doctrine would seek to divide those seeking Christ. A demon would likely prefer that a gay person felt like they didn’t belong or have a place in the body of Christ. If they were convinced that they were a filthy mistake and an “abomination”.
We are not identified by our sin and our sinful proclivities - EVER - only by Yahshua's Blood which covers (forgives) our sins and heals our sicknesses as we "go and sin no more." This is why He, Yahshua, was compelled to find the woman who had touched the fringes of His garment and was instantly made whole - He had need to address her as "daughter!" (Formerly, she had been known as "the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years." In Scripture, we do not find Him addressing any one else as "daughter." This is amazing.) NEW IDENTITY as we follow only HIM and what His Father YHWH commands! He knows.
The nanosecond andy unhitched himself from the Old Covenant and then wrote a book & taught about it, is when he entered into delusion. his eyes are veiled. he's led thousands of people astray. I can just imagine the anguish his father, Pastor Charles Stanley, must have gone through. Also, how Jerry Falwell Sr. must have hurt had he been living when his son, the fallen & disgraced son committed sexual perversion w/his wife. We're living in the last days. Yeshua is our only hope and Savior.
Falwell Sr. Wasn’t a model Christian either. He defined himself early on by fighting against integration.
You misunderstand. A. Stanley's unhitching nonsence was not about dispensational theology, (believers are not under the law, Paul the apostle) but to diminish things like homosexual prohibitions & God's judgememt because the culture doesn't like those icky things
We aren't under the old covenant. Jesus literally fulfilled (completed) the law so we no longer have to. Read Galatians. We are under a new and better covenant. The Hebrews had the shadow but we have the substance.
to Affirm ANY Person Living in ANY Open Sin Struggle in a Non-repentent way, is NOT LOVING Them in a Biblical Way!!!! JESUS is our Example of How to Treat & Deal with those in this sin- struggle...When tthe Pharisees were about to Stone to death, the woman caught in Adultery, JESUS Prevented them from doing that and then said to the woman Plainly and LOVINGLY " Neither do I condemn you, Now GO and SIN NO MORE "... So, HE LOVED Her, Affirmed her as a Child of GOD and THEN told her THE TRUTH!!!! THAT is the WAY we should be with those who struggle with that sin or Any Sin!!!
I heard Holy spirit say he has compromised with the enemy!
OK, dandy Andy grew up under the roof of Charles, and the dissonance between them could not be greater. We ask "How the hell does that happen?" Well, something tells me that Andy thinks he is the best theologian to ever live, and his word is not to be questioned, no matter how strange it is. I have a certain pity for him. because I think I'm generally right. It can't be anything else.
It's called The New Birth...being Born Again into God's Kingdom...with the Indwelling Holy Spirit. He's still the Natural man of 1 Cor 2:14... unsaved. A man led by the Holy Spirit agree with the Spirit filled word of God. 🙏
I dont believe Andy Stanley can be called "pastor" imo, he definitely isnt a pastor preaching the word of God or any biblical truth
I agree Kathy.
When a so-called man of God, can not stand on the word of God ...hes an unregenerated "Natural" unsaved man. I personally believe hes a wolf in sheep's clothing. When the Holy Spirit comes...its with power and authority. 📖✝️💞
This is where you end up when you "unhitch from the Old Testament." As soon as you reject part of the word of God, then you have license to reject whatever doesn't fit with your "enlightened" world view. It leads to deception.
Do you think Andy is a believer? Like truly a believer?
Unconditional love and acceptance does not mean approval. The church is filled with divorced and remarried couples. Unmarried couples living together and attending church. Why is the church not up in arms about that? What about me? I am a sinner through and through. Why does the church let me in when I too have sinned? 😢
The major difference should be this…..that ALL sinners should be welcomed, not shunned, but they all need to know exactly what it is that the Bible clearly calls sin, clearly identifies as sin. We accept the sinner, do not condone the sin, but lovingly accept the sinner and ask the sinner to repent. We cannot change what God’s Word clearly states is sin to accommodate the current flavor of what current culture boldly claims otherwise. And we do all this to humbly point sinners to the only Savior, Jesus Christ
This is the type of preaching which deceives the hearer. “We believe the Bible. But, homosexuals can marry.” I know many “preachers” that deceive their flocks this way. Usage of Christianese, then mix in false teaching. It’s confusing for the sheep.
Why do we stumble over ourselves in regard to false doctrine and appease those who preach it yet Paul said if another preaches a different gospel let him be damned
These false preacher will stand before the Lord and won't hear well done for being ashamed of his precious word.😢
sexual attraction....is not a choice unless as an adult you choose a non-traditional sexual relationship due to some prior traumatic experience; otherwise at puberty we all DISCOVER what sex we're attracted to; even heterosexuals can't explain why they are attracted to the opposite sex; how does that happen; it's called modeling; humans model more often after the same sex parent; some model after the opposite sex parent; what causes the difference..........survival; by the age of 2-3 as children we model after the caregiver (parent
Dr.Bown I'm sure that you've addressed the issue of pain in combatting sin in our lives and i know not all think that but there is pain😊
It hurts to crucify the flesh.
The church will continue to have confusion and division about this issue until we revert back to clearly articulating the real issue. We need to stop calling people homosexuals. It’s not that people *are* homosexuals, it’s that they *practice* homosexuality. Sex isn’t God. Sex doesn’t get to define people. God does!
As long as we treat this behavior as an identity we will lose and be painted as the bad guys. But the truth of who people truly are is found in Christ. And knowing the Truth sets people free. So correctly stating that we want people to be set free from a false identity and to see themselves as Jesus sees them, is loving. Yes, people will still disagree. But we need to stop letting them characterize it the false way they do.
You mean stop labeling them?
@@bananka4905 Stop giving into a false label of them. God is the one who gives us our identity.
Quit apologizing for speaking the truth! If you're a man of God, speak like it. People desperately need to hear the truth. Romans 8:6 "For the mind set on the flesh is DEATH, but the Mind set on the SPIRIT is life and peace." I need Christ and you need Christ. 1 Samuel 15:22 "Samuel said, Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams."