My ex emailed me on day 89 of 90. I’ve been strong in no contact. I don’t want to be with her again, but I also don’t hold any negative feelings towards her either. If you come across this comment, stay strong
Yes, like I always say, the decision is ultimately up to you. You know your situation and your ex best. Sometimes a relationship can be salvaged and worth the save but sometimes it isn't, especially if there's cheating or some other type of abuse involved.
She is texting me from different number and giving me hint that I know her... Even she asking me to guess her name? I know she is totally broken she got cheated by her bf.... Do you think should I talk to with her. I'm very confusing what should I do😐
I broke up with my ex 5 months ago after a 1,5 year relationship. My ex dumped me saying he lost feelings. We never really went no contact. Now we hang out every day, he texts me all the time, we have sex, he does couple things, he gets EXTREMELY jealous to the point that we fight. He mentions the good times and tries to bring our old habits back. He is still very committed to the breakup tho. I’m considering taking your program but I have two main questions. 1. Do I still have a chance? 2. Should I start no contact or is it too late? Your work is amazing.
Your best bet is still to give each other space... or risk getting strung along. I suggest you take the free quiz if you wanna find out what your chances are, at
Like I always say, the decision is ultimately up to you. You know your situation and your ex best. Sometimes a relationship can be salvaged and worth the save but sometimes it isn't, especially if there's cheating or some other type of abuse involved. It's your life and it's your decision.
You got it backwards. I said DON'T tell them you miss them. If your ex tells you they miss you, here's how to respond:
We broke up in November. I was the problem (mostly). I begged and pleaded and she blocked me everywhere. 2 months later, she reached out via text asking about some stuff she lost. Kept it light, but ended up pushing a little too much asking how shes been. She vanished again. Ghost. Now here I am, a few days later, heartbroken all over again... I don't know what to do, but I miss her so much and have been putting a lot of effort into self improvement, but why do I feel like I'm back to step 1
My ex dumped me 3 months ago and reached out to me 3 weeks ago after i went no contact since the breakup. she said that she couldn't bear not to say that i was the man of her life, that forgetting me was destroying her and i ended up replying, without trying to move towards a potential date, but i did return some of the things she said. the conversation ended and yesterday i ended up sending her a message talking about that conversation and that i thought we could talk better in person. she “accepted” but said that nothing was going to change, so i didn't follow up with the invitation. I don't understand why someone would say all those things before not being remotely interested in trying to reconcile the relationship. i just harmed even more my mental again for nothing.
Right. It's way too soon for all that, man. Focus on texting and try not to meet up when one or both of you aren't ready yet. The phase you're on (assuming you've done the first phase correctly which is the 30-day no contact rule) is the second phase where you're rebuilding attraction. It's part two of the 3-phase system in my guide but here's a quick overview to help you understand better: but as you go on this phase, you'll notice one or more signs here: and the best you can do is to continue to play your cards right and move to the third phase when you're both ready. Good luck!
Hello coach, it’s been two weeks of no contact and my ex reached out to me last night because it was our “two year anniversary” (if he never broke up with me) I replied and remained casual but he made it clear that he doesn’t want to get back together. What do I do?
Go straight back to the no contact rule. Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
Hi there! My long distance boyfriend of 1.5 years and I got in an argument because he wasn’t sure if we’d spend Valentines Day together. I hung up the phone on him out of anger, and he ghosted me for 3 weeks and we didn’t spend that holiday together. I know I was wrong for hanging up but I didn’t expect him to ghost me. After 3 weeks, he texted me “Hey Rachel. How are you?” It’s been 2 weeks since he texted me and I haven’t replied. My family and friends think I should ignore him and move on. I’m not sure what I should do. I’m not sure if he’s reaching out to apologize and fix our relationship, or to play games. I’m still in love with him, but I’m completely lost. What should I do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated❤️
I'll give you food for thought before you proceed. How long have you known the guy? It seems like there's an innate incompatibility issue here or very bad communication. A long distance relationship requires a solid foundation for it to work, not to mention an enormous amount of trust and true compatibility with each other. The former always precedes the latter. Fighting, when you’re already miles away from each other doesn’t help, especially if it happens frequently. Watch/review and apply the pointers here first: and It's not something that can't be worked on but it's something that needs to change. Since your situation may be unique, I think you can benefit by working with me one-on-one so I get to learn more about the situation and therefore be more equipped to help you out, at
Tere! 9:00 a week ago she took her things away and she was very confused and sad after that. now she asked how I'm doing and am I satisfied that she took her things away? what to do? before that she asked about the car insurance, which I was forced to answer 10 hours later. Pleas any help.
That's what I call the "check-in" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here:
I'm watching this right after I've made all these mistakes, so I'm doing full no contact, I'm not talking with them and ignoring their texts for a month
That's right. Redo the "no contact" rule and make sure you stick to it this time. But watch this first to help manage your expectations: Here's how you can tell you're doing the "no contact" rule properly: It may help to make use of the clean slate template, which is a free version from a piece of my Ex Factor Guide. Watch this: The main goal is to bring your ex into an emotional neutral state by employing the 30-day “no contact” rule - let your ex miss you and don't rush it. But in order to fully understand how this concept works, watch the free in-depth video on my website to learn some psychology techniques and understand how giving each other space for around a month can benefit you than otherwise, at
Hey Brad! My ex broke up with me 23 days ago. He texted me saying that he forgives me and thanking me for the love we shared. He ended the text wishing me luck for my life. This was after 15 days of no contact. I replied saying that i appreciate the forgiveness and all the best for future. He reacted with a thumbs up to that text. Is this a good sign? I don't understand what it means.
It's neither good nor bad. It's just an "okay" sign to end the conversation. Try not to overanalyze. Use this time for yourself instead and focus on your goals and work on them without your ex. Here are some tips to remember if you're trying to win an ex back and how important Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is:
My ex texted me she wanted to see me but I’ve been there before and I chose to ignore those texts. She hasn’t texted me or called me in over a day. Did I do the right thing?
Are you at a stage where you're supposed to be meeting up though and has the 30-day no contact rule been implemented? I suggest you start with this to give you an overview on how to go about this or where you're at in the process: but you're also welcome to sign up for my coaching program if you're unsure how to go about this or you're planning to do something but not sure if it's a good idea or not, etc. but I would have to look a the situation as a whole in order to give solid advice, at
If your ex monkey branched there is no going back. I was on no contact for 2 weeks after I broke up with her and she reached out and like an idiot I replied. She wanted to know how I was doing and I got pissed and right back to fighting. She’s completely changed and i don’t want her back. I know she misses me deep down but she made a choice to cheat and there is nothing she could do to ever earn my trust back
Like I always say, the decision is ultimately up to you since you know your relationship and your ex better than anyone else on here. And alas, not every ex is worth all the trouble. It's up to you to decide who is worth fighting for at one of the toughest of battles you face in your relationship. Best of luck!
Okay, so whst if they're both watching these videos and doing the 30 dsy no contact tact. Now youre both waiting to messsge each other and wondering why neither one of you are messaging each other.
That's no news. The "no contact" rule usually comes naturally to the dumpers. Learn the 3 basic phases I teach in my Ex Factor Guide. It helps to learn the basics of my 3R system here first, so you'll have an idea on how to go about it on your end:
Remain casual and greet him back like an old friend. However, your ex reaching out to you is a good sign since that implies you're at least on amicable terms now. But since it's been many months since the breakup, it's best to consider the facts I've mentioned here first as this lets you determine whether there's still a real shot or not: and/or take the free quiz at Good luck!
Hi Brad! I broke up with my girlfriend for good...Now that i want her to Move on....She is hanging around with some imaginary hope that i woll get back to her. I dont want to hurt her and no contact is not effectively working for me as she texts me often, am unable to avoid her texts. Pls suggest how can she move on?
If you truly want her to move on as it would be to her best interest to do so, then you have to be a little cruel to be kind. State your case about how you want to move on and then stop responding to her messages afterwards. Doing so will let you both heal and allow for the both of you to find better suited partners in the future. All you have to do is to stand firm in your decision that it's over for good.
I was in a short term relationship. She already broke up with me 2 times in this period. Last time I went to no contact and she came back after 1 week. Then she broke up with me again. Now I am doing the same. I started no contact 4 days before! How long should I continue?
Depending on what really cut the relationship short, it may be time to consider moving on from this. But don't rush. Always take the time to give each other space first, all right? Do a minimum of 3 weeks of "no contact" and see if you still want your ex and if your ex is receptive to contact AFTER that period. Watch this:
@@BradBrowning but I contacted with her after 1 week. At first she was receptive. But slowly she showed hot and cold behaviour. And I ended up with being needy and blowing up her phone . Then I said her to block me by becoming angry. Then she blocked me up on everything and it has been 3 weeks she didn,t unblock me. And we do have same class in the school. We do see each other evryday. But don,t talk to each other. It,s becoming very hard day by day. I think I can,t survive like this.
Good! Don't forget to check out my other videos if you're not getting my guide so you'll know what to do next after the 30-day "no contact" period, to contacting your ex down to re-attracting, and what to do in between those phases and how to transition to actually getting your ex back. Here's a quick overview: Best of luck!
what i can do if she break 5 mounth of no contact to meet me and tell me something important not our couple things and shes birthday is 2 week later shoud i reach out shes happy birthday?
Yes. In fact, you can reach out to your ex after the 30-day "no contact" period is over...and you're way past that period already. In doing so, it's best to treat the situation with fresh eyes, so it's crucial to keep things fun and light and gently coax your ex into responding the same way. Here are the basics on what to do when it comes down to it. I also suggest you watch from start to the end and NOT skip any parts so you can maximize these tips: including asking yourself these very important questions to ask yourself before starting the process: but if you need the step-by-step process on what to do, including what to text or say during the process, either hire me as your coach, refer to my other vids or get the 2.0 version of my Ex Factor Guide at
Just remember to be reserved and not spill your guts out. If you feel too emotional to have a conversation, just text after an hour for more or even wait a few days "I appreciate the reach out but now is not a good time mabey some time next week if I have time" You can set the time when you are avalable to talk just be resonable. What your are establishing here is that you are open to communicating with them, just not right now ans they can't talk to you when ever they want remeber you have your own life to live and the chose to not be apart of it anymore so they do not get to have the same level of access to you as they did when you were together.
Oh god Brad I need help, he called me on the 3rd day of NC and my emotions came to me, I kinda begged but I was saying that he was the best man etc because he has a lot of self doubt and he said he wanted to call me to shout but he couldn’t, he has surpressed love for me but he said he’s working on himself and that he’s so proud of me, he said he’ll think about our relationship but then I’m reblocked, what do I do?
This is why I often emphasize no contact is key, and your situation isn't exempted. So unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
I have been seperated since January. 4 days ago i started no contact and the challenging thing is i live with him. I am nowhere near him in the house. We are completly seperated and independant. He texted me today asking Did you buy milk and pepper?? Odd really considering hes dating other women. I never want him back and not sure why on your video do you say"getting your ex back"
Most of my videos are about getting an ex back. If you're trying to move on, then this may help you process or deal with the breakup accordingly: but if you find you need more guidance on how to lead a more fruitful life, get my Beat the Breakup Guide at Take care!
He texted me after 45 days of no contact. By the way he knows that I'm in a relationship with another man. I still love him, we didn't see each other 1 year, but stayed in contact all the time . He texted: how are you doing? I hope everything is OK. I don't know if I should reply.Is it looks like breadcrumbs?Looking forward to your reply. thank you in advance
If you intend on keeping your relationship, it's best to let sleeping dogs lie. Otherwise it looks like your ex is attempting to open lines of communication with you. His intention is something that can only be revealed over time though.
My ex asked if I found somebody bc he saw a pic of me and another guy and said even though it makes him sad, it'd be good for him to know bc it'd help him move on. I said, "Hi! What difference does it make? You made it clear you didn't want to see me anymore. But, hey, no h4rdd feelings. I just don't see the point. I hope you're well and want you to know we don't have to be strangers. I'm here if you need me! :)" He said he's always thinking about me, but I didn't reply, and then, some mins later, he said maybe we could try again someday if I'm up for it. What should I do?
Definitely take time away from each other first and employ the 30-day "no contact" rule. Since your situation may be unique, I think you can benefit by working with me one-on-one so I get to learn more about the situation and therefore be more equipped to help you out, at
That's similar to an ex saying she misses you, so you must be doing something right if that's the case. This vid is for you:
Hey Brad! My ex broke up with me a week ago, she broke up with me while she was still very very deeply in love with me and she missed me like crazy. But I cut off the contact asap. But now, a week later, it’s Christmas and she sent me a message “happy Christmas!! ;)!”. I responded an hour later with “thanks, you too :)” She said “thanks so much!” And I just liked the message and that’s it. Is this a good sign?
Hi Brad. My ex and me decided to break up few days ago because we were in long distance relationship (we live in different countries). Actually we break up because we couldn't agree in which country we should live. I don't want to move to country he's living and he don't want to move where I am living. Do you have some tips how to convince him to move to my place
It's best to see it for what it is and let it go or at least really take time to think things over. If you two can't compromise on something that important, you two may not be the right fit for each other.
Coach, me and my x ended on really bad terms. Major fight and alot of Bs said bothway. After 10days on no contact and after being with her for 5 years in a relationship (we have broken up a few times in past but nothing as serious as this) she sends me 10 page messages written on her diary. About how everything is my fault and what went wrong and basically blaming me (which is what i expected from her) for all the issues in the relationship. Should i respond? Thank you coach 🙏🏽
That must've felt overwhelming for you. I suggest you start with this vid first. Watch from start to end because this vid very much applies to you:
I went NC and told him not to call me, BLOCKING does not work, all it does is your phone won’t ring He keeps texting and voicemails all the time, I just don’t listen I broke the NC today, so I changed my phone nimber
Thanks for sharing. Did you ever figure out what he wants/why he kept contacting you? Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
I put him into no contact as he cant commit even yho he says he loves me ??? 10 days now..his birthday is day after i send a meme ??? Im not sure i want him back after what hes put me thru..but i do care for him deeply 😢
Is this your ex or someone new? You can send a birthday greeting but the bottom line is you may be forcing things on someone who is not looking to commit to you. If it's with an ex, then this vid is for you:
What if she congratulated you with your birthday? Just simply say thank you, or thank you, so sweet of you to remember? (The last one is in fact a kind of compliment.....)
Hey advanced happy birthday! Yes, a simple thanks will do, then end the conversation first as soon as possible and tell your ex you're busy and have things to tend to. I don't think your ex will ask, but let her/him wonder what you're doing for your birthday. Post pictures where you're having a blast. Good luck!
Brad, is there a reason why an ex would NOT initiate contact/reach out after a long while however when you reach out they’re enthusiastic to hear from you and want to continue like nothing? Is it due to pride/ego i feel I’m giving up 😮
Yes, it could be your ex really misses you but thinks it won't ever work out between you two due to your oftentimes (bad) history. so what were the issues in your relationship? My Ex Factor Guide can help you get back into good graces with your ex again but resolving issues is something you two ought to actively work on. If you need my help, especially your ex has been warming up to you and you're both single, then hire me as your coach, at
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Do you think you're ready to give it a try? Watch this first to help set your expectations: and look out for the signs that your ex has moved on: If you see only one or zero signs, then this vid is for you: If the conditions are right, then make sure you tick off the checklist here as well: It's important to rebuild the attraction naturally so your ex will be amenable to working ONCE things out, eventually. This is what my guide is for but you can also learn the basic principles of my 3R system here and watch the vid til' the end so you don't end up missing the important points: and the golden rules here:
My ex reached out after 48 hours of no contact saying she “feels weird” that we don’t speak still, i don’t know where to go from here, FYI she is the dumper.
That's what I call the "validation-seeking" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here:
Brad she texted me saying she’s longing to feel me inside her (all because I’ve been ignoring her) but I responded saying no thanks I don’t want that….was that a good move ?
Not if you want to get her back. Watch and follow the tips here first: AND but at the same time, also employ the following suggestions to get the ball rolling:
Hey brad. My ex sends me a imotional post during no contact period and says he wants to see me one last time.what should i do? How to respond to emotional post?
Assess the risks first if it's all worth it. Remember, meeting up when you're both not ready will only alienate your ex further, and that's best case scenario. Worst case scenario will land you a spot in the dreaded friendzone. Watch this first: but if you're both ready, watch this video on how to tell as well as how tips for you on tipping the odds to your favor: Best of luck!
How to respond if your ex, text you and saying they having hardtime to move forward and they feel sorry and guilty of what she have done to me, Like cheating and hurting my feelings, and lastly they reachout because they want to talk to me or they want my forgiveness and wishing me a Good future and thanking me for what i have done goid for her. What should i Do? Need help I performing no vontact over a month now.
A simple "thanks" will do...then you can transition to opening the lines of communication again. You can reach out to your ex after the 30 days straight of "no contact" period is over. In doing so, it's best to treat the situation with fresh eyes, so it's crucial to keep things fun and light and gently coax your ex into responding the same way. Here are the basics on what to do when it comes down to it. I also suggest you watch from start to the end and NOT skip any parts so you can maximize these tips: including asking yourself these very important questions to ask yourself before starting the process: but if you need the step-by-step process on what to do, including what to text or say during the process, either hire me as your coach, refer to my other vids or get the 2.0 version of my Ex Factor Guide at
My ex and I broke up about a month ago. Within 2 weeks he is supposedly super happy in a new committed relationship. Yet, he is still reaching out to me by sending me random ticktok videos he thinks I'd enjoy. What gives? You tossed me to the curb for your new girlfriend. Why are you reaching out at all? Go be with her. You made your choice. Any advice?
Could be dumper's guilt. If he's already with someone else, it may be best to consider moving on from this especially if their relationship lasts for more than 6 months. This may help you process or deal with the breakup efficiently: but if you find yourself needing more guidance on how to lead a more fruitful life without your ex, get my Beat the Breakup Guide at or get my Ex Factor Guide if you want to try to get your ex back in the best possible way, at Take care!
Question me and my now Ex have been in out of love for at least the whole 3 yrs I feel we both have things to work on but its more of him not trusting when I'm the total opposite of what he thinks of me anyway four months, broke up he blocked me for 30 days He’s unblocked me and every week to two weeks. He call and is very inconsistent At first. I use to jump for him when he ask to see me and until I actually notice this, I have stop doing the running to him if he doesn’t call me, I don’t call him. Don’t text me. I don’t text him since I’ve done this he’s been popping up every now and then with a text message or a phone call but very inconsistent I'm sad at times cause I wont him but at times I'm content with not being with him because of the distance what should I do ?
How long has it been since the breakup? Go on that trip and keep busy. Focus on texting and try not to meet up when one of you or both of you aren't ready yet. The phase you're on (assuming you've done the first phase correctly which is the 30-day no contact rule) is the second phase where you're rebuilding attraction. It's part two of the 3-phase system in my guide but here's a quick overview to help you understand better: but as you go on this phase, you'll notice one or more signs here: and the best you can do is to continue to play your cards right and move to the third phase when you're both ready. Good luck!
What if he keeps asking questions... He has figured out that is the only way I respond. He says he still loves me misses my presence, but I know it's just a hoover - he has no intention to get me back as a partner.
Sorry to hear. What made you say that though? Has this become a pattern between you two and you've gotten tired of it? Mixed signals from your ex are pretty common if a breakup is still fresh (breakup happened within the 30-day period), which is why it's best to just give each other space for the time being. Anyway regarding your question, unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here: Good luck!
Tell him there's no need to or accept it gracefully and donate it to charity. Or just have your ex do it. Tell him to donate it to charity so you can heal.
Are you at a stage where you're supposed to be talking again? If so, then yes. You can give a quick friendly response. If not and the breakup happened within the 30-day time frame, then unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
@@BradBrowning thanks I don't respond to her, still i no contact, and to day she tekste me again= I simply can't understand that you close like that! We live in the same city, know the same people - think we should be able to communicate... Should I respond and what? Thank you 🙏
@@BradBrowning @BradBrowning thanks I don't respond to her, still i no contact, and to day she tekste me again= I simply can't understand that you close like that! We live in the same city, know the same people - think we should be able to communicate... Should I respond and what? Thank you 🙏
My relationship of 14 years ended. She dumped me. And i was determined to do no contact, but every 2-3 days she messages me. Trivial stuff, i never initiate any of it. Then in 2-3 days she does it again. And i always keep it short and devoid of emotions and reply a few hours later. Not to mention i never see any of her social media. Am i doing anything wrong?
How trivial did it get? Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
Hello Brad, we were living together and he packed his staff and left 3 months ago. I offered him to talk, to work on the relationship but denied although crying and obviously having a hard time with the break up too. Although I begged him to stay, will no contact work even now? He messaged me at some point something quite silly and I even chose not to respond at all.
As I pointed out, giving each other space is your best bet. Since it's been many months since the breakup, it's best to consider the facts I've mentioned here first as this lets you determine whether there's still a real shot or not: and/or take the free quiz at Good luck!
So me and my ex broke up 2 weeks ago, after a week i made some mistakes mentioned in this video, including the long texts, she responded to some of them but i realized after i shouldn´t have texted her in the first place. So i restarted the no contact. But now recently an acquaintance we both knew passed away, we didn´t know him that well but we did talk to him, now she contacted me that she isn´t feeling well from the news of his passing. I wasn´t sure what i should do if i would respond but i think i better don´t as there is nothing that will change the situation if i do. I normally comfort her with situations like these and that makes it hard just to ignore it.
Sorry to hear that. You're right, though. It's important to give yourselves enough time to process what happened between you two and deal with the feelings accordingly. You can offer a quick sympathy to her but be careful not to act or comfort her in the way you had before because even though you both may be in grief over this loss, you both really need to process the breakup as well. This vid is for you:
Hey Brad, I purchased your book and got to the part about "the clean slate E-mail" and I was wondering if it would still be a good idea to send even tho we've been doing no contact for almost 2 weeks now or should I just not send it? I did do a lot of begging and pleading before going no contact.
My ex texted me after seeing I went on a date with another girl. She messaged asking about if I sold my old phone, if I like my new one and how I was at work 2 days ago because I worked on mw own, her excuse for not messaging sooner is because she was “unwell”. We’ve been broken up a month and I tried getting her back and she didn’t give me any indication of getting back together but now she messages me randomly at night asking those random questions, do I respond?
How long have you been broken up? And are you at a stage where you're supposed to be meeting up though and has the 30-day no contact rule been implemented? I suggest you start with this to give you an overview on how to go about this or where you're at in the process: but you're also welcome to sign up for my coaching program if you're unsure how to go about this or you're planning to do something but not sure if it's a good idea or not, etc. but I would have to look a the situation as a whole in order to give solid advice, at
I would respond with 'You asking me if I am dating any one new is a very inappropriate question and I am very confused on why you would ask that question." End the conversation.
After almost 2 months of no contact my ex text me asking if i could help him sell some of his stuff. I couldnt believe the nerve he has to ask me. What should i say in response? Any good ideas?
If you feel comfortable enough, you can help him sell some of his stuff by posting online. Being on good terms is the first step if you're looking to potentially rekindle stuff with an ex. Otherwise it's a no-go and just continue moving on with your life, yeah?
Hey brad what should I do because me and my crush are holding hands and my crush said that she likes holding my hand so is that a good sign that my crush likes and should I ask her to be my girlfriend and do you think she will say yes when I ask her out
My ex of 3 years broke up with me about a week ago and we had a great relationship but she asked for no contact. Does the no contact rule still work to bring us back together even if the one that dumps is asking for it ? Is she gone for good ? Am I screwed ?
@@BradBrowning she broke up with me and then asked for no contact. We’ve been on no contact for over a week. I feel that she is more overthinking and hyper focusing on my few fixable flaws rather than actually having a true reason for the breakup. Her family and friends are claiming she feel confused.
@@BradBrowning I’m her first relationship and first everything so I think she may be feeling something that she doesn’t quite understand and she just mentally crashed if that makes sense.
I’ve gone 3 weeks NC & my ex has started reaching out. At first, sent me videos of my niece, then the next day called me while she was in a stressful situation, then next day asked to meet up, and now she’s asking for favours and help with stuff I used to help her with. I’ve been quite reserved since she started reaching out again as she hasn’t said anything of much substance. Now I’m not sure if I should not do some of the favours she’s asking. Any advice?
Definitely put some boundaries in place and decide and learn to say no. Otherwise this will only create more confusion on your end. So next time, try to come up with some legit excuses or just downright say you're busy, etc.
Sorry to hear that. Try not to be so hard on yourself though. You're not alone and this is a very common mistake. Try to gauge what your chances are by taking my free quiz at This may help you process or deal with the breakup efficiently: but if you find yourself needing more guidance on how to lead a more fruitful life without your ex, get my Beat the Breakup Guide at or get my Ex Factor Guide if you want to try to get your ex back in the best possible way, at Take care!
My ex's bestf of 15 years came to me and said "i think u both shld talk" nd he kept on asking me "if i'll talk to him" or "if u want to talk to him". Do u think he is interested in talking to me?
Hi Brad I decided to make no contact. Space. The man that I was knowing is extremely stressed out and for the first time was erratic with his behavior that I said wait a minute I need to remove myself from this situation and stepped back. Not once has he stopped texting me.. dedicating songs to me. audios apologizing and I do not respond. Today he actually video called me and I didn’t answer. It hurts like hell! I have maintained my posture. When should I break this no contact when he continues to not let go?
Hi! I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do here. If you're only trying to take a break from him and/or the situation and not really break up with him, then it's best to set a specified/estimated amount of time as to how long you'd be missing so he can give you the space you requested and respect your decision. So hopefully you didn't just ghost him out of nowhere? That's breeding ground for resentment and will not bode well if you decide to try to be even on amicable terms with him one day. Good luck!
Okay brad… I found your video a little later than I had hoped. My ex texted me after no contact, it’s been less than a week. I was short and not too interested, but I threw in “I miss ya” before I left him on read… how can I come back from this ?
Yeah, that was totally the wrong approach and I've talked about that here: You ought to review this first: and in fact, apply the tips here too instead of taking the shortcut: In the future, if you're still not sure about what you're doing, I really suggest you sign up for my coaching program so I can assess your situation properly and guide you accordingly at
Hey Brad, bought your book and went no contact 3 weeks ago. Early last week he sent me a hey stranger text and then a few day later a video link to a show we used to watch. I waited to respond to the first one then said that I’d been busy and I hope he’s doing well, and didn’t respond to the video. His birthday is tomorrow and he texted me today asking if I want to do a late dinner when he’s in town a couple days from now. Should I text him an early happy birthday and sorry that I’ve already got plans with friends and I hope we can catch up sometime soon?
That's right. Focus on texting and try not to meet up when one or both of you aren't ready yet. The phase you're on (assuming you've done the first phase correctly which is the 30-day no contact rule) is the second phase where you're rebuilding attraction. It's part two of the 3-phase system in my guide but here's a quick overview to help you understand better: but as you go on this phase, you'll notice one or more signs here: and the best you can do is to continue to play your cards right and move to the third phase when you're both ready. Good luck!
I went into no contact..she was disrespectful and we dating only six months and I saw so much red flags and her advoidant or narcissistic tendencies..after 8 days no contact she sends a message .. I miss you.. what do I respond..I did feel love for her and this no contact was hard but it works I respond what do I say to that
That's what I call the "check-in" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here:
@@BradBrowning yeah we split weeks ago but I didn’t do no contact straight away I did it once but then messed it up as I showed her I was jeleous.. we have a baby together so I only go around for the baby limited contact basically, we have just got a new house together and she wants to talk about that, surely if she wants me off the mortage there is no hope ? I’m back in limited contact
Hey Brad my ex text me back afterI kind of hinted that we need time and went no contact. She wants me to reply to a serious personal issue and I did that yesterday and then went no contact. Should I reply again today I don't want to but feel guilty because it's a serious matter but she's already communicated about this yesterday.
If it's regarding an important matter, it's best to give a quick cordial response and go back straight to the remaining days of the 30-day "no contact" rule.
Hey brad. So about 3 days ago. My ex girlfriend told me that she needed some space to focus on school. She also said that she wanted us to focus on school on our own and that later on when we finish we can get back together, she said that we can speak to each other once in a while. She also asked me if i will wait for her. We spoke yesterday briefly after i reached out (i know thats a bad thing now) but what should i do. Should i go the full 30 days no contact , how much should i reach out. Brad, she was the one for me, should i be worried??
If she's really the one for you, then you shouldn't be worried. However, the breakup very much sounds like an excuse and depending on what really cut the relationship short, it may be time to consider moving on from this. But don't rush. Always take the time to give each other space first, all right? Do a minimum of 3 weeks of "no contact" and see if you still want your ex and if your ex is receptive to contact AFTER that period. Watch this:
my ex after 2,5 months of no contact finally reached out through WhatsApp. I found a missed call on my whatsaap but i chose no call back. she didn't make a regular call or sent a text. Now, 3 days past, there is no visibility of her or any efforts to initiate a proper conversation. i decided to continue my no contact rule until such time she makes a proper efforts to reach out. am i doing the right thing?
If she's making more than 2 calls, in general, it's often best to try and answer to see what she wants. Also you're way past/finished the 30-day no contact rule so if you're looking to get back together, then the best way to do that would be to communicate. Please watch or review the steps here: Good luck!
Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
Yes, you can. Also you can reach out to your ex after the 30 days straight of "no contact" period is over. In doing so, it's best to treat the situation with fresh eyes, so it's crucial to keep things fun and light and gently coax your ex into responding the same way. Here are the basics on what to do when it comes down to it. I also suggest you watch from start to the end and NOT skip any parts so you can maximize these tips: including asking yourself these very important questions to ask yourself before starting the process: but if you need the step-by-step process on what to do, including what to text or say during the process, either hire me as your coach, refer to my other vids or get the 2.0 version of my Ex Factor Guide at
My ex went back to his wife and he is the one texting me that he is still thinking of me all the time. I feel the same, I don't know whether to answer his text, please help
I don't think you deserve or are even okay with being his side chick. It will continue if you allow it to but would you really want to be someone's second best? Watch this, too:
Why have you waited too long to try and save your marriage? Try to gauge your chances here first: These may help, hopefully: AND but if you still need my help in trying to fix your marriage, sign up for my Mend the Marriage coaching program so I can take a look at what's really going on and help you out, at
We have been in no contact for last 3 months . Last day I got a notification that he has started following me on instagram. But soon he unfollowed. There wasn't a single communication from him during these 4 months. So this notification appeared to be a positive sign for me. How can I make him addicted to me and come back permanently.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Do you think you're ready to give it a try? Watch this first to help set your expectations: and look out for the signs that your ex has moved on: If you see only one or zero signs, then this vid is for you: If the conditions are right, then make sure you tick off the checklist here as well: It's important to rebuild the attraction naturally so your ex will be amenable to working ONCE things out, eventually. This is what my guide is for but you can also learn the basic principles of my 3R system here and watch the vid til' the end so you don't end up missing the important points: and the golden rules here:
My ex got married but she is giving me mixed signals. sometimes she goes dissapear for weeks and then she would retrun and text me that she is missing me. I am confused
Really sorry, but your window of opportunity may have already passed. Discussed that here: and especially if you see the signs here:
A simple thanks will do, then end the conversation first as soon as possible and tell your ex you're busy and have things to tend to. I don't think your ex will ask, but let her/him wonder what you're doing for your birthday. Post pictures where you're having a blast. Good luck and happy birthday in advance! :-)
That's what I call the "check-in" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here:
@BradBrowning Thank you Brad. Just the video I was looking for. Unfortunately I already replied, but we have been video calling everyday since I've replied however it still does not seem like she wants to get back together yet. She is seeing someone else at the moment also. I think I'll employ 30 day NC and ignore these sort of messages in the future. Thanks again!
My ex of 23 years left on Monday on Thursday he messaged for me to give him is guitar pack so I gave it to our son to give him now three days later he’s messaged to say he’s deleted the ring doorbell app and account and I’d now have to download the app and get a new account. What does this mean I won’t answer him but has he sent it to hurt me more or is he doing so to try and engage with me . There’s no way I’d reply but it’s so hurtful.
Sorry to hear that. 23 years is very substantial. What happened? Sorry, this is a bit too complex for me to properly respond here… please consider signing up for coaching if you want to talk at length about your situation where we could get to the bottom of the issue/s:
Im not Brad but as a guy, I would imagine he's trying to act like he doesn't care & prob wants you to kiss his ass to have him back so he can pay for the ring camera. He sounds like the type that wants you to think you're missing out on him & he did all these great things for you. It's ridiculous as an adult to do this. lol. My gf of 12 years just left me and I immediately moved in with my parents (embarrassing at 42 but can bank every pay check now) and within a week, I stopped to see my daughter and she broke down crying and hugged me so tight and wouldn't let go. She didn't say anything though. I'm too old for games, so I'm either leaving or we're working on it to save our family. There's still something there but until she can look at herself, I'm staying in NC (besides daughter related things) and working to improve myself
"No contact" means cutting off unnecessary communication with your ex in any way, shape or form for at least 30 days. It also means ignoring unimportant or random messages from your ex for at least 30 days straight. This also involves NOT looking at any of your ex's online profiles so you won't overthink things. In other words, the "no contact" period is a time where you fully focus on yourself and take time to heal.
Yeah! The choice is ultimately up to you. You know your situation and your ex best. Sometimes a relationship can be salvaged and worth the save but sometimes it isn't, especially if there's cheating or some other type of abuse involved.
My ex we broke up for the second time first time i was insecure and the second time she went to her baby daddy ceremony but she was not invited and we had a big fight about it after that she decided to broke up with me coz we used to fight
What do you two always bicker about? Fighting is often unavoidable, but when it becomes too much, it’s time to nip the problem in the bud if you still can. So it's either that or you go on a break and discuss the logistics as well as how it should go and how long it should be. It's best to consider the relationship overall first, so watch this: Anyways it's best to give it time because all this arguing had taken a toll in your relationship. This may help: Perhaps you've both argued more than you had a good time with each other? It could also be you're too incompatible or stubborn to meet each other halfway. If the negatives outweigh the positives in the relationship, that's when an imbalance happens and the relationship will keel over wherein one or both people will likely abandon ship, as the case with your ex. It's time to reset things. Start with the 30-day "no contact" rule to get your ex into a psychological neutral. Here's how it can help you:
Heyyy bradd ! She broke up with me i want her but i try to distance myself and trying no contact but whenever i ignore her she always says i m rude i m ignoring her she wants to talk to me everyday even after the breakup she initiated
Give her time to realize things on her end first. Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
@@BradBrowning it is like she broke up with me 9 days ago bcoz she said I m too possesive and controlling for her I realised my fault and apologized for it that I was lil wrong and I also tried to make things better I asked her if we fresh start as I m gonna give my better, she said we can give second chance to relationship but not right maybe in future I respect her decision but I only want to make things better and want her back she still talks to me idk why she say she still has feelings for me but not relationship rn :(
It's been a week now. She keeps texting and calling it's also not nice to stay silent that will be like ignorant when she asks how I'm doing. So I had to be nice and say I'm good and few texts just to be in the zone
That's what I call the "check-in" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here: Good luck!
What for? Assess the risks first if it's all worth it. Remember, meeting up when you're both not ready will only alienate your ex further, and that's best case scenario. Worst case scenario will land you a spot in the dreaded friendzone. Watch this first: but if you're both ready, watch this video on how to tell as well as how tips for you on tipping the odds to your favor: Best of luck!
Hye everyone i need advice So its a lesbian relationship . My girl dumped me 2 months ago.i tried my best but she walked out. (i am out of luv she said)later on she said if we could be friends nd i told her no.she then started texting me randomly i asked her if she wanted to give it another chance she said i decided to stay no contact this time.10 days later she texts me again randomly telling me abt her problems. I dont know what to do.she doesnt want a relationship but keeps coming back for small talks.
Have you not cut off contact yet? Do that first. Otherwise it's okay to be in contact with your ex after that. Friends or more appropriately, talking terms for now (if your ex isn't already in another relationship), but don't let that derail you, assuming you've done the first phase (30-day "no contact" rule) correctly and basically had set the stage for this second part. Since you've only recently reconnected, then don't expect your ex to warm up easily. Getting an ex back is a process. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t resort to doing the things here: Are you sure you're not trying to rush it? Setting a deadline is a good way to fail when it comes to exes, so I highly discourage it but also try to see you aren't just being strung along. What steps have you taken to get your ex back? Apply the tips here: It's time to re-assess those and see what's working versus what's not working. Sometimes, getting an ex back is like trying to fit a square into a circle, but oftentimes, chances are you're letting emotion dictate you and therefore end up making the wrong choices. Have you checked out my guide yet? It’s ultimately up to you to act (or not act, depending on which phase you’re in) on getting your ex back, but it helps if you read it to ensure that you’re on the right track. Check it out at
Just ignore it. If it's an important message -- which obviously you ought to respond to -- your ex will likely resend it. So just let it pass until your ex communicates more clearly.
Hey I have a question, so I was dating this one girl and she called it quits but I did the chasing for a little bit before I stopped, she blocked me on her number and social medias. But unblocked me and started watching my story. So I went into no contact and I posted a story on my instagram, she texted me around 10pm “u w/ somebody?” but I didn’t answer until the next day and she said “mm happy thanksgiving” she went ghost when I said it back. But yesterday was my birthday and she texted me again around 11pm, the day before my birthday saying “happy birthday, Ik it’s not your birthday til tomorrow but I love you and I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow”. But I responded with “thank you, I will”. Was that a good response or did I mess up by not sayin I love you too
This means she may still have feelings for you but you really need to stop all contact for at least 30 days and not push it. Being needy or too forceful for your ex to talk to you will only alienate them further. Here's what may going through your ex's mind and they seem they want nothing to do with you, so use this to your advantage:
Try to see what your ex wants. Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
Really sorry, but your window of opportunity may have already passed. Discussed that here: and especially if you see the signs here: Take care!
Hello. Brad. I have been doing NC for 2 weeks. My ex reached out said he sees my smile where ever he goes and he dreams about me. I responded: good to hear from you and hope you are well. He never responded. What do i do. NC again?. 😢
Yes, not again, but continue on with the no contact rule. Moving forward, unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
Came across my ex-girl friends after twenty years nice knowing things don't change because she still had toxic attitude creating situations from nothingness, we seen one another in common space everyone uses her husband and kids were present for the entire show, upon seeing entering the room through the door she became her old self. After making my over to pickup beer sat down with long time friends talking about old times next thing you know my ex's husband walks over and says you know Michelle said "yes I do" actually next thing you know the guy sit downs and says has she always been a bitch. Asked her husband is this some kind of setup not interested in trouble to answered his question that's were no longer together and why your married to her.
A simple thanks will do, then end the conversation first as soon as possible and tell your ex you're busy and have things to tend to. I don't think your ex will ask, but let her/him wonder what you're doing for your birthday. Post pictures where you're having a blast. Good luck!
Yep. As I always say, the decision is ultimately up to you. You know your situation and your ex best. Sometimes a relationship can be salvaged and worth the save but sometimes it isn't, especially if there's cheating or some other type of abuse involved or if it was overall a dysfunctional/toxic relationship. It's your life and it's your decision.
@BradBrowning yeah and yesterday she told me about her sister birthday and she said l must help her with some money so she can buy cake l denying because her sister she got my number and we talk but she didn't tell me today boom she block me...🤣
i found this channel two or three years ago, this man has helped me moved on from my ex and now i am a happy guy:)
Good to know! Hope all is well with you now.
My ex emailed me on day 89 of 90. I’ve been strong in no contact. I don’t want to be with her again, but I also don’t hold any negative feelings towards her either. If you come across this comment, stay strong
Email is crazy
Yes, like I always say, the decision is ultimately up to you. You know your situation and your ex best. Sometimes a relationship can be salvaged and worth the save but sometimes it isn't, especially if there's cheating or some other type of abuse involved.
She is texting me from different number and giving me hint that I know her... Even she asking me to guess her name?
I know she is totally broken she got cheated by her bf....
Do you think should I talk to with her.
I'm very confusing what should I do😐
I broke up with my ex 5 months ago after a 1,5 year relationship. My ex dumped me saying he lost feelings. We never really went no contact. Now we hang out every day, he texts me all the time, we have sex, he does couple things, he gets EXTREMELY jealous to the point that we fight. He mentions the good times and tries to bring our old habits back. He is still very committed to the breakup tho. I’m considering taking your program but I have two main questions. 1. Do I still have a chance? 2. Should I start no contact or is it too late? Your work is amazing.
Your best bet is still to give each other space... or risk getting strung along. I suggest you take the free quiz if you wanna find out what your chances are, at
Giving him everything for free. People are so evil
Move on. Single man here you could move on with.
Like I always say, the decision is ultimately up to you. You know your situation and your ex best. Sometimes a relationship can be salvaged and worth the save but sometimes it isn't, especially if there's cheating or some other type of abuse involved. It's your life and it's your decision.
@@BradBrowningnah bro was just trying to pick some baddies up
@@repawn3610I hope it worked 😂😂
she says she misses you and you dont respond? what. isn't that the message we're waiting for?
You got it backwards. I said DON'T tell them you miss them. If your ex tells you they miss you, here's how to respond:
@@BradBrowning thank you brother
Does it mean anything if my recent ex gf still has all the meaningful gifts I gave her ?
We broke up in November. I was the problem (mostly). I begged and pleaded and she blocked me everywhere. 2 months later, she reached out via text asking about some stuff she lost. Kept it light, but ended up pushing a little too much asking how shes been. She vanished again. Ghost. Now here I am, a few days later, heartbroken all over again... I don't know what to do, but I miss her so much and have been putting a lot of effort into self improvement, but why do I feel like I'm back to step 1
My ex dumped me 3 months ago and reached out to me 3 weeks ago after i went no contact since the breakup. she said that she couldn't bear not to say that i was the man of her life, that forgetting me was destroying her and i ended up replying, without trying to move towards a potential date, but i did return some of the things she said. the conversation ended and yesterday i ended up sending her a message talking about that conversation and that i thought we could talk better in person. she “accepted” but said that nothing was going to change, so i didn't follow up with the invitation. I don't understand why someone would say all those things before not being remotely interested in trying to reconcile the relationship. i just harmed even more my mental again for nothing.
Right. It's way too soon for all that, man. Focus on texting and try not to meet up when one or both of you aren't ready yet. The phase you're on (assuming you've done the first phase correctly which is the 30-day no contact rule) is the second phase where you're rebuilding attraction. It's part two of the 3-phase system in my guide but here's a quick overview to help you understand better: but as you go on this phase, you'll notice one or more signs here: and the best you can do is to continue to play your cards right and move to the third phase when you're both ready. Good luck!
Harsh man :/ could have been drunk?
Hello coach, it’s been two weeks of no contact and my ex reached out to me last night because it was our “two year anniversary” (if he never broke up with me) I replied and remained casual but he made it clear that he doesn’t want to get back together. What do I do?
Go straight back to the no contact rule. Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
Him u think that you breaking was a good idea since there are so many handsome men out there. Then wish him well.
Hi there! My long distance boyfriend of 1.5 years and I got in an argument because he wasn’t sure if we’d spend Valentines Day together. I hung up the phone on him out of anger, and he ghosted me for 3 weeks and we didn’t spend that holiday together. I know I was wrong for hanging up but I didn’t expect him to ghost me. After 3 weeks, he texted me “Hey Rachel. How are you?” It’s been 2 weeks since he texted me and I haven’t replied. My family and friends think I should ignore him and move on. I’m not sure what I should do. I’m not sure if he’s reaching out to apologize and fix our relationship, or to play games. I’m still in love with him, but I’m completely lost. What should I do? Any advice would be greatly appreciated❤️
I'll give you food for thought before you proceed. How long have you known the guy? It seems like there's an innate incompatibility issue here or very bad communication. A long distance relationship requires a solid foundation for it to work, not to mention an enormous amount of trust and true compatibility with each other. The former always precedes the latter. Fighting, when you’re already miles away from each other doesn’t help, especially if it happens frequently. Watch/review and apply the pointers here first: and It's not something that can't be worked on but it's something that needs to change. Since your situation may be unique, I think you can benefit by working with me one-on-one so I get to learn more about the situation and therefore be more equipped to help you out, at
Basically, leave some mystery about yourself, ladies! ...and act uninterested
Leave some mystery and don't appear too eager.
9:00 a week ago she took her things away and she was very confused and sad after that. now she asked how I'm doing and am I satisfied that she took her things away? what to do? before that she asked about the car insurance, which I was forced to answer 10 hours later.
Pleas any help.
That's what I call the "check-in" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here:
I'm watching this right after I've made all these mistakes, so I'm doing full no contact, I'm not talking with them and ignoring their texts for a month
That's right. Redo the "no contact" rule and make sure you stick to it this time. But watch this first to help manage your expectations: Here's how you can tell you're doing the "no contact" rule properly: It may help to make use of the clean slate template, which is a free version from a piece of my Ex Factor Guide. Watch this: The main goal is to bring your ex into an emotional neutral state by employing the 30-day “no contact” rule - let your ex miss you and don't rush it. But in order to fully understand how this concept works, watch the free in-depth video on my website to learn some psychology techniques and understand how giving each other space for around a month can benefit you than otherwise, at
Hey Brad!
My ex broke up with me 23 days ago. He texted me saying that he forgives me and thanking me for the love we shared. He ended the text wishing me luck for my life. This was after 15 days of no contact.
I replied saying that i appreciate the forgiveness and all the best for future.
He reacted with a thumbs up to that text.
Is this a good sign? I don't understand what it means.
It's neither good nor bad. It's just an "okay" sign to end the conversation. Try not to overanalyze. Use this time for yourself instead and focus on your goals and work on them without your ex. Here are some tips to remember if you're trying to win an ex back and how important Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is:
7:15 that's all i needed to hear, thanks!
My ex texted me she wanted to see me but I’ve been there before and I chose to ignore those texts. She hasn’t texted me or called me in over a day. Did I do the right thing?
Are you at a stage where you're supposed to be meeting up though and has the 30-day no contact rule been implemented? I suggest you start with this to give you an overview on how to go about this or where you're at in the process: but you're also welcome to sign up for my coaching program if you're unsure how to go about this or you're planning to do something but not sure if it's a good idea or not, etc. but I would have to look a the situation as a whole in order to give solid advice, at
If your ex monkey branched there is no going back. I was on no contact for 2 weeks after I broke up with her and she reached out and like an idiot I replied. She wanted to know how I was doing and I got pissed and right back to fighting. She’s completely changed and i don’t want her back. I know she misses me deep down but she made a choice to cheat and there is nothing she could do to ever earn my trust back
Like I always say, the decision is ultimately up to you since you know your relationship and your ex better than anyone else on here. And alas, not every ex is worth all the trouble. It's up to you to decide who is worth fighting for at one of the toughest of battles you face in your relationship. Best of luck!
Okay, so whst if they're both watching these videos and doing the 30 dsy no contact tact. Now youre both waiting to messsge each other and wondering why neither one of you are messaging each other.
That's no news. The "no contact" rule usually comes naturally to the dumpers. Learn the 3 basic phases I teach in my Ex Factor Guide. It helps to learn the basics of my 3R system here first, so you'll have an idea on how to go about it on your end:
Hey Brad my ex text me this morning to say Happy Holidays after 4 months of no contact. Should i text back and if so what should i say?
Remain casual and greet him back like an old friend. However, your ex reaching out to you is a good sign since that implies you're at least on amicable terms now. But since it's been many months since the breakup, it's best to consider the facts I've mentioned here first as this lets you determine whether there's still a real shot or not: and/or take the free quiz at Good luck!
I had to text my ex 5 days after no contact about a business issue, went straight back to no contact after that
Hi Brad! I broke up with my girlfriend for good...Now that i want her to Move on....She is hanging around with some imaginary hope that i woll get back to her. I dont want to hurt her and no contact is not effectively working for me as she texts me often, am unable to avoid her texts. Pls suggest how can she move on?
If you truly want her to move on as it would be to her best interest to do so, then you have to be a little cruel to be kind. State your case about how you want to move on and then stop responding to her messages afterwards. Doing so will let you both heal and allow for the both of you to find better suited partners in the future. All you have to do is to stand firm in your decision that it's over for good.
Sometimes the best thing is to walk away and never look back
I was in a short term relationship. She already broke up with me 2 times in this period. Last time I went to no contact and she came back after 1 week. Then she broke up with me again. Now I am doing the same. I started no contact 4 days before! How long should I continue?
Depending on what really cut the relationship short, it may be time to consider moving on from this. But don't rush. Always take the time to give each other space first, all right? Do a minimum of 3 weeks of "no contact" and see if you still want your ex and if your ex is receptive to contact AFTER that period. Watch this:
@@BradBrowning but I contacted with her after 1 week. At first she was receptive. But slowly she showed hot and cold behaviour. And I ended up with being needy and blowing up her phone . Then I said her to block me by becoming angry. Then she blocked me up on everything and it has been 3 weeks she didn,t unblock me. And we do have same class in the school. We do see each other evryday. But don,t talk to each other. It,s becoming very hard day by day. I think I can,t survive like this.
Glad I watched this I almost did all this and was gonna be lying
Good! Don't forget to check out my other videos if you're not getting my guide so you'll know what to do next after the 30-day "no contact" period, to contacting your ex down to re-attracting, and what to do in between those phases and how to transition to actually getting your ex back. Here's a quick overview: Best of luck!
@@BradBrowning what if me and him work together
Stop dating people so close to home .. 🤦🏽♀️
Really very helpful tips......thank u....😊
You're welcome!
what i can do if she break 5 mounth of no contact to meet me and tell me something important not our couple things and shes birthday is 2 week later shoud i reach out shes happy birthday?
Yes. In fact, you can reach out to your ex after the 30-day "no contact" period is over...and you're way past that period already. In doing so, it's best to treat the situation with fresh eyes, so it's crucial to keep things fun and light and gently coax your ex into responding the same way. Here are the basics on what to do when it comes down to it. I also suggest you watch from start to the end and NOT skip any parts so you can maximize these tips: including asking yourself these very important questions to ask yourself before starting the process: but if you need the step-by-step process on what to do, including what to text or say during the process, either hire me as your coach, refer to my other vids or get the 2.0 version of my Ex Factor Guide at
Just remember to be reserved and not spill your guts out. If you feel too emotional to have a conversation, just text after an hour for more or even wait a few days "I appreciate the reach out but now is not a good time mabey some time next week if I have time" You can set the time when you are avalable to talk just be resonable. What your are establishing here is that you are open to communicating with them, just not right now ans they can't talk to you when ever they want remeber you have your own life to live and the chose to not be apart of it anymore so they do not get to have the same level of access to you as they did when you were together.
Oh god Brad I need help, he called me on the 3rd day of NC and my emotions came to me, I kinda begged but I was saying that he was the best man etc because he has a lot of self doubt and he said he wanted to call me to shout but he couldn’t, he has surpressed love for me but he said he’s working on himself and that he’s so proud of me, he said he’ll think about our relationship but then I’m reblocked, what do I do?
This is why I often emphasize no contact is key, and your situation isn't exempted. So unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
I have been seperated since January. 4 days ago i started no contact and the challenging thing is i live with him. I am nowhere near him in the house. We are completly seperated and independant. He texted me today asking
Did you buy milk and pepper??
Odd really considering hes dating other women.
I never want him back and not sure why on your video do you say"getting your ex back"
Most of my videos are about getting an ex back. If you're trying to move on, then this may help you process or deal with the breakup accordingly: but if you find you need more guidance on how to lead a more fruitful life, get my Beat the Breakup Guide at Take care!
He texted me after 45 days of no contact. By the way he knows that I'm in a relationship with another man. I still love him, we didn't see each other 1 year, but stayed in contact all the time . He texted: how are you doing? I hope everything is OK. I don't know if I should reply.Is it looks like breadcrumbs?Looking forward to your reply. thank you in advance
If you intend on keeping your relationship, it's best to let sleeping dogs lie. Otherwise it looks like your ex is attempting to open lines of communication with you. His intention is something that can only be revealed over time though.
If you are in a new relationship, your ex needs to be put on the back burner
Set your boundaries
My ex asked if I found somebody bc he saw a pic of me and another guy and said even though it makes him sad, it'd be good for him to know bc it'd help him move on. I said, "Hi! What difference does it make? You made it clear you didn't want to see me anymore. But, hey, no h4rdd feelings. I just don't see the point. I hope you're well and want you to know we don't have to be strangers. I'm here if you need me! :)" He said he's always thinking about me, but I didn't reply, and then, some mins later, he said maybe we could try again someday if I'm up for it. What should I do?
Definitely take time away from each other first and employ the 30-day "no contact" rule. Since your situation may be unique, I think you can benefit by working with me one-on-one so I get to learn more about the situation and therefore be more equipped to help you out, at
I did not say “I miss you” I said I miss us🤡🤧
And how did your ex respond to it?
She texted me two days ago after 3 weeks no contact “think about you all the damn time” how do I go about responding?
That's similar to an ex saying she misses you, so you must be doing something right if that's the case. This vid is for you:
Hey Brad! My ex broke up with me a week ago, she broke up with me while she was still very very deeply in love with me and she missed me like crazy. But I cut off the contact asap. But now, a week later, it’s Christmas and she sent me a message “happy Christmas!! ;)!”.
I responded an hour later with “thanks, you too :)”
She said “thanks so much!”
And I just liked the message and that’s it. Is this a good sign?
It's neutral since it's a holiday greeting. For solid signs, here's what to be on the lookout for:
Hi Brad. My ex and me decided to break up few days ago because we were in long distance relationship (we live in different countries). Actually we break up because we couldn't agree in which country we should live. I don't want to move to country he's living and he don't want to move where I am living. Do you have some tips how to convince him to move to my place
It's best to see it for what it is and let it go or at least really take time to think things over. If you two can't compromise on something that important, you two may not be the right fit for each other.
Coach, me and my x ended on really bad terms. Major fight and alot of Bs said bothway. After 10days on no contact and after being with her for 5 years in a relationship (we have broken up a few times in past but nothing as serious as this) she sends me 10 page messages written on her diary. About how everything is my fault and what went wrong and basically blaming me (which is what i expected from her) for all the issues in the relationship. Should i respond?
Thank you coach 🙏🏽
That must've felt overwhelming for you. I suggest you start with this vid first. Watch from start to end because this vid very much applies to you:
I went NC and told him not to call me,
BLOCKING does not work, all it does is your phone won’t ring
He keeps texting and voicemails all the time, I just don’t listen
I broke the NC today, so I changed my phone nimber
Thanks for sharing. Did you ever figure out what he wants/why he kept contacting you? Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
I put him into no contact as he cant commit even yho he says he loves me ??? 10 days now..his birthday is day after i send a meme ??? Im not sure i want him back after what hes put me thru..but i do care for him deeply 😢
Is this your ex or someone new? You can send a birthday greeting but the bottom line is you may be forcing things on someone who is not looking to commit to you. If it's with an ex, then this vid is for you:
@@BradBrowning what if I already asking if they dating/ having s*x with others ?
What if she congratulated you with your birthday? Just simply say thank you, or thank you, so sweet of you to remember? (The last one is in fact a kind of compliment.....)
Hey advanced happy birthday! Yes, a simple thanks will do, then end the conversation first as soon as possible and tell your ex you're busy and have things to tend to. I don't think your ex will ask, but let her/him wonder what you're doing for your birthday. Post pictures where you're having a blast. Good luck!
Brad, is there a reason why an ex would NOT initiate contact/reach out after a long while however when you reach out they’re enthusiastic to hear from you and want to continue like nothing? Is it due to pride/ego i feel I’m giving up 😮
Yes, it could be your ex really misses you but thinks it won't ever work out between you two due to your oftentimes (bad) history. so what were the issues in your relationship? My Ex Factor Guide can help you get back into good graces with your ex again but resolving issues is something you two ought to actively work on. If you need my help, especially your ex has been warming up to you and you're both single, then hire me as your coach, at
What if she texted me over a year after breaking up & talking at all ?
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Do you think you're ready to give it a try? Watch this first to help set your expectations: and look out for the signs that your ex has moved on: If you see only one or zero signs, then this vid is for you: If the conditions are right, then make sure you tick off the checklist here as well: It's important to rebuild the attraction naturally so your ex will be amenable to working ONCE things out, eventually. This is what my guide is for but you can also learn the basic principles of my 3R system here and watch the vid til' the end so you don't end up missing the important points: and the golden rules here:
My ex reached out after 48 hours of no contact saying she “feels weird” that we don’t speak still, i don’t know where to go from here, FYI she is the dumper.
That's what I call the "validation-seeking" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here:
Brad she texted me saying she’s longing to feel me inside her (all because I’ve been ignoring her) but I responded saying no thanks I don’t want that….was that a good move ?
Not if you want to get her back. Watch and follow the tips here first: AND but at the same time, also employ the following suggestions to get the ball rolling:
@@BradBrowning thank you about to watch them now
Hey brad. My ex sends me a imotional post during no contact period and says he wants to see me one last time.what should i do? How to respond to emotional post?
Assess the risks first if it's all worth it. Remember, meeting up when you're both not ready will only alienate your ex further, and that's best case scenario. Worst case scenario will land you a spot in the dreaded friendzone. Watch this first: but if you're both ready, watch this video on how to tell as well as how tips for you on tipping the odds to your favor: Best of luck!
How to respond if your ex, text you and saying they having hardtime to move forward and they feel sorry and guilty of what she have done to me, Like cheating and hurting my feelings, and lastly they reachout because they want to talk to me or they want my forgiveness and wishing me a Good future and thanking me for what i have done goid for her.
What should i Do? Need help
I performing no vontact over a month now.
Just wish her well and continue moving forward.
After exactly 30 days he text me Happy Mother's Day. I don't know how to answer or to even answer.
A simple "thanks" will do...then you can transition to opening the lines of communication again. You can reach out to your ex after the 30 days straight of "no contact" period is over. In doing so, it's best to treat the situation with fresh eyes, so it's crucial to keep things fun and light and gently coax your ex into responding the same way. Here are the basics on what to do when it comes down to it. I also suggest you watch from start to the end and NOT skip any parts so you can maximize these tips: including asking yourself these very important questions to ask yourself before starting the process: but if you need the step-by-step process on what to do, including what to text or say during the process, either hire me as your coach, refer to my other vids or get the 2.0 version of my Ex Factor Guide at
My ex and I broke up about a month ago. Within 2 weeks he is supposedly super happy in a new committed relationship. Yet, he is still reaching out to me by sending me random ticktok videos he thinks I'd enjoy. What gives? You tossed me to the curb for your new girlfriend. Why are you reaching out at all? Go be with her. You made your choice. Any advice?
Could be dumper's guilt. If he's already with someone else, it may be best to consider moving on from this especially if their relationship lasts for more than 6 months. This may help you process or deal with the breakup efficiently: but if you find yourself needing more guidance on how to lead a more fruitful life without your ex, get my Beat the Breakup Guide at or get my Ex Factor Guide if you want to try to get your ex back in the best possible way, at Take care!
Question me and my now Ex have been in out of love for at least the whole 3 yrs I feel we both have things to work on but its more of him not trusting when I'm the total opposite of what he thinks of me anyway four months, broke up he blocked me for 30 days He’s unblocked me and every week to two weeks. He call and is very inconsistent At first. I use to jump for him when he ask to see me and until I actually notice this,
I have stop doing the running to him if he doesn’t call me, I don’t call him. Don’t text me. I don’t text him since I’ve done this he’s been popping up every now and then with a text message or a phone call but very inconsistent I'm sad at times cause I wont him but at times I'm content with not being with him because of the distance what should I do ?
Hello coach,my ex reaches out and ask to meet but I was so busy that day so I told her I'm busy this weekend and she go silent again what to do
How long has it been since the breakup? Go on that trip and keep busy. Focus on texting and try not to meet up when one of you or both of you aren't ready yet. The phase you're on (assuming you've done the first phase correctly which is the 30-day no contact rule) is the second phase where you're rebuilding attraction. It's part two of the 3-phase system in my guide but here's a quick overview to help you understand better: but as you go on this phase, you'll notice one or more signs here: and the best you can do is to continue to play your cards right and move to the third phase when you're both ready. Good luck!
What if he keeps asking questions... He has figured out that is the only way I respond.
He says he still loves me misses my presence, but I know it's just a hoover - he has no intention to get me back as a partner.
Sorry to hear. What made you say that though? Has this become a pattern between you two and you've gotten tired of it? Mixed signals from your ex are pretty common if a breakup is still fresh (breakup happened within the 30-day period), which is why it's best to just give each other space for the time being. Anyway regarding your question, unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here: Good luck!
There is no going back if u cheated on her with her best friend 😓💔 damage is done
That's one of the most hurtful instances of cheating, if it's with someone you know/very close to your ex has cheated on you with.
Is she really her best friend if she does that to her?
They are both trash...
After 8 days of no contact he initiated contact saying that he wants to return my gifts how to react on this ?
Tell him there's no need to or accept it gracefully and donate it to charity. Or just have your ex do it. Tell him to donate it to charity so you can heal.
my ex wrote (good party ❤️) when she saw my story on facebook was at a concert! should I answer? and how?
Are you at a stage where you're supposed to be talking again? If so, then yes. You can give a quick friendly response. If not and the breakup happened within the 30-day time frame, then unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
@@BradBrowning thanks I don't respond to her, still i no contact, and to day she tekste me again=
I simply can't understand that you close like that! We live in the same city, know the same people - think we should be able to communicate...
Should I respond and what? Thank you 🙏
@@BradBrowning @BradBrowning thanks I don't respond to her, still i no contact, and to day she tekste me again=
I simply can't understand that you close like that! We live in the same city, know the same people - think we should be able to communicate...
Should I respond and what? Thank you 🙏
My relationship of 14 years ended. She dumped me. And i was determined to do no contact, but every 2-3 days she messages me. Trivial stuff, i never initiate any of it. Then in 2-3 days she does it again. And i always keep it short and devoid of emotions and reply a few hours later. Not to mention i never see any of her social media. Am i doing anything wrong?
How trivial did it get? Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
It's two years now and he texted me yesterday 😂
Point is I don't care about him now
Thanks for sharing
Hello Brad, we were living together and he packed his staff and left 3 months ago. I offered him to talk, to work on the relationship but denied although crying and obviously having a hard time with the break up too. Although I begged him to stay, will no contact work even now?
He messaged me at some point something quite silly and I even chose not to respond at all.
As I pointed out, giving each other space is your best bet. Since it's been many months since the breakup, it's best to consider the facts I've mentioned here first as this lets you determine whether there's still a real shot or not: and/or take the free quiz at Good luck!
So me and my ex broke up 2 weeks ago, after a week i made some mistakes mentioned in this video, including the long texts, she responded to some of them but i realized after i shouldn´t have texted her in the first place. So i restarted the no contact.
But now recently an acquaintance we both knew passed away, we didn´t know him that well but we did talk to him, now she contacted me that she isn´t feeling well from the news of his passing. I wasn´t sure what i should do if i would respond but i think i better don´t as there is nothing that will change the situation if i do. I normally comfort her with situations like these and that makes it hard just to ignore it.
Sorry to hear that. You're right, though. It's important to give yourselves enough time to process what happened between you two and deal with the feelings accordingly. You can offer a quick sympathy to her but be careful not to act or comfort her in the way you had before because even though you both may be in grief over this loss, you both really need to process the breakup as well. This vid is for you:
Hey Brad, I purchased your book and got to the part about "the clean slate E-mail" and I was wondering if it would still be a good idea to send even tho we've been doing no contact for almost 2 weeks now or should I just not send it? I did do a lot of begging and pleading before going no contact.
Just leave it be. Follow the rest of the guide though. Best of luck!
My ex texted me after seeing I went on a date with another girl. She messaged asking about if I sold my old phone, if I like my new one and how I was at work 2 days ago because I worked on mw own, her excuse for not messaging sooner is because she was “unwell”. We’ve been broken up a month and I tried getting her back and she didn’t give me any indication of getting back together but now she messages me randomly at night asking those random questions, do I respond?
How long have you been broken up? And are you at a stage where you're supposed to be meeting up though and has the 30-day no contact rule been implemented? I suggest you start with this to give you an overview on how to go about this or where you're at in the process: but you're also welcome to sign up for my coaching program if you're unsure how to go about this or you're planning to do something but not sure if it's a good idea or not, etc. but I would have to look a the situation as a whole in order to give solid advice, at
I would respond with 'You asking me if I am dating any one new is a very inappropriate question and I am very confused on why you would ask that question." End the conversation.
After almost 2 months of no contact my ex text me asking if i could help him sell some of his stuff. I couldnt believe the nerve he has to ask me. What should i say in response? Any good ideas?
If you feel comfortable enough, you can help him sell some of his stuff by posting online. Being on good terms is the first step if you're looking to potentially rekindle stuff with an ex. Otherwise it's a no-go and just continue moving on with your life, yeah?
Hey brad what should I do because me and my crush are holding hands and my crush said that she likes holding my hand so is that a good sign that my crush likes and should I ask her to be my girlfriend and do you think she will say yes when I ask her out
If she's showing interest back, it's usually best to ask her out on a date first. How old are you?
My ex of 3 years broke up with me about a week ago and we had a great relationship but she asked for no contact. Does the no contact rule still work to bring us back together even if the one that dumps is asking for it ? Is she gone for good ? Am I screwed ?
No contact like a break? Or is she breaking up with you? This vid is for you:
@@BradBrowning she broke up with me and then asked for no contact. We’ve been on no contact for over a week. I feel that she is more overthinking and hyper focusing on my few fixable flaws rather than actually having a true reason for the breakup. Her family and friends are claiming she feel confused.
@@BradBrowning I’m her first relationship and first everything so I think she may be feeling something that she doesn’t quite understand and she just mentally crashed if that makes sense.
I’ve gone 3 weeks NC & my ex has started reaching out. At first, sent me videos of my niece, then the next day called me while she was in a stressful situation, then next day asked to meet up, and now she’s asking for favours and help with stuff I used to help her with. I’ve been quite reserved since she started reaching out again as she hasn’t said anything of much substance. Now I’m not sure if I should not do some of the favours she’s asking. Any advice?
Definitely put some boundaries in place and decide and learn to say no. Otherwise this will only create more confusion on your end. So next time, try to come up with some legit excuses or just downright say you're busy, etc.
I've failed just about every one of these suggestions. I'm done for.
Sorry to hear that. Try not to be so hard on yourself though. You're not alone and this is a very common mistake. Try to gauge what your chances are by taking my free quiz at This may help you process or deal with the breakup efficiently: but if you find yourself needing more guidance on how to lead a more fruitful life without your ex, get my Beat the Breakup Guide at or get my Ex Factor Guide if you want to try to get your ex back in the best possible way, at Take care!
My ex's bestf of 15 years came to me and said "i think u both shld talk" nd he kept on asking me "if i'll talk to him" or "if u want to talk to him". Do u think he is interested in talking to me?
Not necessarily. It could just be your ex's bestfriend wanting to reunite you two. It has nothing to do with what your ex is feeling.
Hi Brad I decided to make no contact. Space. The man that I was knowing is extremely stressed out and for the first time was erratic with his behavior that I said wait a minute I need to remove myself from this situation and stepped back. Not once has he stopped texting me.. dedicating songs to me. audios apologizing and I do not respond. Today he actually video called me and I didn’t answer. It hurts like hell! I have maintained my posture. When should I break this no contact when he continues to not let go?
Hi! I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do here. If you're only trying to take a break from him and/or the situation and not really break up with him, then it's best to set a specified/estimated amount of time as to how long you'd be missing so he can give you the space you requested and respect your decision. So hopefully you didn't just ghost him out of nowhere? That's breeding ground for resentment and will not bode well if you decide to try to be even on amicable terms with him one day. Good luck!
Okay brad… I found your video a little later than I had hoped. My ex texted me after no contact, it’s been less than a week. I was short and not too interested, but I threw in “I miss ya” before I left him on read… how can I come back from this ?
Yeah, that was totally the wrong approach and I've talked about that here: You ought to review this first: and in fact, apply the tips here too instead of taking the shortcut: In the future, if you're still not sure about what you're doing, I really suggest you sign up for my coaching program so I can assess your situation properly and guide you accordingly at
Hey Brad, bought your book and went no contact 3 weeks ago. Early last week he sent me a hey stranger text and then a few day later a video link to a show we used to watch. I waited to respond to the first one then said that I’d been busy and I hope he’s doing well, and didn’t respond to the video. His birthday is tomorrow and he texted me today asking if I want to do a late dinner when he’s in town a couple days from now. Should I text him an early happy birthday and sorry that I’ve already got plans with friends and I hope we can catch up sometime soon?
That's right. Focus on texting and try not to meet up when one or both of you aren't ready yet. The phase you're on (assuming you've done the first phase correctly which is the 30-day no contact rule) is the second phase where you're rebuilding attraction. It's part two of the 3-phase system in my guide but here's a quick overview to help you understand better: but as you go on this phase, you'll notice one or more signs here: and the best you can do is to continue to play your cards right and move to the third phase when you're both ready. Good luck!
I went into no contact..she was disrespectful and we dating only six months and I saw so much red flags and her advoidant or narcissistic tendencies..after 8 days no contact she sends a message .. I miss you.. what do I respond..I did feel love for her and this no contact was hard but it works I respond what do I say to that
Hi there! This vid is for you:
But i replied after 9 hours
Yeah. Just try to make it seem as natural as possible.
My ex just messaged me asking if there is any letter in the post for her. What should I do?
Please help?
When did she moved out? Answer accordingly and go straight back to the no contact rule.
@BradBrowning 7 weeks ago
What to reply if she ask how’s your studies going on?
That's what I call the "check-in" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here:
My ex is asking if I am attending the interview I’ve got for a new job! Should I reply ? Worried here Brad. Thanks
Are you two supposed to be talking again though? When did you two broke up? Make sure to complete the 30-day "no contact" rule first.
@@BradBrowning yeah we split weeks ago but I didn’t do no contact straight away I did it once but then messed it up as I showed her I was jeleous.. we have a baby together so I only go around for the baby limited contact basically, we have just got a new house together and she wants to talk about that, surely if she wants me off the mortage there is no hope ? I’m back in limited contact
Hey Brad my ex text me back afterI kind of hinted that we need time and went no contact. She wants me to reply to a serious personal issue and I did that yesterday and then went no contact. Should I reply again today I don't want to but feel guilty because it's a serious matter but she's already communicated about this yesterday.
If it's regarding an important matter, it's best to give a quick cordial response and go back straight to the remaining days of the 30-day "no contact" rule.
Hey brad. So about 3 days ago. My ex girlfriend told me that she needed some space to focus on school. She also said that she wanted us to focus on school on our own and that later on when we finish we can get back together, she said that we can speak to each other once in a while. She also asked me if i will wait for her. We spoke yesterday briefly after i reached out (i know thats a bad thing now) but what should i do. Should i go the full 30 days no contact , how much should i reach out. Brad, she was the one for me, should i be worried??
If she's really the one for you, then you shouldn't be worried. However, the breakup very much sounds like an excuse and depending on what really cut the relationship short, it may be time to consider moving on from this. But don't rush. Always take the time to give each other space first, all right? Do a minimum of 3 weeks of "no contact" and see if you still want your ex and if your ex is receptive to contact AFTER that period. Watch this:
my ex after 2,5 months of no contact finally reached out through WhatsApp. I found a missed call on my whatsaap but i chose no call back. she didn't make a regular call or sent a text. Now, 3 days past, there is no visibility of her or any efforts to initiate a proper conversation. i decided to continue my no contact rule until such time she makes a proper efforts to reach out. am i doing the right thing?
If she's making more than 2 calls, in general, it's often best to try and answer to see what she wants. Also you're way past/finished the 30-day no contact rule so if you're looking to get back together, then the best way to do that would be to communicate. Please watch or review the steps here: Good luck!
My SP reach out to me all the time while I’m in no contact I only answer back because he doesn’t stop
Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
I’ve completed my no contact period nd he texted me today asking directly how I am? Should I respond? Or ignore? Or what should I say?
Yes, you can. Also you can reach out to your ex after the 30 days straight of "no contact" period is over. In doing so, it's best to treat the situation with fresh eyes, so it's crucial to keep things fun and light and gently coax your ex into responding the same way. Here are the basics on what to do when it comes down to it. I also suggest you watch from start to the end and NOT skip any parts so you can maximize these tips: including asking yourself these very important questions to ask yourself before starting the process: but if you need the step-by-step process on what to do, including what to text or say during the process, either hire me as your coach, refer to my other vids or get the 2.0 version of my Ex Factor Guide at
@@BradBrowning thank you so much Brad 🫶🏻
@@BradBrowning I reached out nd asked to meet but he made an excuse. . Nd now m heart broken
What if my no contact rule is broken after 15 days @@BradBrowning
My ex went back to his wife and he is the one texting me that he is still thinking of me all the time. I feel the same, I don't know whether to answer his text, please help
I don't think you deserve or are even okay with being his side chick. It will continue if you allow it to but would you really want to be someone's second best? Watch this, too:
@@BradBrowning thanks so much for answering ! I really appreciate it, love Rebecca
What if we are married but getting a divorce. He's in a rebound. How do I go from there.
Why have you waited too long to try and save your marriage? Try to gauge your chances here first: These may help, hopefully: AND but if you still need my help in trying to fix your marriage, sign up for my Mend the Marriage coaching program so I can take a look at what's really going on and help you out, at
what if she asks “where are you, did you start university?” i left her because she has a male friend and she didn’t listen me to quit talk with him.
Just answer casually. Also if you're regretting the breakup, this vid is for you:
We have been in no contact for last 3 months . Last day I got a notification that he has started following me on instagram. But soon he unfollowed. There wasn't a single communication from him during these 4 months. So this notification appeared to be a positive sign for me. How can I make him addicted to me and come back permanently.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Do you think you're ready to give it a try? Watch this first to help set your expectations: and look out for the signs that your ex has moved on: If you see only one or zero signs, then this vid is for you: If the conditions are right, then make sure you tick off the checklist here as well: It's important to rebuild the attraction naturally so your ex will be amenable to working ONCE things out, eventually. This is what my guide is for but you can also learn the basic principles of my 3R system here and watch the vid til' the end so you don't end up missing the important points: and the golden rules here:
My ex got married but she is giving me mixed signals. sometimes she goes dissapear for weeks and then she would retrun and text me that she is missing me. I am confused
Really sorry, but your window of opportunity may have already passed. Discussed that here: and especially if you see the signs here:
Sir i am following no contact since 19th june and my birthday is on 1st july what should i do if she wishes me on my birthday??
A simple thanks will do, then end the conversation first as soon as possible and tell your ex you're busy and have things to tend to. I don't think your ex will ask, but let her/him wonder what you're doing for your birthday. Post pictures where you're having a blast. Good luck and happy birthday in advance! :-)
what if they just send "Hey"? 1 week into NC after 10 year relationship and 3 months broken up
That's what I call the "check-in" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here:
@BradBrowning Thank you Brad. Just the video I was looking for. Unfortunately I already replied, but we have been video calling everyday since I've replied however it still does not seem like she wants to get back together yet. She is seeing someone else at the moment also. I think I'll employ 30 day NC and ignore these sort of messages in the future. Thanks again!
My ex of 23 years left on Monday on Thursday he messaged for me to give him is guitar pack so I gave it to our son to give him now three days later he’s messaged to say he’s deleted the ring doorbell app and account and I’d now have to download the app and get a new account. What does this mean I won’t answer him but has he sent it to hurt me more or is he doing so to try and engage with me . There’s no way I’d reply but it’s so hurtful.
Sorry to hear that. 23 years is very substantial. What happened? Sorry, this is a bit too complex for me to properly respond here… please consider signing up for coaching if you want to talk at length about your situation where we could get to the bottom of the issue/s:
Im not Brad but as a guy, I would imagine he's trying to act like he doesn't care & prob wants you to kiss his ass to have him back so he can pay for the ring camera. He sounds like the type that wants you to think you're missing out on him & he did all these great things for you. It's ridiculous as an adult to do this. lol. My gf of 12 years just left me and I immediately moved in with my parents (embarrassing at 42 but can bank every pay check now) and within a week, I stopped to see my daughter and she broke down crying and hugged me so tight and wouldn't let go. She didn't say anything though. I'm too old for games, so I'm either leaving or we're working on it to save our family. There's still something there but until she can look at herself, I'm staying in NC (besides daughter related things) and working to improve myself
Does using iPhone reaction like 👍🏽 counts as texting or breaking no contact?
"No contact" means cutting off unnecessary communication with your ex in any way, shape or form for at least 30 days. It also means ignoring unimportant or random messages from your ex for at least 30 days straight. This also involves NOT looking at any of your ex's online profiles so you won't overthink things. In other words, the "no contact" period is a time where you fully focus on yourself and take time to heal.
If I could control my emotions this much when he reaches me .
Probably controlling me to live without him is much easier 😂
Yeah! The choice is ultimately up to you. You know your situation and your ex best. Sometimes a relationship can be salvaged and worth the save but sometimes it isn't, especially if there's cheating or some other type of abuse involved.
My ex we broke up for the second time first time i was insecure and the second time she went to her baby daddy ceremony but she was not invited and we had a big fight about it after that she decided to broke up with me coz we used to fight
What do you two always bicker about? Fighting is often unavoidable, but when it becomes too much, it’s time to nip the problem in the bud if you still can. So it's either that or you go on a break and discuss the logistics as well as how it should go and how long it should be. It's best to consider the relationship overall first, so watch this: Anyways it's best to give it time because all this arguing had taken a toll in your relationship. This may help: Perhaps you've both argued more than you had a good time with each other? It could also be you're too incompatible or stubborn to meet each other halfway. If the negatives outweigh the positives in the relationship, that's when an imbalance happens and the relationship will keel over wherein one or both people will likely abandon ship, as the case with your ex. It's time to reset things. Start with the 30-day "no contact" rule to get your ex into a psychological neutral. Here's how it can help you:
Heyyy bradd ! She broke up with me i want her but i try to distance myself and trying no contact but whenever i ignore her she always says i m rude i m ignoring her she wants to talk to me everyday even after the breakup she initiated
Give her time to realize things on her end first. Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
@@BradBrowning it is like she broke up with me 9 days ago bcoz she said I m too possesive and controlling for her I realised my fault and apologized for it that I was lil wrong and I also tried to make things better I asked her if we fresh start as I m gonna give my better, she said we can give second chance to relationship but not right maybe in future I respect her decision but I only want to make things better and want her back she still talks to me idk why she say she still has feelings for me but not relationship rn :(
do i still have a chance even if i dumped him and then within 1week or less after our breakup he already has a new one and the girl was his old friend
It really depends. Please take the free quiz at
It's been a week now. She keeps texting and calling it's also not nice to stay silent that will be like ignorant when she asks how I'm doing. So I had to be nice and say I'm good and few texts just to be in the zone
That's what I call the "check-in" text and believe it or not, your ex is somewhat expected to send one or more of these sooner or later and I've got just the vid for that. Discussed that in one of the vids, including how to handle that kind of message and when and/or how to reply, including what not to text, (so watch to the end of the vid) here: Good luck!
What if she asks to hang out during no contact
What for? Assess the risks first if it's all worth it. Remember, meeting up when you're both not ready will only alienate your ex further, and that's best case scenario. Worst case scenario will land you a spot in the dreaded friendzone. Watch this first: but if you're both ready, watch this video on how to tell as well as how tips for you on tipping the odds to your favor: Best of luck!
Hye everyone i need advice
So its a lesbian relationship . My girl dumped me 2 months ago.i tried my best but she walked out.
(i am out of luv she said)later on she said if we could be friends nd i told her no.she then started texting me randomly i asked her if she wanted to give it another chance she said i decided to stay no contact this time.10 days later she texts me again randomly telling me abt her problems. I dont know what to do.she doesnt want a relationship but keeps coming back for small talks.
Have you not cut off contact yet? Do that first. Otherwise it's okay to be in contact with your ex after that. Friends or more appropriately, talking terms for now (if your ex isn't already in another relationship), but don't let that derail you, assuming you've done the first phase (30-day "no contact" rule) correctly and basically had set the stage for this second part. Since you've only recently reconnected, then don't expect your ex to warm up easily. Getting an ex back is a process. Whatever you do, make sure you don’t resort to doing the things here: Are you sure you're not trying to rush it? Setting a deadline is a good way to fail when it comes to exes, so I highly discourage it but also try to see you aren't just being strung along. What steps have you taken to get your ex back? Apply the tips here: It's time to re-assess those and see what's working versus what's not working. Sometimes, getting an ex back is like trying to fit a square into a circle, but oftentimes, chances are you're letting emotion dictate you and therefore end up making the wrong choices. Have you checked out my guide yet? It’s ultimately up to you to act (or not act, depending on which phase you’re in) on getting your ex back, but it helps if you read it to ensure that you’re on the right track. Check it out at
she sent me a message but then she deleted it before I see it.. should i continue the no contact. or ask her what was the message
Continue it , let her text you properly if she badly wants to talk
Just ignore it. If it's an important message -- which obviously you ought to respond to -- your ex will likely resend it. So just let it pass until your ex communicates more clearly.
What about if you did the dumping?
This vid may apply to you:
Hey I have a question, so I was dating this one girl and she called it quits but I did the chasing for a little bit before I stopped, she blocked me on her number and social medias. But unblocked me and started watching my story. So I went into no contact and I posted a story on my instagram, she texted me around 10pm “u w/ somebody?” but I didn’t answer until the next day and she said “mm happy thanksgiving” she went ghost when I said it back. But yesterday was my birthday and she texted me again around 11pm, the day before my birthday saying “happy birthday, Ik it’s not your birthday til tomorrow but I love you and I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow”. But I responded with “thank you, I will”. Was that a good response or did I mess up by not sayin I love you too
This means she may still have feelings for you but you really need to stop all contact for at least 30 days and not push it. Being needy or too forceful for your ex to talk to you will only alienate them further. Here's what may going through your ex's mind and they seem they want nothing to do with you, so use this to your advantage:
*Brad please help, he is calling like almost every hour 3-5 times*
Try to see what your ex wants. Unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
What if your ex is married
Really sorry, but your window of opportunity may have already passed. Discussed that here: and especially if you see the signs here: Take care!
Hello. Brad. I have been doing NC for 2 weeks. My ex reached out said he sees my smile where ever he goes and he dreams about me. I responded: good to hear from you and hope you are well. He never responded. What do i do. NC again?. 😢
Yes, not again, but continue on with the no contact rule. Moving forward, unless your situation falls under one or more of the scenarios here: AND it's best you ignore contact from your ex. If your ex continues to reach out to you during the no contact stage, however, then this really depends on the frequency and nature of the contact from your ex and whether or not you've reached the phase where you're supposed to be talking again. The only exception is if your ex asks for you back and is sincere about it. If your ex continually messages you, then it’s important to put your ex’s messages into context, more so if this happened during the “no contact” phase. Is your ex trying to contact you about something really important, like an emergency, unpaid bills, or something equally urgent? These are reasons to respond, including messages where they get angry due to your lack of response. Discussed that in full detail here: So if your ex is really just texting some useless random stuff and/or asses their power over you, then you can just ignore and continue on with the 30-day "no contact" rule. Use your discretion. Watch and follow the tips here:
Came across my ex-girl friends after twenty years nice knowing things don't change because she still had toxic attitude creating situations from nothingness, we seen one another in common space everyone uses her husband and kids were present for the entire show, upon seeing entering the room through the door she became her old self. After making my over to pickup beer sat down with long time friends talking about old times next thing you know my ex's husband walks over and says you know Michelle said "yes I do" actually next thing you know the guy sit downs and says has she always been a bitch. Asked her husband is this some kind of setup not interested in trouble to answered his question that's were no longer together and why your married to her.
Some people change and some people don't. Thanks for sharing!
What happens if my ex sends me a happy birthday text?
Just say thank you
A simple thanks will do, then end the conversation first as soon as possible and tell your ex you're busy and have things to tend to. I don't think your ex will ask, but let her/him wonder what you're doing for your birthday. Post pictures where you're having a blast. Good luck!
She come back though asking something 😂 but am ok l don't want her to be close to me am ok am busy with my life
Yep. As I always say, the decision is ultimately up to you. You know your situation and your ex best. Sometimes a relationship can be salvaged and worth the save but sometimes it isn't, especially if there's cheating or some other type of abuse involved or if it was overall a dysfunctional/toxic relationship. It's your life and it's your decision.
@BradBrowning yeah and yesterday she told me about her sister birthday and she said l must help her with some money so she can buy cake l denying because her sister she got my number and we talk but she didn't tell me today boom she block me...🤣