不再是我而是基督在我里面活着 Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Original Music video (Lyrics) by CityAlight
    • CityAlight ~ Yet Not I...
    What gift of grace is Jesus, my redeemer
    何等礼物 耶稣恩典救赎我
    There is no more for heaven now to give
    何等丰富 可比天国赏赐
    He is my joy, my righteousness, and freedom
    我的喜乐 祂成我公义自由
    My steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace
    祂爱不变 赐平安无限深
    To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus
    我的盼望 我盼望只在耶稣
    For my life is wholly bound to His
    我生命 全都在乎于祂
    Oh, how strange and divine, I can sing: All is mine!
    奥妙事 从神来 都属我 尽情唱
    Yet not I, but through Christ in me
    不是我 是基督 活着
    The night is dark but I am not forsaken
    夜正深沉 但我没有被抛弃
    For by my side, the Saviour He will stay
    因为救主 祂会在我身旁
    I labour on in weakness and rejoicing
    劳苦做工 软弱中仍然喜乐
    For in my need, His power is displayed
    因祂大能 馈乏中显丰盛
    To this I hold, my Shepherd will defend me
    惟我牧人 祂作我坚固保障
    Through the deepest valley, He will lead
    领我走 最深死荫幽谷
    Oh, the night has been won, and I shall overcome
    暗与黑 今日赢 我终能 得全胜
    Yet not I, but through Christ in me
    不是我 是基督 活着
    No fate I dread, I know I am forgiven
    无惧命运 我知道我罪得赦
    The future sure, the price it has been paid
    确信未来 救主已付重价
    For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon
    耶稣流血 受苦楚为我赦免
    And He was raised to overthrow the grave
    死里复活 完胜死亡坟墓
    To this I hold, my sin has been defeated
    我深知道 我罪被完全清算
    Jesus now and ever is my plea
    从今时 耶稣永远我心
    Oh, the chains are released, I can sing: I am free!
    枷锁累 今解除 得自由 尽情唱
    Yet not I, but through Christ in me
    不是我 是基督 活着
    With every breath, I long to follow Jesus
    一息尚存 渴望跟随主耶稣
    For He has said that He will bring me home
    祂曾说过 要将我带回家
    And day by day I know He will renew me
    一天一天 我知道祂更新我
    Until I stand with joy before the throne
    直到那日 喜乐站神座前
    To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus
    惟有耶稣 是我心所有盼望
    All the glory evermore to Him
    全荣耀 一切都归给祂
    When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat:
    那赛程 已完成 我口中 仍不停
    Yet not I, but through Christ in me!
    不是我 是基督 活着
    To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus
    惟有耶稣 是我心所有盼望
    All the glory evermore to Him
    全荣耀 一切都归给祂
    When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat:
    那赛程 已完成 我口中 仍不停
    Yet not I, but through Christ in me!
    不是我 是基督 活着
    When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat:
    那赛程 已完成 我口中 仍不停
    Yet not I, but through Christ in me!
    不是我 是基督 活着
    Yet not I, but through Christ in me!
    不是我 是基督 活着
    Yet not I, but through Christ in me!
    不是我 是基督 活着