Does the Bible say the Savior will be God?

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024


  • @Jasn_Chvz
    @Jasn_Chvz 6 місяців тому +53

    Christians seem to read Jesus into all of the Hebrew texts.

    • @KyIeMcCIeIIan
      @KyIeMcCIeIIan 6 місяців тому +4

      That's because the Bible is a book about Jesus as well as Yahweh. If you said the Old Testament is simply a book about the Christ bloodline all the way back to Adam it would not be a lie. Everyone knows it's true. Saying that takes nothing away from Yahweh. It's impossible to steal from God. He says so.

    • @mooshei8165
      @mooshei8165 6 місяців тому +6

      They even say Jesus was the one created the heaven and earth. Adam and Eve, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, David, Solomon, Jesus, etc prays to Jesus.

    • @mooshei8165
      @mooshei8165 6 місяців тому +5

      They even says the dude was wrestling with Jesus, Jesus was the burning bush, three Jesus was in the burning furnace,

    • @mooshei8165
      @mooshei8165 6 місяців тому +3

      @@KyIeMcCIeIIanthat’s what the gentiles want, not the Jews.

    • @glenwillson5073
      @glenwillson5073 6 місяців тому +3

      Correct, except that Jesus does not pray to Jesus, he prays to the Father.

  • @queuecee
    @queuecee 6 місяців тому +13

    So my "deliverer" is not the Messiah??? How do i break this to my Amazon delivery guy?

    • @Dloin
      @Dloin 6 місяців тому +2

      Don't worry they don't like missionaries in the Amazon anyway.

  • @theophilussogoromo3000
    @theophilussogoromo3000 6 місяців тому +10

    Dan, you're the best scholar for mainstream audiences. Appreciate the work. Keep it up.🙌🏽

    • @KravMagoo
      @KravMagoo 6 місяців тому +3

      If you don't mind the mistakes and constitutional blindness.

    • @theophilussogoromo3000
      @theophilussogoromo3000 6 місяців тому

      @@KravMagoo you must be a Christian.🤣

    • @DaveCM
      @DaveCM 6 місяців тому +5

      ​@@KravMagoo You are going to have to explain that.

    • @Betts-Betts
      @Betts-Betts 6 місяців тому


    • @denisemaxwell51
      @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому

      Wrong Dan.
      The. word of God says
      Jhn 10:30 I and my Father are one.
      Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (The word being Christ, Logos)
      Jhn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
      Mat 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
      Jhn 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
      Jhn 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

  • @TrisjenHarris1203
    @TrisjenHarris1203 6 місяців тому +4

    You can make the scriptures say whatever you want.
    Thank Bible God we have Dan and others setting the interpretations straight.

    • @davidjanbaz7728
      @davidjanbaz7728 6 місяців тому


    • @denisemaxwell51
      @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому

      Wrong Dan.
      The. word of God says
      Jhn 10:30 I and my Father are one.
      Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (The word being Christ, Logos)
      Jhn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
      Mat 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
      Jhn 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
      Jhn 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

    • @TrisjenHarris1203
      @TrisjenHarris1203 6 місяців тому +2

      @@denisemaxwell51 There is no such thing as the word of god. You have men/people renegotiating ancient text for it to say what they want it to say.

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @talkofchrist
    @talkofchrist 6 місяців тому +10

    So, telling most Christians that a biblical author meant something entirely different and could not have conceived of their words being interpreted the way the Christian is interpreting them is obviously extremely likely to fall on deaf ears, because the Christian can claim that while the author may not have understood all the possible meanings of their text, All-knowing God who inspired them did.

    • @ancientflames
      @ancientflames 6 місяців тому

      Yeah God made a book 99% of people couldn’t understand so some white Christians in America 2000-2500 years later could get it 🤪

    • @KravMagoo
      @KravMagoo 6 місяців тому +4

      Which is true...even more, his entire shtick is utterly diachronic, whereas YHWH is utterly synchronic. He explicitly denies prophecy on principle, stating the common scholarly trope that all prophecies that appear to have been fulfilled are altogether written ex post facto.

    • @Betts-Betts
      @Betts-Betts 6 місяців тому +2

      @kravmagoo9527 yep, data is dogma. The irony is, history repeating itself or rhyming in cycles is a well understood fact of nature... so to pretend the prophetic nature of reoccurring human behavior in general constructs is very much against.... the data.

    • @denisemaxwell51
      @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому +1

      Wrong Dan.
      The. word of God says
      Jhn 10:30 I and my Father are one.
      Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (The word being Christ, Logos)
      Jhn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
      Mat 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
      Jhn 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
      Jhn 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

    • @solidstorm6129
      @solidstorm6129 6 місяців тому

      @@Betts-Bettsand where is your citation?

  • @sigmaoctantis1892
    @sigmaoctantis1892 6 місяців тому +11

    My idea of Messiah was based on that idea of imperial oppression. A messiah being a political figure who saves the people from that oppression. I see this in a more modern setting wherein the term Christ, from the Greek - anointed one, was applied in a political setting. As a child I recall hearing people refer to Hitler as 'the anti-christ', indicating they saw him as a messiah but not our messiah.

    • @KravMagoo
      @KravMagoo 6 місяців тому

      And why would a political figure need to be anointed?

    • @sigmaoctantis1892
      @sigmaoctantis1892 6 місяців тому +7

      @@KravMagoo The equivalent of the divine right of kings would be my guess.

  • @mnm8818
    @mnm8818 6 місяців тому +6

    God and Jesus acts like billions of people lives aren't at stake, and everyone can read Hebrew/ Greek

  • @Noneya5555
    @Noneya5555 6 місяців тому +12

    So this guy is retconning Hebrew scriptures in an attempt to validate the idea that Jesus is both God, and the prophesied messiah.
    It's no wonder why Judaism apologists hate when Christian apologists do that. 🤣

    • @jamesmaysflyingwashingmach7459
      @jamesmaysflyingwashingmach7459 6 місяців тому +6

      I mean, Christianity itself is a giant retcon of the Old Testament. It can't function or make any sense without the retcon.

    • @alanb8884
      @alanb8884 6 місяців тому +2

      This isn't anything new.

    • @Noneya5555
      @Noneya5555 6 місяців тому +2

      @@alanb8884 Never said it was. Just posting a opinion, if that's OK with you. 🤨

    • @Noneya5555
      @Noneya5555 6 місяців тому +2

      @@jamesmaysflyingwashingmach7459 I agree. The interesting thing to me is that early Christians needed to do it at all. The fact that Jesus never called himself God, and yet his followers came to believe so anyway is fascinating.

    • @JopJio
      @JopJio 6 місяців тому +3

      ​​@@Noneya5555 depends on which followers. In Matthew Jesus clearly has a beginning and is ignorant of the hour and is cslled prophet. Even in John the Father is the God of Jesus, he is the only true God according to Jesus there. Even in Paul he says upto 20 times that the Father is the God of Jesus.
      So Jesus is "a" God, just like Satan is the God of the world or tje many Gods in the Ot. But all of them are subordinate to the father, who is the highest and greatest, all knowing and Almighty in the Nt. Even Ireneus says that Jesus is subordinate to the father. So we can see how within the Nt, there is a high and low christology, Jesus christology became constantly higher but he still was not the God Almighty=the Father. The trinity= Co eternality is a much later development. And I don't think that the 12 apostles believed Jesus to be God at all.

  • @russelltate3703
    @russelltate3703 6 місяців тому +5

    I see a human standing in an orchard in front of a cherry tree. The cherries are ripe so they choose only to pick the best looking cherries and eats them one at a time. When finished eating the ripe cherry, they spit out a seed and choose another cherry.

  • @Triple_Aces
    @Triple_Aces 3 місяці тому +3

    If the Messiah was said to be God anywhere in Tanakh, more and more Jews would convert to Christianity. Instead, the idea of God Himself being the messiah is completely foreign in Judaism. The Messiah is said to be someone who will fear God not be God.

  • @Ex_christian
    @Ex_christian 2 місяці тому +2

    Protestant churches believe Jesus is god along with the Holy Spirit. So, really, the Christian cult believe in 3 gods. Yet they say it’s one god……. Go figure.
    3 gods, yet one god…… and yet Jesus wasn’t god, but gods son? Yet god had to send himself as himself to save us from himself……

  • @gsr4535
    @gsr4535 6 місяців тому +10

    To this skeptic/agnostic, the Bible, both OT and NT, seem like the trials and tribulations of the Jews in a particularly tiny spot in the world. Doesn't seem to apply much to me in the 21st century, let alone to the average Asian person living today or throughout history. Hmm.

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 6 місяців тому

      Torah has the 7 Noahide commandments for all Gentiles.

    • @gsr4535
      @gsr4535 6 місяців тому +1

      @@hrvatskinoahid1048 So God revealed "truth" to the Jews but not to any other races/cultures around the world? Says who, the Jews? Sounds kind of self serving, no?

    • @hrvatskinoahid1048
      @hrvatskinoahid1048 6 місяців тому

      @@gsr4535 Even though the testimony from Mount Sinai was directed to the entire Jewish people who heard and saw it directly, and the Gentile nations did not experience it directly, nevertheless, such a unique testimony to a group of millions of people is impossible to refute, and there never was again any occurrence of public Divine speech to an entire nation.

    • @gsr4535
      @gsr4535 6 місяців тому

      @@hrvatskinoahid1048 In fact, the whole Bible (both testaments) is easy to refute. It's all heresay. 2nd, 3rd, 4th person stories from 99% illiterate people who believed essentially in magic. Why don't Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Koreans, etc. accept it? Not to mention Arabs) Muslims and Jews themselves (the NT that is)?

    • @tussk.
      @tussk. 6 місяців тому

      it is very easy to refute, Watch. It didn't happen. There ya go.@@hrvatskinoahid1048

  • @BabyHoolighan
    @BabyHoolighan 6 місяців тому +7

    ...God as a mediatory figure ... and God buys them back ... he redeemed them and he didn't even have a coupon.

    • @jamesarnette1394
      @jamesarnette1394 6 місяців тому +2

      Gods don't need coupons. They get the automatic God discount.

  • @boo-ix
    @boo-ix 6 місяців тому +3

    Excellent and thanks so much for the hard work

  • @QuinnPrice
    @QuinnPrice 6 місяців тому +9

    The Savior? Saved from ... hell? God's wrath? Or from the belief that I need one?

  • @lde-m8688
    @lde-m8688 6 місяців тому +1

    So...the same people that conflate "a satan" into "THE satan" conflate "a savior" into "The savior?" 😂

  • @welcometonebalia
    @welcometonebalia 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you.

    • @denisemaxwell51
      @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому

      Wrong Dan.
      The. word of God says
      Jhn 10:30 I and my Father are one.
      Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (The word being Christ, Logos)
      Jhn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
      Mat 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
      Jhn 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
      Jhn 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

  • @Jsppydays
    @Jsppydays 6 місяців тому

    Excellent. Thank you

  • @sergeantbrother
    @sergeantbrother 6 місяців тому +5

    Always bugged me that Jesus' character is prominently the Christ/Messiah or all the other things, and that itself conflicts with him being the Almighty God, because a messiah/christ by definition is a chosen one and in order to be a messiah/christ there is a higher power that has to choose you. So, by logic, it conflicts with Jesus' whole character as the Messiah.

    • @jordanpresnell4996
      @jordanpresnell4996 6 місяців тому

      Bro read Daniel and Isaiah… it’s pretty clear the Messiah is divine. Even JEWISH RABBIS agree that this figure will be exalted to the level of Yahweh. It’s a joke that you think you can criticize a book that’s levels above your comprehension and you haven’t even read the prophets. Give me a break

    • @sergeantbrother
      @sergeantbrother 6 місяців тому +1

      Link some verses down, let's see what they have to say. Also, just because the messiah is shown to be divine doesn't mean the messiah is God. we have other literatures like the enochic literature within these time periods where people were endowed with God's name and they became divine mediators, greater than every single subject except God.
      Also, you have a whole scholar telling you that the messiah is not divine, yet you still want to argue about it? I mean, you are free to believe what you want, but the truth is the truth and it is certainly the truth that the messiah isn't Yahweh or the God of Israel.

    • @pepepena1937
      @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому

      @@sergeantbrother The servant not only an individual but GOD himself
      Isaiah 59:16 shows that the one doing the interceding in 53 is not a mere man. This servant Would *VINDICATE/JUSTIFY* others spiritually something *UNEQUIVOCALLY* done by GOD. Lastly, the Hebrew praise word combination found in 52:13 is *UNEQUIVOCALLY* done in reference to GOD. When you take into consideration Isaiah 2:11 & 2:17 “The LORD alone” you will realize that the Servant is not only an individual but GOD himself. Then again 59:16 also says that his Arm would be the one doing the saving and 53:1 however says this Arm would be revealed to only some.

    • @sergeantbrother
      @sergeantbrother 6 місяців тому +1

      There is absolutely nothing of such going on within these passages of Isaiah. Verse 59 is simply saying that there was no man to intercede in the sense that there was no one standing up to do the interceding. That’s like saying ‘No man stood up to the warrior.. except him’ that doesn’t mean that this sentence is saying that the one who stood up isn’t a man, it is just setting this subject aside from other men.
      And then you quoted Isaiah 53, Isaiah 53 isn’t about the messiah, it is about the nation of Israel, check out the early Jewish interpretation of this text. No jew ever thought this was referring to a messiah, that it was a messianic prophecy. In fact, this passage isn’t even written by the original supposed author of Isaiah but by someone else during the capture of Israel.

    • @pepepena1937
      @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому

      @@sergeantbrother -“is the nation of Israel”- *FROM THE HORSES MOUTH (Tovia Singer)* I thought it was ISRAEL?😲😲😲😲 Weren't Christians Corrupt to think that it was about a person?😲😲😲
      “In rabbinic thought, all of God’s faithful, gentiles included (Zechariah 13:8-9), endure suffering on behalf of God (Isaiah 40:2; Zechariah 1:15). Thus, Jewish leaders of the past, such as Moses12 and Jeremiah,13) Rabbi Akiva,14 as well as future eschatological figures, such as 👉 *the messiah ben Joseph* 👈 and 👉 *the messiah ben David* 👈, are held up in rabbinic literature as individuals who exemplify the “servant” who willingly suffers on behalf of Heaven.”
      “When Isaiah speaks of the suffering remnant of Israel,
      👉 *the messianic king* 👈 is, therefore, included. The final heir of David’s throne is an integral member of the pious of Israel. This is, according to rabbinic interpretation, the pshat, or the plain meaning of the text in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12.”
      “In order to shed much-needed light on the famed Servant Songs, numerous rabbinic commentators hold up Jewish heroes as a paradigm of Isaiah 53’s “servant.” Accordingly, while on one hand the Talmud, Zohar, and other ancient rabbinic texts state explicitly that the “servant” of Isaiah 53 refers to the faithful of corporate Jewry,16 the same sources frequently point to renowned saints of Israel as an archetype of the Suffering Servant. These virtuous individuals include saints such as Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah,
      👉 *the messiah the son of Joseph and David* 👈 - each of them embodies perfect examples of God’s servant, the righteous remnant of Israel.”
      “Bear in mind that the rabbinic commentary on Isaiah 53 is not dualistic or multilateral. Meaning, the sages of old did not suggest that Isaiah 53 refers to either the righteous remnant of Israel, Moses, Jeremiah, or an anointed leader. Rather, the servant in all four Servant Songs are the faithful descendants of Abraham. Isaiah 53 attests to unprecedented worldwide repentance of all of mankind - a redemptive achievement accomplished by no other saint in history. Therefore, rabbinic commentators
      👉 *tend to lift up the messiah’s name more frequently* 👈 than the names of other faithful servants of God.”
      *Tovia Singer*
      *Outreach Judaism*

  • @davidallison9499
    @davidallison9499 Місяць тому

    Hey Dan. Jesus did claim to be God the Messiah.
    In the New Testament, Jesus explicitly claims to be the Messiah in several instances. One notable example is in John 4:25-26, where He speaks to the Samaritan woman at the well and says, "I who speak to you am he," referring to the Messiah. Additionally, in Matthew 16:15-17, when Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ (Messiah), Jesus affirms this revelation as coming from God. In Luke 4:18-21, Jesus reads from Isaiah and declares that the scripture is fulfilled in Him, indicating His messianic role. These passages affirm Jesus' identity as the promised Messiah.
    Have a blessed day! I enjoy your posts.

  • @kentthalman4459
    @kentthalman4459 6 місяців тому +1

    slight of hand indeed

  • @queuecee
    @queuecee 6 місяців тому +1

    Are you saying the "prophesies" in the bible that have come true was just written AFTER the event? So they couldn't tell the future?

  • @jamestweedy963
    @jamestweedy963 5 місяців тому

    Here you go Mr scaler explain this one away
    Isaiah 9:6-76
    For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
    and the government shall be upond his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
    7Of the increase of his government and of peace
    there will be no end,
    on the throne of David and over his kingdom,
    to establish it and to uphold it
    with justice and with righteousness
    from this time forth and forevermore.
    The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

  • @tnypxl
    @tnypxl 6 місяців тому +2

    How convenient it must be for God to be able to proxy himself through us… it’s almost as though he doesn’t exist?

  • @Darisiabgal7573
    @Darisiabgal7573 6 місяців тому +1

    Ishtar anointed god, I'll spare the details.😎

  • @maskedsaiyan1738
    @maskedsaiyan1738 6 місяців тому +1

    I love the Hellboy t-shirt.

  • @masenformen
    @masenformen 6 місяців тому +2

    Great video as always, but I'm curious about Jesus never claiming to be God. What do you think would be the contemporary interpretation of John 8:58?

    • @davidjanbaz7728
      @davidjanbaz7728 6 місяців тому

      Jesus let Thomas speak for him in John 20:28.

    • @cygnustsp
      @cygnustsp 6 місяців тому

      John 8:58 if the story were true and to be taken literally merely has Jesus asserting that either he's more important than Abraham, or existed before his birth. Has nothing to do with identifying as Yahweh. Jesus spoke Aramaic, his audience would've have had to translate the Aramaic into Greek, then recall the Hebrew Bible being translated into Greek and trace it back to Exodus 3, on the spot. I bet much doubt very little if anything in the book of John coming out of Jesus' mouth was ever said.

    • @haddow777
      @haddow777 6 місяців тому

      Just like the term savior, the term god was used many was and has many meanings based on the words around it and the context.
      While God, is known as almighty God, all poweful God, the one true God, he isn't the only god in the bible.
      In its most basic terms, being labeled a god merely means a person holds the power over life and death. In Israely times, judges were legitimate gods and could actually be refered as such in non-blasphemous terms. Judges of the time held the authority to hand out death sentences. They were humans with no supernatural abilities. They couldn't give life, but they could take life, even if they weren't the person to actually kill the judged. It was by their authority someone was killed, as such, they weilded the power of a god.
      Similarly, Jesus could easily be called a god, because he is one. He has been given authority over life and death. He has been the one to buy back humanity and will be the one who causes them to be brought back from death.
      So it is not blasphemous in any way to call him a god or even a mighty god. What he isn't and never claimed to be us almighty god. The power over life and death were bestowed on him by the one true God.
      The whole notion that Jesus is God never makes any sense with the logic of the bible. The entire point of the messiah existing meant he absolutely could not be almighty God. The Messiah had to be a man. A sinless man, like Adam was before he partook of the fruit and lost his life.
      The bible goes to great lengths to show how God views life and the losing of it. It explains it as a financial transaction. If I steal your money from you, I own you that money back. If I steal your life from you, killed you, I owe my life.
      Sinning is explained as going into debt. You owe for your sins and the only currency sin accepts is death. The bible says that when we die, we pay for our sins. Our debt is cleared.
      When Adam and Eve sinned, the sunk them and all their offspring into debt. One that none of their offspring can pay off.
      A messiah had to be a sinless man who had his life stolen from him. This meant, in death, that man was owed his life as a sinless human back.
      Instead of using that value owed to resume existing on Earth as a sinless human, Jesus went back to his life in heaven as he previously existed before giving it up to live on Earth. Still, he now held a debt over death. It owed him one sinless human life. So, he is using it to pay the price of Adam's debt to buy back all Adam's offspring.
      The entire logical argument made over a huge portion of the bible hinges on the Messiah being just an actual sinless human and nothing more. If he was actually almighty God imitating a human, the price owed for his death would have been out of balance. Just like how countless animals lives couldn't balance the scales for even one human life, no amount of human lives could balance the scales in comparison to God's life. Nevermind how it would be impossible for God to actually die.
      No, in biblical times the messiah was never viewed as God ever. That dedication of Jesus came much later when Christianity mixed with other religions.

    • @solidstorm6129
      @solidstorm6129 6 місяців тому

      It’s just Jesus saying he was there before Abraham was born. With not a citation or reference. And even there, how does that make him God? Adam, Noah, and Enoch were before Abraham. And they weren’t God either.

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @luphelobuyaphi6514
    @luphelobuyaphi6514 6 місяців тому

    Good one.

  • @jonmarek
    @jonmarek 6 місяців тому +1

    I love your videos but I'm curious what your beliefs are? Are you a christian do you believe jesus died and rose from the dead? Do you believe you have to pray to jesus to go to heaven? Or do you believe that jesus was teaching us how we should live, and that we should follow in his example and thats how we get to heaven?
    I'm just curious, I've always had a hard time with the death and resurrection of jesus. I believe in god and believe in living how jesus says to live, but I feel off when I pray to jesus if that makes sense something seems wrong about it.

    • @plantsinrocks
      @plantsinrocks 6 місяців тому

      It might feel off because there is cognitive dissonance between the idea that Jesus is a living being who you can communicate with and the experienced reality of trying to communicate with someone who is indistinguishable from a non-existent being.

    • @plantsinrocks
      @plantsinrocks 6 місяців тому

      I could be wrong, but I believe he is a secular Bible scholar. Someone who studies the Bible as literature but not necessarily a religious believer.

  • @bevinfernandes3875
    @bevinfernandes3875 5 місяців тому

    Dan who is going to be your saviour / deliverer?

  • @aikendrum2908
    @aikendrum2908 6 місяців тому +1

    Hi, Dan - Love your content. Question about Hebrew roots: do Moshia and Yeshua have the same root in Hebrew? Even setting aside the mem as being some kind of prefix, it looks like the yud and vav got swapped, but I don’t know whether they would still be considered the “same” root as the creator asserted. Thanks!

    • @huttj509
      @huttj509 6 місяців тому +4

      Yeah, Mashiach is mem-shin-yod-chet, and Yeshua is yod-shin-vav-ayin, those are not the same root at all.

    • @ConsideringPhlebas
      @ConsideringPhlebas 6 місяців тому +1

      That's not totally correct. The root of Messiah is mem shin chet. The root of Yeshua is yod shin ayin. The mem at the start is not part of the root, it's a prefixed participial particle.

    • @ConsideringPhlebas
      @ConsideringPhlebas 6 місяців тому

      They are the same root. It's just that some verbal conjugations in Hebrew preserve more archaic representations of roots. The root for moshia and Yeshua is yod shin ayin. Originally, however, the root would have been vav shin ayin, with the vav later changing into a yod. The participial form, moshia, preserves the older form in its spelling. You can see this vav-yod change across the Semitic languages.

    • @aikendrum2908
      @aikendrum2908 6 місяців тому

      Thanks for the info! I appreciate it.

    • @denisemaxwell51
      @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому

      Wrong Dan.
      The. word of God says
      Jhn 10:30 I and my Father are one.
      Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (The word being Christ, Logos)
      Jhn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
      Mat 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
      Jhn 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
      Jhn 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

  • @bristolrovers27
    @bristolrovers27 6 місяців тому +1

    As always interesting, so basically the Messiah is not God, the saviour can be God and the Messiah is not the saviour.
    Is there in the Hebrew Bible prophesies of a future Messiah ?

    • @asmodeus304
      @asmodeus304 6 місяців тому

      yes, see the messianic prophecies in judaism that are from the hebrew bible

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @theoutspokenhumanist
    @theoutspokenhumanist 6 місяців тому +2

    God cannot be a messiah. Messiah means annointed one. Who annoints God? Who possesses that authority and superiority?

    • @jamesarnette1394
      @jamesarnette1394 6 місяців тому +2

      I had a bird anointing my head the other day.

    • @jamesarnette1394
      @jamesarnette1394 6 місяців тому +1

      I guess that means that bird is greater than I am.

    • @JopJio
      @JopJio 6 місяців тому

      ​@@jamesarnette1394 he has a point. Just like the Messiah is a messenger. Who sends messengers? Someone greater/God. But there is no one greater than God.

    • @FollowPaul1Lord1God
      @FollowPaul1Lord1God 6 місяців тому

      G💡D, "did not" come down & get "tempted",from a creature "he made", with everything he ALREADY OWNS? God doesn't grow in favor, "with Himself", Isaiah 53🆘 God Divides spoils for JesusSon-Of-Man?
      Make it make sense.😅
      The trinitarian repackaged version does not fit the Biblical
      SERIOUSLY 😳Watch
      ISAIAH 53 FALL FLAT with the TRINITY...
      According to Isaiah chapter 53,
      YaH Rewards Yeshua, The Suffering-Son-of-Man Servant, With Spoils, wait what??
      Then in TRINITARIAN terms?
      💯God rewards GOD, with spoils??

    • @mooshei8165
      @mooshei8165 6 місяців тому

      The gentiles anointed God.

  • @JohnKerr-bq3vo
    @JohnKerr-bq3vo 6 місяців тому +2

    Never ceases to amaze me the pretzel like contortions christians twist themselves into just to 'prove' their god exists..1 Corinthians 14;33 KJV I think it is , says god is not the author of confusion... seems like IF he exists he surely needs grammarly or the like...readers still trying to interpret the bible ( old and new ) after thousands of years?..

  • @hughchancey4141
    @hughchancey4141 6 місяців тому

    Mathew 24:11

  • @kc7476
    @kc7476 6 місяців тому

    Hi Dan. I love your work! Could you possibly do a video on views of the heart/mind/ kidneys as the seat of consciousness over time and throughout the bible? Just a topic I find fascinating. Thanks

  • @hrvatskinoahid1048
    @hrvatskinoahid1048 6 місяців тому +3

    God is not a man. Reference to Mashiach is made in the portion of Bilaam who prophesies about two anointed kings: the first anointed king, David, who saved Israel from her oppressors; and the final anointed king who will arise from his descendants and save Israel in the end of days.

    • @toniacollinske2518
      @toniacollinske2518 6 місяців тому +2

      Why are you here? Make your own videos

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @PaulRezaei
    @PaulRezaei 6 місяців тому

    Dan, I would like to see a video of you describing what you personally believe about God and how you’ve reached those conclusions. Do you believe in God? Do you think it’s almost impossible to know God. Do you think God does not exist?

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @ZephrumEllison
    @ZephrumEllison 6 місяців тому

    So are you not trinitarian? And also do you feel that the OT and NT ought to be kept separate? Im confused because you mention a lot of scholarly consensus but if theres one thing we all ought to know is that the only consensus we have on anything Christianity is that there is NO consensus. I have however wondered deeply about if Christianity has mistaken Jesus as God when they read the Bible. But the “Consensus “ is that he IS. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. All God, three entities.

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      'One entity not 3'- ( I speak this using your words)
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @denisemaxwell51
    @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому

    Remember the hebrew bible, and most Jewish people have never accepted Jesus Christ, So why would you rely on their teaching? Are you a believer that Jesus is Lord?

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @cc3775
    @cc3775 2 місяці тому

    A prophet like Moses, a man from the line of David. Not an “angel,” not God, not some preexisting spirit being but a man.

  • @FollowPaul1Lord1God
    @FollowPaul1Lord1God 6 місяців тому

    Acts 1322 After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’
    23 “From this man’s descendants God has brought to Israel the Savior Jesus, as he promised.
    King David is N🚫T the "Great Grandfather of God Almighty, sorry TRINITARIANS.
    The repackaged narrative does not work 😬

  • @MitzvosGolem1
    @MitzvosGolem1 6 місяців тому +4

    The Messiah must come from king David's father biological father and fulfill Isaiah 2 and 11 Ezekiel 37 first time he comes no second coming.
    The Messiah is a mortal man with a wife children lives a long life.
    This is the original definition of " the Messiah" in Hebrew scripture sources.
    No where does G_d make a mistake and changed mind about eternal covenant made on Sinai and instead sends a man God idol trinity human sacrifice calvary to die for world sins to replace Torah laws with a Greek new testament..

    • @jamesarnette1394
      @jamesarnette1394 6 місяців тому +1

      What? were you stoned when you wrote this? What are you trying to say?

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

    • @MitzvosGolem1
      @MitzvosGolem1 6 місяців тому

      @@OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat So you claim that G_d made a mistake and changed mind about eternal covenant made on Sinai and instead sends a man God idol trinity human sacrifice calvary to die for world sins and replace Torah laws with a Greek new testament which curses Torah laws and Jews?
      We don't ..
      No where in Hebrew scripture sources does G-d say anything about 1500 years in future I will have a man nailed to a Roman stick who will be worshipped as god and replace everything I have commanded on Sinai with a Greek new book.

  • @TheOminousBlade
    @TheOminousBlade 6 місяців тому

    I misunderstand, is he saying that jesus is not the son of god or is he saying that the bible never predicted a savior.

    • @KasperKatje
      @KasperKatje 6 місяців тому +1

      No, he is explaining that you can't read/place/claim Jesus as the messiah using the Torah/OT.
      Judaism never meant to be the base for Christianity, it is just a tribal/national religion with their tribal/national god.

    • @TheOminousBlade
      @TheOminousBlade 6 місяців тому

      @@KasperKatje Isn’t the god of Abraham what christians follow?

    • @KasperKatje
      @KasperKatje 6 місяців тому

      @@TheOminousBlade Does that matter? You can't just take a holy book from another religion and make it look like they wrote about Jesus.
      By the way, it's not clear if Christians believe in the god of Abraham because there are clues that it was still El they worshipped back then.

    • @TheOminousBlade
      @TheOminousBlade 6 місяців тому

      @@KasperKatje It matters because if the religion was not built off judaism, then they wouldn’t believe in the god of Abraham.

    • @TheOminousBlade
      @TheOminousBlade 6 місяців тому

      @@KasperKatje Furthermore, are you a man of faith?

  • @chev39rsh
    @chev39rsh 6 місяців тому

    I think if you examine the Jesus figure as the inner journey then all humans have two beings within them. One, the animal and two the virgin spirit. The flesh is the serpent or genetic self, and the virgin is the awakening mind discovering the immense destiny of the infinite as a virgin of the mind awakening. Call it recognizing the spirit within and it has to be built along recognition or acceptance..
    So the story of Jesus , is the story of self journey. You become closer to your truths by accepting something beyond what the flesh can see.
    You are saved by the belief in the infinite and that resurrection lifts you above the physical evidence.
    Like the story in Shrek.Is it true? NO. Does it tell a valuable story ,? YES.
    You must battle the serpent, the flesh, be saved by the virgin, the inner mind and use the tools gained from experience and adherence to justice to be saved or made alive.
    Your inner mind is Jesus NOT God, but salvation is through accepting that inner being as your witness, your savior, and through using its measure , you are saved from your inner animal, the genetic signals brought forth from the lizard brain, the serpent and then grow to be alive in the universal spirit.
    At least in that tale is used over and over to try to get people to think.
    The savior is within. A virgin kernel waiting to be resurrected as a guiding force, how else would you tell that tale ?
    Over and over the Hebrews tried to explain that ultimate guidance to train the inner mind is through rule of law and universal authorship. One must submit the animal tendencies to higher order of the author. The journey is through the spirit and salvation is laid out as a plan from the maker.
    What religions DON'T declare that GOD is the gateway to escaping the animal existences limitations and attach surrogates to that gateway?? So yes, Christians , or Greco /Romans devised a dogma to set in stone a theory that Jesus, or your inner being, was GOD, or at least his son, the ultimate authority and one who you should lay prostrate to. How else do you create willing slaves?
    Even if the man didn't declare himself God , it was not far reaching for those who cam afterwards to recommend that it be so.Thus is the nature of religion.

  • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
    @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

    Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
    A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
    The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
    Do you know your Father?
    The name of the Father?
    Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
    And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
    Amos 8:11-12
    Isaiah 55:6-8
    John 16:25
    Luke 24:25
    Jeremiah 12:10
    Acts 20:288
    John 1:18
    John 14
    1John 1-5
    Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
    Isaiah 42
    Isaiah 43:10-11
    John 8:23-25
    Ephesians 5:25-32
    Philippians 2:5-13
    Titus 2:11-15
    Ephesians 4:1-16
    Matthew 28:18-20
    Acts 10:46-48
    Acts 19:1-5
    Romans 8:15
    Galatians 4:6
    2 Corinthians 5:17-21
    Ephesians 5:25-32
    Romans 6:1-23
    1 John 1:7
    Matthew 23
    Psalms 46:10
    Mark 4:39-41
    1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
    Adam (man)
    Seth (appointed)
    Enosh (mortal)
    Kenan (sorrow)
    Mahalalel (the blessed God)
    Jared (shall come down)
    Enoch (teaching)
    Methuselah (His death shall bring)
    Lamech (the hopeless)
    Noah (rest)
    Shem (And Set apart)
    Ham (By fire)
    Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @toniacollinske2518
    @toniacollinske2518 6 місяців тому +1

    I know I'm not supposed to comment on the OP's looks, and I'm not, really. It's just that something about him makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. An ick

  • @davidjanbaz7728
    @davidjanbaz7728 6 місяців тому

    Is John 20: 28 in the Bible????

  • @denisemaxwell51
    @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому

    Wrong Dan.
    The. word of God says
    Jhn 10:30 I and my Father are one.
    Jhn 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (The word being Christ, Logos)
    Jhn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
    Mat 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
    Jhn 14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
    Jhn 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

    • @denisemaxwell51
      @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому

      He's not talking about the Old or New Testament. His very title is literally Does the bible say the Savior will be God.
      And I'm telling you through God's Holy Word Jesus is God in the flesh.
      Gal 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?
      Btw Jesus is mentioned in the O.T. in many places. Maybe you should read the bible for yourself, and check behind the people you follow.

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

    • @denisemaxwell51
      @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому

      Yes, he is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
      Let, me school you. Think spiritually.
      You could be a Father to your children, A husband to your wife, and a teacher to your students. Right?
      Three titles/offices but you remain in that body. Do you leave that body? No.
      God is Jesus in the flesh.

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Please be patient with me , I do recognize you to be well educated in the word and I'm mostly in agreement with you however there is a bigger picture of God's love I want to show you.
      This scripture below is talking about the Father , there is a Father and Son relationship but we have to have a heavenly understanding of it , Jesus said if He tells us earthly things and we dont understand then how can He tell us of the heavenly?
      The devil created lying correct? Jesus said the devil is the Father of lying.
      Jesus returned to the blossom of the Father that meaning the Christ of God ( Jesus Christ is the heart of God) that famous worldly saying I'll tear my heart out and give it to you that was stolen from God because only He can do that and live.
      Jesus Christ is the son of God because He proceeded forth from God ( meaning out of God).
      Jesus said He is the way the truth and the Life. ( -This is who God the Father is Father of).
      1 John 3:1-6
      [1]Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.
      [2]Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
      [3]And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
      [4]Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
      [5]And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
      [6]Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.
      1 Corinthians 3:18-20
      [18]Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.
      [19]For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
      [20]And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.

    • @denisemaxwell51
      @denisemaxwell51 6 місяців тому

      All true biblical verses. However the topic is Does the bible say the Savior is God. I'm have showed you in God's Holy Word. That Jesus is God in the flesh. This man is an antichrist! Read the scriptures I put here.

  • @iswiu2bl
    @iswiu2bl 6 місяців тому

    Why do you say 'God themselves'?

    • @FaptainCalcon750
      @FaptainCalcon750 6 місяців тому

      YHWH is referred to in plural in the Hebrew cause that's just how the launguage worked. Other specific gods were also referred to the same way.

    • @iswiu2bl
      @iswiu2bl 6 місяців тому

      @FaptainCalcon750 Thank you for replying~ But since Dan was speaking in English, I thought he should use what the Hebrew Grammer meant to say which is plural majesty where the meaning is singular.

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @glenwillson5073
    @glenwillson5073 6 місяців тому +1

    Not only is the Messiah God, the saved also become God.

    • @davidjanbaz7728
      @davidjanbaz7728 6 місяців тому +2

      LOL 😂 to you becoming god.

    • @Betts-Betts
      @Betts-Betts 6 місяців тому +2


    • @glenwillson5073
      @glenwillson5073 6 місяців тому

      Mormonism? Is it, I don't know? The specifics could be quite different though? I don't think Dan is keen on the idea.

    • @Betts-Betts
      @Betts-Betts 6 місяців тому

      @@glenwillson5073 he is Mormon

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому +1

      Philippians 2:5-
      The saved become equal with God and it's only by the sacrifice God made so through respect and appreciation we are humble and serve Him

  • @jerryhogeweide5288
    @jerryhogeweide5288 6 місяців тому

    Isa 53 in the LXX and DSS has the saying that after he suffers, he sees the light and it’s through his knowledge people are saved. It’s not saying Jesus was god, but it’s also not saying Israel the nation is the agency through which salvation comes. This is also imposing religious beliefs into the text. I can see you just can’t bring yourself to do the scholarly thing and admit it’s not about them either yet you quote it as your reason for inserting your own beliefs. Overwhelming consensus no doubt is the catch phrase you will always assert to defend these talking points and ignoring Isa 48 where Israel specifically is addressed as the ‘house of Jacob who they call themselves Israel’ should be clear that the nation isn’t the one in view. Jacob himself is the only one addressed and given that name and interchangeably is used in the singular. Whoever it is has been given the name Israel. No need to pretend the writer is taking poetic license just to fit your apparent theology or make excuses for any group imposing their own interpretations either.

    • @JopJio
      @JopJio 6 місяців тому +4

      The Lxx and DSS just like the Mt speak of the servant in Isaiah 53. The servant is identified as Israel multiple times. The Lxx even applied Isaiah 42 to Israel. Read verse 1. And In Isaiah 48 it just says that Isrsel, out of the house of Jacob are called Israel. It doesn't say they call themselves Israel

    • @jerryhogeweide5288
      @jerryhogeweide5288 6 місяців тому

      @@infiniti28160 Jacob was given that vision of the ascending and descending angels. Remember they were messengers. His name is then changed to Israel and god promises to bring him back into the land. If you read the text more literally then reincarnation of the same Jacob is easy to see. The messengers were the prophets sent to Israel, most of which were tested and suffered for that. Jesus also of course tested. In Rev, you see the lamb who was slain since the beginning. Jesus seemed to know that he existed even before Abraham and preferred the term ‘son of man’, literally translated son of Adam. I think it’s possible he believed he was Adam himself. And again in Rev he comes bearing a name no one knows but he himself. Reading the suffering servant passages, it’s not hard to see God was placing the meme Israel on him. In 53, you see more than one life described and Jesus did fit much of it like a glove. Except he didn’t live a long life or have children. He also was never numbered like a prisoner would be and he seemed to enjoy popularity instead of being despised and rejected. Though he was on that fateful weekend, it fits better describing the one who lives a long life and has children. It’s a stretch to say he fulfilled it all and there are multiple deaths in the original language that’s also been somewhat mistranslated from what I’ve found. So a simpler reading which does assume reincarnation is that Jesus himself was confirming the covenant between Israel and god through his own obedience. It’s a different message than what Christians believe that god needed someone to be punished taking our place.
      So Isa is painting a portrait of the messiah still coming who must suffer all those things except that gruesome death and be tested again. He could be a Palestinian who do suffer this way. When Jesus stopped reading that passage in Isa, he knew he wouldn’t be fulfilling all of it. He was also reading Daniel 9 and following the script. He kept it a secret until around 30CE knowing the count started around 457BCE. During the last week, he also attempted to stop the sacrifices. That count started a second time in 1535 by the Ottomans and just before the end of 62 weeks, it was recaptured in that 6 day war. At the end of 69 weeks, there was that sign in Virgo describing Rev 12 with the messiah being born naturally as you may know. It was a great sign and also supports a reincarnation idea.
      It’s too bad the culture of Judaism had instilled this need for blood sacrifices and so the idea that god demanded punishment ruined his reputation. Jesus seemed to know what would happen and warned the Jews of the day people would kill them thinking they were acting with God’s authority. So it pleased god to bring him back and cause him to suffer again, only throughout a long life. This restores God’s reputation and resolves the riddle of that suffering servant and ends Judaism’s infatuation with worshipping their own image instead of god.

    • @jerryhogeweide5288
      @jerryhogeweide5288 6 місяців тому

      @@JopJio Isa 42:1 does not say Israel and the context of most of that chapter is singular referring to just one person.
      Isa 48, god does not address them as Israel directly, saying the ‘house of Jacob, who are called Israel’. This in no way supports the rest of the suffering servant passages to refer to the nation and seems a stroke of genius that god indirectly says they are called Israel but his view is the house of Jacob. Big difference. You’re right that it doesn’t specify who decided they were also Israel but in giving that name specifically to Jacob, there’s no reason to assume the people bear that name at least as far as god is concerned I’ve already written a more thorough response to the other reply so read that. In essence, it’s replacement theology to assume those passages meant all Israel.

    • @pepepena1937
      @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому

      @@JopJio-“the servant is identified as Israel multiple times”- *FROM THE HORSES MOUTH (Tovia Singer)* I thought it was ISRAEL?😲😲😲😲 Weren't Christians Corrupt to think that it was about a person?😲😲😲
      “In rabbinic thought, all of God’s faithful, gentiles included (Zechariah 13:8-9), endure suffering on behalf of God (Isaiah 40:2; Zechariah 1:15). Thus, Jewish leaders of the past, such as Moses12 and Jeremiah,13) Rabbi Akiva,14 as well as future eschatological figures, such as 👉 *the messiah ben Joseph* 👈 and 👉 *the messiah ben David* 👈, are held up in rabbinic literature as individuals who exemplify the “servant” who willingly suffers on behalf of Heaven.”
      “When Isaiah speaks of the suffering remnant of Israel,
      👉 *the messianic king* 👈 is, therefore, included. The final heir of David’s throne is an integral member of the pious of Israel. This is, according to rabbinic interpretation, the pshat, or the plain meaning of the text in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12.”
      “In order to shed much-needed light on the famed Servant Songs, numerous rabbinic commentators hold up Jewish heroes as a paradigm of Isaiah 53’s “servant.” Accordingly, while on one hand the Talmud, Zohar, and other ancient rabbinic texts state explicitly that the “servant” of Isaiah 53 refers to the faithful of corporate Jewry,16 the same sources frequently point to renowned saints of Israel as an archetype of the Suffering Servant. These virtuous individuals include saints such as Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah,
      👉 *the messiah the son of Joseph and David* 👈 - each of them embodies perfect examples of God’s servant, the righteous remnant of Israel.”
      “Bear in mind that the rabbinic commentary on Isaiah 53 is not dualistic or multilateral. Meaning, the sages of old did not suggest that Isaiah 53 refers to either the righteous remnant of Israel, Moses, Jeremiah, or an anointed leader. Rather, the servant in all four Servant Songs are the faithful descendants of Abraham. Isaiah 53 attests to unprecedented worldwide repentance of all of mankind - a redemptive achievement accomplished by no other saint in history. Therefore, rabbinic commentators
      👉 *tend to lift up the messiah’s name more frequently* 👈 than the names of other faithful servants of God.”
      *Tovia Singer*
      *Outreach Judaism*

    • @jerryhogeweide5288
      @jerryhogeweide5288 6 місяців тому

      @@infiniti28160 Ok I’ll look up those verses later. My take on that sacrifice is he was fulfilling the Atonement sacrifice and it was somewhat prophetic. He was that first goat sacrificed and the suffering servant is a description of the scapegoat. History shows Jesus has become the scapegoat blamed and hated and Tovia is a prime example of that. So the one coming lives like that scapegoat hated and despised and shown the door just as all his followers are that are Jewish. The rabbis unfortunately didn’t follow the strict command to hand it over to a caretaker and instead led it over a cliff repeatedly thinking it was better to keep sin from returning. When he returns, they will look upon the one they’ve been piercing and mourn for that firstborn son.
      I’m not saying you don’t have a valid viewpoint and there’s other ways to look at it. Babysitting now so can’t dive in too deep right now.

  • @jordanpresnell4996
    @jordanpresnell4996 6 місяців тому

    How can you be a “Bible Scholar” and honestly say that Jesus didn’t claim to be God. This is the problem with Critical Biblical Scholars is they don’t know how to understand the text in context to the references given. Jesus himself says “Abraham rejoiced to see MY day” “Before Abraham was I am” “The Son of man will come upon clouds from heaven” “Moses was writing about ME” Look at the book of Daniel to understand who the Son of Man is, he has a throne in heaven which means he is being served which only God is served on a throne and given a kingdom. Isaiah uses the same exact phrase in Hebrew that translates to Exalted and lifted up with the humble servant (messiah) and Yahweh. John Jesus’ most beloved disciple says explicitly that The Word is God and The Word is Jesus. When you take a microscope and dissect each verse of the Bible obviously you can’t see the picture being painted take a step back! Lord Have mercy this is such low level argumentation. Go talk to The Orthodox and see how long these low level assertions last for.

    • @celsus7979
      @celsus7979 2 місяці тому

      It's you who doesn't know the context. All your points are thoroughly explained in some of his videos.

    • @celsus7979
      @celsus7979 2 місяці тому

      There are about 100 mentions of Hesus sitting at the right hand of God in heaven.
      If he came down to earth in human form, why continue in heaven with a split personality game when the curtains are lifted?
      Rhetorical question, we'll never agree I'm sure.

  • @MusicalRaichu
    @MusicalRaichu 6 місяців тому

    Yeah even as a Christian, I agree.
    I think Jesus really did "fulfil" most of the OT in various senses and that he "was God ... [who] became flesh", but this was only discernable in hindsight. It is less obvious than "here's a verse that predicts that the Messiah would be God". As Ephesians said, "he has made known to us ... the *mystery* of his will".
    How do you spell discernable? My spell checker is complaining.

    • @ancientflames
      @ancientflames 6 місяців тому

      Jesus can fulfil anything if he’s doing it in hindsight. Kinda makes prophecy moot.
      If I’m writing about myself I could easily point of how all sorts of world event had to happen for me to come and save everyone. Future apologists of mine could show how according to the scriptures I wrote I am fulfilling complex physical and spiritual rituals and concepts and it would all be a bunch of fantasy just like it is in the Bible.

    • @MusicalRaichu
      @MusicalRaichu 6 місяців тому

      @@ancientflames precisely not what i'm saying. it's not about predictions coming true.
      it's about unifying in one person every role and theme of the old testament: God, man, creator, created, life, death, sin, righteousness, law, love, mercy, forgiveness, law-giver, covenant, prophet, priest, sacrifice, atonement, king, servant, curse, blessing, wisdom, blessings to the nations, saviour, messiah, witness. you try doing that.
      even when the NT quotes prophecy that was "fulfilled", there's often a deeper theme involved. e.g. the Emmanuel "prophecy" is not a "prediction" about some kid being born (which was "fulfilled" in Isaiah's time by a woman who was presumably already pregnant). it's about God being with his people, on their side, saving them. Jesus satisfied the role of saviour.

    • @ancientflames
      @ancientflames 6 місяців тому

      @@MusicalRaichu you didn’t read all of what I wrote as I clearly addressed that.
      It’s easy to have someone familiar with Jewish custom to write about a Jewish figure fulfilling or reenacting that custom on a higher (spiritual) level. It makes the text seem deep and multi layered when really it’s just bog standard story telling found in any decent myth or fantasy book.

    • @MusicalRaichu
      @MusicalRaichu 6 місяців тому

      @@ancientflames i listed a whole swathe of themes. how could you invent one person to embody all that? maybe some, but the entire OT all at once? and it's nothing like a novel. it's multiple authors writing for different purposes over centuries even disagreeing sometimes.

    • @ancientflames
      @ancientflames 6 місяців тому

      @@MusicalRaichu Easily. Have you ever read a good fantasy novel? Like really. Something like lord of the rings of game of thrones have equally and more complicated themes and not just for one but a myriad of characters, interweaving and conflicting.
      Having themes a God does not one make.

  • @jesuschristbiblebiblestudy
    @jesuschristbiblebiblestudy 6 місяців тому +1

    Jesus Christ is God.
    Paul refers to Him as 'Christ Jesus,' in his letters.
    'Christ' means 'Anointed One'' in other words, the Messiah. So Paul uses this as a divine name of holy reverence for Jesus.
    Jesus Christ is God, and He will return at the Parousia (Judgment Day) to judge all mankind.
    Open your Bible, and read about our Lord's 'verdict' in John 3: 16-21.
    God bless you and keep you.
    Pastor John

    • @Y_al_muahid
      @Y_al_muahid 6 місяців тому +6

      You can be a pastor with this ridiculous knowledge ? How did you make from that he is referred to as messiah that he is God? And messiah isn’t a name it’s a title also used for David in the Old Testament

    • @pepepena1937
      @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому

      @@Y_al_muahidMr. Know it all according to Isaiah 59:16 the one doing the interceding in 53 is *NOT* a man. This servant would *VINDICATE/JuSTIFY* others spiritually something *UNEQUIVOCALLY* done by GOD

    • @pepepena1937
      @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому

      @@MrMortal_RaOh yes. according to Isaiah 59:16 the one doing the interceding in 53 is *NOT* a man. This servant would *VINDICATE/JuSTIFY* others spiritually something *UNEQUIVOCALLY* done by GOD

    • @pepepena1937
      @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому

      @@MrMortal_Ra -“the nation of Israel as a collective group”- *FROM THE HORSES MOUTH (Tovia Singer)* I thought it was ISRAEL?😲😲😲😲 Weren't Christians Corrupt to think that it was about a person?😲😲😲
      “In rabbinic thought, all of God’s faithful, gentiles included (Zechariah 13:8-9), endure suffering on behalf of God (Isaiah 40:2; Zechariah 1:15). Thus, Jewish leaders of the past, such as Moses12 and Jeremiah,13) Rabbi Akiva,14 as well as future eschatological figures, such as 👉 *the messiah ben Joseph* 👈 and 👉 *the messiah ben David* 👈, are held up in rabbinic literature as individuals who exemplify the “servant” who willingly suffers on behalf of Heaven.”
      “When Isaiah speaks of the suffering remnant of Israel,
      👉 *the messianic king* 👈 is, therefore, included. The final heir of David’s throne is an integral member of the pious of Israel. This is, according to rabbinic interpretation, the pshat, or the plain meaning of the text in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12.”
      “In order to shed much-needed light on the famed Servant Songs, numerous rabbinic commentators hold up Jewish heroes as a paradigm of Isaiah 53’s “servant.” Accordingly, while on one hand the Talmud, Zohar, and other ancient rabbinic texts state explicitly that the “servant” of Isaiah 53 refers to the faithful of corporate Jewry,16 the same sources frequently point to renowned saints of Israel as an archetype of the Suffering Servant. These virtuous individuals include saints such as Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah,
      👉 *the messiah the son of Joseph and David* 👈 - each of them embodies perfect examples of God’s servant, the righteous remnant of Israel.”
      “Bear in mind that the rabbinic commentary on Isaiah 53 is not dualistic or multilateral. Meaning, the sages of old did not suggest that Isaiah 53 refers to either the righteous remnant of Israel, Moses, Jeremiah, or an anointed leader. Rather, the servant in all four Servant Songs are the faithful descendants of Abraham. Isaiah 53 attests to unprecedented worldwide repentance of all of mankind - a redemptive achievement accomplished by no other saint in history. Therefore, rabbinic commentators
      👉 *tend to lift up the messiah’s name more frequently* 👈 than the names of other faithful servants of God.”
      *Tovia Singer*
      *Outreach Judaism*

    • @pepepena1937
      @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому

      @@MrMortal_Ra -“the nation of Israel”- *FROM THE HORSES MOUTH (Tovia Singer)* I thought it was ISRAEL?😲😲😲😲 Weren't Christians Corrupt to think that it was about a person?😲😲😲
      “In rabbinic thought, all of God’s faithful, gentiles included (Zechariah 13:8-9), endure suffering on behalf of God (Isaiah 40:2; Zechariah 1:15). Thus, Jewish leaders of the past, such as Moses12 and Jeremiah,13) Rabbi Akiva,14 as well as future eschatological figures, such as 👉 *the messiah ben Joseph* 👈 and 👉 *the messiah ben David* 👈, are held up in rabbinic literature as individuals who exemplify the “servant” who willingly suffers on behalf of Heaven.”
      “When Isaiah speaks of the suffering remnant of Israel,
      👉 *the messianic king* 👈 is, therefore, included. The final heir of David’s throne is an integral member of the pious of Israel. This is, according to rabbinic interpretation, the pshat, or the plain meaning of the text in Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12.”
      “In order to shed much-needed light on the famed Servant Songs, numerous rabbinic commentators hold up Jewish heroes as a paradigm of Isaiah 53’s “servant.” Accordingly, while on one hand the Talmud, Zohar, and other ancient rabbinic texts state explicitly that the “servant” of Isaiah 53 refers to the faithful of corporate Jewry,16 the same sources frequently point to renowned saints of Israel as an archetype of the Suffering Servant. These virtuous individuals include saints such as Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah,
      👉 *the messiah the son of Joseph and David* 👈 - each of them embodies perfect examples of God’s servant, the righteous remnant of Israel.”
      “Bear in mind that the rabbinic commentary on Isaiah 53 is not dualistic or multilateral. Meaning, the sages of old did not suggest that Isaiah 53 refers to either the righteous remnant of Israel, Moses, Jeremiah, or an anointed leader. Rather, the servant in all four Servant Songs are the faithful descendants of Abraham. Isaiah 53 attests to unprecedented worldwide repentance of all of mankind - a redemptive achievement accomplished by no other saint in history. Therefore, rabbinic commentators
      👉 *tend to lift up the messiah’s name more frequently* 👈 than the names of other faithful servants of God.”
      *Tovia Singer*
      *Outreach Judaism*

  • @schen7913
    @schen7913 6 місяців тому +2

    Not relevant, but the bald guy's head makes me uncomfortable as he turns it.

  • @pepepena1937
    @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому +1

    *MR. CLUELESS* with a PhD according to Isaiah 59:16 the one doing the interceding in 53 is *NOT* a man. This servant would *VINDICATE/JuSTIFY* others spiritually something *UNEQUIVOCALLY* done by GOD

    • @JopJio
      @JopJio 6 місяців тому +3

      Isaiah 59 is not about intercession and is not part of the servant song. And the servant justifies by his knowledge, not by his blood. And to make intercession means to ask God for forgiveness of others. So the one making intercession is not God himself and identified as plural and Israelites
      And most important: intercession and knowledge can not bring forgiveness in Christianity, because "without THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD there is no forgiveness" (Hebrew 9 22)

    • @pepepena1937
      @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому

      @@JopJio -“intercession and knowledge cannot bring forgiveness”- Who said intercession and knowledge brings forgiveness” ? The shedding of the blood brings forgiveness , the knowledge *VINDICATES/JUSTIFIES* . Actually the same Hebrew word which appears*ONLY* 2 times (bə·ḏa‘·tōw) used in Proverbs 3:20 “With His knowledge the depths were split, and the heavens drip dew.”

    • @pepepena1937
      @pepepena1937 6 місяців тому

      @@JopJio I’ll make you a deal find me *JUST ONE TIME* where someone other than GOD *VINDICATES/JUSTIFIES* others spiritually and I’ll leave Christianity. All I need is *JUST ONE* 🙏🙏🙏

    • @JopJio
      @JopJio 6 місяців тому +3

      @@pepepena1937 the servant Israel justifies by his knowledge = his teaching to keep the torah. According to Deuteronomy everyone who keeps God's commandment is just in God's eyes. So he does not justify them directly.
      He does not justify by his blood or life. Knowledge and intercession can also not atone sins in Christianity. Of course Intercession can bring forgiveness, intercession means to pray for the forgiveness of others🤣. Just like Justification, in order to be Just in God's eyes

    • @JopJio
      @JopJio 6 місяців тому +2

      @@pepepena1937 intercession can bring forgiveness in the torah, knowledge/a teaching too, repentance, money, flour, charity. Hebrew 9 22 is therefore wrong. And Isaiah 53 can not be about Jesus.

  • @EdtheTraveler
    @EdtheTraveler 6 місяців тому +1

    I think the T-shirt pretty much says it all. This guys doctrine or data as he calls it will lead you there. Matthew 11:25 shows why Dan cannot connect the dots.

    • @ancientflames
      @ancientflames 6 місяців тому +1

      😂 maybe refute him instead of complaining about a shirt.

    • @EdtheTraveler
      @EdtheTraveler 6 місяців тому +1

      @@ancientflames I did and have many times.

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @BenM61
    @BenM61 6 місяців тому

    Jesus a god? What a blatant blasphemy.
    Quran 4:171 People of the Book! Do not go to extremes in your religion. Say nothing but the truth about God. The Christ Jesus, son of Mary, was only a messenger of God and His word, conveyed to Mary, a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers and do not say: There are three [gods]. Desist, it will be better for you. Indeed, God is the one and only God. His Holiness is far above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And God is sufficient as a guardian
    4:172 Surely, the Messiah would never disdain to be accounted a servant of God. Nor would the angels who are nearest to Him. If any do disdain to worship Him, and grow arrogant, He will in any case gather them all before Him.

    • @jamesarnette1394
      @jamesarnette1394 6 місяців тому +1

      By the way, all of Christianity is Blasphemous to islam. In fact if we got rid of everything that is Blasphemous to Islam there would be nothing left.

    • @whoever6244
      @whoever6244 6 місяців тому

      I am sorry but Jesus IS the God because this is what the Bible says. Your quran says that the gospel is the word of God and that the word of God can’t be corrupted therefore the gospel about Jesus Christ is correct and the quran is not

    • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
      @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

      Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
      A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
      The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
      Do you know your Father?
      The name of the Father?
      Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
      And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
      Amos 8:11-12
      Isaiah 55:6-8
      John 16:25
      Luke 24:25
      Jeremiah 12:10
      Acts 20:288
      John 1:18
      John 14
      1John 1-5
      Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
      Isaiah 42
      Isaiah 43:10-11
      John 8:23-25
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Philippians 2:5-13
      Titus 2:11-15
      Ephesians 4:1-16
      Matthew 28:18-20
      Acts 10:46-48
      Acts 19:1-5
      Romans 8:15
      Galatians 4:6
      2 Corinthians 5:17-21
      Ephesians 5:25-32
      Romans 6:1-23
      1 John 1:7
      Matthew 23
      Psalms 46:10
      Mark 4:39-41
      1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
      Adam (man)
      Seth (appointed)
      Enosh (mortal)
      Kenan (sorrow)
      Mahalalel (the blessed God)
      Jared (shall come down)
      Enoch (teaching)
      Methuselah (His death shall bring)
      Lamech (the hopeless)
      Noah (rest)
      Shem (And Set apart)
      Ham (By fire)
      Japeth (A Straight way)

  • @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat
    @OneOfTheLeastOfTheGreat 6 місяців тому

    Jesus is the Father He is the Son and He is the Holy Ghost this is what it means to call Him Lord it's written these 3 ARE ONE!!! IT DOES NOT SAY THERE ARE 3 IN ONE!!!
    A wise man considers a whole matter before He speaks I would be very careful that you hold your tongue that you blaspheme not the Holy Spirit.
    The Holy Ghost has a NAME.....?!?!? The greatest mystery in the Bible revealed!!!! Mystery of the Godhead Fully Revealed.
    Do you know your Father?
    The name of the Father?
    Jehovah , YHWH , Elohim , Adonai , This may surprise you but these aren't actually names but are only just meanings to describe The Father which meanings are as followed , is God , Master , Ruler , To Be or I Am , Maker , creator , He that is , Most High , He who sees , Healer , I'm there , Righteousness , Power , Holiness , so what is the Fathers name of these are but descriptions of Him?
    And how is it that it's written no man has seen God at anytime yet Jacob wrested with Him and even said that he had seen God face to face and has lived?
    Amos 8:11-12
    Isaiah 55:6-8
    John 16:25
    Luke 24:25
    Jeremiah 12:10
    Acts 20:288
    John 1:18
    John 14
    1John 1-5
    Matthew 5:17-Matthew 7
    Isaiah 42
    Isaiah 43:10-11
    John 8:23-25
    Ephesians 5:25-32
    Philippians 2:5-13
    Titus 2:11-15
    Ephesians 4:1-16
    Matthew 28:18-20
    Acts 10:46-48
    Acts 19:1-5
    Romans 8:15
    Galatians 4:6
    2 Corinthians 5:17-21
    Ephesians 5:25-32
    Romans 6:1-23
    1 John 1:7
    Matthew 23
    Psalms 46:10
    Mark 4:39-41
    1 Chronicles 1-4 prophecy.
    Adam (man)
    Seth (appointed)
    Enosh (mortal)
    Kenan (sorrow)
    Mahalalel (the blessed God)
    Jared (shall come down)
    Enoch (teaching)
    Methuselah (His death shall bring)
    Lamech (the hopeless)
    Noah (rest)
    Shem (And Set apart)
    Ham (By fire)
    Japeth (A Straight way)