Ancient kurdish fantasy land? Piling up lie after lie.. You can love anatolian culture (like anyone else), but you guys are as native to the area as turks..
@@whitelotus_zero You mind your business and don't decide who is who. You probably a racist Turk who can only poooo three times a day. I decide & describe my nationality not someone else. God Created us as KURDs, therefore we were born as Kurds in a Kurdish soil, will live as Kurds and die as Kurds.
It must be a dream of many people to be part of that community. This dance shows not just beauty, it's show power of one nation. Fallin in love with Greece more and more. Big hug for all Greek brothers. Serbia loves you
@@killa4life3333 I thought I knew much of Greek culture, music, dance, but there are so many regions and each has its own particular dance or song. I have been watching Pontic music recently and I am amazed from it. Χαιρετισμός
@@sssss1376 Am from Iraq originally , we all know most of the music , dances are Turkish , also most of our food we have today is Turkish also . But we didn't inherit many other things that would change our identity despite of the brutal effort was enforced for a long time . Peace on earth .
You right.....i discovered them 6 month before....when i was young student at scool in africa mother was french.....wite and my father black.....i learn a little LATIN......LATIN....I SHOULD BETTER LEARN GREC LANGUAGE BUT LIFE ITS FIGHT
@@bashkim19991 Envy us envy us.ignorant goat herder chicken thief servant of the Greeks!! I want to see you geting sick of jealousy for the Greeks you always will be our servants because your IQ is smaller of the size of my.shoe.... inbreed chicken thief albano😜🤣🤣🤣🤣🐖🐖
Uzun yıllardır, bu kadar kendimi kaptırdığım, bütünüyle kendimi içinde hissettiğim böylesi bir etkinlik görmemiştim. Birlik, beraberlik, paylaşım, saygı, hoşgörü, onure etme... Darmadağın blr süreçte bunu seyretmenin doyumsuz mutluluğunu yaşıyorum. Katılımcı herkesi baştan sona kutluyorum.
- Έγραψε: "Εδώ και πολλά χρόνια, δεν έχω ξαναδεί μια τέτοια εκδήλωση στην οποία να βυθίστηκα τόσο πολύ και να νιώθω ότι συμμετέχω πλήρως. Ενότητα, αλληλεγγύη, μοίρασμα, σεβασμός, ανεκτικότητα, τιμή... Βιώνω την ακόρεστη ευτυχία να παρακολουθώ αυτό το γεγονός σε μια ανοργάνωτη διαδικασία. Συγχαίρω όλους όσους συμμετείχαν."
خیلی خیلی خیلی خوب بود چه همه باهم شاد و مثل خواهر و برادر بام خوش هستند ولی ما ملت ایران با این همه تمدن و فرهنگ ایرانی گرفتار حکومت خرافات و آخوند و مولا هستیم 😂😂😂😂و 😢😢😢😢😢
I love you!!!! With all my heart, I LOVE YOU!!!! We're right there with you and for you Filastiiiiiiin!!!! You'll always be in our hearts our beloved brothers and sisters!!!! BELOVED BELOVED BELOVED!!!!
@@د.أبوأمجدالمصري thank you! I know what i wrote sounded too much and melodramatic, but, my closest friend is Palestinian, and he and his family have been going through so much trouble with all these terrible things taking place over there.. it’s such a tragedy, for so many.. So last night we spoke, he gave me the latest news, then i got drunk, came back home, read your comment and started crying -i wept- because he and all your people are on my mind and it’s just too much
@@crudecod Thank you very much. And begged you to take all things easy.. Donot worry. In spite of all things we are enjoying our life as the things were normal.. This is the nature of life!!! Never mind my dear
Greece is the birthplace of the West and part of it. You find this kind of togetherness all over the West, you just have to open up to it and allow it to enter your life.
Χαιρετισμούς από τη νότια πλευρά του Σικάγο! Όμορφος χορός! Αγάπη στον ελληνικό λαό. Greetings from the south side of Chicago! Beautiful dance! Love to the Greek people.
I agree with your message. Love to all the greek and Greek Cypriot people all over the world. My pappou was from Kriti the other one from Cyprus .Me thermes efhes
Saluti da Milano ,Amo la Grecia e la sua bellissima musica Complimenti a tutti i rragazzi che mantengono viva ila traduzione,Io sono Albanese.Lo sento tutti i giorni e no mi anoio mai a vedere questo ballo.Le rragazze sono fantastiche.Un abbraccio
@@supermavro6072 So much ignorance in the world. Even the erymology of the word philosopher is greek, so many greek philosophers and in classic art greek is a major influence to start with..
@@epidemicrochip3033 Yeah so many Greek philosophas or matimaticians weren't able to handle the debt crisis right ? Hey....even the word debt itself is Greek. Why didn't you command it to leave.
Very attractive people. Living the traditional healthy life we were made to live it. Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 The country where people grow old but not as old as in Ikaria 😉
@@rrocketman The cities are beautiful but I think the landscape is monotonous and boring, also no nature. I think Greece has much better landscapes but good that you enjoy also the Dutch landscapes🇳🇱🇬🇷
Я всегда любила мифы про греческих богов... И только увидев этот танец, я поняла что за человек был Одиссей! Что поддерживало его, его ум и смекалку! Он был сыном своей великой земли! Греки, вы лучшие!
Μετάφραση από τα ρωσικά : " Πάντα μου άρεσαν οι μύθοι για τους Έλληνες θεούς... Μόνο όταν είδα αυτόν τον χορό κατάλαβα τι είδους άνθρωπος ήταν ο Οδυσσέας! Τι τον στήριζε, η εξυπνάδα και το πνεύμα του! Ήταν γιος της μεγάλης του χώρας! ... Έλληνες, είστε οι καλύτεροι ! " Translation from Russian : " I've always loved myths about the Greek gods... It wasn't until I saw this dance that I understood what kind of man Odysseus was! What sustained him, his intelligence and wit! He was a son of his great land! .... Greeks, you're the best ! "
We hadn’t social media. Humans, laughter, love, talking in the nights until morning, drinking, working, eating and dancing was our social platform! I want those times back!
Άτιμοι όλου του κόσμου,ότι και να κάνετε,δεν θα μας αλλάξετε ποτέ.Ξερετε γιατί;Γιατί δεν έχετε τέτοια μουσική,τέτοιο ταμπεραμέντο,τέτοια όρεξη για την ζωή.Με μια ελιά ένα κρεμμύδι και ένα μεροκάματο,λίγο κρασί μπορούμε να χορεύουμε μέρες και νύχτες ολόκληρες.Δε θα μας φθάσετε ποτέ.
Bonjour, j'aime votre vidéo. Vous dansez ensemble, quel bonheur. Soyez toujours heureux. Un grand bonjour de France. Paix sur terre et jamais oublier que la musique Unie.Bravo, et surtout continuer ainsi.Soyez toujours dans la joie.
No same at all. Different customs, different mentality, different language and everything different. I respect your friendly attitude but this is the reality
@@gamze9106 The only common we have is some Greek DNA in some Turks because turks actually are a mongol tribe. Also my opinion is that turkish language sucks. It sounds barbaric and unharmonious. Sorry :( my opinion
Όλοι μία μεγάλη παρέα αδέλφια Έλληνες. Να δείξουμε σε όλο τον κόσμο τη φιλοσοφία της ζωής μας, πιστοί στις παραδόσεις μας, τα ήθη και τα έθιμά μας. Μπράβο σας άξια τέκνα της Ικαρίας και της Ελλάδας, πάντα τέτοια...
As Kostis Palamas, a Greek Poet and one of our Greatests ever, said : "Η Μεγαλοσύνη των λαών δεν μετριέται με το στρέμμα. Με της καρδιάς το πύρωμα μετριέται και με το αίμα." "The greatness of a Nation cannot be measured by the acres (of their lands) (but) with their hearts strong will its counted and with the(ir) blood."
@@babisz8640 Jesus... Now you wanna teach me about my own people, the ancient Greeks? Right. My predecessors considered Greeks those who've had both parents Greeks AND received the Greek education. Nowadays, the most important is the Greek education since many emigrate in Greece from the rest of Europe. However, our Diaspora is Greek as well. Those who take part in our traditions, likewise. It has become more complicated, understandably. The world is bigger now and closer than ever before.
@@Chaos-Nyx-Erebus Race and therefor racism and blood connection propaganda between people wasn't invented nor existed in ancient times, its a theory made up by mentally ill people suffering from inferiority complex so NO, ancient Athenians Spartans Thebans or simply Greeks for today didn't consider as Greeks only those who had both their parents Greeks simply because back then the "race" aka blood roots of a citizen wasn't a thing. Thousands of mixed marriages happened in the colonies and during Alexanders times and none of the children had "ethnicity" problems. Again, educate yourself. All that mattered back then was the citizenship between various city states or ethnicity which was identified through culture and/or language when it came to foreign people as subjects of Persia Egypt Rome etc So, in conclusion, it was about Culture and NOT about blood relatives as the Isocrates quote above reveal You can never come to a safe and most important serious conclusion when you mix todays standards with ancient ones.
@@Κ.Ι.Ο islam ve gericiliğin kültürlerin dansıyla bir ilişkisi yoktur. Dinler olmadan dans veya halay vardı. Bunu öğren. Faşist olman malesef bu saatten sonra değiştirilemez. Çünkü faşist doğulur. Türküye halayıda dünyada hep birinci olmuştur. Buda dansımızın sizin dansınızdan daha iyi olduğu ispatlanmıştır. Ermeniler hiristiyandır ama danslarımız biribirine yakındır ve benzerdir. O zaman hiristiyan ermeniler kötü mü oluyor? Ben hiristiyan danslarını çok severim. Dansların dinle gericilikle alakası yok... tamam mı. Biraz kitap oku. Yunan halkınıda çok severim.
@@behcetcakr3834 Sen bana kitap okuma için konuşma...En büyük faşist sen ve senin ülken dır anladın mı!Siz ki türkiye daki yaşiyan tüm azınlıkları sildiniz ,siz soykırımları yapan millet,faşizm için konuşmak hukukuz yok!Def ol!
What an amazing atmosphere, the grandgrandsons and girls of the hellenic philosophs and culturists are creating a fantastic synergy. Smiling faces every where. I would love to be there and join into this mosaic. Greetings from Turkey.
All a great group of Greek brothers. To show the whole world our philosophy of life, faithful to our traditions, morals and customs. Well done, worthy children of Ikaria and Greece, always like this...
sSSsS, your ancestors were dancing under the tents in the steppes of Central Asia 😂. Thank Allah that you came to Anatolia and you took everything from the Greeks. Despite that, still most of you, cannot become civilized.
Syrian This is the signature dance of the island of ikarea The music is also the music of this island and fits the dance This is true of ever region of Greece and even Anatolia In fact the Greeks of southern Italy have their own Greek dances as well that is tied to their region that is different than Italian dances
4,000 years of Hellenic spirit right there. Greece, the people that gave us the concept of reason. You extinguish Greece, you extinguish humanity itself. They are indeed the Alpha and Omega.
Look like your average construction worker, lawyer, surfer, skater, literally every type of person just breaking down the Greek dancing. Amazing I love my people
شعب طيب عاش معنا فى مصر ومازالوا يعيشون معنا وهم يشبهوا أبناء مدينه الأسكندريه المصريه وتشعر كأنها موسيقى عربيه 100% تحيه من مصر لشعب اليونان Egypt ,, Greek
Bu millet hep kultur alıntısı yapıp patent cıkartır. Tamamen Turk halayın alıp oynuyorlar. Baska birsey leri yokki LİR calıp dans etseler kimse Seyretmez.
Wonderful dance and party! Congratulations to all people dancing in this nice video! Great Greek culture! Thank you Greek people for giving us a culture that uplifts and pacifies our souls.
Θεέ μου!! Πόσοι όμορφοι άνθρωποι συγκεντρώθηκαν σε ένα μέρος ταυτόχρονα! Πολύ όμορφος και φιλικός χορός. Πώς όμως το κάνεις; Προσπαθώ μαζί σου και επαναλαμβάνω μετά από σένα αλλά τα πόδια μου έχουν μπλέξει χα χα χα. Παρακαλώ μην σταματήσετε. My God!! How many beautiful people gathered in one place at the same time! Very beautiful and friendly dance. But how do you do it? I try with you and repeat after you but my legs are tangled ha ha ha. Please don't stop
Little do you know my friend those melodies are almost all a Hellenized variation of Arvanite (old Albanian) music..they won’t tell you that though. Now you know. Cheers 🍻.
μπραβο ρε παιδια το ειδα τυχαια κ σας χαρηκα που μεσα σε αυτο το ΞΕΝΟΜΑΝΗ ΠΟΥ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΣΤΗ ΖΩΗ ΜΑΣ συνεχειζετε της ριζεζ μας μπραβο κρατατε την κουλτουρα μας μπραβο
Μπράβο παιδιά! Υπέροχος χορός! Είδα το συγκεκριμένο χορό στο μορφωτικό σύλλογο της περιοχής μου, κ ξετρελάθηκα! Θέλω να τον μάθω οπωσδήποτε! Έχω παθιαστει μ αυτό το χορό! Κ πόσο συγκινητικό κ όμορφο είναι να βλέπεις νέα παιδιά να χορεύουν παραδοσιακους χορούς! Συνεχίστε παιδιά, να μη χαθεί η πανέμορφη, ελληνική παράδοσή μας!!!!!!!!
Veo esto y tengo nostalgia de mis viajes a Grecia, que tiempos! y que cultura tan acogedora y familiar. Ojala los paises mediterraneos no perdamos nuestra identidad en esta amalgama globalista....
Asi es,todos los paises mediterraneos estan ricos en cultura,baile,musica,comida y del modo de vivir.Esto nos hace unicos y autenticos en Europa.Nuestro reto es mantener y defender esta riqueza que tenemos,para seguir disfrutando y compartiendo.
A fine collection of young people enjoying their good health. I am heartened at the general physical fitness of this random group of youth, the epidemic of obesity is not apparent here. Kudos . .
Lots of love to our Ancient Greek friends. From Kurdistan
Ancient kurdish fantasy land? Piling up lie after lie.. You can love anatolian culture (like anyone else), but you guys are as native to the area as turks..
You mind your business and don't decide who is who. You probably a racist Turk who can only poooo three times a day.
I decide & describe my nationality not someone else. God Created us as KURDs, therefore we were born as Kurds in a Kurdish soil, will live as Kurds and die as Kurds.
@@whitelotus_zero shut up bro, you’re not above anyone, much less kurdistan. know you place you prick
Love to Kurd friends.... from Greece 🇬🇷
I love you beautiful people ,my regards to you all.I 'm a Georgian from Amsterdam
Magari cekvebi agvt
I love it ! definitely this is Greece where our civilization started ....
Huh !!!!
It must be a dream of many people to be part of that community.
This dance shows not just beauty, it's show power of one nation.
Fallin in love with Greece more and more.
Big hug for all Greek brothers.
Serbia loves you
Beautiful music.
Amazed by the variety of Greek folk music.
Albania loves Greece.
Im Greek and feel like im missing out on being Ikarian!
@@killa4life3333 I thought I knew much of Greek culture, music, dance, but there are so many regions and each has its own particular dance or song. I have been watching Pontic music recently and I am amazed from it. Χαιρετισμός
Halay was first invented by the Turks in Central Asia. this dance is not greek it is turkish
@@sssss1376 Am from Iraq originally , we all know most of the music , dances are Turkish , also most of our food we have today is Turkish also . But we didn't inherit many other things that would change our identity despite of the brutal effort was enforced for a long time . Peace on earth .
What a great and beautiful country is Ελλάδα! I love its culture and its people. I really enjoyed being there. Greetings from Guatemala.
You right.....i discovered them 6 month before....when i was young student at scool in africa mother was french.....wite and my father black.....i learn a little LATIN......LATIN....I SHOULD BETTER LEARN GREC LANGUAGE BUT LIFE ITS FIGHT
Hello from Sotiris
@@sotirisdemetriou4381 Γεια σου Σωτήρη Δομητρίου
this must be the best nation in the world.
greetings from pakistan
Hello from Serbia 🇷🇸 Ti our Orthodox brothers 🇬🇷 🥰
This is Pelazgian, Illyrer,albanian autocton Nation👐👐👐👐👐🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Markus da ti jebem tvoju sestru srbija i grqka su zemlje.
Republika Kosovo Albanija Nato Usa Big Force 1World.
@@bashkim19991 Envy us envy us.ignorant goat herder chicken thief servant of the Greeks!! I want to see you geting sick of jealousy for the Greeks you always will be our servants because your IQ is smaller of the size of my.shoe.... inbreed chicken thief albano😜🤣🤣🤣🤣🐖🐖
@@bashkim19991πρέπει να είσαι πολύ μαλακας και δεν γνωρίζεις από ιστορία
I Love Greece Greetings from Poland !!!!
Uzun yıllardır, bu kadar kendimi kaptırdığım, bütünüyle kendimi içinde hissettiğim böylesi bir etkinlik görmemiştim. Birlik, beraberlik, paylaşım, saygı, hoşgörü, onure etme... Darmadağın blr süreçte bunu seyretmenin doyumsuz mutluluğunu yaşıyorum. Katılımcı herkesi baştan sona kutluyorum.
Selamlar komşu.
αγαπη αδερφε μονο
You are witnessing an Ancient Hellenic tradition to Dionysios 😃
- Έγραψε: "Εδώ και πολλά χρόνια, δεν έχω ξαναδεί μια τέτοια εκδήλωση στην οποία να βυθίστηκα τόσο πολύ και να νιώθω ότι συμμετέχω πλήρως. Ενότητα, αλληλεγγύη, μοίρασμα, σεβασμός, ανεκτικότητα, τιμή... Βιώνω την ακόρεστη ευτυχία να παρακολουθώ αυτό το γεγονός σε μια ανοργάνωτη διαδικασία. Συγχαίρω όλους όσους συμμετείχαν."
Bravo!!! Greetings from Serbia for our brothers and sisters in Ikaria and Ellada 🇬🇷
We are not brothers u are slavic peopel we happend 2 have same religion nothing else, Etiopiens have same religion i dont think they are your brothers
🇷🇸 💙 🇬🇷
We are not brothers with gypsy greeks
@@nrno7419you insult all Greeks with your response. You do not represent me. Degenerate.
Thanbk you Greek people for cilvilazing the world
Have you *seen* the world? Thanks but no, we won't be held responsible for *that*.
This is one of the best videos ever. So much joy here; thank you for posting.
Πολυ δυνατο!!!! Χαιρετισμους απο Βορεια Βουλγαρία γειτονάκια! Ειστε υπέροχοι
خیلی خیلی خیلی خوب بود چه همه باهم شاد و مثل خواهر و برادر بام خوش هستند
ولی ما ملت ایران با این همه تمدن و فرهنگ ایرانی گرفتار حکومت خرافات و آخوند و مولا هستیم 😂😂😂😂و 😢😢😢😢😢
Wonderful thing to keep the culture alive! Keep on dancing. Greetings from central USA.
Greetings from HELLAS
Она сохранена на многие....века и никогда и никому это не отнять ,греки протис исне,так держать, молодцы
Greece is the home of arts, philosophy and culture. alot of greeting From palestiniane people
I love you!!!! With all my heart, I LOVE YOU!!!! We're right there with you and for you Filastiiiiiiin!!!! You'll always be in our hearts our beloved brothers and sisters!!!! BELOVED BELOVED BELOVED!!!!
@@crudecod God May bless you
@@د.أبوأمجدالمصري thank you! I know what i wrote sounded too much and melodramatic, but, my closest friend is Palestinian, and he and his family have been going through so much trouble with all these terrible things taking place over there.. it’s such a tragedy, for so many.. So last night we spoke, he gave me the latest news, then i got drunk, came back home, read your comment and started crying -i wept- because he and all your people are on my mind and it’s just too much
@@crudecod Thank you very much. And begged you to take all things easy.. Donot worry. In spite of all things we are enjoying our life as the things were normal.. This is the nature of life!!! Never mind my dear
@@supermavro6072 How.. Please hhahhhh
Greece the most lovely country god bless greece
I see free people ! Full of happiness, live and love! Thank you Greece!
So beautiful to see this cultural togetherness, wich we in the West dont have. SADLY
Greece is the birthplace of the West and part of it.
You find this kind of togetherness all over the West, you just have to open up to it and allow it to enter your life.
@@helgaioannidis9365 lol
Come to Greece, learn the language, learn and adopt the culture, learn to dance. Let's share cultural togetherness ❤
Learn traditional dance in whatever city you find yourself in , its there.
Visit the countryside of literally anywhere and you’ll find it. Reactionary ‘trad’ narratives of sociology and history are so childish.
Χαιρετισμούς από τη νότια πλευρά του Σικάγο! Όμορφος χορός! Αγάπη στον ελληνικό λαό. Greetings from the south side of Chicago! Beautiful dance! Love to the Greek people.
I agree with your message. Love to all the greek and Greek Cypriot people all over the world. My pappou was from Kriti the other one from Cyprus .Me thermes efhes
@@sotirisdemetriou4381 But he is not from Greece or Cyprus and χαίρετε from Türkiye 😂🇹🇷❤🇬🇷
I feel like I spend most of my life on wrong place. I wish I could join those people.
Yes I agree. I miss my Greek friends from decades ago
لامكان لكم في الجنة إنكم أحفاد الشيطان عليكم بتوبه إلى الله
I wish my festival had more people and were young to dance or even dance!
I mean….you can
You can and you should
God bless Greek musicians, merrymakers, onlookers and dancers
Saluti da Milano ,Amo la Grecia e la sua bellissima musica Complimenti a tutti i rragazzi che mantengono viva ila traduzione,Io sono Albanese.Lo sento tutti i giorni e no mi anoio mai a vedere questo ballo.Le rragazze sono fantastiche.Un abbraccio
Molto grazie!Faleminderit fqinji im më i mirë. Unë jam nga Korfuzi dhe e shoh Shqipërinë nga rreth 5 km larg
Mi fa molto piacere!!
Arnavut efendi, o oynanan oyun ve muzik halay. Kokeni de Turkler.
450 yıl etkilen memek mumkun mu?
@@AbdullahYanik-j2t Greeks and Albanians are paleo-balkan people
Not turkis
@@AbdullahYanik-j2tБараны с Алтая знали музыку?
Πόλα σηχαριτηρα στα παιδιά.
Πάντα έτσι με χορο και τραγούδι στην Ελλάδα μας
This video pretty much sums up what its like to visit the Greek islands...and this usually goes on all night.
No one dances during the day in the Greek Islands ... It is very HOTTTTT in the summer months !
Greece is a country of science culture art , sport , and philosophy, god bless Greece .
@mikail bingöl Cristian Turks
@@buminkagan9919 as always your in our shoes, go away!
You got to be kidding me, which Greek artist or Philosopher do you know ?
@@supermavro6072 So much ignorance in the world. Even the erymology of the word philosopher is greek, so many greek philosophers and in classic art greek is a major influence to start with..
@@epidemicrochip3033 Yeah so many Greek philosophas or matimaticians weren't able to handle the debt crisis right ? Hey....even the word debt itself is Greek. Why didn't you command it to leave.
Великолепно! Привет из России! Смотрела, не могла оторваться. Сложные движения, но все танцуют, как дышат!
Very attractive people. Living the traditional healthy life we were made to live it.
Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 The country where people grow old but not as old as in Ikaria 😉
Yunanistan oyunumudur
Netherlands looks like a really nice place, flat, but nice
@@rrocketman The cities are beautiful but I think the landscape is monotonous and boring, also no nature.
I think Greece has much better landscapes but good that you enjoy also the Dutch landscapes🇳🇱🇬🇷
@@maximuseuropa1355 I think I understand what you mean, appreciate your response Mr Maximus.
Greeks are mixed asf. Lmao
Love from Bactria
Is it still the same name "Bactria"??
One of the best dancing moments I ever saw
Я всегда любила мифы про греческих богов... И только увидев этот танец, я поняла что за человек был Одиссей! Что поддерживало его, его ум и смекалку! Он был сыном своей великой земли! Греки, вы лучшие!
глупо сравнивать Одиссея и современных греков-это совершенно разные народы
@@Георгий-Гоги 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Μετάφραση από τα ρωσικά : " Πάντα μου άρεσαν οι μύθοι για τους Έλληνες θεούς... Μόνο όταν είδα αυτόν τον χορό κατάλαβα τι είδους άνθρωπος ήταν ο Οδυσσέας! Τι τον στήριζε, η εξυπνάδα και το πνεύμα του! Ήταν γιος της μεγάλης του χώρας! ... Έλληνες, είστε οι καλύτεροι ! "
Translation from Russian : " I've always loved myths about the Greek gods... It wasn't until I saw this dance that I understood what kind of man Odysseus was! What sustained him, his intelligence and wit! He was a son of his great land! .... Greeks, you're the best ! "
@@Георгий-ГогиГлупо говорить глупости.
Μπράβο σε όλα τα παιδιά. Δεν υπάρχει πιο εύχρηστο να βλέπεις την νεολαία μας. Φιλιά από Σικάγο. 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇺🇸❤
Kakva atmosfera! Obožavam grke, oni tako znaju da prenesu emociju i da mi ulepšaju dan! Rođeni zabavljači! Živela Grčka!!!
Згідний з вами!! Але ви Балканці теж гарно забавляється і ваша музика просто бомба!!!!
Ivana mandic 👋👋👋👋👋👋god bless and you drugarica
Rakija prica nije grckoj kulture to...daleko od novi covek od grcka
Ne bre, ne znaju da plesu. Meni svi pijanci izgledaju isto. Idi i gledaj plesove iz Turske. Oni su eksperti i bombe, bukvalno!
Greeks know how to enjoy. Number1 country for enjoyment. And fantastic food ofcourse.
Truly beautiful...that is what I would call all day music...
Είστε ωραίοι. Χαιρετίσματα απo Νέα Υόρκη 🇬🇷 🇺🇸 🗽
That's why in Ikaria they have the longest life. You enjoy every moment watching them dancing. OPA from Toronto !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Todo latinoamerica te quiere Grecia ☺
toda Grecia te quiere latinoamerica
Had past Greek lives...need to do this :)
Ai miei cugini greci dico bellissimi i vostri balli. Cristiano
We hadn’t social media. Humans, laughter, love, talking in the nights until morning, drinking, working, eating and dancing was our social platform! I want those times back!
Outra cultura ..outros povos..lindo muito lindo ..Grécia...São Paulo From Brasil...
Άτιμοι όλου του κόσμου,ότι και να κάνετε,δεν θα μας αλλάξετε ποτέ.Ξερετε γιατί;Γιατί δεν έχετε τέτοια μουσική,τέτοιο ταμπεραμέντο,τέτοια όρεξη για την ζωή.Με μια ελιά ένα κρεμμύδι και ένα μεροκάματο,λίγο κρασί μπορούμε να χορεύουμε μέρες και νύχτες ολόκληρες.Δε θα μας φθάσετε ποτέ.
Έτσι είναι.Αυτος είναι ο Έλληνας, υγεια στους νέους μας.
Sen geçmişine bak
@@ozan5773 Δεν καταλαβαίνω τη γλώσσα σου αλλά αν είναι βρισιά στην επιστρέφω!
@@ozan5773 Το παρελθόν μας είναι είναι λαμπρό και γενναίο σε σύγκριση με το δικό σου 😉
Δεν θα σε φτάσουνε ποτέ, σε τι, στους χορούς; Ναι και μέχρις εκεί. Προσφέρεις τίποτε άλλο;
Bonjour, j'aime votre vidéo. Vous dansez ensemble, quel bonheur. Soyez toujours heureux. Un grand bonjour de France. Paix sur terre et jamais oublier que la musique Unie.Bravo, et surtout continuer ainsi.Soyez toujours dans la joie.
Big love from Turkey 🇹🇷 we are the same
Thank you,Gamze.
Εσύ νιώθεις same me tous tourkalades lol
Sou kana kai like.
I Ikaria ki oloi akrites xeroun ti pa na pei tourkos
No same at all.
Different customs, different mentality, different language and everything different.
I respect your friendly attitude but this is the reality
The only common we have is some Greek DNA in some Turks because turks actually are a mongol tribe.
Also my opinion is that turkish language sucks. It sounds barbaric and unharmonious.
Sorry :( my opinion
@@hvar-pharosisland2268 i don’t give a fuck about people like you. Keep crying dude 😢
Όλοι μία μεγάλη παρέα αδέλφια Έλληνες. Να δείξουμε σε όλο τον κόσμο τη φιλοσοφία της ζωής μας, πιστοί στις παραδόσεις μας, τα ήθη και τα έθιμά μας. Μπράβο σας άξια τέκνα της Ικαρίας και της Ελλάδας, πάντα τέτοια...
Long live Ikaria! Love from Epirus!!
The beauty of Greece!!!!
As Kostis Palamas, a Greek Poet and one of our Greatests ever, said :
"Η Μεγαλοσύνη των λαών δεν μετριέται με το στρέμμα.
Με της καρδιάς το πύρωμα μετριέται και με το αίμα."
"The greatness of a Nation cannot be measured by the acres (of their lands)
(but) with their hearts strong will its counted and with the(ir) blood."
Greek blood, mate. Insurmountable!
@@Chaos-Nyx-Erebus Its a culture and NOT a blood thing, educate yourself, "της Ελληνων παιδειας μετεχοντες" Ισοκρατης.
@@babisz8640 Jesus... Now you wanna teach me about my own people, the ancient Greeks? Right. My predecessors considered Greeks those who've had both parents Greeks AND received the Greek education.
Nowadays, the most important is the Greek education since many emigrate in Greece from the rest of Europe. However, our Diaspora is Greek as well. Those who take part in our traditions, likewise. It has become more complicated, understandably. The world is bigger now and closer than ever before.
@@Chaos-Nyx-Erebus Race and therefor racism and blood connection propaganda between people wasn't invented nor existed in ancient times, its a theory made up by mentally ill people suffering from inferiority complex so NO, ancient Athenians Spartans Thebans or simply Greeks for today didn't consider as Greeks only those who had both their parents Greeks simply because back then the "race" aka blood roots of a citizen wasn't a thing. Thousands of mixed marriages happened in the colonies and during Alexanders times and none of the children had "ethnicity" problems. Again, educate yourself. All that mattered back then was the citizenship between various city states or ethnicity which was identified through culture and/or language when it came to foreign people as subjects of Persia Egypt Rome etc So, in conclusion, it was about Culture and NOT about blood relatives as the Isocrates quote above reveal
You can never come to a safe and most important serious conclusion when you mix todays standards with ancient ones.
Mi gran sueño! Conocer algún día esas bellas tierras, gente alegre de vivir la vida!
Greetings for brothers in Greece from Serbia.Nice.🇷🇸❤🇬🇷😊
Γειά χαρά 🇷🇸 Σέρβε!
@@behcetcakr3834 Bizim danslarda bağamsızlık ve güzellik var sizin danslarda islam gericilik...
@@Κ.Ι.Ο islam ve gericiliğin kültürlerin dansıyla bir ilişkisi yoktur. Dinler olmadan dans veya halay vardı. Bunu öğren. Faşist olman malesef bu saatten sonra değiştirilemez. Çünkü faşist doğulur. Türküye halayıda dünyada hep birinci olmuştur. Buda dansımızın sizin dansınızdan daha iyi olduğu ispatlanmıştır. Ermeniler hiristiyandır ama danslarımız biribirine yakındır ve benzerdir. O zaman hiristiyan ermeniler kötü mü oluyor? Ben hiristiyan danslarını çok severim. Dansların dinle gericilikle alakası yok... tamam mı. Biraz kitap oku. Yunan halkınıda çok severim.
@@behcetcakr3834 Sen bana kitap okuma için konuşma...En büyük faşist sen ve senin ülken dır anladın mı!Siz ki türkiye daki yaşiyan tüm azınlıkları sildiniz ,siz soykırımları yapan millet,faşizm için konuşmak hukukuz yok!Def ol!
What an amazing atmosphere, the grandgrandsons and girls of the hellenic philosophs and culturists are creating a fantastic synergy. Smiling faces every where. I would love to be there and join into this mosaic. Greetings from Turkey.
Thank you so much,Ertunga Akin!From Kuşadası,its easy to to take the boat to Samos and then to Ikaria!
i live in antalya and love to go to kastellorizo. One day i will visit this island too.
Great your positive energy
@Sal 040 Hello Mars 🚀 !
Интересный танец.Привет из России.Люблю о.Лемнос.Эфестос привет
All a great group of Greek brothers. To show the whole world our philosophy of life, faithful to our traditions, morals and customs. Well done, worthy children of Ikaria and Greece, always like this...
Bravo les grecs !! Culture extraordinaire qui traverse le temps !!!
Halay was first invented by the Turks in Central Asia. this dance is not greek it is turkish
sSSsS, your ancestors were dancing under the tents in the steppes of Central Asia 😂.
Thank Allah that you came to Anatolia and you took everything from the Greeks. Despite that, still most of you, cannot become civilized.
@@sssss1376 you black race as the gays of the video comes from mongolia...
@@sssss1376 🤡🤡🦃🤡🤡
To the gorgeous ladies dance
YOU s ROCK🎉yasass
Helal olsun size ne güzel insanlarsınız
Of cu pandemia asta,tare aș vrea să vin în vacanță în Icaria! Ce oameni frumoși,ce frumos dansează sunt originali, bravoooooooo👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Τα θερμά χαιρετισμούς μου σε όλους σας από τη Συρία Λατρεύω αυτόν τον όμορφο χορό 😀😙💃💃💃
Very Wonderful
This is the signature dance of the island of ikarea
The music is also the music of this island and fits the dance
This is true of ever region of Greece and even Anatolia
In fact the Greeks of southern Italy have their own Greek dances as well that is tied to their region that is different than Italian dances
@Patryk Patou come on man was you abused by Syrian 😜😜😜
@Patryk Patou Να και ένας μαλακας
4,000 years of Hellenic spirit right there. Greece, the people that gave us the concept of reason. You extinguish Greece, you extinguish humanity itself. They are indeed the Alpha and Omega.
Greece and Egypt
Ccredo che non che muzica cosi bella come in Grecia ,bravisimi Iasas!!
Look like your average construction worker, lawyer, surfer, skater, literally every type of person just breaking down the Greek dancing. Amazing
I love my people
I .LOVE Greec musik. From syrian ortodox .
Salute Sirian Ortodox from Srebia
@@igoraleksic8497 Salute Srebian Orthodox brother from Greece
Brother is only the one with the same DNA!; not The same Religion.
In Ikaria they don't care about religions.
@@ku-ss8gv NO we call brothers each other all the Orthodox nations.
So many strangers getting along having so much fun
They are not strangers, they are Greek
Ju tjub ogromna hvala ipronadjite mi jos super grcke muzike
Thank you so much for your comment,Albina!
شعب طيب عاش معنا فى مصر ومازالوا يعيشون معنا وهم يشبهوا أبناء مدينه الأسكندريه المصريه
وتشعر كأنها موسيقى عربيه 100%
تحيه من مصر لشعب اليونان
Egypt ,, Greek
We are Brothers! This is a remnant of worship to Dionysios, God of Wine 🍇
@@SpartanLeonidas1821 yes , we are brothere ,
@@qquhhtss6315 ABSOLUTELY 💙
Bu millet hep kultur alıntısı yapıp patent cıkartır.
Tamamen Turk halayın alıp oynuyorlar.
Baska birsey leri yokki
LİR calıp dans etseler kimse Seyretmez.
Superb bonding.. happy moments shared so well. Big salute to this culture ☺️☺️
Υπέροχο Νησί, με υπέροχους και φιλόξενους ανθρώπους, και ο Ικαριωτικος αγαπημένος, μοναδικός!!!!!!!Οι Ικαριωτες ξέρουν να ζουν !!
Wonderful dance and party! Congratulations to all people dancing in this nice video! Great Greek culture! Thank you Greek people for giving us a culture that uplifts and pacifies our souls.
Πρώτη φορά βλέπω τόσα νιάτα να χορεύουν παραδοσιακά. Εξαιρετικό. Ο ελληνισμός είναι ακόμα ζωντανός όσο έχουμε τέτοια παιδιά
Μα αυτα δεν ειναι απλα παραδοσιακα Αυτα ειναι ΙΚΑΡΙΑ! ....Ψαξτο...
@@malakopitourmalakopitoroug3250 και η Ικαρία ανήκει στην Ελληνική παράδοσή μας
γιατί είναι πιωμένοι που τα χορεύουν για 4-5 μέρες. αλλά και έτσι καλό ειναι γιατί τα μαθαίνουνε λίγο
καιρός να ανακαλύψεις τα Ελληνικά παραδοσιακά πανηγύρια για να δεις τι δεν γνωρίζεις για την νεολαία μας ...
Ελλάδα μου,ζωή μου νιάτα υπέροχα, συγχαρητήρια
I love Greek music so beautifull
Teşekkür ederim arkadaşım. Take care Adem.Greetings from Greece.
Bravo.Muzika i igra udara u koljena i srce.Živjela Grčka.
Bravo,Greetings From Croatien
I wish with all my heart that we can be neighbors again.
God bless Greece
God bless Kurdistan
Tanrı ikinizinde belasını versin, ancak hayal kurarsınız Amerika'nın kuklaları..
Hypnotic music, great dance, nice people. This is a real feast!
Υπέροχα παιδιά και κόρες της Ικαρίας. Την ευχή μου να έχεται
Αθανατα Ελληνικα νειατα!!! Ετσι ενωμενοι και ΟΛΑ θα πανε Καλα!!! Ο Θεος να σας εχει Παντα καλα και Χαρουμενους!!!!
Γεια σου Ελλαδαρα μου με τά όμορφα παιδιά σού.κλαιω από συγκίνηση... μπράβο παιδιά...
Muhteşem inanın muhteşem yok böyle bir uyum yok teşekkürler ediyorum emeği geçen herkese ve o güzel neşeli gençlere mükemmel
Bravo komşu , harikasınız.Yaşasın Türk - Yunan kardeşliği.
çok teşekkür ederim komşu.
Aynen ne gerek var savaşa böyle güzel.
Ama savaş olursa mahfolursunuz
@@gokhankarakoc1585 If there is a war, both countries doomed, not just Greece. Turkey economy already doomed right now.
@@gokhankarakoc1585 v
Fantastico !!!
Pura alegria, isso e viver ! Lindo demais , musica espetacular , povo lindo demais !!!
Abraços do Brasil
such a magical dance greetings from Bulgaria to Greece :)
Beautiful Bulgeria,I love you !I visit always Bulgaria! Sofia,Vitosha,Plovdiv👍👍❤❤
Απλά φανταστικό !!! Είστε ένας θαυμάσιος λαός. Τόσο γεμάτο ιδιοσυγκρασία. Σ 'αγαπώ. Χαιρετισμούς από τη Γερμανία. αγγελική
Αγγελική χρόνια σου πολλά απ Ελλάδα και καλή τύχη εκεί που ζεις με το καλό να γυρίσεις φιλιά από Ευβοια
Merhabalar güzel kız gelika
Merhabalar güzel kız canım benim teşekkürler gelika
Hızım Oyunlargurçü Oyunları Çokhoşumagıttı Selamlar
Bravo Grci .pozdrav iz jagodine
Θεέ μου!! Πόσοι όμορφοι άνθρωποι συγκεντρώθηκαν σε ένα μέρος ταυτόχρονα! Πολύ όμορφος και φιλικός χορός. Πώς όμως το κάνεις; Προσπαθώ μαζί σου και επαναλαμβάνω μετά από σένα αλλά τα πόδια μου έχουν μπλέξει χα χα χα. Παρακαλώ μην σταματήσετε. My God!! How many beautiful people gathered in one place at the same time! Very beautiful and friendly dance. But how do you do it? I try with you and repeat after you but my legs are tangled ha ha ha. Please don't stop
Δείτε το καλύτερα στο Αλάτι της γης αν θέλετε να τον μάθετε γιατί στο βίντεο κάποιοι το έχουν μπασταρδεψει με τσάμικο
Ευχαριστώ πολύ , χαρούμενα δάκρυα νοσταλγίας …. Thank you so much for sharing, happy tears of nostalgia for homeland. Na eisaste panta kala.
Greetings from Turkey
Prelepo omladinooo,bravo....
wooow . the culture is BOMB .
BOMBA christina is a very cultured Greek girl
Little do you know my friend those melodies are almost all a Hellenized variation of Arvanite (old Albanian) music..they won’t tell you that though. Now you know. Cheers 🍻.
@@yougottstomoveon There is always someone...
@@yougottstomoveon there is always a clown in the comments section
Μπράβο αυτή είναι η Ελλάδα!! Συνεχίστε έτσι κάθε χρόνο, για να μη χαθεί η παράδοση!!
μπραβο ρε παιδια το ειδα τυχαια κ σας χαρηκα που μεσα σε αυτο το ΞΕΝΟΜΑΝΗ ΠΟΥ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΣΤΗ ΖΩΗ ΜΑΣ συνεχειζετε της ριζεζ μας μπραβο κρατατε την κουλτουρα μας μπραβο
That was INCREDIBLE. Well DONE to the Ladies. I will be there one day for sure and dance with you all.
Μπράβο παιδιά! Υπέροχος χορός! Είδα το συγκεκριμένο χορό στο μορφωτικό σύλλογο της περιοχής μου, κ ξετρελάθηκα! Θέλω να τον μάθω οπωσδήποτε! Έχω παθιαστει μ αυτό το χορό! Κ πόσο συγκινητικό κ όμορφο είναι να βλέπεις νέα παιδιά να χορεύουν παραδοσιακους χορούς! Συνεχίστε παιδιά, να μη χαθεί η πανέμορφη, ελληνική παράδοσή μας!!!!!!!!
Veo esto y tengo nostalgia de mis viajes a Grecia, que tiempos! y que cultura tan acogedora y familiar. Ojala los paises mediterraneos no perdamos nuestra identidad en esta amalgama globalista....
Asi es,todos los paises mediterraneos estan ricos en cultura,baile,musica,comida y del modo de vivir.Esto nos hace unicos y autenticos en Europa.Nuestro reto es mantener y defender esta riqueza que tenemos,para seguir disfrutando y compartiendo.
@@cryptonas Hay que luchar por ello. Mucho animo y un afectuoso saludo desde España
it is Amazing, i want to dance with you, xello from Azerbaijan to Hellas
A fine collection of young people enjoying their good health. I am heartened at the general physical fitness of this random group of youth, the epidemic of obesity is not apparent here. Kudos . .
Μόνο τυχαία ομάδα νέων δεν είναι. Είναι το παρών και το μέλλον της Ελλαδας
Neznam grcki ali ovo je fascinacija evrope cak i svijet zivjeli veseli grci pozdrav montenegro
Сотворение мира какое-то. Катарсис. Первый раз в жизни плачу от танца.
Katharsis ✌👏👍
Греческая кровь заговорила🤣🤣🤣
Katharsis 🇬🇷💙
Υπερήφανη που κατάγομαι από αυτήν την ευλογημένη χώρα!
Hello worlds sweet
Loved it!! You can feel the love and passion in their dancing. Would like to visit.
If you visit Greece you never go back.. :)