Lyrics in english (my translation): Aman, in a new boat i got into (x3) , and i found myself at Saint George Ehhh, you fisherman have fishes (x3), lobsters and squids (x2) Aman, you have roasted pilchard (x3), for the beautiful girl (x2) Aman, the good ones we won't sell (x3), with friends we are going to eat (x2) - cheers Illiana Description: Minor Asia Traditional Song 1927 . M. Papagkika Uti: Illiana Fergadioti Vocals: Anastasia Fergadioti
YES!! As an older American woman…. I have always loved Greek music. I do not speak Greek, but here the Music is the language that communicates the beauty of this song! Thank you, sisters.
Ως Τούρκος από την Κωνσταντινούπολη, μου λείπουν οι Έλληνες γείτονές μου. Μου λείπει το όμορφο ελληνικό κορίτσι που ερωτεύτηκα ως παιδί. Μου λείπει ο Έλληνας παντοπωλείας της γειτονιάς μας, ο θείος Χρίστο και οι όμορφες ιστορίες του. Μου λείπουν εκείνες τις μέρες που ζούσαμε μαζί στην παλιά Κωνσταντινούπολη. Δεν μπορούσαμε να ζήσουμε μαζί σε αυτήν την όμορφη γη, με αγάπη, ειρήνη και αδελφότητα. Ή δεν το επέτρεψαν. Ελπίζω ότι η ειρήνη και η αγάπη κερδίζουν και το μίσος χάνει.
Στους Έλληνες πάλι δεν λείπει καθόλου ο τουρκικός ζυγός. Οι σφαγές, τα παιδομαζώματα, οι πυρκαγιές, οι γενοκτονίες, η σκλαβιά, τα μαύρα σύννεφα, η προσφυγιά, η πίκρα, ο τρόμος, η κραυγή, ο σπαραγμός, το αίμα, το μαράζι, η καταστροφή, το σπαθί και το βήμα σας που δεν έδεσε ποτέ με το χώμα το ιερό, το σπουδαίο, το αυτόχθον, το ακοίμητο, το ακήρατο, το κατάλευκο σπλάχνο, το καταγάλανο μάτι, την παρθένα γλυφή του ηλίου, τα κρηναία ύδατα, τα απαράμιλλα πνεύματα, τις κοσμογόνες ψυχές. Μακριά μας γιατί αν έρθει ο καιρός πάλι δεν θα διστάσουμε διόλου να σας ρίξουμε στο σκοτάδι ξανά.
Χαιρετισμούς από την Τουρκία στην αγαπημένη μας γείτονα Ελλάδα. Χαίρομαι να ακούω τα τραγούδια σου. Δεν με νοιάζει τι λένε οι πολιτικοί, γάμα τους όλους. Λόγω του έντονου ενδιαφέροντός μου για τη φιλοσοφία, τρέφω βαθύ σεβασμό για τους Έλληνες φιλοσόφους και διαβάζω τα έργα τους. Επίσης μου αρέσει να διαβάζω τα έργα του αξιότιμου συγγραφέα NİKOS KAZANCAKİS. Αγαπώ τον ελληνικό πολιτισμό, στέλνω την αγάπη μου σε όλους όσους ζουν στην Ελλάδα και που οι καρδιές τους είναι γεμάτες αγάπη, ειρήνη και ανθρώπινα συναισθήματα. Αυτόν τον σεβασμό για τον ελληνικό λαό τον κέρδισα διαβάζοντας βιβλία. Τα βιβλία προσθέτουν αρετή στους ανθρώπους. Αν κάποιος Έλληνας που διαβάζει αυτό το σχόλιό μου δεν διαβάζει βιβλία, αν δεν διαβάζει βιβλία πολύτιμων Ελλήνων φιλοσόφων, του παρακαλώ να διαβάσει τα βιβλία πολύτιμων Ελλήνων στοχαστών/φιλοσόφων. αγαπητέ nikos θα κερδίσεις, διάβασε και τα έργα του. Σας στέλνω τους χαιρετισμούς και την αγάπη μου 🤗😘🤝
Yes!!! Different parts of Greece have very different music!!! Much influence from other middle eastern cultures my brother!!!! Hey, we all live in the same area so our music sounds very similar and I love it !!!
I am Egyptian by birth and I live in the Netherlands. My ancient ancestors came from southern Italy and Greece I love everything Greek, especially music, and my grandmother used to live in the same neighborhood as the great and world-famous singer Demis Roussos in Alexandria, Egypt. Greetings from Netherlands & Egypt
@@BarbarossaTheOcean It happened to many Greeks as well. Greeks lived in Anatolia (Greek word) for over 3,000 Years…think about that for a second. Take it Easy now! ✌️
I hope the situation there gets better because it really makes me sad seeing what Lebanese people are going through! I feel like every country in the world is struggling in some way right now but what Lebanon is going through is devastating! Sending prayers for lebanese people... ❤️🙏🇱🇧
@@cessinehanna1012 I'm french and you can be sure the whole french people is very preocupied about what's happening to our lebanese brothers. Vive l'amitié franco-libanaise 🇨🇵❤🇱🇧
Χαιρετισμούς αδέρφια μου Έλληνες! Όσο ζω θα περνάω τα καλοκαίρια μου μόνο με τα αδέρφια μου τους Έλληνες! Όλα στην Ελλάδα είναι όμορφα. Η μουσική, το φαγητό, η θάλασσα είναι ωραία, αλλά οι πιο όμορφες είναι οι ελληνορθόδοξες εκκλησίες και αγαπάμε τον Άγιο Νεκτάριο, τον Άγιο Παΐσιο και τον Άγιο Γεώργιο. Αν ήξεραν οι Έλληνες αδελφοί μου πόσο σε αγαπάμε εμείς οι Σέρβοι. Στην υγειά σας! 🇷🇸❤️✝️🇬🇷🇨🇾
I believe the title means: "With a new boat I went." The person singing the song got a new boat ant sailed to a particular island. I think the island is named "Georgiu" And when that person arrived there, he/she is asking the islanders if they have caught certain types of fish. "Do ye have sardines, ect for the beautiful girl?" "We are going to eat thefish with our friends. Ect" 🍻 🐳 🐋 🇦🇱✌
@@ZeroMusicTV - At 2:09 they say: "Astapus qe kalamaria". Which means: "Octopus and calamari." And at 2:44 they say: "Sardina gia tin omorphi kopella." Which means: "Sardines for the beautiful girl."
@@ZeroMusicTV - At 1:10 "Se qenuria varka bika" 》"In new boat I entered" "Qe sto agio Giorgi vgika" 》 "And to St. George I went" St George must be a coastal area or an island somewhere in or near Greece.
η Ηλιάνα είναι τόσο καθαρή τόσο όμορφη γυναίκα, όταν την βλέπω η καρδιά μου γεμίζει με φως. Μαθαίνω ελληνικά για δύο χρόνια θέλω να πάρω την Ελληνική ιθαγένεια γιατί ο προπαππούς μου ήταν έλληνας, είμαι ρώσος τώρα αλλά θα γίνω έλληνας ξανά. Με αγάπη.
It's mostly because most words describe specific type of fishes. Very unlikely to know them in case you're going 3-4 generations back, in the US. It's a little sad many Greeks in the US lose their mother-tongue completely. It happens a little less in Australia since practically half of Melbourne is Greek, meaning, they remained tightly together as a community, we organize our Greek festivals etc. Thankfully, it doesn't happen when we go in the rest of Europe, due to proximity and other reasons, like, in Germany we built our own Greek schools.
for those who dont speak greek the song is (roughly) about a person who steps onto an unfamiliar boat and ends up in the land of Agios Giorgos, greeted by a plethora of beautiful seafood including lobster and calamari. The narrator asks if they have grilled sardines, but the owner refuses and says "we dont sell the good ones, we eat them with our friends". As if the song didnt already sound greek enough
Gosh I love greece so much, the world is fascinating all of these different cultures Its so vast and amazing I'm obsessed with countries Like India, Greece, Egypt.. Im a 16 year old Greek American living in France and currently learning greek its such a beautiful language and i am so very proud of being greek
It's the truth! AND those roguish smiles made almost entirely with her jaw. I'm transfixed each time I'm watching this (which is at least once a week, no joking) :)
I'm currently interested in learning new languages and greek is one of the languages that bring me a lot of interest, currently i'm learning russian but as once as i get a decent knowledge, i'll surely go to greek, love this language.
While listening to this music, I imagine that I am on a Greek island with a bottle of Tsipouro staring at the most beautiful Greek sea. Love Greece from Serbia
@@khaiophirgrad7717 Actually the Middle Eastern sound comes from the Byzantine meter. During that era, it was the Greek/Yunan meter that entred Middle-Eastern sounds, and even influenced Ottoman music when they invaded Istanbul. It was until a Sultan of arts came into power that he spread Byzantine music and arts in the Empire with an Ottoman Eastern flavour, and that subsequently became a Levantine culture. :)
I'm listening from Turkey. It's a beautiful song, the harmony with the instrument is perfect. The words and sounds are very beautiful. Congratulations to you my beautiful sisters❤
Just a minute, let me close my eyes, and only listen to the music, I am now on a sloping hill, near a village in northern Greece, it's so nice, but when I open my eyes I am back in a small town in England, oh well, at least the journey did me good ❤
Persian Brother: Your name means HOPE, I believe. And your words and emotions GIVE us all Hope. Stay with us!!! BTW I love Iranian Food, literature architecture, MUSIC, the sound of Farsi....... I DETEST that this country seems implacably opposed to better relations with Iran. Omid... HOPE... THAT is the Best Emotion. Let us ALL work toward brotherhood and understanding. We LOVE YOU!!!!! FROM NYC
Поздрав моја Грчка браћо! Док сам жив летоваћу само код моје Грчке браће! Све у Грчкој је лепо. Лепа је музика,храна,море,али најлепше су Грчке Православне Цркве и много волимо Светог Нектарија,Светог Пајсија, Светог Ђорђа. Кад би моја Грчка браћо знали колико вас ми Срби волимо. Живели! 🇷🇸❤️✝️🇬🇷🇨🇾
Before the pandemic, we used to have short holidays in your islands from the Turkish coasts and listen to these beautiful music. Love from the opposite shore, my friends
@@alpergozen5231 bullshit between states doesnt have to prevent people from appreciating each other, in fact states need to cut the bullshit and give people a break
Μπράβο και συγχαρητήρια. Όχι επειδή τα κορίτσια είναι πανέμορφα κι όχι επειδή παίζουν μουσικά όργανα και τραγουδάνε αλλά επειδή προσπαθούν να μην ξεχάσουν. Η Ελληνίδα γυναίκα έπαιξε καθοριστικό ρόλο στο να μην αφανιστούμε στο πέρας των αιώνων, χρειαζόμαστε περισσότερες.
Sending Love from London. My Mum's Bapou was from Smyrna and Yiayia was from Tenedos and they ended up in Cyprus. This year is the 100 year memory of the sad burning of Smyrna. x
Smyrni was one of the greatest cities of our world, it was called the paris of the east,center of comerce,and after ww1 all europes economy was shit, so what they did? They destroeyd the greek population and they robbed all the money from the bank of the east, a french bank that all the money had gold as value,,,no paper money,
@@erkandorken1252 Went with my greek friend to visit his family and in local bistro older people sat in the afternoon having a wine, olives and anchovies😊. I was referring more to my experience than anything else. I am sure sardines are popular as well but not where I was. Most important of course is the music and angelic voices of these two ladies!
You remember shit, literally, "mother of our church", get back to history and read who gave you the christianity books and why your language is 90% like the bulgarian and it's grammar... Also understand why your priests still pray in old bulgarian lamer.
@@invisibl367 liturgy is Hellenic, so is the Eucharist. The cyrillic alphabet was introduced into Russia by a Hellenic monk. The Bible (another Hellenic word) was written in elleneka.. Constantinople is the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the mother of Eastern orthodoxy. What the actual f*** are you smoking...
είμαι έλληνας μακεδόνας και με ρίζες απο ανατολικη ρωμυλία.σε όλους τους φίλους που αγαπάνε την ελλάδα όποιοι κ αν είναι και απο όπου και αν είναι εύχομαι η Αγία Τριάδα να σας έχει στην σκέπη στη σκέψη και την αγκάλη της.πολλά φιλιά απο ελλάδα
This is the music of my youth, we used go and learn Greek dances in Hungary. I would buy the records and figure out the Greek words from my dad's engineering handbook (it had the Greek alphabet thanks to the great tradition of those being used in Maths). When I retire I will learn to speak the language, it's my biggest dream. Thanks for this, you girls are beautiful musicians.
As a Turkish person, I'm impressed how the melody and the instruments are so similar like the spoon you played with etc. Love and greetings to my greek friends
@@bojandimeski Your country was so poor of history that wanted a name to sound at least a little older and took the name of our region, Macedonia, thinking that it is logical to have people speaking Slavic talking about Alexander who was talking/writing Greek and was teaching the Greek civilization in the middle East.
@@DEOS888 πριν μερικες χιλιετιες η ευρωπη μεχρι τον δουναβη ηταν σκεπασμενη με παγετωνες,δεν υπηρχε ζωη! απο εδω ξεκινησαν οταν λιωσαν οι παγοι και πλημμυρισε η αιγιδα και δημιουργηθηκε το αιγαιο πελαγος πλυθυσμοι και ανεβηκαν στην βορειο ευρωπη και κατοικισαν τα μερη αυτα! στην εκστρατεια των αχαιων προς την τροια οταν τελειωσε ο πολεμος δεν γυρισαν ολοι πισω,οπως ο οδυσσεας περιπλανηθηκε στα περατα του κοσμου ετσι και αλλοι αχαιοι πηγαν προς βορεια ευρωπη.λεγεται οτι οι βικινγκς προερχονται απο αυτους γιατι ηταν δεινοι θαλασσοποροι και ναυπηγοι σαν τους ελληνες. οι μυθολογια τους και οι θεοι τους ηταν παρομοια με της ελλαδος.ο θορ για παραδειγμα ειναι ο δικος μας απολλωνας.
Now imagine her in Constantinople in the 15th or 16th century, you see her in a in the square, she is playing with other people and having a lot of fun. Her eyes are captivating, the music is engaging, the moment becomes unforgettable. And now as if it occured in a dream you wish that happened again and that you could see those eyes and experience that scene again, in your reverie, you wish you could live eternally there and enjoy this dream forever, but as all things in life, everything has an end and even with the holiest and most heavenly moments it's no different.
It's actually a mulberry tree, very prevalent in Greek yards as it provides great shade during the summer, alot of food for animals like goats and sheep who eat its leaves and also juicy mulberries!!!!
Greetings from Canada as Turkish who used to work at Greek restaurant. I love all our common roots, feelings and such… Thank you beauties that you’ve made my night! I wish we could live together all over again. Se agapó♥️🧿
Well cansu there is a place where Turks live in peace and get along with their neighbors. You ever heard of gaugauzia in Moldavia? Maybe you should study it
@@Makaidonas Turkey is this typical country indeed Turkey has 3,5-6 million among shqiptar(Albanian) citizens(my grandfather is Macadonian shqiptar and we haven t lived any problem ). we haven t only Albanic mınority Turkey is so colorful country but Turkish politicians are a sunglasses. Everything will be changed till a two years. Good day
@@Makaidonas They have mostly Bektaşi believer. without them Turkey has %10-12 Alevi believer approximately. Also in the south east region of the turkey (mostly Mardin province) syriac peoples are living still. they are christian. I dont calculate to non Teist people and other mınority
@@jacknicholson6477 jack you mean todo Albanian which are Christians. The reason there are so many shiptars in turkey is because they came from the Caucasus mountain area Albanian do not belong to the balkans. They migrated to albania around the 13-14 century
For those who wonder about the many comments from Turkey and north Africa: this music style is not from Greek mainland, its originally from the Greek communities of anatolia, what is today western Turkey. There was a million of Greeks living in anatolia, before a population exchange between the two countries in 1923 Greek mainland music differs a lot from this one, usually lacking much of the eastern traits of anatolian Greek songs like this
The oud is a Levantine instrument played in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan. These young ladies are doing a beautiful job playing and singing. Many shared cultural aspects in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
well, it is not a suprise since the Greeks are a Western and Eastern nation at the same time because of the several Greek communities that used to live in Anatolia, the Levant and Egypt for centuries.
@@thebenevolentsun6575 what cultural influence can spread a nomad nation to a centuries-old civilization? Time didn't start with the Ottoman invasions.
@@mariosathens1 Time didn't start with the Ottomans but it didn't end with them either. Are you really claiming the Ottomans had no impact on the lands they ruled over? Of course they started as nomads but weren't nomadic for very long.
Lyrics in english (my translation):
Aman, in a new boat i got into (x3) , and i found myself at Saint George
Ehhh, you fisherman have fishes (x3), lobsters and squids (x2)
Aman, you have roasted pilchard (x3), for the beautiful girl (x2)
Aman, the good ones we won't sell (x3), with friends we are going to eat (x2)
- cheers Illiana
Description: Minor Asia Traditional Song 1927 . M. Papagkika
Uti: Illiana Fergadioti
Vocals: Anastasia Fergadioti
The only world I could relate to was "Calamari"
What language are they singing?
@@matheusmariani6625 Its Greek but as pointed out some words are Turkish or of middle east origin
شكراً Thank you
@@althemad2 Outside of Aman (which in itself is Arabic) there are no turkish words
I'm from Brazil, I'm studying Greek, and I discovered your music. they're wonderful
People say that Portuguese sounds like Russian, and Spanish like Greek. 😁
Ağzınıza sağlık, çok güzel söylediniz.
Greetings from Turkey. I loved this melody. Efharistopoli 😊
I am an old american guy. I do not speak Greek. The beauty and power of this made my tears flow. Please always make music. Thank you, so much.
YES!! As an older American woman…. I have always loved Greek music. I do not speak Greek, but here the Music is the language that communicates the beauty of this song! Thank you, sisters.
Thanks, I thought this was Russian.
Ben de orta yaşlı bir Türk olarak beğendim.
❤❤Μπράβο κορίτσια!Μουσική και φωνή είναι τέλεια!!Με ένα μόνο μουσικό όργανο και με την ωραία φωνή μπόρεσα να διασκεδάσω!!
@@mairixaldezou7130 σας ευχαριστούμε :))
Siete meravigliose un abbraccio forte dalla Sardegna ❤
Αγαπώ τον ελληνικό πολιτισμό. Άρχισα να μαθαίνω την ελληνική γλώσσα. Μια μέρα θα πάω μια βόλτα σε αυτή την όμορφη χώρα. Φιλάκια από τη Βραζιλία.
Μονο που η μουσικη δεν είναι Ελληνικη
@@Chris-xb7gm Είδες την ετικέτα;
But this music is not greek but oriental, middle eastern actually.
@@eugenecela6761 And why exactly what you call "oriental music" it's not Greek? Greeks inhabited these regions for 5,000 years.
@@papertoyss only 5.000?
Why do I find myself coming here once a week to listen to this song? thank you so much. Greek fan from Chicago
Ως Τούρκος από την Κωνσταντινούπολη, μου λείπουν οι Έλληνες γείτονές μου. Μου λείπει το όμορφο ελληνικό κορίτσι που ερωτεύτηκα ως παιδί. Μου λείπει ο Έλληνας παντοπωλείας της γειτονιάς μας, ο θείος Χρίστο και οι όμορφες ιστορίες του. Μου λείπουν εκείνες τις μέρες που ζούσαμε μαζί στην παλιά Κωνσταντινούπολη. Δεν μπορούσαμε να ζήσουμε μαζί σε αυτήν την όμορφη γη, με αγάπη, ειρήνη και αδελφότητα. Ή δεν το επέτρεψαν. Ελπίζω ότι η ειρήνη και η αγάπη κερδίζουν και το μίσος χάνει.
helal olsun kardesim !!
Στους Έλληνες πάλι δεν λείπει καθόλου ο τουρκικός ζυγός. Οι σφαγές, τα παιδομαζώματα, οι πυρκαγιές, οι γενοκτονίες, η σκλαβιά, τα μαύρα σύννεφα, η προσφυγιά, η πίκρα, ο τρόμος, η κραυγή, ο σπαραγμός, το αίμα, το μαράζι, η καταστροφή, το σπαθί και το βήμα σας που δεν έδεσε ποτέ με το χώμα το ιερό, το σπουδαίο, το αυτόχθον, το ακοίμητο, το ακήρατο, το κατάλευκο σπλάχνο, το καταγάλανο μάτι, την παρθένα γλυφή του ηλίου, τα κρηναία ύδατα, τα απαράμιλλα πνεύματα, τις κοσμογόνες ψυχές. Μακριά μας γιατί αν έρθει ο καιρός πάλι δεν θα διστάσουμε διόλου να σας ρίξουμε στο σκοτάδι ξανά.
@@DLGemma ποσο τούρκος είσαι και δεν το ξέρεις,άκου τα γυρίσματα στο τραγούδι και θα καταλάβεις...
Καποιος να διαγραψει το σχολιο του εγκεφαλοπλυμμενου στρατοκαυλου που σπερνει μισος.Αισχος
Superb performance love and respect from Israel ❤
Παράδοση δεν είναι η διατήρηση της στάχτης, αλλά η μεταφορά της φλόγας…
Μπράβο Κορίτσια!
Πολύ σωστά. Σ'ευχαριστώ για τα ωραία λόγια.
Μπράβο κορίτσια είστε τρομερές και πάλι μπράβο σας
Pięknie powiedziane...
هذا الطبع الغنائي مشترك متوسطي فحين استمعت إليه لم أجده غريبا عني .تحية إلى اليونان من الجزاير .
تحس روحك تسمع للشعبي العاصمي
Χαιρετισμούς από την Τουρκία στην αγαπημένη μας γείτονα Ελλάδα. Χαίρομαι να ακούω τα τραγούδια σου. Δεν με νοιάζει τι λένε οι πολιτικοί, γάμα τους όλους. Λόγω του έντονου ενδιαφέροντός μου για τη φιλοσοφία, τρέφω βαθύ σεβασμό για τους Έλληνες φιλοσόφους και διαβάζω τα έργα τους. Επίσης μου αρέσει να διαβάζω τα έργα του αξιότιμου συγγραφέα NİKOS KAZANCAKİS. Αγαπώ τον ελληνικό πολιτισμό, στέλνω την αγάπη μου σε όλους όσους ζουν στην Ελλάδα και που οι καρδιές τους είναι γεμάτες αγάπη, ειρήνη και ανθρώπινα συναισθήματα. Αυτόν τον σεβασμό για τον ελληνικό λαό τον κέρδισα διαβάζοντας βιβλία. Τα βιβλία προσθέτουν αρετή στους ανθρώπους. Αν κάποιος Έλληνας που διαβάζει αυτό το σχόλιό μου δεν διαβάζει βιβλία, αν δεν διαβάζει βιβλία πολύτιμων Ελλήνων φιλοσόφων, του παρακαλώ να διαβάσει τα βιβλία πολύτιμων Ελλήνων στοχαστών/φιλοσόφων. αγαπητέ nikos θα κερδίσεις, διάβασε και τα έργα του. Σας στέλνω τους χαιρετισμούς και την αγάπη μου 🤗😘🤝
Υπέροχος. Πώς έμαθες τόσο καλά την ελληνική; Χαιρετισμούς στην όμορφη Τουρκία!
Antalya'dan selamlar
Eισαι φανταστικός!!😊
Que linda la música y lindas las mujeres.
I am Bulgarian.... and this just blows my mind....
Είμαι τουρκαλα και μου αρέσει η ελληνική μουσική 🇹🇷 ❤ 🇬🇷
Τούρκος = erkek
Τουρκάλα = kadın
Türkçe şarkıyı yunanca ya mı çevirmişler
Greetings neighbor!
Half 🇵🇷 half 🇬🇷, this makes me appreciate my mothers side a lot more. She’s from Lesvos 🖤
I'm from Lesvos too!! Which village is your mother from?
lesvos is such an amazing place. i hope to visit again, soon.
Words cannot describe how good this is. Much love from Hungary
Im Egyptian but i love Greece 🇪🇬🥰🇬🇷
🇮🇹❤🇬🇷 🇮🇹❤🇬🇷 🇮🇹❤🇬🇷 una faccia una razza, saluti da NYC
Με κάνεις να ακούω αυτό το τραγούδι ξανά και ξανά. Καλή επιτυχία κορίτσια. Χαιρετίσματα από την Τουρκία.
I'm learning greek because I fell in love with this beautiful language. Much love from Brazil.
@@chicooliveira432 😊🙏🩷🩷🩷
as a calabrian american i love the singing of greek music...especialy greek music sang by greek women!!!
Maybe the traits of Magna Grecia sound inside you
Never knew greeks used the oud! Great song, best wishes to my greek brothers and sisters from Palestine 🇵🇸
Yes!!! Different parts of Greece have very different music!!! Much influence from other middle eastern cultures my brother!!!! Hey, we all live in the same area so our music sounds very similar and I love it !!!
Have not seen Cretan music. What about Greek island music
nt only do they use it they develloped it an at one time it was even used across europe
Free Palestine my friend we stand with you on your impossible struggle 😓❤️
@@dimitris779 no we don't. Most Greeks stand with Israel not Gaza/ Hamas or any radicalist goverment.
I am Egyptian by birth and I live in the Netherlands. My ancient ancestors came from southern Italy and Greece
I love everything Greek, especially music, and my grandmother used to live in the same neighborhood as the great and world-famous singer Demis Roussos in Alexandria, Egypt.
Greetings from
Netherlands & Egypt
Greeks and Egyptian are like same people.
@@BarbarossaTheOcean It happened to many Greeks as well. Greeks lived in Anatolia (Greek word) for over 3,000 Years…think about that for a second.
Take it Easy now! ✌️
ليش ما تروح في بلد أجدادك في اليونان أو ايطاليا على ما يبدو هولندا افضل
My mother was born in Alexandria, I' ve been there many times, I love this city ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you from Corsica, France
🇬🇷 ❤️ 🇫🇷
Greetings to the island of Napoleon!
Im from ΕΛΛΑΣ & my name is Timoleon :)
Wow. That girl playing the oud must have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen
Maybe she has a famous cow eyes od Hera βοῶπις
Wow! Owl-man
... blue or grey ...
@Khergit Mapper People calling others simps in youtube comment are the lowest form of human beings.
@Khergit Mapper What a good joke
I hear this song everyday, it gives me energy in this bad & frustrating situation in Lebanon.
σε αγαπώ από το όρος Λίβανος 🇱🇧🇬🇷
I hope the situation there gets better because it really makes me sad seeing what Lebanese people are going through! I feel like every country in the world is struggling in some way right now but what Lebanon is going through is devastating! Sending prayers for lebanese people... ❤️🙏🇱🇧
@@kraykray4296 Thank you dear❤️
I wish you the best !!
@@panzamartin Thank you❤️❤️
@@cessinehanna1012 I'm french and you can be sure the whole french people is very preocupied about what's happening to our lebanese brothers.
Vive l'amitié franco-libanaise 🇨🇵❤🇱🇧
Che meraviglia. Complimenti, siete bravissime. Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit. Tutto il mondo è Greco. Grazie
Love to our Brothers & Sisters in Italia!
Χαιρετισμούς αδέρφια μου Έλληνες! Όσο ζω θα περνάω τα καλοκαίρια μου μόνο με τα αδέρφια μου τους Έλληνες! Όλα στην Ελλάδα είναι όμορφα. Η μουσική, το φαγητό, η θάλασσα είναι ωραία, αλλά οι πιο όμορφες είναι οι ελληνορθόδοξες εκκλησίες και αγαπάμε τον Άγιο Νεκτάριο, τον Άγιο Παΐσιο και τον Άγιο Γεώργιο. Αν ήξεραν οι Έλληνες αδελφοί μου πόσο σε αγαπάμε εμείς οι Σέρβοι. Στην υγειά σας! 🇷🇸❤️✝️🇬🇷🇨🇾
Kosovo is not Serbia's.
Freedom for Vojvodina!
Just kidding. I like to annoy Serbs. Take care of yourself, brother! God bless Serbia!
Και οι Έλληνες αγαπάμε την Σερβία φίλε
Τιμή μας φίλοι Σέρβοι ❤
Κι εμείς σας αγαπάμε πολύ πολύ!!!❤️❤️❤️
im a simple man, i see a video with a description that i cant read, i click it
I believe the title means: "With a new boat I went."
The person singing the song got a new boat ant sailed to a particular island. I think the island is named "Georgiu"
And when that person arrived there, he/she is asking the islanders if they have caught certain types of fish.
"Do ye have sardines, ect for the beautiful girl?"
"We are going to eat thefish with our friends. Ect" 🍻 🐳 🐋
@@ToxicVaccines_HivHoax nice to know, now im gonna listen to it again and see if i can get the scenario
@@ZeroMusicTV - At 2:09 they say: "Astapus qe kalamaria".
Which means: "Octopus and calamari."
And at 2:44 they say: "Sardina gia tin omorphi kopella."
Which means: "Sardines for the beautiful girl."
@@ZeroMusicTV - At 1:10 "Se qenuria varka bika" 》"In new boat I entered"
"Qe sto agio Giorgi vgika" 》 "And to St. George I went"
St George must be a coastal area or an island somewhere in or near Greece.
I believe you saw 2 pretty girls with Greek scripts just underneath like I did.
η Ηλιάνα είναι τόσο καθαρή τόσο όμορφη γυναίκα, όταν την βλέπω η καρδιά μου γεμίζει με φως. Μαθαίνω ελληνικά για δύο χρόνια θέλω να πάρω την Ελληνική ιθαγένεια γιατί ο προπαππούς μου ήταν έλληνας, είμαι ρώσος τώρα αλλά θα γίνω έλληνας ξανά. Με αγάπη.
Антоша Калугин грек 😂
As a Greek American who knows little Greek, I understand very little but I love this! Greetings from Alaska!
Boo! Did I scared you
It's mostly because most words describe specific type of fishes. Very unlikely to know them in case you're going 3-4 generations back, in the US. It's a little sad many Greeks in the US lose their mother-tongue completely. It happens a little less in Australia since practically half of Melbourne is Greek, meaning, they remained tightly together as a community, we organize our Greek festivals etc. Thankfully, it doesn't happen when we go in the rest of Europe, due to proximity and other reasons, like, in Germany we built our own Greek schools.
Alaska ! How come ? I would be really interested into your story.
Beautiful singing girls.. να ζήσει η Ελλάδα
We love Greece from France!
Love you guys from Armenia!
@@BluberryYumYum typical turk fly always landing on shi...t
for those who dont speak greek the song is (roughly) about a person who steps onto an unfamiliar boat and ends up in the land of Agios Giorgos, greeted by a plethora of beautiful seafood including lobster and calamari. The narrator asks if they have grilled sardines, but the owner refuses and says "we dont sell the good ones, we eat them with our friends". As if the song didnt already sound greek enough
There's the insinuation, that they don't care for money, some things are just for indulging into with beloved ones ❤️❤️
Greek songs are remarkable in the way they tell a story that just sounds so foreign when translated
thats the most random song content possible. thought it would be about love or something.
@@kocahmet1 some would say that is love, my brother.
Perfect 😊
Whenever I listen to a Greek song, I feel at peace as if I were listening to it in my mother tongue. Lots of love from Turkey 🇬🇷❤
It's called genetic memory. Google it ❤
Gosh I love greece so much, the world is fascinating all of these different cultures
Its so vast and amazing I'm obsessed with countries Like India, Greece, Egypt..
Im a 16 year old Greek American living in France and currently learning greek its such a beautiful language and i am so very proud of being greek
Very beautiful music my sisters.
Love from Serbian Montenegro 🇷🇸☦️🇬🇷
The guitar girl has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life... 😍
Not guitar wel oud
It's the truth! AND those roguish smiles made almost entirely with her jaw. I'm transfixed each time I'm watching this (which is at least once a week, no joking) :)
Don't let this die. I love to see young people playing this music. Love!
I'm currently interested in learning new languages and greek is one of the languages that bring me a lot of interest, currently i'm learning russian but as once as i get a decent knowledge, i'll surely go to greek, love this language.
you like difficulty in your life don't you? 😂
Its so beautiful, I'm learning Greek and I think Greece heaven in the World much love from Azerbaijan🖤🇦🇿🇬🇷
Thank you brother
@@kallitsakis72Καλώς ήρθες αδερφέ!
And I love your magnificent rugs... a Greek.
Спасибо тебе друг от грузинского Грека.
While listening to this music, I imagine that I am on a Greek island with a bottle of Tsipouro staring at the most beautiful Greek sea. Love Greece from Serbia
The Yunani traditional music sounded like a Middle Eastern or Arabian melody music 😃💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
@@khaiophirgrad7717 Actually the Middle Eastern sound comes from the Byzantine meter. During that era, it was the Greek/Yunan meter that entred Middle-Eastern sounds, and even influenced Ottoman music when they invaded Istanbul. It was until a Sultan of arts came into power that he spread Byzantine music and arts in the Empire with an Ottoman Eastern flavour, and that subsequently became a Levantine culture. :)
Ah... Meraki filotimo tzatziki style
It's not Greek Sea.
@@montpellierand For me it is the Greek Sea
Greetings from Turkey to sisters on the opposite shore. We love the same seasons, the same melodies.
Türkiyeden sevgilerle ,Greetings from turkey
I was today years old when I realized how beautiful Greek language, music and people are!
All the love from (Nubia) Aswan, Egypt. 🇪🇬
@George Makedon indeed!
Greetings to one of the most historical and cultural centerpieces on earth Egypt , From Greece
@@wonderlandian8465 thank you! Have a nice day
You know that us Greeeks also have large input from Nubia and Egypt. Even our cuIture and genetics confirm this.
@@supermavro6072 yes! Mutual cultural exchange between both civilizations are as old as history!
I'm listening from Turkey. It's a beautiful song, the harmony with the instrument is perfect. The words and sounds are very beautiful. Congratulations to you my beautiful sisters❤
Hello my friend!!!
And, I've got Zeybegi music in my blood....the Saz and all that magnificent choral music, kardesh.
Just a minute, let me close my eyes, and only listen to the music, I am now on a sloping hill, near a village in northern Greece, it's so nice, but when I open my eyes I am back in a small town in England, oh well, at least the journey did me good ❤
I'm Greek-American when I listen to your song it makes me proud I'm greek
Two Greek Goddesses with amazing voices.
i'm Persian and love Greek music ! ❤
i know we have had our ''battles'' in the past... but do you ever feel divided and ruled? lol.
God speed
Persian Brother: Your name means HOPE, I believe. And your words and emotions GIVE us all Hope. Stay with us!!! BTW I love Iranian Food, literature architecture, MUSIC, the sound of Farsi....... I DETEST that this country seems implacably opposed to better relations with Iran.
Omid... HOPE... THAT is the Best Emotion. Let us ALL work toward brotherhood and understanding. We LOVE YOU!!!!! FROM NYC
Parsi bertemu seteru tradisi lamanya yakni Yunani lalu menjadilah teman sejati sesama mereka.
Bravo koritsia....agapao Ellada kai elliniki mousiki. Heretismous apo ti Germania❤
Γεια από την Ιαπωνία. Είναι τόσο υπέροχο που το παρακολουθώ κάθε μέρα! Σας ευχαριστώ για μια ευτυχισμένη στιγμή
@@Greekhalo2010 εβαλες κορεα αντι για Ιαπωνια φιλε
Поздрав моја Грчка браћо! Док сам жив летоваћу само код моје Грчке браће! Све у Грчкој је лепо. Лепа је музика,храна,море,али најлепше су Грчке Православне Цркве и много волимо Светог Нектарија,Светог Пајсија, Светог Ђорђа. Кад би моја Грчка браћо знали колико вас ми Срби волимо. Живели! 🇷🇸❤️✝️🇬🇷🇨🇾
Поздрав брате🇷🇸💪☦️
We love too, brother
И мы тоже! ❤️❤️❤️
Che bella canzone!! Una faccia una razza 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
Before the pandemic, we used to have short holidays in your islands from the Turkish coasts and listen to these beautiful music. Love from the opposite shore, my friends
Your welcome brother, any time
Love to !
Are you aware of current relationships between Turkey and Greece?
@@alpergozen5231 Doesn't mean that the people need to hate each other.
@@alpergozen5231 bullshit between states doesnt have to prevent people from appreciating each other, in fact states need to cut the bullshit and give people a break
I love Greece folk. Music, food, history, lenguage. Beautiful performance 🧿
Greetings from Mexico.
Efaristo poli.
Spaniard here Amigo
this music is not folk Greek.
@@snowman9452 well , I meant in general, Greece, culture, music, folk.
@@marcosmc7021 yes. This is not exactly "Greek culture". It's the culture of Greek communities which lived in middle east, not in mainland Greece
@@snowman9452 cool my friend. Thanks for specific that. I appreciate it. Good for me 'cause Im learning.
Μπράβο και συγχαρητήρια. Όχι επειδή τα κορίτσια είναι πανέμορφα κι όχι επειδή παίζουν μουσικά όργανα και τραγουδάνε αλλά επειδή προσπαθούν να μην ξεχάσουν. Η Ελληνίδα γυναίκα έπαιξε καθοριστικό ρόλο στο να μην αφανιστούμε στο πέρας των αιώνων, χρειαζόμαστε περισσότερες.
Ξέρεις πόσες Ελληνίδες πάμε σε παραδοσιακούς χορούς;Άλλωστε αυτές είναι οι ρίζες μας!
What a beautiful nature and villages... the melodies are breathtaking... thank you.
My favourite moment is when fishermen respond to him: the best ones we do not sell - we will eat (and drink) them with our firends.
Sending Love from London. My Mum's Bapou was from Smyrna and Yiayia was from Tenedos and they ended up in Cyprus. This year is the 100 year memory of the sad burning of Smyrna. x
Ah Smyrna 💕
@@anastasiafergadioti ❤️
Smyrni was one of the greatest cities of our world, it was called the paris of the east,center of comerce,and after ww1 all europes economy was shit, so what they did? They destroeyd the greek population and they robbed all the money from the bank of the east, a french bank that all the money had gold as value,,,no paper money,
Mediteranian, olives, anchovies, with feta and wine all mixed with the sound of the ortodox church bells. Love to greek sisters from Serbia❤️❤️❤️
Not as much anchovies... Much more sardines
@@erkandorken1252 Went with my greek friend to visit his family and in local bistro older people sat in the afternoon having a wine, olives and anchovies😊. I was referring more to my experience than anything else. I am sure sardines are popular as well but not where I was. Most important of course is the music and angelic voices of these two ladies!
@@vpekez Understand that it is a great place. Mine was a joke. But, the song also says sardines, right?
@@erkandorken1252 well I don’t know Greek so in my mind they could say anything, even turtles would sound nice in ther anglelic voices
This is not "orthodox church bells". That's oriental middle eastern music. You probably wouldn't want to admit that anyway....
People say Byzantine/Greek music sound Middle-Eastern/Arabic/Muslim, but truth is... they sound Greek.
Greek sound Arabic
@@supermavro6072Back to stepes 🐪🐏🦃
@@supermavro6072You are bolgar so technically turkic 🦃👍🏻
these cultures mixed for thousands of years
@@cryptonian7706No they didn’t. Komnenian Restoration 👉🏻
My Greek wife and I loved the song. You are very talented. The oud sounded amazing. God bless you both. Love from Canada.
να περνατε παντα καλα τα σεβη μου απο Ελλαδα
Μπράβο κορίτσια, είμαι αλβανος και μου αρέσει πολύ η ελληνική μουσική!
My Greek sisters, you rock!!!! Love from Serbia ❤
Ευχαριστώ ♥️
Да сте ми живи здрави мили мои красавици. Поздрави от Стара Загора България 🇧🇬❤🇬🇷👋
I'm a grown man and I have tears in my eyes listening to your beautiful voices as a remember the wonderful times I've spent in Greece.
Come again my friend. You are welcome
We British have a long love affair with Greece...'The Durrells' on Netflix is a reminder for now, as it is very difficult to travel there.
@@Londonfogey u British have NO LOVE EXCEPT OF LOVE TO CONQUER OTHER LANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you and me both , brother....
@@swamifakkananda4043 ψυχραιμια
God bless you girls, Yamas from Bulgaria 🇧🇬
Greatings from RUSSIANS. We remember a proud greek Konstantinopol, mother of our Church.
Yes Brother
You remember shit, literally, "mother of our church", get back to history and read who gave you the christianity books and why your language is 90% like the bulgarian and it's grammar... Also understand why your priests still pray in old bulgarian lamer.
@@invisibl367 liturgy is Hellenic, so is the Eucharist. The cyrillic alphabet was introduced into Russia by a Hellenic monk.
The Bible (another Hellenic word) was written in elleneka.. Constantinople is the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the mother of Eastern orthodoxy.
What the actual f*** are you smoking...
@@invisibl367 If you are stupid, you should not show it to the world.
By the way, that were russian soldiers who brought freedom to Balkans.
Beautiful music😍 Greetings from Armenia!
I love this music. I showed it to school . I showed it to my fellow teachers. I am brasilian. I 'm from Brazil.❣️
A beautiful girl is asking the fishermen if they have good fish. And they answer: we don't sell the good fish. We eat it with friends.
You might also like this one.
The lyrics are difficult to translate. Its poetry.
O senhor é de qual estado do Brasil? Saudações desde já do Acre.
@@JohklesyFarias Rio Grande do sul
@@lukasgeo ah sim. Obrigado.
Bless Greece and Greek nation!
Greetings from Eastern Arabia.
2 beautiful Greek Beauties . Singing a AWESOME Song. Brought me too tears... Keep up the Great Work.... Sending Love from Chicago, and from XIOS...
είμαι έλληνας μακεδόνας και με ρίζες απο ανατολικη ρωμυλία.σε όλους τους φίλους που αγαπάνε την ελλάδα όποιοι κ αν είναι και απο όπου και αν είναι εύχομαι η Αγία Τριάδα να σας έχει στην σκέπη στη σκέψη και την αγκάλη της.πολλά φιλιά απο ελλάδα
I don't understand a word , but I love your music and your voices , love and greetings from Egypt ❤️
This is the music of my youth, we used go and learn Greek dances in Hungary. I would buy the records and figure out the Greek words from my dad's engineering handbook (it had the Greek alphabet thanks to the great tradition of those being used in Maths). When I retire I will learn to speak the language, it's my biggest dream. Thanks for this, you girls are beautiful musicians.
The most part of scientific terminology is Greek, especially in medicine. Greetings dear colleague Mathematician. 👍
Hello Cecilia! Good Luck on your journey to learn the Hellenic Language. Let us know if we can help & may God Bless you & your Familia Always! 🙌🏻
Hello beautiful Greek ladies!! Awesome song, plying and voice. Many kisses from an Hellena from the Cayman Islands. I am very proud of you!
This is a Rembetiko Music Respect from Turkia.
Brotherhood greetings from Serbia, amazing singing 🇷🇸❤👏🏻
Вы Сербы тоже крутые чуваки!!!!
As a Turkish person, I'm impressed how the melody and the instruments are so similar like the spoon you played with etc. Love and greetings to my greek friends
We are very similar neighbour 😊
@@sellianos We are only divided by politics komşu
Because Greece is the land where civilisation came and modern turkey is literally old Eastern Greece
Because we Greeks are Orthodox Turx who came to greece in 1923 population exchange
@@supermavro6072 turks are Muslim Greeks who want there
Greetings from North Macedonia! Very beautiful song, zήτω η Ελλάδα!
You don't deserve this name for your country my friend
@@manos101 brother, I love you too! ❤️
@@bojandimeski Your country was so poor of history that wanted a name to sound at least a little older and took the name of our region, Macedonia, thinking that it is logical to have people speaking Slavic talking about Alexander who was talking/writing Greek and was teaching the Greek civilization in the middle East.
@@manos101 thanks brother, I don't care about nationalism! I love you as I said!
You are a good guy! Greetings Brother!!! 👍🏻
I can feel it. Even from the north- - Denmark :-)
@@giannispriftis900 τι καπνίζεις φίλε ???🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️😂😂😂
@@DEOS888 πριν μερικες χιλιετιες η ευρωπη μεχρι τον δουναβη ηταν σκεπασμενη με παγετωνες,δεν υπηρχε ζωη! απο εδω ξεκινησαν οταν λιωσαν οι παγοι και πλημμυρισε η αιγιδα και δημιουργηθηκε το αιγαιο πελαγος πλυθυσμοι και ανεβηκαν στην βορειο ευρωπη και κατοικισαν τα μερη αυτα! στην εκστρατεια των αχαιων προς την τροια οταν τελειωσε ο πολεμος δεν γυρισαν ολοι πισω,οπως ο οδυσσεας περιπλανηθηκε στα περατα του κοσμου ετσι και αλλοι αχαιοι πηγαν προς βορεια ευρωπη.λεγεται οτι οι βικινγκς προερχονται απο αυτους γιατι ηταν δεινοι θαλασσοποροι και ναυπηγοι σαν τους ελληνες. οι μυθολογια τους και οι θεοι τους ηταν παρομοια με της ελλαδος.ο θορ για παραδειγμα ειναι ο δικος μας απολλωνας.
@@giannispriftis900 I don't know what the hell you are referring to, but this sounds veeeeery revisionist.
@@giannispriftis900 vrai trelara😅😅😅
greatings from Brazil, love greek cultural songs.
Because I can't get to Greece, so glad it can come to me through the rhythmic minor notes of such a rich tradition. The girls rock it. Efcharisto poli
Türkiye Diyarbakır'dan selamlar müzik evrenseldir ve çok güzel söylemişsiniz.
is the oud player an angel ??? her eyes are the best song i've ever seen
Beautiful Angels
Now imagine her in Constantinople in the 15th or 16th century, you see her in a in the square, she is playing with other people and having a lot of fun. Her eyes are captivating, the music is engaging, the moment becomes unforgettable. And now as if it occured in a dream you wish that happened again and that you could see those eyes and experience that scene again, in your reverie, you wish you could live eternally there and enjoy this dream forever, but as all things in life, everything has an end and even with the holiest and most heavenly moments it's no different.
@@DaviSilva-oc7iv you are in a dream now -- awaken to it-- one ☝️
@@DaviSilva-oc7iv Dungeon Master lore
Under the shade of a fig tree. How much more Greek can it be?
Wonderful girls.
It can be more Greek if it's under an olive tree
ειναι μουριά
It's actually a mulberry tree, very prevalent in Greek yards as it provides great shade during the summer, alot of food for animals like goats and sheep who eat its leaves and also juicy mulberries!!!!
Not only greece that has olive or fig trees. It is a mediteranean thing .
Wonderful! The song, just two instruments and two voices. And your smiles! Ευχαριστό για το τραγούδι. Love from Brazil. ❤❤❤
The music, the voice, the oud, and those eyes.. omg
My family and I love your performing , love from Turkey
@Mādai My family and I*
@@evelinapappas6212 You are correct 100 percent. It is proper to say "My family and I" this is the right way.
Bravo language detectives
Greetings from Canada as Turkish who used to work at Greek restaurant. I love all our common roots, feelings and such… Thank you beauties that you’ve made my night! I wish we could live together all over again. Se agapó♥️🧿
Well cansu there is a place where Turks live in peace and get along with their neighbors. You ever heard of gaugauzia in Moldavia? Maybe you should study it
@@Makaidonas Turkey is this typical country indeed Turkey has 3,5-6 million among shqiptar(Albanian) citizens(my grandfather is Macadonian shqiptar and we haven t lived any problem ). we haven t only Albanic mınority Turkey is so colorful country but Turkish politicians are a sunglasses. Everything will be changed till a two years. Good day
@@jacknicholson6477 shipyard are Muslims are they not?
@@Makaidonas They have mostly Bektaşi believer. without them Turkey has %10-12 Alevi believer approximately. Also in the south east region of the turkey (mostly Mardin province) syriac peoples are living still. they are christian. I dont calculate to non Teist people and other mınority
@@jacknicholson6477 jack you mean todo Albanian which are Christians. The reason there are so many shiptars in turkey is because they came from the Caucasus mountain area
Albanian do not belong to the balkans. They migrated to albania around the 13-14 century
For those who wonder about the many comments from Turkey and north Africa: this music style is not from Greek mainland, its originally from the Greek communities of anatolia, what is today western Turkey. There was a million of Greeks living in anatolia, before a population exchange between the two countries in 1923
Greek mainland music differs a lot from this one, usually lacking much of the eastern traits of anatolian Greek songs like this
You forget that the Karamans also had to leave, it was n't just the Greeks, I've often wondered if the sisters are of Karaman descent
Oh is that what we're calling it?
İ am a kurd and i love greek people
Long live greek and kurd
@@anastasiafergadioti ❤️🖤❤️
this is why UA-cam will always be the BEST place for music.
Hello from Australia. Fantastico. Such beautiful sounds, the sounds of Byzantium.
It sounds like a resurrection of ancient music! So good.
Wow, Iliana looks like a goddess....she's absolutely beautiful
The oud is a Levantine instrument played in Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Jordan. These young ladies are doing a beautiful job playing and singing. Many shared cultural aspects in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
You’re right!
well, it is not a suprise since the Greeks are a Western and Eastern nation at the same time because of the several Greek communities that used to live in Anatolia, the Levant and Egypt for centuries.
@@mariosathens1 And the massive ottoman Turkish influence
@@thebenevolentsun6575 what cultural influence can spread a nomad nation to a centuries-old civilization? Time didn't start with the Ottoman invasions.
@@mariosathens1 Time didn't start with the Ottomans but it didn't end with them either. Are you really claiming the Ottomans had no impact on the lands they ruled over? Of course they started as nomads but weren't nomadic for very long.