Respondent has total contempt for this court and the country's law. Vanenge vanenaro dzisina basa kana. Folding arms and has no respect whatsoever. This is how corruption goes kushandisa ma connections nekudiza. Summons can posted anyhow and kamdara kakavaira kurufu, saka vaiziva kuti pane summons. Well done Mambo❤!
Iye Makoni must know his boundaries. He should recognise other mambo neighbouring him eg Mambo Chiduku, Mambo Marange, Mambo Tandi, Mambo Chipunza etc. Kwete kuti madzimambo ese aya ari pasi pake. Hunhubu ihwohwo.
Mambo matonga zvakanaka. Murume uyu indururani. The way he responded kushaya respect of the chief. Kune vanhu varikutaura rubbish kuti unfair. Its not unfair when you are trying to Rob part of Makoni to be yours. This man kuzvitutumadza nekuti DA vari behind him. Ndozvinoita vanhu vezanu vachirova vamwe because zanu is behind them. This was a small issue yaakatoita hombe nekuti DA arikumubatsira. Mambo well done. Murume uyu auya akaronga kuti nhasi vachandiona from the start he was no cooperative. Kuramba kuti itsamba yake chaiko. Ndatoshamisikawo. Ndozvazvinoita kana uchitemba ne government officials. Well done Mambo. Makoni ndeyaMakoni kwete DA or chipunza or Chiduku. Ngaaende kundogara kwa DA
This guy didnt know kuti mambo is very passionate about nyaya yekuti ndiye aifanira kunge ari mambo wenyika yese iyoyo. De asina kutaura nezveumwe mambo
Tongai munhu mambo ripisai kana mombe 10. Vanhu ava vanofurirana voudzana kuti mambo haana kudzidza saka haanditonge. Rovai pasi petsoka dhongi iro mangwana haridheereri futi
Mambo or what ever zvavari vanenge mwana mudiki anofarira kutawura zvinonyadzisira hakusiriko kutonga plus anotongera chitororo anozviita kuti ndini. He must go kunodzidziswa tsika dzedu nemagariro tine mazwi atinosgandisa kana tichida kutawura zvinyadzi not zvaanoita mudhara uyo. He think kuti akatosvika level rekupadzisira mulife
Fine. But my argument is traditionally nyaya yaitongwa nemakurukota mambo vakateerera. Mambo chavaizoita kupa chete mutongo sekunzwa kwavane ge vaita kubva kumativi ose kwete zviri kuitwa naNyati izvi. That's mava kunzwa vava kuti wandituka.
To answer you All chiefs in Zimbabwe we were given books to rule with makoni is acting according to the book. To argue land boundery with a chief without proper evidence it's panishable ne mombe, disregarding a sarmon twice its a goat per sitting
@@desiregadza7995 Lets hope those books are according to the laws of the land which are prepared and approved by an act of a parliament. Does it make sense if there are no clear defined boundaries to charge people of their supposed ignorance. Kwete kuita hondo dzemiganho this era. The issue of the summon, it muist be delievered to the right person or at his residence and signed that it was received. this case it was given to someone who is differently abled,
Thy are given from parliament I got mine same day I got enogorated sir then you have 15 days training on interpretation and then 1 month review classes, on boundery issue makoni was right when he said" leave it its out of bounce for you ' there are boundaries that we had before the coming of the European settlement thy were moved depending on how good and productive the land was some of my relatives who are in chidhuku, mutungagore, denzva, mandinzha just to mention a few were moved as far as from chenyika that is way over 100km by the white settlers and their homes where made to be farms of tobacco e.t.c now we have boundery issues a because minister of lands is not considering facts over fiction who ever goes to court he sides with them. So this man made a mistake of trying to introduce something he can not finish he got grumbled on he might have had pple who gave him false info then on court day thy did not show up to support him. His case was ruled on emotions over facts too. I will talk to Chief Makoni over the matter altho chiefs judgements can not be reversed.
A good law should be availed to everyone to know the things that are binding the subjects. we agree on the issue of the use of emotions. School me on the issue the gazetted boundaries. are they european ones or traditional ones. Are the Chiefs the ones to point boundaries or the DAs or an arm of the gvt mandated to do so.
Respondent has total contempt for this court and the country's law. Vanenge vanenaro dzisina basa kana. Folding arms and has no respect whatsoever. This is how corruption goes kushandisa ma connections nekudiza. Summons can posted anyhow and kamdara kakavaira kurufu, saka vaiziva kuti pane summons. Well done Mambo❤!
Good response from baba avo. Enough of these who forever impose near impossible rules to live from
Cheni dzekumama Mbavha, madzitateguru api pasina ndiani asina madzitateguru acho wakambogadzwa Nani
apa maitira munhu tsinye nekuti haasi mudunhu renyu vaMakoni. hamuna muganho naMarange imi munonyepa
Makoni anofanira kumbonotora maNotes ekugadzirisa magariro evanhu mudunhu kuna Chief Bushu or Chief Saurombe.
Tichatoitawo tichifamba kumadzimambo ese iwawo zvekare.
Ngabviswe humambo uyo hagone kutonga ngaape chipunza mambo uyu imbavha
Chief adheererwa apo magona Mambo
Iye Makoni must know his boundaries. He should recognise other mambo neighbouring him eg Mambo Chiduku, Mambo Marange, Mambo Tandi, Mambo Chipunza etc. Kwete kuti madzimambo ese aya ari pasi pake. Hunhubu ihwohwo.
Ari pasi paMakono ndizvozvo chaizvo but uyo ari kutonga haasi Makoni bauyo ndiGwasira uyo asina rudzi nesu isu vaera nyati
Chief uyo imbavha chaiyo hakuna munhu anopiwa summon asipo vaifanira kupa muridzi wemhosva chete chimbavha icho ini handibvise
Ukasabvisa vanotuma chiketura chinobata pfuma kana midziyo.
Haagone kutonga mambo uyo anosiya vana vari varombo. Ngambono tora manotes kuna bushu
Of course yes it's for 7 committee member
Mambo matonga zvakanaka. Murume uyu indururani. The way he responded kushaya respect of the chief. Kune vanhu varikutaura rubbish kuti unfair. Its not unfair when you are trying to Rob part of Makoni to be yours. This man kuzvitutumadza nekuti DA vari behind him. Ndozvinoita vanhu vezanu vachirova vamwe because zanu is behind them. This was a small issue yaakatoita hombe nekuti DA arikumubatsira. Mambo well done. Murume uyu auya akaronga kuti nhasi vachandiona from the start he was no cooperative. Kuramba kuti itsamba yake chaiko. Ndatoshamisikawo. Ndozvazvinoita kana uchitemba ne government officials. Well done Mambo. Makoni ndeyaMakoni kwete DA or chipunza or Chiduku. Ngaaende kundogara kwa DA
Kutonhodzwa kwa Chauruka..Watsva..wakaona DA tiza,,,🏃🏃🏃..
@@trustchiriseri3510 zvedi
Its very sad, how can a justice system be this unfair? The poor man is being extorted - that moment feels like the world is falling in one mass.
Enda kwa magistrate's court. Usabirwe wakatarisa. Ini handisungirwe nyaya dzakapusa saizvozvo izvo.
Totongwa KwaMarange tobve Bocha
Manzi yaramba izvozvo kwasara Clare
Zvipiko mambo mbavha iyi hudzvanyiriri
Mambo arikuda kubatirira mudhara uyoo cey mambo asikudakuti mudhara ataure zvasabhuku kutongi hwamambo nasabhuku wake ndehwe Zanu pf mhata dzenyu vanhu we Zanu pf
Kutorera munhu pfuma ndokudini madzitateguru kudiniko mhata iwe mambo mwari chaiye hasaidaro wotiunenyika kungotora mombe dzemunhu Zanu pf ngaisadaro
mambo ndamupinzirira
Zvimatare izvi hazvina fairness
Iyo murume ndovarume
This guy didnt know kuti mambo is very passionate about nyaya yekuti ndiye aifanira kunge ari mambo wenyika yese iyoyo. De asina kutaura nezveumwe mambo
Tongai munhu mambo ripisai kana mombe 10. Vanhu ava vanofurirana voudzana kuti mambo haana kudzidza saka haanditonge. Rovai pasi petsoka dhongi iro mangwana haridheereri futi
Mambo matongero avo hasii fair
Vogadzirisa papi chaipo.
@@nhimbetv Vanonyanyisa kuda kubhadharisa zvinobva zvataridza kunge vane undyire.Ndivo vekuda kumbobhadharisa ma witness imwe session so as if ndivo vaiva vakwira kudare kana ndisingapotse.Chechipiri:kana zvichigoneka ngavadzidzewo kubva kune vamwe vatinomboona vanonyatsoterera munhu achitaura kana akapa valid reason havarambe vakabatirira pamutongo wavo;they weigh either for or against.Manje ava zvinoita sokuti vatowana pokubatira munhu chero achitaura zviri valid havatereri vanenge votoda kurova munhu pasi petsoka.Hazvina kunaka izvozvo zvachose.Ngavasatonge vakagumbuka kare.
Zimambo rehutsinye iro harigone kutonga ngaadzidze kuna chief bushu and chief nyamaropa
Vanhu vari kubirwa kumamisha uko, its sad and unfortunate.
Imba ha and l know all these pple imbavha
Mambo or what ever zvavari vanenge mwana mudiki anofarira kutawura zvinonyadzisira hakusiriko kutonga plus anotongera chitororo anozviita kuti ndini. He must go kunodzidziswa tsika dzedu nemagariro tine mazwi atinosgandisa kana tichida kutawura zvinyadzi not zvaanoita mudhara uyo. He think kuti akatosvika level rekupadzisira mulife
Chief avo vane error
It seems as if they are there to enrich them
baba vanojairira mambo ava
Mambo ava vane kamweya kezanu
This bastard guy came kuzozvidza nekutuka,nekuchallenger Mambo ,good judgement Mambo
You are now being a dictator mambo.Tongai nyaya mhosva yobuda pachena momubata nemhosva yaakapara
VaKufakwaTenzi Pamberi nawo
But how on earth do you serve someone with a summon and never deliver it to that respective person? So unfair.
Panoda kugadziriswa zvesure.
Mambo makumbunyikidza hutongi makushandisa chisimba. Nyika ndeyedu tese tese tine madzitateguru akafa hapana asina. Makuita huori hwekuti hamubvumidzwe kupikisa makuripisa zvekupenga . Baba imi musabvisa zvinhu zvataurwa namambo ava
mambo ndakupinzirira mxm
Chief apa vangoda kuratidza havo masimba coz kamdara aka haikaifanira kupeta maoko mudare even tho usina mhosva hombe
Kushora dare
Makoni makoni tonga nyaya
uyo atongerwa chitororo.Mambo vangoda chete kuratidza simba ravo coz mdara adherera dare.
Ko basa remakurukota amambo rakaenda kupi? Matare acho asiyana.
Anenge arimo makurukota amambo.
Fine. But my argument is traditionally nyaya yaitongwa nemakurukota mambo vakateerera. Mambo chavaizoita kupa chete mutongo sekunzwa kwavane ge vaita kubva kumativi ose kwete zviri kuitwa naNyati izvi. That's mava kunzwa vava kuti wandituka.
Mmambo makoni is a big criminal
Kwedu kuma resettlement akuna msmbo asi mambo makoni anitonga achiti ndekwake
Hakuna nzvimbo isina mambo unless muri mutown.
Hahaha aiwa mambo variko hakuna nzvimbo isiri pasi pamambo.
@@nhimbetv harare ne Bulawayo chete ndosingatongwe na mambo
Harare ina mambo so as bulawayo
@@desiregadza7995 anonzi ani? Harare haina baba
Mambo tsosti
hahaha papi chaipo?
Panyama nyati baba weduuu
Haasi Makoni uyo ndiGwasira uyo
Gwasira ahasi nyati here ichii?
@@desiregadza7995 Inyati yekwaMakoni futi
Saka aggie uyo arikurasika papi?
Nonsense ini handina mambo wandinoenda kwaari zvinonoda kuroiwa zvimamambo izvi
Eish baba avo is very stubborn
zvekuti dhuu
Madzimambo imbavha dayikurikuti akanyenga mukadzi wemunhu ayikwanisa kunzi ripamombe 6dzataurwa idzoo vanhu wakawandisa warikuputsirwa dzimba vanamambo wasinachawari kutonga kungoti modzoka mangwana makuseni modzoka mangwana makuseni kusvika unoneta kufambira nyaya dzacho iyeanenge akapiwa mari nechekuseri
Madzishe mangani arikunyenga wakadzi wewanhu manhu chinyamukupura Nashingi marange vapedza wakadzi wewanhu ukataura wotoripiswa ndiwe madzishe madzimambo hamutongi nyaya zvakanaka
Hurumende ngaiise maximum fine yaMambo because Makoni anotonga zvehumbavha
To answer you All chiefs in Zimbabwe we were given books to rule with makoni is acting according to the book. To argue land boundery with a chief without proper evidence it's panishable ne mombe, disregarding a sarmon twice its a goat per sitting
@@desiregadza7995 Lets hope those books are according to the laws of the land which are prepared and approved by an act of a parliament. Does it make sense if there are no clear defined boundaries to charge people of their supposed ignorance. Kwete kuita hondo dzemiganho this era. The issue of the summon, it muist be delievered to the right person or at his residence and signed that it was received. this case it was given to someone who is differently abled,
Thy are given from parliament I got mine same day I got enogorated sir then you have 15 days training on interpretation and then 1 month review classes, on boundery issue makoni was right when he said" leave it its out of bounce for you ' there are boundaries that we had before the coming of the European settlement thy were moved depending on how good and productive the land was some of my relatives who are in chidhuku, mutungagore, denzva, mandinzha just to mention a few were moved as far as from chenyika that is way over 100km by the white settlers and their homes where made to be farms of tobacco e.t.c now we have boundery issues a because minister of lands is not considering facts over fiction who ever goes to court he sides with them. So this man made a mistake of trying to introduce something he can not finish he got grumbled on he might have had pple who gave him false info then on court day thy did not show up to support him. His case was ruled on emotions over facts too. I will talk to Chief Makoni over the matter altho chiefs judgements can not be reversed.
@@desiregadza7995 Is it on disposal of chiefs only?
A good law should be availed to everyone to know the things that are binding the subjects. we agree on the issue of the use of emotions. School me on the issue the gazetted boundaries. are they european ones or traditional ones. Are the Chiefs the ones to point boundaries or the DAs or an arm of the gvt mandated to do so.
Kamu dhara kanodheerera aka
Kuzvidza dare
Pfutseki wako vako baba vakanzi kamudhara unonzwasei
Very good chief makoni vangu anogonesa
Vanogona zvekuti hamunyepi....