Picture of Dorian Gray



  • @demonizer133
    @demonizer133 13 років тому

    @NeverSayNeverToAlway Thanks! Trippy score...yet somehow, sweetly romantic!
    Thanks again!

  • @awakened2ug
    @awakened2ug 12 років тому +1

    "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

  • @demonizer133
    @demonizer133 14 років тому

    Love the music...on what film score did you find this track?
    Those skeletal portraits are awesome! Great selection of photos!

  • @idontgetno
    @idontgetno 12 років тому

    I find a paradox. Wilde's original story reads like a rather jaded account of social excess rather than a horrid tale of the excess of debauchery. it hdes the horror until Basil's murder. it's the concept that inspires the ghastly illustrations and is as thoroughly frightening as any morality play with an eternal perdition. Wilde is very skillful in this regard.

  • @WritersBlah
    @WritersBlah 13 років тому

    Odd how certain iterations of Gray are more disturbing than others. I still find Albright's version to be the most disturbing. Seriously, that thing scared the bloody heck out of me, and I'm not one who's easily scared.

  • @idontgetno
    @idontgetno 12 років тому

    Wilde himself seems to sum it up this way:
    Lord Henry, is the Mephistopheles. He sort of blithely tells Dorian that the only horrible thing in the world is ennui.. It is the only unforgivable sin.
    And Dorian, who has squandered his eternal soul in a Faustian bargain responds bitterly that Lord Henry would sacrifice anybody for the sake of an epigram

  • @fraddi
    @fraddi 12 років тому

    @NeverSayNeverToAlway which part 1 or 2??

  • @fraddi
    @fraddi 12 років тому

    is it part 1 or 2??