RS Aero - Rait Rand

  • Опубліковано 18 лип 2023
  • Kingi endale elu ägedaim aasta!
    Rait on oma olemuselt virtuoos keeruliste inseneri oskust vajavate ülesanne lahendamisel, kus oluline on panna kokku mehaanika ja digilahendused. Ka töövälises elus otsib ta lahendusi, mis aitavad kvaliteetselt aega veeta.
    RS Aero juures võlub Raiti autonoomsus ning võimalus kiiresti merele, minna kui soov tekib. Kodust jalgrattaga väljudes ning veele minekuni kuulub alla 15 minuti. Ning elamus, mida Aero pakub on äge. Kui julged ning pingutad, siis Aero hakkab lendama ja täielik restart on tagatud.


  • @tripleseven8361
    @tripleseven8361 21 день тому

    So how long to get it rigged and into the water in real time?

    • @MrNeonerl
      @MrNeonerl 3 дні тому +1

      Hi, I don't dismantle my mast, but leave it standing and have sewn myself a mast cover. All in all it takes me 5 minutes to get the boat fully rigged.
      First step. remove mast cover (1 min).
      second. remove boat persenning (1 min).
      third: my sail remain fixed on the outhaul , but relead from the mast. So I have to fix the halyard to the sheet - but do not hoist the sail. (1 min)
      fourth. mount the rudder on the boat and attach the rubber to the tiller (1 min)
      fifth: push the boat to and into the water (1min).
      but once in the water, I put the daggerboard into, hoist sail and mount the downhaul and prepare the rudder and the trim lines. Another 2-3 minutes.
      If you don´t want the mast standing all the time, you have to put both parts of the mast together (1-2 minutes) and and you have to fumble in two lines through a fitting and attach the kicker using a shackle, another 2-3 minutes. So, starting from scratch (e.g. after a transport) 15 minutes.

    • @tripleseven8361
      @tripleseven8361 3 дні тому

      @@MrNeonerl That’s great Intel… Thanks very much!

  • @ross.venner
    @ross.venner 4 місяці тому

    Yeah, how about Moths even the wooden ones are lighter while the c.f. scows come in at about 15kg.
    The problem with SM_ODs grossly over priced.