Breaking Shakespeare: Who Is Puck?

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024


  • @vc3759
    @vc3759 5 років тому +7

    Their reasoning for puck causing chaos was whack. Oberon was the one to start chaos by giving orders to puck, so really Oberon is chaotic. They could have used another reasoning for explaining puck's chaos by Puck's first dialogue

  • @CallegriaofSoulbound
    @CallegriaofSoulbound 2 роки тому +2

    Personally I feel this didn't talk about Puck at all. And more so I feel most plays do a horrible job of visioning Puck. They in the end always make Puck out to be a fool who just errands instead of intentionally causing chaos. Why is it everyone makes it seem as if Puck just goofed up instead of having his own fun and then gets caught and scolded by Oberon to fix it?

  • @marlonespinaldelrio7033
    @marlonespinaldelrio7033 3 роки тому +3

    I associated Puck to be the woodlands demigod Pan from the greek mythology where he was known to have been a mischievious pranking god that often caused panic to nymphs and mortals alike. Therefore the word panic in etymology derrives from the name of Pan who in turn was known to create caos by causing panic, for the word in etymology explains its origin in this manner. The initial courting in the begining of Midsummer Nights Dream and shortly fallowed by the display of what seemed to be the likeness of the Goddess of Love and Beauty Aphrodite with another Olympian God Orberon (perhaps Zeus, Hermes, Apolo etc,.). The image of the Goddess Aphrodite and her likeness was realized and shown in the begining when she is attended by her three maidens, the Thee Beautiful Graces that in turn represent Aphrodites attributes of Charm, Beauty and Happiness. Then Aphrodite is made to fall in love with a jackassman by orders of Orberon to Pucks flower, Orberon representes an Olympian Gods authority with the intent, so as to make Aphrodite realize that her true value as the Goddess of Love and Beauty is always within her and then by redirect her attention towards him by the artefice of trckery and cunningness. So when Aphrodite became unenchanted from the induced happenings that had been caused by Puck (Pan), that made Aphrodite fall in love with that jackassman. Upon awakening from pucks enchantment flower the Goddess Aphrodite interprets the entire happenings of the enchantment as a nightmare dream that acured while she thought to have been asleep during a midsummer night. Realizing the frightful nightmarish experience, Aphrodite panics in dispair only to run to the arms of Orberon,so to find comfort in his words by finding the value of love and comfort in him that he so much yearned from her. Aphrodite explains to Orberon that she had just awoken from an aweful dream that was beneath her status of a Goddess, where she had been in love with a jackassman. Then Orberon comforts her in his arms and asures Aphrodite that it was only a Midsummer Nights Dream and all is well now and things would be okay. Pan (Puck) in greek mythology was said to have been fathered by the Olympian God Hermes known for his many talented attributes, that of eloquence and that of being a quick cunning trickster, and, also the inventor of the known string Lyre that resembles the likeness of a harp, that in order to make music from one needs to pluck at its strings, same as to pluck a bloomed flower. Its quite posible that in etymology the word pluck derrives from the word puck. The Lyre in greek mythology themes has been an instrument of undisputed power of enchantment to have even been able to enchant the Gods themselves and Titans alike, as such was the case when Orpheus used his plucking talented Lyre playing abilities to enchant Hades lord of the underworld in achieving the return of his wife to the living mortal world by plucking and playing the Lyre before Hades, only to later to in turn be deceived and outsmarted by Hades in making Orpheus to lose his wife once more to the underworld by causing in Orpheus anxiety, despairity in anticipation and curiousity in looking back. The story of the Lyres creation is said to had been at first a gift from the God Hermes upon its invention to Apalo the God of the arts, music, prophecy and of healing, the gift was that of a peace offering for having atempted to trick the God Apolo when Hermes had first been born as was only just a babie, in return for the Lyre as a gift the God Apolo gifted Hermes with a Heralds Scepter The Caduceus a staff with two wings and two serpens after becoming the best friends with Hermes even though they were both brothers fathered by Zeus. The God Hermes also known as the messenger of Zeus and of the other Gods with his scepter in hand the Caduceus is said to hold the decree and will of Zeus along with the messages and will of the other Gods upon the arrival of the intended message that the Caduceus contains. So as, a musician is required to pluck the strings of a Lyre to make its sound of music in the same likeness of a harp, Puck in the play is Pan able to pluck a bloomed flower with enchantment to create panic, thus in turn creating caos itself as if by plucking the sound of the strings of the Lyre instrument. One must always take on account the greek eloquence of plays, theater and its poetry, as I am sure that of William Shakespeare exemplyfies his eloquence in his thoughts and metaphor. Metaphore is a standard of truth in revealing itself by means of interchangable words in poetry being either of the origins of emotion, expression and etymology in verse and prose. Gentles do not reprehend, if you pardon will mend, And as I am an honest Puck, if we by an unearned luck now escape the serpents, We will make amends ere long, else the puck a Lyre call. ...... If we shadows have offended think but this and all is mended, that you have but slumbered here while this visions did appear and this weak and idle theme no more yielding but a dream. Gentles do not reprehend, if you pardon we will mend. And, as I am an honest Puck, if we by an unearned luck, now escape the serpents toungue, We will make amends, Else the Puck a Lyre call, So, goodnight unto you all, Give me your hands if we be friends and Robin shall restore amends. The Jupiters Sosoety is said to be those selected few individuals known for their opulance and love of fine arts, making them recognizable by their ecentricity, but obove all their eloquence is what gives them acceptence in The Jupiters Sosoety. For words are said to hold the true power of immortality in themselves. Give me your hands if we be friends and Robin shall restore amends.

  • @neon_sketchartyt2432
    @neon_sketchartyt2432 5 років тому +4

    The real life fun with flags right here folks

  • @chesschess6304
    @chesschess6304 2 роки тому

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