Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes! (2/2)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • / sciencereason ... Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes! (Part 2/2). TED talks - Beau Lotto: Optical illusions show how we see (Recorded at TEDGlobal, July 2009, Oxford, UK).
    A fascinating demonstration of how our visual system is conditioned by what we perceive as 'Reality', with unexpected conclusions about what we call Illusions.
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    Beau Lotto's color games puzzle your vision, but they also spotlight what you can't normally see: how your brain works. This fun, first-hand look at your own versatile sense of sight reveals how evolution tints your perception of what's really out there.
    Neuroscientist and artist Beau Lotto is founder of Lottolab, a hybrid art studio and science lab. With glowing, interactive sculpture -- and good, old-fashioned peer-reviewed research -- he's illuminating the mysteries of the brain's visual system.
    Why you should listen to him:
    "Let there be perception," was evolution's proclamation, and so it was that all creatures, from honeybees to humans, came to see the world not as it is, but as was most useful. This uncomfortable place -- where what an organism's brain sees diverges from what is actually out there -- is what Beau Lotto and his team at Lottolab are exploring through their dazzling art-sci experiments and public illusions.
    Their Bee Matrix installation, for example, places a live bee in a transparent enclosure where gallerygoers may watch it seek nectar in a virtual meadow of luminous Plexiglas flowers. (Bees, Lotto will tell you, see colors much like we humans do.) The data captured isn't just discarded, either: it's put to good use in probing scientific papers, and sometimes in more exhibits.
    Outside the studio work, the brain-like (that is, multidisciplinary) organization is also branching out to bigger public engagement works. It's holding regular "synesthetic workshops" where kids and adults make "color scores" -- abstract paintings that computers interpret into music, as with scrolls fed to a player piano.
    And lately they're planning an outdoor walkway of color-lit, pressure-sensitive John Conway-esque tiles that react and evolve according to foot traffic. These and Lotto's other conjurings are slowly, charmingly bending the science of perception -- and our perceptions of what science can be.
    Beau Lotto teaches at University College London.
    "All his work attempts to understand the visual brain as a system defined, not by its essential properties, but by its past ecological interactions with the world. In this view, the brain evolved to see what proved useful to see, to continually redefine normality." (British Science Association)


  • @kenny3685
    @kenny3685 12 років тому

    @SuperiorApostate try lsd it makes colors taste too

  • @hoppinonabronzeleg
    @hoppinonabronzeleg 10 років тому +3

    This sort of educational tutorial taught me more than school ever could. Plus good teachers are a gift!!!

  • @uilium
    @uilium 14 років тому

    Your Idea will work for the blind too....I hope your not too BIGTIME to read my idea I sent you in the mail.

  • @exacerbatedtaboo
    @exacerbatedtaboo 14 років тому

    This was awesome and very interesting but my question is. When is comes to making sounds with colors. Who assigns each color a sound? Take what the child's art sounded like for example. If they would have assigned it different notes then it would have sounded nothing like that. So my question is. Who assigns each color a note and why was each color given that particular note? Or am I missing it by a mile here? Someone please explain.

  • @JirosWorld
    @JirosWorld 14 років тому

    @metalorg the app SoundOfAnImage converts images into music and it's been around for a while. I have it for Mac, I don't know if there is a PC version.

  • @GeekProdigyGuy
    @GeekProdigyGuy 12 років тому

    @Zorgonia First, you're using "troll" incorrectly. Troll refers to a person who enjoys annoying people.
    Second, they could completely accept, but still dislike, this video. Perhaps they felt that he wasn't explaining the illusions very well. What if they think that it's a waste to worry about optical illusions when there's a WAR going on somewhere?
    I agree that this video was great. But! There's a big leap from "this is correct" to "I like this", and the same from "dislike" to "don't get"

  • @bman0341
    @bman0341 13 років тому

    @boomkablamo An excellent argument. Very well said. Not to mention that we're just one planet in the right place in relation to just one sun. That's one solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy. Galaxies often contain multiple solar systems. There are BILLIONS of other galaxies in the OBSERVABLE universe - let alone what we can't even observe. Lot's of chances for the right conditions to come about.

  • @skopp888
    @skopp888 14 років тому

    @TheJaredtube Bla bla bla... yawn you lost me after the first line with your pseudo-intellectual babble (BTW you spelled PSEUDO wrong). Well you didn't lose me as such, basically all you're saying is that we try to investigate nature as scientifically as humanly possible. There, I did it it one line, and in simple English.
    But you see, the scientific method demands objectivity and reproducibility. Is there any person that is absolutely objective?

  • @cowboycoco
    @cowboycoco 14 років тому

    @AchievementSpanker i think the answer to your question lies in his statement, we don't see the world as it is but as it is useful to us. Many things are illusory to us and many are correct, but only if correct coincides with useful. Like all of those hubble pictures...many of them are not what we would see naturally but instead done in false color to show what we can't see. All that stuff is really there, but we don't see it and we certainly don't see it like that, because it won't help us eat.

  • @boomkablamo
    @boomkablamo 14 років тому

    Yea, another argument I hate for them to use is "Well how do you explain the fact that the earth is the perfect distance from the sun to sustain life". It's not hard a concept to understand that if there is a planet capable of sustaining life, then it's going to sustain life. If it wasn't the perfect distance from the sun then we wouldn't be here... it's such a stupid argument. Of course it's going to be the perfect distance.

  • @Rory99M
    @Rory99M 14 років тому

    @AchievementSpanker `No no no absolutely not. We can definitely trust our senses to live and survive, that's the point. He just saying that our brain through evolution gives us a certain perception and that we can change the way we look at things to understand more about science. As far as everything being an illusion, that implies that you are talking only about one sense of sight and perception of these visual images in the brain which I suppose I believe is not true or how could we read.

  • @cbernier3
    @cbernier3 14 років тому

    @bradmanthethird I had to watch it over and over to try to get it to flip. It certainly doesn't happen as often as he said it does. It might flip once during the whole time, if you try hard. Although, if you look at the string, that was always going clockwise, even when the diamond looked to be going counterclockwise. Since they have to be spinning in the same direction, it was going clockwise.

  • @Tapecutter59
    @Tapecutter59 14 років тому

    Great post, really gets you thinking about "reality".
    I've often wondered if different people have a different experience of colour. For example what I experience as red some one else may experience what I would call blue but since we label the same thing as red we both agree it's red (ie: we agree on "reality" even though our experiences of it may be totally different). Unfortunately I don't think the idea is testable.

  • @bsphil
    @bsphil 13 років тому

    It's not really all that "perfect" either. We could be drastically further away from the sun and still sustain life, although we couldn't be a whole lot closer. Certainly far from the definition of perfect. People getting the cause/effect relationship completely backwards is really annoying though.

  • @boomkablamo
    @boomkablamo 14 років тому

    lol. Most ranges can support any form of life? I don't know if I'm misunderstanding you, but the only life ever recorded to exist exists within a very small range of distance from the sun. So we can really make no assumptions about life on other planets other than they would be most likely to exist on a planet with similar sunlight and climate.

  • @RDA000
    @RDA000 12 років тому

    Yea perfect for us the way we live right now. If the planet was colder or warmer then there would be different species where it would be perfect for them to. Did you ever take biology in high school? You don't even have to be an expert at this to know this.

  • @PlatinumIvory
    @PlatinumIvory 14 років тому

    At an airport, I sometimes like to trick myself at the baggage claim by staring intently at the belt the luggage rolls by on. When I do it long enough, I trick my body into thinking the luggage is staying still and I'M the one that's moving.

  • @MacahMacah
    @MacahMacah 14 років тому

    @cbernier3 You should watch a computer-made illusion of the same sort, then there is no string for you to look, and there is no hand spinning it, then it will most probably be easier to change the direction

  • @Ryan44567
    @Ryan44567 14 років тому

    Very true. However, I wasn't referring to the truth of the statement. I really just liked how he worded it. I grew up in a culture with individuals who tend to believe that what the see is in fact reality.

  • @cbernier3
    @cbernier3 14 років тому

    @bradmanthethird It was spinning clockwise. It was obvious. It was always spinning clockwise and it only looked like it was spinning clockwise. I don't know what is wrong with people who think it was spinning counterclockwise.

  • @MDumas81
    @MDumas81 14 років тому

    Good stuff. I had to watch it a couple times to make sense of what was going on at some points. If i was in the audience I woulda been a bit confused, he moved through some stuff pretty rapidly without much explanation.

  • @DigitizedSelf
    @DigitizedSelf 14 років тому

    @Eagle0600 Yeah, I know that that's what I'm supposed to see but I didn't - think it might be because my brain is expecting the illusion and correcting for it (if such a thing is even possible).

  • @Alessandro-B
    @Alessandro-B 12 років тому

    @Slipknot808 "How does anonymously disliking something translate to being a troll?" When something is explained beautifully, with reason, experiments and critical thinking. If one dislikes it, either that person is dumb (ie= troll) or prefers some delusion that conflicts with reality (again= troll).
    "you are insulting people who have merely disagreed with you." They're not disagreeing with me, they're not accepting reality, therefore they insult human intellect, reasoning n logic.

  • @DoisKoh
    @DoisKoh 13 років тому

    You're using anthropic principle to explain the concept of a "fine-tuned universe" and I'm afraid the phrasing is crucial and it will confuse creationists even more and make them think you're stupid so I prefer to avoid it. I think an easier way to go about it is to say that in a while, Earth is going to be in a horrible position to sustain life and Mars is going to be better... and then even later, they're all going to be in a horrible position.

  • @angelialvares
    @angelialvares 14 років тому

    very interesting. Also colors look different under flourescent light and daylight! But yes the word has a lot of power and we tend to bellieve especially a lecturer right away. In India cosmetic companies make believe that white skin is better. The same companies brainwah people in the U.S. that brown is better. So the issue of whether a brown skin or white skin is more desirable is all programmed into us!

  • @Downfurlife
    @Downfurlife 14 років тому

    This kinda does away with the meaning of Christianity and other religions. It exposes them as stupid, pathetic and dangerous delusions which some people have been conditioned to believe.

  • @truvelocity
    @truvelocity 13 років тому

    @boomkablamo We perceive it as the perfect distance and yet, life is till at a knife edge with huge massive populations being wiped out forever. We are not out of the woods and are still subject to the a meteorite or gamma burst wiping all known life out on Earth again. Is that perfect? Far from perfect.

  • @boomkablamo
    @boomkablamo 14 років тому

    Yes, but that really doesn't even matter. The only thing that us being here proves is that we're here, nothing else. Just because we are here does not prove a God.

  • @taeyeonlover
    @taeyeonlover 14 років тому

    I think he meant yellow light, not green light. as you can see the yellow flowers on the bottom of the screen turn white as the green ones turn blue..

  • @Sensenwerk
    @Sensenwerk 13 років тому

    @SuperiorApostate ahoi. well... a) this kind of software exists. Try MuSoft or just google it.
    b) let's not automatically call the result music. : D
    noise and sound should be better fitting terms. though with proper image composition you may actually create music. no clear line there of course

  • @spartacandream
    @spartacandream 14 років тому

    The final one I didn't see the illusion, the colors looked a tad different, though they looked the same color, I felt like there was something different about the 2 sets of middle circles , and didn't see it till after. Why might that be?

  • @AzureMLE
    @AzureMLE 14 років тому

    Meh its the same trick over and over.
    The music piece is smartly found though, still i find it rather doubtful a 6 year old meant it that way. :)

  • @iv81
    @iv81 14 років тому

    Also, we do have an automatic while balance system in our brains much like the camera, it's actually the camera that mimics our visual senses

  • @hardinmichael1981
    @hardinmichael1981 14 років тому

    @exacerbatedtaboo you are correct. any connection between color/light and sound is completely arbitrary. Check out the TED talk on synesthesia.

  • @DigitizedSelf
    @DigitizedSelf 14 років тому

    I don't get this - my eyes are broken :-/. I still saw the squares in the middle as having the same colours even after he removed the covers...

  • @spartacandream
    @spartacandream 14 років тому

    @onijester56 Nowadays we need to see the truth, the reality as it is. Though our eyes evolved seeing the way it is useful, thereby seeing illusions whenever the brain can't interpret something correctly.

  • @skopp888
    @skopp888 14 років тому

    @TheJaredtube Fair enough. Personally, I don't think anyone can be 100% objective, and neither can a computer because it's human-designed.

  • @NorseRonin
    @NorseRonin 14 років тому

    @boomkablamo yes, you are absolutely right, if it wasn't perfect then we simply wouldn't be here observing how imperfect it is lol.

  • @CathySander
    @CathySander 14 років тому

    @TheJaredtube : And so the question arises: how is science possible, given the subjective experiences and relativity of perception?

  • @Sinjinator
    @Sinjinator 14 років тому

    Visual illusions are the rare anomalies, not our eyes. We can take another look, a closer look, etc - in the end we find the truth!

  • @wivvix
    @wivvix 14 років тому

    The first spinning diamond illusion didn't work for me. Even after blinking constantly, it still appeared to be spinning clockwise.

  • @papasitoman
    @papasitoman 14 років тому

    I have watched this a couple of times and he is pretty cool BUT his look and voice always reminds me of a James Bond villain.

  • @andrewpuchala
    @andrewpuchala 13 років тому

    I would like to see the color to music experiment done the other way around. I wonder what a Bach concerto would "look" like.

  • @volbla
    @volbla 14 років тому

    Quite interesting, but i missed what his point really was. That we do not observe the world as it is but rather as we've been trained to do? A weak point.

  • @mrsnipersi
    @mrsnipersi 12 років тому

    @acdiabloc lol he states that we didnt evolve to see it how we wanted but how it is..... so he stated we still evolved... problem religion??

  • @keggerous
    @keggerous 14 років тому

    @Ryan44567 yeah, that really makes u think of how the world really exists . . . at least it makes me think that.

  • @boomkablamo
    @boomkablamo 14 років тому

    I wouldn't really call that a brilliant statement... why would the brain evolve in a way which was not useful?

  • @MissSirenita
    @MissSirenita 11 років тому

    those bees are smart ^-^ yet, I knew that those "green" were blue because of the yellow environment.

  • @metalorg
    @metalorg 14 років тому

    I love that child's color image to audio demonstration. I would love to play around making images to sound like that.

  • @HConstantine
    @HConstantine 13 років тому

    @boomkablamo Life evolved to fit the conditions it found, so naturally they're perfect for life.

  • @turtlen
    @turtlen 14 років тому

    @TheJaredtube that doesnt necissarily mean that its not there, outside of our own 'perceptions'..

  • @skopp888
    @skopp888 14 років тому

    @superseung Don't you know that IBM and Apple are the founders of optical illusion technology?

  • @MercifulMing
    @MercifulMing 14 років тому

    I feel so sorry for everyone in the room that paid for TED and got a magic eye demonstration.

  • @BrodyLuv2
    @BrodyLuv2 14 років тому

    IBM made the machine that came up with the number tattooed on to German concentration camp interns.

  • @philthy122
    @philthy122 14 років тому

    @boomkablamo Ahhhh the arse-hattery of fundies is an endless supply of facepalms and wtf's

  • @thegreatmendez000
    @thegreatmendez000 14 років тому

    @MultiUniv3rsal I think it was because of the video. I couldn't get it to change at all...

  • @DigitizedSelf
    @DigitizedSelf 14 років тому

    @boorens18 Meh, definitely doesn't mean I'm retarded :P (slightly odd perhaps though)

  • @philthy122
    @philthy122 14 років тому

    @boomkablamo I ask myself that same question every time i watch a fundie vid.

  • @dangriff12
    @dangriff12 14 років тому

    and the distance could vary by 37% and still support life almost out to mars

  • @Ryan44567
    @Ryan44567 14 років тому

    "the brain evolved to see the world in a way which was useful." Brilliant

  • @kaihuizing5970
    @kaihuizing5970 9 років тому

    Something tell me that the people in the room had no idea what he was talking about at time

  • @richgrise2742
    @richgrise2742 11 років тому

    How does he know they're not just going to where the sugar water is?

  • @valcan321
    @valcan321 14 років тому

    LOL and "so he goes and throws up....and thats honey"
    Great video

  • @gimmethegepgun
    @gimmethegepgun 14 років тому

    That music from the 6 year old was great! And it gave me chills :P

  • @Krock604
    @Krock604 10 років тому

    Wow what a scam they are different again!!

  • @weswes666
    @weswes666 13 років тому

    wait the middel 9 did look the same to me is that abnormal.

  • @Dremple
    @Dremple 12 років тому

    I saw MANBEAR PIG in the intro, and almost turned it off.

  • @sweetsweatyfeet
    @sweetsweatyfeet 13 років тому

    We didn't come into this world. We came out of this world.

  • @KeiNaarr
    @KeiNaarr 14 років тому

    Wow, excellent video!
    Thak you so much, sir, for posting it.

  • @Vahtacen
    @Vahtacen 14 років тому

    imagine music so beautiful you died after hearing it...

  • @BeyondThaDeepWoods
    @BeyondThaDeepWoods 14 років тому

    @QuasiMolko he probably had things to do in his life..

  • @Xavi1437
    @Xavi1437 14 років тому

    Wow... 20 minutes to state that optical illusions exist....

  • @TheMeatloaflover
    @TheMeatloaflover 14 років тому

    @AchievementSpanker everything COULD be an illusion

  • @adsensus
    @adsensus 14 років тому

    @bdcarlitosway It can be arranged for a small fee.

  • @spartacandream
    @spartacandream 14 років тому

    @onijester56 just my thought. I do agree with you btw.

  • @Alessandro-B
    @Alessandro-B 13 років тому

    Up to now, 16 trolls did not like science and reason.

  • @1971SuperLead
    @1971SuperLead 14 років тому

    The eyes were not meant to see, but only to project.

  • @AlexEttelis
    @AlexEttelis 13 років тому

    I wonder what blind people would say about that

  • @iv81
    @iv81 14 років тому

    Proves that people will clap to almost anything.

  • @SuperiorApostate
    @SuperiorApostate 14 років тому

    I want software that makes music out of colors.

  • @19EJ91
    @19EJ91 11 років тому

    Now I wonder how the world really look like...

  • @Champignon1000
    @Champignon1000 12 років тому

    @SuperiorApostate fl studio fl harmor there you go

  • @FreeeeS
    @FreeeeS 13 років тому

    Shcroedinger's Cat experiment gets destroyed!

  • @rodo86
    @rodo86 14 років тому

    Awesome stuff, please keep posting TED videos

  • @musmusik
    @musmusik 14 років тому

    Thank you for this series. Very useful.

  • @jsssm
    @jsssm 14 років тому


  • @lucigarcia22
    @lucigarcia22 13 років тому

    I wonder how would the monalisa sound.

  • @ItsAndr2
    @ItsAndr2 10 років тому

    At the start: left and right

  • @SuperiorApostate
    @SuperiorApostate 14 років тому

    @Y0ts0 that's completely different.

  • @startreking
    @startreking 14 років тому

    @MagnusIan I thought it was a drill

  • @jkzl1008
    @jkzl1008 14 років тому

    Thanks for sharing! Great stuff.

  • @ApostateltsopA
    @ApostateltsopA 13 років тому

    @truvelocity What if that is perfect?

  • @chinh101
    @chinh101 14 років тому

    what was the purpose of this seminar?

  • @CosmicSoundMDB
    @CosmicSoundMDB 14 років тому

    Useless information for people.

  • @poorkinghaggard
    @poorkinghaggard 14 років тому

    They're not born that way lol.

  • @piratebuns
    @piratebuns 14 років тому

    Ted's pretty fuckin' cool.

  • @keg2014
    @keg2014 12 років тому

    i loved this so much!!

  • @jayejayeee
    @jayejayeee 12 років тому

    Very enjoyable thank you

  • @thegeffc
    @thegeffc 12 років тому

    great vid you have here

  • @faab007
    @faab007 14 років тому

    Good illusion on the end:D