Happy Days: Richie's older brother Chuck Cunnigham just disappears with no explanation Cosby Show: in the pilot, they say they only have 4 children, but later a mystery kid shows up in the series. Three's Company: the dog given to Mrs. Roper (and where Jack, Janet & Chrissy have so-called "visiting rights") is never seen again
Of course you can borrow some milk MRS. ROPER. Of course you can MRS. ROPER.
Happy Days: Richie's older brother Chuck Cunnigham just disappears with no explanation
Cosby Show: in the pilot, they say they only have 4 children, but later a mystery kid shows up in the series.
Three's Company: the dog given to Mrs. Roper (and where Jack, Janet & Chrissy have so-called "visiting rights") is never seen again