Warfighter was awesome. Sure, there were some gameplay issues, but it was a tactical shooter and the COD generation can't just rationalize using actual tactics over running and gunning.
It has great story line for EA standard (Although I'd prefer the uniqueness of CoD storyline) The graphic is as expected from Frosbite 2, Music is just great (not Zimmer's level, but Djawadi is good) But what I liked the most and CoD can't seem to offer is the level of Combat Gear and hardware porn in this game.
R.I.P Danger Close and all of their greatest pieces. Medal of Honor Warfighter was no exception and was so heavily underrated. Seems like some ppl don't really know what war really is and how bad it actually is. :(
It's so underrated. I loved the game, so much. And I hate CoD, battlefield, I find them awful. But MOH Warfighter is one of my favorite games. Beautiful story. Really pissed me off when Nerd3 played it, the guy was a child about it. All his fans just happened to hate it too, cause it was Nerd3.
you are so right, danger close got very much hate from ppl and that is why they don't do so much games anymore, if they have not stopped doing games, i don't know that much
I love how this game has such a "cult" following. It really shows that there are still some people who enjoy a challenging, team based FPS versus run and gun. I just wish the rest of the world would have embraced the new Medal of Honor titles as much as we did. RIP Rabbit, Mother, the beautiful title of zzz Medal of Honor, and most importantly the men and women who's lives were taken from them defending our country. Tyler Pinckney, E1 USCG
Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of your opponents fate. The art of war - Sun Tzu
Best fps campa- hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhhahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahaahhahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhaahhaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhhhahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahaahahahahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahhhahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Mother and rabbit both dead, both epic, both endings of the modern versions of MoH both brought a tear to my eye, this music helped during my time of need and comfort. Haha I'm a sad bastard
Still don't understand why everybody complains about this game. I have wanted it since i saw it on an e3 video. Now i finally bought it and i just love it. R.I.P MOH
i was thinking about this after I saw Lone Survivor, although I am not a frog, I can relate to feeling of what was seen out there and losing men we basically lived with. It reminds me of why i do what i do and I am proud to be wearing the uniform, these frogs do nothing but inspire us, and they set the bar really high in terms of service and sacrifice a lot to be the best at what they do to protect us
Those who sacrifice everything to save hundreds of lives is our real heros, R.I.P to those who thought in war and saved many in just 1 day, the honor goes to them
Great Respect for that game: Even with not the best Graphics i really head a intense experience - from Somalia to Afghanistan to the philippines (a country which really is still in fight with the IS)
I liked this game because it was an infinity times better than Cod and it was a modern shooter not as frustrating as battlefield (even though I love battlefield)
Today I talked to a friend about this game... Great moment of nostalgia, stars in my eyes to remember the number of hours spent on this game, the soundtrack, the multiplayer gameplay, the short but intense campaign worthy of the greatest war movies (#Captain Philips) In insomnia I dive into the soundtrack of the game thanks to this video! 😌😍😍🤩
One does not simply find a song with 0 dislikes, but when one do, a song like this shall remain in the history thou beautiful and special like no other one
after being subjected to the deep emotional ineraction in this game (which is something that i didn't ever expect to see in a FPS) i stopped playing any other FPS, this game is just epic, and btw I love how the game found a creative way to honor soldiers.. P.S. I'm not American
Love from India to all the Military Personnel who are selflessly serving their nation voluntarily. Victory to Democracy! This game will always have a special place in my heart.
best game i have owned so far the part where *spoiler* dust calls the one guys wife and she just fell onto the floor in sadness tht part hit me in the feels
the good old days bro they dont make badass games like that anymore i still remember 2012 playing the beta for the first time 👊🏼 the garbage generation of today dont know about the old school shit from the good old days 👊🏼
Being military when I played the first campaign of the newer series. My reaction was”holy shit!” And when the sequel to came out I nutted on every customizable option and looking down every optic and changing every detail...this game was truly a milestone and companies like EA got lazy and got involved with cancer like dice. RIP MOH. Shit could you imagine if they went back to ww2 with options like these on a latest gen console ???
I don't get why people hate moh: warfighter. It was a great game.
Yep enjoyed it all along
Warfighter was awesome. Sure, there were some gameplay issues, but it was a tactical shooter and the COD generation can't just rationalize using actual tactics over running and gunning.
It has great story line for EA standard (Although I'd prefer the uniqueness of CoD storyline) The graphic is as expected from Frosbite 2, Music is just great (not Zimmer's level, but Djawadi is good)
But what I liked the most and CoD can't seem to offer is the level of Combat Gear and hardware porn in this game.
Waffle with Butter and Syrup
I'm sorry I ani't reading all this but I get you.
so much memories. I remember listening this music for hours when customizing my guns endlessly.
Thom Appelman *many
for hours ?? WOW
Dude, same here. great guns and attachments. Gun stats mostly made sense too unlike most games today.
Thom Appelman sad that this game died 😢😢😢
R.I.P Danger Close and all of their greatest pieces. Medal of Honor Warfighter was no exception and was so heavily underrated. Seems like some ppl don't really know what war really is and how bad it actually is. :(
It's so underrated. I loved the game, so much. And I hate CoD, battlefield, I find them awful. But MOH Warfighter is one of my favorite games. Beautiful story. Really pissed me off when Nerd3 played it, the guy was a child about it. All his fans just happened to hate it too, cause it was Nerd3.
I feel with you bro ^^ MOH will be in our memories forever! :D
Hopefully they will return in the future......
you are so right, danger close got very much hate from ppl and that is why they don't do so much games anymore, if they have not stopped doing games, i don't know that much
Samuel Karlsson They got folded into DICE LA. Did a great job of fixing up Battlefield 4.
Get zloemu and come there is a server Salty Bawls . Its empty!
As a U.S. Soldier, I approve this soundtrack!
R.I.P mother and rabbit
they are never forgotten
"For Mother, and for Rabbit" - Vodoo
I love how this game has such a "cult" following. It really shows that there are still some people who enjoy a challenging, team based FPS versus run and gun. I just wish the rest of the world would have embraced the new Medal of Honor titles as much as we did. RIP Rabbit, Mother, the beautiful title of zzz Medal of Honor, and most importantly the men and women who's lives were taken from them defending our country.
Tyler Pinckney, E1 USCG
Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness.
Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness.
Thereby you can be the director of your opponents fate.
The art of war - Sun Tzu
April 2022, still can't get over this masterpiece theme music
Rest in peace Medal of Honor...
Get zloemu and come there is a server Salty Bawls . Its empty!
1:32-2:11 Is my favorite part!!
+Rarity Belle same
To me, it's my favorite because I feel like that part in particular can be in a movie main menu screen. Perfect song!
Ramin Djawadi is a true artist when it comes to composing.
Song name?
Rest In Peace Danger Close and Medal Of Honor series
Get zloemu and come there is a server Salty Bawls . Its empty!
2012 got some good music from games, AC3, medal of honor, 2012 was a good year :)
Epic soundtrack, very good single player and good multiplayer. I don't understand why most of people complain about this game
Motivation mode: ON
This game is the most realistic fighting game I've ever played so good this is how other fighting games should be like it's so realistic ❤❤❤
The series needs to make a comeback
Man I looove the first 20 seconds...It's like my best 20 music seconds of my life,can't describe it better ...such a weird feeling.
It's those commando-esque pan flutes isn't it? :3
pirrracy Yeeah , that must be it !
Best fps campaign ive ever played
moosey831 its almost like cod4 mw1! Its not that good it takes 14gb on my PC
@@AP-oj8hb this game is better for any cod
@@RBBeatsChopovski No its not
Best fps campa- hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhhahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahaahhahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhaahhaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhhhahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahaahahahahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahhhahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
@@darksaintxvi6914 You haven't emotionally connected with the storyline. SUCH SHAME
De los mejores multijugadores que e jugado😔💯
Glory to the Special Forces of the world!
JTF2, FSK, KSK, Russian Spetsnaz, Seal's, Delta, SAS, GROM. They all defend us across the world.
Usgn broh
JTF2 team up with seal
Seldenken GIGN
Mother and rabbit both dead, both epic, both endings of the modern versions of MoH both brought a tear to my eye, this music helped during my time of need and comfort. Haha I'm a sad bastard
Nice memories, I remember playing this game for so long every day. I love the music
seven years and i'm still listening to this great song.
Make it 10
I fucking love and miss this game :(
Get zloemu and come there is a server Salty Bawls . Its empty!
It is totally worth the money, one of the best games ever in my opinion
Still don't understand why everybody complains about this game. I have wanted it since i saw it on an e3 video. Now i finally bought it and i just love it. R.I.P MOH
This is one of the best soundtracks for me. It's a pity that not many people play medal of honor games :(
Love this soundtrack. Game is totally realistic.
i was thinking about this after I saw Lone Survivor, although I am not a frog, I can relate to feeling of what was seen out there and losing men we basically lived with. It reminds me of why i do what i do and I am proud to be wearing the uniform, these frogs do nothing but inspire us, and they set the bar really high in terms of service and sacrifice a lot to be the best at what they do to protect us
this was a great game, stumps first mission will always be my favorite
rip war fighter... this game deserved more than this... i loved it so much... the way this game portrayed the story of warriors was amazing..
Those who sacrifice everything to save hundreds of lives is our real heros, R.I.P to those who thought in war and saved many in just 1 day, the honor goes to them
good memories
Good stuff man! One of the best tracks in the game. Thumbs up from this guy
Great Respect for that game: Even with not the best Graphics i really head a intense experience - from Somalia to Afghanistan to the philippines (a country which really is still in fight with the IS)
And Pakistan
Pakistan:Mother of terr..... .
man i so love this violin solo melody
very beautiful
Here everbody is a good example of a player that knows what he is talking about :)
Cheers for posting, best theme for a FPS ever, and great game....
I liked this game because it was an infinity times better than Cod and it was a modern shooter not as frustrating as battlefield (even though I love battlefield)
Un gioco che anche se criticati a me personalmente è piaciuto e divertiti un sacco, a breve voglio rigiocarlo 🎧💪🏻
amazing sound track and game always loved moh
reminds me of Mother's burial, sad but awesome ending
Brings back so many memories
2012 7 Years Ago Damn I remember playing the Beta Back on Xbox 360 Great Times
Very underrated game, great track. RIP MoH.
It's sad at the end when voodoo breaches the door with preacher and he says "for mother... And for Rabbit" . :( that makes pretty sad
Only if I could go back a few years man good times💯
I do too. We should gether a group for weekend games
@@Saappari that's a good idea my guy
that what i was lookin for .......thx man
Not complain about the soundtrack though, Ramin Djawadi does his thing like a pro
moh 2010 and moh warfighter was my fathers favourite fps game
Today I talked to a friend about this game... Great moment of nostalgia, stars in my eyes to remember the number of hours spent on this game, the soundtrack, the multiplayer gameplay, the short but intense campaign worthy of the greatest war movies (#Captain Philips) In insomnia I dive into the soundtrack of the game thanks to this video! 😌😍😍🤩
One does not simply find a song with 0 dislikes, but when one do, a song like this shall remain in the history thou beautiful and special like no other one
Listening to this theme and reading all these comments make me want to play the game again.
Still is buddy, still is! :)
Goddamn it Rabbit, goddamn you Preacher! Why did you have to make me care about you? Those feels.....the feels.....
"For honor. For country."
For Rabbit
For Mother.
For Preacher
For Vodoo
Game best ever more realistic than other game!
Stay focus....
2019, still listening. This game made me become a soldier two years ago. My parents bought me the game when it came out
Natalia Fadeev That’s amazing! How accurate’s the game compared to the real deal?
2020 Planet WAIT Medal of Honor . The TRUE HONOR . Comon : DICE Los Angeles, The PLANET need HONOR. WAKE UP REALITY
I listen to it when I go to the sea cadet and usym love it !!!!!!!!!
Haha I was I the sea cadets
after being subjected to the deep emotional ineraction in this game (which is something that i didn't ever expect to see in a FPS) i stopped playing any other FPS, this game is just epic, and btw I love how the game found a creative way to honor soldiers.. P.S. I'm not American
still i have a little feel for this game to rise again 2020
Never lose hope one day i hope
Awesome music, and game...
MOH WARFIGHTER is best action game of 2012,I have just install it and the graphic is fuckin' great!!!
That reaction, that music, I love you
Your experience doesn't define whether a game is ruined or not.
this music is very best I like this
Actually a great game with a brilliant soundtrack, under rated in my opinion.
Extremely underrated
Wonderful Music, great Game
good vid fam
Good :D, now i'll have to find some time to buy it (and play it)
People would be showering it with praise if it came out with updated graphics
dude, i have this very exact game. I LOVE THIS SONG :D
always makes me happy
Operator as fuck.
Very nice memories 😢
Warfighter 2 needs to happen
the beginning is perfect.
Love from India to all the Military Personnel who are selflessly serving their nation voluntarily. Victory to Democracy!
This game will always have a special place in my heart.
best game i have owned so far the part where *spoiler* dust calls the one guys wife and she just fell onto the floor in sadness tht part hit me in the feels
love this game
+UnbeatenPro There are also in the Philippines Mission, so I'm from Philippines
Experts in the application of violence, the scalpel that decides War.
Experts to you, my fellow Ace Combat 4 pilot! What brings you here today? :D
I am also a soldier
Thank you for your service. Are you a Tier 1 Operator?
adee80 Tier 1 Operators are not allowed to say that they are Tier 1's
The game serve me. With Honor
thx man. i want hear this music. its so nice. ehehehehehe valeu mano
So many years later and 1,30-2,12 still gives me goosebumbs
I like this game so much
OMG , the first 20 seconds woooooooooooow i don't know how i can decribe my feeeliiiiiiiiiiiiing
piel de gallina
i saw you later on xbox live xD
When EA actually cared about storytelling
the good old days bro they dont make badass games like that anymore i still remember 2012 playing the beta for the first time 👊🏼 the garbage generation of today dont know about the old school shit from the good old days 👊🏼
this song remains of SEAL TEAM 6 who fought war of history
"Get the boots on the ground." ~C.A.G.
I swear to Gaben that Medal of Honor:Warfighter almost has the exact same menu theme.
I love Medal Of Honor
This game is great, i think if they priced it lower since the release it´d make success!
Being military when I played the first campaign of the newer series. My reaction was”holy shit!” And when the sequel to came out I nutted on every customizable option and looking down every optic and changing every detail...this game was truly a milestone and companies like EA got lazy and got involved with cancer like dice. RIP MOH. Shit could you imagine if they went back to ww2 with options like these on a latest gen console ???
Heart warming song