555555 mloog zaj dab neeg no tag peb cov txiv neej na tseg kiag nawb txoj kev ua phem, ua txhaum cai na tsam raug dub npuj pob tw tuag ku li zaj dab neeg no nawb
Smart but morally wrong. I guaranteed if he succeeded, the family probably will get to share it too. At the end of the day whether hes wrong or right, the kids shouldn't let their dad rotted in jail.
@@hmoovphemtsaab2240 yes, I agree with you. I think the house they paid off could of been from what the Father had been doing. They could of at least help their father in any way they could. If the house could of been for sell the mother still have her CHILDREN to provide for her. I feel so bad for the Father though
...The dad is wrong but no way the kids shouldn't let dad died alone. Like one said here, the dad probably used what he was doing to paid the house off or other things for the family. The children fail to see this and the wife. Regardless the moral story is don't cheat either partner.
Hahaha! 😂😂😂😂 Look at this guy. A lesson learn for guys out there who think their wife is washed up and looking for a young chick. For real... Never let guys like this out. HE DID IT TO HIMSELF. HE'S THE REASON SHE HAS NOTHING LEFT. Thanks for her smart kids that she has a life with her children. He deserve what he got because he never cared about his family. I have no sympathy for cheaters and losers. To the lady... Life goes on. Start a new life and never trust another man unless your kids approve of the next man in your life. Love yourself, your children. Have no regret. You deserve so much better. Good for you your children loves you. All you need is them in your life.
Vim me tub mi nyuam hlub hlub ces tsis muaj txiv los kaj siab kawg vim tej minyuam hais lus zoo zoo rau yus, cov uas tsis muaj txiv es nyuaj nyuaj siab mas vim tej mi tub mi ntxhais twb tsis hais lus zoo rau leej niam ne.
😢 I'm shaking just listening to this story. Brave Niam tsev and children. This man deserved it! Cheating and sleeping with the wrong mistress, El drug dealer. Infidelity = Desire, not reality anymore. How Shameful 👿👿🐯🐯
Man always think the women outside is better than his wife but what an ending. He probably thought he was living large dating a young beautiful girl. Wow completely the opposite of his hopes happened to him. No second chances.
Koj ua yog lawm os niam ntsev aw. Txiv dev liam yeej yuav liam yog txoj kev tuag tiaj li tag xwb. Zoo siab koj tau nyob kaj siab lug. Kuv ib tus muam thaum yawj yij nyob mas siab phem phem tsi hlub pojniam thiab tej tub li nwg ua ua thaum kawg nwg tuag kiag kuv tus muam mam li muaj lub suab luag lub neej nrog luag noj zoo.
Your kids are right in this matter. Bless you and your kids. Let that loser spend his time in jail and let his A$$ go. Baster!! 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ Once a cheater will always be a cheater too.
No body is gonna give up all their hard earn money to release someone from jail just like that especially ten...twenty thousands of dollars....when they give u that money they want it back...thats alot of money!!!! ..dont sell everything for him...he didn't think of you. ..you have your kids to support..ur hubby is in a better place now.. dont be too sad...u have all ur kids to love you!!!!
In America..you cannot pay someone out of their crime. So I don't know what they're talking about paying him out of jail. Bond is only temporarily. You gotta go back for your trial and serve your term.
Muaj nyiaj los yeej tso tsis tau. Rooj teb no nyiaj xiab tsis tau txim txhaum. Tus neeg txhaum yuav tau nyob nws lub txim thiaj tag. Tej teeb meem zoo li no yog nws rov tsim rau nws xwb es txhob tu siab.
All those Hmong Husbands who think they so handsome and young compared to their wives...you guys better listen up and learn from the mistakes of this guy.
Me viv ncaus yog muaj ib tug txiv siab phem npaum li ntawd ces kav liam mog cia nws tuag mus zoo duas es yus thiaj tsis nyuaj2 siab txhob xav ntau2 kav tsij ua ib siab zov yus tej me nyuaj xwb
I applaud you and your children for the decision you took. Your husband needs to pay for his crime. He cheated on you hoping he would not be caught but he was. Your children are smart. Yog koj muab koj lub tsev muag mus tso kij niag txiv ces ntshe poob qhov ntuj lawm xwb.
Tiag2 mas tsis tsim nyog cov kwv tij yuav los hais kom koj mus tso li os tsos kk tso kav liam yuav zoo li cas los txhob mus kk txog tus txiv dev li ntawv lawm
Nej cov niam tub muab ua dhau cai zog lawm pob es nej paub tseeb tseeb tias yog nws muag tau cov yeeb tshuaj no es nws yeej yuav tsis faib rau nej pab niam tub no nej tsuas lam xav li ntawv xwb.
You got some really smart kids. Glad you didn't sell the house and use the funds to get him out. You all would be homeless now. Plus all that $$$$ will just go to the lawyer, they are the one who benefit most in your husband case.
Sister, your kids did exactly what your husband asked them to do....love and take care of you. Don't remarry.....you will make the biggest mistake of your life. Enjoy your grandchildren and travel with your children. You got all the love you need.
Should at least get him a good lawyer, I know what he did is wrong but that mistake shouldn't erase all his good deeds. All you say that he deserves it but if you too been tempted beyond I'm sure you'll be the same.
Bao, if he had a good lawyer his sentence be shorter, just because they caught him doesn't mean he deserves it, lots of murders, rappest and continually breaking the laws walk free or only slap on the hands because of good lawyer. Just the way you said it seems you had pretty hurtful relationships, sorry for what you have to go through.
I’m sorry, but I feel so bad for the their Father. I would of sell the house and save his life for he made a big mistake. But I guess either way he still need to serve for his choices
Nyb zoo os tus me niam tsev kj cov me nyuam tswv yim Laj Lim zoo kg Li os zoo qhov kj cov me nyuam g pub kj muag kj Lub tsev os ? Mloog kj kj tus txiv cov teeb meem no ces kj tus txiv Lam npliag hais zoo 2 rau kj kom kj g nco ceev aj xwb kj tus txiv ntxeev siab rau kj ces txhais tau tias yeej yog g hlub nej cov niam tub Li hais kg vim nws ntseeg nws tus poj Laib Loj dhau Lm thiaj khiav g dhau txoj kev txhaum cai os ? Nco zoo 2 tias ua neeg nyb ua zoo tau zoo ua phem tau phem no nawb !
Tus me niam tsev aw, Thov qhuas koj cov menyuam uas lawv txhawb koj lub zog heev. Koj niag txiv liam ntawv yeej hais tias twb ua zoo tas lawm ces txog qhov ua phem ces nws thiaj tau mus raws kiag li nws txog kev ntshaw ces zoo lawm os mog. Kav tsij nrog koj tej menyuam nyob li ko mus es yuav zoo dua vim lub caij no neeg tsuas ntshaw nyiaj lawm xwb es tsam raug dag zaum ob ces haj tu siab os nawb. Take care!
Hmong ces always try to backup their son even if he's a POS. He did this because he no longer wants you let him be where he deserves. Nyiam qhuav ntxim.
Ib co ces yug tau cev xwb tsis tau lub siab. Koj yog tus muaj hmoo tau ob yam koj thiaj txais kev hlub los ntawm koj cov menyuam. Nrog koj zoo siab. tus txiv phem ces txhob khuv xim.
Mi niam tsev aw! Cas kev hlub es nim ib pliag xwb os…..your kids very strong……I am that you listened to them, koj tus txiv yeej tsis care koj li lawm, tiamsis pojniam txoj kev hlub ces hlub tiag tiag li
The US is not like Laos, you can't buy a ticket out of jail. The best you can do is bail him out but he still need to go back to court and if found guilty, he will still go to prison. So selling the house is a very bad idea. Sell the house, bail him out, get an attorney, go to court... the best outcome is a slightly reduced sentence... like from 20 years to 15 years... so selling the house to hire an attorney so he can get a 5 year reduction is not worth it. In the majority of cases, attorneys make very little to no difference in the outcome. There are public defenders, but they are even less helpful.
To the wife, I'm happy you took your kids advice and to your husband : You deserve everything's that happen to you. You knew the jobs dangerous when you took it and like the old saying : You did the crime, you do the time.
When someone breaks the law and is serving time for their crime (they were found guilty) you cannot just simply bring money to bail them out. They will have to finish serving their time so your money is useless. You reap what you sow.
2 hnub tsis hnov koj lub suab neej neeg mas ntev kawg thiab. Glad to hear your voice again. To tus niam tsev ntawm zaj neejneeg no. Glad you listened to your kids not to sell your house. He made bad choices for his life ces pab tsis tau nws.
Everyone seems to have the same comment about the husband, he cheats and deal drugs but it is his first offense. Just consider as a human mistake. I as a kid I will never encourage my mom to remarry but will find other ways to shorten his prison time. I will die for my parents.
Yus cov me nyuam hlub yus ces txau siab thiabsi yog lawv tsis hlub yus ces yog ib txoj kev nyuab siab thiab xwb os. You are lucky that you your kids that love you so you wish you had more kids but some parents have kids that don’t love them so that’s why they wish they didn’t have so many. You made ac good choice about not releasing your husband, your kids are right. He would not love you when he is out and will only make you regret it. Let him served his time and go as he should.
If the husband knew the bar/restaurant was “chaws laib” why did he go there too? 😂 Hella hypocrite. I’m not even done listening and I can’t with this story. Lmao
Ntuj aw kuv hnov koj zaj no xwb twb ua rau kuv poob siab tag thiab tias tsam koj raug nws dag dua xwb os me vivncaus txog caij hlub koj tus kheej lawm xwb os txhob ntshaw22 txiv neej txoj kev hlub tiam 21 no tsuas muaj pojniam hlub lawv lawm xwb lawv tsis hlub pojniam lawm os nyob li ko tsim nyog kawg
Koj yeej tseem ua hnub ua hmo xav tsis tag hais tias cas koj tus txiv ua txhaum thawj zaug thiab tib zaug xwb cas koj ho tsis zam txim thiab tsis tso nws no puas yog? Koj yeej tseem feel regret li no es koj thiaj tsis kam rov mus nrhiav dua ib tug tshiab. Li cas lis xij, koj twb xaiv txoj hauv kev no lawm ces txhob regret lawm mog tus sister.
Nice make up story
555555 mloog zaj dab neeg no tag peb cov txiv neej na tseg kiag nawb txoj kev ua phem, ua txhaum cai na tsam raug dub npuj pob tw tuag ku li zaj dab neeg no nawb
We can only speak for ourselves as far as having too many kids or not enough!. Your life is diff from everyone else! May god guide u thru !!
This for all the man out there that always think their wife are dumb and stupid. Seeking for a better wife and better life this is what you got.
Never wish anything bad on anyone but this is true Karma....
Zoo heev os mog
Sad story.....ill blame the kids...
You got some smart kids! Glad you listen to them.
Smart but morally wrong. I guaranteed if he succeeded, the family probably will get to share it too. At the end of the day whether hes wrong or right, the kids shouldn't let their dad rotted in jail.
@@hmoovphemtsaab2240 yes, I agree with you. I think the house they paid off could of been from what the Father had been doing. They could of at least help their father in any way they could. If the house could of been for sell the mother still have her CHILDREN to provide for her. I feel so bad for the Father though
@@hmoovphemtsaab2240 Yog, theses kids are worse than their dad.
...The dad is wrong but no way the kids shouldn't let dad died alone. Like one said here, the dad probably used what he was doing to paid the house off or other things for the family. The children fail to see this and the wife. Regardless the moral story is don't cheat either partner.
Xyaum sau kom raug koj lo lus koj hais es lwm tus nyeem thiaj nkag siab rau koj cov lus mam.
We miss you welcome back
Hahaha! 😂😂😂😂
Look at this guy. A lesson learn for guys out there who think their wife is washed up and looking for a young chick. For real... Never let guys like this out. HE DID IT TO HIMSELF. HE'S THE REASON SHE HAS NOTHING LEFT. Thanks for her smart kids that she has a life with her children. He deserve what he got because he never cared about his family. I have no sympathy for cheaters and losers. To the lady... Life goes on. Start a new life and never trust another man unless your kids approve of the next man in your life. Love yourself, your children. Have no regret. You deserve so much better. Good for you your children loves you. All you need is them in your life.
Cov txiv zoo Li no ces CIA Kom tuag mus txhob Khwv xim muaj ib tub txiv neej hauv no tseem khib thiab.
Vim me tub mi nyuam hlub hlub ces tsis muaj txiv los kaj siab kawg vim tej minyuam hais lus zoo zoo rau yus, cov uas tsis muaj txiv es nyuaj nyuaj siab mas vim tej mi tub mi ntxhais twb tsis hais lus zoo rau leej niam ne.
Ua neej nyob yuav tsum zam txim thiaj yog os.
😢 I'm shaking just listening to this story. Brave Niam tsev and children.
This man deserved it! Cheating and sleeping with the wrong mistress, El drug dealer.
Infidelity = Desire, not reality anymore. How Shameful 👿👿🐯🐯
Man always think the women outside is better than his wife but what an ending. He probably thought he was living large dating a young beautiful girl. Wow completely the opposite of his hopes happened to him. No second chances.
Koj ua yog lawm os niam ntsev aw. Txiv dev liam yeej yuav liam yog txoj kev tuag tiaj li tag xwb. Zoo siab koj tau nyob kaj siab lug. Kuv ib tus muam thaum yawj yij nyob mas siab phem phem tsi hlub pojniam thiab tej tub li nwg ua ua thaum kawg nwg tuag kiag kuv tus muam mam li muaj lub suab luag lub neej nrog luag noj zoo.
Nws tus smart laus nkauj nes ho ua cas lawm
Your kids are smart.. Good for you at least you have smart kids helping you out
CA tu siab ua luaj hai txog tu txiv ntxeev siab rau yus
Wow, txoj me kev ntshaw nyiaj os, ua tom xib tawg tas lawm ces tsis zoo ua neeg lawm.
Your kids are right in this matter. Bless you and your kids. Let that loser spend his time in jail and let his A$$ go. Baster!! 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️ Once a cheater will always be a cheater too.
No body is gonna give up all their hard earn money to release someone from jail just like that especially ten...twenty thousands of dollars....when they give u that money they want it back...thats alot of money!!!! ..dont sell everything for him...he didn't think of you. ..you have your kids to support..ur hubby is in a better place now.. dont be too sad...u have all ur kids to love you!!!!
Zoo qhov uas koj mloog koj cov menyuam lus.
Neeg phem ces kawg dub muab tsoob2 qhov quav tuag kus xwb las as pab koj tu siab kawg thiab😥
The kids are smart!!! The two brothers who said you was gonna cough up some money lol yeah right!!!
Paub tsis paub tus neej siab phem o
Niam ntsuab teev hnub no kj tsig nyob z lov.cag kj haig lug txawwv2 lm na txhawg qa txhawg ntswg sub li
I am soooo glad this mom listened to her smart kids.
Sister koj nyob ib leeg zoo dua os mog muab lub siab khi rau koj cov me nyuam zoo dua koj mus ua luag niam mob hlwb kawg nawv
Kuv los yeej nyiam ua pojniam nkaus xwb thiab vim kuv yog txiv neej.
In America..you cannot pay someone out of their crime. So I don't know what they're talking about paying him out of jail. Bond is only temporarily. You gotta go back for your trial and serve your term.
I know, right. All the money isn't going to free him.
Yog kuv mas hais tsawg sawm tsawg sawm no xwb puas ghuav koj siab os yawg thaub aw haj haj tuag tsis tuag ?
Muaj nyiaj los yeej tso tsis tau. Rooj teb no nyiaj xiab tsis tau txim txhaum. Tus neeg txhaum yuav tau nyob nws lub txim thiaj tag. Tej teeb meem zoo li no yog nws rov tsim rau nws xwb es txhob tu siab.
All those Hmong Husbands who think they so handsome and young compared to their wives...you guys better listen up and learn from the mistakes of this guy.
Nws hlub yus li cas ces yus hlub nws li ntawm xwb mas
Koj cov me nyuam hais yog lawm, nws yeej tsi hlub koj nws thiaj li mus txob tej niag kev phem no.
Peb hmoob ib txwm hais tias ‘ phov siav tuag ‘ no ces yog koj tus txiv lawm los mas
Nyob zoo xyoo tshiab rau koj tsev neeg os may aw koj hais neeg peb nyiam mloog heev
Me viv ncaus yog muaj ib tug txiv siab phem npaum li ntawd ces kav liam mog cia nws tuag mus zoo duas es yus thiaj tsis nyuaj2 siab txhob xav ntau2 kav tsij ua ib siab zov yus tej me nyuaj xwb
Wow! He turned his life upside down for his mistress, and you want to sell your house for him. He is right about you not being very smart.
I applaud you and your children for the decision you took. Your husband needs to pay for his crime. He cheated on you hoping he would not be caught but he was. Your children are smart. Yog koj muab koj lub tsev muag mus tso kij niag txiv ces ntshe poob qhov ntuj lawm xwb.
Good job sister!!
Tiag2 mas tsis tsim nyog cov kwv tij yuav los hais kom koj mus tso li os tsos kk tso kav liam yuav zoo li cas los txhob mus kk txog tus txiv dev li ntawv lawm
Wow... this guy's family really loves him. How come my family don't love me like they love him.
Wow....many people still want to experience jail time but after listening to this story I would try to avoid doing anything like that.
Nej cov niam tub muab ua dhau cai zog lawm pob es nej paub tseeb tseeb tias yog nws muag tau cov yeeb tshuaj no es nws yeej yuav tsis faib rau nej pab niam tub no nej tsuas lam xav li ntawv xwb.
You got some really smart kids. Glad you didn't sell the house and use the funds to get him out. You all would be homeless now. Plus all that $$$$ will just go to the lawyer, they are the one who benefit most in your husband case.
I havent heard your stories in a few days, was worried about you. Glad to hear your stories again.
Sister, your kids did exactly what your husband asked them to do....love and take care of you. Don't remarry.....you will make the biggest mistake of your life. Enjoy your grandchildren and travel with your children. You got all the love you need.
Very good mom
Ignorance = dumb = bad decisions=bad actions =bad consequences = bad life. The process is simple. Do not over complicated things
Tau zoo nyob nyob zoo zoo nawb, tsis txhob phov phov siav tsam ces tsis muaj lub chaws tuag nawb
Should at least get him a good lawyer, I know what he did is wrong but that mistake shouldn't erase all his good deeds. All you say that he deserves it but if you too been tempted beyond I'm sure you'll be the same.
He only deserves the public defender that is free. No lawyer can help getting caught red-handed.
Bao, if he had a good lawyer his sentence be shorter, just because they caught him doesn't mean he deserves it, lots of murders, rappest and continually breaking the laws walk free or only slap on the hands because of good lawyer. Just the way you said it seems you had pretty hurtful relationships, sorry for what you have to go through.
I’m sorry, but I feel so bad for the their Father. I would of sell the house and save his life for he made a big mistake. But I guess either way he still need to serve for his choices
I guess nobody has ever cheated on you or broke the law that much. It is betrayal beyond repair.
Nyb zoo os tus me niam tsev kj cov me nyuam tswv yim Laj Lim zoo kg Li os zoo qhov kj cov me nyuam g pub kj muag kj Lub tsev os ?
Mloog kj kj tus txiv cov teeb meem no ces kj tus txiv Lam npliag hais zoo 2 rau kj kom kj g nco ceev aj xwb kj tus txiv ntxeev siab rau kj ces txhais tau tias yeej yog g hlub nej cov niam tub Li hais kg vim nws ntseeg nws tus poj Laib Loj dhau Lm thiaj khiav g dhau txoj kev txhaum cai os ?
Nco zoo 2 tias ua neeg nyb ua zoo tau zoo ua phem tau phem no nawb !
cov txiv neej es ntshaw2 cov poj niam ntse thiab poj niam zoo nkauj ce nyiam qhuav ntxim li ko rau xwb os?
Viv ncaus aw... koj cov me nyuam hais yog kawg lawm os...
Tus me niam tsev aw, Thov qhuas koj cov menyuam uas lawv txhawb koj lub zog heev. Koj niag txiv liam ntawv yeej hais tias twb ua zoo tas lawm ces txog qhov ua phem ces nws thiaj tau mus raws kiag li nws txog kev ntshaw ces zoo lawm os mog. Kav tsij nrog koj tej menyuam nyob li ko mus es yuav zoo dua vim lub caij no neeg tsuas ntshaw nyiaj lawm xwb es tsam raug dag zaum ob ces haj tu siab os nawb. Take care!
Niag poj nrauj es khav tias nws yug los ua poj nrauj Tam luag tej txiv hos tuag hlob kav hlua li cas lawm thiab? Lol
Xum ua poj nuam los yog Zum ua poj niam na los!🤣
Zoo qhov koj mloog koj cov menyuam lus os yog tsis muaj koj cov menyuam ntshai koj twb rov yuam kev dua lawm thiab os yom tus hlub koj ces tshwj Xeeb tus koj yug thiab tus yug koj xwb nawb mog…
Tua niam laus koj txiav txim siab yog lawm os mog
Niam ntsuab teev puas yog kj mob qhov vis lawm es kj pauv yuab tag li lm na
Hi aunty
Does the lady really talk like that may wow sheev tia tia
Tus neeg ntxeev siab npam sai2 tiag2, txog kiag txojsia tu nrho. Cov neeg laus tseem ua laib loj tshaj cov hluas.
May your voice sound different? you must not feeling good huh? Glad you ok in Oklahoma?
He wanted someone who was smart and she was so smart she put him in jail 😂 karma
Hmong ces always try to backup their son even if he's a POS. He did this because he no longer wants you let him be where he deserves. Nyiam qhuav ntxim.
Ib co ces yug tau cev xwb tsis tau lub siab. Koj yog tus muaj hmoo tau ob yam koj thiaj txais kev hlub los ntawm koj cov menyuam. Nrog koj zoo siab. tus txiv phem ces txhob khuv xim.
Mi niam tsev aw! Cas kev hlub es nim ib pliag xwb os…..your kids very strong……I am that you listened to them, koj tus txiv yeej tsis care koj li lawm, tiamsis pojniam txoj kev hlub ces hlub tiag tiag li
Zoo kawg uas koj tau ib cov menyuam zoo hlub koj pab koj heev os!
Og's won't survive prisons. Do the crime, do the time.
Nyias ua rau nyias ris xwb. What goes around comes around. Karma hit him hard.
If you were in jail he would remarry next day.
The US is not like Laos, you can't buy a ticket out of jail. The best you can do is bail him out but he still need to go back to court and if found guilty, he will still go to prison. So selling the house is a very bad idea. Sell the house, bail him out, get an attorney, go to court... the best outcome is a slightly reduced sentence... like from 20 years to 15 years... so selling the house to hire an attorney so he can get a 5 year reduction is not worth it. In the majority of cases, attorneys make very little to no difference in the outcome. There are public defenders, but they are even less helpful.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
How sad. He choose his path.
Me niam tsev tsis txhob yuav txiv ntxiv lawm nawb. Cov txiv neej tam sim no siab phem2 li os. Lawv ntxias koj cov nyiaj xwb nawb mog. Cov poj ntsuam tau nyiaj insurances ntau ces lawv ntshaw2 koj cov nyiaj xwb os. Lawv tsis hlub koj tiag.
Welcome back. Its been awhile. Good story the sister in this story made a good choice with her kids.
To the wife, I'm happy you took your kids advice and to your husband : You deserve everything's that happen to you. You knew the jobs dangerous when you took it and like the old saying : You did the crime, you do the time.
When someone breaks the law and is serving time for their crime (they were found guilty) you cannot just simply bring money to bail them out. They will have to finish serving their time so your money is useless. You reap what you sow.
Karma. Period. He deserves it.
@@pasaiy.8578 she deserved to be cheated on too then? Karma right?
2 hnub tsis hnov koj lub suab neej neeg mas ntev kawg thiab. Glad to hear your voice again.
To tus niam tsev ntawm zaj neejneeg no. Glad you listened to your kids not to sell your house. He made bad choices for his life ces pab tsis tau nws.
Bitter sweet.
Thov txhob tso nws li os thov tiag2 li nawb nws lam hais dag kom tau tawm nkuaj xwb na🙏🙏🙏
Many people here are butt hurt about this man cheating on his wife. Lol... Soon these kids will regret about their dad died. Evil menyuam.
Don't be sad.
Everyone seems to have the same comment about the husband, he cheats and deal drugs but it is his first offense. Just consider as a human mistake. I as a kid I will never encourage my mom to remarry but will find other ways to shorten his prison time. I will die for my parents.
💯💯💯 a step dad will never love me more than my dad. Yes, he made mistakes, but he still loved his children. They did him wrong.
Yus cov me nyuam hlub yus ces txau siab thiabsi yog lawv tsis hlub yus ces yog ib txoj kev nyuab siab thiab xwb os.
You are lucky that you your kids that love you so you wish you had more kids but some parents have kids that don’t love them so that’s why they wish they didn’t have so many.
You made ac good choice about not releasing your husband, your kids are right. He would not love you when he is out and will only make you regret it. Let him served his time and go as he should.
Ca to2 kj cov neej neeg tau 2 .3 hnb no li o u ca hnb no kj hai lu zoo li kj g xi neej
If the husband knew the bar/restaurant was “chaws laib” why did he go there too? 😂 Hella hypocrite. I’m not even done listening and I can’t with this story. Lmao
Ntuj aw kuv hnov koj zaj no xwb twb ua rau kuv poob siab tag thiab tias tsam koj raug nws dag dua xwb os me vivncaus txog caij hlub koj tus kheej lawm xwb os txhob ntshaw22 txiv neej txoj kev hlub tiam 21 no tsuas muaj pojniam hlub lawv lawm xwb lawv tsis hlub pojniam lawm os nyob li ko tsim nyog kawg
Tus niam tais, koj ua yog lawm. Kuv tus txiv khiav mus thaj ib tug pojntsuam lawm. Kuv muaj 2 tug menyuam xwb. Kuv twb txiav txim siab tsis yuav lawm. Txhob mus nrhiav kev nyuab siab lawm.
Koj qaug cawv lo ca koj tham zaj neej neeg no tsis zoo mloog li
This story is similar to Meej Vaj and his girlfriend that got arrested in Laos.
Koj yeej tseem ua hnub ua hmo xav tsis tag hais tias cas koj tus txiv ua txhaum thawj zaug thiab tib zaug xwb cas koj ho tsis zam txim thiab tsis tso nws no puas yog? Koj yeej tseem feel regret li no es koj thiaj tsis kam rov mus nrhiav dua ib tug tshiab. Li cas lis xij, koj twb xaiv txoj hauv kev no lawm ces txhob regret lawm mog tus sister.