I actually have to give it to Wendy Lyon here. While the DiC dub had some faults, some of the voices were flawless or were just by far better. She brought the maturity and regalness.
I agree 100% there are def some real PLUNKERS in the voices and dialogue in the DIC dub but Queen Serenity (Wendy Lyon) was just spectacular she makes terrible dialogue listenable. and she does so effortlessly! and while i know this issue is sooooo 50/50 i think, even to this day, Terri Hawkes is the perfect english sailor moon. the dialogue she had to work with was absolute TRASH but she made it totally fun and i believed her at 14 and as Neo Queen Serenity she aged the character perfectly. Stephanie is great as usagi but when she "switches" to Neo Queen Serenity im just not here for it it just sounds like a 14yo trying to sound older.
@@Elphaboy i disagree. The dilaogue is 100% better in dic, esp here. Where as in the updated version shes rambling about "suspended animation" with her last breath, exposition dumping at break neck speeds.
@@RecoveringChristian that’s fair! And yes I agree that maybe in this instance the dialogue in the DIC is better but overall the DIC dub has far too many moments of, even for the 90s, really cheesy bad slang in the dialogue and some of the story edits for the US audience absolutely make it a tad more childish. Don’t get me wrong I fully prefer the DIC dub I have the full first 2 seasons on dvd and often go back to watch them cuz the new English acting is GARBAGE!!!! But I can still spot moments where I’m like “oooo but y those words?!?”
Mika Doi is my favourite of them all. Her screaming “Serenity!” at 0:32 always sends a chill to my spine. It truly sounds as a woman who discovered her dead child.
Am I seriously going to have to write Fan-Fictions that feature character voices listed at the start?? Because I worry that's the only way she'll get more *Ahem* "Screen time"
I like Wendy Lyons as Queen Serenity, Barbara Radecki is good too but sounds too rushed and panic sounding, I like her as Sailor Neptune because her voice suits Michelle better.
@@RecoveringChristian It seemed more like an artistic choice to have Serena’s earth and moon mother’s to have the same voice that the dubbers later decided against
@@ch2010ize I'm trying to read Roland's book and see. From what I could recall, these moments were not recorded chronologically. It would be a great sentiment for them to have the same voice but I think I recall it being a scheduling issue.
Barbara was only used for the pilot episode because she was the same voice actress who play's Serena's human mother. Wendy is the true Dic voice. Funny how the Dic and Viz actresses are both named Wendy haha.
Sadly I don't really like Wendy Lee as Queen Serenity, but it's not really her fault as she's just the voice of exposition in the Viz dub and original Japanese. Wendy Lyon sounded more like a mother overjoyed to see her daughter and then grieving her lost later on.
Meh. My eye was twitching the whole time. Viz Media made it all better. Crystal did it even better. Sailor Moon is one case where the revisit and redubbing was ten time better, nostalgia notwithstanding. The animation alone satisfies the nostalgia factor.
For English, Wendy Lyon. Wendee Lee is good, and the translation is of course much closer, but that aside, Wendy Lyon makes me feel the emotion in the character, she sounds iconic. The straight translation Wendee Lee gets is a bit too much like narration rather than a character moment. The actress does a great job, though.
I think I'll go with majority and say that Wendy Lyon is the best English voice for Queen Serenity. Wendee Lee sounded nice but Lyon, to me, sounded more beautiful and motherly, and she sounded very close to Mika Doi - who is my favourite Queen Serenity voice over all, just for having better direction - so that's another big plus.^^
Barbara Radecki would've been a decent permanent choice just because it gives off the vibe that Princess Serenity's mother is there with her daughter in some way on Earth. Wendy Lyons was probably the best, but I think Wendee Lee did a better job with the grief when Queen Serenity saw her daughter dead.
Wendy Lyon is the best of all the ENG voices but I have to admit Wendee Lee did a good job. I actually expected Mary McGlynn or Megan Hollingshead to voice Queen Serenity in the Viz dub.
Mika Doi. She sounds excellent and her line delivery just went smoothly especially with the background music. Wendy Lyon a close second, her voice is so soothing and warm, but the dialogue for DIC was 🤷🏽♂️ but had she come back for the Viz re-dub it would have been perfect
IMO DiC had better dialogue for her final speech because she shows grief for losing her daughter and sacrificing herself. Plus, she keeps the explanations/final orders short and sweet. In Viz she just explains wayyyy too much that it takes out any emotion out of the scene.
@@RhapsodyHC I agree about Viz having too much dialogue, for me Viz was the worst version, and I love Wendee Lee but the viz script was too wordy almost copying word for word the Japanese version which can translate weird in the English version. I think for the Japanese version Serenity was grief stricken but tried to remain composed while the biz had her sound too mopey 😞. Dic version had a great voice actress and she did sound like a goddess.
To be honest, the dic dub version had better dialogue than the viz dub for queen serenity's final speech. In the dic dub, she showed grief for losing her daughter. In the viz dub, she just explained way too much.
I find it kind of funny that two of her English voice actors had the same first name. And her Japanese voice actors have similar names too. Interesting. The English is a little weird, I wonder how similar footage got voice acted. I look forward to your next video!
Just because it's the original script doesn't mean it's superior... Script-wise, the DiC version was better. "Moon stick" might have sounded good in Japanese, but in English it sounds like a joke Edit: So interesting that the English dub VAs were both named Wendy/Wendee. LOVED LOVED LOVED Wendy Lyon's version growing up in the 90s, and Wendee Lee does a wonderful job as well!
Remember when it was said that Galaxia is that strong soldier? it would've been cooler if it was Queen Serenity that was the legendary soldier it would give us atleast a little of her backstory because it's interesting to me
I have to admit, Wendee Lee's voice was good, but she sounds pretty flat as she laid dying. I can't see why, as she's able to show emotion through her other works. Wendy Lyon was surprisingly good, very maternal and regal. I still like the the Viz dub more overall, but Wendy's performance is the stronger one here.
Yes. Seriously. They thought all hope was lost. She provided a way back for all of them with a major clause. The reason for her heartbreak. I like how you distort reality and cherry pick what to be outraged by. #facepalm #purists
@@brandonvaughn3139 Again, the premise of that argument is rooted in the core tenant of purists, "the original is always perfection and is beyond reproach". Nvm anime, in any fandom, that kind of austere devotion is severely myopic. Dead air silence, awkward translation, inconsistent tonal shifts, none of these things exist bc the "original" is inherently without flaws. The original: the senshi lay their lives on the line, literally, to defend their friend and leader. Sprawled in a heap, moaning and groaning in abject mortal pain. What does Usagi do? Ramble on about the virtues of "haute couture fashion designs" and be outraged and promise to never forgive their would be murderer Kunzite who just macheted her friends for "ruining their outfits" (their regenerative outfits). Meanwhile her friends lay prone, their sacrifice meaningless. PERFECTION. Nothing cheesy there... Dic: Serena is visibly moved by the scouts' sacrifice for her and is furious Malechite nearly killed her friends and her cat mentors. She reigns down divine celestial moon justice on his ass to avenge the people she loves against those that would dare threaten them. Ya...to each their own. In the original. Queen Serenity...there's just dead air silence. In DIC, made a point to add in the line about the cats, which immediately establishes a familial bond between them and the involved parties. Repeat ad nauseum throughout the series.
@@RecoveringChristian It’s all subjective. It’s why we have grape and strawberry jelly. A little something for everyone! The Dic version, IMO, Americanized and sanitized the show to the point where it’s almost homophobic in later seasons. As an adult I feel I can enjoy the complexities of the original more.. as a child I loved the Dic version!
@@brandonvaughn3139 Oh I see, appreciate the complexities and subtlety of one but not the other. Convenient for purists. "facepalm". Btw, if you are referring to cousins in "later seasons", that would be Cloverway, not DiC, completely different team in a completely different decade. You're right tho, as adults we can fully enjoy the complexities of uncensored middle schooler nudity, implied romance with Chibiusa and her father, and hear Sailor Moon call someone a b word (illegitimate born out of wedlock child). Joyous day.
7:58 - 8:11 We interrupt this anime to bring you The Legend of Zelda. Also, add Barbara Radecki voice, to Wendee Lee dressed in a Queen Serenity cosplay, and I swear she practically came to life.
Both of the Japanese voice actresses did really great as queen serenity in the 90's version of sailor moon and in the crystal version too. in the dic dub version, Barbara was also great as queen serenity even though she did her voice in only the first episode of season one, but my favorite voice for queen serenity is wendy lyon from the 90's dub version, she really did great as her too, especially the part when she said that she was sending princess serena and everyone else to the future on earth with the power of the silver crystal and that they won't even remember the moon kingdom or their past lives there or anything and that she'll never see her daughter again, that part was just sad. wendee lee was also okay as queen serenity in the viz dub version too. But I prefer wendy lyon's voice for queen serenity from the 90's dub to be honest.
Usagi didn't have one. Silver Millenians (I guess that's what you call them) reproduced asexually using some kind of mystics. That's my theory anyways.
Raimundo91 if there's one thing Sailor Moon is bad at its backstory of every villain/setting/plot element Don't get me wrong its great that they establish it and give us a reason why we should care about it but half the time it's way too complicated and very vaguely explained
If only they didn't replace the most of OST, give actors cheezy script, and censor many moments, DiC dub could've been much better Mika Doi for the win
That moment when you find out the best dubbed version of Sailor Moon's Queen Serenity was voiced by the actress of Prissy Andrews from 1985's "Anne of Green Gables"...WHAAAATT??????? Mind blown.
Wendy Lyon fit queen serenity the best in my opinion. I honestly loved all of DIC's dub and voice actors because their voices were soooooo different from eachother that it sounded more real to me. They sounded nothing alike and gave each character their own personality where in the new dub the voices sound too similar to me
I love all 3 of her voices Barbara RadeckiWendy Lyon and Wendee Lee Wendee Lee i think played alpha 6 in power rangers in space/Lost galexcy but i know her more as Yuroichi i thought she was perfect as her in bleach
She should have did what jean from xmen did jean left her daughter a crystal with a part of her essence inside it so a part of her would always be with her
Wendy Lyon has a beautiful voice of a true queen fair more better than the rest of them but Wendee lee was not the right choose for this part the worst thing is why did they brought the original back since it was already perfect.
I have a question for people who own the Sailor Moon R DVD DiC dub of this does it have Wendy Lyon's voice of Queen Serenity or is it Barbara that play's Queen Serenity on the dvd of this? just curious cause I don't know also I like both Barbara and Wendy's voice for Queen Serenity I think both voices are great. Also Wendee Lee is also a great voice for Queen Serenity honestly I like all the English voices of Serenity.
Wendy Lyon did a great, great job, but I still prefer Viz dub. I'm very attached to the original soundtrack, and I didn't fell the same emotion with DiC's soundtrack. The lines are very different too.
I never grew up with the old series so I am biased towards Wendee Lee because she was also Faye freaking Valentine from Cowboy Bebop and Lisa Lisa from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
(English) Fun Fact, I was named after a moon deity. (Japanese) おもしろい事実、私は月の神にちなんで名付けられました (Icelandic) Skemmtileg staðreynd, ég var nefnd eftir tunglguði.
God grand me Serenity, accept the things I cannot change; Have the courage to change the things I can; and have the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as I did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to My Will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you forever in the next. Amen
Wendy Lyon NO question. Mature, beautiful, composed, classy, regal!!!
Totally Agreed
*Wendy Lyon IS Queen Serenity!!*
Wendy Lyon hands down! omg she made me love Queen Serenity! Her voice is exquisite! Silky smooth and full of peace & tranquility!
+chilvari I agree Wendy Lyon is real GOOOD much better than Barbara Radecki I rather prefer her as Sailor Neptune.
yes Wendy sounds like a loving mother reading a bed time story.
Yeah, I agree. For the Viz dub, I was actually hoping for Mary McGlynn or Megan Hollingshead.
Queen Serenity's death speech done by Wendy Lyon was just heart wrenching.
Almost 29 years later, and I still cry when I see that scene in DiC Dub episode 39: The Past Returns
Wendy Lyon for the win! on English voice
6:46 "Goodbye Serena. You are in my heart always."
That part always gets to me. :(
I actually have to give it to Wendy Lyon here. While the DiC dub had some faults, some of the voices were flawless or were just by far better. She brought the maturity and regalness.
I agree 100% there are def some real PLUNKERS in the voices and dialogue in the DIC dub but Queen Serenity (Wendy Lyon) was just spectacular she makes terrible dialogue listenable. and she does so effortlessly! and while i know this issue is sooooo 50/50 i think, even to this day, Terri Hawkes is the perfect english sailor moon. the dialogue she had to work with was absolute TRASH but she made it totally fun and i believed her at 14 and as Neo Queen Serenity she aged the character perfectly. Stephanie is great as usagi but when she "switches" to Neo Queen Serenity im just not here for it it just sounds like a 14yo trying to sound older.
@@Elphaboy i disagree. The dilaogue is 100% better in dic, esp here. Where as in the updated version shes rambling about "suspended animation" with her last breath, exposition dumping at break neck speeds.
@@RecoveringChristian that’s fair! And yes I agree that maybe in this instance the dialogue in the DIC is better but overall the DIC dub has far too many moments of, even for the 90s, really cheesy bad slang in the dialogue and some of the story edits for the US audience absolutely make it a tad more childish. Don’t get me wrong I fully prefer the DIC dub I have the full first 2 seasons on dvd and often go back to watch them cuz the new English acting is GARBAGE!!!! But I can still spot moments where I’m like “oooo but y those words?!?”
Wendy Lyon, by far the most magestic voice for such an elegant character as Queen Serenity.
Mika Doi is my favourite of them all. Her screaming “Serenity!” at 0:32 always sends a chill to my spine. It truly sounds as a woman who discovered her dead child.
I totally agree! The actress giving the performance in her native language usually makes a difference.
She is coby from one piece
I can't believe Wendy Lyon didn't do more voice acting. She's amazing!
Am I seriously going to have to write Fan-Fictions that feature character voices listed at the start?? Because I worry that's the only way she'll get more *Ahem* "Screen time"
She sounded beautiful - it's a shame DiC butchered the script. 😞
I love how Wendy Lyon fit that role so well you can just imagine her voice it fits so well
mika doi's cry out when her character's daughter died... you'd think she lost her real child, it's so realistic and full of emotion
wendy lyon did it the best so much passion
I like Wendy Lyons as Queen Serenity, Barbara Radecki is good too but sounds too rushed and panic sounding, I like her as Sailor Neptune because her voice suits Michelle better.
Tamara235 to be fair she only did the pilot. Used to upsell the show during its debut, a more regal silk pen voice may not have worked as well then
@@RecoveringChristian It seemed more like an artistic choice to have Serena’s earth and moon mother’s to have the same voice that the dubbers later decided against
@@ch2010ize I'm trying to read Roland's book and see. From what I could recall, these moments were not recorded chronologically. It would be a great sentiment for them to have the same voice but I think I recall it being a scheduling issue.
I can't decide....the English voice overs are both great.
When Wendy lyon is so damn good that her death makes you cry. Now, that's great acting!
Barbara was only used for the pilot episode because she was the same voice actress who play's Serena's human mother. Wendy is the true Dic voice. Funny how the Dic and Viz actresses are both named Wendy haha.
oh wendy , hands down , especially felt the emotion ,especially just as she says a new future on earth !!
Sadly I don't really like Wendy Lee as Queen Serenity, but it's not really her fault as she's just the voice of exposition in the Viz dub and original Japanese. Wendy Lyon sounded more like a mother overjoyed to see her daughter and then grieving her lost later on.
Wendy lyon
Wendy Lyon takes this 1, hands down! No its, ands or buts about it
I miss Wendy Lyon so much she was put so much emotion in it and nobody can change that HANDS DOWN
My favourite is Wendee Lee: her voice is so kind, calm. I can't stop crying seeing Queen Serenity's death scene...
Dang, this is one case where the old Dub really knocked it out of the park...
Meh. My eye was twitching the whole time. Viz Media made it all better. Crystal did it even better. Sailor Moon is one case where the revisit and redubbing was ten time better, nostalgia notwithstanding. The animation alone satisfies the nostalgia factor.
Lilith Anastasia Patterson agreed, Picasso lopsided faces are 10x better in Crystal, sludge covered weeaboo eyes and ears not withstanding, of course.
Yo, she and Terri Hawks were in a film together, and their characters were enemies. Kinda funny to learn that she was serenity
Wendy Lyon.....COSMIC MOON POWER!!! - chills-
Wendy lyon, hands down
For English, Wendy Lyon. Wendee Lee is good, and the translation is of course much closer, but that aside, Wendy Lyon makes me feel the emotion in the character, she sounds iconic.
The straight translation Wendee Lee gets is a bit too much like narration rather than a character moment. The actress does a great job, though.
This queen is truly gorgeous regardless of who voices her.
Wendy Lyon
I Love her voice!!! Her voice (English version Wendy Lyon) is just so Enchanting♡♡♡
Wendy Lyon is my ideal mother!
7:01 Wendee Lee sounds like a robot. She literally sounds exactly like Kety Perr from the Nekci Menij show.
Dead ☠️
You’re cultured tho kween
Wendy Lyon!! The new english voice PALES in comparison!
I think I'll go with majority and say that Wendy Lyon is the best English voice for Queen Serenity. Wendee Lee sounded nice but Lyon, to me, sounded more beautiful and motherly, and she sounded very close to Mika Doi - who is my favourite Queen Serenity voice over all, just for having better direction - so that's another big plus.^^
Barbara Radecki would've been a decent permanent choice just because it gives off the vibe that Princess Serenity's mother is there with her daughter in some way on Earth.
Wendy Lyons was probably the best, but I think Wendee Lee did a better job with the grief when Queen Serenity saw her daughter dead.
this deserves more loves!
Wendee Lee sounds great, I love her voice
Wendy Lyon is the best of all the ENG voices but I have to admit Wendee Lee did a good job. I actually expected Mary McGlynn or Megan Hollingshead to voice Queen Serenity in the Viz dub.
Always loved Mika Doi since I heard her as Misa Hayase on Macross.
Mika Doi. She sounds excellent and her line delivery just went smoothly especially with the background music. Wendy Lyon a close second, her voice is so soothing and warm, but the dialogue for DIC was 🤷🏽♂️ but had she come back for the Viz re-dub it would have been perfect
IMO DiC had better dialogue for her final speech because she shows grief for losing her daughter and sacrificing herself. Plus, she keeps the explanations/final orders short and sweet. In Viz she just explains wayyyy too much that it takes out any emotion out of the scene.
@@RhapsodyHC I agree about Viz having too much dialogue, for me Viz was the worst version, and I love Wendee Lee but the viz script was too wordy almost copying word for word the Japanese version which can translate weird in the English version.
I think for the Japanese version Serenity was grief stricken but tried to remain composed while the biz had her sound too mopey 😞. Dic version had a great voice actress and she did sound like a goddess.
To be honest, the dic dub version had better dialogue than the viz dub for queen serenity's final speech. In the dic dub, she showed grief for losing her daughter. In the viz dub, she just explained way too much.
I find it kind of funny that two of her English voice actors had the same first name. And her Japanese voice actors have similar names too. Interesting. The English is a little weird, I wonder how similar footage got voice acted.
I look forward to your next video!
Holy shit!!! Mika Doi?! The Japanese voice of Daisy Duck as Queen Serenity?! *MINDBLOWN!!*
Mami Koyama voicing Queen Serenity?
I can only say this...: OHH-HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!
@@chrisss838 Someone gets the reference. 😉😁
@@mattwilliams4316 I'll tell you this
O-oba-Oba san?!
Wendy Lyon 👑🌙💖
Just because it's the original script doesn't mean it's superior... Script-wise, the DiC version was better. "Moon stick" might have sounded good in Japanese, but in English it sounds like a joke
Edit: So interesting that the English dub VAs were both named Wendy/Wendee. LOVED LOVED LOVED Wendy Lyon's version growing up in the 90s, and Wendee Lee does a wonderful job as well!
Remember when it was said that Galaxia is that strong soldier? it would've been cooler if it was Queen Serenity that was the legendary soldier it would give us atleast a little of her backstory because it's interesting to me
Wendee sounds less like a queen and more like a voice assistant for your phone
Queen Siri. 😂
Siri-nity? Bad pun lol
I grew up with the Wendy Lyon version and I still think it's the best
Wendy was a PERFECT Queen!! I LOVE her Queen Serenity!
Which one? Lyon or Lee
@@CowboysNo1Fan lyon
Wow! There are 2 Wendy's, so try to specify
I have to admit, Wendee Lee's voice was good, but she sounds pretty flat as she laid dying. I can't see why, as she's able to show emotion through her other works. Wendy Lyon was surprisingly good, very maternal and regal. I still like the the Viz dub more overall, but Wendy's performance is the stronger one here.
Did Dic Luna SERIOUSLY ask a dying queen serenity why she was so sad? *face palm*
Yes. Seriously. They thought all hope was lost. She provided a way back for all of them with a major clause. The reason for her heartbreak. I like how you distort reality and cherry pick what to be outraged by. #facepalm #purists
@@RecoveringChristian Nah, I just thought it was pretty cheesy is all! No need to rewrite a great story IMO. But to each their own!
@@brandonvaughn3139 Again, the premise of that argument is rooted in the core tenant of purists, "the original is always perfection and is beyond reproach". Nvm anime, in any fandom, that kind of austere devotion is severely myopic. Dead air silence, awkward translation, inconsistent tonal shifts, none of these things exist bc the "original" is inherently without flaws.
The original: the senshi lay their lives on the line, literally, to defend their friend and leader. Sprawled in a heap, moaning and groaning in abject mortal pain. What does Usagi do? Ramble on about the virtues of "haute couture fashion designs" and be outraged and promise to never forgive their would be murderer Kunzite who just macheted her friends for "ruining their outfits" (their regenerative outfits). Meanwhile her friends lay prone, their sacrifice meaningless. PERFECTION. Nothing cheesy there...
Dic: Serena is visibly moved by the scouts' sacrifice for her and is furious Malechite nearly killed her friends and her cat mentors. She reigns down divine celestial moon justice on his ass to avenge the people she loves against those that would dare threaten them.
Ya...to each their own.
In the original. Queen Serenity...there's just dead air silence. In DIC, made a point to add in the line about the cats, which immediately establishes a familial bond between them and the involved parties. Repeat ad nauseum throughout the series.
@@RecoveringChristian It’s all subjective. It’s why we have grape and strawberry jelly. A little something for everyone! The Dic version, IMO, Americanized and sanitized the show to the point where it’s almost homophobic in later seasons. As an adult I feel I can enjoy the complexities of the original more.. as a child I loved the Dic version!
@@brandonvaughn3139 Oh I see, appreciate the complexities and subtlety of one but not the other. Convenient for purists. "facepalm". Btw, if you are referring to cousins in "later seasons", that would be Cloverway, not DiC, completely different team in a completely different decade. You're right tho, as adults we can fully enjoy the complexities of uncensored middle schooler nudity, implied romance with Chibiusa and her father, and hear Sailor Moon call someone a b word (illegitimate born out of wedlock child). Joyous day.
Even though I like Viz Dub better, I prefer Wendy Lyon’s voice over Wendee Lee’s
Same here.
if you really get into the story behind queen serenity and the silver millennium, it’s actually sad as hell :(
7:58 - 8:11
We interrupt this anime to bring you The Legend of Zelda.
Also, add Barbara Radecki voice, to Wendee Lee dressed in a Queen Serenity cosplay, and I swear she practically came to life.
Wendy Lyon's voice is beautiful but the actual wording is so much better in the Japanese version.
both Wendy's serenity voices were the best
Both of the Japanese voice actresses did really great as queen serenity in the 90's version of sailor moon and in the crystal version too. in the dic dub version, Barbara was also great as queen serenity even though she did her voice in only the first episode of season one, but my favorite voice for queen serenity is wendy lyon from the 90's dub version, she really did great as her too, especially the part when she said that she was sending princess serena and everyone else to the future on earth with the power of the silver crystal and that they won't even remember the moon kingdom or their past lives there or anything and that she'll never see her daughter again, that part was just sad. wendee lee was also okay as queen serenity in the viz dub version too. But I prefer wendy lyon's voice for queen serenity from the 90's dub to be honest.
Wendy Lee is the true queen.
But no one can beat the original
Mika doi
The new Queen Serenity is literally Esmeraude lol
I always wonder who was the king of the moon aka Usagi's father?
Usagi didn't have one. Silver Millenians (I guess that's what you call them) reproduced asexually using some kind of mystics. That's my theory anyways.
Raimundo91 if there's one thing Sailor Moon is bad at its backstory of every villain/setting/plot element Don't get me wrong its great that they establish it and give us a reason why we should care about it but half the time it's way too complicated and very vaguely explained
Paragon Aura sounds similar to the creation of Wonder Woman
That's so so sailor mini moon is an entirely new creation :)) no wonder she doesn't look exactly like her mom and grandmother :)
Raimundo91 so that's how Serena was born!!
Wendy Lyon is the best English voa
I really love DiC version 😆
If only they didn't replace the most of OST, give actors cheezy script, and censor many moments, DiC dub could've been much better
Mika Doi for the win
Wendy Lyon.. OMG
That moment when you find out the best dubbed version of Sailor Moon's Queen Serenity was voiced by the actress of Prissy Andrews from 1985's "Anne of Green Gables"...WHAAAATT??????? Mind blown.
Are we not talking how lovely Wendy Lyon is in that picture??? 😍😍😍
Trivia time: did you know that both Wendi Lyon AND Terri Hawkes were in "Prom Night II"?
2 years later
Mika and Wendy are my favorite!
Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️💜🌙🎼
Wait... MAMI KOYAMA?! She voiced the 90s Esmeraude, didn't she?
Yes! That’s right. She voiced Esmeraude in the 90’s.
wait... kyilia zabi is esmeraude??? mind blowned
Also Kaguya Ootutsuki from Naruto And Big Mom from One piece
My Top 3 Queen Serenity’s English Actresses
1. Wendy Lyon
2. Wendee Lee
3. Barbara Radecki
It's not very often I see you choosing DiC voices over the ViZ choices. Regardless, I absolutely agree with your ranking.:D
Vampire Unicorn I choose any actress based by their performance with personality and effort. If both are great, I call it a draw.
Wendy Lyon is the best voice of Queen Sernity. I want her to play my Martian girls Mother named Sernity too.
Wendee Lee also voices Angel in The Big-O and also voices Faye Valentine in Cowboy Bebop
Wendy hands down
Truly queen serenity is a brave mother.
I liked the voice of Wendy ... But I prefer and love the voice and speech of wendee Lee that is exactly how Japanese speech ...
Wendy Lyon fit queen serenity the best in my opinion. I honestly loved all of DIC's dub and voice actors because their voices were soooooo different from eachother that it sounded more real to me. They sounded nothing alike and gave each character their own personality where in the new dub the voices sound too similar to me
Barbara Radecki nice voice queen Serenity
Wow,she's the most magical,pure and beautiful woman l Ever saw,hey You can show also the Queen of darkness Nehelenia and her monstrus side zirconia
I love all 3 of her voices Barbara RadeckiWendy Lyon and Wendee Lee Wendee Lee i think played alpha 6 in power rangers in space/Lost galexcy but i know her more as Yuroichi i thought she was perfect as her in bleach
7:09 queen serenity
How sad queen serenity won't get to see her daughter princess serenity
She should have did what jean from xmen did jean left her daughter a crystal with a part of her essence inside it so a part of her would always be with her
Wendy Lyon has a beautiful voice of a true queen fair more better than the rest of them but Wendee lee was not the right choose for this part the worst thing is why did they brought the original back since it was already perfect.
The voice actress look beautiful :o
Mika Doi all the way!
Wendy Lyon is the best Queen Serenity
I have a question for people who own the Sailor Moon R DVD DiC dub of this does it have Wendy Lyon's voice of Queen Serenity or is it Barbara that play's Queen Serenity on the dvd of this? just curious cause I don't know also I like both Barbara and Wendy's voice for Queen Serenity I think both voices are great. Also Wendee Lee is also a great voice for Queen Serenity honestly I like all the English voices of Serenity.
Wendy Lyon's Cosmic Moon Power delivery is the best. Spoken with such Authority.
We see Lee’s Queen Serenity is very good 👍
Wendy the best!
Original Japanese 😍👑🌙💖
Wendy Lyon did a great, great job, but I still prefer Viz dub. I'm very attached to the original soundtrack, and I didn't fell the same emotion with DiC's soundtrack. The lines are very different too.
Of course the Japanese and the DIC versions are the best. The Viz is so hard to listen.
I never grew up with the old series so I am biased towards Wendee Lee because she was also Faye freaking Valentine from Cowboy Bebop and Lisa Lisa from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
I wonder why they didn't give Mami Koyama back Esmeraude
Fun Fact, I was named after a moon deity.
Skemmtileg staðreynd, ég var nefnd eftir tunglguði.
God grand me Serenity, accept the things I cannot change; Have the courage to change the things I can; and have the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as I did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that you will make all things right if I surrender to My Will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with you forever in the next. Amen
Wendee Lee sound like Da Qiao from dynasty warriors 4 and 5.
Same voice actress thats why she also voiced xiaoqiao on 4 and 5 as well