TRANSCRIPT: So we are going to find out what prevents this energy, why we have not the energy, the drive, the intensity to change. So we are concerned with the understanding of why human beings have not that energy to bring about a radical change in themselves. They have energy, any amount of it - to quarrel, to battle, to kill each other, to divide the world, to fight, to go to the moon. They’ve got energy, but apparently they have not the energy to change themselves radically. So we are asking why - why haven’t we as human beings, have this tremendous energy? I wonder, when you ask, when such a question is put to you, what your response is. We said man has enough energy. He does everything with great energy - when he hates, he hates; when there is a war he battles, kills; when he wants to escape from what is actually, he has the energy to run away from it - through ideas, through amusement, through gods, through drink. When he wants pleasure, sexual or otherwise, he pursues it with great energy. He has the intelligence to overcome outward environment. He has the energy to go down to the… live at the bottom of the sea or live in the skies. He has got vital energy, but apparently he has not this energy to change, even the smallest habit. Why? We haven’t the energy to change because we dissipate that energy in conflict within ourselves. Please listen to this a little bit. We are not trying to persuade you of anything, we are not doing propaganda, we are not replacing old ideas with new ideas, but we are trying to discover, understand. You see, we realize that we must change. So there is - let us take as an example violence, brutality - that is a fact. Human beings are brutal, violent and they have built a society which is violent, in spite of all the religious nonsense about loving your neighbour, loving God and all that, just ideas, they have no value whatsoever, because man remains brutal, violent, selfish - that’s a fact. And being violent he invents its opposite, which is not to be violent. Please watch, go into this yourself with me a little bit. There is violence and he has the opposite of it, which is non-violence, not to be violent. And he is trying all the time to become non-violent. So there is conflict between ‘what is’, which is violence, and ‘what should be’, which is non-violence. There is conflict between the two. And that is the very essence of the wastage of energy. Right? As long as there is a duality between ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’, man trying to become, or trying, making an effort to achieve ‘what should be’, that conflict is wastage of energy. Right? That is the very essence of wastage. As long as there is conflict between the opposites, the duality, man has not enough energy to change. So, why should I have the opposite at all, as non-violence, as the ideal? The ideal is non-real, it has no meaning, it only leads to various forms of hypocrisy. Being violent, pretending not to be violent has no meaning. Or to say, ‘Well, I am an idealist. I will eventually become peaceful.’ That is a great pretension, an excuse. For he’ll take many years or perhaps never be without violence. Therefore he becomes a hypocrite, and in the meantime he’s being violent. So if we could, not in abstraction but actually put aside completely all ideals and only deal with facts. That is, violence. Then there is no wastage of energy. Please, this is really very important to understand. It isn’t a peculiar theory of the Speaker. Don’t say, ‘Well, he brings some oriental philosophy’ - he doesn’t. As long as man lives in the corridor of opposites, he must waste energy and therefore he can never change. So with one breath you’ve wiped away all ideologies - right? - all opposites. Please do understand this. If you go into it, it is really quite extraordinary what takes place. A man who is angry, to pretend, or try to become non-angry, not to be angry, in that there is conflict going on all the time. But if he says, ‘I’ll observe what anger is, go into it, not try to escape from it, rationalize it.’ Then you have… then there is energy to understand and put an end to anger.
A man who wanted peace in the world, to love and be loved has put in all his efforts to change the people, to realise, to think and observe. Never delacred himself a leader or a guru of any kind, did not take any credits a pure soul.
By saying this we give the energy in liking a person labelled with a name. Listen to the speaker but do not follow the speaker. So that your energy is spent where it should be like the speaker says.
That's a very big revelation for me! I've been helplessly in the grips of Procrastination, and been feeling misery over it, been trying all sorts of things for such a long time, been studying many motivational books and videos. The more I try to change, the worse it's getting until in the end, I do absolutely nothing! I'm fed up with myself. This helps so much! Never heard of J Krishnamurti before, amazing! Thank you!
Please if i may "Freedom from the Known " and "First and Last Freedom "..both titles are compilation of his talks . No more motivation will you need. He hands over the key to mental energy ,to you .No dependence on any outside agency or person.Not even on K . I write this after experiencing this . Being introduced to K teachings which he never called his , is the BEST thing to have happened to me... That is what a TRUE TEACHER is . Of course ,he rejected being called a teacher or guide .. Regards...
@@rajanish1003 Thanks mate, for introducing me these books, Came here to write this comment after reading those gems !! TBH I have no words to say, it's just phenomenal........... 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Jcm: That's the highest compliment. JK's radical thoughts cannot be contained in class room. He questions and subverts the very foundations of modern pedagogy as also the spurious science of psychology. The thinker, and not the thought, is primary for him.
Starting with complete freedom to inquire - no past knowledge - enables the seeing, feeling and learning the fact via insight that has no opposite, and therefore cannot be replicated because it is complete in and of itself. So University can’t set out a system or methodology for the purpose of teaching by memorisation. Too bad!!!
Religious crowd, sadhu, Gurus, swamys etc and rightwing parties hate him because he exposes them brutally. Sadly, most Indians would not like to hear what this great man says because they will lose faith in their favorite Gods..
We have no energy to change because we dissipate our energy on pursuing ideals. The pursuit of good creates evil. The pursuit of truth creates lies. The pursuit of happiness creates sadness. Thus the pursuit of ideals never ends.
well if we except everything for what it is the we know the truth and we can take the path of righteousness regardless of how long it maybe. For example the food that we eat can give us the energy to create more energy via exercising the human body by giving more muscle and endurance and also a fitter body creates a fitter mindset, and we have foods that void the body of such energy and make us weak and exhausted and creates a negative mindset. At the end of the day there is only 1 set of dualities Life and Death the truth creates life and lies create death, which can be applied to all sets of dualities.
Wow! What a personality he is... Blessed to listen to you thank you so much for preserving these precious teachings ❤️🙏 And the comment section was so meaningful. thank you for conversing with me people, love you.
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. An example that might be small but real: I felt so much better when I allowed myself to simp for a girl with whom I had an unrequited love as much as I wanted as opposed to bottling it in. When I bottled it in, it built up and up and no change happened. When I let my mind go and do what it yearned to do, it dissipated by itself.
@@capitalt348 Well, its important to preface this by saying I didn't do this as a method or as following JK's authority. Something just clicked that I was expending a lot of willpower trying to live upto ideals and refrain myself. That was taking up all my energy. So instead, I let myself go into the place where my heart wanted to and though I was afraid of letting it do that, that fear meant I was going into a very extremely interesting situation. All the energy that previously went into self-conflict now became the energy of "seeing what happens". That seeing dissolved the urge to simp within 3 days of allowing myself to do it. Later on, when the same urges came up, I again freed up energy when I let myself do what I really wanted. And again, doing what I really wanted was interesting so I was in a state of total attention as I did it. And again, this resulted in permanent change. i.e. dissipation of the urge.
People, generally, do not think they need to change at all! Man is told constantly that he/she is OK just the way he/she is, which is a really terrible lie that keeps the maddening nightmare going round and round. The answer is not in "changing" one's self, but in waking up from your own violent dream. Anything less than full awakening is fake in ALL its forms. Love is fake, hate is fake, compassion is fake.....
Thanks for sharing the video. Well, when there is something in front of you, just don't waste your time trying to avoid it or create its opposite. Just give it your energy. Break the cycle of ignorance and the cycle oif ignoring things.
Las barreras del ego, esos cúmulos neuronales de memoria psicológica que impiden que lo Sagrado realmente transforme al cerebro y al cuerpo de uno. Es hasta algo maligno el que estas barreras impidan todo este bendito proceso...
I have no energy to change because the conflict and thus disorderly, following ideals and fighting against or for the opposites, within. The everlasting war within consumes my energy. All comes from my selfishness.... I am a hypocrite... losing all my energy in fighting against myself
Except all of the other masters, K. is real deal for me. He says that you are the student and you are the master. There is no other master or student. İf you experience for yourself then it is yours. You've possessed it. There is no need any book. This is also my way. Thats why I love Krishnamurti.
...can we understand this way,there is no duality.. instead there is difference in intensity of the nature we tend to pursue,moreover we cannot pursue anything outside us, disowning thy own self, instead remain in one's own self,go deeper in thy own self,sit in its real nature ,understand and evolve from itself
I don't understand one thing.we take out time for everything , like exercise , movies , shopping , gossip and social media .Why don't we take out time to change our bad habits, wrong belief system .Why don't we have that deep desire to change our wrong thinking patterns ? I love solitude , sitting with my own self , observation of thoughts but I avoid or do not want to change many habits which creates problem for me . I find Meditation quite boring.i feel like self transformation is very difficult. Actually the thing is I should invest my energy in changing my wrong habits which I am not able to. I m emotionally independent and enjoy my own company alot...But not able to bring long lasting permanent changes in my personality.
Energy as a whole is directed in the past for humanity, which is - but existence is forward (now) +, humanity right now is in Abyss. As long as the - energy is there, it eats up the whole of humanity like a cancer killing a being. The old template of tradition in which a society is built should be destroyed and man should have a very deep understanding of oneself, such that his whole being becomes a Temple
Well if we except everything for what it is the we know the truth and we can take the path of righteousness regardless of how long it maybe. For example the food that we eat can give us the energy to create more energy via exercising the human body by giving more muscle and endurance and also a fitter body creates a fitter mindset, and we have foods that void the body of such energy and make us weak and exhausted and creates a negative mindset. At the end of the day there is only 1 set of dualities Life and Death the truth creates life and lies create death.
Example: If youre a smoker and you think its a waste of energy to change that then youve not understood what he has said. 11:19 think about what that is. Analyse. Smoking is a behaviour that you developed not that it was part of you. You've made it a part of you through addiction or habit. So this isn't possibly about what we've accumulated into our personality but what we essentially are and you look into that. Don't waste time into changing who you should be. Look deep and ask who you really are.
The desire (in this case to end it) would open the path to the emotion of anger. In that path you can choose to rationalize that emotion and try to understand it (becoming an observant to it) or try to end it (which would instead create the energetic bond that creates the conflict and enslaves you to being angry for life). You cannot stop, or ever end, being something that you were once or is. We do not unlearn. That will always be a part of who you are, and if understood, who you were. What you can do is learn to control it and drive its energy forces by observing it and letting it be and exist instead of allowing it to control you by conflicting you into a constant energetic exchange dance.
TRANSCRIPT: So we are going to find out what prevents this energy, why we have not the energy, the drive, the intensity to change. So we are concerned with the understanding of why human beings have not that energy to bring about a radical change in themselves. They have energy, any amount of it - to quarrel, to battle, to kill each other, to divide the world, to fight, to go to the moon. They’ve got energy, but apparently they have not the energy to change themselves radically. So we are asking why - why haven’t we as human beings, have this tremendous energy? I wonder, when you ask, when such a question is put to you, what your response is.
We said man has enough energy. He does everything with great energy - when he hates, he hates; when there is a war he battles, kills; when he wants to escape from what is actually, he has the energy to run away from it - through ideas, through amusement, through gods, through drink. When he wants pleasure, sexual or otherwise, he pursues it with great energy. He has the intelligence to overcome outward environment. He has the energy to go down to the… live at the bottom of the sea or live in the skies. He has got vital energy, but apparently he has not this energy to change, even the smallest habit. Why?
We haven’t the energy to change because we dissipate that energy in conflict within ourselves. Please listen to this a little bit. We are not trying to persuade you of anything, we are not doing propaganda, we are not replacing old ideas with new ideas, but we are trying to discover, understand. You see, we realize that we must change. So there is - let us take as an example violence, brutality - that is a fact. Human beings are brutal, violent and they have built a society which is violent, in spite of all the religious nonsense about loving your neighbour, loving God and all that, just ideas, they have no value whatsoever, because man remains brutal, violent, selfish - that’s a fact. And being violent he invents its opposite, which is not to be violent.
Please watch, go into this yourself with me a little bit. There is violence and he has the opposite of it, which is non-violence, not to be violent. And he is trying all the time to become non-violent. So there is conflict between ‘what is’, which is violence, and ‘what should be’, which is non-violence. There is conflict between the two. And that is the very essence of the wastage of energy. Right? As long as there is a duality between ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’, man trying to become, or trying, making an effort to achieve ‘what should be’, that conflict is wastage of energy. Right? That is the very essence of wastage. As long as there is conflict between the opposites, the duality, man has not enough energy to change.
So, why should I have the opposite at all, as non-violence, as the ideal? The ideal is non-real, it has no meaning, it only leads to various forms of hypocrisy. Being violent, pretending not to be violent has no meaning. Or to say, ‘Well, I am an idealist. I will eventually become peaceful.’ That is a great pretension, an excuse. For he’ll take many years or perhaps never be without violence. Therefore he becomes a hypocrite, and in the meantime he’s being violent. So if we could, not in abstraction but actually put aside completely all ideals and only deal with facts. That is, violence. Then there is no wastage of energy. Please, this is really very important to understand. It isn’t a peculiar theory of the Speaker. Don’t say, ‘Well, he brings some oriental philosophy’ - he doesn’t. As long as man lives in the corridor of opposites, he must waste energy and therefore he can never change.
So with one breath you’ve wiped away all ideologies - right? - all opposites. Please do understand this. If you go into it, it is really quite extraordinary what takes place. A man who is angry, to pretend, or try to become non-angry, not to be angry, in that there is conflict going on all the time. But if he says, ‘I’ll observe what anger is, go into it, not try to escape from it, rationalize it.’ Then you have… then there is energy to understand and put an end to anger.
Thanks very much for the script.
Thanks for this!
@J.Krishnamurti - Official Channel
Hello Volunteer,
JK official site is not opening for past 2 days. Kindly fix the problem.
Thank you
Much better to read it than to hear it. You can get something out of it.
Ed Gepixel it saves time as well
A man who wanted peace in the world, to love and be loved has put in all his efforts to change the people, to realise, to think and observe. Never delacred himself a leader or a guru of any kind, did not take any credits a pure soul.
No one is like jiddu krishnamurti. He is a gift to human society. He is the closest person to my heart.
You're close to my heart. 😊
By saying this we give the energy in liking a person labelled with a name. Listen to the speaker but do not follow the speaker. So that your energy is spent where it should be like the speaker says.
Don’t worship him please
That's a very big revelation for me! I've been helplessly in the grips of Procrastination, and been feeling misery over it, been trying all sorts of things for such a long time, been studying many motivational books and videos. The more I try to change, the worse it's getting until in the end, I do absolutely nothing! I'm fed up with myself. This helps so much! Never heard of J Krishnamurti before, amazing! Thank you!
Please if i may "Freedom from the Known " and "First and Last Freedom "..both titles are compilation of his talks .
No more motivation will you need.
He hands over the key to mental energy ,to you .No dependence on any outside agency or person.Not even on K .
I write this after experiencing this .
Being introduced to K teachings which he never called his , is the BEST thing to have happened to me...
That is what a TRUE TEACHER is .
Of course ,he rejected being called a teacher or guide ..
@@rajanish1003 Thanks mate, for introducing me these books, Came here to write this comment after reading those gems !!
TBH I have no words to say, it's just phenomenal........... 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
The greatest philosopher in human history, and a university never studies him, nor do psychologists study him. Regrettable
Jcm: That's the highest compliment. JK's radical thoughts cannot be contained in class room. He questions and subverts the very foundations of modern pedagogy as also the spurious science of psychology. The thinker, and not the thought, is primary for him.
He is not a philosopher. He is talking things which are in his experience. Philosophers make guesses.
Starting with complete freedom to inquire - no past knowledge - enables the seeing, feeling and learning the fact via insight that has no opposite, and therefore cannot be replicated because it is complete in and of itself. So University can’t set out a system or methodology for the purpose of teaching by memorisation. Too bad!!!
Thanks for sharing! His very words resolve the conflict that brings about a transmutation of energy.😃
Thanks, Aman.
Synonym for pure Genius is jiddu Krishnamurthy.. oh my god why we Indians are neglecting his speeches.. thought's
Religious crowd, sadhu, Gurus, swamys etc and rightwing parties hate him because he exposes them brutally. Sadly, most Indians would not like to hear what this great man says because they will lose faith in their favorite Gods..
We have no energy to change because we dissipate our energy on pursuing ideals. The pursuit of good creates evil. The pursuit of truth creates lies. The pursuit of happiness creates sadness. Thus the pursuit of ideals never ends.
One needs to focus on what is, observe it, understand it
well if we except everything for what it is the we know the truth and we can take the path of righteousness regardless of how long it maybe. For example the food that we eat can give us the energy to create more energy via exercising the human body by giving more muscle and endurance and also a fitter body creates a fitter mindset, and we have foods that void the body of such energy and make us weak and exhausted and creates a negative mindset. At the end of the day there is only 1 set of dualities Life and Death the truth creates life and lies create death, which can be applied to all sets of dualities.
Thanks for the upload. Words if not realised are mere words. A genuine genius.
very lovely photo
It's a negative by renowned photographer Mark Edwards, from Krishnamurti Foundation Trust's archives in the UK.
“As long as man lives in the corridors of opposites he must waste energy(on the conflict) and therefore he can never have the energy to change. “
What is so remarkable with the man is that he can still change the world.
As long as we listen and don't waste energy, anything is possible.
thank you for the upload!
Thank you.
Krishan murti is genius. Love him
Incredible as always, thaaanks
Thanks for your comment Christina.
Gratitude! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
The now, this moment that is the only moment that ever is, fully realized, ends all conflict within.
We have much energy to change outwardly but not inwardly.
Wow! What a personality he is... Blessed to listen to you thank you so much for preserving these precious teachings ❤️🙏
And the comment section was so meaningful. thank you for conversing with me people, love you.
Makes me want to listen to his revelations which we lack while living this very life
Jai jai 🔔🔔🏡🏡🌍🌍📯📯⛳⛳⛳
Outstanding wisdom!!
Thank you.
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. An example that might be small but real:
I felt so much better when I allowed myself to simp for a girl with whom I had an unrequited love as much as I wanted as opposed to bottling it in. When I bottled it in, it built up and up and no change happened. When I let my mind go and do what it yearned to do, it dissipated by itself.
So you let yourself simp, you mean? and what happened?
@@capitalt348 Well, its important to preface this by saying I didn't do this as a method or as following JK's authority. Something just clicked that I was expending a lot of willpower trying to live upto ideals and refrain myself. That was taking up all my energy. So instead, I let myself go into the place where my heart wanted to and though I was afraid of letting it do that, that fear meant I was going into a very extremely interesting situation. All the energy that previously went into self-conflict now became the energy of "seeing what happens". That seeing dissolved the urge to simp within 3 days of allowing myself to do it.
Later on, when the same urges came up, I again freed up energy when I let myself do what I really wanted. And again, doing what I really wanted was interesting so I was in a state of total attention as I did it. And again, this resulted in permanent change. i.e. dissipation of the urge.
I appreciate your vulnerability to share this
This is a great share, thank you
This is life changing & deep. “We must exit the corridors of opposites!” This is it!
God bless the person who upload this video 🙏
He is a hammer
Beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thanks for uploading 😊
After very long time, I got my answer
what is the answer?
Always helpful thanks for uploading!
People, generally, do not think they need to change at all!
Man is told constantly that he/she is OK just the way he/she is, which is a really terrible lie that keeps the maddening nightmare going round and round.
The answer is not in "changing" one's self, but in waking up from your own violent dream.
Anything less than full awakening is fake in ALL its forms. Love is fake, hate is fake, compassion is fake.....
Very accurately put. Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
So much wisdom, tks for sharing this gem
Thanks for sharing the video. Well, when there is something in front of you, just don't waste your time trying to avoid it or create its opposite. Just give it your energy. Break the cycle of ignorance and the cycle oif ignoring things.
Just keep listen him...
Todo puede ser ideal ❤
Oh.. tq for captions.
,there is word known as "tapas" which further evolve as "tapasya" , which mean austerity. Hence
No shortcuts.
The key as I see is understanding no who u are
Indeed it is true,
Just wow
I don't think it's possible to wake up before it's possible.
Las barreras del ego, esos cúmulos neuronales de memoria psicológica que impiden que lo Sagrado realmente transforme al cerebro y al cuerpo de uno. Es hasta algo maligno el que estas barreras impidan todo este bendito proceso...
I have no energy to change because the conflict and thus disorderly, following ideals and fighting against or for the opposites, within. The everlasting war within consumes my energy. All comes from my selfishness.... I am a hypocrite... losing all my energy in fighting against myself
Be silent and just observe whats going on both outwardly and inwardly
You're from the old world. Low perception.
It's all real, I've tested it. I can see that even if i try to be angry... I just can't.
We do have the energy to change - we do have the energy to bring about radical change - I will say no more here.
Except all of the other masters, K. is real deal for me. He says that you are the student and you are the master. There is no other master or student. İf you experience for yourself then it is yours. You've possessed it. There is no need any book. This is also my way. Thats why I love Krishnamurti.
3:30 it starts
🙏🙏🙏6.33 what is & what should be ⭐
❤️ replace the word "(violence)" with
"(your particular problem)" try this and see.
...can we understand this way,there is no duality.. instead there is difference in intensity of the nature we tend to pursue,moreover we cannot pursue anything outside us, disowning thy own self, instead remain in one's own self,go deeper in thy own self,sit in its real nature ,understand and evolve from itself
I did not have enough energy to listen to the whole video
I don't understand one thing.we take out time for everything , like exercise , movies , shopping , gossip and social media .Why don't we take out time to change our bad habits, wrong belief system .Why don't we have that deep desire to change our wrong thinking patterns ? I love solitude , sitting with my own self , observation of thoughts but I avoid or do not want to change many habits which creates problem for me . I find Meditation quite boring.i feel like self transformation is very difficult. Actually the thing is I should invest my energy in changing my wrong habits which I am not able to. I m emotionally independent and enjoy my own company alot...But not able to bring long lasting permanent changes in my personality.
Energy as a whole is directed in the past for humanity, which is - but existence is forward (now) +, humanity right now is in Abyss. As long as the - energy is there, it eats up the whole of humanity like a cancer killing a being. The old template of tradition in which a society is built should be destroyed and man should have a very deep understanding of oneself, such that his whole being becomes a Temple
It'd really nice if along such short videos you'd also put the link to the full talk in the description.
Well if we except everything for what it is the we know the truth and we can take the path of righteousness regardless of how long it maybe. For example the food that we eat can give us the energy to create more energy via exercising the human body by giving more muscle and endurance and also a fitter body creates a fitter mindset, and we have foods that void the body of such energy and make us weak and exhausted and creates a negative mindset. At the end of the day there is only 1 set of dualities Life and Death the truth creates life and lies create death.
Example: If youre a smoker and you think its a waste of energy to change that then youve not understood what he has said. 11:19 think about what that is. Analyse. Smoking is a behaviour that you developed not that it was part of you. You've made it a part of you through addiction or habit. So this isn't possibly about what we've accumulated into our personality but what we essentially are and you look into that. Don't waste time into changing who you should be. Look deep and ask who you really are.
What would motivate me to observe anger? The desire to end it, right? Wouldn't it cause conflict then?
The desire (in this case to end it) would open the path to the emotion of anger. In that path you can choose to rationalize that emotion and try to understand it (becoming an observant to it) or try to end it (which would instead create the energetic bond that creates the conflict and enslaves you to being angry for life). You cannot stop, or ever end, being something that you were once or is. We do not unlearn. That will always be a part of who you are, and if understood, who you were. What you can do is learn to control it and drive its energy forces by observing it and letting it be and exist instead of allowing it to control you by conflicting you into a constant energetic exchange dance.
Thank you so much ❤️🙏
Can someone tell me how to apply this teaching of him practically?
Why is it that in most of JK's videos or audios, there is always someone coughing??? It is really annoying!!!😖
Please can you post the full video
Not try to escape from it, rationalize it, does he mean u should rationalize it or not rationalize?
No...he is telling don't try to escape and also don't rationalize it...its a single statement 😃
The energy to change ... From what?
Does anyone find the coughing at the background distractive? I wonder if there is a way to erase it.
Do you follow what I'm saying ? .........I mean do you really follow me ? 🤔