Interesting. I'm thinking of using CLT to build a 24x48 garage with a second story. Just starting to look into CLT more closely as a building material.
@@rickybarratt535 Pretty much out of sight, due to a lack of builders being comfortable with the material. Turns out that there's a big price adder if you ask a builder to do things they are not comfortable with.
Ok, so you only have the outer walls from CLT, but the roof is 2x4s?
Interesting. I'm thinking of using CLT to build a 24x48 garage with a second story. Just starting to look into CLT more closely as a building material.
What’s the cost compared to a traditional timber frame garage
@@rickybarratt535 Pretty much out of sight, due to a lack of builders being comfortable with the material. Turns out that there's a big price adder if you ask a builder to do things they are not comfortable with.
@@rodshop5897 yeah but what about just timber vs clt material cost comparisin
@@rickybarratt535 Good question. I would expect that someone has gone that far.
Love the bored hidden chase for the electrical detail. Did you bore that yourself or had your CLT manufacturer bore it?