We have a 3.5 year old 85 lb.Sheepadoodle. He has all the traits that you described for an Ausidoodle. Every day I take him to a nearby dog park. He likes to herd in the other dogs and plays non stop. When I walk him on a leash, I use a Gentle Leader attached to a 6ft. Nylon leash. He will chase after all the wildlife in the neighborhood including squirrels, birds, deer, foxes and wood chucks. He has learned not to pull on the leash with the Gentle Leader. Without this device, he drags me down the street trying to catch or herd in the animals.
This is spot on! I have a Aussie doodle but it’s very strange because mine has a more Aussie coat than doodle he has little to no curl. So I was very confused when I saw Jaxon and his coat he’s a handsome boy!
On your leash development I cannot stress enough about putting a easy but strong & reliable snap on it. I've ran into some that are almost impossible to operate especially as we get older! We have a 5 month old Aussie doodle & are enjoying him immensely but he has completely changed our home schedule.😉❤
We use mighty paw for our large part golden doodle/sheltie/Keeshond. It has a loop down low too! Great products. Our Aussie doodle pup uses a thinner nylon with a padded handle.
We have a 3.5 year old 85 lb.Sheepadoodle. He has all the traits that you described for an Ausidoodle. Every day I take him to a nearby dog park. He likes to herd in the other dogs and plays non stop. When I walk him on a leash, I use a Gentle Leader attached to a 6ft. Nylon leash. He will chase after all the wildlife in the neighborhood including squirrels, birds, deer, foxes and wood chucks. He has learned not to pull on the leash with the Gentle Leader. Without this device, he drags me down the street trying to catch or herd in the animals.
Are the parents of Jaxon both Aussiedoodles? Or One poodle and other Aussie ?
I believe one is an aussiedoodle, though not sure about the other!
I’m getting a miniature Aussie doodle soon!
Omg us too F1 picking up today ❤❤❤❤
Jaxon is adorable! I have a Jaxon too but he's a Bernedoodle... mostly white like yours!
Omg thats awesome :)
This is spot on! I have a Aussie doodle but it’s very strange because mine has a more Aussie coat than doodle he has little to no curl. So I was very confused when I saw Jaxon and his coat he’s a handsome boy!
I use nylon because my doodles go to the river A LOT and I can wash these afterwards to get rid of the smell. 😮
On your leash development I cannot stress enough about putting a easy but strong & reliable snap on it. I've ran into some that are almost impossible to operate especially as we get older! We have a 5 month old Aussie doodle & are enjoying him immensely but he has completely changed our home schedule.😉❤
Oh, will do! Thank you :)
We use mighty paw for our large part golden doodle/sheltie/Keeshond. It has a loop down low too! Great products. Our Aussie doodle pup uses a thinner nylon with a padded handle.
I would love one😊❤❤❤
Good info thanks 💜. How’s SC?
It’s good so far! We’re loving how laid-back it is here. Thank you for asking :)
He's gorgeous! Those eyelashes . . . . He sounds really bad. Pack up his little things and I'll come pick him up - LOL!
@@JaxontheAussiedoodle Yeah, I thought so Kiss him for me!
You’re public speaking, ma’am. Please drop the word, “like”.