Peter Hitchens on Trump Press Conference and BBC

  • Опубліковано 3 лип 2024


  • @dengelke
    @dengelke 7 років тому +15

    George + Peter = two best voices on and in the British political system. Great upload.

  • @garethm3242
    @garethm3242 6 років тому +6

    If feels like George is cosying up to Peter as some kind of posthumous revenge against Christopher Hitchens.

  • @watchtheskies
    @watchtheskies 7 років тому +6

    Peter Hitchens usually makes a lot of sense, but I didn't think he would be one of those people to perpetuate the ridiculous myth that Trump never really wanted to win, never expected to win,
    This was just another media ploy to undermine confidence in a Trump presidency.

  • @twocans98
    @twocans98 4 роки тому

    Thank you for uploading. George and Peter are rare, shrewd commentators

  • @ammorreztristar
    @ammorreztristar 7 років тому +3

    Brilliant men both George Galloway and Peter Hitchens .

  • @krileayn
    @krileayn 7 років тому +8

    I think Peter is underestimating the internet. It is an open, level playing field, of ideas and opinions. It self correcting properties, people cannot just make up facts without being challenged by other outlets on the internet. This is a vast improvement of the press of the past. Time to move forward.

    • @Lyraorganum
      @Lyraorganum 7 років тому

      Yes and no. You still need reporting on the ground, and the internet is overflowing with alternative "reporters" who cant differentiate between a conspiracy theory with no valid documentation and a good source.( Just like much of the mainstream media.)

    • @krileayn
      @krileayn 7 років тому

      Indeed it is complicated and there are pitfalls, but the potential for youtube and "citizen" journalists is incredible, and we the viewers are able to interact and respond, something MSM is struggling with.

    • @Lyraorganum
      @Lyraorganum 7 років тому

      The great thing is indeed that we can see things like speeches and documents( though i doubt users spend any time reading through stuff like wikileaks. ) But people mostly rely on other alternative "journalists" to give them this information. And another possible bad thing is that much of it is promoted like entertainment, instead of dry but concrete information where a state keeps it alive.
      So yeah i despise MSM, but i think the alternative media needs to grow up in order to replace the MSM. :)

    • @Lyraorganum
      @Lyraorganum 7 років тому

      But it is much more democratic!

    • @Matmus
      @Matmus 7 років тому

      Respectfully I think your overestimating the internet, while a wonderful invention the public are becoming increasingly confused as to what the truth of any situation is. The point being is that individuals will find proof to what they think anyway rather than any absolute truth. It's dangerous but I hold optimistic that the internet is a young invention in real terms and that will find a way though. The only saying goes if you think you know something you know nothing.

  • @davidgraham8058
    @davidgraham8058 2 роки тому +3

    I do like Peter but the idea of Trump resigning voluntarily was never going to happen. Trump is a pure narcissist.

  • @oldschoolcockneylover8138
    @oldschoolcockneylover8138 6 років тому +1

    I loved that intro from Galloway! never in a million years would I thought Galloway would have anything nice to say about Hitchens but they got on quite well I think!

  • @buddyduddyful
    @buddyduddyful 4 роки тому +2

    Hitchen's was mistaken about Trump.

  • @hawkeye-vv4kb
    @hawkeye-vv4kb 6 років тому +2

    Do I hear George Galloway as the person doing the interview?

  • @aaronneil780
    @aaronneil780 7 років тому +1

    Looking at the comments I realised how well all of us would get on. #Conservatives #PeterHitchensFans

  • @PaperStVideos
    @PaperStVideos 7 років тому +8

    great introduction even if it does come from Galloway

  • @RaveSceneTribute
    @RaveSceneTribute 7 років тому +1

    Bollocks. Trump is NOT a quitter.

  • @54footscray
    @54footscray 7 років тому +5

    Can you British opt out of paying the licensing fee for the BBC?
    Peter makes a good point about it but I still think it would be better to not contribute money towards it.

    • @dom4034
      @dom4034 7 років тому

      Yes, we can, we don't have to pay it at all. But if you are streaming any live, or recorded tv program from any channel, bbc, itv, channel4, etc etc, you are breaking the law.

    • @Comando96
      @Comando96 7 років тому +4

      Also they dog you to get a TV licence and pretty much send constant letters which to an uncritical eye appear like a legal notice that you are about to be sued.
      My Grandmother had Alzheimer's, had no TV in her house and was constantly bombarded with bullshit about how the good old TV licence company had received information that she was using a TV and that they would be investigating, and that if they found out she was then, fines etc etc. Its amazingly preparatory. She didn't even open the letters, but my family got really pissed off with a pile of bullshit about the TV licence. They outweighed all other letters she received.
      Only country worse is Germany where you must pay for one, even if you don't have a TV. Because Germany!
      Sadly I do think though that the BBC is the lesser evil of media systems that currently exist... compare it to US broadcasters and they are all jokes in comparison. Its honestly really sad.

    • @lewisner
      @lewisner 7 років тому +2

      They sent me a threatening letter in January saying "a visit has been authorised" then 2 weeks later a letter thanking me for paying by direct debit which i started doing 3 years ago. I thought of phoning them and demanding a written apology but decided it was futile.

    • @squarepants49
      @squarepants49 7 років тому

      By paying the BBC licence fee, you are paying for a de facto political movement you may not agree with. Virtually every other day since the referendum, the BBC has come up with some scare story about Brexit- never anything positive. Even the BBC's talking heads are 99% onboard- it's a job for life provided they don't criticise this monolithic outdated corporation.
      These people live in Disney Land- overpaid, underworked, and extremely average in their output.

    • @squarepants49
      @squarepants49 7 років тому

      +Comando 96 Yes, I get a threatening letter every single week from the KGB wing of the BBC. They talk about CCJs (county court judgments) as if you've already been found guilty. They use facsimile signatures, not actual signatures. These hold no legal basis in law and are used by councils etc, simply to scare the uninitiated. Most parking fines have no legal basis in law either- 85% of disputed fines are thrown out of court- they simply rely on fear. They say; If you pay the fine within two weeks it'll be halved- that should be proof in itself that the fine has zero legal basis.

  • @jonathonisherwood5531
    @jonathonisherwood5531 7 років тому +32

    He didnt want or intend to be president and will resign? Really? I mean I like Peter but if he thinks Trump went through that whole grueling campaign doing multiple rallies per day, going around entire country just for a joke then he is obviously wrong.

    • @Longshanks1690
      @Longshanks1690 7 років тому +3

      Jonathon Isherwood Thats what he means; he loved to rally, not to Rule.
      The thrill is in the chase, never in the capture, as they say.

    • @jonathonisherwood5531
      @jonathonisherwood5531 7 років тому +4

      I still don't buy it. It's just an attempt to dismiss Trump and there's plenty of ways to do that rather than saying "he didnt even want to win". No matter how you interpret that it sounds ridiculous.

    • @joannortham5517
      @joannortham5517 7 років тому

      Jonathon Isherwood - It sounds ridiculous because it IS! I like both Trump and Peter Hitchens, but in this I find myself disagreeing with Peter and agreeing with you. Listening to Trump's speeches, both during and after the campaign, or even interviews from years ago, it is clear that what he wants most of all in life is to WIN, at whatever he turns his hand to. I admire Peter Hitchens greatly, but in this I think he is wrong. The other thing to remember about Trump is that he is not a quitter - his self-belief is colossal (some might say "self-conceit"!), but the positive aspect of that is that attacks from his opponents do not make a dent in his armour, he shrugs off attacks and criticisms in a way few can manage to do, and continues forging ahead on the path he has mapped out for himself. He is also a world-class strategist, a sort of political chess player, but his opponents have never played anyone quite like him before. They are used to bribing, blackmailing or otherwise intimidating to get their way - Trump cannot be bought, and so far they haven't found any means of blackmailing him. Intimidation doesn't work, because he is just NOT scared of them. Ergo, they find him "unpredictable" and so far impossible to control. That's why they work so hard, using the same tactics that failed to work on previous occasions, expecting one day to succeed. That, as Einstein says, is a good illustration of stupidity: "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result".

    • @AnaxofRhodes
      @AnaxofRhodes 7 років тому

      Trump's acceptance speech the night of the election was gracious to Clinton, and it looked like he realized the weight the American states laid on his shoulders. He's still campaigning beyond his win. (and the media makes themselves an easy target)

    • @Longshanks1690
      @Longshanks1690 7 років тому +2

      +Joan Northam
      "Listening to Trump's speeches, both during and after the campaign, or even interviews from years ago, it is clear that what he wants most of all in life is to WIN, at whatever he turns his hand to."
      Yup, just winning. He has no clear goal or vision in mind, nor does he have any real ambition; his narcissism simply will not allow him to be a LOSER at anything. It's actually quite pathetic when you think about it for five seconds.
      "I admire Peter Hitchens greatly, but in this I think he is wrong."
      Then you are a fool.
      " The other thing to remember about Trump is that he is not a quitter"
      You say this as if it is a good thing by default.
      " the positive aspect of that is that attacks from his opponents do not make a dent in his armour, he shrugs off attacks and criticisms in a way few can manage to do, and continues forging ahead on the path he has mapped out for himself."
      Ha! Have you seen the man's Twitter account? he can't handle celebrities saying bad things about him without going on an enraged, and often illiterate tirade for hours at the time. I've seen paper that's thicker than his skin! I have no idea where the Trumpoloids get this idea their Messiah doesn't care about what people say; he is obsessed with it.
      "He is also a world-class strategist, a sort of political chess player"
      Are you trolling or simply an idiot? His campaign was filled with brash over generalisations and populist jingoism, he relied on people's anger with the establishment and it is only be mere chance that he managed to get this far. His only success was dismaying the intelligent from voting, and encouraging the idiots to vote for him in droves.
      "but his opponents have never played anyone quite like him before."
      Correct. They usually face people with intelligence.
      "Trump cannot be bought, and so far they haven't found any means of blackmailing him."
      Unless you're Russian. Joke aside, look at his cabinet; the elite of the Republican establishment, CEO's and wall street Sycophants. I refuse to believe he is not in debt to them.
      "Intimidation doesn't work, because he is just NOT scared of them."
      For you, I must ask, who is the ominous "they," because it means something different for everyone I meet.
      "Ergo, they find him "unpredictable" and so far impossible to control."
      Because he is unpredictable. Hell, I can't predict what his policies will be next week, or what stupid shit or insane fear mongering he'll come up with next in order to manipulate the masses into inexplicably following him. And why would they NEED to control him? They simply need to let his own stupidity and ineptitude run it's course before his inevitable resignation or impeachment. Or assassination, depending on how he treats the CIA.
      "That's why they work so hard, using the same tactics that failed to work on previous occasions, expecting one day to succeed."
      To what, and to whom, do you refer?
      "That, as Einstein says, is a good illustration of stupidity: "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result"."
      Sort of like supporting someone who's been a member of the elite for all his life and suddenly expecting him to not act out of self interest. But no one would ever be that stupid.

  • @davidoliver3528
    @davidoliver3528 7 років тому +1

    I bet right wingers are mega confused listening to Galloway and Hitchens here, hilarious for those of us who understand

  • @trollop_7
    @trollop_7 5 років тому

    Where did they disagree?

  • @DWHalse
    @DWHalse 6 років тому +2

    oops Peter, Donald isn't doing too bad?

  • @horrorationeilsen7332
    @horrorationeilsen7332 7 років тому

    He just wants to be on the side that's winning...U can't have it both-ways!!

  • @allrighty741
    @allrighty741 7 років тому

    Hitchen's point about all television media in America being liberal was strange, l thought Fox would have been worth a mention by Galloway.

  • @stevemcniel5513
    @stevemcniel5513 7 років тому +1

    picture looks like James nesbit wi the hair transplant

  • @summerofplums
    @summerofplums 6 років тому

    Trump approves of marijuana legalization. I remember his campaign - he just shrugged his shoulders and said "why not, right", knowing nothing about the devastation it has caused in youth mental health.

  • @stiltish
    @stiltish 7 років тому

    He says "is intolerable"...that's to 90% but is DT in that 90% ? I dont know...

  • @delunk5906
    @delunk5906 4 роки тому +3

    This didnt age well. Trump has proved naysayers so wrong.

    • @larryc1616
      @larryc1616 6 місяців тому

      Trump proved to be a morbidly obese failure, narcissist, liar, predator, criminal and traitor.
      Trump 2024 = Make Prison Great Again!

  • @richierich1915
    @richierich1915 6 років тому


  • @TheClanDad
    @TheClanDad 3 роки тому

    Lightweights. And Hitchens is wrong again. Add it to the list.

  • @robyourtime
    @robyourtime 7 років тому +4

    Hitchens is wrong on Donald Trump. Trump is the best we've got, we must embrace it.

    • @Longshanks1690
      @Longshanks1690 7 років тому +5

      If that idiotic, maniacal, thin skinned, anti-sense Buffon is "the best we've got" then our Civilisation is more fucked than a nine year old in Afghanistan.

    • @Lyraorganum
      @Lyraorganum 7 років тому +1

      So then americans really that stupid?

    • @larryc1616
      @larryc1616 6 місяців тому


  • @EnglishTMTB
    @EnglishTMTB 7 років тому

    Oh god couldn't you have put a trigger warning (Galloway) in the title?
    (Genuinely not an SJW type, but I despise Galloway)

  • @tubularbill
    @tubularbill 7 років тому

    I usually agree with Peter but not in this point. I think Trump will go one term and then campaign for Pence. Trump will accomplish much in four years but I think he will just want one term. Pence will pick either Nikki Haley or Rubio as his VP thus ensuring 8 more years.

  • @mikeryan6637
    @mikeryan6637 7 років тому

    Hitchen is showing his snobbery here. Or he has been directed by whoever now owns his leash.

  • @madatarchives8725
    @madatarchives8725 7 років тому +1

    he didnt want to be president but he ran for president o pale shadow of your brother