We've been well past 2c. for quite some time now, when calculating the more than 40 greenhouse gases, including water vapor, which the conservative I.P.C.C. political body does not consider!
@@roberthornack1692 yup, I deny that the climate just started changing, I also deny the world is warming up. I also deny that corporations are willing to care for the environment, I also deny that civilians have the power to correct environmental disasters. I deny that science hasn't reached the level of geoengineering and I also deny that climate change policies are for societal growth and the well being of the impoverished. I admit to complete denial.
Africa have survive worst, she will be fine with the grace of The Most High YAH
We've been well past 2c. for quite some time now, when calculating the more than 40 greenhouse gases, including water vapor, which the conservative I.P.C.C. political body does not consider!
Ever heard of "scared stupid"?
Ever heard of denial!
@@roberthornack1692 yup, I deny that the climate just started changing, I also deny the world is warming up. I also deny that corporations are willing to care for the environment, I also deny that civilians have the power to correct environmental disasters. I deny that science hasn't reached the level of geoengineering and I also deny that climate change policies are for societal growth and the well being of the impoverished. I admit to complete denial.