The area this plays in is a blueish sparkly woods if you can conjure that imagery. You learn a lot about the past as you make your way through, and then the story really starts ramping up (as the name suggests). No pressure to play the game, I'll just keep requesting more FFX songs regardless 😊
It also plays way before that in a green forest area. But it also follows a quite turbulent part of the game. Which is weird. Maybe it should be named "calm after the storm". :D
I join the thousands of people in saying that you NEED to play this game. Definitely one of the best in the entire series. Arguably the most emotional FF game there is.
Its B tier af it had the potential to the one of the best but the voice acting, non existent story in the middle, boring characters, worst random encounter rate ive ever experienced, terrible ingame cutscenes ruin it. Battle system is peak though
@@BandedMetagrossMeteorMash I’d disagree, I felt the story all the way through til the end was very solid, I think every character was great besides kimahri. Maybe it’s not as great as 7 or 9, but it still has a lot of greatness to it. Also, for its time, the voice acting is really good
@@BandedMetagrossMeteorMash ?! Voice acting isn't great but it do the work, and in the ps2 era, it kinda on the good side. Non-existent story in the middle is a pure & simple lie. Boring characters, true for Kimarhi without a doubt, but lie for the rest. worst encounter rate ? Haven't seen any difference with majority of FFs. Have you already played FF 2 (If not, don't, it's to me, the only objectively bad FF (With X-2). And for in game cutscene, ps2 game again, it even have some (simple) realisation, things that most games of its era just ignored. I feel like you''re not putting that game back in its context, because when it was out, FF X was a huge slap on most levels.
Do you still like the gameplay and other factors despite the nostalgia bias? I've seen bits and pieces of the game and it didn't strike my curiosity like the others did..
@@JessesAuditorium The level up system is generally quite liked. It can add a bit of freedom & customisation, & though most chars start off w/ a sort of archetype move set & level of stats, it's not a traditional Level 1-99 system. You keep getting exp, & eventually chars can dip into the moves of others. Eventually, if you grind enough, everyone can use most everything, & the power scales go nuts. It's the first game where your attacks can deal over 9999 (although Eden in FF8 was the first to break 10k ever). The airship exploration isn't anywhere as free as FF7-9. You pick points along a path, & the airship (once you get it) takes you there. In that way, it seems like a linear affair. Combat & turn order system is decent, but the way exp gain works can be annoying at times; a character must act once in combat to gain exp, so long as you don't finish the fight w/ a Summon, in which case it steals it all. Doesn't sound bad at first, but if you're trying to make sure no one ever misses exp, you have to cycle in all chars each fight. Taxing over time. IMO, this is the first FF for several gamers, so it's on a pedestal, the same way people were introduced to FF through 7, or 8. Personally, this doesn't go near my top 5.
@@JessesAuditorium You should try it. Couple of streams and then give up if you don't like it. Initially I HATED the combat,but as the characters abilities develoep and customizing weapons and armor became an important thing,combat grew on me and eventually I loved it. I got it for PS4 as well,but for gameplay reasons that have nothing to do with not holding up in modern times or some such rubbish,I gave up very soon after starting. The latency or whatever caused by more modern "better" technogy of more modern TVs or perhaps change in coding ruined something very,very important that I not spoil here. The LED LCD TV bought in 2015 vs CRT TVs before it. UA-camr by the name of Dansg08 told me he hasn't noticed any change. Whatever. Maybe on my new TV(bought in 2023,but model being from 2021 or 2022) things would be fine again.
@@JessesAuditorium the battle system in 10 is arguably the best. It's fast, crisp, and open-ended. Very customizable, but not in a convoluted way like 8. 9 was my first, then 7, 8, 10. 10 is my favorite. The other 3 were incredible, but 10 has something magical about it.
Gameplay is actually great. It's turn based, so you don't have to wait for the atb to fill. And you can see every team member and enemy's turn. No more rushing potions after a phoenix down lol. You can also swap party members mid battle, also their weapons and armor (only two equipment slots!) It's definitely a simpler final fantasy. As much as I love the past instalments, ten is the one I've played the most because it's the most user friendly in the whole franchise. No longer will you spend hours in the menus
I loved every Final Fantasy with all my heart but this one is my favorite and we can't even blame nostalgia as I discovered it for the first time in 2020. I hope you'll play this at some point, I'm sure it'll move you, and it'd be a cool way to discover more tracks from Masashi Hamauzu who doesn't get enough love for his amazing work and creativeness with harmony
I have always loved Final Fantasy games, but this one has a special place in my heart. It is a great game, it’s a beautiful story. I’m happy to see this one on your reaction list!
Great song! Uematsu loves that mellotron. FF10 is definitely one of my favorite FFs and games in general. This game was pretty revolutionary at the time, and to me it holds up quite well. Most people will agree story and music are amazing. The world is beautiful and unique and the characters are compelling. I’m gonna say a little bit about gameplay without spoiling much. The battle system is fantastic. It has a lot of depth and it’s and much faster than the previous games. The new summon system is so sick. Summons are very important in this game. Overdrives (limit breaks) are fun to pull off. Each character has unique input for their overdrives. (A timing execution, button sequence, etc.) I like the sphere grid (level up/ ability system) I know some people dislike it but im not aware of what their specific reasons are. It’s somewhat similar to the materia system in ff7 in that you can tailor each character to whatever kind of class or mix of classes you want.
Mamy songs from FFX have that sadness and happiness in the same time, because whole game is like that, I'm not sure how I can explain it without spoiling anything, but... In story of this game whole journey brings happiness to some, but the same time sadness to some, so for example when this song plays, there are that mixed emotions from both sides. It's really amazing game, if you like great stories, I really recommend this one, definitely my favourite FF game ever.
That track is amazing. Underrated and overlooked. When I played it back then, I just remember Zanarkand. But now I believe this track is the best in the game.
Hey, Jesse, I hope you're doing well. Adding my voice as somebody who considers FFX to be the best one, but it WASN'T my first (that was FFV, yay Gilgamesh!). Now, how to describe it without spoilers... It's them feels, man. To me, FFX has the truest, deepest feels of them all. The characters are cool, they have proper story arcs and development. The overall story has a bit of a different structure than the games you've played so far, but like I said, it hits deep and I don't care what some people say, the voice acting adds to the feels, not take away from them. To me, the repeated character animations are more distracting than the voicework XD As for gameplay, it's kinda a bridge between 9 and 7/8 in the sense that it starts linear, with characters being distinct and having given roles, but it opens up as you go. The battles are engaging and have some welcome QoL changes from the previous installments. Summons in-battle are more epic and cool than ever before. I won't talk about music, you're hearing it right now. Overall, I can't recommend it enough. Gut feeling's a gut feeling, I get it, play what you feel like playing. I'm just here to say that all the hype about this game is legit earned. Take care!
Final Fantasy X is my favorite in the series, and many of the tracks are forever engraved on my heart... But when I hear this one I get 'Nam flashbacks to the Butterfly Hunt for Kimahri's Ultimate Weapon. I probably could have learned an instrument or written a novel with the time I wasted on that mini game.
Thank you for your reaction. I agree, this track has a full blend of mass of mix of emotions. FFX also has a remastered version where you can switch from the original midi version to a full orchestral version of much of its music including this one. It may worth checking out the orchestral version of this track if doing so suits you.
Goodness the soundtrack to this game, the original and remastered, are absolutely gorgeous. Even if you don't ever end up playing it, please explore the OST as much as possible.
So to kind of clear up the milestone of Nobuo's involvement, I believe 10 was the last FF game he was the head composer for. He's contributed songs to virtually every FF game since, but it's been a song here or there while also contributing to more projects outside of Square. (That said, I absolutely want to get some Lost Odyssey music on here. Nobuo was head composer there and it came out around the same time as FF13 and is some of his best work if you ask me.)
I've heard this song before at one point. Very pleasant, makes me think of a town. A few words came to mind when listening to this, "serenity on the edge". There's a bit of a buzz that later comes in like the storm is slowly approaching, I feel like this song is supposed to go right into another in game. A nice simple piece, I don't mind it. I don't have any strong feelings on this one though, still a good song and I generally like it. I never grew up with FF so I'm in the same boat as you. So I can understand your view when it comes to vgm out of context.
FFX was also my first Final Fantasy and the first game I played on the PS2 and just fell in love with it. Loved the music and the gameplay, though my stupid teen brain didn't realise I could switch out party members to counter certain enemies.
I think this song is strangely emotional. It feels like you're in the middle of a long and difficult but worthwhile journey. Happiness, sadness, longing, anticipation, and more
FFX was my first FF. It's has its highs and lows. Highs include a good and sad story, memorable characters, fairly competent voice acting, good music(IMO), the best traditional turn based combat system, the ability to customize your weapons and unlock extra and faster ways to rack up the Overdrive guage for your supermoves, and a level up system that is both good and bad. It's good in that you progress through with enough experience and at a certain point, you can move other characters into each other's grids. Bad things include a linear world, point and click airship travel with a password system for extra locations, optional content that, while rewarding if you want a challenge, otherwise gets foisted upon you at the least convenient moments, like backtracking to get stuff that wasn't there before. And worst of all, the mini games. Blitzball for unlocking Wakka's best weapon and overdrives sucks unless you know what extra players to keep(hint: your default goalie, Keeps, SUCKS) and are competent at it otherwise, the chocobo race for Tidus's stuff is virtually unwinnable, dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts withoit leaving the Thunder Plains or entering a building for Lulu's weapons is too tedious, the butterfly game is pretty unfair too for Kimahri's stuff. The only fair minigame is the coliseum, where monsters you capture using weapons with the capture ability can be fought. Catch enough monsters, and you can unlock some cool swag for your characters, notably Auron and Yuna, as well as optional bosses that, at the very least, you can't accidentally walk into unless you're playing the game drunk, unlike certain Dark Aeons. The level up system is bad in that the currency needed for upgrades are spheres, which monsters drop post battle. If you don't have certain spheres, some nodes that contain stat upgrades or cool abilities and spells could remain unlockable until you get your hands on the right spheres. FFXIII improved the FFX progression system by having a points system instead of a consumable item usage system for leveling, just as tedious, but simpler, AND without any empty spaces to fill later.
Ah man, this one is so nostalgic to me, I always remember being in the Kilika Woods for the first time, early on in the game when I had no idea what I was doing, making stupid mistakes and wondering what was coming next. Honestly, I think FFX is a fantastic game. It's my second fav after IX, I hold both of them in very high regard. I always liked the pacing of the story, and how the game delivers information to you just the right way. The characterisation is among top tier in Final Fantasy for me, it's a big reason that after FFX, the FFs that followed were a little disappointing, because honestly FFXII, XIII and especially XV fell pretty short on that front. It's actually wild to think of the gulf between those and FFIX and X in terms of characterisation and story telling. FFX also has my favourite turn based combat system and growth mechanic. In FFX you have the sphere grid, which is essentially an extremely elaborate and huge skill tree that everyone shares, and you pretty much level up this way instead of with traditional exp. On the normal sphere grid each path is linear for each character (with the occasional lock between paths that you can open) and they are built the way you expect them to be, and eventually their path ends and you can make your way around others. The expert one is a lot more open and you can have some weird builds this way 🤣 One of the things I respect about the combat is that it makes you utilise everything you've got, from characters (because you can switch any character in at any time) to abilities and items; something that I do respect a lot about XIII as well. You can practically bend this game to your will when you know what you're doing, but I've seen plenty of people have a hard time because they forgot half their abilities. Sorry, I know that was a lot, but I can't recommend this game enough. Completely up to you, but I'd love to see you become interested some day.
ugh, this music makes me wanna re-re-re-to the unknown-th power-play this game 😂 This game constantly swaps places with FF9 with being either my most favorite or my second most favorite FF game in the series. 💖💖 11:51 yeah, I thought that over a decade ago, but that's definitely changed. Square Enix sucks so much recently. And by recently I mean for more than a decade lol They're definitely not the Squaresoft that gave FF the amazing reputation that it once had. Now they're the company that doubles and triples down on NFTs and milks their franchises for all they're worth.
Alright, you said no convincing, which is fair enough because you must get bombarded with requests constantly. So I won't try and convince you, but I do want to give you some added context so you can make your own informed decision. Reasons why I think FFX is a good game: -The battle system lets you use all 7 party members at any given time. It's unique and tactical with heaps of options on any given turn. This also helps you connect with the entire team and really makes the party feel like a unit like no other rpg does. -The story and characters, and how they relate to the themes of the game, are all perfectly executed with no fluff or open threads. Dialogue is thoughtful, funny, inspiring. The emotions you get out of the journey are second to none when it comes to final fantasy. -Aside from a few weird minigames the game's pacing is immaculate, with a slow build up of ideas and lore culminating in the climactic resolve the characters come to. -Spira is one of the most fantastical and beautiful worlds ever conceived in a video game. Creative vista after creative vista awaits you at every new area.
I don't know if it's just me but this song has a heavy 'nostalgic' feel to it. And I don't mean by just having played the game years ago, but the song itself just sounds like it could be sort of from the Early FF or Chrono Trigger Era. Like I could hear it on a snes game. It's hard to describe. I think it might be the deeper bassline that's giving me that sort of Chrono Trigger feel. (I think Silent Light is what's giving me similar vibes?)
Your nostalgia is definitely because the main melody track is lifted directly out of the dungeon/cave exploration theme "Into the Darkness" from FF4. Look it up and listen back to back against this one, it's super obvious.
Remember how people said that FFVII overshadowed Legend of Dragoon? It's the same about FFX and Grandia II despite the latter got released almost a year earlier. Both games have somewhat similar story (those who played them should know what I'm talking about). Both have lion-esque beastmen: one speaks like KONGOL and the other one loves to SMELL.
FFX is the first entry with voice acting and motion capture. And the game is like 50% cutscenes. Therefore more modern, film-like techniques of direction had to be used. Whenever that happens, the demands for the soundtrack also change. There's more "atmospheric" and "cinematic" sounding tracks, and they usually don't take the center stage. In other words, there's less of what we recognize as video game music. FF7R proved that this doesn't have to be the case, but it's a general trend for any post-millenial video games with high production values.
If your hesitance in playing it has to do with the Junction system from VIII, it's not as convoluted as that is. xD The Shpere Grid is actually much easier to handle.
FFX is very different. Not just from the "Classic Final Fantasy" thematics of Castles and Crystals, but also different from 7 and 8's newer "Mercenaries in an Industrial World". X is when the devs decided every Final Fantasy should have a wholly unique identity, cuz after this you get 11 being an MMO, 12 being based in the FFTactics world of Ivalice, and 13... oh boy... Thats a whole thing not worth getting into right here.
The first time this melody appears is in Final Fantasy IV, in the Mist Cave. It was such a different sound in the game and was my favorite place to just idle. When I heard the remake in X it was such a nostalgic rush. 'Into the Darkness' is the FFIV version.
If you do play FFX (and I hope you will, you are really missing an experience), don't sweat it if you can't complete the occasionally tedious minigames (like lightning dodging) to acquire or power up Cosmic Weapons, they aren't absolutely required. I played FF7 classic, Tactics, 8, 9, X, and X-2 in first release. I've tried FF7R and gotten bogged down.
Bro if u just played FF9, I think it's safe to say you can make time to play FFX and you should. My first FF game that I played was FF7 and that set a high standard for storyline and meaning for me at least. Although I found FFX to be more linear than FF7, the meaning and life lessons are so deep that they go on forever. If you can get past the less than amateur voice acting in this game look between the lines, it is definitely worthwhile.
It's a shame you won't play it, but I kinda get it... I'd still recommend that you at least try the beginning of it to see what it's like, even if on your own, but I won't be mad if you don't... You need to play FF6 though lol. There's too much great music in FF6... Plus there's the opera section and everything >_
FFX was the last FF that was universally praised. FFXII had an interesting world, but dull story/characters. Some liked the battle system, others felt it was too much like an MMORPG. FFXIII received a lot of hate for being extremely linear (think corridors) and having much of the lore told through datalogs. FFXV had a very disjointed story where a lot of the character's backstory was told through DLC and other media, rather than through the main game. As for the upcoming FFXVI, I do not have high hopes for this game given the direction of the series after FFX.
The reason for this is because every FF after 10 was made by a different team. XI is a Tanaka game, XII is a Matsuno game, XIII is a Toriyama game, XIV is a Yoshida game and XV is a Tabata game. People aren't just excited for XVI because it's FF, but because it's CBU3 FF game
The area this plays in is a blueish sparkly woods if you can conjure that imagery. You learn a lot about the past as you make your way through, and then the story really starts ramping up (as the name suggests). No pressure to play the game, I'll just keep requesting more FFX songs regardless 😊
What's also ironic is that this song plays after you just got out of the literal storm area
It also plays way before that in a green forest area. But it also follows a quite turbulent part of the game. Which is weird. Maybe it should be named "calm after the storm". :D
Just going by the name you'd think it plays in the Calm Lands, but no
its weird that it also plays in kilika forest but its not as memorable as when it plays in macalania
@@00tidus kilika woods
HIGHLY recommend this game. In my opinion, the greatest story ever told in video game form and one of the most emotional scores.
Man, I cannot express my joy enough whenever I see FFX reaction videos from you. T__T This is such a beautiful game.
I join the thousands of people in saying that you NEED to play this game. Definitely one of the best in the entire series. Arguably the most emotional FF game there is.
*laughs in Titus*
Its B tier af it had the potential to the one of the best but the voice acting, non existent story in the middle, boring characters, worst random encounter rate ive ever experienced, terrible ingame cutscenes ruin it. Battle system is peak though
@@BandedMetagrossMeteorMash I’d disagree, I felt the story all the way through til the end was very solid, I think every character was great besides kimahri. Maybe it’s not as great as 7 or 9, but it still has a lot of greatness to it. Also, for its time, the voice acting is really good
@@BandedMetagrossMeteorMash ?!
Voice acting isn't great but it do the work, and in the ps2 era, it kinda on the good side.
Non-existent story in the middle is a pure & simple lie.
Boring characters, true for Kimarhi without a doubt, but lie for the rest.
worst encounter rate ? Haven't seen any difference with majority of FFs. Have you already played FF 2 (If not, don't, it's to me, the only objectively bad FF (With X-2).
And for in game cutscene, ps2 game again, it even have some (simple) realisation, things that most games of its era just ignored.
I feel like you''re not putting that game back in its context, because when it was out, FF X was a huge slap on most levels.
@@Kaxuria yeah but ff12 was on ps2 with far better voice acting and in game cutscene directing
I kind of miss final Fantasy X. As my first Final Fantasy it will always have a place in my heart. To me its story still holds up.
Do you still like the gameplay and other factors despite the nostalgia bias?
I've seen bits and pieces of the game and it didn't strike my curiosity like the others did..
@@JessesAuditorium The level up system is generally quite liked. It can add a bit of freedom & customisation, & though most chars start off w/ a sort of archetype move set & level of stats, it's not a traditional Level 1-99 system. You keep getting exp, & eventually chars can dip into the moves of others. Eventually, if you grind enough, everyone can use most everything, & the power scales go nuts. It's the first game where your attacks can deal over 9999 (although Eden in FF8 was the first to break 10k ever).
The airship exploration isn't anywhere as free as FF7-9. You pick points along a path, & the airship (once you get it) takes you there. In that way, it seems like a linear affair.
Combat & turn order system is decent, but the way exp gain works can be annoying at times; a character must act once in combat to gain exp, so long as you don't finish the fight w/ a Summon, in which case it steals it all. Doesn't sound bad at first, but if you're trying to make sure no one ever misses exp, you have to cycle in all chars each fight. Taxing over time.
IMO, this is the first FF for several gamers, so it's on a pedestal, the same way people were introduced to FF through 7, or 8.
Personally, this doesn't go near my top 5.
You should try it.
Couple of streams and then give up if you don't like it.
Initially I HATED the combat,but as the characters abilities develoep and customizing weapons and armor became an important thing,combat grew on me and eventually I loved it.
I got it for PS4 as well,but for gameplay reasons that have nothing to do with not holding up in modern times or some such rubbish,I gave up very soon after starting.
The latency or whatever caused by more modern "better" technogy of more modern TVs or perhaps change in coding ruined something very,very important that I not spoil here.
The LED LCD TV bought in 2015 vs CRT TVs before it.
UA-camr by the name of Dansg08 told me he hasn't noticed any change.
Maybe on my new TV(bought in 2023,but model being from 2021 or 2022) things would be fine again.
@@JessesAuditorium the battle system in 10 is arguably the best. It's fast, crisp, and open-ended. Very customizable, but not in a convoluted way like 8. 9 was my first, then 7, 8, 10. 10 is my favorite. The other 3 were incredible, but 10 has something magical about it.
Gameplay is actually great. It's turn based, so you don't have to wait for the atb to fill. And you can see every team member and enemy's turn. No more rushing potions after a phoenix down lol. You can also swap party members mid battle, also their weapons and armor (only two equipment slots!)
It's definitely a simpler final fantasy. As much as I love the past instalments, ten is the one I've played the most because it's the most user friendly in the whole franchise. No longer will you spend hours in the menus
FFX is and will always be my favorite single player Final Fantasy game
I loved every Final Fantasy with all my heart but this one is my favorite and we can't even blame nostalgia as I discovered it for the first time in 2020. I hope you'll play this at some point, I'm sure it'll move you, and it'd be a cool way to discover more tracks from Masashi Hamauzu who doesn't get enough love for his amazing work and creativeness with harmony
My all time favourite final fantasy, even got my 1st tattoo with Zanarkand Abe's logo 2 weeks ago at my 30th birthday 😅
I have always loved Final Fantasy games, but this one has a special place in my heart. It is a great game, it’s a beautiful story.
I’m happy to see this one on your reaction list!
Great song! Uematsu loves that mellotron. FF10 is definitely one of my favorite FFs and games in general. This game was pretty revolutionary at the time, and to me it holds up quite well. Most people will agree story and music are amazing. The world is beautiful and unique and the characters are compelling.
I’m gonna say a little bit about gameplay without spoiling much. The battle system is fantastic. It has a lot of depth and it’s and much faster than the previous games. The new summon system is so sick. Summons are very important in this game. Overdrives (limit breaks) are fun to pull off. Each character has unique input for their overdrives. (A timing execution, button sequence, etc.) I like the sphere grid (level up/ ability system) I know some people dislike it but im not aware of what their specific reasons are. It’s somewhat similar to the materia system in ff7 in that you can tailor each character to whatever kind of class or mix of classes you want.
That last stress on near the end is one I am trying to capture on my piano when I play this. I can definitely hear it.
Mamy songs from FFX have that sadness and happiness in the same time, because whole game is like that, I'm not sure how I can explain it without spoiling anything, but... In story of this game whole journey brings happiness to some, but the same time sadness to some, so for example when this song plays, there are that mixed emotions from both sides. It's really amazing game, if you like great stories, I really recommend this one, definitely my favourite FF game ever.
That track is amazing. Underrated and overlooked. When I played it back then, I just remember Zanarkand. But now I believe this track is the best in the game.
Hey, Jesse, I hope you're doing well.
Adding my voice as somebody who considers FFX to be the best one, but it WASN'T my first (that was FFV, yay Gilgamesh!). Now, how to describe it without spoilers...
It's them feels, man. To me, FFX has the truest, deepest feels of them all. The characters are cool, they have proper story arcs and development. The overall story has a bit of a different structure than the games you've played so far, but like I said, it hits deep and I don't care what some people say, the voice acting adds to the feels, not take away from them. To me, the repeated character animations are more distracting than the voicework XD
As for gameplay, it's kinda a bridge between 9 and 7/8 in the sense that it starts linear, with characters being distinct and having given roles, but it opens up as you go. The battles are engaging and have some welcome QoL changes from the previous installments. Summons in-battle are more epic and cool than ever before.
I won't talk about music, you're hearing it right now.
Overall, I can't recommend it enough. Gut feeling's a gut feeling, I get it, play what you feel like playing. I'm just here to say that all the hype about this game is legit earned.
Take care!
This is in my top 3 song of this game. It also has similitude with Final Fantasy IV - The Mist Cave.
Awesome song.
Final Fantasy X is my favorite in the series, and many of the tracks are forever engraved on my heart... But when I hear this one I get 'Nam flashbacks to the Butterfly Hunt for Kimahri's Ultimate Weapon. I probably could have learned an instrument or written a novel with the time I wasted on that mini game.
This is quite possibly my favorite theme from FFX. Either this or "Someday the dream will fade"
Thank you for your reaction. I agree, this track has a full blend of mass of mix of emotions.
FFX also has a remastered version where you can switch from the original midi version to a full orchestral version of much of its music including this one. It may worth checking out the orchestral version of this track if doing so suits you.
Goodness the soundtrack to this game, the original and remastered, are absolutely gorgeous. Even if you don't ever end up playing it, please explore the OST as much as possible.
My favorite song from FFX is "A fleeting dream"
Immediately recognised the MediEvil background music. Great touch XD
So to kind of clear up the milestone of Nobuo's involvement, I believe 10 was the last FF game he was the head composer for. He's contributed songs to virtually every FF game since, but it's been a song here or there while also contributing to more projects outside of Square. (That said, I absolutely want to get some Lost Odyssey music on here. Nobuo was head composer there and it came out around the same time as FF13 and is some of his best work if you ask me.)
The chorus always gets me right in the feels
I've heard this song before at one point.
Very pleasant, makes me think of a town. A few words came to mind when listening to this, "serenity on the edge". There's a bit of a buzz that later comes in like the storm is slowly approaching, I feel like this song is supposed to go right into another in game. A nice simple piece, I don't mind it. I don't have any strong feelings on this one though, still a good song and I generally like it.
I never grew up with FF so I'm in the same boat as you. So I can understand your view when it comes to vgm out of context.
FFX was also my first Final Fantasy and the first game I played on the PS2 and just fell in love with it. Loved the music and the gameplay, though my stupid teen brain didn't realise I could switch out party members to counter certain enemies.
I swear some of the melody sounds like in the court of the crimson king
The mellotron defintely helps
"I don't know if that's ever gonna happen"
He said, about every final fantasy game lol
I think this song is strangely emotional. It feels like you're in the middle of a long and difficult but worthwhile journey. Happiness, sadness, longing, anticipation, and more
FFX was my first FF. It's has its highs and lows. Highs include a good and sad story, memorable characters, fairly competent voice acting, good music(IMO), the best traditional turn based combat system, the ability to customize your weapons and unlock extra and faster ways to rack up the Overdrive guage for your supermoves, and a level up system that is both good and bad. It's good in that you progress through with enough experience and at a certain point, you can move other characters into each other's grids. Bad things include a linear world, point and click airship travel with a password system for extra locations, optional content that, while rewarding if you want a challenge, otherwise gets foisted upon you at the least convenient moments, like backtracking to get stuff that wasn't there before. And worst of all, the mini games. Blitzball for unlocking Wakka's best weapon and overdrives sucks unless you know what extra players to keep(hint: your default goalie, Keeps, SUCKS) and are competent at it otherwise, the chocobo race for Tidus's stuff is virtually unwinnable, dodging 200 consecutive lightning bolts withoit leaving the Thunder Plains or entering a building for Lulu's weapons is too tedious, the butterfly game is pretty unfair too for Kimahri's stuff. The only fair minigame is the coliseum, where monsters you capture using weapons with the capture ability can be fought. Catch enough monsters, and you can unlock some cool swag for your characters, notably Auron and Yuna, as well as optional bosses that, at the very least, you can't accidentally walk into unless you're playing the game drunk, unlike certain Dark Aeons. The level up system is bad in that the currency needed for upgrades are spheres, which monsters drop post battle. If you don't have certain spheres, some nodes that contain stat upgrades or cool abilities and spells could remain unlockable until you get your hands on the right spheres. FFXIII improved the FFX progression system by having a points system instead of a consumable item usage system for leveling, just as tedious, but simpler, AND without any empty spaces to fill later.
Ah man, this one is so nostalgic to me, I always remember being in the Kilika Woods for the first time, early on in the game when I had no idea what I was doing, making stupid mistakes and wondering what was coming next.
Honestly, I think FFX is a fantastic game. It's my second fav after IX, I hold both of them in very high regard. I always liked the pacing of the story, and how the game delivers information to you just the right way. The characterisation is among top tier in Final Fantasy for me, it's a big reason that after FFX, the FFs that followed were a little disappointing, because honestly FFXII, XIII and especially XV fell pretty short on that front. It's actually wild to think of the gulf between those and FFIX and X in terms of characterisation and story telling.
FFX also has my favourite turn based combat system and growth mechanic. In FFX you have the sphere grid, which is essentially an extremely elaborate and huge skill tree that everyone shares, and you pretty much level up this way instead of with traditional exp. On the normal sphere grid each path is linear for each character (with the occasional lock between paths that you can open) and they are built the way you expect them to be, and eventually their path ends and you can make your way around others. The expert one is a lot more open and you can have some weird builds this way 🤣
One of the things I respect about the combat is that it makes you utilise everything you've got, from characters (because you can switch any character in at any time) to abilities and items; something that I do respect a lot about XIII as well. You can practically bend this game to your will when you know what you're doing, but I've seen plenty of people have a hard time because they forgot half their abilities.
Sorry, I know that was a lot, but I can't recommend this game enough. Completely up to you, but I'd love to see you become interested some day.
Wow High expectations. I love that theme.
ugh, this music makes me wanna re-re-re-to the unknown-th power-play this game 😂
This game constantly swaps places with FF9 with being either my most favorite or my second most favorite FF game in the series. 💖💖
11:51 yeah, I thought that over a decade ago, but that's definitely changed. Square Enix sucks so much recently. And by recently I mean for more than a decade lol
They're definitely not the Squaresoft that gave FF the amazing reputation that it once had. Now they're the company that doubles and triples down on NFTs and milks their franchises for all they're worth.
This calming music is the only way to keep your sanity while trying to avoid the red butterflies. If you know, you know.
The 6/4 time signature is interesting. If you do an ffx play thru I’d watch the crap out of it. Thanks for the reaction
Wish I could remember if _X_ or _XIII_ was my first FF game...
man I really hope wandering flame is up soon
I'll make it happen 😁
It's one of my favorites but it's rare to hear anyone else talk about it! It plays during such an emotional scene.
@@MTGHedgefund Might be my favorite Final Fantasy track
Alright, you said no convincing, which is fair enough because you must get bombarded with requests constantly. So I won't try and convince you, but I do want to give you some added context so you can make your own informed decision. Reasons why I think FFX is a good game:
-The battle system lets you use all 7 party members at any given time. It's unique and tactical with heaps of options on any given turn. This also helps you connect with the entire team and really makes the party feel like a unit like no other rpg does.
-The story and characters, and how they relate to the themes of the game, are all perfectly executed with no fluff or open threads. Dialogue is thoughtful, funny, inspiring. The emotions you get out of the journey are second to none when it comes to final fantasy.
-Aside from a few weird minigames the game's pacing is immaculate, with a slow build up of ideas and lore culminating in the climactic resolve the characters come to.
-Spira is one of the most fantastical and beautiful worlds ever conceived in a video game. Creative vista after creative vista awaits you at every new area.
You can put this in FFIII/IV/V/VI/VII/VIII/IX/vanilla XI and it would fit like a glove. It's just so Uematsu. 2:26 - 3:00 sounds so FFIV/FFV.
I don't know if it's just me but this song has a heavy 'nostalgic' feel to it. And I don't mean by just having played the game years ago, but the song itself just sounds like it could be sort of from the Early FF or Chrono Trigger Era. Like I could hear it on a snes game. It's hard to describe.
I think it might be the deeper bassline that's giving me that sort of Chrono Trigger feel. (I think Silent Light is what's giving me similar vibes?)
Your nostalgia is definitely because the main melody track is lifted directly out of the dungeon/cave exploration theme "Into the Darkness" from FF4. Look it up and listen back to back against this one, it's super obvious.
It truly is one of the best Final Fantasy games. You NEED to play it.
I will always watch anything about FF-X
Remember how people said that FFVII overshadowed Legend of Dragoon? It's the same about FFX and Grandia II despite the latter got released almost a year earlier.
Both games have somewhat similar story (those who played them should know what I'm talking about). Both have lion-esque beastmen: one speaks like KONGOL and the other one loves to SMELL.
If you play through it I can guarantee you would be surprised by how emotional it gets
FFX is the first entry with voice acting and motion capture. And the game is like 50% cutscenes. Therefore more modern, film-like techniques of direction had to be used.
Whenever that happens, the demands for the soundtrack also change. There's more "atmospheric" and "cinematic" sounding tracks, and they usually don't take the center stage.
In other words, there's less of what we recognize as video game music.
FF7R proved that this doesn't have to be the case, but it's a general trend for any post-millenial video games with high production values.
Hope he gets to Wandering Flame some day. That song makes me ugly cry
Can you please do Calm Lands next?
Y'know what's smart about this track? Listen to the ends of the verses. That descending finishing bit there? To Zanarkand's closing bit, eh?
X is my third fave, behind IV and VII.
Conflicting energies indeed. Zanarkand Caves anyone? Dark Aeon in here is nasty
In my opinion this song sounds considerably better on piano.
If your hesitance in playing it has to do with the Junction system from VIII, it's not as convoluted as that is. xD The Shpere Grid is actually much easier to handle.
much nostalgia
did you ever react to final fantasy 7 the price of freedom?
i love that song
FFX is very different.
Not just from the "Classic Final Fantasy" thematics of Castles and Crystals, but also different from 7 and 8's newer "Mercenaries in an Industrial World". X is when the devs decided every Final Fantasy should have a wholly unique identity, cuz after this you get 11 being an MMO, 12 being based in the FFTactics world of Ivalice, and 13... oh boy... Thats a whole thing not worth getting into right here.
Even if you don't want to play FF 10 which I get turn based RPGs aren't for everyone I still think you watch the opening with otherworld playing.
Interesting that people like this track. It's not terrible, but it's quite headache-inducing.
The first time this melody appears is in Final Fantasy IV, in the Mist Cave. It was such a different sound in the game and was my favorite place to just idle. When I heard the remake in X it was such a nostalgic rush. 'Into the Darkness' is the FFIV version.
hey buddy
Don't think I have heard you listen to anything from FFX-2. Might I suggest/request 1000 Words?
If you do play FFX (and I hope you will, you are really missing an experience), don't sweat it if you can't complete the occasionally tedious minigames (like lightning dodging) to acquire or power up Cosmic Weapons, they aren't absolutely required. I played FF7 classic, Tactics, 8, 9, X, and X-2 in first release. I've tried FF7R and gotten bogged down.
Check out one of my all time favs, Shin Megami Tensei IV - Tokyo. Or Digital Devil Saga - Muladhara.
It's an absolute banger.
Bro if u just played FF9, I think it's safe to say you can make time to play FFX and you should. My first FF game that I played was FF7 and that set a high standard for storyline and meaning for me at least. Although I found FFX to be more linear than FF7, the meaning and life lessons are so deep that they go on forever. If you can get past the less than amateur voice acting in this game look between the lines, it is definitely worthwhile.
I can play this on guitar 🎉🎉
upload it chief
@@JessesAuditorium I will post it soon. 🎉❤
It's a shame you won't play it, but I kinda get it... I'd still recommend that you at least try the beginning of it to see what it's like, even if on your own, but I won't be mad if you don't... You need to play FF6 though lol. There's too much great music in FF6... Plus there's the opera section and everything >_
Listen to “Challenge” from FFX OST. Thank me later (the original, not the remaster)
FFX is a tad too loveydovey and bright colors for my boy
FFX was the last FF that was universally praised. FFXII had an interesting world, but dull story/characters. Some liked the battle system, others felt it was too much like an MMORPG. FFXIII received a lot of hate for being extremely linear (think corridors) and having much of the lore told through datalogs. FFXV had a very disjointed story where a lot of the character's backstory was told through DLC and other media, rather than through the main game. As for the upcoming FFXVI, I do not have high hopes for this game given the direction of the series after FFX.
The reason for this is because every FF after 10 was made by a different team. XI is a Tanaka game, XII is a Matsuno game, XIII is a Toriyama game, XIV is a Yoshida game and XV is a Tabata game.
People aren't just excited for XVI because it's FF, but because it's CBU3 FF game
Im just gonna be real with you, nobody says FF "X" lol.