BIBLE STUDY UPLOAD DAN. CH11 WK32 PT4️⃣ A Prophecy Of World History To The Time Of The End 8.13.2024

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  2 місяці тому

    💥(NOTES A)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY
    SERIES: ✅📖 Book Of Daniel Ch1️⃣1️⃣📖 ✅ WEEK 32 PART 4️
    📍 A Prophecy Of World History To The Time Of The End 📍
    ● The king In The End Times ●Description of the Anti-Christ ● The Actions & Wars Of The Anti-Christ ● Michael Arises to Rescue the Remnant of Israel
    With Bishop Worrell Hylton
    August 13, 2024
    ●The King of the End Time
    11:36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
    Beginning with verse 36, a sharp break in the prophecy may be observed, introduced by the expression the time of the end in verse 35. ●Up to this point, the prophecy dealing with the Persian and Grecian Empires has been fulfilled minutely and with amazing precision.●
    Beginning with verse 36, however, an entirely different situation obtains. In contrast to the preceding section, there is no specific correspondence to history.
    “This passage has reference to the Antichrist, ●a king is going to rise up who shall do according to his own will and shall lift himself up against all that is called god, and shall speak arrogant words against the God of gods.● He shall act in such a way as to sit in the Temple of God and shall make himself out to be God, and● his will shall be prospered until the wrath of God is fulfilled,● for in him the consummation will take place. We, too, understand this to refer to the Antichrist.”
    Antiochus was merely a foreshadowing of the Antichrist, “The Antichrist very properly had as a type of himself the utterly wicked king, Antiochus, who persecuted the saints and defiled the Temple.”
    ●The Description of the Antichrist - Daniel 11:36-38
    Daniel 11:36 is none other than the Antichrist, or the man of sin of 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 and with the false prophet of Revelation 13:11-18, who is also the ruler or the false Messiah acceptable to the Jewish people.
    According to verse 36, the king is an absolute ruler who “shall do according to his will.”
    Verses 36 begins talking about a king who will do as he pleases. ●The previous section was careful not to refer to Antiochus Epiphanes as a king because he was an usurper who seized the kingdom though the honor of the kingship had not been conferred upon him.●-- And though Antiochus Epiphanes was an evil and despicable man, this king goes far beyond that.
    ●The man so described through verse 45 is not Antiochus Epiphanes, Herod the Great, Constantine the Great, the Pope, the Roman Empire, Hitler, Stalin or any other historical person or system.● This is a man who is yet to come and this detailed prophecy about him will be fulfilled in the future.● This man is the “little horn” in the prophecy in Daniel 7 and who is often popularly referred to as the antichrist.●
    These verses describe a king whose ●wickedness and godlessness seem to surpass all who preceded him.● This king is said to do whatever he wants and exalt himself above gods and over the God of gods (11:36),● showing no regard for the “gods of his ancestors, the god desired by women, or for any other god” and instead honoring “a god of fortress” (11:37-38), which would seem to refer to military might.●✅️ He has success (11:36), honoring those who look to him (11:39), until the “time of wrath is completed” (11:36). ✅️
    The first description of him In verses 36-38 is that ●he is a king that will do as he pleases.● He regards no law except himself which is why ●Paul describes him as “the man of lawlessness” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3.● In Daniel 7:25 he is described as even seeking to “make alterations in times and in law.” He will be a dictatorial despot. The description of him in these verse is not necessarily chronological with the actions that are described in verses 40-45.
    He will also be the supreme egotist who disregards all gods and religions in favor of himself.● There have been many men who thought of themselves as some sort of god, but they usually recognized other gods.● That was true of the Caesars and of Antiochus Epiphanes too.● This man will think of himself as above that. There are seven statements in these three verses regarding his relationship to the gods.--
    1. *He will “exalt and magnify himself above every god.”
    2. *He will “speak monstrous things against the God of gods.”
    3. *He will “show no regard for the gods of his fathers”
    4. *He will show no regard for “the desire of women.”
    5. *He will show no regard for “any god”
    6. *He will “magnify himself above them all.”
    7. *He will “honor a god of fortresses”
    ●This man will be an atheist set against not only the true God and the promised Messiah, but without respect for any religion.●
    ●He is called antichrist because he goes beyond not just disregarding Jesus Christ, but is set against Him. The apostle John said, “Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have arisen; from this we know that it is the last hour” (1 John 2:18). ●John defined antichrist as “the one who denies the Father and the Son” (1 John 2:22), “that does not confess Jesus” (1 John 4:3), and “those who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ [as] coming in the flesh” (2 John 1:7).●
    Other Scriptures also speak of his blasphemous character.● In Daniel 7 he is described as one who will utter great boasts (7:8 &11) and who “will speak out against the Most High” (7:25). He is described in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 as the one “who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.”●
    ● This would be the abomination of desolation spoken about by Jesus in Matthew 24:15 in reference to the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27.● The description in Revelation 13 agrees with this. He Is the beast out of the sea who opens “his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle.” ●Those who dwell on the earth will worship him and those that will not are subject to execution.●
    ●The only god he recognizes Is the “god of fortresses.”● This is different from the gods of his ancestors for he is a complete materialist. ●The ability to conquer is his god.● Daniel 11:38 describes ●his wealth being spent in the pursuit of war as if it were- “he will honor” his military might “with gold, silver costly stones and treasures.”● His actions of war are described in verse 39 and verses 40-45.

  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  2 місяці тому

    💥(NOTES B)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY
    SERIES: ✅📖 Book Of Daniel Ch1️⃣1️⃣📖 ✅ WEEK 32 PART 4️
    📍 A Prophecy Of World History To The Time Of The End 📍
    ● The king In The End Times ●Description of the Anti-Christ ● The Actions & Wars Of The Anti-Christ ● Michael Arises to Rescue the Remnant of Israel
    With Bishop Worrell Hylton
    August 13, 2024
    ●The Wars of the Antichrist - Daniel 11:40-45
    The section begins describing that ●at the end time the king of the South will collide with him.● There are three kings referred to in this section.● Both the king of the south, Egypt and allies, and ●the king of the north, Syria and allies, attack Israel which is controlled by the antichrist.●
    We need to remember a couple of things in examining the actions that take place in verses 40-45.
    ●First, that according to Daniel 7, the antichrist is the little horn that arises out of the ten kings that make up a revived Roman empire.
    ● Second, that the focus of prophetic Scriptures is what will have an effect on the nation and land of Israel. ●The antichrist will be given power to conquer at will, but that does not mean he has conquered every nation on earth nor does it mean that those nations he has conquered and set up with puppet kings will remain loyal to him.●
    ●There can be only one king who does absolutely according to his will in this period, and this must be the world ruler which according to Daniel 7:23 “shall devour the whole earth, and tread it down, and break it in pieces.”●
    ● Although other rulers will be associated with him, such as the ten horns of Revelation 17:12 and the false prophet of Revelation 13:11-18, none of these can be described as absolute rulers.●
    The Actions of the Antichrist - Daniel 11:39
    ●His blasphemous beliefs lead him to take action against even the strongest of fortresses which he will conquer.● ● He then posts out honor to those who acknowledge him and to those willing to pay the price, he will set up to be his puppet rulers over the conquered territories. ●
    Other Scriptures also describe these kinds of actions, but ●there will be a limit to its length.● •••
    ● In Daniel 7:25 he wears down the saints of the Highest One for a time, times and half a time before he is judged and destroyed.● Here in Daniel 11:36 it is given to him to “prosper until the indignation is finished, for that which is decreed will be done.”
    ●The beast with his allied puppet kings will conquer, consume and destroy other nations in war, but this will only continue “until the words of God shall be fulfilled” (Revelation 17:17)●
    As you will recall as well, that the seventieth week of the prophecy in Daniel 9:27 begins with ●“and he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week,” with the “he” referring to “the prince who is to come” who is the antichrist.●
    ● It is because of this covenant that he Is aligned with the nation of Israel so that an attack against it is an attack against himself.●
    ●The antichrist’s response Is overwhelming. Verse 40 says he “will enter lands, overflow them, and pass through.” Verses 41-43 then add, “He will also enter the Beautiful Land, and many [countries] will fall; but these will be rescued out of his hand: Edom, Moab and the foremost of the sons of Ammon. 42 “Then he will stretch out his hand against [other] countries, and the land of Egypt will not escape. 43 “But he will rule over the hidden treasures of gold and silver, and over all the desirable things of Egypt; and Libyans and Ethiopians [will follow] at his heels.”●
    ●The Beautiful Land is a reference to Israel,● and from there he continues on to conquer Egypt to the borders of Libya and Ethiopia. This would mean that he defeats the king of the North first, and then overflows south. Apparently, his actions are so quick and focused on Egypt, that he does not bother with the countries to the east - Edom, Moab and Ammon - modern Jordan. He gains control of the wealth of the areas conquered including hidden treasures of gold and silver.
    Verse 45 - “And he will pitch the tents of his royal pavilion between the seas and the beautiful Holy Mountain; yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.”
    💥●The end of Daniel 11:45 would then occur in the second half of the seventieth week coordinating with the rest of Matthew 24:15, Revelation 7-19, Ezekiel 38 & 39 and Zechariah 14. Ezekiel 38 & 39; (Ezekiel 28:8) and ends with the armies of Gog and Magog and their allies being destroyed by such things as an earthquake (28:19), fighting within the armies (28:20), pestilence, torrential rain, hailstones, fire and brimstone (28:21) so that the Lord is sanctified and made known to the nations (28:22).●
    Michael Arises - Daniel 12:1
    ●“Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands [guard] over the sons of your people, will stand.●
    ●And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the book, will be rescued.”●✅️
    ●While the phrase “now at that time” refers to the “end time” in 11:40 and could be understood to be concurrent with the previous verses, the statement about a time of previously unknown distress can only fit with the later half of the seventieth week.●
    ●This is the same Michael that was introduced in Daniel 10:13.● ●He is an archangel (Jude 1:9) who has a specific responsibility toward Israel.● ■ This is not Christ or any other human or spiritual person.■ ●His specific purpose here is to protect and rescue the remnant of Israel whose names are written in the book.●