BIBLE STUDY UPLOAD DANIEL CH11 WK31 A Prophecy Of World History To The Time Of The End 8.4.2024

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  2 місяці тому +1

    💥NOTES (B)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    ✅Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY✅
    SERIES: 📖 Book Of Daniel Ch11📖
    WEEK 31 PART 3
    📍A Prophecy Of World History To The Time Of The End 📍
    ●The Rise Of Antiochus IV Epiphanes
    ●Rome Opposes him●His Wickedness
    ●The Despicable Man●The First Defilement Of The temple
    ●The Second Defilement of The temple
    ●The Purging Of the People ●Some are deceived
    with Bishop Worrell Hylton
    August 6, 2024
    ●Antiochus’ Rise In Power
    11:24-26 He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time. And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him. Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.
    Always active to enlarge his kingdom, either by military devices or intrigue, Antiochus, according to verse 24, like his fathers, robbed the richest places of the country under his control. ●The prediction He shall enter peaceably means that he attacked the enemy “in a time of security” or “peace,” when the enemy did not expect him.● Unlike his father, Antiochus IV did not use his wealth secured in this way for personal advantage so much as to buy favor with others and to secure their cooperation. The expression he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches indicates this distribution of the wealth he had secured. According to 1 Maccabees 3:30, “He feared that he might not have such funds as he had before for his expenses and for the gifts which he used to give more lavishly than preceding kings” (RSV).
    Among his military maneuvers were several expeditions against Egypt which are indicated in verse 25. Which of the several expeditions this represents is of no importance, as this prophecy is simply describing in general the characteristics of the reign of Antiochus 4:The outcome of the battle was that the king of Egypt was defeated as indicated in the statement but he shall not stand, referring to the king of the south. Even those who should have supported him conspired against him as revealed in verse 26. The result was that, generally speaking, Antiochus was victorious over the Egyptians.
    ●The Wickedness of Antiochus
    11:27-28 And both these kings’ hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed. Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.
    The struggle between Syria and Egypt, however, led to various agreements which did not prosper. Neither the rulers of Egypt nor Syria were honorable in their agreements as indicated in verse 27, “they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper.” As the last part of verse 27 makes clear, in spite of all his intrigue, Antiochus was fulfilling prophecy on schedule.
    ●Antiochus, returning from Egypt with great riches, began to manifest his hatred against the people of Israel and his covetousness in relation to the wealth of the temple. This is indicated in the statement, His heart shall be against the holy covenant.●
    ●Antiochus Opposed by Rome Persecutes the Jews
    11:29-31 At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter. For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant. And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
    ●In another expedition against Egypt, “at the time appointed,” that is, by God, he managed to capture Ptolemy Philometor but was finally forced to evacuate Egypt because he failed to take the city of Alexandria.● His success was not as great as in former expeditions, as stated, “It shall not be as the former, or as the latter.” Still another invasion of Egypt occurred about 168 B.C. Here, however, he was met near Alexandria by a Roman consul, Gaius Popillius Laenas, who demanded that he leave Egypt at risk of being attacked by Rome. The Roman consul is reported to have circled the king and told him that his decision had to be reached before he stepped out of the circle. Rather than risk a war with Rome, 21
    Antiochus, although greatly displeased, withdrew from Egypt immediately and conceded Egypt to Roman power.
    Prophetically, this is indicated in verse 30 by the statement for the ships of Chittim shall come against him, this is usually taken as a symbolic representation of Roman power which came from the west past Chittim, a reference to the island of Cyprus which was to the west of his kingdom.
    Disgruntled by his defeat in Egypt at the hands of Rome, Antiochus Epiphanes seems to have vented his wrath upon the Jewish people as intimated in verse 30 in the expression, “have indignation against the holy covenant.” The history of the period is given in 1 and 2 Maccabees. The added statement and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant indicates his affiliation with those who sided with Antiochus, who became his favorites and proteges (cf. 1 Mac 2:18; 2 Mac 6:1).
    ●In the process of his opposition to the Jews, Antiochus polluted the holy altar in the temple by offering a pig upon the altar and forbidding the continuance of the daily sacrifices (cf. 1 Mac 1:44-54).●
    ●He also issued orders that the Jews should cease their worship and erected in the holy place an idol, probably the image of Zeus Olympius.●
    ●This represents placing “the abomination that maketh desolate,” mentioned in verse 31 to which Christ referred in Matthew 24:15. The parallel prophecy in Daniel 8:23-25 covers the same series of incidents.●
    This desecration of the temple, in opposition to the Jewish faith, precipitated the Maccabean revolt which was cruelly suppressed by Antiochus with tens of thousands of Israelites perishing. The entire series of incidents, however, including the persecution of Israel, the desecration of their temple, and the stopping of the daily sacrifice, although fulfilled historically in Antiochus’ persecution of Israel, is also prophetic of the future persecution of Israel which will result in the great tribulation. The reference in Matthew 24:15 where Christ is describing the beginning of the great tribulation is linked to the desecration of the temple by Antiochus as being similar in kind. Antiochus thus becomes a type of the future man of sin and his activities foreshadow the ultimate blasphemous persecution of Israel and the desecration of their temple.

  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  2 місяці тому

    💥NOTES (C)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    ✅Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY✅
    SERIES: 📖 Book Of Daniel Ch11📖
    WEEK 31 PART 3
    📍A Prophecy Of World History To The Time Of The End 📍
    ●The Rise Of Antiochus IV Epiphanes
    ●Rome Opposes him●His Wickedness
    ●The Despicable Man●The First Defilement Of The temple
    ●The Second Defilement of The temple
    ●The Purging Of the People ●Some are deceived
    with Bishop Worrell Hylton
    August 6, 2024
    ●The Resulting Persecutions of Israel
    11:32-35 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
    ●The Despicable Man - Daniel 11:21
    We are introduced to this man in verse 21. “And in his place a despicable person will arise, on whom the honor of kingship has not been conferred, but he will come in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by conspiracy.”
    Despicable, vile or contemptible are all good words to translate the Hebrew description of Antiochus IV.
    ✅He was a man to be despised and disdained because he was vile and worthless in character.
    He gave himself the title of Antiochus Theos Epiphanes, which means Antiochus the Visible God or “God Manifest,” for he thought of himself as the manifestation of Zeus or Jupiter.
    ✅The people used a word play and called him Antiochus Epimanes which means Antiochus the Madman.✅ He was an evil man showing all the evidence of being empowered and directed by Satan. He is the “small horn” we met briefly in Daniel 8.
    ✅He seized the kingdom by conspiracy and not because the honor of kingship was conferred upon him. He was an usurper.✅ Antiochus was in Athens at the time his older brother, Seleucus IV was murdered by poisoning. The throne rightly belonged to Seleucus’ young son, Demetrius, who was being held hostage in Rome. His brother, also named Antiochus, was just a baby in Syria. Antiochus Epiphanes returned to Syria as the supposed protector of the family throne in blocking his nephew’s bid to gain the throne and as guardian of his nephews. He did accomplish the former, but ✅it was not enough for him to be regent on his nephew’s behalf, he wanted the throne for himself. His nephew was murdered by a fellow named Andronicus whom Antiochus IV then had executed, though the whole plot may have been his own from the start. ✅
    Military Victories - Daniel 11:22
    “And the overflowing forces will be flooded away before him and shattered, and also the prince of the covenant.”
    This refers to several military victories by Antiochus. The first was against the forces of Heliodorus who had made a bid for the throne after the death of Seleucus. Heliodorus was probably the man behind that murder. Antiochus was assisted by the king of Pergamum and this solidified his control of Syria.
    ●Victory by Deception - Daniel 11:23-24
    “And after an alliance is made with him he will practice deception, and he will go up and gain power with a small [force of] people. 24 “In a time of tranquility he will enter the richest [parts] of the realm, and he will accomplish what his fathers never did, nor his ancestors; he will distribute plunder, booty, and possessions among them, and he will devise his schemes against strongholds, but [only] for a time.” 25
    Wars are expensive in both manpower and treasure and Antiochus did not want spend those fighting battles if he could gain the same ends through a treaty. Like his father, Antiochus was concerned about rising Roman power and influence so he made a treaty with Ptolemy Philometor. Antiochus used this to put Ptolemy off guard so that he was able to seize a large section of what had been Egyptian territory with a small force. While promoting peace and friendship he was able to conquer town after town. The major fortresses were captured except Alexandria. None of his fathers had been able to conquer as much even with large forces.
    He did well, but only for a time for Roman threatened him and told him to leave Egypt, which he did.
    ●Victory by Treachery - Daniel 11:25-26
    25 “And he will stir up his strength and courage against the king of the South with a large army; so the king of the South will mobilize an extremely large and mighty army for war; but he will not stand, for schemes will be devised against him. 26 “And those who eat his choice food will destroy him, and his army will overflow, but many will fall down slain.”
    During the course of his reign, Antiochus invaded Egypt four different times. The result was that many Egyptian soldiers were slain and Ptolemy Philometor was captured and his younger brother, was made king.
    ●Two Liars - Daniel 11:27 26
    “As for both kings, their hearts will be [intent] on evil, and they will speak lies [to each other] at the same table; but it will not succeed, for the end is still [to come] at the appointed time.”
    Ptolemy the new king is the prisoner of Antiochus Epiphanes, but both still have designs on overthrowing Ptolemy Euergetes and regain Egypt for themselves, so they lie to each other as they try to carry out their schemes. ●Antiochus pretends to befriend Philometor in the effort to restore his throne against his brother. Philometor pretends to believe him●. They fail to conquer Alexandria, but Philometor is crowned king in Memphis. Antiochus leaves for Syria and Philometor ends up forming a co-regency with his brother.

  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  2 місяці тому

    💥NOTES (D)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    ✅Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY✅
    SERIES: 📖 Book Of Daniel Ch11📖
    WEEK 31 PART 3
    📍A Prophecy Of World History To The Time Of The End 📍
    ●The Rise Of Antiochus IV Epiphanes
    ●Rome Opposes him●His Wickedness
    ●The Despicable Man●The First Defilement Of The temple
    ●The Second Defilement of The temple
    ●The Purging Of the People ●Some are deceived
    with Bishop Worrell Hylton
    August 6, 2024
    ●First Defilement of the Temple - Daniel 11:28
    “Then he will return to his land with much plunder; but his heart will be [set] against the holy covenant, and he will take action and [then] return to his [own] land.”
    When Antiochus left for Syria he took much Egyptian wealth with him. ●On his way back he took action against Israel for rebellious actions.●
    ●Antiochus had removed Jason from being the High Priest and had installed his own priest, who had offered him a greater amount of tribute money (2 Maccabees 4:3-27).
    ●The Jews had heard a rumor that Antiochus was dead and held a celebration and Jason raised a force to overthrow Menelaus.
    Menelaus withstood the attack, and ●when Antiochus arrived he took action to punish those who had taken part or supported the rebellion. He slaughtered up to 80,000 and sold another 40,000 into slavery.●
    ●He looted the Temple of its vessels of gold and silver, stole about 1800 talents of gold,
    ●then defiled the Temple by sacrificing a pig on the altar, boiling some of its flesh and sprinkling the whole temple with some of its broth (1 Maccabees 1:21-28; 2 Maccabees 5:15-21). He then returned to Syria.
    ●Second Defilement of the Temple - Daniel 11:29-31
    29 “At the appointed time he will return and come into the South, but this last time it will not turn out the way it did before. 30 “For ships of Kittim will come against him; therefore he will be disheartened, and will return and become enraged at the holy covenant and take action; so he will come back and show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant. 31 “And forces from him will arise, desecrate the sanctuary fortress, and do away with the regular sacrifice. And they will set up the abomination of desolation.”
    ●Antiochus Epiphanes thought of himself as a manifestation of the Greek God, Zeus. He was very serious about the establishment of Greek culture the nations under his control and decreed that everyone had to worship the Greek deities. ●He gave favor to Menelaus and the apostates who followed him in the Hellenization of Israel while punishing those held fast to Judaism.●
    Antiochus sent an ●Athenian philosopher to Jerusalem to supervise and carry out the proclamation along with his General, Apollonius, and Syrian troops to enforce it. ●They stopped the regular Temple sacrifices and replaced them with sacrifices of pigs to Greek gods. ●Syrian soldiers and harlots performed dissolute heathen rites in the Temple courts.
    ●Jews were forced to take part in the drunken activities in honor of the god of wine. ●Those Jews that tried to observe the Mosaic rituals of sacrifice, circumcision, the Sabbath or a feast day were subject to execution.●
    ●Finally a pagan altar was erected over the altar of God, which probably included an idol, and the Temple was rededicated to Zeus.
    ●This was the abomination of desolation. It only got worse for the people.
    ●The Purging of the People - Daniel 11:32-35
    32 “And by smooth [words] he will turn to godlessness those who act wickedly toward the covenant, but the people who know their God will display strength and take action. 33 “And those who have insight among the people will give understanding to the many; yet they will fall by sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder, for [many] days. 34 “Now when they fall they will be granted a little help, and many will join with them in hypocrisy. 35 “And some of those who have insight will fall, in order to refine, purge, and make them pure, until the end time; because [it is] still [to come] at the appointed time.”
    ●Many Jews had submitted themselves to Antiochus’ decrees out of fear for their lives, and many more become apostate due to the enticements he offered to those who would embrace Greek idolatry. The dissolute nature of Greek culture was attractive to those who wanted freedom to sin and Antiochus’ favor and flattery made it that much more attractive.
    ●At the same time, there were also many that remained true to God despite the hardships and threat of death. The persecution caused a cleansing of the people that separated those who truly loved God from those who were apostate of heart.
    ●One family that remained true was Mattathias Maccabeus and his five sons. He was a priest that refused to offer pagan sacrifices. His family fled to the hills and led a revolt. Others encouraged by his example joined him, but it was a long war and they suffered much. Many died by the sword, others were burned alive in their homes or were cast into heated brass cauldrons. Several of Maccabeus’ sons were killed too. The number involved in their revolt fluctuated as death reduced their numbers while new people would join.
    ●Some of those who joined were hypocritical since their motivation was to be on the winning side in order to escape persecution or gain plunder for themselves and not because they were actually faithful to God.●
    ●Antiochus drops out of the picture after verse 34 because he has no further effect on Israel. Historically, in the third year of the revolt, the Maccabees led by the son, Judah, were able to force the Syrians out Jerusalem. They were now free to resume worship of the Lord in the Temple. This became the yearly festival known as Hanukkah which means “to dedicate.”
    The revelation given to Daniel by the angel does not include this conclusion but rather leaves the story open ended pointing to a future time in verse 35.
    There would continue to be persecution of the Jews to “refine, purge, and make them pure, until the end time; because it is still to come at the appointed time.” ●

  • @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824
    @revivaltimerwclaudlakes7824  2 місяці тому

    💥NOTES (A)💥
    Revivaltime Restoration Worship Center
    ✅Tuesday Evening BIBLE STUDY✅
    SERIES: 📖 Book Of Daniel Ch11📖
    WEEK 31 PART 3
    📍A Prophecy Of World History To The Time Of The End 📍
    ●The Rise Of Antiochus IV Epiphanes
    ●Rome Opposes him●His Wickedness
    ●The Despicable Man●The First Defilement Of The temple
    ●The Second Defilement of The temple
    ●The Purging Of the People ●Some are deceived
    with Bishop Worrell Hylton
    August 6, 2024
    The Rise of ●Antiochus IV Epiphanes●
    11:21-23 And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant. And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
    Beginning with verse 21, a major section of this chapter is devoted to a comparatively obscure Syrian ruler who was on the throne from 175 to 164 B.C., previously alluded to as the “little horn” (Dan 8:9-14, 23-25). He reigned in the days of the decline of the Syrian power and the rise of Rome to the west, and only his death in 164 B.C. prevented his humiliation by Rome. From the standpoint of Scripture and the revelation by the angel to Daniel, this was the most important feature of the entire third empire. The reasons for the prominence of Antiochus IV Epiphanes were his desecration of the Jewish temple and altar, and his bitter persecution of the Jewish people. As is true of the entire section beginning with chapter 8, ●Gentile dominion is viewed primarily from its relationship to the progress of the Jewish nation.● By comparison with Seleucus IV Philopator, his predecessor, ●he is described as “a vile person.” The title Epiphanes, meaning “glorious,” was a title which Antiochus gave himself, in keeping with his desire to be regarded as god.●
    ●The description here given is God’s viewpoint of him because of his immoral life, persecution, and hatred of the people of God.● His life was characterized by intrigue, expediency, and lust for power in which honor was always secondary.
    The expression to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom has reference to the fact that he seized the throne rather than obtaining it honorably. At the time his predecessor died, there were several possible candidates for the throne. Antiochus IV, the brother of Seleucus IV, was in Athens at the time of his brother’s death. There he received word that his brother Seleucus had been murdered by Heliodorus, as prophesied in Daniel 11:20, “he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.” Montgomery describes this as dying “ ‘with his boots on,’ a disgrace to a king;
    Posing as the guardian of young Antiochus who was in Syria, Antiochus IV Epiphanes proceeded to Antioch where he obtains the kingdom by flatteries,” he secured the throne. Meanwhile, young Antiochus was murdered by Andronicus, whom Antiochus IV then put to death, although it is possible that Antiochus himself had laid the whole plot. ●Heliodorus, who had murdered Seleucus IV, was not able to secure the throne and disappeared. Antiochus IV was therefore secure on his throne and began an active life of military conquest and intrigue in his struggle for power against both Egypt and Rome. ●
    Verse 22 speaks of military activity including several campaigns against Egypt. The prophecy does not attempt to be specific but describes in general how armies on various occasions were destroyed as by a flood and “shall be broken.” The reference to “the arms of a flood” may refer to military forces rather than a natural flood. In other words, he shall be victorious over his enemies.
    Verse 23 described his various leagues with other nations, especially with Egypt which involved considerable intrigue and deceit. At the time, there was a contest for power between two of Antiochus’ nephews, Ptolemy Philometor and Ptolemy Euergetes for control of Egypt. Antiochus supported Ptolemy Philometor, but only for his own gain. Out of it, Antiochus became stronger himself.