Historical Jesus - Quick Overview

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024


  • @truthaboveagenda
    @truthaboveagenda 5 років тому +12

    Thank you for this contribution.
    Jesus the Christ Is King.

  • @JesusSavesBelievers1
    @JesusSavesBelievers1 2 роки тому +1

    Ty for this 🇨🇦

  • @lefraudjames4729
    @lefraudjames4729 3 роки тому +2

    For the one with Josephus he read the corrupted version that was altered by Christians later on. He needs to read the unaltered version of Josephus on Jesus. This is coming from a Christian btw.

    • @rockmeamadheus
      @rockmeamadheus 3 роки тому

      And did they found the unaltered - unaltered of unaltered version???
      Have to ask to Cesare himself if they hate and persecute the Christian that time why did they forgot to kill the historian who wrote some story of Jesus and burns their books...

    • @udoaver9726
      @udoaver9726 3 роки тому

      @@rockmeamadheus no that's the only version we have and when Josephus mentions James (jesus's brother) later on he doesn't talk about him so highly so the "unaltered version" we have is a scholars best attempt at recreation of what they think Josephus may have actually said.

  • @ricklannoye4374
    @ricklannoye4374 2 роки тому +1

    After many decades of historical research, the following is my ranked summary of what is highly likely true about who Jesus of Nazareth really was, what he did, believed and taught...what is not highly likely and a bit in between:
    That he was born in Bethlehem, as a biological descendant of King David
    That he was born of a virgin
    That he performed supernatural miracles
    That he was without sin (never did anything wrong)
    That all of his teachings were new and unique
    That Jesus believed people’s souls would go to either Heaven or Hell after death
    That he predicted he would rise from the dead
    That he rose from the dead or that his disciples stole his body after his execution and burial
    That Jesus wanted his disciples to preach his message to the Gentiles in “all the world”
    That he physically ascended up into the sky to a spirit realm (Heaven)
    That he was God
    That he was the son of God (or a demi-god)
    That Jesus’ or any of his disciples believed his mission was to give some people eternal life in Heaven
    That Jesus would return from Heaven to fulfill Messianic prophesies

    That he came to believe himself to be the Expected Messiah, the special king the Jewish prophets foretold of who would establish and rule over an earthly, independent Jewish Kingdom, whom God would, therefore, send him supernatural help to overthrow Rome
    That he was a naturally-gifted illusionist and performance artist, skilled at faking healings and miracles
    That his disciples orchestrated his last, grand entrance into Jerusalem, later dubbed “Palm Sunday”
    That after his death, his body was disposed of in a common grave or the nearby trash dump in the Hinnom “Valley” and quickly lost or destroyed

    That he did exist
    That he was from Galilee
    That as a young adult, took great interest in the healing arts, learned much about healing potions/ointments during his supply runs for the family business and, in time, became a successful healer
    That by his early adulthood, Jesus had come to despise the Jewish, religious leadership for their corruption, hypocrisy and callous disregard for the sick, injured and poor
    That in his late 20s, he had met and formed a close relationship with the wealthy, noble-widow Mary Magdalene after helping cure her of depression
    That he became an apprentice/disciple of John the Baptist, fully convinced the Jews of had to repent of sins in order to pave the way for the Messiah to come
    That with financial support from a small group of wealthy noblewomen, like Mary Magdalene, began a healing/preaching tour after John the Baptist’s death
    That he was a naturally-gifted speaker and debater
    That Jesus redefined sin as doing things that actually caused human suffering or neglecting to help those who were suffering
    That he advocated non-violence
    That he called for better treatment of girls/women, and those at the lower end of the socio-economic stata-slaves, working poor and the physically disabled
    That some of his teachings were new and unique
    That Jesus believed the Jewish Scriptures were stepping stones toward what God really wanted for the Jewish people-to alleviate suffering
    That Jesus believed his mission was to bring the Jews to repentance of sin
    That his initially optimistic views about his calling from God changed after his school in Capernaum was shut down and almost all his disciples left him
    That he predicted his arrest and execution
    That he predicted the Jews would rebel against the Romans and would lose very badly
    That his apprentices/disciples) believed him to be the Expected Messiah, and clung to their belief in his Messiahship (with the exception of Judas) right up until his arrest
    That he came to believe God had called him to martyrdom and that his death would help his disciples understand and carry on with his mission to bring the Jews to repentance of sins
    That multiple people experienced bereavement delusions of having seen or heard Jesus alive again, beginning a few days after his execution, renewing and deepening their belief in Jesus’ Messiahship
    That his apprentices/disciples became fully convinced within a few days of his execution, that he had risen from the dead, and would soon, publicly show up in Jerusalem to seize the Throne of David
    That, some months after his death, he was thought to have been seen alive one last time, at a night-time prayer vigil, but quickly disappeared in a fog, and his disciples/followers then amended their expectations and began to believe Jesus would soon descend from Heaven to seize the Throne of David and establish a new, independent, Jewish nation.
    That following the tragic loss of the Jews to the Romans in their first major rebellion (66-73/74 CE), the devastation of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple, Christianity quickly became a Greco-Roman Gentile sect, as most of the Jewish Christians were either killed, died off or reverted back to Pharisaic Judaism.
    That once Christianity began to fill up with converts from a culture replete with Greek Mythology, Jesus was soon perceived to be a new god for the poor, enslaved and disadvantaged who would secure their souls a place in the Elysian Fields, previously thought to be reserved only for the most "virtuous" of men who had found great favor with the gods of Mt. Olympus.
    Rick Lannoye, author of www.amazon.com/Real-Life-Jesus-Nazareth-Really-Stood-ebook/dp/B09V4BJ62D

  • @dvsevere
    @dvsevere 4 роки тому

    They were never called Christians they were called disciples Christian is a man made word christianity is not supported in the bible jesus never mentioned not once for anyone to be "Christian"

    • @JPBinni137
      @JPBinni137 4 роки тому +1

      You are correct in this account. During Jesus life on earth they were called disciples/followers. However, you are missing the account from Luke the physician. He wrote a "double-book". His first account, as he called it (Acts 1:1-2), was the Gospel of Luke. This, and the second portion, he wrote to a person named Theophilus. This was titled Acts of the Apostles (or you can say acts of the Holy Spirit, in terms of the supernatural content that was mention to substantiate the claims). According to Acts of the Apostles, the disciples, who believed, were known as the Jewish sect called "The Way" (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14 24:22). The first time they were called Christians was mentioned in Acts 11:26. My apologies if you already new this. Just found this to be interesting ^_^

    • @thomasdemay9805
      @thomasdemay9805 3 роки тому +1

      Christianity is at the heart of the Bible. Everything in the Bible points to Christ. Christ mean MESSIAH, a Christian is someone who believes in the Messiah. The word isn't used in the Bible because Jesus was preaching to the Jews. In reality Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism. Since many Jews didn't follow Christ and there was division between them the Romans had to develop a word to describe them separate from Jews who didn't believe. Because Gentiles were converting to Christianity they described the believers (Jewish or Gentile) as something different than the Jewish Race and Nation of People. In the end its just a word and there is nothing bad about the word Christian.

    • @dvsevere
      @dvsevere 3 роки тому

      Either way that character of Jesus Christ never existed Bible was written by man Jesus never wrote now one letter word or sentence in that book. So if you could believe in Jesus a character that you cannot prove existed then you should believe in Santa Claus also a non fictional character as well as the Tooth Fairy Easter Bunny and all those non fictional characters

    • @loksterization
      @loksterization 3 роки тому +4

      @@dvsevere you obviously didn't watch this video. You're embarrassing yourself. Jesus was a historical figure and the Bible clearly speaks of him, both old and new testaments. In the Old Testament there are many prophecies regarding the coming of Jesus, in the Book of Daniel even an accurate prediction of the year when he would arrive on the scene. The Gospels and other books of the New Testament testify to the life of Jesus and his disciples, and this video shows secular historical proof of that. If you still fight against this you are merely listening to the devil and have hardened your heart from the truth of God. But also you will one day see him... Make sure when that happens you are his follower.

    • @elpo203
      @elpo203 2 роки тому

      Acts 11:26
      And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for a whole year they assembled with the church and taught a great many people. And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.

  • @tonycostanzo4276
    @tonycostanzo4276 4 роки тому

    no Ampere became a true christian they were all pagon all popes vare antichrist and evil and the Romans are a killing machine They are still here

  • @theoskeptomai2535
    @theoskeptomai2535 3 роки тому

    There are no known firsthand eyewitness accounts of Jesus or the supposed events surrounding him as depicted in the gospels. Nor are there any extra-biblical records which can demonstrate the historicity of this Jesus.

    • @alanmoore8403
      @alanmoore8403 3 роки тому +1

      Pontius Pilot wrote to the Ceasar and described Jesus...

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 роки тому

      @@alanmoore8403 You see. You are demonstrating how desperate Christians become when presented with the fact that there is no evidence substantiating the historicity of Jesus. They resort to
      outright fabrication and boldface lies. Great job, alan moore!

    • @ricardodavidson326
      @ricardodavidson326 3 роки тому +3

      @@theoskeptomai2535 There is no firsthand eye witnesses for many historical figures. There is more sources about Jesus than Tiberius Cesar. Historians accept that Tiberius existed.

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 роки тому

      @@ricardodavidson326 Correct. There are no firsthand eyewitness accounts for many historical figures. What is your point?

    • @theoskeptomai2535
      @theoskeptomai2535 3 роки тому

      @@ricardodavidson326 Wrong. There are _no known sources_ concerning the Jesus as depicted in the NT.