Backyard Citrus Update (Nov 19, 2023) - ~3 weeks until lemon harvest; tangelos 6-8 weeks to ripe

  • Опубліковано 18 лис 2023
  • Note to self: citrus as of Nov 19, 2023
    • Minneola Tangelo Tree - tree has 12 fruits; calamondin tree acted as a great pollinator b/c it bloomed nearly constantly for 3 months; still very important to hand pollinate the tree each year
    • Meyer Lemon Tree - tree has around 41 fruits as of today; kids have picked around 20 already; fruits getting heavier so likely getting closer to being ready for harvest; probably 2-3 weeks before lemonade season starts
    • Calamondin tree - Tree currently has about 30 fruits; could probably start eating now; skin is sweet and edible; fruits very sour; need to eat one of my frozen miracle berries before I eat these; regardless of bad taste, must keep around to act as pollinator for Minneola Tangelo
    • Rio red grapefruit - Has about 10 grapefruit; has been a slow, linear progression of number of fruit produced; got 3 the first year, then 5, then 9, now 10
    • Mexican like - no fruits this year; didn’t really flower; not sure why
    • Page mandarin orange - No fruits b/c I only bought a few months ago; has EXPLODED in growth; heavy drinker of water; is a hybrid / cross with Minneola Tangelo; supposed to produce fruit similar in taste, but smaller than, Minneola
    • Cara Cara orange - also no fruits; also bought this year; also has grown a lot
    • Valencia orange - just bought a week ago; plan to plant in big pot after I plant potted mulberry in ground