Town Council Meeting - June 3, 2024

  • Опубліковано 2 чер 2024
    Monday, June 3, 2024
    7:00 PM
    Town Council Chambers, 505 Silas Deane Highway
    A. Pledge of Allegiance
    B. Recording of Attendance by Town Clerk
    Kid Mayor Presentation
    Age Well Collaborative - Alyssa Norwood, Director
    For Presentation Only
    Proclamation Recognizing Pride Month June 2024
    C. Hearings
    1. O24-006 Ordinance Amending Article XIII of Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances to Change the Name of the Wethersfield Heritage Commission to Wethersfield Tourism & Cultural Commission.
    This item is for public hearing.
    Ordinance Changing Name of Heritage Commission.docx
    D. Public Comment
    E. Council Reports
    F. Council Comments
    G. Town Manager's Report
    H. Town Clerk Communications
    I. Bids
    1. Contract Award Recommendation - Architectural/Engineering and Interior Design Services Contract for the Library Renovation Project to Silver Petrucelli and Associates, pursuant to the Request for Qualifications #2024-03, in an amount not to exceed $125,000.
    Recommended Motion: Motion to authorize the Town Manager to award the Architectural/Engineering and Interior Design Services Contract for the Library Renovation Project to Silver Petrucelli and Associates, pursuant to the Request for Qualifications #2024-03, in an amount not to exceed $125,000. 2024-03 - Fee Proposal Summary rev.1 (2).pdf
    2. Contract Award Recommendation - Town Council Chamber Audio/Video Broadcast Upgrades Recommended Motion: Motion to award the contract for Town Council Chamber audio/video broadcast upgrades to Valley Communications Systems, Inc., and to authorize the Town Manager to execute all related agreements and contracts.
    Wethersfield CT - Town Hall - Council Chambers Upgrades - 104005_Rev18 (2).pdf
    J. Consent Agenda
    1. Resignations from Boards & Commissions
    Motion to approve the resignation of Stephen A. Kirsche from the Housing Authority.
    2024-06-03 RESIGNATIONS.pdf
    2. Appointments to Boards & Commissions
    Motion to approve the appointment of Julie Lemos, 21 Clovercrest Road, as an Alternate to the Board of Assessment Appeals for the term 6-3-2024 to 6-30-2026.
    Motion to approve the appointment of Michele Evermore, 130 Maple Street, to the Housing Authority for the term 6-3-2024 to 8-31-2027.
    2024-06-03 Appointments.pdf
    3. Minutes for Approval
    Motion to approve Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes dated May 20, 2024.
    2024-05-20 Minutes (unapproved).pdf
    K. Approval of Ordinances and Resolutions
    1. O24-006 Ordinance Amending Article XIII of Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances to Change the Name of the Wethersfield Heritage Commission to Wethersfield Tourism & Cultural Commission.
    Recommended Motion: Motion to amend Article XIII of Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances to Change the Name of the Wethersfield Heritage Commission to Wethersfield Tourism & Cultural Commission.
    Ordinance Changing Name of Heritage Commission.docx
    L. Unfinished Business
    M. New Business
    N. Ordinances and Resolutions for Introduction
    1. R24-004 Resolution to Authorize the Town Manager to Execute and Deliver a Contract with the State of Connecticut, Department of Economic and Community Development for the Supplemental Certified Local Government Grant.
    Introduction only. No action required.
    hpeg-resolution example-2020.pdf
    2. R24-005 Resolution to Authorize the Town Manager to Execute and Deliver a Contract with the State of Connecticut, Department of Economic and Community Development for the Historic Preservation Enhancement Grant for Certified Local Governments.
    Introduction only. No action required.
    hpeg-resolution example-2020.pdf
    O. Public Comment
    P. Executive Session
    Q. Adjourn