Please beware. The adjective "unique" cannot be qualified. You should not say "Very Unique" because unique means "one of a kind." A thing is either one of a kind, or it is not. It is either unique, or it is not unique. A thing cannot be very unique, or quite unique, or so unique.
Wow, I didn’t know about a double rudbeckia! Love it! Going to add that to my garden.
I love the double rudbeckia!!
Thank you for sharing!
Where can I get heirloom mums?
Please beware. The adjective "unique" cannot be qualified. You should not say "Very Unique" because unique means "one of a kind." A thing is either one of a kind, or it is not. It is either unique, or it is not unique. A thing cannot be very unique, or quite unique, or so unique.