The Jerusalem Temple in the Future Kingdom

  • Опубліковано 21 жов 2024
  • Find out about the new temple in Jerusalem in the Kingdom of God.
    For more info about the end time, see my website www.lastdaysdet...
    The studio section was first produced by HimlenTV7 in Finland for a Swedish audience. (Note: The other two in the studio spoke in Swedish, a language I understand, but haven't learned to speak.)


  • @aljonco1
    @aljonco1 Рік тому +4

    Appreciate your efforts Robert. Grounded and sound as ever.

  • @IWillHumbleMyself
    @IWillHumbleMyself Рік тому +1

    And I so cannot wait! 😅 Come, Lord Jesus! ❤ Good to see you again, brother Robert 😊 I hope and pray all is well with you.

    • @LastDaysDetective
      @LastDaysDetective  Рік тому +1

      Yes, thank you all is well. Amen to what you say. Maranatha!

    • @mariemartin5299
      @mariemartin5299 Рік тому

      ​@@LastDaysDetective Wow! Your teachings are just awesome! Everything you teach is pure scripture, and this is the first time I've found anyone that believes exactly as I do when it comes to Bible interpretation and what the scriptures are actually saying. Some questions that I've had concerning several passages you have even cleared up. Thank God I found your channel. I do have one question about the nations of people remaining during the thousand year reign of Christ. I know that we will have glorified bodies but how is it that the nations will still have mortal bodies, I thought only saved people would live in the Kingdom so I'm obviously missing something in understanding that part. Can you please help me with understanding that part?

    • @LastDaysDetective
      @LastDaysDetective  Рік тому +1

      @@mariemartin5299 Thank you for your encouraging words! When we put all the Scriptures together that speak of the thousand-year reign of Christ, we see that non-glorified and non-resurrected people are there. For example, Zech 14 speaks of the survivors of those who attack Jerusalem at th time of the return of Jesus who go up to worship him year after year. Isaiah 65 speaks of sinners who die when 100 years old. It also speaks of babies being born at that time. This tells us they are mortals. That mortals and resurrected people can co-exist and communicate is clear from the fact that Jesus spoke to his disciples after his resurrection, and even ate with them.

    • @mariemartin5299
      @mariemartin5299 Рік тому

      @@LastDaysDetective Thank you so so much for your reply. I see it now, I actually went to your video of "Millennium Population" and everything was described completely with the scriptures that support it. You just don't know how you have helped me with my Bible study. I knew that when I studied the scriptures I never saw anything about the rapture of the saints taking place before the "great tribulation" but that's what I was taught since I was nine years old and as I grew up and studied scripture I just never saw it because it's not there. There are several scriptures that let us know specifically that it happens after the tribulation. Because of the old testament prophets telling about the thousand year reign and life in the Kingdom it's much clearer to me. You are helping so many people with your teachings, they are short and packed with wisdom, knowledge and understanding and you never lose focus of the topic.

  • @boltingpuppies
    @boltingpuppies Рік тому +1


  • @asloudassound
    @asloudassound Рік тому

    Hey brother I doubt you remember me but I prayed and asked God for 10-15 years for an answer on the rapture. I’m post personally but I was asking for a set of verses that would give me a no doubt answer to prove once and for all what it was and he finally answered me a few months ago. I thought about you and wanted to give it to you for your arsenal of scriptures. I don’t mean that as your attacking pretribers I meant it as our weapon against the enemy. But if you will refer to the parable of the 10 virgins it tells us exactly when it is. Maybe you already know it but if not I’ll briefly explain it. The foolish virgins go seek oil and the rapture happens. They then return and knock on the door and what does Christ say? I never knew you. So that’s our first clue. But it goes on to say they are thrown into outer darkness. Now if it was pretrib that would mean that it would close the door on salvation after the rapture happens. And all those people the bible says gets saved through scripture would be lying. At the rapture the door is shut and no one else can be saved so it can’t be pretrib it only fits post. Otherwise all the people who are martyred and saved in the tribulation period wouldn’t be possible.

    • @LastDaysDetective
      @LastDaysDetective  Рік тому

      Thank you for sharing! You make a good point.

    • @delawarecop
      @delawarecop Рік тому

      If one reads John 6:39,40, 44, and 54, then John 11:24, and John 12:48 we get a consistent repeated message that both the righteous dead and wicked dead will all be raised AT THE LAST DAY. Not 1000 years apart as Robert erroneously teaches, but all IN THE LAST DAY. Now how can it be 1000 years apart, if it's not the same LAST DAY?
      This exact same theme is also shown and taught clearly in Mat 13 - only two (2) groups of people Righteous and Wicked, and the Wicked are gathered together to be burned, whilst the righteous are gathered up into His barn, and all of this happens AT THE LAST DAY AT THE END OF THE AGE.
      Mat 13:30 Let both grow together until THE HARVEST. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat into my barn.’ ”
      So the angels are told to FIRST gather the weeds together to be burned, then gather the wheat. Note that there are not TWO HARVESTS but ONE. ANd the Wheat is not gathered first as Robert teaches in his Millennial reign videos.
      Mat 13:37 He replied, “The One who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. 38 The field is the world, and the good seed represents the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, 39 and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
      40 As the weeds are collected and burned in the fire, so will it be at the end of the age. 41 The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will weed out of His kingdom every cause of sin and all who practice lawlessness. 42 And they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 43 Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.

  • @condorcondorito2303
    @condorcondorito2303 Рік тому +2

    My comment DELETED by UA-cam TWICE, sent you email with comment included.
    Be well Robert, also, it would be of Great Blessings for you & audience to read all 3 Chapters of The Book of Joel, it more than reinforces the teachings of your video.
    Joel 3 : 17
    So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God DWELLING IN ZION, MY HOLY MOUNTAIN: THEN shall Jerusalem BE HOLY, and there shall NO STRANGERS PASS THROUGH HER ANY MORE.

    • @IWillHumbleMyself
      @IWillHumbleMyself Рік тому

      Happens to me all. the. time. Really annoying when it does. I miss the old days, but I look forward to them finally being over; to those glorious days ahead after all prophecy has been fulfilled. I've been studying prophecy too. Fun fact for ya: Jesus began his ministry in the year of jubilee, he didn't die in a jubilee year like most suppose. Luke 4:18. And when he returns, it will be at the consummation of the end of the age, also on a jubilee -- yom kippur. Jesus already fulfilled the 1st half of Daniel's final 7. The A/ C will fulfill the last half. Probably will make his appearance sometime around passover. Do the math. The third day. 1260, 3.5, 42. Blessed is the one who reaches 1335 days. That's hanukkah, the festival of lights, the feast of dedication. I believe his coming is sooner than most think. That means we are literally on the cusp of the great tribulation. Our redemption is drawing nigh. Happy studying! Be blessed! 💛

    • @condorcondorito2303
      @condorcondorito2303 Рік тому

      Thank you for your comment, based on The Bible (KJV), For The Second Coming of Jesus The Christ to happen, some things have to happen BEFORE, for instance, the great tribulation (the wrath of the antichrist/satan) has to happen, the people, that will NOT take the mark of the antichrist/beast will be persecuted, imprisoned and ultimately, will be executed, also, the antichrist/beast will have to be revealed in the world stage, we (saved people) have not been called to be under the Wrath of God, BUT, The Great Tribulation is NOT The Wrath of God, BUT, it is the wrath of the antichrist/satan, The Wrath of God will happen on The Last Day, on the same day that Jesus comes with his saints to earth, then, the "rapture" will happen at the same time, on the last day, AND THEN, The Wrath of God starts on this earth, BUT, it will start AFTER we are raptured, because, we have NOT been destined to be under The Wrath of God, BUT, again, the great tribulation IS the wrath of the antichrist and NOT OF GOD ... In Greek (language that the NT was written in originally) there are two different words used to denote, firstly, the great tribulation, and then, using another greek word, The Wrath of God....
      .....and The Truth shall set you free!!!!!.....

    • @OneHighwayWalker
      @OneHighwayWalker Рік тому

      @@IWillHumbleMyself Why do you believe a secular celebration (because it isn't commanded by God) would figure into the end times timeline? The 75 days equals 2-1/2 months. It could involve a second-month Passover and possibly a delayed Shavuot, but then the anti-Messiah would appear around Sukkot. Just "thinking" out loud.

    • @IWillHumbleMyself
      @IWillHumbleMyself Рік тому

      @@OneHighwayWalker The math fits

    • @LastDaysDetective
      @LastDaysDetective  Рік тому +1

      Strange that your comment was deleted. I read your email just now. Thank you for sharing! Yes, there's a lot of Scripture that dwells on the theme of the Lord being in Jerusalem in the Kingdom.