Operation Barbarossa in rare pictures, 1941

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    In August 1939, as Europe slid towards another world war, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty. The Nazi-Soviet Pact came as a complete surprise to other nations, given the ideological differences between the two countries.
    It ushered in a period of military co-operation that allowed Hitler to ignore western diplomatic moves and invade Poland.
    Stalin’s forces then attacked from the east and completed the subjugation and partition of the Polish state. For the next year and a half Germany also benefitted economically from the arrangement, with Russia exporting grain and oil in return for manufactured goods.
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  • @GreatPolishWingedHussars
    @GreatPolishWingedHussars Рік тому

    Here are to the photos some interesting facts and aspects. First a little criticism. The photos show Soviets and not just Russians as stated in the video. Also, too few felonies were shown in relation to normal combat operations, for this was no ordinary attack by an ordinary army, but the beginning of another war of annihilation by completely barbaric armies. But there are good things that outweigh the bad. So what's good is that German soldiers were shown twice using draft horses. Because contrary to the legend of the technologically completely superior German armed forces, the German army was by far not as mechanized and technologically superior as is unfortunately often claimed. In fact, in its bulk, the German army was not motorized but used horses and mules for transportation. Infantry and horse-drawn artillery formed the bulk of the German Army throughout the war and only one fifth of the Army belonged to tank and mechanized divisions. The great bulk of the German combat strength-the old-type infantry divisions-marched into battle on foot, with their weapons and supply trains propelled almost entirely by four-legged horsepower. Each German infantry division employed thousands of horses and mules and thousands of men taking care of them. A total of 80% of German entire transport in WW2 was equestrian. Of the 322 German divisions in the middle of the war - 1943 - only 52 were armored or motorized. German cavalry was also deployed in the war. Cavalry in the German Army and the Waffen-SS gradually increased in size, peaking at six cavalry divisions in February 1945. The German army used overall in 2nd World War 2.75 million horses, which is almost double the number that they used in the 1st world war. The Soviets also used horses with the same intensity. In any case, the use of horses by the Germans is one of the aspects that makes it clear that the Germans were not technologically superior to the Soviets.
    What only a few people notice is the fact that the German tanks shown also make it clear that the Germans were not technologically superior in the raid against the Soviets in 1941. Because at the photos show German armored vehicles that are not superior to the Soviet tanks at all, such as Panzer IV, light armored half-tracks, tanks 35(t) (Captured by Czechoslovakia). These are armored vehicles on the same technological level as the soviet armored vehicles. Because the Germans were not at first victorious, as is often falsely claimed, because of the supposedly technologically superior German weapons, but because the Germans completely surprised the Soviets with the raid. The Soviets had massed large forces on their western frontier, but they were under orders not to provoke the Germans. Although mistrustful of Hitler, Stalin did not believe that he would attack so soon, despite the ominous German build-up and a stream of intelligence warnings the completely surprised German raid succeeded. Because of the surprise effect the German tanks quickly pushing towards their objectives and Russian forces falling apart in confusion. They were greatly helped by the air force's bombing of Soviet airfields, artillery positions and troop concentrations. Because through the surprise effect the Germans quickly established air superiority. On the first day alone 1,800 Soviet aircraft were destroyed, most of them on the ground. The German troops blindsided the Soviet troops absolutely. An additional advantage for the Germans was that the German troops had combat experience from the wars against Poland and the British and French. The Germans were also victorious first also because the Red Army was in a miserable state. During the Stalinist purges just before the war, very many officers were imprisoned or killed. This purge, of course, weakened the Red Army because it was effectively a beheaded army. The fact that the Red Army was in a bad state was also shown tha the Soviets even had problems with the Polish Border Protection Corps (KOP) in 1939! Which were actually not combat units of the Polish Army at all, but in fact special militarized border police. For example in the Battle of Szack a 4,000 men KOP troop without air support and without tanks and only 16 piece of artillery defeated 13 000 Soviets supported by 15 tanks, 15 piece of artillery and airstrikes. All of the Soviet tanks involved were destroyed or captured in the battle! The Soviet units were taken by surprise and after a short hand-to-hand fight the Soviet forces were routed. Only a small part of the motorized infantry managed to retreat, but had to leave behind all their trucks, artillery and 9 T-26 tanks. The Polish border troops also captured the staff headquarters. This was not the only Soviet defeat at the hands of Polish border troops. So all of this at least makes it clear that, as one can also see from the photos shown, the German army was not technologically superior to the Soviet army in 1941. The same applies to the German raid on Poland in 1939 because, contrary to false claims, the German army was not technologically superior to the Polish army. The Germans were technologically superior in some areas and the Poles were superior in other areas. But by and large the two armies were technologically on the same level But that's another topic.
    Soviet prisoners of war (POWs) shown in the photos most likely died in captivity by the German army. Because the German army murdered millions of Soviet POWs, which is also correctly mentioned in the video. Also the camp that is shown with the war criminal Himmler 2:48 was actually a death camp and not a POW camp.
    This raid against the Soviets in 1941 also makes it clear that the Germans did not stick to treaties because the Germans had a non-aggression pact with the Soviets since 1939. With all the other felonies also the breach of treaties also made clear how vile, morally bad and wicked this completely megalomaniac, mad, felonious, amoral and degenerated Nazi nation was.
    What is also good about the video is the fact that Finnish involvement in the raid against the Sowejtunon was shown, which is usually not mentioned. Because in this war in 1941 the victim of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939/40 became an aggressor who was allied with the completely megalomaniac, mad, felonious, amoral and degenerated Nazi nation with pure insane and utterly barbarism. Finland fought in World War II from 1941 as an ally of Germany because Finland wanted to conquer areas like Germans. The Finns wanted more than just to recapture the lost territories in the so-called Winter War of 1993/40 which lasted 4 months and ended in 1940. The Finnish parliament declared that the aim of the war was to restore the areas lost during the winter war and to gain more areas in the east in order to create a "Greater Finland". President Ryti said this to the Finnish Parliament in 1941. So the Finns wanted to benefit from the expected German victory against the Soviets and additionally conquer more Soviet territory. To win, the Finns supported the Nazi nation in the criminal siege of Leningrad, which was part of the racist war of annihilation against the Slavic population of the Soviet Union. Many Jews also died in the siege. They were supposed to be exterminated like the Slavs. Because the siege was intended to exterminate the population of Leningrad. That's why 1 million people died in Leningrad largely by starvation. Mostly civilians. Which shows that the Finns didn't care that millions of civilians died in this war. The Finns also attacked and besieged Murmansk together with the Germans, which was definitely not a Finnish city either. That is why the British declared war on the Finns and attacked Finnish troops with bombers too. Finland was so the enemy of liberators of Europe because Finland has allied itself with absolute evil. So they themselves became part of the absolute evil! It would have been terrible if the Nazi Nation had won together with the Finns the 2nd world war. This victory would have meant the destruction of the Soviet Union and various genocides against the Slavic peoples of the Soviet Union. But also elsewhere they would have exterminated the Slavs, for example in Poland, whereby they would also have exterminated certain non-Slavic nations. It's a fact that the attack of 1941 served to support the Germans in completely destroying the Soviet Union. The Finns also knew what the Germans were doing, because they were there at the siege of Leningrad. The genocides did not bother them at all and they willingly participated in them as an ally of the Nazi nation.
    Wiki link titled East Karelian concentration camps. Quote: "East Karelian concentration camps were a set of concentration camps operated by the Finnish government in the areas of the Soviet Union occupied by the Finnish troops... These camps were organized by the armed forces supreme commander Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim. The mortality rate of civilians in the camps was high due to famine and disease...Significant numbers of Soviets died in this concentration camps. These were many women, children, and the elderly..." Quote end! Besides that the Finns ultimately fought for the victory of the Nazi nation. In any case, because of the photos shown, I remembered what is often hide by western historians and the media regarding the Finnish alliance with Germany. But the Poles are constantly pointed at with the thick finger and Poles are defamed as a kind of German ally against the Jews. But the western propaganda machine's anti-Polish campaign is another topic.