I think this was a reference to German civilians lynching downed Allied airmen (hence the sirens) because of the devastation caused by the area bombings?
I actually got a warning about it at quarter to eleven and reminded all colleagues I saw (started with my favourite pregnant colleague). But we still all got a small heart attack when it started.
The grandpa: „Nicht schon wieder, Du hast das Unheil über uns gebracht! Dieses mal nicht!“ 😂😂 I think he was remembering the Lancasters and Halifaxes. 😮
Because she forgot to drink during pregnancy. An ancient german law that doesn't exist says "a baby has to get at least 10 beer injections before it can walk."
@@casperbetz1949 wel... achktzuallyyyyyeee... The first RAF raid on Berlin took place on the night of 25 August 1940. Which is reputedly what made Hitler switch from bombing airfields to bombing cities during The Battle of Britain.
@@Unknown_flower25 Eigentlich gar nicht so lustig, wenn man weiß, daß englische Kriegsverbrecher Millionen deutsche Kinder, Frauen und alte Zivilisten in Ihren Häusern ermordet und lebendig verbrannt, begragen und ihre Lungen durch Brand- und Sprengbonben verbrand und zum platzen gebracht haben. Naja, wenn man bischen dumm ist, wirkt die Welt vielleicht einfach lustig, manchmal frage ich mich, ob dumme menschen wie du einfach glücklicher sind, wenn sie selbst nicht merken, wie dumm sie sind???=?
@@samysdeferBei meinem Xiaomi mit seinem MIUI ist genau der Teil der Einstellungen kaputtoptimiert :( Denke aber das ist schon zur richtigen Zeit aufgenommen, oder zumindest ein Screenshot erstellt. Die Zeit nachher reinzufaken wäre zu umständlich, wenn man es auch so haben kann.
Ich glaube eher er hat das Video im vornherein schon geplant und die Aufnahmen zum Zeitpunkt der Warnung gemacht, um sie dann später nutzen zu können. :D
In NZ if you live in coastal towns, once or twice a year they practice Tsunami warning drills, so you get a text warning drill is due, and they like this, blaring air raid siren noise, blinking text, with Be Calm, just a warning, before test if sirens. They are deafening, especially if its middle of the night or early AM. Then the siren itself happens which is almost anti-climax
@@Senya19 Just please read my last post or deliberate. There were no smartphones but tvs, radio and sirens wailing. The guy over there just means that people in the 40s have memories of this dangerous time.
@@Anna.K..there’s also still some living WW2 soldiers still. Not a lot, sadly, as they were truly the last great generation & a lot of history has died with them 😞
I'm French and got to Germany a week ago, I had no idea what it was, I panic-deleted it and was afraid about what was happening, it scared the life out of me
dont be scared my friend its a good idea to train these catastrophic events , should europe do more often (now I give you a warning that you don't be scared: tomorrow it is again! dont panic and chill easily)
@@rispruffcuts2306 thank you for the heads up! I agree that more countries should do it, it just caught me off guard and I panicked because I don't have a good level in German yet and didn't understand what was happening 😅 (also panic-deleting the message didn't help me understanding it)
@@outrider425 Yes, but "A fearful population is easier to control". Like the air-raid-style emergency-siren they tested at least one time randomly each month [near where i stayed in Germany]... it seems like something [one more thing] that is there to make everyone have fear and angst/anxiety. i don't know if it is deliberate 'Psychological warfare' (brainwashing) starting at first as children and continue -_- or just because news story about bad things sell more and attract more interest to humans (again psychology), but it is not very healthy to have too much stress (it physically makes you sick/weak among other things!). Not a good combination with modern persons' lifestyle lacking of enough exercise! /rant
Don't worry... they won't sound it in time in case of a nuclear war or something. THey will just use it to stirr panic for the 2nd retarded C-total-death-virus scare. I wouldn't pay much attention to it. There are better ways to get warnings much more ahead of things.
@@Jacky-zt5cher dachte Liam hätte das unheil über sie gebracht, daher dachte er warscheinlich eher dass die Briten deutschland mal wieder bombardieren wollten. Hat wohl nich mitbekommen dass ww2 vorbei ist.
Schlimm genug, dass es zig Anspielungen auf den zweiten Weltkrieg von englischsprachigen Leuten unter jedem Video mit deutschen gibt. Fang Du bitte nicht auch noch damit an.
10:30 in the morning, I was still sleeping and then this went off. The shrill tone of it makes you experience an evolved kind of dread never experienced before The sound itself literally turned my dream into a nightmare until I realized we had alarm day and this was supposed to happen
HAS everybody forgotten the Cold war, & the frontline was the East/West German borders? WW2 was before that, & only lasted for roughly 5 years. The Cold War lasted for decades.
@@B1GdipperI was thinking the same thing, boomers were (obviously) born right after WWII. Gramps would be too young for that, my best bet is that it reminded him of nuclear strike drills in the BRD or DDR.
Old German Man is a goddamn _menace_ but also so accurate because every. Single. Warntag. I just see lots and lots of completely terrified and confused old people who don't read the news or look at their phones.
"Du hast das Unheil über uns gebracht...!" xDDDD Oh mandu bist einfach n cooler Typ, danke für deine Videos.^^ Ich als Deutscher muss ständig lachen =D
Honestly.. everyone at work got the alarm, except for me. We joked that if the world is ending, I'm gonna be the one continuing to work like nothing's wrong cuz nobody told me it's ending
Mein handy mit 2 sim karten hat die meldungen doppelt erhalten, sogar mein geschäftshandy ohne sim karte das ich nur für die 2 faktor authentifizierung nutze hat aus der tasche gehäult. Schau mal in den einstellungen ob du solche alarme ausgemacht hast.
@@juliusnebulus7303 Wir Jerries haben ja leider auch angefangen!! Kein Wunder also! (Zum Glück hat mein Großonkel nur beste Erfahrungen in englischer Gefangenschaft gemacht und gute Freunde gefunden! Meine Mutter wurde von einem englischen Ehepaar, von dem der jüdische Mann als Junge nach England geflohen war, als au-pair aufgenommen und hat auch dort nur beste Erfahrungen gemacht. Jahrzehnte später hat ihr Chor mit einem englischen Chor aus (dem grausam bombardierten) Coventry und einem polnischen Orchester in Hamburg Benjamin Britten's War Requiem aufgeführt - ich bin so dankbar für diese versöhnlichen, guten Erfahrungen - und dankbar für Liam (okay, als meine Eltern 2022 ihre Schottland-Irland-Reise hatten, ging mitten in der Nacht ein Feueralarm im Hotel los, und mein Vater, der 1944 geboren ist und als Kleinkind auf der Flucht Fliegeralarme und -angriffe mitbekommen hat, ist hochgeschreckt und gar nicht richtig wachgeworden und hat völlig panisch mit leerem Blick meine Mutter geschüttelt "Was ist los? Was ist los?" (so ähnlich wie unser Meckeropa hier!) Dann ist er erst wieder zu sich gekommen. Da ist wohl was getriggert worden, aber wie gesagt, wir haben angefangen!) Sorry, Liam, für Meckeropa's Beinah-Attacke!
I was in school in History when this happened. Our teacher nearly gave us detention because she thought we were playing a practical joke on her and we’re lying when we said it was it actually was. Then her phone started shrieking too
@@schmetterling9277Kein Affe sagt mobile phone, das ist wie im Deutschen Mobiltelefon statt Handy zu sagen. Umgangssprachlich eher einfach phone, evtl cellphone oder smartphone.
I have to work night shifts, so I was incredibly thankful that I remembered to put my phone OUT of the bedroom. Last time it scared the crap out of me, it's so loud!!
As a Canadian, you’ll get used to it sure, but in the back of my mind I’ll always think there’s Kim-Jung-Un’s autographed nuke coming straight for us during every Amber Alert 😂
I'm from Ukraine, we have air raid alerts daily and when a system like this was being tested during the war, it still scared the sh*t out of us. I was at work and everyone's phones started beeping like crazy, we thought it was nuclear weapon alert 😱
We had it in the uk too. Those of us with brains just went to our phone settings before it even happened and turned off emergency alerts. I’ll decide when shit’s hitting the fan, not the government or WEF
@@susivioletta7600sorry? This test was scheduled in advance. The public here knew and by that the teacher definetely could've known. Either that was sarcastic, or outside of germany or exactly what you wrote. My german ass can't figure it out, sorry😂
@@susivioletta7600 Mag sein. Aber wir nutzen eigentlich ja auch einen stark sarkastischen Unterton beim Reden. Kann man beim schreiben schlecht raushören. Aber war ja klar dass du Deutsch sprichst. Dein originaler Kommentar hatte alles, von Punktation bis hin zur Rechtschreibung. Hätt ich mir denken können😂
Isn't it handy to have a supercomputer in your pocket? ^^ So just call it what it is ... handy ... °L° Or supercomputer, but that may be a little long xD
There are many rumors how that name came to be, the most accepted one is, A high politian was visiting a technology show where the first wireless phones where shown and he asked in a thick accent "hänn die kei schnur?" Which translates to "dont they have wires?". "Hänn die" became "handy", and this is how the word was born long before most people even knew the technology existed.
Genau. Letztes Jahr ging's bei mir / uns in der Kreisstadt nicht. Hab daraufhin auf der Feedback Seite für den Warntag sie "zur Sau" gemacht (nicht wirklich), weil in einem Ernstfall hätte meine gesamte Heimatstadt darunter zu leiden gehabt. Schön zu sehen, dass es mal so langsam läuft aufm Smartphone. Sirene lief trotzdem nicht.
Bei mir nicht. Letztes Jahr hab ich zumindest die Nachricht bekommen, dass es ein Warnsignal geben wird. Dieses Mal hat mein Mann mich gefragt ob ichs mitbekommen habe und ich habe ihn nur gefragt: was mitbekommen? Das wunderbare deutsche Netz auf dem Land.
Bei mir nicht, hab gar nichts mitbekommen, erst jetzt durch das Video😅 Weder auf dem Handy noch von Sirenen, aber die gibt's auf dem Land halt auch nicht😅
I was at my Deutschkurs and it started and what was funny was that not all cellphones ringed at the same time so for about 15min we couldn't really make class. I knew it would happen because I read it on the news in der UBahn.
In Denmark it's once a year too. Some people get mildly surprised by it. However, to not upset the many refugees from for example Ukraine, the test was widely announced beforehand, a lot more than usual, also in other languages. It always takes place at noon on the same weekday in late spring. Which weekday? I won't tell - if the enemy found out they could use it to schedule an attack, and noone would react to the sirens. 😂 It was more frequent years ago (monthly or weekly, can't remember), but now most tests are silent - the "loud" test is just as much a reminder for people, so they recognise it. It is also used locally, for example if an area is affected by toxic smoke from a large fire, which happens sometimes. Expected action: go indoors, close windows, check the news.
thanks for reminding me, i've now disabled these alerts. if only there was an option to keep them without the siren, but i'm too lazy to make that and sure no one else will
This was my first Warntag. I about freaked out cause I immediately swiped out of the notification, and when the sirens went off, I was terrified what they meant until I got the phone notification again. 😅
@@gamerdrache6076I'm German, never heard about this thing until my phone nearly exploded two days ago & tried to give me heart failure. I'll permanently off it, if there ever is a war on, these sudden BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPs are lethal, there is a better chance to survive the nuke! 😅
Die Charaktere sind auch so glaubwürdig, weil du perfektes Englisch (offensichtlich) und auch echt gutes Deutsch sprichst und einen verrückt guten deutschen Akzent nachahmst... 😮
My friend came to visit me in Kansas and the first thing he heard was the tornado siren. He jumped out of his skin! I had completely forgotten to warn him. That was a special "Welcome to Kansas," 😂
Grandpa unlocked some forbidden memories
Austrian painter.
I think this was a reference to German civilians lynching downed Allied airmen (hence the sirens) because of the devastation caused by the area bombings?
absolutely not
The german Baby drinking BIER is just perfection .😂
Die Bier
It scared the hell out of me today. We all collectively forgot about it at work
Eri in Puglia?!?!
I actually got a warning about it at quarter to eleven and reminded all colleagues I saw (started with my favourite pregnant colleague). But we still all got a small heart attack when it started.
We didn't and it wasn't even loud, we could only hear the other classrooms
SAME man I was sleeping woke up almost shit myself I had no idea my phone could even get this loud
i was asleep having a nightmare, i had a dream about purge irl at my house and suddenly i woke up to this noisy beep it scared the shit out of me
The grandpa: „Nicht schon wieder, Du hast das Unheil über uns gebracht! Dieses mal nicht!“ 😂😂
I think he was remembering the Lancasters and Halifaxes. 😮
Bakı emiziyi sensen? İlhamın avrasıya emiziyi?
Like a proper german he has posted it at the right time. I'm so proud of him 😊
better schedule than the deutsche bahn 😭
@@Lifeline4603💀💀😭 HELP-
Que cara de aleman tiene este alemán
And he recorded his phone right for 11:00 am
@@Lifeline4603die Deutsche Bahn: 👁👄👁
wow, she threw the nail thingy and not the little human thingy. So caring and selfless she's become :D
And giving baby some beer...
@@MiaMerkur a propa mum
@@MiaMerkur 💀 i thought it was milk
How will the baby grow his resistance like that?
@@MiaMerkurthat is just her being European. Nothing to worry about. 🙃
The "that's generous Guido" really got me XD
But he's right. You can't tell me a 8 from Guido isn't generous
Come on Guido is very generous guy
Same XD
Liam in make up, as a mother, chewing gum is my favourite ❤😂
The chest hair is the best part 😂😂😂😂
He pull it off too. Trixie and Katya would be proud 😂
He's so very attractive, yes
That's not Liam, guys. It's his wife. 🤨
@@ukoutlaw5238 No, it's not Liam's wife Valerie. This is Liam in disguise 🥸
„Nicht schon wieder“
Zu gut ☠️😂
Wir haben in der Schule gefreut 😂😂😂 und eigentlich haben wir das Unheil gebracht 😂😂😂
Die beste Linie😂
Love the addition of Shppping Queen 👍 Nobody admits to watching it but everybody does 😂
Of course the German baby gets bottle-fed beer…of course
Because she forgot to drink during pregnancy. An ancient german law that doesn't exist says "a baby has to get at least 10 beer injections before it can walk."
Beer glass with sucking adapter
.... ein Nuckelbier😂
@@michaelburggraf2822that is the greatest stuff i've heard today😂
not really, you know...
„Dieses Mal nicht "
Danke für die tollen Videos
Grandpa was probably thinking about the 1940 air raid alarm. Of course you suspect the Englishman first 🤣
That's why that grandpa really destroyed me at that moment 😂😂😂
Wrong year. The 1940 air raid alarm went off somewhere else entirely, so to speak.
@@casperbetz1949 wel... achktzuallyyyyyeee... The first RAF raid on Berlin took place on the night of 25 August 1940. Which is reputedly what made Hitler switch from bombing airfields to bombing cities during The Battle of Britain.
Grandpa had flashbacks to the broken glass and krystal night
duuuuu hast das unheil über uns gebracht xD der alte mann ist immer der beste
My favorite personage
Grandpa: "Du hast das Unheil über uns gebracht"
Englishman: has no idea what is going on
Beim Opa musste ich so lachen 😂😂😂
"dieses mal nicht"...
@@Unknown_flower25 Eigentlich gar nicht so lustig, wenn man weiß, daß englische Kriegsverbrecher Millionen deutsche Kinder, Frauen und alte Zivilisten in Ihren Häusern ermordet und lebendig verbrannt, begragen und ihre Lungen durch Brand- und Sprengbonben verbrand und zum platzen gebracht haben. Naja, wenn man bischen dumm ist, wirkt die Welt vielleicht einfach lustig, manchmal frage ich mich, ob dumme menschen wie du einfach glücklicher sind, wenn sie selbst nicht merken, wie dumm sie sind???=?
Der Opa weiß es noch von früher
The child drinking beer 😂
Er hat wirklich gewartet bis der arlarm leutet einfach eine Legende😂
"Alarm läutet"
kann man auch nochmal abspielen lassen 😬 Diese Benachrichtigungen werden alle auf deinem Handy gespeichert
@@samysdeferBei meinem Xiaomi mit seinem MIUI ist genau der Teil der Einstellungen kaputtoptimiert :(
Denke aber das ist schon zur richtigen Zeit aufgenommen, oder zumindest ein Screenshot erstellt. Die Zeit nachher reinzufaken wäre zu umständlich, wenn man es auch so haben kann.
Ich glaube eher er hat das Video im vornherein schon geplant und die Aufnahmen zum Zeitpunkt der Warnung gemacht, um sie dann später nutzen zu können. :D
@@Kartoffi Klar war das geplant, vielleicht sogar teilweise vorproduziert, um es möglichst zeitnah fertig zu haben.
In NZ if you live in coastal towns, once or twice a year they practice Tsunami warning drills, so you get a text warning drill is due, and they like this, blaring air raid siren noise, blinking text, with Be Calm, just a warning, before test if sirens. They are deafening, especially if its middle of the night or early AM. Then the siren itself happens which is almost anti-climax
The old man must have had some flashbacks from the 40s.
Thats not so far-fetched. There r living old people, who witnessed WW2 as conscious children (not babies)or very young teens
Yee, when his mobilephone went off in the 40's it was horrible 😂
@@Senya19ahhh.. now I understand ...www2 flashback
@@Senya19 Just please read my last post or deliberate. There were no smartphones but tvs, radio and sirens wailing. The guy over there just means that people in the 40s have memories of this dangerous time.
@@Anna.K..there’s also still some living WW2 soldiers still. Not a lot, sadly, as they were truly the last great generation & a lot of history has died with them 😞
You are a Genius. Humor with reflection of our common history of Europe. Congratulations ilarius and intelligent
ilarious ?
😂 looks good, creative!
I'm French and got to Germany a week ago, I had no idea what it was, I panic-deleted it and was afraid about what was happening, it scared the life out of me
dont be scared my friend its a good idea to train these catastrophic events , should europe do more often (now I give you a warning that you don't be scared: tomorrow it is again! dont panic and chill easily)
@@rispruffcuts2306 thank you for the heads up! I agree that more countries should do it, it just caught me off guard and I panicked because I don't have a good level in German yet and didn't understand what was happening 😅 (also panic-deleting the message didn't help me understanding it)
@@rispruffcuts2306if they keep doing it nobody will take it seriously in an actual emergency 😂
@@outrider425 Yes, but "A fearful population is easier to control". Like the air-raid-style emergency-siren they tested at least one time randomly each month [near where i stayed in Germany]... it seems like something [one more thing] that is there to make everyone have fear and angst/anxiety. i don't know if it is deliberate 'Psychological warfare' (brainwashing) starting at first as children and continue -_- or just because news story about bad things sell more and attract more interest to humans (again psychology), but it is not very healthy to have too much stress (it physically makes you sick/weak among other things!). Not a good combination with modern persons' lifestyle lacking of enough exercise! /rant
Don't worry... they won't sound it in time in case of a nuclear war or something. THey will just use it to stirr panic for the 2nd retarded C-total-death-virus scare. I wouldn't pay much attention to it. There are better ways to get warnings much more ahead of things.
And we have been living with these sounds for 2.5 years, and it's not a test, even close...
Greetings from Ukraine.
... "nicht schon wieder" ... Bombenangriff 😂 💣✈️💥
Diese verdammte RAF!
@@Jacky-zt5cher dachte Liam hätte das unheil über sie gebracht, daher dachte er warscheinlich eher dass die Briten deutschland mal wieder bombardieren wollten. Hat wohl nich mitbekommen dass ww2 vorbei ist.
Schlimm genug, dass es zig Anspielungen auf den zweiten Weltkrieg von englischsprachigen Leuten unter jedem Video mit deutschen gibt. Fang Du bitte nicht auch noch damit an.
Nö, "die Russen kommen"-Ekaaaart!@@Jacky-zt5ch
Liam, you are a treasure, these shorts never fail to make me laugh :D Opa is slowly turning into my favourite role of yours :'D
Du hast das Unheil über uns gebracht! 😂
10:30 in the morning, I was still sleeping and then this went off. The shrill tone of it makes you experience an evolved kind of dread never experienced before
The sound itself literally turned my dream into a nightmare until I realized we had alarm day and this was supposed to happen
it is so nice to live in the neighbourhood of the air siren that is meant to warn the entire city (:
I feel you, but they test it every Saturday here
You tell me. In high school I had lessons in the classroom just below it at time of the monthly test.
Grandpa was so prepared. You took the fun from him
When sirens are on, OPA gets flashbacks from wehrmacht times :)
yea as a german 120 year old grandpa i can confirm that i got flashbacks to the good old times( i am actually german)
"TOOKS HIS Bayonett to hit the Tommy!" 😂
HAS everybody forgotten the Cold war, & the frontline was the East/West German borders?
WW2 was before that, & only lasted for roughly 5 years. The Cold War lasted for decades.
@@B1GdipperI was thinking the same thing, boomers were (obviously) born right after WWII. Gramps would be too young for that, my best bet is that it reminded him of nuclear strike drills in the BRD or DDR.
"That's generous, Guido!"
😂 ❤ 😂
Thank you, Liam! ❤
Langsam aber sicher wird sie eine richtig gute Mutter 🎉😂
Will garnicht wissen wie viele Kinder schon dran glauben mussten 😂
Stimmt, diesmal wurde es ja gar nicht weggepfeffert. War so auf das Bier fixiert lol
Old German Man is a goddamn _menace_ but also so accurate because every. Single. Warntag. I just see lots and lots of completely terrified and confused old people who don't read the news or look at their phones.
POV being at the Bundesjugendspiele and 1000 Phones turn on💀
My Galaxy S8 didn´t even go off😂😂
Hahahaha uff makes it even worse than it is first hand. Although funny experience I guess, can also lighten this nightmare up a little bit I suppose 😂
Ja wenn schon, dann volle Dröhnung😂
Bundesjugendspiele im September? Sind die nicht immer vor den Ferien?
Ich hatte ein Sportfest in der Schule und es sind auch dort 1000 handys an gegangen
Shopping queen is the only reason i still watch TV😂😭
German here, didn't read the news. Scared the hell outta me.
Mann, dabei haben sie's die ganze Zeit immer wieder im Radio gesagt😅
@@michaelburggraf2822 Da hab ich lieber einen kleinen Herzinfarkt, als Radio zu hören^^
@@michaelburggraf2822man bist du cool. Immer informiert
Were coming from the English channel
My phone didn't even alert me. Great job.
„Das nowwann ried tze nuus“ is so real
so erschrocken vorhin.. wusste nicht, dass das heute wieder ist
Wurde ja nur die letzten 2 wochen jeden tag überall erwähnt 🤦♂️
@@Ugin_Spiritdragon"überall" aufjedenfall nicht.
hatte auch keine ahnung davon.
aber ich schaue auch kein fernsehen mehr, also kein wunder.
@@CrolyGiart also abgesehen von tv habe ich es auf reddit, Handy Nachrichten, im Radio, auf Facebook/Twitter/Insta und durch Kollegen mitbekommen.
Immer wenn Schule ist best
@@CrolyGiartDann hör mal morgens Radio.
I love how he can immitate the german accent 😂😂😂
"Du hast das Unheil über uns gebracht...!" xDDDD Oh mandu bist einfach n cooler Typ, danke für deine Videos.^^ Ich als Deutscher muss ständig lachen =D
The way he says Guido is so wholesome
Honestly.. everyone at work got the alarm, except for me. We joked that if the world is ending, I'm gonna be the one continuing to work like nothing's wrong cuz nobody told me it's ending
Mein handy mit 2 sim karten hat die meldungen doppelt erhalten, sogar mein geschäftshandy ohne sim karte das ich nur für die 2 faktor authentifizierung nutze hat aus der tasche gehäult.
Schau mal in den einstellungen ob du solche alarme ausgemacht hast.
Same 😅
Hab den alarm in verschiedene sprachen erhalten jedoch nur tonlos. Nur vibration wesshalb ich dachte jemand ruft mich an.
Also mein altes Galaxy S5mini hat nichts bekommen. 😂
@@dracko2.026Die Front hat angerufen
In the Netherlands all airraid sirenes go off first monday of every month at 12:00!
11:00 Every phone sounds the alarm, sirens join in 3 seconds later.
12:47: Siren at the train station joins in.
Less than two hours of a delay? DB is improving, I see.
@@michimatsch5862underrated comment 😅
@@michimatsch5862DB: Schreib das auf, SCHREIB DAS AUF!
The „thats generous guido“ took me out right at the start☠️😂😂😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️
Der Alte mann, zu allem entschlossen 🤣
Ww2 flashbacks. Deswegen ging er auch auf liam, den Briten los. Die ham uns damals ziemlich bombardiert.
@@juliusnebulus7303 Wir Jerries haben ja leider auch angefangen!! Kein Wunder also! (Zum Glück hat mein Großonkel nur beste Erfahrungen in englischer Gefangenschaft gemacht und gute Freunde gefunden! Meine Mutter wurde von einem englischen Ehepaar, von dem der jüdische Mann als Junge nach England geflohen war, als au-pair aufgenommen und hat auch dort nur beste Erfahrungen gemacht. Jahrzehnte später hat ihr Chor mit einem englischen Chor aus (dem grausam bombardierten) Coventry und einem polnischen Orchester in Hamburg Benjamin Britten's War Requiem aufgeführt - ich bin so dankbar für diese versöhnlichen, guten Erfahrungen - und dankbar für Liam (okay, als meine Eltern 2022 ihre Schottland-Irland-Reise hatten, ging mitten in der Nacht ein Feueralarm im Hotel los, und mein Vater, der 1944 geboren ist und als Kleinkind auf der Flucht Fliegeralarme und -angriffe mitbekommen hat, ist hochgeschreckt und gar nicht richtig wachgeworden und hat völlig panisch mit leerem Blick meine Mutter geschüttelt "Was ist los? Was ist los?" (so ähnlich wie unser Meckeropa hier!) Dann ist er erst wieder zu sich gekommen. Da ist wohl was getriggert worden, aber wie gesagt, wir haben angefangen!) Sorry, Liam, für Meckeropa's Beinah-Attacke!
I was in school in History when this happened. Our teacher nearly gave us detention because she thought we were playing a practical joke on her and we’re lying when we said it was it actually was. Then her phone started shrieking too
My handy was in my bag and i only hear that beeping.
I was thinking 5 minutes straight that my computer was broken 😅
"Handy" benutzen nur die deutschen, im englischen versteht das kaum jemand :)
@@RF-qy8vr ich liebe es Dinge zu tun die exklusiv Deutsche tun 😊
OMG a handy means mobile phone😭i love it
Das heisst mobile phone auf Englisch 😅
@@schmetterling9277Kein Affe sagt mobile phone, das ist wie im Deutschen Mobiltelefon statt Handy zu sagen.
Umgangssprachlich eher einfach phone, evtl cellphone oder smartphone.
The old man saying "Nicht schon wieder!" had me in cracks... :D
I have to work night shifts, so I was incredibly thankful that I remembered to put my phone OUT of the bedroom. Last time it scared the crap out of me, it's so loud!!
As a Canadian, you’ll get used to it sure, but in the back of my mind I’ll always think there’s Kim-Jung-Un’s autographed nuke coming straight for us during every Amber Alert 😂
Liam is the perfect example that brits do have the best humour ever
Thats Racist, Idiot!
Und sehr kreativ❤
Oh jemand ist frisch verheiratet!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch 🎉🎊🍾😁
I'm glad we get these warning via smartphone now in Germany. they are already standard for natural disasters in many other countries.
I'm from Ukraine, we have air raid alerts daily and when a system like this was being tested during the war, it still scared the sh*t out of us. I was at work and everyone's phones started beeping like crazy, we thought it was nuclear weapon alert 😱
@@choseensoiI hope you are safe where you are! I wish you great strength for the future 🙏
@@solala1312 Thank you 🫶🏻
As long as it works. I didn't get any alert 😅
@@sayuri7490 hehehe me too, have a Samsung mini S5 from the last century
When I grew up, that tone had one and only one meaning - imminent nuclear attack. I still nearly have heart failure every time I hear it.
Nächstes Mal bitte um 3 Uhr nachts 😂
Ja echt so, da bin ich wenigstens wach. Ich meine, 11 Uhr morgens ist doch Prime-Schlafenszeit. 🤣
ja aber bitte nur in Bielefeld!
I really cant Tell you how good your Channel is .... Its beyond awesome 😅
Ganz grosses Kino, herzlichen Dank 😂❤
We had it in the uk too. Those of us with brains just went to our phone settings before it even happened and turned off emergency alerts. I’ll decide when shit’s hitting the fan, not the government or WEF
Hat mich voll aus meinem Schlaf geweckt XD.
In Germany, Shopping Queen is a must, always on time at 3:00 p.m. the TV must be on VOX 😂
We were writing a test when this came😂
That’s annoying, but I mean there was really no way the teacher could have known about today and scheduled the test at another date.
I had an exam when it happened. Luckily almost all students shut their phones off.
@@susivioletta7600sorry? This test was scheduled in advance. The public here knew and by that the teacher definetely could've known.
Either that was sarcastic, or outside of germany or exactly what you wrote. My german ass can't figure it out, sorry😂
@@juliusnebulus7303 Sarkasmus ist normalerweise ein Deutsches Ding 🙃
@@susivioletta7600 Mag sein. Aber wir nutzen eigentlich ja auch einen stark sarkastischen Unterton beim Reden. Kann man beim schreiben schlecht raushören.
Aber war ja klar dass du Deutsch sprichst. Dein originaler Kommentar hatte alles, von Punktation bis hin zur Rechtschreibung. Hätt ich mir denken können😂
As a german baby i can confirm that i drink beer
Thankfully i was sitting on the toilet when the alarm began beeping.. otherwise id have to wash my pants now 😂
Baby getting beer😂
Das Baby kriegt Bier😂
I was today years old when i learned"handy"means mobile phone in German 😭😂😂
Isn't it handy to have a supercomputer in your pocket? ^^
So just call it what it is ... handy ... °L° Or supercomputer, but that may be a little long xD
There are many rumors how that name came to be, the most accepted one is,
A high politian was visiting a technology show where the first wireless phones where shown and he asked in a thick accent "hänn die kei schnur?" Which translates to "dont they have wires?". "Hänn die" became "handy", and this is how the word was born long before most people even knew the technology existed.
Its kinda funny bc Germans that cant speak english very well think a phone is called handy too in english lol
We have those too in Canada. It always scares the crap out of me!
I *need* that baby feeding bottle 😁
Usually I see it in advance and am mentally prepared and look at the clock but my heart still skips a beat when it starts.
Immerhinhat es diesmal funktioniert.
Genau. Letztes Jahr ging's bei mir / uns in der Kreisstadt nicht. Hab daraufhin auf der Feedback Seite für den Warntag sie "zur Sau" gemacht (nicht wirklich), weil in einem Ernstfall hätte meine gesamte Heimatstadt darunter zu leiden gehabt. Schön zu sehen, dass es mal so langsam läuft aufm Smartphone. Sirene lief trotzdem nicht.
@@heramaaroricon4738hätte dir meine Warnung abgegeben absolut nervig der Dreck
Bei mir nicht. Letztes Jahr hab ich zumindest die Nachricht bekommen, dass es ein Warnsignal geben wird. Dieses Mal hat mein Mann mich gefragt ob ichs mitbekommen habe und ich habe ihn nur gefragt: was mitbekommen? Das wunderbare deutsche Netz auf dem Land.
Also bei uns hängt es immer noch an mir meiner Mutter zu sagen dass die welt untergeht XD
Bei mir nicht, hab gar nichts mitbekommen, erst jetzt durch das Video😅 Weder auf dem Handy noch von Sirenen, aber die gibt's auf dem Land halt auch nicht😅
"That's generous Guido" realest shit I have ever heard
I was at my Deutschkurs and it started and what was funny was that not all cellphones ringed at the same time so for about 15min we couldn't really make class. I knew it would happen because I read it on the news in der UBahn.
She gives beer to her baby😂😂😂
Grandpa thought it was Dresden 45 all over again
"Ahh I missed it" is so relatable
I knew about it, talked to my colleague about it like 20 minutes before, but was freaked out by that freaking sudden sound anyway 😂😂😂
Yeah, me, too. Turned it off so fast to stop this stressing noise, that I couldn't read the message 🙄
One of the best clips. "You brought disaster upon us" - "Not this time." xD
In the countryside the test is every week, so I don't get spooked. But if I was in the city, I would probably get a fright at first.
When we test the sirenes our smartphones don't ring though.
“That’s generous, Guido” hat mich gekillt 😂😂😂
"Du hast das Unheil über uns gebracht...: 😂
It killed me when he spit out the tea😂😂
That happens also once a year in Korea. Practicing how to be safe when the war happens.
In Denmark it's once a year too. Some people get mildly surprised by it. However, to not upset the many refugees from for example Ukraine, the test was widely announced beforehand, a lot more than usual, also in other languages.
It always takes place at noon on the same weekday in late spring. Which weekday? I won't tell - if the enemy found out they could use it to schedule an attack, and noone would react to the sirens. 😂
It was more frequent years ago (monthly or weekly, can't remember), but now most tests are silent - the "loud" test is just as much a reminder for people, so they recognise it. It is also used locally, for example if an area is affected by toxic smoke from a large fire, which happens sometimes. Expected action: go indoors, close windows, check the news.
thanks for reminding me, i've now disabled these alerts. if only there was an option to keep them without the siren, but i'm too lazy to make that and sure no one else will
The "Aw" sounds the same whether it is him or his wife :-D So cute
I love the way he spit his tea out
Every Saturday in Austra: 11:58 sirene sounds: "Oh, lunch is ready!"
Opa is my ultimate fav! 🤣🤣 Immer hardcore!
This was my first Warntag. I about freaked out cause I immediately swiped out of the notification, and when the sirens went off, I was terrified what they meant until I got the phone notification again. 😅
You're not from Germany or why is it youre first ?
@@gamerdrache6076 We moved to Germany because of the US army. :)
@@MJBlueRaptor I m from germany hope you a nice time here because we really need you because our Army is shit
@@gamerdrache6076 Aw, thanks for the welcome! I’m glad to be here, your country is sehr schön! 😊
@@gamerdrache6076I'm German, never heard about this thing until my phone nearly exploded two days ago & tried to give me heart failure. I'll permanently off it, if there ever is a war on, these sudden BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPs are lethal, there is a better chance to survive the nuke! 😅
Die Charaktere sind auch so glaubwürdig, weil du perfektes Englisch (offensichtlich) und auch echt gutes Deutsch sprichst und einen verrückt guten deutschen Akzent nachahmst... 😮
It scared the shit out of me.
The baby bottle shaped like a beer glass puts a smile on my face :D
The first time my wife heard the sirens blaring all over town she thought the world was ending 😂
i heard that alarm sound throughout the whole neighborhood lol. Looked out the window and heard frantic neighbors talking while the sound goes on
literally feeds her baby beer 😂
No smile detected . 😮
Guido should have smiled from the TV 😂.
Der Opa hat flashbacks bekommen💀
Immer während Arbeiten und Tests in der Schule😂😂
My friend came to visit me in Kansas and the first thing he heard was the tornado siren. He jumped out of his skin! I had completely forgotten to warn him.
That was a special "Welcome to Kansas," 😂
"You've brought this upon us"😂😂😂😂