One Day / When We All Get To Heaven - Rachel Larson Ford w/ Grace & Joseph

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • This is an amazing song.
    Song - One Day / When We all get to Heaven
    Artist - Rachel Ford, Grace Brumley, Joseph Larson
    Our aim is to remind Christians, God is not coming back for a Bride that has mastered the art of entertainment along with impersonating Rock Stars. God is still interested in Praise and Worship that flows from a broken and contrite spirit. It is our hope this song will minister to you as you minister to HIM and will usher you into the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, JESUS.
    If you would like more information you can visit us at:
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    Facebook - @wmfamilyworship


  • @demonjames2767
    @demonjames2767 5 місяців тому +2

    I love Rachel's voice,

  • @demonjames2767
    @demonjames2767 5 місяців тому +1


  • @robertblessing7772
    @robertblessing7772 3 місяці тому

    Please come back to SBN
    Missing you so much.

  • @NeilRoy
    @NeilRoy 2 роки тому

    Nobody goes to heaven...
    John 3:13 (NIV)
    "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven-the Son of Man."
    The dead are all still in their graves when Jesus returns, awaiting the resurrection...
    John 5:28-29 (NIV)
    “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out-those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned.”

    • @pkcyang2910
      @pkcyang2910 Рік тому

      I believe our body is in the grave but the soul is alive and with Jesus. I know this because when my grandfather died, he came to me ina dream with Jesus by his side. He told me that, "today I'm with Jesus. Keep your faith and one day we all will be reunited". When my grandmother passed away, my aunt saw her transform into a young lady with a white gown in her dream. My aunt saw her in her hospital room after she passed away with her hands lifted up and said, father. Then the room became bright and suddenly she transformed. Jesus said, if you believe in me, even though you died, you will live.

    • @NeilRoy
      @NeilRoy Рік тому

      @@pkcyang2910 Sorry for your loss, but that was just a dream. God's word clearly states that when we die, we remain dead. When Jesus returns, He resurrects everyone out of their GRAVES... they are still dead and in their graves. Jesus and the apostles often referred to it as sleeping in the dust of the earth. When Lazarus died, he remained dead for four days. He didn't go to heaven or anywhere, but he remained dead until Jesus resurrected him again. In your grandfather's mind, he will remember those last moments of his life just before he died. He died and in the next instant in HIS mind, He will be alive again at the resurrection when Christ raises him back up, unaware that he was ever dead.
      Nobody goes to heaven, hell is a myth (the name of a Roman goddess of the underworld actually), and death... is death. It is not life as a spirit being, but it is the lack of life, in a deep sleep in the dust of the Earth until Jesus resurrects us again. The heaven and hell doctrine comes from an ancient Babylonian religion called "Zoroastrianism" which was adopted by the Romans and the Roman Catholics, but is not supported in your Bible at all. The truth is not a bad thing, everyone that has ever died is still dead, but they're not suffering, they're simply sleeping until Christ raises them again. That is what my Bible teaches and so that is all I believe. Anything else is man made and not wise to continue to believe it as God hates man made ideas.

    • @pkcyang2910
      @pkcyang2910 Рік тому

      @NeilRoy if that is the case then Jesus would not tell the theif on the cross that "today you will be in paradise with me".

    • @NeilRoy
      @NeilRoy Рік тому

      @@pkcyang2910 I keep seeing that reference. But... Jesus didn't promise the thief that he would go to heaven, did he? Now you ASSUME that "paradise" means "heaven", but your assumption is proved false when you read John 3:13 which clearly states that nobody goes to heaven. Did I write those Bible verses? You act like I wrote them. I only quoted them. Now do you BELIEVE what Jesus said (not Neil) in John 3:13 or not? As for the thief, well, Jesus NEVER WENT TO HEAVEN THE DAY HE DIED. Jesus died and remained dead for three full days. When He finally rose from the dead over three days later and Mary Magdelin found Him, He told her not to touch Him because He had not YET ascended to His Father in heaven! So did Jesus lie to the thief? Of course not. What Jesus meant when He said that to the thief was that he was verifying that as of that moment, that day, that thief's salvation was secure and that on the last day, when EVERYONE is resurrected, that thief would be in paradise with Jesus... where will paradise be? Not in heaven. When Jesus returns, HE RULES OVER THE EARTH and THIS is where paradise will be and scripture says exactly that! A NEW JERUSALEM will come down OUT OF HEAVEN (not IN heaven) and Jesus will rule OVER THE NATIONS (on Earth) out of Jerusalem. When He returns His feet stand on the mount of olives, which still exists to this day (and it has A LOT of expensive graves around it as the Jews understand that is where their messiah will return and stand as well).
      Again, I DID NOT WRITE THE BIBLE... those were NOT THE SCRIPTURES OF NEIL ROY... those were written by the apostles JOHN who was authorized by Jesus to speak on His behalf and John was quoting Jesus. So if you REJECT what John 3:13 says, if you REJECT what John 5:28-29 clearly says, than you're not rejecting NEIL ROY, you're rejecting the word of GOD in favour of a MAN MADE doctrine. Not a wise choice in my humble opinion.
      I am nothing. I am just a piece of dirt, guilty of sin who deserves nothing. If you don't believe anything I said, than at LEAST do YOURSELF the favour of believing what Jesus said in John 3:13 and John 5:28-29... unless you reject Jesus' word in favour of your doctrines as well. I sincerely hope you at least accept GOD'S word as I don't wish anything bad for you.
      Have a good one and God bless.