RAF F35B at Yeovilton air day 2019

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @victormanuelpolanco922
    @victormanuelpolanco922 5 років тому +3

    However I love the Harrier, it never had the ability to turn like that, for sure. The F-35 is so amazing!!!!.A true pleasure to watch it turn, climb, bank and hover. Peerless beast!!!!.

  • @NGaugeVideo
    @NGaugeVideo 5 років тому +3

    Wicked Aircraft! So glad the RAF & Navy now have these in their inventory. We just need a few more of them now!

  • @Chuck_Hooks
    @Chuck_Hooks 5 років тому +4

    UK, Japanese and US light carriers all operating F-35Bs together totally dominates Chinese and Russian junk.
    Go UK

    • @simond5387
      @simond5387 5 років тому +3

      Yeah, let's all have a war. Wars are great! Lots of dead people, chaos and hatred - what could be better?!

  • @grabir01
    @grabir01 5 років тому +4

    Wow!!! The British fly more exciting than the Americans.

  • @leonscottgamingandmotors8913
    @leonscottgamingandmotors8913 5 років тому +4

    Was awesome to see in the flesh

    • @oeman7363
      @oeman7363 4 роки тому +1

      The Harrier display was epic that year, 4 minute straight hover! Rare to see these days

  • @brianmason2378
    @brianmason2378 5 років тому +3

    Must admit when i found out this was the replacement for the Harrier. I was like You What. But seeing it in action my view on it has changed somewhat.

    • @steveholmes5207
      @steveholmes5207 5 років тому +1

      1 of these would buy you 10 harriers ridiculously overpriced and ridiculously over complicated yet to be convinced

    • @Albertkallal
      @Albertkallal 5 років тому +1

      It is a stunning achievement and a stunning high performance aircraft.

    • @Albertkallal
      @Albertkallal 5 років тому

      Well, how about we take REAL pilot notes, and see what the pilots say, shall we?
      These are from a long time f16 pilot (Norway) now flying the F35.
      The issue is of course with older 20+ year air frame designs, is they ONLY have one single tail fin (no one in their right mind would build a new jet with only one tail fin). What happens is when you pull up, then airflow hits the bottom of the jet, and starts to block airflow over that "bad" single tail design. As a result, you lose control of the jet and it starts to respond slow. So, F16, Rafael etc. have this huge flaw and handicap. (but they used a single tail, and based the Rafael on on their Mirage air frames.
      Based on above theory? We should see that pilots note how the fighter responds SLOW compared to duel tail fin fighters. Because the air frame starts to block airflow over the tail section, then you simple use two tail fins, move them apart into the airflow. You then angle the tail fins to bite even more. This is all theory. Now, lets take REAL NOTES from a actual pilot that confirms how the F35 is a better dog fighter then the F16 due to this shortcoming in "older" legacy designs with one tail fin (sure, they saved money, but they screw the ability of the jet as a result).
      By the way, the F35 has the best track record in terms of low maintains, and up time of any fighter ever built. I'll explain how and why this is so in another post.
      Ok, here we go!!!
      Long time f16 pilots now flying the f35 state the f35 is a BETTER dog fighter.
      Not only do they state the f35 is BETTER at dog fighting then the f16, but they ALSO state the f35 reacts faster and quicker to pilot inputs.
      Again, that twin tail design - no defense contractor will even TOUCH or consider building a single tail fighter these days. The f14 tom cat was a revolution - and EVERYONE followed twin tail designs if they had the money to do so.
      And in high AOA, then the f35 REALLY waxes the floor against the f16 and f18.
      To quote a real pilot:
      The F-35 provides me as a pilot greater authority to point the nose of the airplane where I desire. (The F-35 is capable of significantly higher Angle of Attack (AOA) than the F-16.
      So it easier to point the f35!!!
      (again, conformation of twin vs single tail designs)
      And the pilot goes on to state:
      This improved ability to point at my opponent enables me to deliver weapons earlier than I am used to with the F-16, it forces my opponent to react even more defensively, and it gives me the ability to reduce the airspeed quicker than in the F-16.
      Again - ability to point - again confirms duel tail design vs single.
      and it gets even better!
      Since I first wrote this post, I have flown additional sorties where I tried an even more aggressive approach to the control position - more aggressive than I thought possible. It worked just fine. The F-35 sticks on like glue, and it is very difficult for the defender to escape
      and this:
      Defensive situations often result in high AOA and low airspeeds. At high AOA the F-16 reacts slowly when I move the stick sideways to roll the airplane.
      Note how the pilot says the f-16 reacts slow!!!
      (again, single tail fin design flaw)
      Who wants to fly a plane that reacts slow? How silly is that???
      Yet another quality of the F-35 becomes evident in this flight regime; using the rudder pedals I can command the nose of the airplane from side to side. The F-35 reacts quicker to my pedal inputs than the F-16 would at its maximum AOA
      (the F-16 would actually be out of control at this AOA).

      the f16 would be OUT of control!!!! - again, REAL pilot notes conforming the flaw of a single tail fin design.
      And the f16 is the dogfighting standard that ALL fighters are judged by.

      Another aspect is the kind of reaction I get when I push the stick forward; the F-35 reacts immediately, and not delayed like the F-16. Looking at another F-35 doing such maneuvers is an impressive sight. The various control surfaces on the airplane are large, and they move very quickly.
      Note NOW we NOT talking about AOA, but simply how the f35 responds to pilots inputs.
      I am not sure where this "myth" of the f35 can't dogfight came from, but you REALLY need to read actual pilot notes. There is not one pilot from a f18, f16, and YES even the f15 that after flying the f35 has NOT stated they would choose the f35 hands down.
      The f35 will out fly, and out dogfight a f16, or f18 easy.
      And the f35 is faster then f18, 16, Euro-fighter typhoon, and even the Rafael.
      You see, those jets top speeds are rated without weapons on the wings. Take a f18 at top speed (38,000 feet is best speed - air is thin, but not too thin for engines to work and get oxygen).
      The top speed of the f18 is Mach 1.8.
      However, hang just 4 AIMS (air to air missiles) on that f18, and NOW top speed is only Mach 1.3 (slower then f35 at Mach 1.6).
      You see, the f35 flies clean without junk on wings.
      And that saves fuel, and allows greater top speeds then the fighters it replaces WHEN those planes actually have weapons hung on the wings.
      The f35 will out fly, out speed, and outclass near very 4th gen fighter in dogfighting WHEN in combat configuration. And we NOT talking about stealth, but HOW the pilots LOVE the way the f35 can fly and dogfight. .
      Keep in mind that the top speed of Mach 1.6 is NOT an engine + drag limit. it is a software limit. As those legacy jets start to go lower, then they go slowre - the F35 still has more throttle left. You have 8,000lbs MORE thrust available then the f18 (legacy model) to work with.

    • @Albertkallal
      @Albertkallal 5 років тому

      @Brian Mason
      Want a REAL idea of how good this jet is? I would take the F35 over the f22 now.
      How amazing is the F35? Long post - grab a coffee.
      In the 1950’s everything was thought to center around speed. Even an f104 Starfighter (1958) can maintain supersonic flight without afterburners.
      In the 29 dogfight kills during desert storm (1991), max speeds seen by fighters were Mach 1
      Now of course the f22 has award winning kinetic performance, no doubt about it. From a raw performance point of view, the f22 really is impressive.
      However, that performance is not going to rack up or increase kills in the battle theatre.
      Tops on this list is that due to budget cuts, the f22 lacks “passive” systems to track aircraft. By “passive” we mean receiver only (non radar being sent out). This is where the f35 excels right now, and is a significant shortcoming of the f22.
      Computer processing:
      The f22 in its debut had a very good computer system. It is rated at 700 MIPS (700 million instructions per second).
      There was plans to future upgrade the f22 with a 2000 mips processor. But the CPU used on the f22 is now long out of production.
      But, remember Moore’s law in computing? Every 2 years we see computing power near doubling. While this doubling every two years don’t sound like much?
      Well, place one grain of rice on the first square on a chess board. On the next square, place 2 grains of rice. And on the next square place 4 (so we have a total of 7 grains of rice).
      Do the above for 64 squares. You wind up with 1 billion grains of rice by the 40th square. By the 64th square, you actually need 210 billion tons (not grains, but tons) of rice! That amount of rice would cover ALL of India with about 3 feet of rice!
      The above means that the f22 has a really poor computer.
      For comparison, a low cost budget smart phone with a snapdragon processor? Well, one CPU core is rated for 1400 MIPS. But you have 4 of them!!! (All in that $90 smartphone).
      So, that smartphone has
      5600 MIPS
      F22 = 700 MIPS.
      So, your cheapo smart phone has EIGHT times the computer power of the f22.
      So, the f22 does not even have enough power to play angry birds on your smartphone!!!
      (and this issue applies to NEAR ALL fighters in operation today - they do NOT have good computers.)
      The F35 uses RISC based CPU’s built around IBM’s power PC chips. They are the same architecture and chips used at the Lawrence Livermore atomic labs to run computer atomic bomb simulations. And all of IBM’S advanced Artificial Intelligence systems also use this chip set from IBM.
      Upgrades for the F35 central computer are to be rolled out next year - they will increase the computer power of the f35 by a WHOPPER 25 times (over what the f35 has now!!! And what the F35 ALREADY has is VERY good!!!).
      Not only does the f22 lack computer power, but it also lacks high speed networking.
      While a good many new fighter jets have passive (IRST) systems, they are mechanical scanned (a rotating mirror sends the input light and directs it to a sensor). Such sensors will tell you a fighter is say 35 degrees off the front of your jet. But you don’t know the speed, direction etc. And those systems have limited coverage (only front/forward looking for the jet).
      You need speed, direction, and altitude to generate a weapons lock.
      With 3 or more f35’s in the area, then just like 3 compass points or lines on a map, you can with computers triangle the location of the target. (You need 3 or more inputs).
      Toss in a BIG dose of computer power?
      Toss in some really amazing network commutation between the jets?
      Well, you now get x,y,z position of that target. And if you do this over and over, then you now get a new set of x,y,z and thus compare it to the last set of data. Now you have the REALLY valuable information of speed and direction of that enemy. And you doing this WITHOUT radar to give yourself away.
      And even MORE important is you need to be able to feed that data into the computers to generate a weapons grade solution.
      F35 can use radar, DAS (which is IRST) or use the targeting pod on the front (which is also an IRST + targeting system for air to ground).
      However, you have NOT turned on your radar to give yourself away.
      So, 3 F35’s approaching some f22’s will:
      See, track, display and build weapons grade firing solitons against the f22’s.
      And all of this will occur without radar.
      The f22?
      Blind as a bat.
      It will not see, track or be able to deploy its weapons on the F35.
      The f35 will simple fire away and shoot down those f22’s like fish in a barrel.
      The f22 on board systems are outdated.
      And what makes the f35 so deadly is its software. A phone without software is of little use. With software, it becomes near magic.
      So what else does the F35 do with all that computing power?
      Well, the DAS system (distributed Aperture system) is 6 high resolution high quality solid state cameras mounted around the F35. So, like a graphics card in reverse to make a 3d game? Well, this system takes that input, and provides the pilot with 360 views. It allows the pilot to look right thought the floor (and that is a HUGE blind spot for fighter pilots).
      So, you put computers to work on those input cameras. The computers will detected mortar fire on the ground, or even when a tank is firing its gun! The computers can process the camera input in real time. Lockheed states that the F35 can detect tank and mortal fire on the ground at “considerable” distance. So, now the F35 can slew it weapons towards those ground targets.
      And the computers also do full time real tracking of aircraft in all directions with this system. And go watch videos of HOW amazing zoom is on a distal camera - what the F35 has is even better and MORE sensitive.
      In fact, the DAS tracking system will allow the F35 to compute and give a firing solution for a jet following it from the rear. That’s because unlike the f22, the F35 is not limited to JUST using radar for a firing solution. So, to fire at a jet following you requires rear facing radar! (But not with the F35).
      So, radar in most jets is required for a firing solution. When the missile leaves the rails, it is NOT the missile that navigates to the target, but the fighter provides computers and radar that manages the first part of the missile flight. When the missile gets close to the target then the missile own radar and tracking takes over.
      And keep in mind that even during war games, the instant you turn on your radar is the instant you just turned your jet into a HUGE giant lighthouse of a target - stealth will not help so much. Look at me, I am here! Come and follow my powerful radar beam right to me!!! Stealth or not - you just given yourself away.
      The air battle theatre is now becoming like submarine warfare. Run silent - don’t give yourself away.
      And the F35 as even more tricks.
      The f35 also has a door that opens, and it can spool out a mini drone at the end of a cable. Again, with computers, that deployed drone (at the end of a cable) can make fake radar signals. (Even fake a squadron of jets - even of different types). And this deployable drone can even become what we call a “honey pot”. If all of the amazing counter measures of the F35 fail, then the drone can give off a radar signal for the missile to hit the drone at the end of the cable and NOT the f35!
      Right now? The f22 is hopelessly outgunned and outclassed by the F35.
      The f22 has next to no means to see, find, track and MOST important generate a kill solution to shoot down the f35.
      As much as I love the f22?
      It don’t stand one hope of a chance to engage the f35.
      And my favorite jet? Why of course the lovable Sea Harrier. However, I will take the F35 B over the Harrier any day of the week.

    • @steveholmes5207
      @steveholmes5207 5 років тому

      @@Albertkallal thanks for all that but i think you are overthinking this one of course its going to be better its the latest combat aircraft and in a exercise not long ago an A 10 flying combat patrol and support for ground troops fly up into battle and splashed a F 22 then A F 35 i wonder what pilot notes that was in

  • @Darrylx444
    @Darrylx444 5 років тому +3

    Full-circle: Brits sell the Harrier to the Yanks, then (~40 years later) the Yanks sell the Panther to the Brits.

  • @RKZX2
    @RKZX2 5 років тому +1

    first time i've seen a VTOL F-35 at an air show

  • @haydenspotsplanes
    @haydenspotsplanes 5 років тому +3

    Looks better than the 2016 riat display

    • @AirshowUK
      @AirshowUK  5 років тому +3

      It was a treat got more than we was expecting. It was only meant to be a fly past

    • @haydenspotsplanes
      @haydenspotsplanes 5 років тому +2

      @@AirshowUK hope it delivers a bang at riat, it would be nice to see it do a flypast with the Spanish Harriers :)

    • @AirshowUK
      @AirshowUK  5 років тому +1

      That’s exactly what I was hoping for

    • @martinw245
      @martinw245 5 років тому +2

      Software was restricted in 2016. Full capabilities unleashed now

  • @Darrylx444
    @Darrylx444 5 років тому +1

    Question: Can the F-35B vector-in-forward-flight (VIFF) for dog-fighting, like the Harrier can (but usually doesn't)? It kind of looks like the doors would blow off at speed, and/or likely suffer severe inlet turbulence at high AOA.

    • @TLTeo
      @TLTeo 5 років тому

      It can't, but it's even without it it's far more maneuverable at high AoA

  • @SuccessforLifester
    @SuccessforLifester 5 років тому +1

    I wonder how a modern day aerial dog fight would be like

    • @martinw245
      @martinw245 5 років тому +2

      Dog fighting is rare these days. Most engagements are medium to long range with missiles. However the F35, contrary to the opinion of idiots on the internet, performs well in a dogfight. Rudder authority is exceptional, so they can go nose on effectively.

    • @SuccessforLifester
      @SuccessforLifester 5 років тому +1

      @@martinw245 Singapore just bought four to evaluate with an option to buy eight more. If all goes well, this model will be replacing the F16 fleet in future.

    • @martinw245
      @martinw245 5 років тому +1

      Yep, it is intended to replace F16. And the UK Tornado and Harrier. Although I did hear that theres a possibility of an A10 replacement. F18 will be replaced with F35 too.

  • @elvisdepelvis4431
    @elvisdepelvis4431 5 років тому +4

    That’s a lot more noise than the Harrier 🤭😱

    • @tedf1471
      @tedf1471 5 років тому +1

      Radar stealthy, not ear-holes...

    • @elvisdepelvis4431
      @elvisdepelvis4431 5 років тому

      Well... then it’s just a case of putting those WW2 concrete acoustic mirrors back in service.

    • @Albertkallal
      @Albertkallal 5 років тому

      Actually, those funny looking huge megaphone like things (looks like a old phonograph speaker) may actually come back into use with electronics. With so much radar jamming, and stealth, then sound might be one way to counter these new stealth jets.

    • @Bathygnostic
      @Bathygnostic 5 років тому

      Yeah, and five times the plane.

    • @Albertkallal
      @Albertkallal 5 років тому

      Only suggesting that sound may well become a means to detect jets in the future. With radar jamming, stealth, then sound could make a come back - larger sound gathering devices with ultra sensitive mikes and computers may well cook up a solution here. To be 100% fair, this is just speculation and me floating an idea - don't really know how much merit such a idea is worth, or even if such an idea can yield practical results.

  • @SprueFascinationChannel
    @SprueFascinationChannel 5 років тому


  • @keithavery7087
    @keithavery7087 5 років тому

    Did this make it to benson or odiham families day? Shame fixed wing aren’t interested in their own service

  • @commercio3564
    @commercio3564 5 років тому

    My left ear felt left out.

    • @AirshowUK
      @AirshowUK  5 років тому

      Tell your ear I am sorry about that got a technical issue with the camera :-)

  • @rolonow12
    @rolonow12 5 років тому

    Saw one display at RAF Marham last year, absolutely the loudest military jet I've heard. Not convinced we should have them though, cost is so high.

    • @martinw245
      @martinw245 5 років тому +1

      Expensive yes, but replacing Harrier and Tornado. So cost effective.

    • @rolonow12
      @rolonow12 5 років тому

      Martin W . I hope I'm wrong. Even the US authorities are uncertain about it, lots of expensive upgrades required, and did we buy the best version? From an engineering perspective, it looks 'wrong', all eggs in basket etc.

  • @gazza2933
    @gazza2933 5 років тому

    Looks bloody awful!
    A bathtub with wings.