Heretic has nice osts but worse track set. The third episode has two exclusive ones which rocks. The two New Episodes is completely the same as the First ones. WTF.?!
They probably ran out of songs for most of Episode 3 and maybe thought that earlier songs are good enough for the levels. In the case of the New Episodes, those came later, and they didn't add any new music for them, so they just reused the songs from E1 and E2. It was a pretty common practice to repeat the earlier music in many games.
My favorite from back in the day =)
Nunca la olvidaré...
Basically Medieval Doom.
Heretic/Hexen is way better then doom so sad that doom has to copy Heretics theme now since no game devs have a single original idea left to use.
Oh, geez...this level is so big!
This level blew my mind back in the day... the first level to have multiple locked doors per colour. Maybe the only one.
Ahhh, yes, the 90's, back when you could have kick ass, midi synth techno in a dark fantasy shooter
real hornets kind of stuff I like it horney
esta canción es muy sin igual Bella y luciente enserio no se que decir
Really good!
I remeber doing this level on the hardest difficulty
it was hard
0:29 - what the hell is wrong with this part? :D Listen to the synth.
in version Adblid / opl , this part es very much
Heretic has nice osts but worse track set. The third episode has two exclusive ones which rocks. The two New Episodes is completely the same as the First ones. WTF.?!
They probably ran out of songs for most of Episode 3 and maybe thought that earlier songs are good enough for the levels. In the case of the New Episodes, those came later, and they didn't add any new music for them, so they just reused the songs from E1 and E2. It was a pretty common practice to repeat the earlier music in many games.
Really good!