The person who is reading this comment , I wish you , and your family great success, health , love and happiness , wisdom and awareness and miracles in all stages of life !🔹
Gayatri Mantra: Om bhur bhuvaha svaha Tat savitur varenyam Bhargo devasya dhimahi Dhiyo yonah prachodayat - Ó deus da vida que traz felicidade. - Dá-nos tua luz que destrói pecados. - Que a tua divindade nos penetre. - E possa inspirar nossa mente!!!
I can tell why this song is so comfort to me. I always listen this song repeatedly while I am doing work or doing somethings. It makes me calm down and peaceful and joyful. Thank you for the singer !
Esse mantra transcende todo meu ser. Sinto uma sensação de muita luz, paz, liberdade!!! Agradeço a Deus por todo amor e carinho que tem por toda humanidade.
I have been playing this legit 8 hours every single day for minimum 8 years. I've stopped listening to my own music in my home. Deva Premal is a magical elixir for cats who suffer from anxiety and humans. I was on one of her livestreams years ago and so many people in the comments were stating how much her voice and music helps to calm their cats down, and I thought wow same here :) ♥
@@devprematmasingh5107 I use this video for 8 hours every day for my cat ♥ Deva Premal's voice helps to calm down cats, I was in a life stream of hers and many cat owners said her music helps their furry children ♥
Ничего меня так не успокаивает, как эта мантра в прекрасном исполнении Дэвы Примал. Низкий поклон создателю канала за возможность слушать это чудо так долго.🔥🔥🔥💗💗💗
This plays in my house when I sleep and for a few hours every morning and then often while I sit quietly. Quite wonderful. So grateful for the amazing energy of this mantra. Thankful for this recording.
Em uma fase bem difícil que estava passando , conheci os mantras 🙌 me ajudou è ajuda até hoje . Me aproxima cada vez mais do nosso Divino criador Deus e me trás uma paz na alma 💫Gratidão a esses canais que só acrescenta o que tem de melhor pra nossa alma e espírito🙌❤️🇧🇷🌟
it is heartening to see that the mantra which belongs to our vedic (Indian/Hindu)civilisation is liked by so many people around the world. I hope the entire humanity is benefitted by the mantra!! OM NAMAH SHIVAY !!
Deva Premal.& Miten became a staple in my life. Everytime I listen it's like coming home as we are one. Singing and Chanting.... They truly are a gift from God 💕🙏💕 Namaste'
❤🧡💛💚💙💜💗 Deva Premal and Miten does a beautiful job with this Sacred Mantra. I resonate with the Gayathri Mantra. Thank you for sharing it with us. I offer a blessing to all who come to listen to this Mantra, may you be blessed with Love, peace and good health 🙏
OM Bhur Bhuvah Svaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo-yo nah Prachodayat Una possibile traduzione è questa: “Desidero concentrarmi e quindi ottenere l’adorabile splendore di Savitri, la luce che risplende dell’illuminazione e della lungimiranza, che possa sempre risplendere nella mia mente così come risplende nei tre mondi nel passato, presente e futuro.” Preso da Cammini di pace
What's with th the dislikes? I worship this woman and her energy is vibrant and kind.. my yoga teacher would play " the essence" for the entire class in 2003, been hooked ever since then!!
It's the constant interruptions with the commercials. How is one supposed to sleep when they're being lulled by a beautiful voice and them jarred by a goofy commercial ?
Cristina Silva, clamo na direção de abertura de meu caminhos na direção financeira, caminho da prosperidade, abundância abertos. Eu ativo 520 ativado eu aceito eu recebo
Spero che mi dia la forza per attraversare questo periodo di pace con me stesso e trovare la strada giusta del mio cammino tutto questo GRAZIE A UNA MIA AMATISSIMA CARA PERSONA CHE SPERO CHE SI RIAVVICINA AL MIO CUORE CHE LA AMO TANTISSIMO. E A TUTTA L'UMANITÀ SULLA TERRA CHE SPLENDA IN TUTTI NOI LA PACE E LA SERENITÀ.
Thank you! This music is blissful and heart healing! I listen and pray often to this beautiful mantra! I AM embracing all who are listening…..May this healing music fill our hearts with compassion and connection to our true Divine self! The One and Only One! Peace and joy unto you!❤️
This is something.....unbelievable......😭😭😭😭 everytime I pop and listen to Deva, electric shivering on my spine to the head and instance heart start bumping like crazy and cry like a baby, can't stop crying.....why
Absolutely soothing! I listened to this as I fell asleep and it played all night. Ahhhhhhh beautiful ❤️❤️❤️ I also listened to this as I meditated in a forest the other day while on a walk. Just wonderful!!!
Might have been good when first put on yt, but the channel has now inserted ads after each wave of the mantra. How is that helpful for meditation or sleep? 👎🏼
Thanks Diva 👩🎤, you’re such a blessing to us, your voice is soothing, I grew up reciting this mantra, my grandfather taught us, every night we say it seven times before we go to sleep. I was very excited and surprised when I heard Divas version of it. The music is very calming. I listen to her every morning and night to go to sleep. At work I listened to it as I get through the day. I want to say a special thank you to UA-cam for allowing us the precious opportunity for these valuable blessings in our lives. Many blessings.💕💕❤️❤️🙏🇨🇦🇬🇾
OH MY GOSH! eight hours of the consecrated! winner of a GRAMMY! of the musical genre, New Age! with the album entitled "Deva"; who has all the merit of being nominated and have achieved the genius of bringing Sanskrit mantras into the mainstream! In conjunction with your Miten! and also the merit of the virtuous flutist! Manose! Felimnete I have some CD´S in my collection! only with Spotify! which I thank! because that's where I found out! Deva Premal! (for me Sanskrit mantras or songs! it has a harmony and a sound that enters the whole human body delightfully! :) I will always be grateful to Deva Premal & Mitan & Manose. PEACE ....a SHIVA-kRISHNA e Siddarta Gautama.
Bismillah Rabbani General meaning of the mantra as follow: We meditate on the most adored Supreme Lord, the creator, whose effulgence (divine light) illumines all realms (physical, mental and spiritual). May this divine light illumine our intellect 🕉.
“Ó Deus da vida que traz felicidade Dá-nos tua luz que destrói pecados Que a tua divindade nos penetre E possa inspirar nossa mente.” OM é a manifestação da Luz do Criador Brahman, sendo este o som da manifestação. Entoar o “OM” é pedir uma manifestação das palavras do mantra. BHUR é o Plano da Manifestação do Ser e o Esforço para a Manifestação da Vida. BHUVA é o fogo destruidor dos sofrimentos, o Prana existente na atmosfera e o poder ativador do Chakra da Garganta. SWAH ou SWAHA, ou ainda SVAH, OU SVAHA, ou ainda SVUH ou SUVHA é o Plano Mental, o Reino da Iluminação, o chakra da coroa. Em sânscrito, significam: Que assim seja! Que se manifeste! O mesmo que AM, AUM, EU SOU, ou AMÉM. É quando concebemos o saber de algo. É uma confirmação de que queremos receber a energia do mantra que estamos entoando. Também utilizada no Tantrismo como uma saudação. Ao saudarmos alguém, estamos recebendo-o em nosso meio. Assim, tem o mesmo significado. TAT é aquele que atua a manifestação do plano divino, é quem faz acontecer. SAVITUR é brilhante como o Sol. SURYA, o hierarca de Sírius, é aquele que se auto ilumina e preserva a Luz, é a energia Alfa do Pai, o representante máximo do “Grande Um” para a humanidade. VARENAYAM é o melhor, o supremo, alguém que merece ser adorado. BHARGO é a radiação da glória, uma energia que consome a ignorância, e por consequência, o sofrimento e a miséria. DEVASYA é a iluminação que vem de Deus. Sabedoria divina. DHIMAHI é quando meditamos em sua Luz, meditamos em seu Ser. DHIYO YO NAH para despertar a grande visão (dhiyo) em nós e assim sabermos de tudo. PRACHODAYAT é direção, coragem, inspiração cósmica e sabedoria khristica.
I don't know 5 a 5 a bit more attention and light 5 5r a 5 5 5 5 a bit 55r567r6 a bit more attention and 5 5 a bit 5 a a 5 a bit 5 a 4 a 5 5 a 5 44 a 4 a bit more more a a bit more 5 a a bit more more more 4 46 a bit 565 a 55 a bit more attention attention a bit more attention 55 a bit more attention and light to to 5 a bit more more 5 a 4 4 a bit more 567 555 56r r r67 a 4 55 a bit bit a 5555 a bit more 5555 55r6 567 a bit 5 a a bit 5 6 5 a 5 a bit more attention a bit more 55 5 5 5 555 a 5555 a bit 5 5 a bit 5 5 a 5 5 5 455 5555 a 5 55557r 5 55557r a a 5 555565 a bit more 55 5 r 567 r67 565 5555 5 a bit r a 566574 5 a 5 5567 5 567 a bit more 5 a 5 5 55 5 a bit more 55r7 a bit 57 465 r 5 55 a 5 a bit 65 5 5 a bit more r a bit 5 a bit more attention and 5 6 5 a bit more 5 5 a bit 5 4 46 5 4 a 4 a 4 a 5 56769 55r7 5 a 55 5 5555 55 55 a bit more attention r a a 546r555 546r555 5 a bit more 55 r 55655 a 56756755 r 5 a 5 a 55 5 6 546r555 5 6 546r555 a bit 567 a bit more attention and 555 4 4 6557 a 5 a bit more attention and 55 5 5 a 5 5 a bit 5 5r5r a bit 5 a bit more attention and light 5 5 5 5r a a bit bit a bit r 5 567r a bit more attention and r r 55 5 55 a 55 4 45 6 4 45 r67 5 5555 57r6 r67 5 5555 57r6 r55755 a 5 5 555565 5655 5 a bit 4 a 555555r6 r6r7 5 4 a a 567 55 55 567 55 55 665 r a 6667 a 555555r6 55 555555r6 55 a bit more attention 4 55r7 5 r67 a bit 5 a 55 a bit 5 65 67r6667 a bit 55r7 67 45 a bit bit 5 555555r6 57 a bit more attention 567 a bit more 5567 a r4675r6r6755 5 55 a bit 55 5 55 5 4 565 5 a bit more 45 5 a 55a bit more 5 a a 55 55 5light 65567 65567 55 a bit more attention 557567 r67 555555r6 5 a bit 4 56r5565 a bit a bit 5555 a 5 567 a 5 5 a a bit more 5 ez 55655r6 5 55r7 a 5 55r567r6 5 5 a bit more more a 567 5 567 5 a a 6 months Venus 4 a bit 5 56 a a 565 565 5 a 5 55 567 55 45455 55 a 55 55 a bit 5 a bit 567 a bit 4 4 a a 55 a 5 a 5 a 5 6 a bit 5 5 a 5 a a bit more 555 a 454 a 5 a 5 56 5 a a 5 a bit more more a |a a bit a 5565 5 55 a 55 5555 5 5 a bit more more 56 a bit more more a bit 5 a bit bit 5 5 r 5 a bit 5 5 55 5 5 55 565 a 55 5 55r5675 5 55r5675 r 55 a bit 5555 5 a r55 r55 a bit more attention and light 557 a 5655 a bit more more 5r56 56 a 5 a bit 5 a 5 6r a 5555 674 a a bit 5more 454a to to 5
Om bhur bhuvaha svaha Tat savitur varenyam Bhargo devasya dhimahi Dhiyo yonah prachodayat Gayatri Mantra (Tradução) Ó deus da vida que traz felicidade Dá-nos tua luz que destrói pecados Que a tua divinidade nos penetre E possa inspirar nossa mente
The person who is reading this comment , I wish you , and your family great success, health , love and happiness , wisdom and awareness and miracles in all stages of life !🔹
Wszystkiego dobrego.
Thank you. Blessings for you!
Danke für Sie auch ❤
You tooooi
Thank you! .
May all those blessings multiply for you and your family today and always
Para você que parou para ouvir esse mantra e ler esse comentário eu desejo muita luz. Que o bem, o bom e o belo te acompanhem sempre!!!✨🌻
This mantra is so beautiful. I could listen to it 24 hrs per day. I send love and blessings around the world.
Me lo aprendí de memoria y escrito
Me encanta mucho
Todos los idiomas del mundo se reúnen en la música, gracias! Y paz para la humanidad 🌌✨🕊️
Gayatri Mantra:
Om bhur bhuvaha svaha
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayat
- Ó deus da vida que traz felicidade.
- Dá-nos tua luz que destrói pecados.
- Que a tua divindade nos penetre.
- E possa inspirar nossa mente!!!
merci merci beaucoup de tout coeur
Obrigada, @marthadias737 💖
Je vous remercie pour cette traduction 🙏♥️
Danke, für den Text des Mantras💞
I can tell why this song is so comfort to me. I always listen this song repeatedly while I am doing work or doing somethings. It makes me calm down and peaceful and joyful. Thank you for the singer !
Esse mantra transcende todo meu ser. Sinto uma sensação de muita luz, paz, liberdade!!! Agradeço a Deus por todo amor e carinho que tem por toda humanidade.
To the person reading this message, I wish you great success, health, love and happiness !
thank you!!! i needed this ❤
@@mariafranciscadomonte8404 🙏💖
Thanks a lot. Same to you!
Da Ai, Namast’e ❣️☯️💜🕉💜🔯💜✝️💜
I have been playing this legit 8 hours every single day for minimum 8 years. I've stopped listening to my own music in my home. Deva Premal is a magical elixir for cats who suffer from anxiety and humans. I was on one of her livestreams years ago and so many people in the comments were stating how much her voice and music helps to calm their cats down, and I thought wow same here :) ♥
😮 Como te has sentido de escucharlo 8 años durante el sueño?
@@devprematmasingh5107 I use this video for 8 hours every day for my cat ♥ Deva Premal's voice helps to calm down cats, I was in a life stream of hers and many cat owners said her music helps their furry children ♥
I play this daily for my former straydogs with anxiety, when I go to work. It calms them and it lifts the energy in my house.
Ничего меня так не успокаивает, как эта мантра в прекрасном исполнении Дэвы Примал. Низкий поклон создателю канала за возможность слушать это чудо так долго.🔥🔥🔥💗💗💗
Вполне согласна, я слушаю её каждый раз, когда у меня тревога и не могу успокоится
Индусы говорят, то самая древняя молитва, слушают всегда по утрам, чтобы день хороший был
Растапливает сердце...
May the Clear Light awaken all beings to the Wisdom of our True Nature
This plays in my house when I sleep and for a few hours every morning and then often while I sit quietly. Quite wonderful. So grateful for the amazing energy of this mantra. Thankful for this recording.
I just found it last evening and slept to it all night! So beautiful!
Este é o melhor mantra dos últimos tempos.
Em uma fase bem difícil que estava passando , conheci os mantras 🙌 me ajudou è ajuda até hoje . Me aproxima cada vez mais do nosso Divino criador Deus e me trás uma paz na alma 💫Gratidão a esses canais que só acrescenta o que tem de melhor pra nossa alma e espírito🙌❤️🇧🇷🌟
it is heartening to see that the mantra which belongs to our vedic (Indian/Hindu)civilisation is liked by so many people around the world. I hope the entire humanity is benefitted by the mantra!! OM NAMAH SHIVAY !!
It's heartening that the Vedas were brought to earth from my home constellation of the Pleiades.
Nameste 🙏♥️☀️
This beautiful mantra belongs to Humanity.... but we are grateful to the Hindu civilisation for being its stewards
What about 8hrs of embrace album or blue medicine buddha by deva premal
Thank you for sharing your culture and religion with us !! 💖💖💖 Hello from Morocco
Deva Premal.& Miten became a staple in my life. Everytime I listen it's like coming home as we are one. Singing and Chanting.... They truly are a gift from God 💕🙏💕 Namaste'
I’m lying in hospital listening to this. Thank you 🙏
May you recover soon . My prayers will be always with you 🙏
And love to see u smiling back 😊
I'm not good at English
But I pray you recover soon
and your body & mind are
May God bless and keep you safe in your recovery 🙏
Love and light to you Julie🕯
Él Señor ilumine mi mente para poder pensar de manera correcta ,y así tomar decisiones adecuadas y saludables . Amén
Эта мантра мне жизнь спасла !!!!!!!
I was seeking a soothing version of this mantra and this feels like a cup of warm delicious tea to my nervous system & soul. Thank You 🙏🏻
No meditative mind também tem
❤🧡💛💚💙💜💗 Deva Premal and Miten does a beautiful job with this Sacred Mantra. I resonate with the Gayathri Mantra.
Thank you for sharing it with us. I offer a blessing to all who come to listen to this Mantra, may you be blessed with Love, peace and good health 🙏
Going through a very difficult time. I was guided to reach for this mantra & I found this version. Soo beautiful I'm weeping ❤
Passar a noite ouvindo
Cómo es que soy tan afortunada?? Gracias universo
Bhur Bhuvah Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo-yo nah Prachodayat
Una possibile traduzione è questa:
“Desidero concentrarmi e quindi ottenere
l’adorabile splendore di Savitri, la luce che risplende
dell’illuminazione e della lungimiranza,
che possa sempre risplendere nella mia mente
così come risplende nei tre mondi nel passato, presente e futuro.”
Preso da Cammini di pace
MUch Love and Blessings to all listening to this precious Mantra!!
What's with th the dislikes? I worship this woman and her energy is vibrant and kind.. my yoga teacher would play " the essence" for the entire class in 2003, been hooked ever since then!!
Don't worry one second what others think. We know what we like, and in time if others join, then great! Blessings to all!🙏🕊️💚☀️
It's the constant interruptions with the commercials. How is one supposed to sleep when they're being lulled by a beautiful voice and them jarred by a goofy commercial ?
@@mkultra7940 Try Brave web browser. It works for many :)
This is the wrong way to chant a Vedic mantra. Its never supposed to be sung, there's svaras for intonation of recitation.
Ó deus da vida que traz felicidade
Dá-nos tua luz que destrói pecados
Que a tua divinidade nos penetre
E possa inspirar nossa mente
E nossos corações, amém 🙏
Cristina Silva, clamo na direção de abertura de meu caminhos na direção financeira, caminho da prosperidade, abundância abertos. Eu ativo 520 ativado eu aceito eu recebo
Deva This has just been so beautiful, I have been listening to you all day, and I feel truly blessed. Thank you.
Во благо!Благодарю!!Всем людям светлых мыслей ,позитива,добра!Пусть на Земле воцарит добро и счастье!!!
For the good! Thank you! All people have bright thoughts, positive, kindness! May goodness and happiness reign on Earth !!!
This is so beautiful and soothes me to sleep.Thank you for sharing your wonderful music and voices!
Spero che mi dia la forza per attraversare questo periodo di pace con me stesso e trovare la strada giusta del mio cammino tutto questo GRAZIE A UNA MIA AMATISSIMA CARA PERSONA CHE SPERO CHE SI RIAVVICINA AL MIO CUORE CHE LA AMO TANTISSIMO. E A TUTTA L'UMANITÀ SULLA TERRA CHE SPLENDA IN TUTTI NOI LA PACE E LA SERENITÀ.
Deva Premal, mi preferida desde hace mucho tiempo, me encanta!!!
Thank you! This music is blissful and heart healing! I listen and pray often to this beautiful mantra! I AM embracing all who are listening…..May this healing music fill our hearts with compassion and connection to our true Divine self! The One and Only One! Peace and joy unto you!❤️
Це перлина! Дякую.
I absolutely adore this video. Thank you so much. Blessing to all and may you be enlightened with supreme knowledge.
This is impossibly EXQUISITE! An utterly sumptuous and lush expression of The Divine!
So pure, so divine! Thank you!
Om nama shivaya
Gracias,infinitas gracias por alimentar mi alma🙏 Oro y Miel para Ti ❤ Paz , Luz y Amor en Mi en Ti y en toda la Humanidad
😘😇 Thank You! And you as well!
Me traz muita paz esse mantra!!E estou procurando ter tranquilidade !!Amo ouvir!!!Significa muito pra mim!!
Você é uma PESSOA eleita e abençoada por DEUS.
Selalu merinding saat mendengar ini. Tuhan.. Engkau maha segalanya. Tak pernah dapat diukur keagunganMu
This is something.....unbelievable......😭😭😭😭 everytime I pop and listen to Deva, electric shivering on my spine to the head and instance heart start bumping like crazy and cry like a baby, can't stop crying.....why
Благодарю 🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🌸🌸🌸🔥🔥🔥🔥
Absolutely soothing! I listened to this as I fell asleep and it played all night. Ahhhhhhh beautiful ❤️❤️❤️ I also listened to this as I meditated in a forest the other day while on a walk. Just wonderful!!!
So beautiful !!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Relaxing 🧘
Thank you so much Deva🙏😍
My favourite version of Gayatri Mantra. I thank this channel 🙏💖
My favourite also !!
Might have been good when first put on yt, but the channel has now inserted ads after each wave of the mantra. How is that helpful for meditation or sleep? 👎🏼
@@anika4858 yeah...what a pity...can't listen to anymore
Dear channel, please remove the adds from this magical content! thank you a lot.
Fall asleep and sleep while listening is transcending. Waking up to it is simply marvelous. Namaste 🙏🏽, blessing, love and peace to all ❤
🙏 gratitude ❤ this is my yoga music, my at EASE music, my sleeping music 🎶
Gracias Gracias Gracias 💜💜💜🙌 siempre!!!
Er is zoveel moois op de wereld, dit doet je weer beseffen, een reminder waar leg je je focus, dank
🙏 Merci beaucoup 🙏
Love it love it love it grazie grazie grazie Om 🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌹🌹🌹💓💓💓💓
Люблю и эту мантру и Деву Примал, богодухновенно
I love this mantra and Deva Primal, divinely
Essa mantra é luz na minha caminhada! Gratidão!🙏
Esse mantra é tudo de bom na minha vida... ouço todos... é meu norte 🙏
The way she sings , i can't stop listening 🙌🙌🙌💖💖💖
Me parece escuchar a la divinidad con este canto.
Fazer uma faxina com o Gayatri
Gracias Infinitas🕉️💝☮️Conectamos con la Paz del Cielo y Él Corazón de la Tierra a través de Nuestros Corazones en UNIDAD 💓🙏
Моя любимая мантра. Спасибо!!!!
Ана мне жизнь спасла
Thanks Diva 👩🎤, you’re such a blessing to us, your voice is soothing, I grew up reciting this mantra, my grandfather taught us, every night we say it seven times before we go to sleep. I was very excited and surprised when I heard Divas version of it. The music is very calming. I listen to her every morning and night to go to sleep. At work I listened to it as I get through the day. I want to say a special thank you to UA-cam for allowing us the precious opportunity for these valuable blessings in our lives. Many blessings.💕💕❤️❤️🙏🇨🇦🇬🇾
Om bhur bhuvah svah
Tat savitur vareniyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah pracodayat
OH MY GOSH! eight hours of the consecrated! winner of a GRAMMY! of the musical genre, New Age! with the album entitled "Deva"; who has all the merit of being nominated and have achieved the genius of bringing Sanskrit mantras into the mainstream! In conjunction with your Miten! and also the merit of the virtuous flutist! Manose! Felimnete I have some CD´S in my collection! only with Spotify! which I thank! because that's where I found out! Deva Premal! (for me Sanskrit mantras or songs! it has a harmony and a sound that enters the whole human body delightfully! :) I will always be grateful to Deva Premal & Mitan & Manose. PEACE ....a SHIVA-kRISHNA e Siddarta Gautama.
Maravilhoso mantra! Bálsamo para alma! Namastê! Gratidão! ❤❤❤
Красивое исполнение.
Your voices touches the soul it ❤️
Wouldn’t it be amazing to have the whole world chant this ~ it’s so perfect for now ....thank you 🙏 namaste
Mark Davies I’m doing it 30 minutes at 8 am, 1 pm, 8pm PST daily. Join me, if you want, wherever you are.
check Deva Premal FB page, they chant mantras every day live on a FB, everyone can join.
Deva and Miten have been doing this on Instagram and Facebook live for about 60 days. It's blissfully beautiful. Join us.
Ten Thousand Days of Gratitude but by b
Gracias infinitas por este material tan hermoso... namastê 🙏
gratidão, conexão espiritual
A great mantra! Thank you Deva Premal and light and love to all 🙏🏻❤️✨✨
Om bhur bhuvaha svaha
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayat
Very strong meditation and bran heling .
Que delicia... Namaste!
Obrigada amor. ♥️🌹♥️
What is the English translation please? or meaning.
Bismillah Rabbani General meaning of the mantra as follow: We meditate on the most adored Supreme Lord, the creator, whose effulgence (divine light) illumines all realms (physical, mental and spiritual). May this divine light illumine our intellect 🕉.
Eu gosto muito da Deva... Seus trabalhos são incríveis!
Extraordinario mantra, me da mucha paz interior escucharle, namasté
Namaste 🍀
Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha,
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi,
Dhiyo Yo Nah Pracho Dayateh
De coração pra vários corações, criando e fortalecendo conexões... Extra físicas. Gratitude 🙏🎶🌀
Estoy muy agradecida por este MANTRA
Duermo escuchando y con el mínimo de volumen.
Maravilloso!!! Gracias 🙏❤🕉♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾♾
sa mantre bukur o zot
Que mantra maravilhoso e poderoso 🧘🏻♀️✨ gratidão 🙏
Просто - Благодарю!
Gracias Gracias Gracias 👐💚💙💛
Magnifique musique qui emporte l'âme loin du mental 😘
oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt
- Rigveda 3.62.10
“Ó Deus da vida que traz felicidade
Dá-nos tua luz que destrói pecados
Que a tua divindade nos penetre
E possa inspirar nossa mente.”
OM é a manifestação da Luz do Criador Brahman, sendo este o som da manifestação. Entoar o “OM” é pedir uma manifestação das palavras do mantra.
BHUR é o Plano da Manifestação do Ser e o Esforço para a Manifestação da Vida.
BHUVA é o fogo destruidor dos sofrimentos, o Prana existente na atmosfera e o poder ativador do Chakra da Garganta.
SWAH ou SWAHA, ou ainda SVAH, OU SVAHA, ou ainda SVUH ou SUVHA é o Plano Mental, o Reino da Iluminação, o chakra da coroa. Em sânscrito, significam: Que assim seja! Que se manifeste! O mesmo que AM, AUM, EU SOU, ou AMÉM. É quando concebemos o saber de algo. É uma confirmação de que queremos receber a energia do mantra que estamos entoando. Também utilizada no Tantrismo como uma saudação. Ao saudarmos alguém, estamos recebendo-o em nosso meio. Assim, tem o mesmo significado.
TAT é aquele que atua a manifestação do plano divino, é quem faz acontecer.
SAVITUR é brilhante como o Sol.
SURYA, o hierarca de Sírius, é aquele que se auto ilumina e preserva a Luz, é a energia Alfa do Pai, o representante máximo do “Grande Um” para a humanidade.
VARENAYAM é o melhor, o supremo, alguém que merece ser adorado.
BHARGO é a radiação da glória, uma energia que consome a ignorância, e por consequência, o sofrimento e a miséria.
DEVASYA é a iluminação que vem de Deus. Sabedoria divina.
DHIMAHI é quando meditamos em sua Luz, meditamos em seu Ser.
DHIYO YO NAH para despertar a grande visão (dhiyo) em nós e assim sabermos de tudo.
PRACHODAYAT é direção, coragem, inspiração cósmica e sabedoria khristica.
Que lindo! Namastê 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Obrigada linda🙏
@@Gratidão-c4f 😘
Gracias.... Hermoso y sanador.
I love this mantra 🕉 🙏💜
Amo! Gratidão,Gratidão Gratidão!
Finally , I can listen it over and over again for many hours . Thank you 😘
Except I just heard an ad which was a bit disturbing to the flow.😒
I don't know 5 a 5 a bit more attention and light 5 5r a 5 5 5 5 a bit 55r567r6 a bit more attention and 5 5 a bit 5 a a 5 a bit 5 a 4 a 5 5 a 5 44 a 4 a bit more more a a bit more 5 a a bit more more more 4 46 a bit 565 a 55 a bit more attention attention a bit more attention 55 a bit more attention and light to to 5 a bit more more 5 a 4 4 a bit more 567 555 56r r r67 a 4 55 a bit bit a 5555 a bit more 5555 55r6 567 a bit 5 a a bit 5 6 5 a 5 a bit more attention a bit more 55 5 5 5 555 a 5555 a bit 5 5 a bit 5 5 a 5 5 5 455 5555 a 5 55557r 5 55557r a a 5 555565 a bit more 55 5 r 567 r67 565 5555 5 a bit r a 566574 5 a 5 5567 5 567 a bit more 5 a 5 5 55 5 a bit more 55r7 a bit 57 465 r 5 55 a 5 a bit 65 5 5 a bit more r a bit 5 a bit more attention and 5 6 5 a bit more 5 5 a bit 5 4 46 5 4 a 4 a 4 a 5 56769 55r7 5 a 55 5 5555 55 55 a bit more attention r a a 546r555 546r555 5 a bit more 55 r 55655 a 56756755 r 5 a 5 a 55 5 6 546r555 5 6 546r555 a bit 567 a bit more attention and 555 4 4 6557 a 5 a bit more attention and 55 5 5 a 5 5 a bit 5 5r5r a bit 5 a bit more attention and light 5 5 5 5r a a bit bit a bit r 5 567r a bit more attention and r r 55 5 55 a 55 4 45 6 4 45 r67 5 5555 57r6 r67 5 5555 57r6 r55755 a 5 5 555565 5655 5 a bit 4 a 555555r6 r6r7 5 4 a a 567 55 55 567 55 55 665 r a 6667 a 555555r6 55 555555r6 55 a bit more attention 4 55r7 5 r67 a bit 5 a 55 a bit 5 65 67r6667 a bit 55r7 67 45 a bit bit 5 555555r6 57 a bit more attention 567 a bit more 5567 a r4675r6r6755 5 55 a bit 55 5 55 5 4 565 5 a bit more 45 5 a 55a bit more 5 a a 55 55 5light 65567 65567 55 a bit more attention 557567 r67 555555r6 5 a bit 4 56r5565 a bit a bit 5555 a 5 567 a 5 5 a a bit more 5 ez 55655r6 5 55r7 a 5 55r567r6 5 5 a bit more more a 567 5 567 5 a a 6 months Venus 4 a bit 5 56 a a 565 565 5 a 5 55 567 55 45455 55 a 55 55 a bit 5 a bit 567 a bit 4 4 a a 55 a 5 a 5 a 5 6 a bit 5 5 a 5 a a bit more 555 a 454 a 5 a 5 56 5 a a 5 a bit more more a |a a bit a 5565 5 55 a 55 5555 5 5 a bit more more 56 a bit more more a bit 5 a bit bit 5 5 r 5 a bit 5 5 55 5 5 55 565 a 55 5 55r5675 5 55r5675 r 55 a bit 5555 5 a r55 r55 a bit more attention and light 557 a 5655 a bit more more 5r56 56 a 5 a bit 5 a 5 6r a 5555 674 a a bit 5more 454a to to 5
@@donnawoodford6641 you can always buy disturbing
Hermoso gracias 😊❤️😊😊😍😍
Om bhur bhuvaha svaha
Tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yonah prachodayat
Gayatri Mantra
Ó deus da vida que traz felicidade
Dá-nos tua luz que destrói pecados
Que a tua divinidade nos penetre
E possa inspirar nossa mente